Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 20, 1895, Image 4

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i. Y. MKW.iSlT.KUit-irind Proprietor.
Published every Thursday at Tolclo, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Subscription Itates:
One year, - - . $1.50
Six months, ... .75
Three months, - - .50
Advertising rates made known on application
Kon. Beal Gaither, of Sileu,
went to Portland Monday on busi
ness. H. L. Holgale, a lawyer and
justice of the peace was in Toledo
last night.
Business lomls will be Inserted In these col
umns ui live renin per line per week, and will
ie run uiiiu oniereu uN(Mnitlii ued.
Every postmaster in Lincoln enmity In iiutbo iz
ed to act us uieiit for the Lkauek.
Entered at the postollioe at Toleilo, Oregon, as
Wm. Watkins, the soda pop man,
was up from Yaquina yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dedrick returned
yesterday from a week's visit to
Fred Stanton's 011 the Siletz.
The hay harvest has begun with
our farmers, and the crop is first
class in every respect.
Jack Early, of Alsea, killed a big
fat elk in the road near his house
one clay last week.
Judge S. V. Burt went out to
Corvallis last Friday on county
businss, returning on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor West, the
Pioneer boarding house keepers,
were down from that place Tues
day. County Surveyor Gideon came
np from Waldport Tuesday, and
made a survey of the proposed
Depot slough road.
Quite a number of Yaquina people
attended the dance and strawberry
festival at this place last Friday
night, coming up in the launch
John Spencer brought over a load
of fine deep sea fish from Otter
Rock last Monday. The fish were
mostly rock cod, sea bass and kelp,
and were all nice fish.
Chas. Miller, the handsome Elk
City photographer, will conduct a
gallery at Newport this summer,
where he will take views to suit.
Pretty girls' pictures at half price
B. P. Jones did not go to the
front in the Cascades last Friday as
he expected, but on the contrary
he switched offfor Southern Oregon,
and when last heard from was
headed for Ashland.
Stock Inspector Porter inspected
the flock of sheep 011 Col. Parker's
ranch nbove Elk City the other day
and found that some of the lamb:
were afflicted with the scab. lie
gave orders that they be dipped at
once nlid thus stamp the disease out
Will Rich has fitted up a room
in the rear of the postolfice for a
barber shop. He has the room
nicely papered and painted, has a
good chair and complete outfit, and
is now prepared to do first-class
Dr. Carter was down from Elk
City last Saturday making a physi
cal examination of some Toledo
people who were taking out life
insurance policies in a company
represented by the rustling agent
Ira Miller.
Tuesday was pay day at the Elk
City quarry, the first one they have
had since the work started. There
nrose a misunderstanding about the
wages the men who had quit were
to receive, and also about their
time, thgre were rumors of war for
n time, but the matter was finally
peacefully settled.
We are in receipt of a very inter
esting letter from Robt. Depoe, of
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, which we
would be mast happy to publish,
was it not for the praise he gives
the Lkadkr in it. Mr. Depoe is a
full blood Indian and i;- attending
school at Carlisle. To judge from
the tone and character of his letter,
lucation is doing a grand work for
I lie freight train going down to
Yaquina last night was one of the
vilest that ever went over the
uii 1. When it passed through
T. 'uiu it had 39 loaded cars.
They had to double over the sub
mit. This is a pretty good indica
tion of the amount of business done
by the O. C. & E. If the supreme
court decision goes right it will not
be very long before we will have a
'Vojht every day instead of three a j
A. L. McFadden was down from ; Eddiji'ille Items.
CLitwood last Saturday evening, j c Q McBride, cf Little Elk, re-
F. A. Godwin came down from : ceived a carload of flour from H. F
Xashville last Saturday evening, ! Fischer's, mill last week. Mac is
stopping over till Sunder. ialu-eto the business interests of
Mrs. V. E. Rich returned home ! tbis Place an l is doinS wel1 in h'iS
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lurry, ot lfmm VMinmath lflet RatmAas mercantile business.
r 3 - .....
ing, after a visit of several weeks. ! Joun Hewitt received a letter
fro.ii his brother, Wm. Hewitt, ot
.ihincrton, stating
out his interest in
Nashvill, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. Waugh last Sunday.
Mrs. Th os. Vincent and child,
of Pendieton, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Vinceut of this place. They
will spend the heated season at this
J. O. Stearns, of Alsea Bay, was
up to Toledo Monday on business
in connection with the Peter
Eckman estate. He informs us
that there have been some very
interesting and lively times down
on the Alsea recently.
Siletz will celebrate the glorious
Fourth of July in due patriotic
style this year. Already committees
have been named, and a good-sized
sum of money has been already
raised to defray the expenses of the
occasion. the Siletz people al
ways have a good time when they
start in 011 it.
A car load of chiltim bark was
shipped by C. C. McBride, the
Little Elk merchant, to San Fran
cisco last week. lue gathering
ana sale ot this bank is getting to
be considerable of an industry in
this county, several tons being aiv
uuany snipped, it nets tne pro
ducer about 2', cents per pound.
We are under obligations to
Wed Stanton for a nice mess of
trout, caught from the Siletz river
Mr. Stanton is living at the upper
farm on the Siletz, and the river at
that place is unexcelled for trout
fishing. The trout 011 the riffles
ato now taking the fly bait in fine
shape. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton are
prepared to keep parties that come
to that part of the county for
pleasure, having sonic very com
fortable looms in their house for
that purpose.
Last Friday evening a lady giving
her name as Smith, arrived on the
train from Albany, and hunting up
Sheriff Land is and Marshal Hall,
sought their assistance in the re
covery of her fourteen-year-old
daughter, which she claimed had
been enticed away from Albany by
Mrs. Fred Baker, a woman quite
well k'iow!i on t'ie Biy. Mrs.
Baker and her sister in company
with the girl sought after came
from Albany in a wagon driven by
a mau whose name we did not
learn. They had been in Toledo
that day, and had started for New
port. Sheriff Landis started out
after train time to overhaul them,
and came upon them camping in
the edge of Newport. He took the
girl in custody and took her to a
hotel, bringing her up on the train
next morning, where she was met
by her mother and taken back to
Albany. The girl stated that she
had been well treated, and evidently
did not realize the position she was
in. She was the daughter of poor
pavc-.its living on a farm near
Albany, and had been working in
a restaurant at that place until she
was brought over here. No ar
rests were made, the mother being
satisfied to get her girl back.
A. couple of mighty hunters from
this place went over to Otter Rock
last Tuesday to kill a bear that had
been making trouble over there.
They started early and got to the
hunting ground about ten o'clock.
Tying their horse in good grass and
taking their guns went forth to the
slaughter. Finding a trail which
the bear had used much, they hid
themselves in the brush to wait till
Bruin came along. But alas, the
day was warm, the road had been
long, the shade waS pleasant, and
in less than four minutes after hid
ing 60th hunters were sound asleep
and snoring loud enough to scare
iiway all but the boldest of the
game. The pangs of hunger awoke
them about two o'clock and they
proceeded to the lunch basket, but
the bear had been thcie whilst they
TTnn T Tf V.'pnttirf ir1 il!1
, .. ' , ' i Whatcom, W
deliver tne oration at Newport on ' , , , . ,
.t. t. : he had sol:
. . . i tne .Vbatcom Lake saw mill, and
inai k win oe doiu eloquent ana
The strawberry festival and
dance given under the auspices of
the Rebekah lodge last Thursday
night was a 'very enjoyable and
successful affair. The proceeds
netted about $15, which will go
quite a ways to help purchase the
set of handsome regalias the
Rebekahs are getting.
Excursion rates have been put
on the S. P. and the O. C. & E.
and summer travel has alieady set
in to the seaside. This season
promises to be the best season
Newport has ever had. The many
attractions of Newport and vicinity
will make it the most popular sea
side resort on the coast when other
conditions become equal.
O. Nelson, the supervisor of the
Yaquina road district, is having
quite a time with a good many of
the men in his district to get them
to work the roads. Mr. Nelson
says that they wont work, but
some of the men say that they are
willing to work or pay, if they are
given the least say so in the matter.
We guess there is no doubt but
that Mr. Nelsou fully feels the
honor of his high position.
Dr. Wakefield, of Little Elk, was
in town last night, coming up from
Newport ' and Cape Foulweather,
where he had been looking the
country over. He informs us that
there are a great many new settlers
coming into the Little and Big Elk
countries, some of them buying
land and some of them taking
government land. The Doctor has
already sold two or three pieces of
land to new settlers, and has one or
two more sales on the tap, and don't
claim to be much of a real estate
agent either.
A criminal case occuired in
'Squire Grant's court at Siletz last
Friday. The case was one against
Tom Matches charged with beating
and pounding his mother-in-law.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Carson went over and represented
snd upheld the dignity of the great
,'itate of Oregon in the prosecution.
Attorney Scott Lane appeared for
the defense and made a good show
ing. After a hard fought battle the
state came off victorious and the
defendant was fined $5 and costs,
amounting in all to about $20.
News of an assault with a deadly
weapon, an arrest, and a combina
tion of peculiar circumstances in
the justice court, comes to us from
Alsea. The account of the affair,
as related to us, is as follows: On
the 10th inst. B. F. Loveall and
Chris. Hansen were working roads
on the Yahats. A difficulty arose
over some matter and Loveall at
tacked Hansen with an ax, strik
ing a couple of blows on the head.
This precipitated a general fracas,
and picks, shovels and axes were
in demand for a few minutes. Af
ter the smoke of battle had cleared
away it was found that Hansen had
a couple of scalp wounds of not very
serious nature. Hausei went to
Waldport and swore out a warrant
for the arrest of Loveall. He was
arrested and taken before 'Sauire
Ruble on the 10, and at the prison
er's request the examination was
continued till 2 o'clock p. m. on
the 14, and the prisoner was placed
in charge of Constable Monroe un
til trial day. betcre that time ar-'
rived, however, the prisoner went
before 'Squire Bowers, of Beaver
creek precinct precinct and had a
preliminary he.iring for the same
that he and several others were
coming to Lincoln county lo inves
tigate the reported undeveloped re
sources of this county, and especial
ly the Siletz country, with a view
ot building up a lumber iudustry
Cliittim pealing is becoming quite
a business. C. C. McBride is mak
ing large shipments on each steam
er. He pays 2 cents per pound,
and realizes from 22 to 3 cents
for it in San Francisco.
John Hewitt has leased a section
of railroad laud fiom the land com
pany's a;rent in Portland and will
use it mostly for pasture. He has
posted notices forbidding trespass
ing thereon. This has caused some
of the chitlim peelers to be indig
nant and are making serious threats
but John says he does not fear any
bodily harm, as it will require a
foot-racer to catch him to inflict an y
very serious damage. Never-lhe-less
he says the law governing tres
passing will be enforced unless dep
redations are discontinued.
Mr. E. D. Young has purchased
quite a number of hogs and expects
to make hog-raising the most im
portant part of his business in the
near future.
ine u. L. c , bridge gang is
now at work on bridge No. 36,
just east of this place. The repairs,
though temporary, will make quite
a substantial structure for several
Sheep shearing lias commenced
and most ranchmen report more
than the average clip this year.
Eleven cents per pound is the high
est price offered yet.
We beleive that most of our citi
zens will celebrate the 4th at New
port this year.
Tide tenter Xotes.
We are having fine weather here
at rrcsenr, nrd onr farxc" re rh
ing advantage of it to get their hay
Times are good here arpn
with plenty of work.
J. A. Wilson is putting in logs
for Harrisou Brothers, of Waldport.
He has three men at work, and the
ring of the woodman's ax may be
heard early and late.
Our young people meet at the
school house every Sunday where a
short time is spent in singing under
the leadership of Mr. Otto Thissell
and Miss Allie Mulkey.
Tidewater promises lots of im
provement this summer. Our con
stable and justice have been fortun
ate in securing the services of an
able "architect" from Corvallis,
who has just finished plans and
specifications for a couple of fine
dwellings to be erected this sum
mer. The wonder is, who will
reign as queens of them.
'Squire Wilson has just returned
from a visit to Toledo, and reports
himself well pleased with that thriv
ing city.
As more news arrives
ward it.
The Hermit.
Tidewater, June 17, 1895.
Of the Weight social at Toledo,
Saturday evening, June 22:
Mus!c Mrs. J. P. Stewart.
Recitation, Belle Butler.
Music Rcebrnnk R- s..
x. WVJ1,
will for-
Reading, . .
Declamation, . ,
Declamation, . .
Declamatiou, . .
. . Trof. Bruce.
. Bertie Ewing.
. . Monroe Butler.
. Rosebrooks.
. . Willie Ewing.
offense, was fined $5, which he paid
slept, and there wasn't enough and was discharged. When the
grub left to mark the spot. So the ' trial day came at Ruble's court
the mighty hunters returned with thcie wcr neither constable nor
'ha lo bear: ha lo muck-a-nutck." Prisoner. 'Snuire Ruble maintain. 1
We don't VOUCll for the truth nfi PiV tlif Hio-nitv of hi rrmrr hv n.
. ..... v. j ... .... " j - .wv.. , - F M "I.Jil,
this story, but one could probably ! scVsing the costs to the county and . ,Rlve 3 ball at!
get the straight of it by asking Rev.! Cuing the constable $i5 for con- iSo, ir?onrl",.i,r i Ju.uV3''
(i rand Ball.
lodge, No. 116, Yaauina.
. . 1
G-ensral i-i Mcrchandi
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing 4
;Caps,S Rubber and Oil Clothing, '1
Cigars andTobacco, Fruits andConfctionei
Yaquina City, Oregon.
1 m
Fresh Stock just receivedsold in bulk much cli
er than hy the pacxago. TiniotUy, hu
Bed Clorer, Alsyke, Orchard Grass and 3L'
Lawn Grass. Onion Sets.
feed that everybody is going to try.
JLvon I sena away wr your uuuuit wmeii yon cat
them Cheaper at Home.
All Package Seeds sent by mail at the same price. T
Paints, Oils, Tarnishes and Brashes!
Always on Hand.
Registered Pharmacis
lents andtl
dng tot-
1 -VI
It is too late to get an Abstract of Title
a piece of land after 5-011' have bought it a
found out that there are judgements and t
liens against it. The proper thin
to have the Lincoln County Abst
pany, of Toledo, make you an Abstract
Title before investing your money. A 1)
iness man now days never buys real est
without first obtaining evidence of a m
title. We warrant our w ork to be absok
ly correct. Address,
Has for sale all all kinds of City Property, Farm Prop
Bandies, Etc., Loth improved and Unimproved.
To Newport,
Newport, Yaquina Bay, Oregon.
rotter or Cliff Crosno.
teuit of surt.
! attend.
For the entertainment at the clos
ing of the Siletz Indian school,
June 28, 1895:
1. Welcome Song By School.
2. Recitation, "The Miller of the Dee,"
. I-ewls Chirles.
Concart exercise; Primary Class.
Recitation, "The Kitten,".. . .May Center
Recitation, "I'll Kevcr Chew Tobac-
Emmlck Logan.
Concert Exercise chart Class.
Song, "The Pullman Car."
Recitation, "The Farmer'. k0..
0 Howard Gamier.
? Eecl " Real Hardin.
10. Rec tat on Leb0 1UM
1. Recitation, "Ml Try." Homer Evans.
12. Song.
18. Recitation, "The Old nome" Esther Lane.
U. Recitation, -Onr Hag,".... Fay Chart.
15. se,ec, Reading Bruce !
10. Memory Gems.
17. Esay, "Early Settlements on the
18. Song. I-cna liber.
19. Tableau, "Bctore and A ter "
20. Recitation, "The Hoy who Ran
"l T1Iton Wellhead.
RT "i"" Ten Little Boys.
22. Recitation, "The Hero of Chatta.
Recitation, -w'Sii;;
a. Song, "Larboard Watch." aaUlwe11
26. Dialogue, -Dollys Doctor," ) Je Wck,
ft ... v 'Mabel Jack.
Song, "John Brown."
Recitation, "Boys' Right,."
31 D,aH,gne "Imagin.Vyr0-My,Ue'
- Instrumental Music. ""wun
.... R&ymon Clay.
cordial invitation is extended
To Otter Hock Cnnw
We have a stable with plent
teed now at Otter Rock. &
first-class pasture. We are
oreriarerl to care for 5" "
brought by campers. wd
good shade, fine '-j'mp gr0L
beautiful beach, "deep sea e:
arid other attractions at the St
The place to camp out.
John Spesce
ssirk Bark k
W. E. RICH, Prop.
I have fitted up a first-class 4
and invite tne patrowsy
people of Toledo and
Razors honed readvfor uso,.
Razors gronrt anJ honed ready lor '
Hazots re-Krouud and honed rcauyi"1
Knzors ground hnlf concuvc
" throe-quarter cone-
" " Inll concaw
Shears sharpened
First-class work guarar
money refunded. Interest
ties will be benefitted by :
their grinding to me.
W. E. men,
Feed Stable.
Parties coming to the
feed stable
;r will always tinJ a f,A
able at my Ii
G. W. Myers, Supt.
id, Ore.