i: I I t LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. 1. F. STKWABT,Mltorgd Proprlttor. MiMiried every Thurs.Uv a; Toledo County, Oregon. Lincoln Subscription Rates: uneyear, - - . i.ro! Sis months, - - - . '0 mite uiuuiiis, - . ,50 AdvtrtHnv rates rur.de known en Brii.iiontiorj j U'.siiitss lr'a'. 111 1 inrtcd In rr.ii n,,. uinnm.t five rent .cr line tr v.eek, un-1 v. Ill iiiue'l. Every rostrmitcrlnl.infoln nonmvU uiithoriz e 1 Id set u uijei.t tor the LeaIli'i. Entered at Hie r-"i'illicc in Toledo, Oremi, an htLond-clnf.!i iniiil mutter. Official County LOCAL NOTES Mrs. M. E. Peairs is vi.-iting m Ya'ii.iua.' Mrs. liagley, of Salem, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Collamore. Mrs. Bert Van Cleve is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. G. Copeland. M. E. Peairs and L. K. Brooks left last Monday for a trip to Table mountain. Mrs. J. L. Akin, of Philomath, another relapse last night, and her life is now despaired of. Mrs. W. L. Davis visited with hti paiuula the flisi of the week, returning this morning. Haying is the order of the day, and the "Armstrong" mower is busily at work in this vicinity. U. V. Wilson and family, came over from Corvallis last week and will spend the summer on their ranch. Toledo Lodge Xu. 108, I. O. O F. will hold a public installation of officers on the evening on the evening of July 20, 1894. Geo. Fouls and fu;.iily, of Yam hill county, were visiting Mrs. Fouls' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snow, last week, returning 011 Tuesday. The Siletz Indian boys who went to the Grand Rottdc to celebrate report that they had a "nika bias close time; copa Grand Ronde." They beat the Grand Rondo- boys . in every contest, and raked in not a few of their shekels. Master Harry Pearse came over from Corvallis last Friday to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Dr. Pearse, of this place, reluming on Monday, he remembered his Grandma with a fine basket of lucious cherries. An old fashioned barnnti.sing was had at the farm of Mr. Huffman, 011 the old Taylor place, on Thurs day of last week. A crowd of neighbors gatheted in and put a good sized barn well 011 the road to completion in one day. A new tune card went into effect on the O. P. yesterday. The east bound passenger passes Toledo at 7:34 a. in., and the west bound at 4:48 p. 111. The freight goes cast on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays tuul west oil Mondays, Wed nesdays, :-.n 1 Fridays. Vauitta has an expert boat builder, who is attracting attention from the rowing clubs of the state. His name is West, and he but re cently arrived there, lie built for and shipped to the Willamette Rowing club, of Portland, a row boat built on the model of a canoe, which ,H acknowleged to be the handsomest row boat ever floated 011 the Willamette at Portia:: !. It is i; feet long ami weighs les-i than 150 pounds. The ribs are of oak, and the planking of spruce. Mr. West is now at woik 011 another for the same club. There, we've went and got our loot in it again. The C.uvallis In former, with that great actor and journalist Beit lV'.uii-.l) Van Cleve at the head, has taken exceptions to something the Li;.di:u said last week, and jumped onto us with the lorcc ot a cyclone. It is not much use for a little country paper like the I.i;.yii;k to try to eke out a miserable existence when a great big, .strong, influential daily like the Corvallis Informer publiished every evening, Sundays excepted, by Van Cleve cc Simpson with it:; four 3-column pages, and its 71 inches of leaded small pica rc;ii'in;; matter, becomes o.Teuded and starts In to lay it out. Still, we will send this issue out in fear and trembling Dil l maybe that great actor and journalist, Bert Peanut) Van Cleve will not deign to notice us anymore and we can manage to scrape along. Ta ta, B. P(eanut), hop picking will be along in n few weeks. X:ep a stiff upper lip. SheriJ Land is went to yesterday to attend the s vention of sheriffs. Mrs. C. B. Crosno left last Mon day for a few days visit with rela tives in and near Corvallis. Regular services at the St. John's - Episcopal church next Sabbath morning ana evening by Rev. ! Booth. All are invited. Richard Leise, of the upper Alsea tii u.a.jc jiuvi on uomesrea". before County Clerk Jones U.is morning. Henry Loysea a:. l V.. Deickhoff were his witnesses. Newport Lodge, No. 85, I. O. O. F., will give a public hi stahati.jii of officers at their hall in Newport tonight. They will also give a dance after the installation. Henry Wulf, O. O. Krogstr.' Wesley Davis and Joe Strong 1..' for a trip to the mouth of the Si!e' last Friday. The weather has bee nice for a pleasant trip, and if th.v people can't find the mouth of t!: Siletz it is no use for anyone 1 look for it. Capt. Babbage took a crowd of three link boys down to Yaquina last night on the Clarc-mont. Co:r -ing back up the fog was r.o t' ;': that it could almost be bit off i-. chunks, and navigation was a little difficult, but fortunately there vr-cr five pilots, three steersman and ..: : ablebodied seaman 011 board, the trip was made successfully mil the crowd arrived in safety. It looks as though Dolph will j not have a walkovpr to n ro-t-Wl inn 'after nil. Tlinrn n,v 1 ,.tW martyrs in the state of Oregon vhc ' would like to be sacrificed for their' country's got.:!. The Kugeue J- tn-1 nal, Secretary of Stale Kin .-aid's ! paper, is authority for the t'.at.-; ir.eiit th::t there are now four r-nr:-1 didales in the field working in- uiiMiiousiy lor me ouice. ir:;. are Senator Dolph, Congressman Heitiiann, Hon. Chas. W. Fulton, of Astoria and Hon. T. II. Tongue, of Ilillsboro. The abolishment oflhc Australian ballot law in Oregon is being ad vocated by some few of the state papers, claiming that this 'ysleiu is slow and cumbersome. These objections, in our way of thinking, are among the redeeming features of the law. The old way was too easily done, and any piece of work quickly and easily done is us ually considered one of little im portance. The American people many of them attach loo little importance to the ballot. Ten minutes spent by each voter in preparing his ballot is that much time loaned to the nation's good and will pay big interest to both borrower mi l k ndtr. The votei who bemoans the toss of ten min utes spent in preparing his ballot ought not to be allowed the right of suffrage. Medford Mail. Bay Lodge, No. 116, I. O. O. F. ofYaquina, held a public installa tion of its officers for the ensuing term, last night. The lodge room was lustfully decorated for the oc casion and was nicely filled w ith invited guests. The installation ceremonies were conducted by tilt District Deputy Ernest Burrows, and was well and impiessivcly per foiuied. After the ceremonies of installing were concluded the as sembled people were entertained with some good vocal music, some excellent music by the Ladies' Gold Cornet Baud. This band, while not composed of many pieces, is still made up from the best musi cians in the world. Gilmore 's hand is second class alongside of them. They rendered three vc difficult pieces vhat we do not he. ' l.uc to ::'. l ever weie, can be beaten for tone, tongue ; touch. The evening cone.'.', with an ekganl lunch prepare ' . the ladies of the ledge. The e ei. was a most euU-t iainiug a:-.: en joyable, and fully dor.'i'.n- :;.it. that the Yaqv.iii.i people are goo. and sociable entertainers. The i 1 tailed olivets weie 11. M. Br: n! X. G.; L. O Ihien, V. G. Burrows, secrelatv; J. N y. St.. treasurer. rrulmto Cotut. In the matter of the c.-t:ue of Thos. Russell, deceased: Nv.v at this day comes M. M. Davis and petitions this court that the wiil c: Thos. Russell may be admitted to probate, and that he he appointed executor ol the last will and testa ment of Thos, Russell: It is crde: c.l by the couit that Friday, the 13th clay of July, 1S94, be ;et Lr; taking proof of said will. I CcrvaH 0 it n Items. j Tl;e I'ai-fion Mill. ! Gitii Items. At last we have rlentv of sun. shir.e aud Hue weather generally, The much anticipated, never to-he-forgotten, much appreciated Fourth, the nSth anniversary American Independence, and the second time that Drift creek ever celebrated, hence its first anniver sary. ' ,,V.e-.Uvrrd the ta::es its way, ' but we are about far west t,-, we, or anyone else, can :t, on t o then i; continent. Ten years were no permanent set tlors L.-.t, i.(.w there are twenty- 1: ;;ht voters, about t.velve or thir- teen bachelors, old an 1 young, and ' eleven far-i'.ie---, a lal population of hf seven leu in ten years and 1 ;.it oi more. No ,t f'.r fitch a vg; a few shoit y; don:a;n will all In :i's Ti:e program for the fourth was lui.e 'America," by choir j pra'er- b' '5- J- Wilhoit, Sr, Dec, "Our Magr.a Charta by Jerry tanks. P.eaoiitg cf Declaration of Indepen- t:'w, by Chas. Gordon. ':;', "Red, White and Blue," by v.ic.; U Ho ::. Harry lJenhnger, -:ecio. ;-0;:;;, "o 1- e mgled Banner, " by cttur. Recitation by Delinan Neal. ialcg'te, "The American F'lacr." t;ree lj0'S by thr P.e-., "The Ride of Jennie McNeal" by Mi:;5 Belle Butler. "Woman's Rights," by Mrs. Jiiiwhaw. v.tg, "Oh Where Have You Been Little Birds," by F.lga and Lile LMLrcok. Rci iin, "How Sockery set the ! 1 f;i " hv Tprrv Ttnnt-; , j j j . Sorg, "Battle Cry of Freedom," by the choir. Rec, "A Georgia Volunteer," by Miss Ora Watkins. Dialogue, "Value of Principle," by two boys. Rec., "Kach Little Thing," by Lillie Brown. Rec., "Little Jim," by Willie Arnold. Rec., "God Bless the Little Stock ings," by Lile Holbrook. Rec, "Whipping the Boy," by Willie Iliushaw. Reading, "Jvmancipation of Man," by Jerry Banks. Ree., "The City Choir," by Willie Brown. Dialogue, "Examining the Boys," by two boys. Dialogue, ' Haw vs. Hum," by eight men and boys. Song, "God be With You," by everybody. We didn't have any barbecue, greased pig, greased pole, baby show nor Indian feather dance, but WC DID HAVK A GOOD TIMK. All the program was well rendered. The musical part was helped great ly by Mr. Thomas Arnold, a music teacher, of Linn county, and cur literary program was made complete by the oration made by Mr. Harry Denlinger, a rising young lawyer, of Toledo, his speech was much appreciated and he has our thanks for his effort to make our celebra tion a success, in which he so well succeeded. We are also much in debted to Mr. Fa tit, for furnishing lemonade to all. The people very much appreciated this unexpected mipri.c. Thanks are also due Mr. Geo. Hinshaw, for furnishing lar.-.s and soup, we nil nppicoiated :-r.t. '.'-i-c-i.'.lly Johnny Fly tin. ' . - 1; s i e heieby tendc' j.'.; ! y .','.. 1. .-, to .; in a--y -, to ma' . ! ' nuioti a M-ec; to l e loiuvtubcie-'. I '.tendance. V.'it.l our day U in Mrs. Martha Swank and : a Mai . ice. left for their home in T,i ::t co'.mty Thursday the 5th. Vo Tl-o.nas Arnold and family he same day for the sane .'o';;' ty . .. Neal an. I family left yes t. i '.. y t'iitv.iday. lor ihe-r home in t'e Vi'lloy. W. D. Griffith ac eoti.paiiied tlivtu. Our visitors en the Fourth were !r. I.cn'iuger, Mr. V'aut, Mr. h ow n and Miss Hatti; Burns, r,; o! V '. do. All are cordially invit i el t ' attend another celebration on i July 4th 181; 5', at the same plae. i The ball at Mr. John Watkins' in the evening of the l'ourth, was v. '.'. attetided nn 1 much cnioved bv nn prcr cut. TcitVBOD, j Fenr.oyer's pardon rail: - i kc'en st"t hi motion, aad ;as again enron? a ' katcn l''ree convicts liberated on of lnes'Jay last was W. C. Burleigh, v,as convicted in this county j for tke crime of attempted rape up- - cn tte Fcrs of his ten-year-old , step-grand-danhtcr, 0:1 May 2 btar of Etl;pire:!ast. and was:.tutenced by Juf! ,-3uauucK io i;ve years m tiie cen The reason assigned in the pro?s dispatch for the pardon was, "that me prosecuting attorney cud not ers have gone into that country to think the prisoner committed thesPy out the land. We have heard crime." jof a number cf 'secret' expeditions . , L.Cj... toa.it., !J, u I.gIlanl0ver ai3 rcy'' - er cwucuie ai u:e u:ai convinced twelve fair and impartial men be - vcn-1 a rpasnna!.'- ,!r.,.f,t ti,-r .r,V '"-''defendant commi'tted the l-rible Le : crime of rape upen the person of a j child of the tender age often years, The prosecuting attorney, S. W. .Said he: " The best land has been Condon, heard the testimony before So!jbTe 1 b" lhi Indians who, of the grand jury, and with his knowl- ,rsf;' haA ,!hfHCrs; sfho;v' The-V ... took tneir allotment of 160 acres edge and by his advice a true bill each man, woman and child-and was returned. The county was put left only the hills and the poorest to the heavy expense of a trial and ' ot" l',e bottom lands for the white a cenvictiou was made If Mr itrasl1, 'I''s latter land is covered Condon caused the grand iurv toLwith 3 g.rw.th of and s,ma?1 return a true bill, and prosecuted to a conviction a man whom he knew or believed to be lnnncpn p deserves to be placed in the cell that Burleigh has just vacated. We cannot believe until we have further proof, that Mr. Condon would so stultify himself. He stat ed to several parties after the trial that was thoroughly convinced of Burleigh's guilt, and the sentence indicates that no doubt as to his guilt existed in Judge Shattuck's mind. There never has been, to our knowledge, a petition circulate 1 in in this co'.t-ity asking for the nar- don of the man Burleigh. The gen eral belief is that he is guilty of the crime charged agaiitst him. He was given a fair and impartial trial and was convicted by an honest. intelligent and unbiased jury. It is enough to make a decent man s blood boil to think that a fieud can commit the heinous crime of rape upon the person of a ten year-old girl left in his care, and when convicted and sentenced be given a full pardon in less than two months. Elk City Items. Sea trout have made their ap pearance. Haying is in full blast and a very good yield. Crop;; all look well except pota toes. C. L. Hartley informs us his potatoes are blighting quite bad. Campers are making their apper- auce. 1,1k City and the sulphur springs, on Col. F. J. Tarker's place, are becoming quite popular. Mrs. Bennett and children, of Portland, are visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Millsap, of McMiunvillc, are visiting their relatives here. J. K. Dixon has returned from Portland, where he has been as juror in the United States court. L. W. Deyoe has purchased the store building of li. M. Mays and will repair it and put in a stock of general merchandise. We had a match game of base ball tetweeu the married and single men. The boys got twoy with the gctne by only one score. R. l- Simpson went on a strike yesterday, but went back to work this morning, satisfied he could do more killing weeds with a horse and cultivator than with the 'toe We have reek qr.anL's 0:1 a': sides of us now. F. C. Hcf;'-u.:u has a line prospect now on Dr. Carter's place, two mih.s ' .Voni town. He lias now four ledges in sight v ith thirty-one feet of solid reek hi the four with but very l-.ttle waste rock between theui. Pioneer quarry i.-. running night and day. Frank Woods, of Albany, has couituence.l work on his quarry, on Barney Mott ison's place at Pioneer. Lincoln county will soon be able to supply the Pacific coast with building s-A'tie. Dated July 11. Jack. Cra .vfo: .1 & Paxton, of Albany, have their phoUiprah tent erected nest t'.oov to the O. P. depot here. A sist . r of Mrs. A. T. Peterson is vi-sliiiij with her, Nice weather for campers, Tiie Siletz Rci-ip. j The Albany Herald of the io'.hj inst. pubMslxi a stale cent from j some per.-:on concerning the Si!-:'.-, reservation lands that is so full cf , errors that we believe it should be l corrected. Tue article reads as follows: "Since the government allotted the Indians of the Siletz agency their lands in severalilv and pt:r- cha-:ed the remainder of the reserve to be sold to actual settlers at Si .50 .tr acre upon a year s residence by the applicant, dozens of home-seek - e.piece,( but as the government has; - ! not formally thrown these lan Is; , epeu to seuietnent. no claims nave 1 Decn officially taken. A gentleman ' who but recc.it'.y returned from a! Sareful pcctioii of the country,; port, in fact his account was filled with a ting cf ill-concealed disgust. hack. The Indians, with an eye on a aog s ! to business, have taken all the open iiue lands, ine hiwFshes are op posed to anything like clearing; land, so they leave that for Lo! the poor white man. About four-fifths of the land left by the Indians is not worth 50 cent1: an acre, let alone $1.50. If the government expects to get Ike purchase price, 3185,000, out of the laud remain ing at $1.50 per acre, with which to reimburse the Indians, it will be a long tim-i in paying Mr. Indian a r ... ..... .-1 lev,- claims inav oe naa, it is likely, that might be redeemed from trees and urnsn and coverted into farms, but thev are very few, and ine iac; mar tnere is uttle it any desirable land left for white settlers. will retard the settlement of that section." The person quoted by the Herald is mistaken as the conditions of the applicant's requirements. He must .make a three year's residence, in stead of one, and must pay 50 cents per acre at the time of entry and 51 per acre additional at time of making proof. We thiuk that he is again mistaken when he states that "dozens of homeseekers have gone iton that country to spy out the land." Some may havestarted for that purpose, but when they came in contact with Agent Gaither and the Indian police they conclud ed not to "spy out the land." This will probably account for the Herald's informant's ill-concealed disgust. Again he is wrong as to allotments. The Indians only get 80 acres of land each, instead of 160. The poor fellow's wail of only hill land and the poorest bot tom land being left for the whites is comical. Again the land only costs the government $143,600 in stead of $185,000 as is misinformed above. The fact of the matter is that the Indians very sensibly selected for their allotments in a great many instances the lands which they had improved, and in evey in stance they aimed to get the best land. If the Herald's informant thinks that he is going to get to sail in and settle upon some 160 acres that the Indians have im proved, he is mistaken. But there are thousands of acres of as good land as there is iu Oregon that will be cpen for settlement. This land will be in its wild state, but the strong arm of the sturdy home steader will improve them and make them as good as the lan.'.s allotted the Indians. If the llerahl's informrat will wait until the reservation is legally opened we can show him laud un allotted 011 the .Siletz that will make him ashamed of the misstatements1 he has made. Mirny;, Hwcitiv The following; is the school re- jport ot district No. 10, Lincoln j county, Oregon, for the month of j I June, 1S94: ; I Number of days taught, 20;' i number of days atten-.hr.:ce, joS; . number of ihiys aVsence, 112; nv.tr, ,ber of tiaies tardy, i-.; number el' I boys enrolle.l, i-; number of girls! j enrolled, 15; total enrolled, 28; 1 I average daily attendance, 2 1 . The ! I following are the names of those neither absen' nor tardv durinsr t.in TrmnM,. AT ... n: -r ... 0 , ... .uisuit, llatlie , AUison, Ante kvnistou Sarah Kyuiston, Willie Willie Kyniston. Harmon aud Kvxicv Alf-xaxdek. Teacher. DO YOU "VANT ItWiil Pav VGU io sso I CAN .2. -Si. cr'u2-i!K.''l 9 , Wari'antecl True to I Jane and Irect jrests AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Home Grown and Healthy Trees t). Toledo, JfiTAt LEADER OFFICE. Mi ipiis HAVK BARGAINS IN Farm Lands, Title Lands, Coal Lands, Town Property in single Lots or Blocks IMPRO Vr.D OR UNIMPROVED. Abstret of Title to any property in 'Lincoln Comity furnished on demand. Toledo snow TOLEDO, OREGON Dealers in GENERAL : MEBOHAMBISE. Clothing, Boots and Groceries, and all offered at the Lowest Casli Prices. When in Town call and see us and we will trv and pleaso ycu. PETEIl TELLEESON, DEALER IN Crenri1 t'i Merchandise. Flour and Teed, fctaplc and Fancy Groceries ' : Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinc. BOOTS AND SHOES. - Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery. Yfifimna City, Oregon. Beeswax, For one half I will make all bees wax delivered atChilw.iod, Lincoln county, into comb foundation. Hives and necessary supplies for sale. Jah. McDonald. For Sale. Four goorl new sewing machines, a goo.! small safe, chandelier, aud other small tcols f;or.i the oel: cf the late J. Wm. Will, for tale at very low prices. For particulars enquire of John- Win, Corvallis, Ore. .---. Kt:.u 1 s..iiKTiuxii..iis. The fon.-v.i'.ig are the real transfers in Lincoln county our last report: United States to A M Wat sou; sv ,.' of ue '4 an 1 lot 2, sec 4, f.vp II,' THMC2 II. 0 Jas New lands and wife Hen rietta Bollen; ne of e and n y, of nw 'y of se sec 5-12-11; except five acres; consideration Jay W Plain .v.i.l wifc t- t t: t.V.e 1 1 since : $t.oo r-lain; i interest in 6, A acres adjourning town Vf Ale:t.'.;iJria; cousiderati r.i 10.00 Adra inis trti t or '3li o tic e. in !hriiia .i'Urt ol I inc.! N ' n'Koii. '"it;-. St.: m2ij" iy.V .THAT 7I.K Comitv t , dr.....,., . t....... . . " 11 V ' i.ii. w-V. U''V'U'T 11 in 11. S!V HI' 't .. men; n,yrH,itMiroi i it ArVllt IVlUOUCtf at l k !.. I . ..un. ort-u! : :ari'tuu A.lml,l,tr.tot ol th Mtat,VL M n' FRUIT TREES? ME before Buying. SELL YOU and Free Frora Disease Ore NO &L CO., Si Oregon & e;hosh 1 t Shoos, Hats and Staple IOCIIERY AND GLASSWATir Notice. Sealed bids for furnishing wood for the county will be received at the county clerk's office up to the 6th day of August, 1894, as follows: cords good vine maple or crab apple and 4 cords good fir wood cut from green tree. All wood to be delivered at the court house, 011 or before October 6, 1894. B. F. Jones, i County Clerk. . A Bargain 260 acres of the best land in Lincoln county; situa- 1 .u uu i:!e .Aisea bav 3 miles above W al P'-'-m two miles of water i.'io acres c-lunV tii-ln imiil. ,- "'J;u 1 .-.'km hou.-'c, bara and orchard, good "tuck range; 50 tons of hav can be :cuion thepluce. Address, u. F. Joxks, Toledo, Or. Our Groat Otter. In oiioihcr c.liir.in 0 uiinu-.ice Uiv p'ltuctt' r.--.f..uri.fciaU.iubW krraugemeut with in "ecii fctn-tt Kr,.c l'rc.-'. a j.picr so well 1' 11, ! y ri'inu.ui.m ut lcn-t, ihiu ny ipsfi.'il ':.iti.:i villi grc wcttU tCi!11, 'Ecaricl cry. VhKc .ne ol the fin m.t ol ! it j,.c, ,M ,1 .,U,I R-.on(, 0I ,l8 humor,,,!. ':rvf.Tit1.,1,iritj.. tl, ...nj n,ci tris lli.Tary excellence. The best writers oi Ai .tn.'.i au.i Knr.i cmtrlliutc t'. lt!T.iliiiiii., lit'.lci.. vut re.i.Urs will liiid the Ka-e l'res a I'Ctlact c.;,iiCllla ol the Wt current litera ture. Whi'ii thcKrenteuKtafprn'lm'tiotilfCuD .'.t'rc'l, It 1" a mutter ui wonder lmw su iuter "Ming and ln.iructlvc a Journal cmi tc furnhn e H..r o low a j.ti.c as euo dollor a j car-a naiMsunie Keiniuin iii 'lnded. V. -j ki,,v (vB. cvor. ) tie p( our ftle,ld,w!i .4 l :e;iued by reading The Kreo l'rcss and coi.grntiilhte oiir,-lvs and them on our ability t lurni-h It with the I.eadib for 10 low a iri It It certainly an opportunity of whlell a'.l hnM t te iiiiinedintc advantage.