Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 20, 1894, Image 1

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LiscoLS coi'x rr.
Tol, Carter ;
Jno. D. Dulv 1
B. V. Hurt i
11. F. Jones
George Landts I
J. I. Hid.. '
Geo. ISethers
Jos. Gideon
T. E. Parker
Dr. F. M. Carter
Clms, Williams
.1, J, nrifllmv
nntv Commissioners Court meets on Wed-
j,T after the first Monday in February,
ilJone, August, October and December,
J. C. Fullerton Jndge
"'j. Brown, I'ros. Attorney
ort convenes on third Monday in May and
ill Monday in November of each year.
;of the Teace
J. A. Hall
Clius. Unhl
I. Vincent, Mavor
t, nnu '"'"i uei
j.Ruhl Marshal
11, Alexander 1
'nKf.taU'. Aldermen
'n U'AllfFh i
' ? rollamore
mndl meetRon the first Monriavflvr iilnw in
till be neiu under the atwplces of the
Sodist Episcopal churoh as follows: First
iy in each month at Elk Citv schnol house
l. m. ami u. in. oeuonu nnu l onrm
it Toledo, at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Third
ire cordially invited to attend.
iiivai .m ii rour scnooi nons,;. at i n. ni
b. . I'ui i hK, rastor,
Address, Tolodo, Oregon,
:;OIIN"S CHURCH l-rotesient tpisiiopai.)
jirine service the third Sunday of every
:in, ai n ii. m. au are invne'1 in attend.
:. ('has. llooth, Missionary. Residence,
n'tory," Newport, Or.
0. 0. P. Toledo Lodiro. N'm. lot. Meet
ferery Satuiday evening ut hall in this'
Stewakt, Sob y.
A. Ro. ns ;T!.X. ii'
i.O. F. Ray Lodjre No. till, of Yun'.iina City,
meets everyWednefday ovoniirf. isitiiiy
hers are always wolcomc.
buhiiows, Secretary. 11. M. I'.iintk X. G.
0. G. T. Meets every Hntrrdnv evening.
i:o0 o'clock, in Gnid-.-'s 1ml'. thi ii wr.
R. Fant, C. T R. E. Collins, Su.-retur-.-.
0. F. Newport Lndfe N'a. till, meets ovory
auirudy evening, visuicr nroinerfc arc eor.
llj-invited to attend, !.. AaiiorT,
I. Smith, Secretarv.. N.C
K. & A. M. Newport Lodye Z'o. N'i. rcvru'.nr
convocation on Saturdav on or bei'oio each
! moon. Visiting brothers f.:a cordially
wined. Jas. II. ISusdel:.. W. jr.
i. Robertson, Secy.
.ssvVhll Sheridan Vest Ni
t y7 second and fourth evening.
' GEO. SYl.VE.sTli't. Com.
3.A. DRNfKLL, Adjt.
folcdo Meat Market,
Fresli aiul C'.ireil Meats
bledo, - - Oregon
Justice of the Peace!
l'oledp, Oregon,
-Cds, Mnrtsrfl?efl, nnd all kliidn of leul pnperg
cxivuico who correctness, t tireim iittoiiiiou
ivm to all business entrusted to my cure.
M. Hansen.
Work of nil kind
CHAS. CLARK, Receiver.
Connecting with steamer HOMER
Between Yaquina aud San Fran
S,rrjMJvp lenvei' Snn Franolseo April iBrd, and
"jout every ten days thereafter.
S'i??l?.r.,e'niM Vaqnlna April :.)th, and about
for Freight cu l Pngsenifer rates apj ly to
. HKeut.
nExiiay, soxico..
-s. 2 to 8 Market St..
Frnnciseo, California.
CHAS. CLARK licoelver,
, Corvallls Oregoti
km hit Biki
3 ,-rP
kpilii 111
Men. and Boys9 Olotliinpj, Fanoy Oodsj....!
We hay? just Received a Largo Invcice cf
HATS and (iiFS,
A itrlctly high-grade Family Betting
Machine, posiemlng all modern
Guaranteed Equal to the Besi
Prices very reanonabie. Obtain them
from your local dealer and make
The Alsea House
Wahlport, Lincoln Comity,
ij,,.'.vi.iw! fiyr oiii',in'ic, tour-1
ii-.. Ualltdl'S UUU UlC pULillv.', ,
Comfort, cleanliness a;.d good grub
at low rates, our motto.
Feed stable and cuddle ponies.
Wm. R. VA::r?iMEU), Prop.
S20 w tli -J .-Ywv fl-. for the 1 KIN
lil y r.'.si: ti:.:.;., warmntea t" do
better work tl.nn any ...!.-,jne ::iad.
rll.holl to l.'Ptllvl' Hi'.' .
Htaiulal, i.ii-klt-i.ln f '. I
all kiii'1-of tyi'P'-'!"-.
it nrodo .- f.lnr-i, i-nsn
:c 't, and adapted to
Mien printing press,
iLidlilrt munuvriptn.
Two or ten ipi"" '''
Anv ilitelillft'Tit l:o'
In two dn... ''
who can I' iU.H. t-i! "'"
. .nine a", one wrltin.
cm li 'i'otr.e in operator
1 o.M to anv ojn-'rator
. ;Lc lUl'ilI.!i CASE
0l!elinble Air. tit and.-' -icn -.vAnt-.d. SSf
lallinliiceni -iitHtol'-i!" . j,
For i'ami.hlct fi.'l. i ", etc., au
dr,rJn Tirr.n "T-ltEr CO.
rn f fUlCVOO, ll.l.
Lincoln County, 'Oregon,
m"-C '-x'
atfYaquimi on Boeembei 4tu.
Mi Li $ ItoM k
Flour and Feed, Staple a:tti Fiiii-jy Groeu ics,
Dry Goods, Oloiliisg, CJ-erds' raraic-Iiiag C:ccb, Hats.
.. ; .r.rrfvv? v
Qp.zi'3, s;'jri Tobacco, Fruiis and Ccnfectionery,
Is tie Place to Buy Goods Cheap for
M you
10 lbs. D. G. Hu-ar
17 lbs. Ex. C. " - - ' 1.00
20 lbs. D. S. - - 1.00
4 lbs, Arkickle's Coilco 1.00
5 lb, ciui Pioneer Baking Powder 1.85
3 lb. can - - - 1.25
2 1-2 lb. can'- .
ri,...-. ir;...,! (fi.-lf 9 lUa OR
Stick Candy per lb. .15
All Kinds of Nuts ;cr ib. .20
Call and get prices on other goods.
Wc are selling CifEAP for CASH.
LEADEIi.T1"'1"6 lani-i ari adapted to Jruit, j
If.30 Per Year
3Sre-u.i.r3tl iri. iSJottiirig.
ThurDeceber 20,
' tJK
1 5 I
asvl Oil 0
Farms for Sale.
i interprise, demonstrating that the
I have several farms, both ciilli- i difficulties were only such as could
ate! and uncultivated, fcr sale in!e readily overcome by modern
acts ct 40 acres an.l unvords. ! engineering methods. Senator
vesctajle and sheep culture. Willione of lhe f'rcat agencies which
be s.-.l l very cheap aai tvi r;aso;i-, eventually will transfer the seat of
able terms. Anyone desiring to commercial enterprise from the
purchase such lands will do well to Eastern to the Western hemisphere,
call on or address . and Pce the United States at the
M. J. AtM iii.v, ,tead f tlje commerce of :hi
tf. Little LI!:. Oregon. world.
Here and There.
Interest ins Bits of Xews Tak
en' from ail sources.
Assessor Sterling says that he
me aseosoiii' eouvciion, tuut the
Supreme Judges were alike in state
to assessors in county inadequate
ly paid. Drain Herald.
. i
One of the heaviest wind and
snow storms ever experienced in
Northern Grant county is reported.
About 2 o'clock in the night the
j; people generally wers aroused from
their slumbers, and so -terrific was
the wind that many jio;if;Ut safety
in stranger buildings, cellars, etc.
However, when the ofthjetlay
appeared, no J.aaaftJ was tioue
except to feiK-ir.g.
A Swiss fitatUtk-aii has lakeu the
trouble to covq'.. t;;e number of
steps ha tooli.fii walking during a
whol? sar, The number Le finds
to have been 9,760,000. or an
average of 26,740 steps a day.
Goiug siiil further into t'ctr.i'r, b.o
declares that over 600.000 o;"! these
steps '.veru taken -ia going up and
down stein. 0:i an average he
estimates that l:e walked nearly
ten miles a day in order to bring
about these results.
- j
Mary I'eco, an Indian woman
who ilaims a little farm down
Rogue river, has at last a title for
her land, but it is not perfect. . Her
deed, signed by Grover Cleveland,
is a trust deed, and provides that
patent absolute shall not iss,ue for
25 years. .Mary and lier heirs can
hold and cultivate the land till then.
It is in effect the establishment of a
sm.ll Indian reservation under
government protection during the!
term of her disability.
Last Friday morning, while en
gaged in clearing a grain shule.
Abner C. Simpson lost his footing,
falliug a idistance of f.fteen feet,
I striking directly upon the head,
causing concussion of the brain.
He was picked up unconscious and
; and conveyed to his !:oirc, where
he (died in t' e cftenio.m froi;i the
effects of his inj :ii ic . It was found
that U:e skull wa'i fractured at the
ba.-e of t':e brain. The deceased
was working in a mill run by his
father, George F. Simpson, a well
known citizen of Albany.
Not a liuurlrcn miles from Albany
live a r&ligious class of people who
are very a;isterc in their religious
belief. Attong their religious
tenets is one f;.rL5ddiug t!;e use of
tobacco. One of the members of
this religious bo;iy who, be tore be-
! coming a membcri Was an inveterate
user of tobacco, was visiting a
neighbor when the neighbor said to
him "I see you do not use tobacco
any more.". The man answered in
the most earnest manner: "No, I
do not use it any more, ' I became
convinced that I must -quit it or lose
my soul's salvation-and thought it
best to choose the less'of two evils."
Albany Democrat.
for the Nicaraguan canal, Senator
Morgan (of Alabama) said it was
the most important measure that been 'before a legislative body
in this country or any other for
fifty years, fn the course of his
J .speech he gave descriptive details
i of the physical features of the canal
Morgan tLiulcs this canal will be
Number 42.
It is rumored that the Spokanites
i are going to purchase the Ada Rehan
silver statue and coin it into silver
dollars which they will distribute
free, and thus insure the free coin
age of silver. Walla Walla States
man. No part of the world is better for
r"7.-H fix tbrn our Northwest
Pacific states. It should become
one of our great crops. Iq the
differentiation of agricultural 'in
dustry, flax and tobacco should
bave leading places. Application
aud skill will open the way.
John Clark, a f; ll-o!ooded Chip
pewa Indian, was ordained deacon
in the Methodist church at Duluth,
Wis., recently. I!e is the only
Indian member of the Minnesota
conference. He has been engaged
in church work many years and
does his preaching in the Chippewa
language. .1S-
The people along the Siuslaw
liver nre building wharves at the
beat landing. There is also a
movement on foot to build a long
wharf on tir.- Glenade ti le of the
river, to cost about $2,560. 'Lie
shipping biusiii's of luul liver is
now becoming extensive, and the
people are awakening to its needs.
A Kansas printer in makinr up
the forms one day got a marriage
aiid grocer's notice mixed up so as
to read as follows; "John- Smith
and Ida Qua were mii ed in t!-e
bonds of holy sour kraut, which
will be sold by quart or barrel.
Mr. Smith is an esteemed codfish
at ten cents while the. bride has
nice pig's feet to disphy."
P. W. Schenck, who has large
interests in Montana, is in Fortlaud,
and tells of au acquaintance jof his
buying iooo range horses in Fergus,
Montana, for $3 a heid, killing
them, boiling the meat in a" huge
caldron and using it to feed a large
number of hogs on his ranch. The
ranchman claims he will get more
for his hogs than he would if he had
invested the amount he paid for the
horses in corn.
The Seattle Telegraph has been
absorbed by the I ost-Iutelligencer
and now Seattle is without a demo
cratic newspaper. Hundred! of
thousands of d liars has been ex
pended in the effort to give the dem
ocrats of this state a first class news
paper and the Telegiaph filled the
bill but those who should have asr
sisted it failed to connect. It will
be many a year before we see an-"
other democratic newspaper like
the Telcgrapht
From several sources that seem
reliable it is learne I that there will
be a very large immigration to
Oregon during the next year or
two. A Nebraska editor, who has
been in the .state several weeks,
says there are thirty families on the
road headed for Oregon, and that
between 400 and 500 families lrom
his section of Nebraska will also
start to find homes in the North
west. Now, these people should
be treated right. The man who
attempt:, ty cieaie u hj-tculaiive
boom and to swindle these im
migrants by selling them town lots
off in some swamp or nio'in'.pin ad
dition deserves to be drummed out
of the stale. These pe.ipla not
going to pay big, fancy pikes for
laud; if such are asked they wilj
go back disgusted and check the
tide of immigration titling this
way; but if good lands aie offered
them at reasonable price and they
are given fair aud advantageous
business opportunities, they will
stay and send for others. Never
before was it so necessary for Ore
gon land owners, capitalists und
business men to be not only honest
and hospitable, as we know they,
are, but also liberal and far sigh ted.
- !
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