Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 11, 1895, Image 4

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ov.i.hejrrerrihiirvir at Toie-io, i.inoin t
Comity, Oregon. i
Subscrijttion Kates: ,
- - - Si. so',
Six months, -Three
vuv i --
75 '
Advertising rat made known on app.!''.ion
Biclnn 1o-ml will t-e in:r!l In cot
umiiiat cent jr line per week, ""a
1 run until o-.lered di'.-',:r.irn.e I.
Every ,ni-r In Lt-!n m,antrU Jthorfi
ed to act ai atfetit (or the La iMifc.
Entered at the tos'.offi'-e at Toledo, Oregon, a
fceond-c!a mail matter.
Hon. R
A. Eensell was up from
Newport today
Austin Altree was down from
Nashville several days this weak. ;
Prof. Joseph Ewing will teach ,
the spring term of school in the'
Parrish district !
B. F. Jones made a business trip
to Portland Tuesday, and is ex
pected ".o return tomorrow.
T TT PnrnViam rpnorts a cow !
...if ,!, f win ra,. Tok !
t, . ror,..
out for triplets by McCaffrey s cow.
. , .
Nearly $4,000 have oeen paid m
as taxes to the sheriff on the 10:
roll. This is about one-fifth of the
entire roll.
Ex-Sheriff vSmith, of Clatsop
county, wno sued mat county wr
f 16,000 as tees lor making a cenn
quent tax sale, has compromised
his suit and gets $3,500.
The Odd Fellows' lodge had work
in the initiatory degree last Satur
rt-i nitrtit TIipv wprp nsiisterl hv ,
H Denlinger P. G. and the mem-. creamery and dairyman of years of this place has been elected a dele
ters are unanimous and loud in the P"cti. thoroughly posted gate from Kings Valley lodge, also.
nraise of his excellent work.
. , , ,.,, ! talk to the people at the court house
Word reaches here that Dan Al-! - , , ,
. , ; next Monday atternoon at 20 clock.
lison was taken ill with brain fever .... , ,
r . . , ! it n hoped that as many as can
while enroute from here to Colorado. : ...,.. . . , .
, , 1 will attend and hear what he has
He took sick at Ogden, and was! . .... .
, . ... r., , to sav, as his talk will be of great
raving during the balance of the.. ' f .
,. . , i interest to the people of this county,
trip. He was a very sick man j
when last heard from. A rather serious cutting affray
Senator Mitchell has made ap- took Place at Newport last Friday,
plication to the lighthouse board I Tlle participants to the affair were
for the erection of a stake light on , K(1 AW,e' aml Pate Townsend. It
Ford's Point, Yaquina Bay. The ! seems tl,at Townsend had been fol-
.!, i... r,i i ,.,! lowing Abbey around for a fight.
LUULiii mn i.n 1 viv 1 iw nit
officers ofthe Thirteenth lighthouse
district for examination and report.
Representative Hermann has
been urging the department for es
tablishment of stake lights on Ya
quina Bay, and lias filed numer
ously signed petitions from the peo
ple. It is represented that these
are necessary aids to navigation be
tween Yaquina City and Newport.
The machinery for the creamery
arrived from San Francisco on the
steamer Lakme, with the exception
of the engine, which we presume
has been shipped from Portland.
The boiler and other parts of the
plant which are now here were tak
en down to the building today. A
man lrom the house at Portland is
expected to lie here within a clay
or two to set it up.
The Creamery Company have is
sued a circular letter to those who
have agreed to furnish milk telling
them that they will be ready to re
ceive milk on the 20th of the pres
ent month. Two plans are proposed
to those furnishing milk. One is
to pay 80 cents per hundred for the
mild, the standard to be 4 per cent
butter fat. The other is to charge
the farmers 4 cents per pound (or
manufacturing the butter, the
creamery to pay freight and com
mission charges for putting the but
ter on the market, nnd the farmers
to get back the skimmed milk. The
creamery intends to adopt which
ever plan the majority of the farm
ers favor.
II. C, Wulf is advertising a pe. '-'ative committee of five members
tition for a liquor license at Yaqui-1 w!l performed the arduous duties
11a City. There is nothing peculiar ;nt tlle starvation rate of $10 per
in this, except that he will nut his' l,;l' vvith two clerks to help
house in the business part of the
city if the petition is granted. It
will be remembered that Wm. M.
lloag, who is the principal owner
of all the realty iu Yaquina City,
has nlwavs slr?,u,o,.-ir rc': t
allow a saloon to be placed on the
land at that place, nnd the li.iuor
trallic bas lieen carried on troin
scows tied to the shore
appear mat .Mr. uoag m
cuangeii ins iiinui, or the must
II 1 a
have made an
..v.,Ai.ii.... :.. f .
l"r" " in.'i"'' wuiiuiu ui me ..Hi iegi.Nia-
Wulfs favor.
Hon. J- I- Daly ism town today,
coming up fron Newport this
Xext Sunday is Easter Sunday.
, . . ... ,
A motion to omit ram on taat cay
will be in order.
A loaded lumber schoon-;r lies at
the wharf at Waldport awaiting
the services of a tug to tow it out.
A P. TTammnti 1 nn,-1 naTiv went
, . ...,.1,,.
over the road to Tuesday
.. .. :
n a special car. Mr. i:ammoni u
giving the property a careful i.i-
spection from one end of the line to
the other.
The Sundav school will hold a
special Easter service at the
school house next Sunday
special feature of the occasion will :
be the distribution of colored eggs
to the smaller children
The new name of the Oregon
Pacific when reorganized will be;
the "Oregon Central and Eastern j
Railway." We hope that the future i
' of the new organization will be
i much brighter than that of the old
Oregon Pacific.
We are in receirjt of a communi-
cati0n fr0m Mr- J- G
assistant engineer at Newport, that
. j rrro
the aquma Bay Board of U. 5.
T. . . c,. , . , .'inprs, Col. StirVnpv. nrpmflent,
. ... ,,:'
port, Yaquina Eay, Oregon, on the
evening of Mav 11. i8os at which
they win bear'the views 0f those
interested in the public improve
ment of Yaquina Bay.
Mr. B. T. Swart, the expert sent
b? C- G- Vickson & Co- t0 set ,U.P
i ine creamery piani arriveo mis
Cenl".? -
Mr. Swart Is a practical
: in the matters, iie will give a
!Abbey wan,e1 him t0 keeP off- b,lt
he rerMsted and Abbey drew a knife
ana proceeded xo carve
him. He
cut him on the nose and cheek and
in the hip. Townsend bled quite
freely but the wounds are not con
sidered dangerous. No arrests
were made.
A new vessel came into port be
low this week. It was the steamer
Lakme, and she hails from San
Francisco The Lakme is a large
vessel, said to be larger than the
old Willamette Valley which used
to ply between here and San Fran-
j Cisco, hlie is the largest vessel
j ever to bring a load in over the bar.
It is said that she came 111 ou less
than a full tide drawing 16 feet of
water and went out today drawing
17 feet. She took about 700 tons
of miscellaneous freight for 'Frisco.
Mr. A. B. Hammond stopped his
special car here yesterday long
enough to speak some encouraging
words to some cf our people who
Itrinnnnnd fr t,p nt tin r1t-,r fr
'. 11 .'
Hammond commended our people
for their enterprise in erecting and
fitting up a good creamery plant in
the face of hard times and discourag
ing circumstances, and said that he
would do all in his power to aid
the enterprise in the way of low
rates for hauling milk to the cream
ery, and the manufactured product
thence to the market.
Finally the House and Senate
journals of the late defunct legisla
ture have been "revised" by a leg-
! them at the same miserable wages,
iu.-. icMMiis uie .siaa -
$1,150 and was just that much mon-
muihi iiura ire pcojne 01 uie
state of Oregon. But in the face of
main- enormous wro-igs porpctratcd
j l'-v tllu 1;lst legislature, it seems very
j Pctt-V t0 object to a small outrage
on from 1,1 ,u;im arise
It would iau,l cal1 ourselves blessed, when
mst have'"0 realize that the revi.-ing com -
l' ,u .'5o. wcs.iouui arise
'tl(,.l., I. 1 '
j "" : u mt i-i imu nun-
........l...... f .1. - 1... : .i
' uire Lieu uie state wun.
The egg market is looking tp ;
little, as the stores are nearly out;
of that delectable berry. . ;
The enrollment of the public j
school number 63 at the close of lie ;
first week. The school starts
with a good interest and promis ts ;
to be a successful term. j
A brother of ..iayor . L.. is.ronc . SUprjn.ening the care of btr rap
of New York, who was elected by , ; ,.r
the great reform movement m that
nrv lat full. I'-fts m Oregon. Of
... . i
" laUiU' "
Old Yamhill-' that
be has his residence.
P. E. Collins returned
Dallas Tuesday, wl
the district convention of Epworth
Leagues. He speaks very highly
01 '"e
r . i . r
ed, and of the
Kin-jr.ess auu v-iryt
ility of the!
citizens of Dallas.
Jack Kingsley, F. II. McDonald
and Ed. Abbey drove up from
Newport last Monday. They
drove Pete Abbey's new team and
hack. By the way, this new outfit
of Pete's is just about the hand
somest turn out in the county.
School district No. , at Seal
Rock, voted on a proposition to
issue $3oo in bonds for the purpose
of erecting a new school building.
The vz"A cr.v:cd cvd v.""-': v''l
begin on the new building as soon
as the money is realized on the sale
of the bonds.
Toledo Lodge No. 108. 1. 0. 0. F.
elected as delegates to the Grand
Lodge B. F.Jones and A. Rochester.
Bay Lodge at Yaquina elected H.
M. Brunk and E. J. Burrows.
We have not learned who the New
port lodge elected. F. J. Frary, of
Ira Hunter, clerk of Benton
county, sent over after a box of
clams last night and stated in con
nection therewith that circuit court
was in session there and they
could use a few clams. We don't
know what they can use them in
connection with circuit court for
unless they use them for jurymen.
There is a school district in
Wallowa county which has only
nine legal voters, four male and
four female persons of school age,
and at the last terra of school taught
there was an average attendance of
three. The school building is
counted as worth $15, and the fur
niture valued at $5. Can any other
county beat this?
The derrand for the making free
of the McKenzie toll road was be
fore the Lane county court again
last week, being numerously peti
tioned for. The owners offered to
take $1, 000 for their right or to
submit the matter to three apprais
ers to be appointed by the county
court. The matter was, however,
continued for the term.
Survevor Gideon has completed
his work taking levels of the vari
ous streets of Toledo and has gone
home. The base of the grades was
a point across the track fro Mrs.
Copeland's store, one foot above
the level of the track. The highest
point'found was 168 feet higher than
this base, and the steepest grade
on any street is a fraction over 22
feet to the hundred.
j I?','s W'N be opened
today by
Captain Symons for furnishing and
delivering stone for the improve
ment of Yaquina Bay. Ten thous
and tins of the best stone obtain
able will be used in the work, and
the same must be as nearly cubical
as practicable, each piece not to
exceed 10 tons in weight, nor to be
less than two. The vast amount
of rock will be used to strenghten
and improve the north and south
There has been an extreme deatrh
of matrimonial ventures in Lincoln
couniy me cays 01 is 15 nave
i been upon us. The county clerk
j is inmost in tie pair, as tnere has
not been a license issued since the
lauer part 01 January. Hat is tiie
, cause of the sudden collapse in the
matrimonial market i unknown,
j but some shrewd observers ay that
1 it is sign that the times are getting
Kctter. 1 lus sign does not apply
ociier. uus sign does not apply
to the business of the county clerk
1 and the miuis'.ers. The clerk
' .1. .
migiu lei a lew licenses go at nait
pnee 10 gei u:c Dusin.-ss started
: ..... '
, again.
Xorton Xotes.
Mr. Andrew Porter paid a -.isit
to his mother last week.
Mrs. Eddy, :rs. Moses Huffa
-ers mother has been quite ill.
Mr. Huntington, our propo
postma5ter j, tusv plowing,
j ly growing Sock of sheep.
j The Norton school opens las.
1 .- ;si r.i'nik. Mi Mastic
week with ten pupils,
It. Hamoton. teacher. T
will observe Arbor day. i
, . ...... !
ine asaviiie scsuoj v.ui
tr.r t - fr Amps r.f Vhllo- :
.sath, as teacher.
A. W. Skinner will teach the;
S'iiool on Mary's river.
The people of Reck Creek have
waJced and orgauiaed a school dis
trict. They held their first meet
ing and elected Thomas Chandler,
Geo. B. Hampton and George Mil
ler, directors, and J. M. Derrick,
ortherwise known as "Jolly Jim,"
clerk. Their school house is to be i
located in Sunshine Gap.
H. L. M,
Glen Items.
storm. The grass and other vege
tation is growing rapidly.
News, as usual, is somewhat
scarce in this part of the county.
Nathan Watkins left for the val
ley a few days ago.
O. C. Simpson, our rustling mail
carrier, tells us that we have a new
road supervisor in this part of the
; county.
Willie Arnold has been peddling
salmon from Corvallis to Albany
during the past week.
Wm. Arnold and wife made Elk
City a visit Sunday,
Johnny Flynn, the former Mead
ow creek bachelor, is digging his
potatoes this week,
P. N. Lathrop and John Folms
bee made a visit to Drift creek last
week. Wm. Arnold sold Mr.
Folmsbee a cow while he was over.
More in the future.
Siletx IteniM.
The Inspector has left us. When
he was here a year ago he gave us
a good send-off on the reservation,
but he did not seem inclined ;o do
so this time owing to some things
he seen which he did not like to
see. The better class of Indians
are very sorry and hope that it will
not occur again.
Inaian court was in session last
Monday. One case of drunkenness
was sentenced to 30 days in the
Agency jail. The case against the
Logan boys was continued as one
of the witnesses was at the mouth
of the Silelz.
incie lias been quite a little stir
for the past week here. It seems
as tuoug.'i most everybody are out
on their muscle, for there was a
pull and hit between two women,
which resulted in both being made
pretty sore. It is getting danger
ous to be safe these days We hope
they will tumble to themselves and
quit the job.
W. C. S.
Cure For Crippled Children.
The National Surgical Institute,
Pacific Branch, 319 Bush St., San
fraucisco successfully treats all
cases of Orthopedic Surgery, Dis
eases of the Spine, Hip and Knee
Joints, Paralysis, Piles, Fistula,
.asal Catarrh, Bow Legs, Knock
Knees, all Deformities and Chronic
Diseases. Their success in treating
these cases is shown by thousands
! of references from trustworthy pco-
pie all over the countiy
1 Tersons having afflicted children
or friends should convince thetu-
j selves of the excellent results of the
' svstem of treatment bv this I-isti.
! tute. One or more of these surgeons
1 will be at the Ileoiohui I,,,,,.!'
Corvallis, Friday, April 26th to
examine cases. Sen 1 for circular.
. Reference may be had to Jesse
; Forter, of Corvallis; Judge Thos
L. Davidson, cf Salem Tohn "
: Reference may be had to
Snaw, Secv. i a itiam Mill Co
Albany; L. Mcl arland, of Alb;
and hundreds of others,
The difference existing between
the sheriff and the county court.
eems to be over the advtsatiiuy 01
",v;r . sav of orcoerty for ddin-
Uina"b 4
quent taxes. The court thinks that
much oi the taxes will be voluntar-,
ily paid during the next montn or
.. A tV,if a ca'p at tCIS tirue 13
unwise, and that it is not at all
probable to bring in enough to pay
the expenses incidental to a sale.
The sheriff claims that he is ini-
posed upon by being compelled to
carry a number of delinquent rolls
in his office, and no prospect for the
settlement or disposal 01 mem. n
has the delinquent rolls of 1889, 90,
91, 92 and 93 in his hands and nat-
urally would like close them up in
some manner. The law, he claims,
contemplates ana directs mai mis
be done by levy and sale of proper-
ty. Upon the first three rolls named
above he has collected . the grand
total of $55, the amount collected
on the 1889 roll being 67 cents. To
require the sheriff to carry these
rolls is unreasonable, and a sale
would be unprofitable. It does
seem to us that the court a ad the
sheriff ought to be able to et to
gether in his tax matter and agree
upon some feasible plan of collec
tion which would he fair t belli
county and sheriff.
For Sftle.
Three fresh milch cows and
fifteen mutton sheep for sale, CaJ'j
at the Dan Allison place north of
J. W. Burxham.
Parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to me are requested to
call and settle at once. My books
are closed and all accounts will be
placed in the hands of on attorney-
for collection April 15th.
P. Teixefson,
Est ray Xotlce.
Notice is hereby given that I
have taken up an estray on my
place about 2 miles from Toledo
described as follows: One dark
brindle cow, small white spot on
forehead, tip of tail white, and a
little white on brisket; about seven
yeats old. The owner is notified
to prove property and pay all legal
charges thereon or said estray will
be advertised and sold as by law
Charles E. Montgomery.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
March 22, 1895.
Notice is hereby given that the
approved plat of survey of Town
ship 6 South, Range 11 West, has
been received from the Surveyor
General of Oregon, and on
May, 8, 1895,
at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day said
plat will be filed in this office and
the land therein embraced will be
subject to entry on and after said
Robert A. Miller, Register,
Peter Paqcet, Receiver.
Farms for Sale.
I have several farms, both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts of 40 acres and, upwards.
These lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture. Will
be sold very cheap and on reason
able terms. Anyone desiring to
purchase such lands will do well to
call on or address
M. J. Allphin,
tf. Little Elk, Oregon.
Farms For Sale.
I have two good farms for sale
near Elk City. The first is a good
farm of 123 acres jcinir.g the town
has good house, tarn, and out
buildings; good orchard an,! r.i.r...
.of all kinds of fruit; good farm and
. .1 a
uccuiow iana. Also a good ledge
of sandstone ou the place.
Also So acres ; mile from Elk
City, house, barn, etc., g0od
orchard, and a good piece of land
These places will be sold at bed
rock prices and on good terms.
Must sell out on account of ol 1 age
Enquire of
J. H. Bevtns,
2-m- Elk City.
For Hint.
House and har:i
ga.ueu - iaii:Ua Bav
"i1 Inquire of :
.'ewpori, Ore.
lor Snle.
TUa im.larsim.ol .fr,-.. r
for sal?
ia;1ri near Cbitv. ood station, as fol-
One tract, 67 acres;. good orchard
an,i barn; about 10 acres in cult:,
va.jcn is a splendid loca!io'u
anj wjij be soi,j cheap for cash,
; Also several small tracts
frult a,,d gLrden well located
v;ill be sold at reasonable rates
j au j purc-aase prjce ta-e!j
j V(.oric or money,
J g00j .;.one (iuairy iy;ng cjQse
i . 1 - f f ! 1
10 ii:e j. , uauu ana convenient
to work and load on cars, will )e
leased or sold to parties v.'ho Vnll
work it.
Call on or address
M. T. Vmr-XEYi
Ckitw'jod, Ore,
Anyone wlAir.g to take advan-
dtp fit nw m t' . r, ....
. i.-.,ui:ig great
'argqn.s call on or aoiress- llv
One of the finest
1 Toledo, a fine
otaar improvements; two blocks
fro'.a the depot; tue handiest place
i'.i town. Price only $1,500
L , , TV' T
I Toledo, ou Oiblla; house, barn and
... 1 . 1
ociier improvements; a neat little
place. Price only $350. cash,
One lot 50x100 feet, one block
from court house, A good imvest
ment. Price S75 cash. :,
Coluxs & Hali,,
Toledo, fegon.
Constable's Sale.
virtue of all attachment nnd execution ii
sr.ea out of the Justice court in and ior Toledo
I're'.'incl No. li, Lincoln Comity, Oregon, where
in I!, Lew is was lilointift' nnd I). F. Scott mi
uei'eiKlimt, 1 have levied upon and will offerlor
sale to the highest bidder, for rath in hand, it
the frontdoor of the Lincoln County Leader
orhee or.
Jlooilavi April 25iid, 1896, at 2 o'clock, p. n.,
the following-described personal property, to
wit: co cord cord-wood, vine maple, alder
and crabapple, on the fnrin of a. A. Logan.
Said property attached, levied upon anil to
lie sold as the pronerty of the above-named de
fendant. Dated this Oth day of April 1893.
C. H. Ruhl,
Constable Toledo Trecinct Xo. U,
Petition for Liquor License.
- of Lincoln County, in the State of Oregon:
V ethe undersigned legal electors of Yaiiuina
I'recinct No. Id, in Lincoln county, tateof
Oregon, respectfully petition vou that a license
be granted to li. 0. Wulf, of said precinct,
county and stntc, to sell malt, spirituousor
vinous liquors in less quantities than one gal
lon at Yaquinn City in said precinct No 10. for
the term of one year flora the 10th day of May.
lsW: said precinct Xo. lii, being oyer one mile
distant from any college or university In the
State of Oregon ; and your petitioners will ever
Allen Parker,
lohn Kollins,
T. W. (.oriuan
V. O. Johnson
II. M. Ilnink-
I.uelen Gignac,
W. T. Bohanan,
A. II. liowe,
A. E. Smith,
Patrick Doherty.
Thonins Pavy,
George H. Lambert, V. Jenkins
II. Iteschke,
noun i.etieuoerger, i at agie
n. .'lacKcv,
O. C, Cotli'n,
Frank Parker,
J. A. lleam,
Jas. Robertson,
Chas. Anderson,
L. J. Mffenbaeher,
John Haas,
II. Hansen,
H. T. Prossper,
J. F. Alexander,
H. U. lleinrich,
J. B. Lewis.
Joe Kendall,
Jas. Xatflp.
Wm. Weaver,
L. c. stover,
J. K. short,
Wm. Stephens,
Thomas X'ngle,
L. Y. Wilson,
Itocco Potelli,
Mark W inaut,
M. P.oddv,
A. L. Tavlor,
J. I'. Humsucker.
Chas. Trask,
James Beach,
James Fuller,
J. J. Boone,
Chas. liordon
VV. li. Hunts'ucker, T. Harrison
V. D. Uoone.
r.. j. . n auace,
E. Harrington,
K. S. Coojier,
C. Hoetiine,
Jesse L. Morris,
B. L. fasted,
C A.Miller.
A. H. Crowder,
J. F. Simpson,
H. K. Lugger,
lieo. l!oeiili;e,
Henry Ectbart,
.1 I'm iff.
J. M. Livine,
D. F. Scott,
E. S. Harrington,
A. S. Casteel,
E. M. Logan,
Weve Logan,
vr. II. Logan,
B. Waus'h,
Karl Ludwi.
W. L. w atkiai,
. i . tiowei:,
liquors in less ,;ue.:i:ita-s
V..n'... l i.,. i., .,..,.! ,..,.!,
Lilic.lti t'.tni.i f. ir n teri.i i t I1'' i(
m titied, iu accordance with and pnr iiaul
the forei'iiiL petiti-'ii. thht lv ill,onihe
loth il of Mav, !!.-, at the hour f U) c
oi said d.,y, pres. nt f.M r-etiti; ";
tne lountv i ourt of 1 incoln co:n;:'
T,...n ii:e
from said daie. ,. --.t
II. C. llv.i.'-
Yaquina C ity. Oregon, April I'- "'-
$1.50 Per Year