Volume II. DIRECTORY. uscolx corcrrt. ulnt Senator Ct Representative, Count JUdgB C;erf " '. jberlff ' . . Ijffsuporlntendwt tarvevor Asiejsor Coroner Tol. Carter Jno, D. Daly 8. V. Burt B. F, Jones George Landls J. L. Hvde Geo, Bethere Jos. Gideon T.E. Parker Dr. F. M. Carter Chas. WUllami J. J, Brlstow ..,, fommlssloners Court meeta on Vo,i resday after the first Monday In February, April, Juno, August, October and December, CIRCUIT COURT. joa, J u- ruiienuu, , T.. J . eo. M. Drown, Proi, Attorney Court aonvenes on third Monday In May and fourth Monday In Kovember of each year. TOLEDO PRECLNCT. ! .0 of the Peace J. A. Hall Chtts. Ruhl CITV OF TOLEDO H. ff. Vincent ....Mayor .Keeurder J, A. Hall A, niu,ii H. Ruhl .... Marshal C. B. Crosno,... W. H. Alexander A. 0. Krogstad, Geo. Bathers, I.eter Waugh a. F, Collamore "1 Aldermen Council meets on the first Monday evening in ea'-n month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCII.-Servlces will be held under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal church as follows: First fcunday in each month at Elk City school house it 11 , m, and 7 p. m. Second and Fourth Sun day" at Toledo, at 11 a. m. and 7 P. m, Third ganday at Mill Four school house, at 8 p, m, All are oordlally invited to attend. A. L. iUW'Uir, l'aiitor, Address, Toledo, Oregon. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Protestent Episcopal. 'Divine service the third Sunday of everv uiuuili, at 11 a. m. All " Invito to ttnrf. Rev. Chaa. Booth, Mlislonary. Residence, "Eeotory," Newport, Or, 10. 0. F. Toledo Lodge, No. 10S. Meet every Friday evening at their hall In this town. J, F. STBWARTSeoy, A. Rochester, K. 0' 10. 0, F. Bay Lodge No, 116, of Yaqnlna City, meat) every Saturday evening, Visiting brothers are always welcome. E. J, Buaaows, Secretary. H. M. Brnuk K. G. 1u. u, t. Jieete every Thursday e f;30 o'clock, in Grady's hall, this evening H. K. Fant, C, T adv's hall, this town it. is. uoiuns, Beoretary, T 0. 0. F. Newport Lodge No. 89, meets every Ji.illj- invited to attend, - rBiu.uBjBioiiiiig, viBiuug urumers are cor W, E, Abbott. 1. i smith, secretary, N, G AF. & A. M. Newport Lodge No, 85. regular convocation on Saturday on or before each full moon, Visiting brothers are cordially welcomed. Jas. H. Russell, W, M. Jas. Robeetsom, Secy. G A. 11. Phil Sheridan Post No. 24, meets . every seoond and fourth Thursday evening. . .,.P"0' Sylvestee, Com, E. A. Bekbell, Adjt. H. DENLINGER, Attorney-at-Law, 'pLUDO, OREGON. KOB'T CAMPBELL, . JfcOPRIBTOB or Toledo Meat Market, DEALS IH Fresh and Cured Meats OP ALL jINDS. o!edo, - - ' Oregon I A. HAM,, iV Justice of the Peace! l'oledo, Oregoa, Jeeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers 14 Vi'I 'O'mMmm. Careful attention . ... .v ... uu.iucii entrustea to my care, M. Hansen, WATCHBAKEB And, JEWELER, Work of all kind Guaranteed, Toledo. Oregon, The Alsea House Walflport, Lincoln County, Oregon. Headquarters for politicians, tour istS; hunters and the nublie. Comfort, cleanliness and good grub hi iow rates, our motto. Feed stable and saddle ponies. War. r, Wakefield, Prop. Oregon- Paoific Railroad COMPANY, CHAS. CLARK, Receiver. Connecting with steamer HOMER oerween Yaquina and San Fran' tisco. SAILING DATES: RL??r leTe San Francisco April 23rd, and bout every ten days thereafter. S'I?rif.r.lev.e' Yaquina April 29th, and about eery ten Amvm thA ,..,.. iHsimroi. Fr Freight and Passenger rates apply to any gem. Has. j. hexury, son & to., Sos. 2 to I Market St., San Francisco, California. CHAS. CLARK, Receiver, ifogtt fattfl fofe?' Toledo, Lincoln County,! Oregon, Thursday, October 4, 894. ' Number 31. 1 , 1 . 11 d(JST BOYS' $4 to 812 Wooi Socks 25 cts. Suits Made to Order Extra Value, f Ladies' All A Pair of Fast Black. 83.00 and 83.50 MAIL ORDERS 9'BRIEN'S, A strictly high-grade Family Hmi ttMUna. ponsslng all modera improTemenM. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prloea t?t raasonaWa. ObtaW them from roar lomi dealer asd mtka MmparlioM. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURIHB CO BELVIDERE, ILL. THE ODELL Typ e Writer. L n. Kill the ODELL TYPE WRITER A"'Kv .k..r..r il si.v lar the SIN' OLE CASE ODEL'L, warranted to do better work than any machine maae. ease oi operation, wears longer """"'"".",; repairs man any omer wauniuv. rlfibon to bother the operator. It 1 neat, sub. stantlal, nlckle-plated, perfect, and adapted to alUindioltypewrltlng; Like a printing pre;, it pioSucessarp, olean, leglUe iiianuwipM. Tivo or ten oopies can be made at one writing, Anv lnteillgem person cn " " n-vra si oiw to anv ouerator who can equal the work ol the UOl'lJLE CASE 5h.m iiAnts and Salesmen wan ted. Spec ial Inducements to Dealers. , For Pamphlet giving adornments, etc, ad dreis ,. Odell Type wmor yw 35S-BC4 Dearborn 8t, uuuju,ii.i. No More Back Ache Yn N STI PATI ON. un AUATinMsffi BLADDER. 0 rrmvrV DISUSES. For .Sale. Two good residence lots in the f Toledo: one corner lot and ion " . . . .. ia oHinmincr. oize OI ana lnsiuc iuk -j rPt. Well located, 101 K'cn d at a decided bar- r Ifc- II IV anu w - . . gain. Call at this office. IndeioericierLt in etll things, iLSTeuLtreal inNothing. ARRIVE IA Full Line of 8 s& ffTCS A "PAT1 r Sol Agent FPor iw-- i i i , r -jju $1,50 Per 3Pedr. Wool Suitings $4,50 per .Pattern. Hose given away with Ladies' French Kid Hand Welt Shoes. PROMPTLY FILLED. BARGAINS IN We have some eood Barp-ains in for sale, Below we give a description Four acre tract on the river V2 miles from Toledo; well improved house, barn and out-buildingsj good young orchard and lota ot small fruits; small meadow and pasture. Price, S8jo, one-half cash, balance in one year, i ;q acre ranch on Big Elk five miles'' above Elk City; some plowed and 7 acres slashed and in timothy; house, good barn 40x48; on county road, school within X mile, A good stock ranch. Price $i ,400 on good terms. 120 acre ranch five miles from Toledo; frame house and barn, about 40 acres under fence, orchard Many other Bargains in Farm and City Property J. F. STEWART & CO. TOLEDO, OREGON. Does This Apply to You? There are many families In this section who do not take the Ls ad(r, some In fact who do not read any paper regularly. To all such who may oh" n?e to see this? we dealn ito ' y that o ne of the first duties a man owes to his ,?ll7..1.t? provide them wlthlnstruotlyeandenterfanng reading matter, It l knowledge alone, Intel Hgei cs 1 gained by the enohenge of ideas, by cintiot oi mind with mind, which. " man above the grade of an animal, There ls no eauer, medium of instruction than tha modern newspaper, Benoe tne newspaper better, no ohi should riud a place at every nrejwe, m.S'.X'ZU A lit. worth Uv It ls one liig, For thi trilling sum of four cents a week we offer all an opportunity procure two ot tha bust uaoers of their class in America. miZ ery effort toglve .11 the general and local news, It will keep you informed of the world's do ngs, of the projects of government, 5 the ?r?nd of politics; and of what Is going oa among your neighbors. You nnot keep post lion home affairs without the Liudjb. It Is a n.ce.Saryitotyourwellib( story sketch and travel, wit and humor with oumint, fashion and houaeho d departments for the ladles: in short something to please eJy membe'rof the family. It ls famoui , or l. funny sketches and literary merit: It , pub ishes stories each week, written expressly for Why - the test iuther,.' It is a paper which vour wife can read without a blush, and your children can read every line without Injury to rteirmaraK Within it. special sphere It has ' WeVCsuy' youwith these two mo,t excellent jonrniT. (or the term of one year or "e rsll'sum of two dollars, a r,re e! fr within the reach of every one W ift The Fr-a nr.,, vju will get a portiollo contulnlng in Phtos5ol "he itmngc people that were seen In Slldway I'lelsance. nd In vnnr wihwHntinn The Lxapir l a lamtly. newspaper wnioa Notice. ind 03ice, Ko .unli.,n -i.&4 .. . . o i a ciio Wontthurtrh. Ore son. i5' SSdUn a 4 of tSe' Revised Statutes of the United Statet relatmg to :nin- Be it enVcTM by the Penate and House of Hep Ksentatlves of the I nlted States of America uur itat on ch claim located after May W, f8T and until patent has been Issued therefor, not less than lloO worth of labor shall be per- formed or improverat-um mauti ye, be suspended for the year UM, so that no mining claim which has been regularly located and recorded rs required by the liwal laws and mining regulation? shall be subject to forfeit ure fr nofi-perlormance of the annual asses m"n "for the year lbM: IT.-vlded. That the claimantor claimants of any mining location, in order to secure the benefits of th,s ac t shall cause to be recorded in the office where the lo cation notice or certificate ls tiled on or before Somber ,m f. notice that he or they in rovided, however, 1 hat the provisions of this act ahau noi appiy w " - UeEC. 2. That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. ADnroveu juii i.; r. it veatch. Berlster. B. 8. fcHEKiEA, Becelv August 23, UM. LOTHING MEN'S til N I! WBSi sua S8 to'$20 M;ns Overalls 50 cts. every pair of our .1 il Yaquina City, Oregon REAL ESTATE. Real Estate placed in our hands of a few of them: - BaatMuu -' and small fruit. A' splendid tract of land with a good body of creek bottom. Price $700 cash. Two lots in Prior Scott's addi tion to Hiehland; one corner and one inside. Price for the two, $50, all cash. Two lots in Stanton's addition to Toledo, well located and close to school house, Price $75. A well selected stock o merchan disa to trade for a eood' ranch on Yaquina Bay; must have some tide or bottom land and be well located, A eood trade will be given for the ritgh kind of a ranch. Notice for Publication. - August J.lbtH. Notice is hereby given that the. following. i anA s"ifflrt At ftrttann Cltv. Ore if oils y, Igust thi I t named settler has tiled notloe oi m jntenuon to make final proof lh support of Disclaim, ana that said prool will oe maue oeio mn.,". Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on OotobertohlBW.vli! Daalsl Broth.rson, H. t He. 8,W0, for the cast H southwest K, K 01 'outheast U. section 8, town 11 south, range 8 west, he names the following witnesses to ; prove of said land, vis i J, L, Hyde, W. Y, Hyde. his oontinuous resioenc. upon, ",I;-i"'r"5r He, Oregon Register, Notice for Publications Land Odlce at Ofifig NOTICE HEREBY GIVEKTHAT THE FOL- i lowing uameu wuim - - intention to make linal proof n In ' h' claim and that satd proof will be made before B K Jones "unty Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo, Lincoln County. Oregon, on October , WW, viz: Martha A. uasseii, is. n. ,. for the west M of southwest K. soumeasi of southwest H of section 10, and lot 4, section He names the following witnesses to prove .wnra uTn and cultivation of said land, vis: Thos. J. Elliott, Augustus W. Webber, Samuel Bin anu juim uu.nui.u, ... of Ona, Oregon. mtit vb. rtrf.,. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, BeDt. 6. IBM. VOTICli IS in IllfliKHV GIVES THAT THE his intention to make llnal prool in support oi bis claim, and that r aid proof will be made be fore the County i lerkof Lincoln County, at To ledo, Oregon, on Octpber 26, ISM, vis: Joa. . HUrt, H.E. . llrl. for the Lots 2. 3, 0 and 7, of secUon 5, timnshlp 12 south, range Wweet. lie names the following witnesses to prove his. f.,11 Uowlng-nauiel settler has filed notice of e-ntln'M!s rel'lcn',e nn ana ciitivaTton nr da, Oregon, Wilson White., John E. (fmlth and Bemanun r. fitfjZW&XlRw. Notice. The board of equalization of Lin coln county, Oregon, will meet at the office of the couty clerk of said county on Friday, October 5, 1894, for the purpose of examining and eqalizing the tax on the assess ment roll for 1894. T. . Parkeh. Assessor for Lincoln county, Or., Toledo, Or. Sept. u, 1894. Washington Letter. Washington, D. C.Sept. 15, 1894: Editor Leader: We arrived at the National Capital from Ore eon about four months ago and have been prospecting and learning its Vw.wnvs and riiffVi.wftvs ever since, and thinking a few tips from raid wVin fnrmcriv lived in vour vicinity might be of interest t0 and richer under the laws made and some of your many readers, I have' enacted by tb grand old Part'' concluded to send you a line, but i lliat publican craters have told v. do not promise to enroll invself as s0 much about? Is it possible that a regular Washington covrespou- rae wouU grow hmW and naked dent for several good and 8ntTiCitntin ' bort a tl,ne and witb 11 reasons. Most of the Washingion ! lWs wcalth on ,;uk1' tl,at we are letters to Oregon newspapers ave tcltl has bce" to the workinS in exchange for some patent nttcr- men' Xt ls olly t0 hold c"' nev's advertisement, or in the in- "sponsible for what it has not terest of some cheap patent nicH-! ',,e- Wait until the democratic cine, and as for their politic youif"y lias eactcd trnwholesome can get them democratic, rL-pui.lv .1 1: 1 an or populist, all for the same pi ice, and all written oy tne same person, It takes an Oregonian some time to get his bearings in this great movintr mass of humanity, but a few months spent in our Motional ! Capital is a pretty good education to any American citizen, even though he be well educated and a man of large experiences, To one like your bumble servant it is time 1 and money well spent, for one can not know too much about our own great country. , I am not1 here for the purpose of looking up any old claims, or to pull any strings on 'Cleveland for office; however I have met quite a number of people who were looking out for a job of that kind, some of them from Oregon. When I first arrived there were a number of Ore gon democrats here looking for friends, as it were, but from what little we have been able to find out it seems to be the policy of the ad ministration to thoroughly investi gate each applicant's claim before writing him a commission, and it was given out that an applicant must have endorsements from old line democrats, and not the Weaver wing of the democratic party, We saw our old friend Willaim Radir, of real estate fame, several months ago, He seemed to be haunting the Oregon delegation, but we were not able to find out what his wants were, but think that he was wanting the center of population moved west of the Rocky Mountains We had oui curiosity gratified the other day by seeing a real live president, and you can well imagine the chains of thoughts that would naturally pass through the mind of a Moss-back, from Oregon, on be holding a live president (or the first time, I stood and gazed upon his portly form until the car door closed and shut him and little Ruth in, and they were soon speeding on to Buzzard Bay. Right here we wish to say that Buzzard is an Awfully bad smelling name for a president pf the United States to be mixed up with, We remember when the Oregon legislature changed the name of Bull creek, in Eastern Oregon, to a more modest pne. Why not Dave Hil look aftfr this matter. We have written our old wife, who is taking care of our possessions out in Oregon God's country while we are doing the great Capi tal, that we still have hopes of Oregon having presidential timber after seeing Cleveland. 'Of course Pennoyer is too big a fool, and Jim Loten don't want it, but Eastern Oregon is to be heard from. One would suppose from the newspaper reports that all the two old parties did was to curse the administrations, the retiring and present, but such is sot the case. Out of session one may see senators and congressmen, of different polit ical views, arm in arm or laughing at the report some correspondent has sent oul to his home paper Lr political effect. All this howl about hard times under a demo cratic administration reads very well in big head-lines in country newspapers, but the cold facts don't always bear out these windy asser tions. It seems a little strange that the democratic party, who have been in power less than two years, and before they bad done any legislation, could bring on these hard times, and it is singular that these great United States with her j There is going to he a strong sixty millions of people and with , appeal made to the next legislature all the wealth and prosperity ac-; for the re-enactmeut of the mort cumulated under thirty years of gage tax law and the exemption for republican prosperity, should be indebtedness law. These laws were knocked into a cock hat, as it were, ' repealed by the last legislature by in so short a time. Is it possible a11 these yeaTS . ood es af good times when our wage earners grow richer jaws, or nave uasscu ts;iv taws, mm then if they are not up to the stand- ard of past legislation fire the ras cals out, but never cross a bridge till you get to it. It has been said that this is a government of the people and for the people, and the American people are getting to be an educated people, a reading peo pie, a thinking and reasonable peo plej and they are going to watch the results of the Wilson bill and ley says it will make the poor poor er. The Oregon delegation have gone home. Little Hermann is always a busy man, for he has the interest of his people at heart and the people may rest assured that he will do all in his power for the whole state of Oregon, favoring no especial local ity. A9 we expect to be here for some time ere we return to Oregon aud the great Willamette valley, Ve may send you a line at another time. From what information we have been able to pick up in the two or three western states that we have passed through, we are of the opinion that Oregon is going to get a very large immigration this fall and next spring. People are get ting tired of cyclones and uncertain crops, and talk of Oregon more than any other western state, although Oregon has never been advertised like our sister states of Washington and California. The building of the Oregon Pa cific on to 'Eastern Oregon will cause Oregon and the Willamette valley to get more settlers than they naturally vou,ld from the fact that one-half of the emigration that has come west of the Rocky mountains during tne past eignt or ten years never reached the great Willamette valley, but many of them stop in Washington, and some reach Port land, but if the 0. P, was com peted it would bring the people di rect to th very heart of the 'Wil lamette valley at Albany and they would scatter out all over the state, From the vast amount of litigation that haa grown out of the building of the Oregon Pacific it has become one of the best advertised roads in tne United states and people are watching its career, even inside of well-known railroad circles, Most people in Oregon think that the Hoggs are out of the railroad fight, but they are mistaken, for men of the business capacity of the Hoggs are likely to turn up any day with money enough to build the road to an eastern terminus. It is a well known fact that that the Hoggs are not sleeping, From the very fact that Yaquina. Bay gets a good ap propp'ation from congress at every session is evidence that it is a bar bcr of great importance, and must soon take place with known harbors like the Golden Gate and the Col umbia river. Therefore it is folly to think for one minute that money will not .be forthcoming from some source to build the Oregon Pacific to an eastern connection with some transcontinental line and unlock th; wealth of a mighty ir.laml em pire. Mo 89 Back, From Oregon. This morning Robert Johnson became ramrod - of the Corvallis postoffice, with Miss Eda Jacobs and Lee Beach as deputies. Judge Moor, the retiring postmaster, has served two and a half years and throughout that time has been an efficient, affable and courteous of ficial. Corvallis Times, reason of the very vigorous crusade made against them by the money loaning classes. Their stock argu ment was that if these laws were repealed a-large amount of foreign capital would immediately flow into the state, that loans would be, easier, the rate of interest be ' re duced and prosperity would follow as a material blessiiijr. Yieldine 1 to the strong pressure brought, the iciaiuLuic iciJcciiuu iut; laws, uuv alas for the frailty of humau promt ises, the influx of foreign capital never came; nor was the rate of interest reduced on loans, but on the contrary was raised,, and the general prosperity that was to crowd upon the state as a result of the re peal has pro ven to be only a shadow of a promise, The actual resalty however, has been to work a hard ship upon the very class of our people that are least able to bearitj It is compelling our debtors to sub mit to a double taxation while it permits the credjtors, who are se cured by a mortgage, to . escape, entirely the burden of taxation. ' The merchant who has book ac counts to the amount of several hundred dollars, many of wi ich accounts are entirely worthless, end all of them unsecured, is taxe 1 tn all of them, the good, bad and in different, but the money loaner right alongside who holds a mort gage upon some of the same people go free of taxation. The man who has gone in debt for a home is taxed on his property and his in debtedtiessf.also,,but the tpan wbq 'holds the mortgage 'on his home "rocs untaxed. This is the price that Oregon is paying to get the influx of capital that never came, It is no small wonder then that there will be a great cry go up for the re-enactment of these jus.1, laws, But the chances are largely against getting them, It will probabl be true that the greater part of the legislative members from the country districts will be in favor of such laws; burthey ' will be met with a strong force from Multnomah' " and Marion comities, to which will be added the heavy weight of a wealthy and unscrupulous lobby and the result is too easily foretold. But these reforms must some time be again placed on the statute books of Oregon. Interesting' to Women Settlers. A. decision which will be tead ' with interest by women settlers all over Washington has been received at the local land office. One of the most important points covered is in the case of E, V, Njx vs, Mary J, Simon, an Oklahoma woman, whose husband was still alive when she attempted to prove up on her claim, : Secretary Hoke Smith decided in N her favor and declares that deserted wives hays always been permitted as heads of families to make home stead entries, The wives of insane men have the same - privilege; and therefore, where a woman's ' hus band is totally disabled by age, disease or infirmity from doing any mental or physical work, and the physicians pronounce such infirmity permanent, the wife, as the bead of a family which must depend on her for support, is entitled to a home stead. Another important ruling in that state is that selections of lands within or in close proximity to mineral lands must be governed by the same rules as the selection of railway companies' lands under the. same circumstances. ' Oar Great Offer. In another column we nnounoe the partlcu lari of our special olubbl arrangement with The Wce'.ljr Tetroit Free Prou, a psper ro well known, by reputation at least, that ny special mention of Its great merrlt seems scarcely, necessary. While one of the funniest of pa-, pers, It does not depend alone on Its humorous -features for Us popularity; It is equally noted) for its literary excellence. The best writers of , America anil Europe contribute to Its columns, I Indeed, our readers will find The Free I'resa a perfect cyclopaedia of tha best current litera ture. When the greatcost of production Is con sidered, it ls a matter of wonder how so into , estlng and Instructive a Journal can be furnish ed for so low a price aa one dollar a year a handsome premium included. We know that every one of our friendewill b benefitted by reading The Free Press and we congratulate ourselves and them on our ability to furulsh It with the LBaoia for to low a price. 11 U It la certainly an opportunity ol whlob, all should take Immediate advantage, . .t 'i ST Corvallla Oregon 7J