Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 14, 1894, Image 1

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Remember that this paper
is the only one in Lincoln
or Benton county that has
the courage to stand for
the common people.
The Leader should be
read by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
Volume II.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, June 14, 1894
Number 15.
Joint Senator
County Judge
School Superintendent
C. B. Crosno
- " D. P. Blue
B. F. Jones
George Landis
- Henry Denlinger
Chas. Booth
Jos. iiiueon
T. E. Parker
- Jus. Russell
J. O. Stearns
M. L. Trapp
Justice of the Peace
J. A. Hall
A. E. Altree
win be held under the auspices of the
Methodist Episcopal church as follows: First
Sunday in each month at Elk City school house
at 11 a. m . and 7 p. m. Second and Fourth Sun-
nays at-ioieao, at n a. m. ana 7 p. m. Third
ouauB ni Jiui rvui n'uwt liuuse, Bb o p. in
AU are cordially invited to attend.
A. L. HAWI.EV, Pastor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon.
VJT. JOHN'S CHURCH Protestent Episcopal.
O Divine service the third Sunday of every
month, at 11 a. m. All are Invited to attend.
Rev. Chas. Booth, Missionary. Residence,
jMjciory, newpon, ur,
10. O. F. Toledo Lodge, No. 108, Meet
every Friday evening at their hall in this
Renos Arnold, Sec'y. J. S. Gaitheb, N.O.
T O. O. T. Meets every Thursday evening,
:ou ociock, in craaye nan. tnn town
H. R. Fant, C. T R. E. Collins, Secretary.
FA.'end J. V. Toledo. Union, No. -iSerMeeta
every Saturday evening, 8 o'clock, in Grady'a
hall in this town. All members requested to
attend. T. T. Reeder, President ; J. J. Turntdge,
T 0. 0. F. Bay Lodge No. lie; of Vaqnina City,
m- uietjin every (wtuniHv tl?TlJT;ir. Iwi.II.
oroiners are always welcome.
E. bubhows, Secretary. . j. N. Stark, N. 0.
f O. O. F. Newport Lodge No. 89, meets every
oaiuruay evening, visiting Dromers are cor
dially invited to attend, Cyrus Dixon,
1. 1. Smith, Secretary. N. G.
AF. & A. M. Newport Lodge No. 85, regular
convocation on Saturday on or before each
full moon. Visiting brothers are cordially
HlMmul Tin 12 ,udb,( It' A, "
t. V.Y.W.....U. WAD. U. I. U 1? . 1U,
Jab. Robertson, Secy.
GA. R. Phil Sheridan Post No. 24, meets
every second and fourth Thursday evening.
Gko. Sylvester, Coin.
R. A. Bensell, Adjt.
Corvallis, Oregon
tSe.'ti. VINCENT, Prop,
Charges Reasonable.
UtilM&di . OREGON.
t a rr a t t
I . . 1! " 1 1 n . .
: " Toledo Oregon,
fieeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers
j exeouted with correctness. Careful attention
. given to all business entrusted to my care.
. Attorney-at-Law,
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in anv court in Tjnraln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Will practice in Justice, County
Ind Circuit Courts of
Liricolri Cotliyty.
Solicit correspondence. No charges unless
oil gred,
lipi -Pacific Railroad
CHAS. CLARK, Receiver.
fcnnecting with steamer HOMER
between Yaquina and San Fran
jcisco.. ?,'. : Aiusia dates:
SSS.'.'.1". !S ! April 23rd, and
about every ten days thereafter.
Ivery ten days thereafter.
( Freight tnd Passenger rateuppljr to My
8. J. HtitURY, SOS d CO.,
Kos. 1 to I Mark.t Rl
Francisco, California.."' v .
T ..T tnAS.CXAIlk, Reeeiver,
if-) rr
CorrallU Oregon
Priest DM LJN OSto
Dry Goods, Notions, Men's and
Boy's Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps,
all oe Which we are
Selling at Hard
.gent for Brownsville "Woolen
Mills Goods.
and Fits Guaranteed.
Cigars, Tobacco, Coufectionery, Fruit, etc,
Billiard and Pool Parlors,
Proprietor or
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured 3Ieats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
A Barrain 260 acres of the
best land in Lincoln county; situa
ted on the Alsea bay 3 miles above
Waldport; has two miles of water
front, 130 acres choice tide land;
good house, barn and orchard, good
stock range; 50 tons of hay can be
cut on the place. Address,
B. F. Jones, Toledo, Or.
The Afsea House
Tfahlport, Lincoln County,
Headquarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Comfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our motto.
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
Wm. R. Wakefield, Prop.
Notice for Publication.
- Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
May 8rd, 18l.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make Anal proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Lincoln Connty, at To
ledo, Oregon, on June 2a, WM, vli:
Joka B. Vensrhweller, H.K. No. 11,084,
for the east half of southwest quarter and lots
13 and 14, section 0, township 12 south, range 10
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, via: August Haberman,
Peter Sclilmer. Jooeph Hchlmer and John E.
Smith, all of equina City, Oregon.
Farms for Sale.
I have several farms, both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale In
tracts of 40 acres and upwards.
These lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture. W ill
be sold very cheap and on reason
able terms. Anyone desiring to
purchase such lands will do Well to
call on or address
lit J. AxitaiH,
tf. Little Elk, Oregon.
Times Prices.
MeasLires taken
Does This Apply to You?
There are many families In this section who
do not take the Leader, some In fact who do not
read any paper regularly. To all such who may
chance to see this, we desire to say that one of
the first duties a man owes to his family la to
provide them with instructive and entertaining
reading matter. It is knowledge alone, intel
ligence gained by the exchange of Ideas, by
contact of mind with mind, which raises man
above the grade of an animal. ' There is no
better, no cheaper, medium of instruction Shan
the modem newspaper, hence the newspaper
should And a place at every fireside. It 1) one
of the the thtngs which makes life worth liv
ing. For the trifling sum of four cents a week
we offer all an opportunity to procure two of
the best papers of their class in America.
The Leader is a family newspaper which
makes every effort to give all the general and
local news. It will keep you Informed of the
world's doings, of the projects of government,
of the trend of politics, and of what is going on
among your neighbors. You cannot keep post
ed on home affairs without the Leader. It Is a
necessary to your well-betag-as food and drink.
is a family Journal overflowing with good
things. There is fact and fiction, song and
story, sketch and travel, wit and humor with
out stint, fashion and household departments
for the ladlea: in short something to please
every member of the family. It is famous for
its funny sketches and literary merit; It pub
lishes stories each week, written expressly for
It by the best authors. It is a paper which
your wife can read without a blush, and -your
children can read every line without injury to
their marals, Within Its special sphere it has
no superiorin the world.
We offer to supply you with these two most
excellent Journals for the term of one year for
the small sum of two dollars, a price easily
within the reach of every one. With The Free
I'res you will get a portfolio containing 20
photos of the strange people lat were teen in
Jlidway nuisance.
Bend in Vnur snhinrlnHnn
sifMettr blffc-frad TvmilJ Swte
Maefclae, poaMsatnt sUI Metoa
laAHANTEEO Equal to the Best
rrioM wy rwaotiabU. Obtela tfcenm
-v grass real load deader sad sk
ewanpsrlaou. .
belVidere. ill.'
Administratrix Notice.
In the County Court of Lincoln County, Slate
of Oregon.
I designed has been appointed by the conn
ty court of Lincoln County, Oregou, adminis
tratrix of the estate of L. M. Haruirn, deceased.
late of Lincoln county, Oregon. All persons
saving claims againsi saia estate are nereby
notified to present them duly verified
ti tne at mv resi. lance, on Dennt
slough, near Toledo, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof : and all persons indebted
to said estate are notified to settle the same im
mediately. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 29, day of March
Administratrix of the Estate of L. M. Harmon,
Notice for Publication.
Land OSlce at Roseburg. Oregon.
Anril lli. 1X94.
1' following-named Bottler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
nis ciaim, ana mat saia prooi win oe maae oe-
fore the Register ana Receiver at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Erldav June 8, lMtl. vtr:
Tirgll A. Vldlto, oa Homestead Entry No. 7,075,
lor ixl i0. 4, wcuon 4, ana lots l, i, o, s, cec
tion 5. Townshln 14 south. Kauire 9 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous resiaence upon ana cultivation
oi saia iana, vis: n. J. uooonmn, uiara uroutf
Carlo Manottl and E, E. Hammersly, all of
imuwaier. iiucuiu couuiy, rrcgon.
R. US. VEA1TH, Register,
Notice ofFinalSettlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
executor of the estate of Mary 8. Bevens, late of
Linooln countv.Oreeon. deceased, has filed his
Anal account in said estate, with the cleric of
Lincoln connty, Oregon, ana that the county
court has fixed the 29, day of June, 1MM, at the
court house of said county as the time and
8 lace for hearing objection!, If any. to said
na; account and the settlement of said estate.
11. J. IH'.N i.s,
Executor of the estate oi Mary c. Bevens. do
Dated May 2i, 1K4.
e Writer.
will buy the ODELL TYPE WRITER
O JL U with 7 characters, and 18. for the SIN
GLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do
oeiier worn any macmno made.
ease of operation, wears longer without cost oi
11 ooniiincs simplicity witn durability, speed.
repairs tnan anv otnor machine. Has no ink
ribbon to bother the operator. It U ncnt. suh.
stantlal, nickle-plated, perfect, and adapted to
an KimiBui iyi) wriuiig. i.ikc a priming press,
It produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts,
Two or ten conies can be mtide at one writing.
Any intelligent person can become an operator
In two days, We offer ?l,noo to any operator
who can equal the work of the JJOL'Bl.E CASE
rtrwr T
Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Spec
lal Inducements to Dealers.
For Pamphlet giving lldorsoments, etc., ad'
dress '
Odell Type Writer Co.
858-8M Dearborn St. CHICAOO, ILL.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
xra ir..K Ii5i '
lowing named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of his
i-inun ana inai saia prooi will oe maue oerore
B. F, Jones.County Clerk of Lincoln County,
Oregon, at Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, on
Thursday, July w, 18M, vis:
RICHARD LlESE, on Hd. Entry No.8,0ofl.
for lot S, section 1, lots 6, 6, 7, 9, 9, and southwest
quarter of northwest quarter of section 12,
township 14, south, range V west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence nnnn and iMiltlv.Hnn
of said land, vis: Henry lioysen, Charles Ml-
iiutu, iv , iiicKaon ana uscar lom, an oi Alsea,
Benton County, Oregon,
ft. M. VEATCH, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
M.v 90. 1W4
i.1 following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final nrnnf In annnnrt nf
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tne county i:ierx oi Lincoln uouiur, at To
ledo, Oregon, on July 17, ISM, vis:
Charles (lor don, H. U. He. 11,086,
for the west U of northwest of section IS, and
southeast V. of northeast U and northeast ',' of
southeast y of section 14, township U south,
range 10 west,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: A. J. Miller, John Butler, John
Flynn, all of Toledo, Oregon, and Andrew Smith,
of Yaquina City, Oregon.
iiuutni a. Jui.LfcK, Register.
The pla-e to get your
And all kinds of
Is at the
Price and Work Satisfactor
County Commissioners Court.
(June term.)
The regular term of county court
convened at the court house on
Wednesday, June 6, 1894, with the
following members present: D. P.
Blue, judge; J. O. Steams and M.
L. Trapp, commissioners; B. F.
Jones, county clerk, and Geo. A.
Landis, sheriff.
The following proceedings were
In the matter of the petition of
C. L,. Hansen et al., for construc
tion of five bridges on Yahats
county road: Ordered, that J. 0,
Stearns be and is hereby instructed
to make a personal examination of
said proposed bridges; draw plans
for their construction; estimate the
cost thereof and report to the court
at its next regular session.
In the matter of opening of coun
ty road through the land of Feagles
and Chambers on the county road
known as Big Elk road: The sup
ervisor of said district i3 hereby
ordered to epeu said road.
In the matter of the report of G.
F Luckey et al., on Grant creek
road: Read in open court and
passed until tomorrw. '
In the matter of the petition of
Jas. McDonald for lumber for
bridges: Ordered, that the super
visor of said Dist. No. 22, be author
ized to purchase the same at ex
pense of and for use of the county.
In thejnatter of the infant child
of Joseph Forrest, deceased: Or
dered that the same be placed in
the custody of R. F. Rains until
the further action of this court,
compensation to be fixed at $1.50
per week, to include all charges tor
In the matter of the report of J.
O. Stearns on petitions for bridges
across Di ift creek at Alsea: Order
ed that the report be accepted and
the petition be granted as to one
bridge at upper crossing; ordered,
further, that J, 0. Stearns be and is
hereby authorized to draw a con
tract for construction of upper
bridge petitioned for and under the
terms proposed by O'Conner and
Barnes, and report to this court on
or before June 23, 1894.
In the matter of the report of the
committee on Elk City bridge:
Ordered, that the report be accepted
as presented to this court,
FRIDAY, juns 8th.
In the matter of a new road dis
trict to be known as district No. 40:
Ordered, thdt such Separate road
district be and is hereby cieated,
and be bounded as follows: Com
mencing at the northwest corner of
section 13, town 12, range, thence
to southeast corner of section 12,
town 12, range 8; thence west to
southwest "corner of section 11,
twp 12, range 8; thence north to
notthwest corner of section 14,
town ii, range 8; thence east to
place ot beginuing. Ordered that
John Yantis be and Is hereby ap
pointed supervisor of said district.
In the matter of the new road
district No. 45: Ordered, that
there be and is hereby created a
separate road district to be known
as district No. 45, to be bounded as
follows: Beginning at the inter
section of line dividing town. 12,
and 13, range 12, with the Tacific
ocean; thence east to northeast
corner of section 4, town 13, range
10; thence south to southeast cor
ner of section 21, town 13, range
10, thence to southeast corner
of section 22, town 13, range n;
thence along the meandered line on
the northerly line of the Alsea river
and bay to the Pacific ocean; thence
northerly along the ocean beach to
place of beginning,
In the matter of the report of
Chas. Booth, county superindcut:
Ordered, that the report be accepted
alvpresentel t the court.
In the matter of the r?port of G.
Pi' Luckey 1 ct al., viewers on Grant
creek road! Ordered, that said re
port ba accepted and that said road
be a public hihwiiy,
In the matter or" the petition of
Albert Meaker, et al., for lumber
and nails to be used in the con
struction of an 80 foot bridge on
Fall creek road: Ordered, that pe
tition be granted and supervisor be
instructed jo procure necessary
material as prayed for.
In tho matter of the application
for free scholarship to the State
Agricultural college: There being
no other applications for said va
cancy, the nominations of Mr.
Milncr Riggs and Miss Louise
Lucnbergcr be confirmed and the
cotvity instructed to notify the
board of regents to that effect.
In the matter of jurors' and wit
ness fees at May term of court:
Ordered, that all of said claims be
allowed as signed for in jury and
witness fee books, and warrants to
be drawn for the several amounts.
In the matter of sheriffs return
of warrant for collection of delin
quent taxes: Ordered, that the
time for return of warrant for col
lection of delinquent taxes now iu
the hands of the sheriff, be extend
ed until further action of the county
court and the sheriff be and is here-
ordered to continue collection of
taxes under said warrant. .
Ici the matter of the appointment
of road supervisor for district No.
42: Ordered, that Virgil Vidito
be appciulvu supervisor fur 1094.
Court adjourned until June 29,
The following bills Wore audited and allowed :
A L Porter. Labor on bridge. I'2V00
l'ortor A llaul&r, making All on bridge, ,20 00
r Lui.cjr, Bui viuv vitmvr, 1U.OU
S J Stewart, service as vtower, 7.70
A B Crosno. hauling for eourt house, 1.00
Thos li Parker, assessing, M.00
8 T Adams, examining teachers, 6.00
J 1! Matthew), printing, 4.C0
T P Fish, material for road, iO.M
Rite Dedrlck, labor on ballot boxes, 86.00
JWParrlsh, peaco olllcer at election, 4.00
Ben C Irwin & Co., ink. LOS
A Dunden, wood for eourt house, 10.80
Yaquina Bay Kews, printing, 4.26
Cyrus Dixon, witness fesx, 4.80
Jacob Frants. Janitor fees, 16.00
Peek & Kussell, supplies for county, 10.10
A T Peterson, eteel for road scraper, 6.60
W H Harrison & Sons, , bridge plank, 4.80
Coll VanCleve, printing notice, 1.60
J F Stewart, printing, 55,00
Coll VanCleve, printing bridge notice, 6.00
OLRoss, making voting booths. 6.00
J F Stewart, printing ballots, . 70,00
Thos K Parker, assessing. 78.00
Oeo A Landis, postage, etc. 38.46
Geo A Landis, services, 114.60
M. J scobs, rent oi store for polling place, 8.00
Krogstad Bros., lumber for bridge, 166.00
n x name. aeepiug rorrest iniant, m.oo
T w Gorman, hardware for ballot boxes, 38.80
B F Jones. fess in county eourt, 131,48
Corbett, Falling & Robertson, hard
ware for ballot boxes, 18.20
Krogstad Bros, lumber for EU City bridge, 164. B0
Stewart A Sox. hardward lnvJA
Qi.o A Landis, service as sheriff, 01.76
J U Stearns, service as Coin, k mileage, 61.00
J A Hall, canvassing election returns, 4.60
Barney Morrison, " " " 6.00
D F Jones, " " 4.60
D P Blue, - cMi paid for county, 8.86
W H Harrison, surveying, , 81,10
Wm Pepin, viewer, , v, 13.01)
Jas Hodges, ehainman, - ' 10.00"
lister urant, " y 6,00
BF Grant, exmnn, 6,00
1 H McNeil, supplies for eourt house, (.20
ML Trapp, services as commissioner, 24.00
GeoALandli, sheriff fees levying on
delinquent taxes,
C Q Copelaud, rent of eourt house, 100.00
Claud Warron, justice of the poace feel, 7,(6
Nettle Baker, . witness fees, . , 4.80
Idola Baker, " ' 4,80
Nettie Narlan, " " , ' vJ ' 4 80
Lou McVey, V, S 8.30
WW January, (' a 1
WBMulkey, 'V. V' 4.80
Mrs. M, Young, 4,60
Fred Duncan, constable foes, - 14.60
if.11' ?" of th peace few, '.00
C W Bogue, Juror fees, 1,00
JnoNewland, " " von
A Stanton, " " . J.W
AT Peterson, " 1.00
R A Arnold, 11 11 100
Chas Kuhl, constable fees, 6.80
Jno Logan, witness fees, 1.60
frank Ampach, " " 1.60
A L McFadden, attorney feci, 6,00
Stati va. Junius. -
Chas Miller, witness fees,
Jack Waugh, " "
E N Petit.
Harry Hondrlcks, " ft
11 K Chipman, " "J
Jas Herron, " "
w A Uoa, -11 1 7o
i R liayley, prosecuting attorney, 7.00
Allen Paikor, Justice of the peace lees, 6.16
Juror fees. 3M.O0
Willi Rich, witness before gtanJ Jury, 2.40
Chas Ma Vay, " ' '-"km
Jno Baker. " ' moo
Mrs Dolly uaker, 10.90
Nettle Bsker, "
Rebecca Harlan, " " " 11,30
mm. t. Aiiree, " " 13, 10
Uleuna Irish, " u.40
' Btamvi. Job, Job it Davis,
JO Wilson, witness fees,
Stati vs. Buauiort,
Jus SUIuton, witness fees, 2.00
"'iWade .VKOO
0 M Brown, g.jn
John Watklus, e.oo
Oils Klsor g.oo
Aiuert uosKllis , 9.60
Geo Henshaw e.OD
T T Heeder, a.oo
J J Dristow g.ou
Jas Hamar, and returns, 12.40
Jno Httmpson, ;' 6.00
J H Kushton, .ou
Dan'l llrotberson, M.OO
O V Luckey 8.00
Dudlev TraDD a nn
J It Harlan 6.00
P.. G"'
win Ul.fenouer .uu
Jno Yanils, .on
Joilah Gideon a.ou
ofj iieims coo
n v "anborn .oo
J P Wolf and return 12.M
Annul 31 arus 6.01)
II W Vader,.. . ,. .no
DW Counsel, 6.00
Jas R Barclay, , 12.60
uscar 10m e.00
T i Elliott a m
J A Dunsworth ...!,. IflO
Sain Hill goo
L A Peek, 600
Jas Hheppard, 6 00
1 11 Daly 6,00
B H Stratford g.OO
Ira .Miller ., j.oo
Barnoy Morrison, A.OO
H Palmer, 6.00
11 S Fustur, M
Z 8 Derrick,., , , 6 00
ft' II Alexander, .0Q
J Jan nary , 19.00
M. L. Glass ,
Claude Warren, , 6.00
Ken Young 6.00
Robt, Harrison, ,,, 6.00
W II Harrison, (.00
(leoAxlell ,, ,oo
Martin Lyons 1.00
C J Bishop. , , 6.00
F C Counsel e 00
Jerry Bank e 00
J 8 4ilh.,lt. .00
W 8 Hoilord and returns, 11. (C
J M Bowen, , 6.00
EM Anthony,,,., g.oo
Geo EParrU 6.00
W LPwyre. a.oo
Wm Howell and returns 7.60
W Powers,.,,
1... m.iYi., 6.00
111 6.00
........ill. 6,00
ank TUIotaon....
rr 1 nDOi,
LM Starr,
Robt. Burch
What rennoyer Had To Say.
"Silence is golden," said Govern
nor Pennoyer to an Oregonian re
porter. "I have not a word to say
concerning the result of the election.
This is the time to think, not to
"But how do you explain the re
"Why but no, I have firmly
ma,de up my mind to say nothing
for publication, I have just rej
turned from a trip to Lewis river,
where I went to see if my property
there had been injured by the flood.
My mill floor here is covered with
seven feet of water. It would make"
a man's heart sick to go up there.
There will be a terrible loss to th6
"Why was there such a falling
off in the expected vote for Pierce?"
"Iconnotsay anything. As X
said before, this is the time to
think, and not to talk. Ah, me!
Misfortunes never come singly;
We have a Cleveland administra
tion, a republican victory and a
ilood ot high water." t
"Which do you consider the
"The greatest of them is -wellv
it's like the little boy, who, stand
ing at the cross-roads, was asked
by a traveler the road to Derby.
'Both lead that way,' said the boy,
'But which is the better?' was ask
ed. 'Well, I don't know, but one
thing is surej if you take One you
will be sorry you did not choose the
the other. "
Governor Pennoyer absolutely re
fused to give any expression regard
ing the result of the election, but H
was evident that he was a sorely
disappointed man.
X Nashville Notes.
Austin Altree returned this week
from Kings Valley,
Eddie Watson made this vicinity
a visit the first part of the week.
There was a dance and brush
slashing given at Fred Wagner's
last Friday night. A good tim
was had. f ,,,. -
Mrs. I. F, Eddy and daughter'
Miss Lucy, of Chitwood, spent t -week
visiting friends and relatives
at Norton.
Jas. Fowler, of Kings Valley,
came down on business recently
He reports lively times at that
place, as the Salvation army is
there at present.
Miss Barah Martin, of Eddyvllle,
spent several days visiting friends
in this vicinity.
There will be preaching at the
Nashville school house by Wm.
bethers on Saturday, June 16, ' aT
7:30 p. m., and on the following
Sunday at 10 a, m., and 3 p. m.'
A. L. Porter iutends to start a
crew on the job of surveying ht has
on the head of the 8iUtz, about the
19th of this month.
Eddyville will celebrate tbY
glorious Fourth of July. Everyone
should put forth every effort . to
mflls f a .llifjiri..
wi a ou,vcffa,
E. H. Bryant was exercising his
blooded cayuse last Sunday. We.
would advise him not to take one of
the gentle sex along the next time
he tries to break a horse. j
Hard Tack
'!' t j
Chickens Came Home to Boost.
Governor Pennoyer (oundj him
self afoot and 1 1 miles from Arling
ton, at Willow station early on
Tuesday morning, says th Record.,
He went to the door of section fore-'
man's house and rapped. A' voice
within as3id who was there. The
answer without was, "A friend who
wants to be taken to Arlington.''.
The foreman inquired his name.
He answered, "I am Governor
Pennoyer, of the state of Oregon'
and I want you to take tat to Arl
ington." The voice within said:
"I attrPat Malony; I am working
for the railroad company. I will
say to you what you said to the
presideat ,,'Xon- attend to your
business and I will attend W mine."
And the governor had to tramp ties
to Arlington. ,
1 '
We have received the report of
the,, State Sunday School Associa
tion, There is a record ot 860,
schools in Oregon, with a member,
ship of 67,547, Lincoln county
baa enrolled 18 schools, with I
total membership of 1,136 and ad
average attendance of 733.