M ! it U M g .0 a 3 independent in. etll things, latrrea Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, June 20, 189c. in - IsTotning. DIRECTORY, JUXCttMCOlTmr, antatlve, Tnl f fl rial 7no. D. Daly 6. V. Bart B. P. Jonei George Landig J. L. Hvda Geo. Bothers Jos. Gideon T. E. Parker Dr. F. M. Carter Chun. Williams . J.J. unstow iunissioners Court meets on Wed , the first Monday in February, August, October and December. Intendent I. .'' .CIRCUIT COURT. illerton Judge , Pros. Attorney -lies on 4th Monday in July and j in January of each year. TOLEDO PRECINCT. 1 Peace J. A. Hall Chas. Ruhl OF TOLEDO. ....Mayor .Recorder ..Marshal Aldermen if on the first Monday evening in HES AND SOCIETIES. s CHURCH Protestent Episcopal. tyiee the third Sunday of every : . m. All are Invited to attend, Booth, Missionary, Residence, Newport, Or. -Toledo Lodge, No. 108, Meet ntrday evening at their hall in this u, Sec y. 0. O, Kboostad, N. G, .--Buy Lodge No. 116, of Yaqnina City, -i ervWednesday evening, Visiting h alwayB welcome. ., Secretary. L, O'Brien, N. G, T Meets every. Saturday evening, lock, in Orady'a hall, this town, us, C. T. . Geo. H. Bruce, Secretary. V- " ewport Lodge No. 89, meet's every ' V venlng. visiting brothers are cor- to attend, . J. W. OLIVER, i i(CH, Secretary. N, G 'ewport'Xodge No. 85, regular tm Saturday on or before each TUtlng brothers are oordially V i Jab. H. RussBUj, W. M. tutsan, Secy, fit Sheridan Post No. 24, meets ndaud fourth Thursday evening. ; Geo. Sylvesteb, Com. mil., Adjt, . ENLINGER, 1 lorney-at-Law, DO,! - . OREGON. CAMPBELL, IK0PBIET0B OF do JVjCeat Market, I DEALS IN Inind Cured Meats OF kU, KINDS. -..'- Oregon HALL, . I - of the Peace lokdo, Oregon, ''royoand all kinds of legal papers l y ii ii correctness. Careful attention aU tnininess entrusted to my care. :.!. HANSEN, I;i;:aker AD Jeweler, I v f all Kinds Guaranteed. i ' l 'i QljEDO, OREGON. ion Central Eastern Ily. riNA BAY ROUTE I i'nj at Yaquina Bay with the Isco and Yaquina Bay mship Company urip F AU ALL on, st-class in every respect. i Yaquina for San Fran out every 8 days. Pas accommodations unsur Shortest route between 'amette Valley and Cali- ! 1 ' - i Albany or points west to Tan Francisco: 1 -f.. . . $12.00 8.oo 5 i(P. good6odys. 18.00 - J to t " " Agent, Albany, Or. i. ci.ars, supt. Uvrvallts, Or. Number 18. Price DDIRMCI L-)rlLwl0 Store GREAT -.-BARGAINS S MEN and BOYS' CLOTHING. Boys' Suits, Age 5 to 14 years, $ 1.5c Boys' Suits, Age 5 to 14 years, 2.65 "JJ nvui sm"3) Age 5 W 14 Cells, 3-5 Young Men's All Wool Suits, Age 12 to 19, 7.00 Young Men's All Wool Black Cheviot, 12 to 19, 9.00 Men's Suits, 36 to 42, 6.00 Men's California Tweeds, s.oo Men's California Tweeds, 9.00 Men's California Tweeds, 10.00 Men's California Tweeds, n.oo For Fine Grades of Clothing call and see Our Stock. CLOTHING Made toOrder and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed Suits from $14 to $40. SHOES. Indies' Brown Goat Oxfords, Turns, " " Russian Leather, Oxfords Turns, " Extra Fine Brown Russian Leather, Hand Turns, Oxfords, Ladies' Fine Kid patent tip, Oxfords Turns, Ladies' Fine French Kid Close top, patent tip, Ox fords hand made Turns, Children's Canvas Shoes, Best Quality, $i.5o 1-75 2.50 1-25 2.50 1. 00 -WE ALSO CrVRRY A FULL LINE OF- MEN'S and BOYS' BOOTS and SHOES, DEY GOODS and NOTIONS, Hosiery, Underwear, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Yalises. Call and Examine our Stock. Y-AQUIISTA CITY G. B. CROSNO & CO., Amis ail Mi HAVE BARGAINS IN Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town Property in single Lots or Blocks, IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln .Comity furnished 011 demand. Toledo - Oregon When in Toledo Call on N. Snow and get prices of Flour and Feed. Also get prices on Goods. All Goods sold cheap for Cash. N. SNOW, Toledo, Or. Italian Prunes! Cheap, Nutritious, Health ful and Delicious. YAQUINA BAY PRUNES ARE THE BEST. At the stores or by the Box at the farm; or at T. P. Fish's store in Toledo. H. and H. DENLINGER, Toledo, Oregon. PRINTING. The place to set your CARDS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, JtlLL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC., And all kind, of F3iRi2srrr,irrc3-, Ii at the LEADER OFFICE, WPrice and Work Satisfactory do you oo HUNTING? OP COURSE You will buy . MARLIN. prv,"'e" 11TM It has .olid top Protectlom. It eject, u tli. ldc-Convcntenea. It la light wclslit-Comfort. Ithaith. BiLLiiD Darrel-Aeenntcr. - H hu f.weat paru-Bbnplldtr. Mnrt foreomplrt. cntaloftue. frne. Bpficlal pack ot card, lor IS cent, THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., CAVtAI0,inAUCMAHK3 ' COPYRIGHTS. CAI I OBTAIN A PATKNTt Tor prom it aniwwr and mi bonMt opinion, writ, to M V H M cV CO., who bate bad neulr O'tf ;ra' zpOTIanc tn th. patent boalriMa. Conmanlca tloni itnctlf eonllintlaI. A Handbook of In formation eonoeratrjA I'atrnt. and bu to ob tain tbm aont f rw, Alafj a catalogua of mc4wr leal and aclantlflo book. Hnt fraa. Patent, taken throueb Munn ft Co. fsealT r Metal notlea Inth. Kclnrttme American and tbu ar. bruuKht tdlf before th. public vltlf out ont to the InTentor, Thi. .plendld p.per, tuaed weeklr. elecantl r ll'-jal rated, baa br far the UuvaM etrcal.tlon of any twlentlno work In Ui. world. 3 a rear. Sample eoplraaent free. Bnlldlnf Edition, monthly, tlMm rar. Hlntrl oopiee. 21i eenta. Ktbtt nomber eonuina baau- Bfnl platae. In eolora, and photoirrapb. of n.w oueairltb plana, enabling bnllder. to .how Uia MUNN lira, and amnra contracts. ArlHr.u It co, i tou, aui bmuauwat. Text Books For The Oregon Public Schools, At the meeting of the state board of education last week the final contest over text books for the use of the schools of Oregon was finally figured out and decided. The last bitter fight was between the two principal seriesof "Word Lessons," which was decided in favor of Reed's by a majority of one over Watson's. That makes the com plete list of text-books as follows, all but the last six having been decided in January: . Swinton's New Word Analysis. Barnes' New National Reader. Webster's dictionaries. Spencerian system and copy books Fish's arithmetic, Nos. i and 2. Brook's Mental Arithmetic. Monteith's Elementary and Com prehensive Geographies. Smith's series of primaty text books in Physiology and Hygiene. Steele's Hygiene and Physiology for high and advanced schools. ' Barnes' Primary and Brief His tory of the United States, , ' Loomis' series of Vocal Music, Barnes' General History. Monteith's Popular Science Robinson's Algebra and Geome try. Bryant & Stratum's system of Bookkeepiug. Ward's Business Forms, Steele's Chemistry, Botany, As tronomy, Physics and Geology, Maxwell's Frist Book in Lan guage. Maxwell's Introduction to English Grammar. Maxwell's Advanced English Grammar. Peterman's Civil Government (Oregon edition.) Steele's Popular Zoology. National Number Tablets. Song Wave. Gow's Moral and Manners. Kidd's Elementary and Vocal Culture. Johonnot's National History and Historical scries fcr primary and intermediate schools. Geographical reader. Irving's Sketch Book and Tales of (j Traveler. "Scott's Ivanhoe, Lady of the Lake, Abbott, Marmion and Woodstock. ' McCauley's Essay on Chatham. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, Julius Caesar, Merchant of Venice, and Midsummer Night's Dream. Webster's Bunker Hill Orations. DeCoverley Papers. Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum. Emerson's American Scholar, Reed's Word Lessons. Manson's Series oi Spelling, Electric Series of Drawing. Smith's Studies of English Liter ature. Waddy's Composition. Electric Geography. the decree provided that the pur chase price might be paid in re ceiver's certificates, and the order under which the last sale was made required payment in cash only. They also urged that amount of the bid was inadequate, and that news paper advertising was a part of the policy of the purchasers. It was asserted that Bonuer and Ham mond are only catspaws in the hands of the Blair-Wharton faction of bondholders. Wallis Nash, representing bim self, William M. Hoag and other creditors, and W. C, Watsou, rep resenting George I. Coe and others, argued in the same lineas Bron augh and Fenton, relative to the departure from the original decree, and inadequacy of the price, and that the bondholders who had fur nished money for the construction of the road should have another op portunity to bid, Judge Brysou closed the argu ment iu behalf of the confirmation, claiming that the defendant compa nies, represented by Nash, had no appealable interest; that the other appellants were not parties the suit, and had never intervened, and therefore had no right of appeal. Judge Bryson made a most able and effective argument, The mass of briefs to read, and the looking up of the numerous authorities cited wilf fequire's'eyer al days time, and a decision is not expected .before the first of next month, There is a strong belief that the sale will be confirmed. The O. P. Appeal Argued. The arguments the O. P. appeal case were made at Salem, beginning at 9:30 a. m. on Tuesday, and end ing at 10 a. m. on'Wednesday. The court decided that the counsel for the respondents, Bonner & Ham mond, should open and close the argument. Judge McFadden occu pied the entire forenoon, He urged that all appellant parties were in terlopers, and that the defendant companies were defunct, havjng ad mitted their absence of interest when thev answered to the bill of complaint of the Farmer's Loan & Trust company, and admitted its insolvency and and indebtedness of $15,000,000. He further claimed that by failing to file objections to the confi'tnation in the court below it was precluded from raisins' the question in the appellate court. Eronaugh and Fenton opposed the confirmation on the grounds that the order on which the sale was made was a departure from the original decree, iney neld that The Grady Road : Case, Judge W. S. Hufford, as attor ney for C. M. Grady, has given notice of the appeal of the above . case, which was recently decided . by Judge Fullerton adversely to them, to the supreme court, The notices of appeal are now in Sheriff Landis' hands for service upon the interested parties. The cost bowl", has not yet been filed. The decree ' rendered by Judge Fullerton, . divested of the title, reads as follows: . "The above entitled cause came on ror. hearing at the regular November, 1894, term. of District court, upon the motion to set aside the findings of the referee,-E. O. Potter, to whom the said cause had. been theretofore referred to find the facts and the law therein. The plaintiff appearing by W. S. Hufford, her attorney, and the de fendant by J. K. Weatherford, their attorney. After a careful exanina tion of the evidence in said cause, and of the findings of fact made by referee in said cause, find that there is some evidence to support the finds' of facts made by the referee, aud that the conclusions of law reached by the referee would neces sarily result if the facts in said cause are as found by the referee. Wherefore it is ordered and adj udged that said suit be and is bereby dis missed and that defendants have and recover from plaintiff costs and disbursements to be taxed. Done at Chambers at Roseburg, Oregon, this 29th day of May, 1894. J. C. Fullerton, Judge. A scheme is on foot to raise $10,000 through the medium of the school children to furnish a solid silver dinner set, or other suitable testimonial for the battle ship Oregon. Tue amount levied against the school children of Lincoln . county, so to speak, is $53. This , is a small amount, aud no duubt . the donating of it would be very nice, hut we believe for our part that if the officers of the battleship Oregon wish any $10,000 memento for their ship they should be al lowed to purchase it. In the build ing up of our schools there are a needed worse than a chance to do nate $53 for this purpose. 1 r t ' -; ' 'i i a 1 i 1 t 1 ft fc n y4 v. .0