Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 04, 1895, Image 4

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1 '
J. C STtWl tT.KHItor a 54 Proprietor.
'nViUheil every Thursday t Toledo, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Subscription Rates:
One year, - - - $1.30
Six months, - - - .75
Three months, - - .50
AdvertUing rate made known on application
Ba'fneu locals will be !nrted in taee eoi
nuinsat fire cen'a pr tine per wek, a:ift ;;i
be run until ordered Jii'joritinae'l.
Every poRtmaater In Lincoln eonntyis authoriz
ed to act at agent lor the Lialf.e.
Entered at the poatoflW at Toledo, Oregon, as
eeond-clasa mail matter.
C. L. Gowell moved to Newport j
last Tuesday. j
Dr. Carter was d bvri from I;'.!;
City yesterday,- j
Milt Butler and family are visit- j
jng his parents at this place.
Charley Winant was up from j
Newport Tuesday evening. j
Walter Kisor and wife are over I
Philomath to spend the Fourth. j
Twenty-five teams passed Pio-j
Uccr Lcctuca weauvard last Tues-j
day. j
Mr. Gray, a brother of Mrs.
Rich and Mrs. Bethers, is .visiting
at this place.
Attorney F. D. Carson made a
business trip to Corvallis the first
of the week.
Vm. Alexander stepped in a
hole in the mill yard yesterday and
as a consequeuce is carrying his leg
in a sling. j
F. M. Stanton was appointed ad-
ministrator of the estate of Geo. W. j
Jackson, Sr., deceased, by Judge .
Burt last Saturday. j
John Leabo, of Salem, a brother
ot Noah Leabo, of this place, is ;
sojourning in this county, and will j
probably locate here.
T. C. Jackson, the Siletz pho
tographer returned from Florence
on the last trip of the Robarts, and
is again holding forth at the Siletz.
Our people will make a general
hegira today to Newport and Siletz j
to celebrate. The present prospect i
is that the crowd from Toledo will i
about equally divide between the I
two places.
A car of lumber will be taken to
Eddyville to repair the county
bridge at Little Klk. A scow load
will also be taken to Pioneer to
repair the bridge over Simpson
Coquille Jim, a Siletz Indian,
was in Toledo Tuesday and got full
of red liquor, and on the road home
he fell out of the wagon, and the
wagon run over him breaking one
of his jaws, and otherwise bruising
him up. lie was taken on to the
Siletz and his wounds were dressed.
We come out a day earlier this
week in order to give our large
corps of reporters, editors, business
managers and typos a chance to
celebrate the great and glorious
Fourth of July according to the
dictates of their own conscience,
and the size of their respective
A couple of young men living in
the country near Toledo were fool
ish enough to let some meddlesome
persons work up a brutal personal
encounter between them, which
took place on the wharf at this
place last Tuesday. Both young
men are now heartily ashamed of
their action, as they properly shoul I
be. We trust the boys will never
be guilty of such disgraceful con
duct again.
Joe Morrison, cf SiHz, had r.n
experience with a wild pony last
week which lie will remember tor
some time. He had a wild horse
tied up to a tree with a rope, and
went up to put a halter on him.
He caught hold of the rope near j
the tree, when the horse swung j
round, catching one of Morrison's i
fiugers against the tree. The!
horse swung back and so did Mor- j
risou, and both shut their eyes and j
pulled. Pretty soon Morrison felt I
something give way and opening
his eyes he saw oue of his fingers
sticking against the tree. It was 1
the third finger and was taken off:
at the last joint. Joe got his finger
dressed and thinks he will be able
to work again in a couple of weeks.
Troy Mays was in Toledo Mon
Wm. Toner was up from Yauina
Miss Effie Crosno has a vacation
at her school this week and is at
home on a visit.
Robt. Schweibold came in from
Portland yesterday evening and will
stop on the bav a few davs.
r.. t, a -kt r- t.:
with their families, are stonrune at!
a cottage in Newport for a few
Johnny Steel has built a new hay
and stock barn on his ranch north '
of town. Johnny is not going to
have his hay get wet nor his cows
stand out in the rain this winter.
The Siletz school closed for the ' foun'a one this at the same
term last Thursday. An enter-' Price whicb is not s0 bai for one
tainrrer.! v."s given by the school 'e-r'
Thursday night, and was attended Mr. D. Strope, formerly a resi
by many Toledo people, who all , dent cf this place, out late of Wash
unite in speaking very highly of ' ington, returned last week with his
the affair. The term of school just; family. He says he has not found
closed is said to have been the most ! any place that beats Lincoln coun
successful ever had at that place. ty. and will make his heme here in
The contract for grading the the future,
cross sections on Hill street werej M. Leerus, of Scott creek, was in
let to J. II. McMurrav. exceot that ! town the other day and was boast-
of Hill and Fourth streets, which ling of their cDinraunity being in ! tures in out niolern style of jour
was let to F. M. Stanton. The j the lead in the way of conveyances. I nalism is that the president of the
successful bids were as follows: j He says that Otto Thissell, who is; United States, whose very station
Hill and Second, 518; Hill and ' the proud owner of a 5-:e saddle , should command respect fcr him, is
Third, S25; Hill and Fourth, $7; horse, has just purchased a fine aade a constant target for disre
Hill and Fifth, $35. The total cost Rouble-seated saddle, which he says .spect, writes Edward W. Eok in
of grading the crossings will, be, is "just inrnea-re." ! the July Ladies Home Journal. It
S3. I A ,1 .- rr-- of i. makes not the slightest difference
In the recent Ager aud Klamath
Falls stage robbery H. V. Gates,
formerly connected with the O. P.
construction, but now of Washing -
ton county, which county he repre -
sented in the legislature last winter,
was of the victims. This was
clearly a case of just retribution.
Gates knows now just how the
people ot Uregon telt when he and j botany. She says of all the plants
his pals, in the guise of a legislature, I that gro.v here s'.ie finds the "This
were robbing them last winter. Urll" tl.e mn-t intprtino-
M 1- .....
7ul l"c unl "rence was taai
the robber was brave enough to run
some personal risks.
We understand that Messrs.
Strong & Bain, of Salem, of whom
mention was made last week, will
put a cannery on the Siletz, instead
of at Toledo. They expect to locate
the plant at Skunk creek, about
a mile below Medicine Rock. It
appears to us that it would have
paid the gentlemeu to have located
further d own the river. It is very
probable that a cannery will also be
located down the river near the
bay, and in case one should be so
located, the cannery so far up as
Skunk creek would get but few
FANT BUTLER At the resi
dence of the bride's parents near
this place, on Sunday, June 30,
1895, H. R. Fant and Miss E. B.
Butler, Rev. F. J. Strayer, offi
ciating. The contracting parties are well
and favorably known in this com
munity, and the Lkader joins with
their many friends in wishing them
a long life and a full share of con
nubial bliss.
Some Little Thiiuj.
A philosopher once said that it
was the little the trials of life that
killed people, and he was right.
Individuals when confronted by
large tiials and vici--sit tides rise
above and conquor them in many
instances, ouly to succumb to some
smaller and petty trial that wears
them out
Uiese wise and terse
remarks are made only to kiv
foundation of a short screed
the absence of many of the small
. , .
iruus ana uinuiaiions in our
country. A unci list of a few
things we are not troubled with in!
Lincoln county will be of interest j
to many who may happen to be ;
suffering with a visitation from one
or more of them. In I.inmln
county there are no potato bugs, no
bed bugs, no horse-flies, no house
flies, no screen doors because you
don t need them, no mosquitoes,
no gnats to bite you while you are
fishing, no poisonous snakes of any
kind, no bugs or worms to destrov
anv kind of carden vegetables no
iruit pests, no wolves, no cooa,
... , "
no hot nights so that one cannot
sleep, no sunstrokes, no scarcity of
good spring water, no ho; cholera,
no krnsshoppets, no cri ke.s au 1
no chintz bugs.
Tideti'tet Item.
A light shower of rain fell here
Sunday, which was welcomed by
almost everyone. It was not
enough to damage the hay audit.
did the gardens much good:
Clarence Barclay and a number
f ur young friends are Soin2 t0
. spend the 4th at Alsea valley. "The
: Hermit" wishes them all a verv
tolly time.
We are sorry to learn that
genial mail carrier is going to leave
; us. Clarence will take the good
! wishe5 of bis man-v friends v'i:h
mm ana v.e nope vre may see
him back this fall.
I. R. Gault sold a fine cow last
week for $20. This makes the
I dence of Miss Annie Barclay, at
! Scot creek, last Friday night. Not -
j withstanding the busy season there
! was a good crowd in attendance
! and a jolly time was had tripping
the light, fantastic toe till the wee, a:-' i lne occnPal" nl2a '
small hours of morning. i fiCe- 1:e bas a ri?!;t t0 tbe respect of
w; t r, ... 1 ...the people of the country over
Miss Ina Depew, scuool-marni ..; , ., , . . ,
. i- . . , ; wmch he presides. But this is de-
1 j c Smitb bas jus. fi.lished
slashing ten acre . of brush oa h;s
place at Tidewater, which improves t0 he 0;gce 0f president of the Uni
the lco.-cs of the place immensely. te l States can be au accidenh He
John Thissell left yesterday for : ;fi placed there tecavse of his fitness
Monroe. ' for that office. And although we
We aie pleased to note that o.:r nay not agree always that he isas
esteemed neighbor, Mrs. Seeley, is able r.s some other man, it is only
so far improved in health as to be pure justice that we give him the
able to her two daughters at benefit of the doubt.
Corvallis. j ., .
Mrs. B. F. Smith, of Canal creek, !
paid a visit of a few days to friends !
here last week. She is always so!
cheerful and full of life that we are
always glad to see her come and!
sorry to see her depart.
Miss Allie Mulkey, who has been ! vegetable and sheep culture. Will
taking lessons in the a:t of boat ! be sold very cheap and on reason
rowing has so far mastered t!:e art able terms. Auvone desiring to
as to challenge any of her fair sis-1 purchase such lands will do well to
ters to a race ot two miles tor a
handsome purse.
The other day Otto Thissell fell
from a load of hay, and suffered
some bruises about the head aud
face, being, as he expressed it,
"mashed up all over." After an
examination by Dr. Wilson he was
pronounced in no imminent danger
and was taken to his home at Eck-
man's slough.
s my dog has just informed me
that ray hogs are in the garden I
must close for this time.
Yours in haste,
The Hermit.
Tidewater, July 2, 1S94.
The Stork ftisjieetor.
Some complaint having been
; niade by the people up the river
j gardiug the appointment of II. S.Iotk-e is hkkkuy .;iv'."that the
Porter stock ilisiiector bv thp J "ll"WMig-r.a;iu-.l .uier ha lile.l n,.tice i,f
county court we eive below the
luulu v-uuil, c gle ULIOW me
" : '.
court acted in the matter:
"To the honorable county
0f Lincoln county. Oregon.'
tlemen: Whereas, Elem Younr,
ct.l-ic,r f I ;i
' Oregon, having moved from the
county, thus causing a vacancy in
1 s;lia office. Now therefore, we, the
j undersigned, respectfully petition
j your honorable body
Harry S. Porter, of
vu ujhjuu
4AU lite,
; Oregon, to fill such vacancv, and
! -
we, your petitioners, will ever prav.
J . . Trice,
lla pauient
h. Skinner,
C. A. L'ensen,
Jas, Ilaiuar,
J. A. Currv,
John A. Hall.
J. L. Skinner,
K. H. Brvaut,
P. Huffaker,
Jas. Huntington
K. Champers,
O. C. Huntington.
$,ool Import. ;
The third month and also the'
term, in district No. 29, closed on:
June 27th. ;
The names upon the toll of honor j
for the month are: Edith Elder, j
Onastta Reynolds, Violet Friederich
Ona and Vearl CofSn, Willie and..
Bertha HoeSein, Robert and Bertie j
Cooper, Mima Huntsucker, Theresa
an! Cataenne Lugger, uoja ana
Flora Patterson, Welly and Charlie
Sl:e:ie5e!d, Loxa Miller and Annie
Brooks. Number of boys enrolled
for the month, 14: girls, 17; total.
1. Average daily attendance, 29.
t:o:2 nunxbsr erroaet during
term, 32. Average number belong
ing, 31. Average daily attendance,
2 3. Number of times tardy, 56.
No. of cases corporal punishment,
4. No. of vi-its from directors, 2.
No. of visits from patrons, 12.
The names that are found upon the
roll of honor, are: Ona an i Vearl
CofSn, Violet Friederich, Mima
Huntsucker, Theresa and Catherine
L. K. Brooks, Teacher.
The President an a Target.
One of the most disracef cl fea-
whether we admire or do not
; mire l"e man wno 0::cuPies "e
' Presidential chair. He is placed
: lnere D u'e exPreea sunrage 01
the PeoPIe and when be is 50 Placed
riecl our president. The decent
: respect which we mete out to ordi
; nary men is refused Lim. We ex-
cuse this by saying that he is not
our choice, or that he holds the po
sition bv .irridprU. n man plfntprl
Farms for Sale.
I have several farms, Loth culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts ot 40 acres and upwards.
These lands are adaoted to fruit.
: can ou or address
M. J. Allphix,
tf. Little Elk, Oregon.
MAY. 21, 1895.
By virture of a proclamation of
the President of the United States
and the order of the Honorable
i Commissioner of the General Land
! the lands in the Siletz Indian
Reservation, not otherwise approp
! riated, will be opened for entry on
j aud after Thursday, July 25, 1895,
t 12 o.cioc'.i noon ot said day.
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Peter Paquet, Receiver.
Notice for Publication.
I.aiul Oiiico at Oregvii City. Oregon,
hi- claim. ud that saui i.r.x.iwm bema-ie i-
, (re the i iuinty Hrk of l.ini-..ln r,.untv. at T,v
"' j lliAiil-tj KUdKKK, II. E. No. 8,ts,
l'r the south of the (southwest section iS
1 Hiid eat 3 of the northwest scciiou 33, town
. 1.1, eomh, ranftf 11, wet.
He itftrnes the following witnesses to prove
COlirt hi I'oiit.nuoiis rcsiJenoe Uui. anrt cultivation
' of saiii ltnd, vi?: Jim t'oU;ns. of Alilp,rt, Ore-Oen-
. fon. Jasper K. Jemiing-'. of Newport, urciton.
i ta,"Vtl; oreg'n ' "a' ua VVm-Duui' '
iioutKT A. miller. r.egister.
Authority to Sell Real Estate
at private sale,
; 1AiZunluhe iXM of 0re?on' (or
aJ," :e "::ler "' Feter E,tman'
i!eeeae l. known and unknown, lirwtini:
I You an.l eai'h of vou are herhv n..fiH...t
!''' u rur'uap.oe. f in or.u-r of the oim'tv
I iurt of the Mate otdre"!). for Lnnv'.n cun-
t-. iiuiy ani o; iwm in the c.tmtT
.lune ii. l'i'.. authorising a. 11. t.uyiui. the liuiv
ov;h1i:.i'.1 a:ol av'tititt aviiiatntraior of haid e'-
tare, to eil at private Ntl.- all the real pnu-ertv
I'vlonitinc to aM e-tate. ileent,e,l a iVu.'Ws
l ot No. m 'lion -T, ami lots No. 1. .'. i, au.1 4.
' anil th.. jouth half oi the uorihet quart.-r ot
Kt-oiion . town 1-t, !uth. ramte n, west, Iving
atui iunito i-i Li;teoln v'oumv, tr.con.
A ll.t.l'Y.NS.
A.lMiinls-.rator of the e-ttc o( 1'eter,
1 leveavl.
General :-: Merchandise,
Flonr and Feed, Staple and Fancy tiroceries, ?
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
ICaps, Rubber and Oil Clcthine.
Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery.
Taqnina City, Oregon. "
Fresh Stock just received,
er than by the package, innotiiy, White anfl
Red Clover, Alsyke, Orchard Grass and Mixed
Lawn Grass. Onion Sets.
feed that everybody is going to try.
Don't send away for your Seeds when you can eet
then tJIieaper at xlome.
All Package Seeds sent by mail at the same price.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes
Always on Hand.
Registered Pharmacist.
too late;! too late .11
It is too late to get an Abstrac t of Title to
a piece of land after you' have bought it and'
found out that there are judgements and ta
liens against it. The proper thing to do is
to have the Lincoln County Abstract Com
pany, of Toledo, make you an Abstract ol
Title before investing your money. A bus
iness man iioay days never buys real estate
without first obtaining evidence of a good
title. We warrant our work to be absolute
ly correct. Address,
i l
Has for sale all all kinds "of City Property, Farm Property,
Ranches, Etc., Loth improved anilUnimpioved.
HP cd Newport.
Correspondence Solicited.
Newport, Yaq-jina' Bay, Oregon.
C. B. CROSNO fc CO.,
M Mil? Apats it UmH
have;bargains in
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln County
furnished on demand.
Toledo - - OreSotl
To Otter liovl; Campers.
We have a stable with plenty of
teed now at Otter Rock. Also a
j first-class pasture. We are now
'prepared to care for all teoms
: brought by campers. Good water,
good shade, fine camp grounds,
beautiful beach, deep sea fishing
I and other attractions at the Rocks.
, The place to camp out.
i John- Spencer.
sold in bulk much" cheap.
Feed Stable.
ti , , . . 1. - c:uo tbt
tuics coming to ice a
summer will always find a first-CF1
feed stable at my place, atf
Agency. Charges reasonaDie.
Larkey Logan,
2-m. Siletz, Oie-
Stipt. Myers,' of the' Siletz Io
school, has secured a leave of
sence, and left last Monday f '
visit to his old home at WicM?
Kansas. He expects to return
about six weeks.