1 m 11 laT ill 31 0 n HE official reports show that no baking- powder received an award over the RoyaS at the Chi cago World's Fair. lhc judge of awards pdwdcr writes that another company to the highest award is such award was given to it. The Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest baking powder on the have false: bak inn- claim by : received that no ''A I' HI WELL-KXOWN PEOPLE highest made, and has received the award at the Great International Expositions and Wcrld's Fairs wher ever exhibited in competition with others. It makes the finest, lightest, sweet est, most wholesome bread, cake pastry. More economical other leavening agent. than and any kI'll -ri - , !- iVV.i.... Y !'r"-VM Washington Forty Years Ago. Compared to the Washington of today, the cily 40 years ago was very shabby. I use the word unreservedly, as I recall par ticular instances of shabbiness. Pennsyl vania avenue was poorly paved, poorly lighted and covered with mud. The old caual was a receptacle for the filth of. the city. Jabbering negroes filled the market place with miserable carts tied up with topes and drawn by poor, Jaded animals, Their market truck was anything but in viting. A gentleman who became tired of waiting for a family coach that was to take him iu tbo country to dinner strolled from his "sJ5Tel to the market place and found the vehicle, in which he seated himself to await tlio coming of the black Jehu. He felt something moving under his feet, and, lol it was a little pig which was to be sold and the proceeds taken to buy fruit and nuts for the entertainment! Kate field's Wash; ington. News For Pupa. A tiny boy of my acquaintance was taken some years ngo to the Corcoran Art gal lery. A large painting representing the death of Moses made a very powerful im pression upon his mind and induced ques tions which were perhaps rather carelessly anuwered. That evening, when the little fellow's father came in, the child rushed up to him crying in iiwestnlck toue "Bad news, papa! bad news! Mutes hi deauY' Washington Star A Stingy Husband. Ho How are you feeling Bince you began taking your new tonic. She I feel as if I had been born over again. He Great Scott! I hope you won't claim to liavo two birthdays and want presents on both of them. Texas Sittings. u IP PROGRESS. People who pet tile greatest degree oi comlort aim real en joyment out of life, are those who make the most out ; of their opportunities. Quick perception and eood iudirmcnt, lead such monintly to adopt and make use of those refined and unproved products of modern inventive genius winch best serve the needs of their physical Heine. AccoruitiL'ly, the most intelligent and progressive people are found to einnlov the most refined and X. perfect laxative to reg- i ulate aim tone up me Ss stomach, liver, and v bowels, when in need of such an agent hence the great popularity of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are made from the purest, most refined and concentrated vegetable extracts, and from lorty-two to forty -lour are contained in each vial, which is sold at the same price as the cheaper made and more ordinary pills found in the market. In curative vir tues, there is no comparison to be made be tween them and the ordinary pills, as any one may easily learn by sending for a free sample, (four to seven doses) of the Pel lets, which will be sent on receipt of name and address on a postal card. QNCE USED THEV ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belcbings, "heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from over-eating, they are un equaled. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. EVERYBODY SERIOUSLY ILL. PROMINENT PERSONAGES FROM FAR AND NEAR. Crispi. He is in V x ?' e e v e n ty-fifth - Accent no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good It mav be better for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the one who needs help. Address for free sample, World's Dispensary MKniCAt. Asso ciation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V- Weakness may be Inherited, or it may result from neglect and care lessness. Thin, weak, " run down " persons need Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver OH and the most nourishing food known to science. It is palatable and more effective than plain oil. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't bs deceived by Substitutes! . A Whole Neighborhood Whose Tempera ture Reached nn Alarming Figure. The following story is told by one who vouches for its truth: Dr. Blank is a popular physician In one of our suburban towns. He is adored by the ladies, and his charges to his fair con stituency are not heavy, and when he says a person is sick there is no use in denying it. Not long ago a prominent business man went home suffering from a severe cold. The next morning he was worse, nnd his wife would not let him come to his office Iu Boston. "You must have Dr. Blank," she said: "a stitch in time saves nine." The business man sat by the fire toasting his shins when the physician arrived. Let's see your tongue. Any fever? Yes, a little. You must go to bed." Dr. Blank made a rapid diagnosis of his patient. "How's your temperature? What, 125? hy, you are a great deal sicker mau than you are nware of. Temperture 123 degrees indeed! Mrs. A. you must get this man to heri nrlio ullMi.. " 7 Thoroughly frightened, the business man allowed himself to be put to bed. For 10 days he lingered there, feeling, to bo sure, not so very ill, but with his temperature at that most dangerous point. The wife mean- while grew more and more nervous. Her huRband did not seem very sick. He ate well and slept well but that tcmperaturel And tho doctor said no one bad ever been known to get well with a temperature like that. Finally, without consulting any one, slm sent in town for the old family physician. He is a bluff, hearty old f el low, never wast ing words or mincing mntters. He drove out to tho A.'s and went into the sickroom "What's the matter? What are you shut un hero for? ' was his greeting. "I don't know, doctor," feebly responded the business man. I am going to die." The old physician examined his pulse and inspected his tongue. "No trouble. There you're all right," he said. "But my temperature," persisted the sick man. "You hnve't taken my temperature. It is 125." "A hundred nnd nothing," bluffly replied the doctor, whipping out his thermometer and annlving it to Ins patient. "Your temperature is normal," he said at last. "Get up and dress yourself and to morrow go to your office. There's been nothing the mntter with you but the cold everv one is having." Mr. A. obeyed. That afternoon they heard of several other cases in that suburb, 11 under the care of the popular Dr. Blank, who were dangerously ill and all having a temnemture of 125 degrees. At nitfht Mrs. A. went round to Dr. niank's and told htm what she had done: that her husband was up nnd dressed, and that he would return to business In the ftorning. But she did not feel well her self. Perhaps she was tired out. one amn i know. Dr, Blank looked at her. She did Innk tired. He felt her pulse, it oeat ruH,pr fast. He took her temperature, it urn a 125 rleirrees. 'Wliv. vou are very ill," nosniu. - xou bnnld be at homo and in bed. Your tem perature is 12o degrees." lit k i an K looKeu I1UX1UU3. "There Isn't anything the matter with .w thermometer. Is merer' Mrs. a. nulrpriV Dr. Blank placed It under uis own longue. "And I declare! bo is mine, ' ne cneu. n.tnr. let me look at it," said Mrs. A., toking the little Instrument that had sent on . n nponlo to bed that week to await a near and certain death. And in halt a minute the little woman naa soiveu me mystery of the sudden epiuemic oi nigo temperatures. ine luamumcio broken. Boston jeuntu. The Oueen'l Wine Cellar. n, ..pn nnssesses an immense quan tity of wine, there being very large cellars, and most of them full, at St. James' palace. Windsor castle nnd Buckingham palace, v-- etn'le nf wine is kept either at Os borne or at Balmoral, the supplies of those places being renewed as often as may be necessary. The queen's collection of old port and sherry, Kast India Madeira and cabinet Rhine wines is probably the largest and finest In the country, and her majjstj has a splendid cellar of imperial Tokay, i.i.,k Prince Albert's favorite dessert n.rr, IV nurehased vast quantl tUsof port, Madeira and sherry which he .itnBl to import free of duty, and r .,' ' -mt. of the household ta thrUblt of getting great deal of wine In the same way under the pretext That it was being ordered by them for the king. London orlu. Koval Lesili All. The Royal Baking Powder is the pnr .( nd stroneest baking poder m?,le! . j i ;,.l h h ifhest award all he i great international and Plate fi r. whenever exhibited in compet.t.on The judge of award, on baking pow der at the late Chicago Fair, Prof. H. W.Wilev, writes that the impertinent claims of other companies that they re ceived the highest award for strength Tnd parity arefals. ; that no such award, wart given them. People Who Have Gained Distinction in Their Particular Sphere In Life, Both in This Country and Abroad Francesco C'rlapl, Not the least impressive figure of the trio of Europe's grand old men Glad stone, Bismarck and Crispi is the Ital ian statesman, ex- N Premier Francesco in his year, ovf; V Eibera, Sicily, in V ' idWw .'. 1819. Educated for a'i'C5-Ti'' tne 'aw le was d- lXaples. He took a lvvl leadin8 Part 'n tne Francesco chupi. insurrection of 1848, and after its failure went into exile. In I860-'60 he organized another revolution, landed at Palermo with Garibaldi, and became a memnerol tne provisional government. In 18G1 he was elected to the first Parlia ment of United Italy, and in 1876 be came President of the Chamber of Deputies. In 1887 lie was chosen Pre mier, resigned in 1891. not to resume office till 181)3. His present retirement will probably be but for a brief period. Willlnin Ward Dumeld. General William Ward Duffield, the newly-appointed Superintendent of the coast and geodetic Burvey, was born at Carlisle, Pa., in 1823. in i4 he was gradu ated from Columbia College, and served in the Mexican war on the staff of General Gideon J. Pillon. By hard service in the late war he sained the rank of Brigadier General of the Fourth Michigan Infantrv. President Lincoln bre- vetted him Maior- General for conspicu ous gallantry in the wm. w. uffield. batttle of Murfreesboro. As engineer he has managej many great works, and was engaged as chief engineer in the con struction of the Kentucky Union rail road when appointed to his present po sition. Though past 70 years of ace. he is still vigorous. Captain Kuiiiious. The foot ball season, now in full swing, is one of interest. A picture of Em mons, Captain of the Harvard team, ac- coniDanies this Bkutcli. Yale, Prince ton and Harvard have scored easy victories. though perhaps the best work lias been done by Harvard, which encourages the crimsons very much. Princeton has done well, and though the largest score has been made by Yule, it has played the weakest team. Emmons h done solemlidwork for Harvard, lie ib quite voting and likely to be prominent in the athletic world for an indelinite period. Grand Duke Michael The Grand Duke Michael, who has acted as Kegent with the Czarowitz of Russia since the Czar became unable to attend to affairs of State, is a great uncle of the Czarowitz. He was born October 13, 1832. He occupies the position of Field Mar shal in the liassian army, and is also 'resident of tne State's Council Chief of Artillery married in um rrin- BWSRMiiW.'tfes:. vv. cess Cecilia of Baden, 883 u hnil oil in 1N I1- Tim WELL PUT. It makes me mournful to think." said an old veteran of the G. A., " that this good right arm of mine, which carried a musket in a hundred fights, should now be all doubled up and out of shape with rheuma tism." " Well, look here: where have vou been living all this time, that you don't know tSt. Jacobs Oil will cure vou V And straightway he went for a bottle, and lo! he was cured also. The straight way isthe sure way for the accomplishment of any goud in this life, and the seeking of the great remedy for the cure of pain is surely iue uesi way, ask inose wno nave Deen benefited and they will put you straight. A Dvflunt Son of Arkansaw Colonel F. L. Frea told a cood storv at Ihe Liudell recently. It smacked strongly of the early days of Arkansas, when trav elers were supposed to have fled from justice In the states to find refuge inside the boundaries of Arkansas. "A lot of us were sitthui in the barroom of the old Pickwick hotel," said the colonel, "and some of us were about ready tor bed. As there was only one sleening- room and at least u dozen guests were to bs accommodated, there was considerable grumbling. Purt of the. men went to be nd the rest of us lighted our pipes and drew up to the fire. The conversation be gan by the statement of one man, who said he was a native of New York. Another gave the place of his nativity as Virginia, another Illinois, and so ou until all but one man had given the state and county where his birth occurred. Upon the declaration f each that he was bom iu a certain state, some one was ready with a good story to illustrate the character and habits of Its people. Lx-Governor Throckmorton of Texns ncted as chairman or class leader, and the last man seemed reluctant to divulge the secret of his birthplace. Throckmorton said to the silent guest, My friend, we have all given iu our testimony, aud the company would be glad to know where you were born.' 1 'Well, gentlemen, since you are so anx ious to know, I was born in Arkansas, Now, hang you, laugh I' The roars of laughter following this ad mission were deafening, nnd Throckmorton ordered n quart of the best bourbon In the house, which we finished in honor of our Arkansas friend." St. Louis Republic CAPTAIN EMMONS. and , yXfsV:? v Government Report ON TESTS OP Baking Powders. Analysis by the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Agricultural Dep't proves Dr. Price's to be superior iu leavening strength aud purity to all other powders. THE PROOF. (From Official Records). Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder The award of highest honors to Lenvenlng Gas. Cub. in. per oz. . 166 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder at the World's Columbian Fair was the result of investigation by the Government authorities and leading experts in food products. It ftanips Or. Price's as the best and strongest baking powder ever offered to the public. Fireproof ltulUllngs. Scarcely a week goes by that one or an other of the journals devoted to architec ture does not contain some article by ex perienced nnd able writers bearing upon the flreprooling of buildings, and without doubt there could be formulated from these articles ii system of principles that would be thoroughly ellicieut to meet the require ments. Iu the attempt to discover right principles tho advice aud assistance of the now noted flreprooling companies should not be neglected. The demand was no sooner created for a science of ftreproofing than it was Immediately met by the forma tion of companies for the purpose of sup plying it. The new industry, with experi ence as its teacher, has developed year by year until nt the present moment there is not a first class architect or engineer in the country who will deny that an absolutely fireproof building can be built and at "reasonable cost. Yet fires of the most disastrous character are constantly occurring in buildings ad vertised by their owners us fireproof. It is not surprising, therefore, 'lint a large ele ment, probably a vast majority, of the en tire community doubt the possibility of constructing nn absolutely fireproof build ing. It is an incontrovertible fact that ev ery fire which has taken place in a "fire proof building has been due to the indis criminate use of combustible material in Its construction. Moreover, it may be dem onstrated t hat fireproof material could have been substituted for the material burned at a cost not exceeding 20 percent. Engineer ing Magazine. A Murk of Gratitude. The rough Englishman has a curious way of showing his gratitude. A (lean teiia u! k man whose wife had been ill, and to whom the visiting clergyman had been kind. One day the husband called on his wife's spirit ual adviser aud said: "Mestur Whitworth, you've been very kind to my ould girl when she wor sick so long abed, and I want to do yer a good turn and I can do yer a good turn. There's going to be the grnndileBt dog fight In this place tomorrow, and I can get yer iuto the inner ring!" HulTalo Com mercial. A HKItAI.K Of TI1K INFANT YKAR. Conscienceless Newsboys. A couple of thoroughly disreputable newsboys, who I suppose will some day sit hi an electiDcut ion chair and deserve their fate, have formed u syndicate to cheat the benevolent. They find the benevolent people whom they defraud in the restaurants and table d'hote lairs in the vicinity of Twenty-third street. They have iu their employ the tini est boy I ever saw. Ho doesn't seem to be more than a foot high. - He is dressed in long trousers, a little jumper and a peaked cap. With a dem'ir lr he enters the res taurant with an armful of evening papers. Apparently he is Iu business on bis own ac count, and dozens of people, amused at his size and struck with compassion, buy of him. They don't want the papers, but the little Imp presents Buch a comical appearance that he Is irresistible. Those who don't buy will hand him a nickel or a dime may be out of compassion, thinking that it must be a hard family fate indeed that has driven one so young to peddling. The real things that have driven the boy to do what he does are the pair of urchins outside. They wuit patiently until the small child reappears, aud then they take all the money he has made. To prevent him from cheating them they search his pockets, make him open his mouth to show that there Is no colli concealed there, ana examine his fists. So well does the scheme pay that the syndicate doesn't havo to sell a single paper, being able to make a good enough living olT the youngster. I questioned the two the other day and learned that the small child receives ouly a few cents' worth of candy a day tor hia lubor. New York Herald. Anlntitls Iu Fire. When Cyprus was the center of the cop per indust ry, it is asserted that a 4-footed auiiuul with wings lived in the hottest fur naces among the lire, and furthermore that it would die instantly upon being removed from its natural element, the flumes. The salamander of old was also a creature which did not dread the fire. Some say that it could ent tire and spit flames; others that its breath would ignite all combustibles. I'liny Buys, "This animal Is so intensely cold as to extinguish fire by its contact, in the same way that ice doth." St. Louis Re public Still In the Family. A singular illustration of the perstsl ence with which the Japanese adhere te their family vocations is seen In an an nouncement in a Japanese newspaper that a cert, in celebrated dancing master was te hold a service in honor of the oue thou sandth anniversary of the dentil of his an cestor, who was the first of the family to take up the profession. A QUOD rilVSICIAN. AIM IS k P' THE FITtrCURE Is a 8i mill Certain llemady Small at llnnin Treatment No Noto. ' rlotj-No Interruption of Work No Inju rious 1C tracts or Aoj Sort-But a Frfact, Positive, I'ermanviit Cure. THE CURE GUARANTEED. Wm ham lt'ttrg from leading1 temper ane oi ht-r), from yhmlclnnt and from humire-ti , r imtUnU, all telling tha utorr of Its !f(Vctt perti. n ii ent, wonderful euret. CorrahniH.enee Mrletly confidential. It baa t1 i -i.t'vmpnt of the MuMcbaietta Total Abitmeuoo oodety of Boston. MASSACHUSETTS SONS Or TEMPXB ANCS Have purchased 1,000 of the F1TT1 CURB to bs given to Indigent persons afflicted with the dls. aasc nf alcoholism. W It Is within th reach o( every on In price. Call on us or write ns for testimonials. N. J. STONK CO., Room 7, Flood building, San Francisco, Cal., Oeueral Agents for Pacllio Coast. VV. L. Douglas cunr is thi stir. yd OrlWsM NOSaUCAKINO 95. CORDOVAN. . CDrkifu ckiAun i rrnri r- nLKunutLivM'itlLLVvnUi 4.3.s-PFlNECAlf&kAN6ABH 3.5PPOUCE,3SOU5. 2.I7J BOYSSCHOOlSHDESl LADIES. 22.U. Grand Duke has seven i i i , i Cliuuren, hix buiih aim miANn nmii; one daughter, Anas- miliiaki- tasia. born in lnbu. who married the reigning Grand Puke of Alecklenburg-bchwerin. Tlioinas i. Trenc-hard Thomas G. Trenchard, Captain of the Princeton foot ball team, is one of the interesting persons oi the loot ball sea son, lie is not a new man, as this is his third year on the Princeton team. Trenchard is 20 years of age, weighs 155 pounds and is 5 feet 7 inches in height. He was prepared for college at Lawrence ville, where he made quite a reputation as a foot ball player. He is the third junior to be selected as Cap tain of the Princeton eleven, that honor, with these excep tions, having been conierrea on seniors since 1876. LITERARY NOTES. Clip Hie lust thirty years or more from the eentiiiy, Hnrt the segment will represent tho terra of the unbounded popularity of HoKtet ter's Htotnach Hitters. The opening of the year lstidwlll be signalized by the apiiearauee of a fresh Almanac of the Hitters, in which Hie uses, derivation and action of this world-famous medicine will be lucidly set forth. Everybody should read It. The calendar and astronomical calculations to be lound in this brochure are always astonishingly accurate, and the Hlatlstfc illustrations, humor and other rending matter rich in Interest and full of profit. The Hostelter Company of IMttsburg, l'u.. publfnh It them selves. They employ more than sixty hands In the mechanical work, and more than eleven mouths in the year are consumed In Its prepara tion. It can be obtained, without cost, of all driik'gists and country dealers and Is printed In Kngllrdi, German, French, Welch, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and hjMinish. English Itnllroad Rates. There Is sufficient evidence to show that English railway rates; if thoy have not been so high as to interfere with the nat ural development of a trade that has In East years enjoyed redundant prosperity, nve at any rute been notably higher than the average rates charged on foreign rail ways. And not only so, but while the rates on other systems have been more or less re duced of late years English railway rates ' have remained comparatively unaltered. Reductions have, no doubt, been made fc"e and Uu're, and iu some cases over a considerable areu, but the railway compa nies adhere to their established principle ot charging as much as the tralllo will bear, which means in agood many Instances fully as much as they can get compatibly with keeping the traffic alive. It Is tnisadmlttcd practice which has led to a species of revolt on the part of largo bodiesof traders, which lias evolved the Manchester snip canal, and which has now for many years past threat ened the evolution of other canals designed to provide transport between the midlands and the sea, as well as the revival of the whole canal system of thecountry, In active competition with railway lines. The railways ugain plena tne niga cm- ciencyof the service they render, and for this, no doubt, they are entitled to all praise; but, to use an aphorism of tho lute Lord lieaconsfleld, you are not likely to allay the pangs of hunger by regaling your guest witli u bottle of Maraschino. Fort nmhtly Itevlew. lie is the best physician who takes ait vantage of any remedy that oilers the right kind of relief. Some medicines relieve, but for the moment only. Their ultimate ef fect is to increase the suffering. Ai.icock's Pokoi's Pi.astkrs are a uni versal favorite with good physicians, and are always recommended by them for local pains of every kind. In all cases of lame or weak baok, stillness of the joints, rheu matism, indigestion, kindey trouble, they are by far the best external remedy. Not only do Allcock's 1'oaotis Plastshs re lieve pain, but they have no aftor ill effects. They are uoon, only hood, thohouuiii.y ooou 11 kanpritii's Pills rectify the secretions. Hvbll When Btevo nronosed to me he aetad like a fish out of water. Tlrple Why shouldn't uui iiu anew lie was caiigni. OATAHKII CANNOT UK CUltKI) CA1T. TltENCllAltD. Mrs. Burton Harrison is writing a series of articles lor and about society Girls which The Ladies Home Journal will begin in one of its early issues. The quaint little women of Kate Greenaway are to be seen in a magazine for the first time since tneir creation. Miss Greenaway lias heretofore always drawn them in color and for book pub lication. Now, however, she ib at work upon a special series of her curious tots (or The Ladies' Home Journal, and in that periodical they will alternate with a new series of Palmer Cox's funny "Brownies." The only picture as yet published in this country of the late Philip Gilbert Hamerton, painter, poet and critic, fur niehes the frontispiece of The Illustrated American of the current week. The work of Karl Bitter, with illustrations of bis genins as shown in the bronze doors of Trinity Church, New York city, in the statues at George Vanderbilt's North Carolina palace and in the mag' nificent panels in the great railway sta tion at Philadelphia, inspires an anmi rablv written article. The new "Ex tended Order " drill in the Minnesota National Guard is explained in interest ing text and by animated photographs. New York's five-million-doflar driveway is another of the illustrated features. The series of illustrators is devoted this week to William H. Hyde. Under the title of "The Passing of the Mummer Isis " Mr. Nirdlinger discusses the deca dence of the ridiculous cnlt that has put the player above the play in the estima tion of the general. A more than ordi narily interesting series of personal ex periences and admirable half-tone por traits of the most notable persons of the day make op a number of peculiar attraction. Jtukhnts Yon comnlaln of the exoense of a typewriter: why don't you have yourwifedo Itf lieupees i can t aictaie to my wue. Persons who have Clever seen The Illu- UnUd Amerimn, the monarch of the week lies, can secure copies of this beautiful publication, free of charge, by writing to the ofllce, 5 and 7 East Sixteenth street, New ork. Dizzy Spells Mr. E. Stiff", proprietor of the Centennial Rolling and Floor Mills, Uailev. Mich.. tells the following storv of his troubles and the relief afforded by Hood s oarsapanlla: "Six months ago I wasin very poor health. I had stomach and bowel trouble, dizzy spells, also very sick turns of stomach, with beat' Ing and throbbing of chest end head v.. v' 1 was TV' A Nearly Deaf IT.1-!. . S.v ' H SSI 111 HID lltllt l, VX 'A r DJ'M miUiunnii.ginmy ) I ' mM bead. I icd two m y . wami hot W WhW&. ties of Hood's 8ar- rjHU vn fleet ... felt a ciiance lor mo better. My hearing has been restored and all the ether troubles have vanished, bo I feel like a new man. 1 keep Hood's Harsaparell on hand, also ltrwul'a Pilla ' V. STirv. Ilnilev. Mich- A.r nv V i r HooaVs' Cures MnnH'a Pilla are Dirt' it vcirt-Uhlf. tcp. fccliy aitirittloAi, alwayi ruliaMv and beiitffVf.uL 2-Vta,, "nw araYw mmi k Vict. ndv f m II 1 V $1.00 Bottfo. tftl 1 II fl m JL Ii ia sold on a amaranth by ail draa rlt. It euras lncipienv uonaumpiio.. ..rvrt i to taal Uov U WTu vum with LOCAL APrLinATIONH.M thnr cannot reach the it'tit of the disi'ine, Catnrrh in a blood or constitutional ritKoitHe, and In order to euro It you mtiHt take internal romedlon. Ilnll'i ('a larrli Cure 1h taken inUinmlly, and act" directly on tho blood and mucous mi fares. HalL'f Ca tarrh euro In not u quack medicine. 1 1 was pro Northed by one ot tne bcht phyHletann in thin country for yearn, and ii a regular prescription, It in I'omponi'd of the bent ton ten known, com bined with tiie h-Ht blfluj mirlIcrs. actliitf di rectly ou tho mucous Mirfitcen. The nerfmtt cHiiiiiiiiniion oi i ne iwo iukicuivuui in wutll pro u iicet. nucn wouaeriui n mum in curing itunrm. ttend (or testimonial, free. V, J. CIliiNkY A CO., I'ropn., ToUiio, O. Bold by drustclnts; prleo, 71 cents. Reputation 7 Cannot Come hf accident; It cornea from satisfied customers. Safety anil satisfaction coma from dealing at the beat place. The bast plaice la the HKHT. For the best .lewelrr, Watches, Clocks, Novelties In Uold and hllvcrware, especially suitable tor Hollilar presents. write to A. FELDENHEIMER, The Issillni anil largest lions. In 1'ortlaml, Or. Moat reasonable prices. All aoofls are warranted Prompt attention given to country ordera. Dse Bnamsllne Stove Voltsb ; no dust, no smell Tt Obbhi. for breakfast. "Ely's Cream Balm W.I.Li VIJUK CATARRH c l'rl AO Out,, I tpplytialui lnloeah liOHtrll Ul iBUl, M lirru It., M un. "BesTDNG0M. SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL DOUGLAS BROCKTON. MASS Tod enn aave money by wearing the W. L. Don sine 93. OO Shoe. Reeniiee, we are the largest manufacturers ti thin grade of nhopn In the world, and guarautee the if value by stfimpfug the name and price on the ant torn which rrvtw toii ntrAfnpit hfirh nrleenend muiaieman s profits. Our shoes eoual custom rork In style, easy fit tin and wealing qualities we nave mom nohl erery whore at lower prices for she value Riven than any othrr make. Take no mib. jtltute. If your dealer oaunot supply you, we can. NGRAVING 1 1 I'lUNTKIta (SHOULD KNOW tlmt the old: nnd bent 1 hoi oen lira v lug olllre In Hun r run claco wtis entiihltnhed Jn l(77 by the MuuiiRer ot tho DKWKY. KN Oil A VI. NO CO., Who bun secured the latest and bent 1 in prove liicntn-nvorflt processes ami n full complement of the most approved machinery, photo ap I tumlus, powerful elee rlc HifhlfL.etc. lliLvlnff HP. MtttoHUrinsHt MM. experience anl superior arilsta, tills Hon per Co. turns out the b Ik bent cliuia of work rmnptly, relluhly uml at unitornily moderi.te E rices for all kinds nf eiiKravlng. l'uollshers helped m l up niti'diil Issues. Job printers and ot httra toiiliiseml for Hittnpies.pntunnien unci lufornmtiua lT.lKWKy.Mauugur,.UUMt.rkutut. . V. Uai gin eswvja iaiOKHDWSisaPflYS iiiunellicPi'tnluni1 j Jif ih uliotors a Itiumkis. L fLup,,.,,, ,. , , t hue ly old nrncraara. I V J - -a"" CaliiliorlellanlUlaiiit lS 1?,r"K .1 it ,nnd (leacrilica every Vfj i l"t ""ed I Pl lirlenredecl ftir tllcti, jKjiuiry uusiuera, The "ERIE" IT, iiifchiintcnuy the l-cnt vliecl. rrclttcatm(Kll. Ve ore l'ncilic Count ureiils. Uicvcle cnl luKuc.umilcd fiec.Klvt'S fnlldrrlnH n n-lrrt rlc, aoitntb WANTrn. PETALUMA INCUBATOR C0..1V Hltims.Ci. Khanch Unt'sit, aii S Mniti St., l.on Ani'Us. FRAZER-a BEST III THE WORLD. VrfllVaCMaU Itswearlnkqiialltles are nniuris(1, actually (ilitlasllliK two boxes of any other bramt. . Free from Animal Oils. I1KT TIIK (IKNIJINK. KUIt HALE 11Y ORKliON AND atWWASIHSOTON MKKOIIANT8 and Dealers goue'ally. 20 Silk Neckties. SI. Wo mall you our Little 4-ln-Hsnd Wonder and oiililt for W4ln-liKnd silk nccktit-s. Throe little J 1.. 1 1 1.. ..... ....till ...itis oil a. ....Air, I.. a. -. Tho wonder lasts ynur lifetime, and with It you chu nlwii) b have new silk ties at a coil ot about lo each. If vou doubt un, write us for rvfeienc A urnnd CliflsliiiHS pre went to any mail. Hend monoy by exprunn, nistored loiter or postal uoiuen uaie necaii bo. 6:t0 Market HU, Buu Kruuoisco. Cal. NEW WAY EAST; Portland. Walla Wnllu, KpnkHiie, via O. R & N. Hallway and (JrijHt Nortlioin Hallway to MrmtHim jmiIiiLn. Ht. Ynxil. Alluneapol I a, Omitha. Ht. Louis. Chi CftKoand mast. Addrcnn neurcht BKut. C. C, Ihmnvaii, Con. Agt., I'ortland.Or.; H.C.Hte vous.Ocn. Aiti.. Health. WiimIi.; 0.(1. liion,(Jen, AKt.. Hpnkane, Wash. No dust; rock'ballHet track; flno wenory; pnl are nleepliig nnd dlnlnRCHrs; buirct llbrary earn; family tourist sleepers; now cqulpmuut. HENRY'S -. CARBOLIC '.' SALVE The most powerful healing olutiuuutevur nmoovereo. HKNHY'H CAHHOUO BALVK cures sores. " allays burns. 11 " 11 he Is pimples. " " ' " cures wound) and cuts. Ask for Henry's: lake no other. Ho ware of counterfeits. Hold by ail druggists; 'lb cents a box. N. P. N. U. No. 673-8. F. N. U. No. 650 K XI' it baa fKKPAID. Hend 7rc, $1, ll.fiU or for the finest retail box of ine ueni ana purest i.aiiiiien in Aiuuricn; uumiiy rut un 111 cleiant bnses. sultHbla for Holiday present. Strictly pure. Kxprasa charKen dd to any point In Oregon, VtasuiuKtoij and iho. iry it once. SPA, 973 Washlngtoa Ht.( I'oKUml, Or. Wholesale and Itatall C'oufootlouera fuaranU'Cd. Tut up I folldav ureseiil. Hti p'epald to any point In Oregon, luatio. iry it once. DYQERTS' Hurler's ('hocolata and Ron bona Always In II toe It. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OP SAPOLIO MALARIA I Thrfp docn only. Try It. DO YOU 'KKL BAl? UOK8 YOUK BACK aeh? Jrtw every tp eom s burdHn7 Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. HOLTON HOUSE, Fourth and Alder Streets, Portland, Or. J. C. FAI.I.OM A CO.. I'ltOI'H. KUKOFKAIf and Amerlean plans. W rejoins. Free 'bus meets all trains and steamers. Hutbs Irec. Hea soiiatjle rate.. II. I1KWH, MaaaKur, (lormerlr of Mcrehanta' Hotel, Haley, Idaho, aud U. I1. Hotel, North riatUi, hub.) SMOKE. Sweet Virginia PLUG CUT DROPSY TitRATKii rnr.r. Poslllr ly Ourad with Vatal)ln.mdl Have citron th.usand. or oaM.. i;ura oaM. pro Kiunned hiM)l0M tr be.lphf.lilans. Kruni nr.tdosa 'mpbtnis disappear: In utn darsattaaM iwo-miras I urmpuim. r.nin.ad. Bend for frea buok tastlmo llals i,l mlrai'ill'ius cures. Ten nays' troatmenl rea It. mall, ir yon (irflar inai. wno ion. in sianipr ,k,.ij,u. Un ll.ll llilBNrlNH.Atlanta.Ua. Jruuumerlrlalraturn tills advarluwiusut to us BVKRY OOCAHIOBI, bnad Buult wltk RI JEJT T2 WIS BMIW1 IfanufaaturtHi by OlMMBT A PKV sMnaor.d riwtorrdr llt..i fc-niit"i., iVeak oi e in or v, 4ttopby,.ic u eaknri , ft ( Surely ciri'! yOLUH ACME Tunc'a ntMEDV rOLUN ACME 1 ha moU won Tfiilathirvemenl In Medical Science. dged pcrmsucnt Curs guaranteed. Vw Yurk addrmi lu-ny Fulton bt P Tha lite gena and vita) (nice ( plants und ilcwart it gives vigor, power and sirs lo the vital organs ol F.aty to carry In vett pocket. Frice Sent la plsla wrapper, or al til Drug guts asarrte, WH mo, aoursMNoa MS. wimslow's vnmr m poll vHILDRKM TBKTHIPia POTWl.TaJIIranil.H. UCasksMIIS. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. BtiTTOurfiHOrKltlKfland I'ltOVIHIONBnf ut. and 'tyill sav vou rnoiiev. K hsn.ilo thr bni rmkIs en 4 dell var ir-e U trains or boats. We hoy and sell for Kt cash, and 11 jr'iA 4 fhoar then any other flrrn lo the country. Hend ns your nemo and addreae, and we will ms'j 4u our new prloe list, which will be out soon. We otter to-day: Cltmas tohscoo, 4Uceuts per )"jnd. Iry grartutated utter In 100-1 b. sacks for l' ' I Best toil oil mr oese Best brands ol flour per Iwrrel 16 Arbuckle's ri.ffwe pmr pound. iad a a liet W what yoa need, aud we will nkrraPuU prie. addreas yeurojders to MARK L. COHN V TO I4 front trtf Portland, or. CMsasatlvee aod people who bare weak Ionics or A sib tne, should ase Piso's Core for Coaeamptloo. It haa ear saeweeuMia It baa not I n far ed one, 1 1 la not bad io take. It la the beet oougb ijrnp, Sold everywaere. if X J. J'