Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 26, 1894, Image 1

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    Remember that tB is paper
is the only one in Lincoln
or Benton county that has
the courage to stand for
the common peo, 3le.
The wsadur should be
read by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It wiJl ;
n I -. . . 1 . '
-usi juu uut 1.50 a year.
rfV-7i. a. .
Volume II
Joint Fcinto
Oianty Judtrer
Clerk -Sheriff
Treasurer -Hohool
Burveyor -Assessor
Commissioners! "
C. I?, f'rosno
U. r. blue
II. F. Jones
(eorge Landis
Heury Denllnger
Chas. Booth
Jos. Gitleon
T. E. Parker
Jhb. Kussell
J. O. Stearns
AI. L. Trapp
Justice of the Ftace
J. A. Hall
A. t! Altree
METtiorWT nriscoi'A!. rurnrH.-Pervipes
will be held linger the auipifcs of the
Methodist Episcopal church as follows: First
Hundny in each mouth at Elk city school house
at U a. m. and 7 p. m. Second and lourth Sun
days at Toledo, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. 111. Third
htuiduy at Mill Tour school house, at 3 p. ra.
All aiecordiali invited to attend.
A. I,. II A AXE V, Tfl'tor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon.
JT. JOHN'S CIH UCH Protested Episcopal.
J ltmne service xne mira
of every
month, at 11 a. m. All are iuvueu to. attend.
Itev. ('has. Hooth, Missionary,
"Kectory," Newport, Or.
T O. O. V. Toledo .-Lintac. No. ll'S. Jlcot
-l.every Friday eveninjr at their hall in this
ItENMi Aiinci.d, Sce'y.
SO. tl. T. Meeis every Thursdav evening,
7to o'clock, in Crady's hall, ihiA town
A. L..llawley, C. T 11. K. Collins, fcecrelary.
H A. and I. I".
-Toledo l":don. No. 1.VI. Meets
JF everv Saturday eve:iinr,so'i
flc. in tlradv's
hall in this town. All members requested to
attend. T. T. l'.ceder, l'rcsidcnt; J. J. i'urnidge,
secretin y.
T O. O. V. Hay Lodge No. 111-.
. of Yiuiulna City,
-a. meets every Sruturriny evemua
brothers are alwnvs welcome.
K. bi'urows, (secretary. j. N. stark, N. Ij.
IO. C. l' Newport Lntpre No. M. meets every
Sr.tmitavevc!iir.'r. vlsiti'iif? bv.iihcrHare cor
dially Invited to attend, CYitus Dixon,
1. L. Sniih, Secretary. X. O.
1 F. & A. M. Newport Lodge No.
n. (
convocation on Saturday on or before each
full moon, i3iuns urome;a eornuuiy
welcomed. .Us. II. Uitkssm,, V. M.
Jas. HoiiEiirsoN, Secy.
(t A. It. I'hil Sheridan Post Xo. 21, meets
T every second and fourth Thursday oveuing.
Geo. bYLVEiixn, Com.
It. A. Bekseli., Adjt.
U.B. Vogle,
Corvallis, Oregon
) pr.H. VINCENT, Prop.
iivo ivcaauuuoie.
! J. A' HAW,
j Justice of the Peace
1 "": l olulo, Oregon,
t irieeds. Mortsaues, and all kinds of legal papers
E I executed with correctness. Caroful attention
eicu iv ii uusiuess euirusiea to my care.
w. a sinjPAiw,
I Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in any court in Lincoln
t lounty promptly ana caretuiiy at
1 leaded to.
A .t 1 ft
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon.
Collection, Con veyanciiuj,
and Court Practice
Jiefers by permission to Ex-Gov. J. S. PiUsbury,
1 . . senator H . I). Washburn, Gen. John 1',
Ilea, Ex-C'ommandcr-in-Chief O. A. R., Min
neapolis, Minn., Hon. Martin F. Morrlsand J.
J. Darlington, Esq., Washington, I. C, Schuy
ler Dnryca, Chief llerk Patent oftice. Fairfax
f'ounty, v., aad ltev. Chas. Booth, Newport,
CHAS. CLARK, Receiver.
Connecting with steamer HOMER
netwesa aquina and San Fran
SK imerioiives San Frnricloo' A;rU 23rd. and
' it tveiy ten days thereafter.
sfe'i r!'ave Vanning April 20th, sal about
vry ten dayj thereafter.
FfSeto and ravu,?cr rates ppljr to
No. 2 to 8 Market Pi.,
m Francisco, California.
Oil A3. CLARK, Receiver
Corrallli, O.-egvU-
-y;e have now a-
Dry'GoodSj Motions, Men's and
Slies3 Hats and. Cape
OILi GLO' 1 'r-iiITOr
at Hard
.gent for Brownsville "Woolen
Mills Goods. Measures taken
and Fits Guaranteed.
C. 33. CROBIf
111 mm km a
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
AMrct of Title to any property in Lincoln County
The place to get your
And aU kluds of
la nt the
. V
cik Satisfactory
IPi0.' ,Llncolf1 Couiity, Oregon, Thursday,
Times Prices.
O & CO.,
pn rtemand.
The Alsea House
Ualdport, Lincoln County,
Headquarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Comfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our motto.
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
,Vm. R. Wakekiei.d, Prop.
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Lircolii Coiirity.
Solicit correspondence,
fullv greed.
N'o charges utilcits
Farms for Sale.
I have several farms, both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts of 40 acres and upwards.
These lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture. Will
be sold very cheap and on reason
able terms. Anyone desiring to
purchase such lands will do well to
call on or addrcs3
M. J. Allphij ,
tf. Little Elk, Oregon.
Notics for Publication.
ljinu Oil. co at Roaebnrg . Orcron.
A prii 111, 1S!'J.
a folK.winir-nanie.l tettlor hes liled notice of
his intention to make tlnal proof in support of
his ciaim, and that aid proof will l.e p.ndelc-
f the Ul'istcr BIHl KlM-oivpr nt INtdAl,,,-
vi-r...ii, vi , iiu jiiiic ii'-i, viz:
Virsll A. Vldlto, on licni'straj llntry No. 7,07
iui .o. -i, .cuoii ana loia 1, j, 4 tn:c-
tion .1, Township 1 1 south, ltanss 9 west.
. He ntmcs the follo'.viiiir wlinesfcs to r.rov
1 0o.n,ti"uol;.'! residence upon and cultivation
l" mim, 1.1; uo'.iumau, l lllard tirout
Carlo Manotti and 1. E. llanr.nersly, ell o
Tidewater, Lincoln countv. Oregon,
K. M. VEATCH, Hcgister.
Atlminis tratris Notioe.
In the County Court cl Lincoln Countv, State
of Oregon.
dersigned ha beer, appoitited by the coun
ty court of Lincoln Countv, Oregon, adminis
tratrix of the o?tatoof I,. M. Han.1111, decea-ed,
late 01 Lincoln county, Oregon. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby
notltled . to present them duly re.-liiea
ti in) a; 111 rstiliiu cm lK-uct
slonsh, ucar Toledo, Orogon. within six months
from the date hereof: and all persons indebted
to raid estate are untitled to settle the san e im
mediately. Hated at Toledo, Oregon, this 29, dav of March
. . . , . , . M. C. HAltMON,
Administratrix of the Estt;to of L, M. Harmon,
Notice is hereby given that the
approved plat of survey of township
13 south, range 10 west, has been
received from the Surveyor Gener
al of Oregon and on
April, 25, 1894,
at 9 o'clock a. ni. of said day said
plat will be filed in this office and
the land therein embraced will be
lo entry 011 and auer that
Robert A. Miiler, Register
I'iCTER Faouut, Receiver.
To Exchange
For land or lots on tidewater
One house and lot, and 1 barn
40x80 feet in size, located in
Klamath Falls, Klamath county
A good place for a liveryman
L. Thomas.
tf. Corvallis, Oregon
Ca'J .'or B:is to Erect a Eriiije across Eclcman SloasH
at Alsca,
1V0JIIT' " neret.y given that the County
llerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, will ro-
aiiimH mans, siwi'incations and strain
diagrams, and bids foi tho building, erection
and construction nf such hriden Anr,nn n
such plans. Each biddor therefor shall be re
quired to deposit with his bid ten per cent of
...u a.i.uuilt ui r ui'U UIU WillCO Sflail DC lOTlelt-
ed to the county in ease the award Is made to
him and he fails, refuses or neglects for the
period of two t'ays aftor such award lies been
iiiuuo, miu ne nns received due notification
thereof, to entpv ( a.,,1 tllnhld
,11 me sum 01 oouBio tne amount of his bid, to
the satisfaction of said County Court.
All bids to Iir renoivnd nn nr IkAfnr tl,n
of lL'o'clock 011 Friday Mny,4th ltitl. Kight re-
aurveu 10 reject anyor all bids.
ji. !. .ii 1 county ( lerk.
lt- M l.1 nir 1 1 MU lin.......
By order of the Count v Court T,.i,t.,
A Earjrain 260 acres of the
best laud in Lincoln countv: situa-
tea on the Alsea bay 7 miles above
Waldport; has two miles of water
tront, 130 acres choice tide land,
good house, baru and orchard, rood
stock lange; 50 tons of hay can be
cut on tue place. Address,
. B. F. Jonss, Toledo, Or.
tf-.w-lll buy the ODEI.I. TYPE WRITER
C" with 7rt characters, and f IS. for the BIN
OLE CASE OliKLL, warranted to do
ucucr worn men any machine made.
It COm biTies PtmilllctfV with rlllrol.ltlfi' nnAA.4
ease of operation, wears lnrtger without 'cost ni
repairs man anv otnor machine. lias no Ink
ribtion to bothor tlteoiHiratnr. It Is npHt. Biih.
stantlal, nickle-plated, perfect, and adapted to
all klndsoftypewrltlng. Like a printing press,
It produces sharp, clean, lcgil.le inaniihcrlpts.
1 wo or ten copies can bo made at one writing.
Any intelligent iierson can become an oiierator
in two days. Wo ofl'er l,00o to any operator
who can equal tho work of the DOUBLE CAKE
Itellable Agents and. Salesmen wanted. BpeC'
la1 inducements to Healers.
For Pamphlet giving Ildorrements, etc., ad-
Odell Typo Writer Co.
8:8-804 Dearborn St. , . CHICAGO, ILL,
The Leader will give five dollars
in gold to the boy or girl under
sixteen years of age who contributes
us the be3t articls upoa the subject
of "Decoration Day."
The writer must be under sixteen
years cf age and must compose and
write the article or cs:;ay unaided
by any other person in any par
ticular. The essay must contain
not less than Coo words and not
more than i.eoo. It must be writ
ten on one side of the paper only,
and signs! by some fictitious name.
Enclosed with the same must be a
sealed envelope bearing the ficti
tious name on the outside and the
writers true name and address on
the inside. The essay must reach
this office by May 15, 1894, and
the writer or his or her family must
be an annual subscriber to the
Leadicr and must reside in Lincoln
county. The merits of the contri
butions will be decided by judges
who will be named later on. The
contributions are lo be the proper
ty of the Leader, to be published
or not as we see fit.
Get on your thinking caps boys
and girh and get live dollars.
Democratic State Ticket.
For Gov;Hvr,
For Secretary of stnt .
For State Treasurer.
For Attorncv-liciural,
For State School Superintendent,
P.S. V. KE1U,
For Stats Printer,
For Supreme Judge,
A. S. Bennett.
J)i.itrict Ticket.
ForCongresv..;.t TM-trlrt,
For Proteeuting Attorni v,
UliO. !. I'lOUItlS.
Count! Ticket.
For Joint Senator,
C. H. LEE.
For Joint Representative.
11. M. lllil'NK.
For County JunVo,
For County Clerk,
11. F. JONES.
For Cot.nty Treasurer.
For Commlsiioners,
it. A. sTii.v 1 t'o;;i), .
For Survoyor,
w. t. vi;u;ti:u.
For Coronor,
Hit. F. m. CAKTI-in.
The representative of tho de noemtia party
111 c ut 1 em :o:i assembled mako the following
aociiiraii in of principles and n-.easnrcs as their
pLitforin In tho present campaign:
vt e declare our steadfast adher bn to the fun
uamcnini maxim of tho democracy, vis: (lev-
eminent by iho pooi -lo, h.ncj:iy and cecnoinl
eally admlui tored, for the greatest cood to the
greatest number." We charge upon tho repub
ncan party and Its reckless lMatlon nil tho
evils from which the people ate now ufl'erlnc,
and assert that the low prices of farm products
non-employment o! labor, gonornl deprcsicn
in business and stagnation of Industry, aro tho
results of the unjust and burdensome taxes,
high protective tariff syetcm, and and oth
class legis.ati.m of tho republican pally, of
which tho douonctizatlon of silver in 1K7H and
the contraction of our currency ate Instance
We bellevo that nil taxation should bo equal
and just, that unnecessary taxntlon is nnjttst
taxation, and that tho wealth of a nation
should bear its Just proportion of tho burdens
of tho national government, cud that wo are In
favor of an liicomo tax.
We favor tho calling of a constitutional con
vention to tumult to tho voUra of tho s'.atoa
constitution embodying among other things
what is known as tho Initiative and referen
We again declaio our Ltllh in mid advocacy
of tho imperishable principles of the democrat
ic party as re-alllrmed by th3 democratic plat
form. Wo have an abiding faith and Implicit conll-
denco in the intogtlty, good faith and patriot
ism cf 1'resioent Cleveland, and believe that he
will accomplish, so far as In his power, bofore
tho close of his term of olllce, all tho pledges of
tho democratic party contained In tho national
uniform adopted nt Chicago In 18W.
We endorso the repeal by congress of tho odl-
ous federal elect! u law, and endorse Its oll'oits
In behalf of tarlll' reform and to bring about a
nioro prosperous condition of affairs.
We favor tho speedy construction of tho Nica
ragua canal by tho government and under gov
ernment supervision and c . ntri l.
We re-allirm tho position that has over been
maintained by tho democratic party, that gold
and silver nro oqiiiilly tho peoplo's money. We
aro opposed to ell measures of discrimination
agiiinst silver, nnd demand frco eolnago to Sup
ply the demands of business, and that nil mon
ey lsrucd by tho government ba made a legal
tender for all dobts, both public and private.
Wo believe that tho pension roll should to
one of honor, and we favor liberal potisloua to
ioldici s disabled In the service of our country.
Mo nro In favor of the election of I'nlted
States senators by tho direct rote of, tho peo
We denounea the net of tho lai t legislature
whereby was repealed what Is known ns "The
.Mortgage Tax Law," and we demand Its ro-
enactment at the next session.
Wo don and that all proierty shall bo assessed
at Its true cosh value, and that there shall be
deductions only for Indobtedncsti w hich has a
corresponding taxable credit.
We demand the enactment and enforcement
of moro stringent laws for tho protection of tho
salmon and sturgeon Hsbing Industry, nnd the
abolition of all nvhtrap,.iiis tin 1 wheels, and
favor mora extensive propagation.
We are In favor of liberal approprlntlons for
the improvement of our rivers and harbors,
and the adoption of such measures as will tend
most sliced to the opening of the Columbia
We are opposed tho ( hiiicss and all pauper
We favor a change In the law regulating the
adoption of school text books which will Invite
healthy competition and prevent too frequent
ohanges In the snine.
We are In favor of lan i for tb 3 protection of
depositors In l.ankt,
We are In favor of the abolishment of railroad
and all other unnecessary commissions,
V, e favor fixed salaries for all publlo olMcer'l
and the abolishment of the fee system, and are
opposjd toan ofllcor receiving moro than Lit
constitutional salary.
We condemn as Infamous the attempt of tho
last legislature to tamper with the purity of cur
elections by so amending the Australian ballot
law as to take from It all lit Utnelii out provlt
lou.i, and r,e earnootly oppo&o any change or
mcdilifetlim of laid law.
We declaro ounclvos In sympathy with the
Jutt necMin of Jiid;e Cal Iwell, retarding the
Ightsof labor In the rc 'ottl controvert y be
tween the t'lilon IV-'llli'ltullroaiK ompany and
its om plnj cs.
Woarra'gn tho Uut legislature l-T l't waste
of the people' money byoxtri'vsgunt nnd reck-
less appropriations, nnd hold the republican
party of the state responsible f ir tho
and vicious legislation of that body, and wc cull
pon the honest voters of the state to relieve
the commonwealth of this lncubut upon Its In-
nilry and prosperity by taking the rolns of
power fniti tie hands of such Incom potent and
unworthy tenants. Tho ponplo cannot hope
for Immunity from corrupt appropriations of
public money tolling as the party is In power
Is controlled by tho 0(miMnnll.,ii of r;,llinou
which bnt nnd will control tho icpuMJran
party of this slnti).
The Lincoln county democrats
have nominated Marsh Simpson for
county judge. It is almost half a
entury since, as a boy, he came
with his father, Uncle Mid Simpson,
across the plains and beean to
rough it out beyond the Luckia
mutes. rolls County Itemizer.
What is the Matter with the
School FuruL?
The lav; makes it the duty of the
county school superintendent lo ap
portion the school funds of the
county twice each year, once on the
third Monday in April and again
on the third Monday in August.
Last year the April apportionment
was made in June and for seme
reason or other the August appor
tionment was not made at all, al
though the treasurer's sworn state
ment on the 5th day of October
iSij3 showed that on September 30,
iSe;3 there was a balance of school
funds on hands amounting to $919.-
61, so there must have bceii at
least $700 of school funds in the
treasury on the third Monday in
August-. This was not apportioned
and the schools of the county were
were deprived of its use, much to
their detriment. On the third Mon
day of the present April theri
should have been on hands the bal
ance of $949.61 which the October
statement showed and a further
sum of $233.12 which has been col
lected since then,, in the 1S92
school fund. This would make a
total of$i,iS2.73 in the fund to be
apportioned pro rata among the pu
pils of the county.
Let us have au apportionment of
this fund among the school children
of the county in compliance with
tne law, and at a very early date.
The schools need it.
Circuit Court Matters.
The circuit court . adjourned at
10 o'ciock Tuesday morning, after
having given a quietus to a large
number of cases. Judge Fullerton
goes next to Coos county where no
term of court has been held for a
year, and where a lengthy docket
awaits him. lie does not expect
to get through in time lo be able
to hold court in Lincoln county,
the regular lime for which is - fixed
by law 011 the third Monday in
May. If not, he will authorize
some attorney to call court at
Toledo at the appointed time and
adjourn to som'e convenient date
perhaps 111 July or August. The
sixth of Juiie'-is set for adjourned
term for Benton county, to be ready
to act on any emergency that may
grow out of the O. P. sale 011 June
2nd, and to dispose of cases that
have been continued. Corvallis
This year will be Oregon's oppor
tunity. A disastrous frost has al
most totally ruined the fruit crop in
the eastern and middle states and
there is 110 doubt but that there
will be a large demand for Oregon
fruits at good prices. Oregon ap
pies louna their way into easttm
markets last year and brought
goou trice. with belter prices
1 a.
than even these of last j ear and
with improved shipping arrange
ments there will be a splendid
market for all this state will rro
cluce. I'ruit men should Lend
every energy to make their crops
the best possible this year by
thorough cultivation and careful
attention to trees. Nature, as us
ual, has done everything. Vegeta
tion has been kept back and is now
coming on finely with but little
danger from frost. Thii is the
chance td establish a good market
n the east of which our fruit men
should avail themselves. Junction
City Times.
it is me opinion 01 a law l.rm 111
Portland that the county court has
no power to extend the time cf col
lecting taxes. It has Veen the
universal custom for the county
court to regulate the matter in this
and most other counliei, which is
as the faw ought to be; if lefttoanv
iherilT he must follow the spirit of
the warrant in his Inn Is. Tl.e
county court can at least make its
recommendation, and most sheriffs
would be governed by it.
"English farmers are discourag
ed," is the news that comes from
over the water. We are not sur
prised. We can not remember a
lime for twenty years when English
farmers were not discouraged. In
fact the English farmers seem to
get more solid comfort out of being
chronically discouraged than the
rest of us could get out of wheat at
$1.50 a bushel. Ex.
Number 3.
Financial Statement.
We would rcinsciAillv r-.'i ti.
! attention c'f the co-.uitv offices ir-
( terested to the follow ing sections of
Hill s Code, which appears to have
been neglected. 1
In chapter 41, Hill's annotated
code, the following sections are
found: '
" 3471. It shall be the duty of
the county clerk of each county,
on the 1st day of April, and on the
first clay cf October in each year,
publish in one issue cf a weekly
paper having general circulation in
the county, a report showing cor
rcctly the number nnd amount of
claims allowed by the county court,
and 011 what account, the amount
of warrants drawn, and the amouut
of outstanding warrants not mid. f
Section- 3472. He shall at the
same time and .in the same connec
tion, publish a report of the sheriff
of his county, showing the amount
of money he has collected, and the'
amount of warrant? he has received
for taxes, and the amount of money
he has turned over each mouth lo
the treasurer, and the total thereof
during the past six months.
3473- He shall aho, at the
same time and in the same connec
tion, publish a report of the countv
treasurer, showing the amount of
money he has receiveel, and from
what source, during the past six
months, with the dateof itsreceipt,
and from whom, the amount of
money he has paid out on warrants,
and the amount of money 011 hand
at that date.
Si;c. 3474. The clerk shall pre
pare and attach to said reports a
summary which "shall show, in all
respects, the exact financial condi
tion of his county at said date.
SEC. 3475. To aid the county
clerk in making the report, publi
cation and summary herein pro
vided, it shall be the duty 'of the
county treasurer and sheriff to file
with the county clerk, on the first
day of April and the first day of
October of each year the renorts as
above specified.
fcEC 3840. Anv officer wilfullv
violating any of the provisions of
this act shall be deemed euiltv of a
misdemeanor, and upon convictbn
thereof shall be fined not more than
twenty-five dollars for
to be paid into the county treasury
lor tue beneiit ot the common
schools. , ;
In fairness to the county clerk it
is but justice to say that he informs
us that he has been ready and"
anxious to comply with the law
and file and publish his report, but
the sheriff and treasurer have Loth
failed to file theirs with him, and,
as can be seen by the reading of
the law above, it is impossible for
him to publish his report until .the
treasurer and sheriff first comply
and file their reports.
We bring this matter to public
attention now, as the time is past
nearly a mouth when this should
have been done, f
' .)!,
Kctvpc; t Xotes. ' !
Messrs. Muller & Priest are -k
ting the finishing touches on their
schooner. It is a mo'.'el of beauty
and wiil be a fast nail jr. '
James Ball has put in a longer
flume on his little creek mine and
has a successful process of saving
the fine gold. He made a clean up ,
last Saturday and was iij quite high
spirits about the result. He can
save the fine gold and expects to
put several men at work on his
claim in a few days.
Newport's genial and jolly street
commissioner is at work lilling in
front street with the help of John
McCullom with his pursuader and
gentle whisperings to Duke and
Dime, and AI. Bradway to handle
the levers of the scraper. They
put in lots of dirt a day. .
Lee William's has fiuishel Lis
two collages and fenced in t!ie lots.
They wiil make nice homes I eing
in a good location and only one
block from the intended county
court house.
The steamer Volauta will ri-n up
lo Toledo on the morning of the
26th to bring down any pat ties that
might wish lo participate in the
Odl Fellows' ball.
. -z v 7
We are requested to announce
that there will be political speaking
at the court house next Mcuday
evening under the auspices of the
Toledo republican club.'. Thcie
will also be other entertaininc
features consisting of essay.", decla
mations, songs, etc. Everybody
cordially invited to attend",
mr m