if!- t !v s t V-.'V Til' (. 1 an,.' : i is iaf ! . al . y. V v: Ollls . 4 f la ; I.1?.' t- tel. worl j ; 1 ! ' I'-'i M; iff 5 r ; 1. :;! 1.' t. V. TKWjtKT,Mitor mm Proprietor. nMI-hed everjr Tburvlar at Toledo. ConDtjr, Oregon. Uneoln Subscription Eates: One year, ... Six months, ... Three months, $1.50 75 50 AavertWng rate made known on application 6?,i.e.i.,0r?1 w"1 'n"-! In thew col Jimtn at five penn tr line per week, and will U run until ordered dlacootlnned trerr poMmuterln Lincoln county U aatborlz ed to act at agent lor the htkhtL J.1! the PtrlH at Toledo, Oregon, an econd-cUu mail matter. Official County Paper. LOCAL NOTES. Daily Oregonian on sale at this office. 5 cents per day or 25 cents per week. Our fishermen are now bringing p some very fine strings of trout -Mort. Louis and Wm. Ennis Were up from Newport last Mon- Say. It is reported that F. M. Stanton will start a livery stable in Toledo this summer. Dr. Carter was called to Newport uy te.egratn to attend a case of sickness in Mr. Holcombe's family last Monday. The Corvallis Times will be run ks a semi-weekly until June 1st, as fcxperiraent. It will be issued in half of the former size. The republican club held a jubilee "it the court house last Monday night. They were nuite ablv ad' presses' by Hon. R. A. Bensell, of Newport. Rev. Chas. Booth was called home from this place last Saturday flight by the serious Illness of his Wife, land so there Were no services at St. John's Episcopal church last . Sunday'. A Catholic priest from Corvallis made a trip to the agency this Week. While on his road to the lipper farm on Horseback, he at tempted to ford a stream and got Into deep water and came near los ing his life. . -A government surveyor has been Inspecting the survey of township U range 9, made by A. L. Porter. The inspector reported the1 work good and will no doubt be promptly accepted, and this township thrown open for filing. The democrats have nominated h'. C. Stakely for justice of the peace, and Chas, Ruhl for constable for the joint precinct of Toledo and jDrift creeki The republicans have nmninatdd j. A. Hall, the present justice,' ami Clark Copeland for the same offices, The case of the State ys. J. M. Applewhite was successfully de murred to by the defense at Cor vallis last Saturday, The ground of the demurrer was the technical point that the complaint of adultery should have been made and sworn to by the wife of the defendant. The case will be appealed to the su preme court(. i . ' : ."'.. ; Many of our readers will remem ber an old sttjt onthe docket of Denton county which has been carried there for- years. . It bobbed up Rcrcuely in the present terui and will probably continue to do so for years to coole'. It is Marie Arm lugton' vs. Sol King, and is an action to recover money. It met tlie.same fate as heretofore, being continued for the term. There seems to be a determina tion among the voters' of Lincoln county, and we believe . more or less all over . Ui'' fitatCj to totally ' l jcuut I lined as farja-CGu! D ' : )?'" ?lt"WMd-and to v -" i ' ! ' ' i'r tliu moat canable and fit m ote I the bid capable and fit men. wlrttfns be carried out it will certainly fill the offices with competent men, toiid strike terror to the hearts of a ' ' lew political hacks that have suc ! needed in crowding themselves for ward to a nomination. Word reaches lis that Bert 1 Waugh, a former brakeiuan 011 the ! O. P. passenger train, was recently shanghaied, at Coos Bay, where he had gone to work. It seems ; lhat Bert was working on the ves ' sel helping to loud it. Just before : Hie load was completed the mate ' sent him down In the hold to work, and while he was down there the vessel got under .way and sailed with Bert tin unwilling passenger. The vessel was Sun I'Vnncisco bound 1 however, uud it is more like 1 ly that Bei i was perfectly satisfied 'io be shanghaied after he got over lis scare. Dr. Rich had business in Alhanv the latter part of last week J. N. Arnold has sold his place nere in town to Mrs. T. P. Fish i 1 i icu namDers went out to Philomath on a visit to relatives last Tuesday. Rite Dedrick launched a hand' some, and substantial small boat for Judge Blue this week A letter from Roll Chambers to his mother informs her that he Is now in Salt Lake, Utah. A bluer sky nor a brighter sun no country ever had than Lincoln county people are enjoying today. Robt. Campbell has been on the sick list this week. That tussle with the steer nearly got away him. Jack Kirk, an old time resident of the Bay, but now of Corvallis, went though to Newport Monday evening. J. K. Weatherford and j. R. Wyatt, of Albany, have formed a law partnership under the name of Weatherford & Wyatt. A man who is always ready to die and don't care how soon death comes, generally sends for four doctors when he gets sick. Ex; Charley Miller, the youne; pho tographer, of Elk City, fas been in u.t.uu uiu kveck. Idling some pictures. Charley does first-class work and deserves encouragement. Oscar Taylor and family started for Salem last Sunday, where they will make their future home. They drove through in a wagon. May success And prosperity attend them. Toledo again has a barber shop, a brother of Wm. Ennis, of New port, starting a shop here this week. He is a first-class workman ancl will tl'o doubt dd quite well. Lester Waugh had the misfor tune to lose a valuable milk cow today'. She showed Some symp toms of poisoning, but not enough to determine that to be the cause; Robt. Campbell has moved his butcher shop into the little building on the east side, of the railroad track opposite tl'ie postoffice. He has it quite neatly and tastily fixed up on the inside, and it makes a very presentable shop. ;. The L 0. 0. F. lodge of New port, will celebrate the 75th anni versary of the order in a fitting manner, on the 26th inst. It is in tended to have a parade in the day time and a grand ball at night. Toledo now sports a member of the famous Industrial army It is a son of Coll Van Cleve, and cam6 in. last night. He left ihe balance of the army at Eugene and came to this land of plenty. Workmen ore busy tearing down and removing the old house belong ing to Mus Elizabeth Graham, longside the railroad track. We understand that a new jind. com modious residence will be erected on the site of the. same,. , . ( Five additional coal kind leases have been filed in the.ofl&ce. ot the county clcik.dttring tho:past week. They are from R. V.- Rains,-W. H. Logan, C. H. Williams, W. P; Ford and Join J. Nyej and run to R. A. Bensell and J. M. Ayles. Dr. A. II. Diven and his estim able daughter, Miss Anna M. Diven, were visitors to our thriving com munity this week. They were well pleased with their stay here and returned to their home in Waldport, Lincoln county, on the Robarti. Florence .Wt, .;. " To UvAIbyi DetttccviV, 9uk once heard of ajtr-Wo taadi fortu,,S.'tly,f ttendlng" to his own -taw? :iess. You, perhaps, can eet the full meaning of- this by readlnit our bit of a lecture to the Editor of the Newport News in another place In this paper. . : Last Tuesday was O. P. payday. It was a good ioo-ccnts-on-tlic-dol- lar pay day', hint not one of the Iladley kind. When you come to look the mattet over you can see that Receiver Clark's administra tion of the O. P. Is not tnittlne on so much dog a.4 -the former one, but it Is rapidly building up the business that the dude managers lost. ' 1 A gang of land locttters have been making; their. headquarters at Toledo torscver. wweks. " They have 1h.cu kvikinii" "im All the de- sirablc'piccticf .racunt l.Mid in the county nud taking the numbers the same. We understand that the result of their efforts will be the location of several new settlers in Liucolu county, Mrs. Ethel Esterbrook isemnlov- ed temporarily at the agency in the capacity of cook. A very enjoyable party was had at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rosebrooks last night. Miss Susie Layton who has been visiting friends here for some time, departed for Philomath this morning. Col. T. Jay Buford returned home Tuesday evening after a pro tracted trip through the Valley, and to the state and congressional conventions. Chas. Kenndey, the well-known ex-conductor of the O- P., came up last week from Coos bay, where he has been stopping for some time, and is renewing acquaintance with his hosts of friends along the road, Mr. Kennedy expects, to go east to see his children in a few days, A company has been formed in this city to put tip and operate a telephone line connecting Yaquiha and Toledo with this city, and will probably extend a line down to the Alsea during the summer. The necessary material is expected up from San Francisco: Newport News; Our young friend Hurley Lutz returned yesterday from an extend- d visit to TMntivM in T"'"oic onA Kansas. He expresses himself as better pleased with Oregon than ever, one freezing Kansas winter being a plenty, thank you, for him. He returned via San Franciscb, coming up on the steamer Homer, He made the usual contribution to the fishes while coming tip. . There is ust no use talking; The nomination of J. K. Weather ford, of Albany, is the strongest one that possibly cotild have been made, and he will riin Birigier Hermann the race of his life. Mr. Weatherford is extremely popular and is a just, honest, upright siid conscientious man, and a man of great ability. The republican ma jority is an immense one to over come, but Mr. Hermann can just thank his lucky star that it is just as large as it is, for he is going to need everyone of them. Belle Cosper has filed a suit in the district court of Lincoln county', through her attorney, J. R. Bryson, to secure a divorce from her hus band, J. Mead Cosper, She alleges that more than two years ago she came to Corvallis on a visit from her home In Pullman, Washington, and although she wrote, to her hus band desiring to return ne made no such provision, and that he desert ed her and has continued .such desertion up. to t the present time'. She prays for the usual abrogation of the marriage contract, but does not ask for the restoration of her maiden name. There are two or three boys liv ing in town who an! hot "attending schoqj. They need the learning that ii slipping by them day, by day. There uiay be, and probably are, sufficient reasons for the boys staying out, but these obstacles can be over come without j. doubt, attention is paid to -the matter. We are aware that this is a delicate subject, and one we would not ap pioach were it not (or the fact that ho community can afford to allow children to grow up in their midst without giving them all the educa tion the common schools cttti afford. Let some of our kind hearted peo-." pie turn their attention Jn tia mat ter at once, . t The ladies of the M. E. church, in v this city, will give a basket social for the benefit of their pastor, Rev. Hnwley, on Friday evening, April 27th. A good program is being arranged which will be pub lished next week. . BORN. : . -id. -To the family of Rev Booth, at Newport, cn BOOTH Chas. Sununy, April 15 a girl. MARH1KD. VULlf WILSON. At Yaquina, '' Saturday t April 7, 1894, Henry C. Wirtf and Miss Frankie Wil son, 'Squire Tarker, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Wulf have moved up to this place from Yaquina, and have taken up their residence in Mr. Wulf s handsome cottage. Notice for Publication. 1jUuM'Ui- l Kiwoluirn. Oregon, ADrll l IWM. VOTICK IS IIK.iVHY t.lVKS 111 AT TUK uUwili iitnoil wtHr l lH-) iiotlreuf hln Intention to make miAi irtHf in aumwtri -t hlfolotm, nrt IhM MtJ root will I nii- li (ore the Kelter ml Keoelver M Uoxcl'iDK Orx'Kon, on KrliUr June H. iaM. U- . ' VlrallA. 'Ulto, 9 HmIm4 Katry X. t,07i lor U)l No. 4, ikvtioti t, mid lot . 1. S, 4, f. lion , Township 14 KHith, Kn t. lie tinmen Ihe (ollowlug witnee to 4Ve hi. contlnuoii. reile!U- npoii ml rnltlvm-on ol.trt nil. vli: N, J. UiHHiiniin. itir.t i.riiut, t'.rlo Mmiottl ihI K. K. Hiuinrv, .11 ort Ttilewtr, Llnrolu eonnly, Or-irvn. 1 K. M. VBAIVII. Keiclr. PETER TELLEFSOX, DEALER IN - General :-: Ierchandise, Flour and Feed, Staple end Fancy Groceries Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothina. BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery. Yaqnina City, Oregon. THESE HARD TIMES A BUYER A Buy as much as possible. The place to do' this is at "CHEAP CASH STORE" of j T. P. FISH, where "Good Goods at Low! Prices" is the rule. ' See my Stock of FALL and WINTER BOOTS and SHOES j Keady Made Clothing-, Etc. j Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Notions,' T. P. FISH, The Leader in Glen Oems. Sunshine with alternate showers of rain and hail, characteristic of Western Oregon, at this season 'of the year. H. H. Curler and son made a trip to Harl8.:; Jast week: S. J. Wilhrit returned from the Valley the fiist of last week; The Unite Slates land inspector was in this i. inity last week in specting the recent survey of A. L. Porter, township 12 south, range 9 west. We are in hopes that this survey will be accepted in the near future there are A num ber of settler on this land that can prove up siioruy it tnis survey is accepted'. Frank vilboU and sister Cora went to Yaquina Monday, from thence tbey intend sailing on the next steadier to San Francisco'. Quite a crowd consisting of Wm. Arnold and wife, Mrs. Banks, H. H. Curler and son, Mr. and. Mrs. Kiffer?, Mr", tind Mrs'. Neal and family, and Miss Butler, our lively little teacher from Toledo', visited the falls up Drift creek, today. Quite a nice time was had In play ing games, of different kinds until evening vb& the patty separated; going to their several homes', well satisfied with the dnv's nlensnreii. ; - .t,r-. I must not forget to mention that these people were entertained by Billy Griffith, on whose clam the falls are locate!. The falls are not so grand and majestic as those of Niagara, but they are still worth looking a.t .wheti there is none other greater near. , . -There is abundance tf spring salmon in Drift creek at the present time, also many fine troutt Dated April 15, i8pi' ' ' CHABOD1 -" Tflk'dity-items. . . Trout fishing Is fine just now. L. W, Deyoe is building a barn for the accommodation of the hotel. 'John Hopkins' four-horse team ran away last week; He left them standing in the road at TBevins' place, and they made a pretty race to town. They did .no damage to the rig but they run over a calf be longing to R. F. Simpson and kill ed it. Pioneer quarry shipped their first lot of rock to San Francisco yester day. v F. C. Hoffman, of Senset quarry, Uas commenced building a tram way from the quarry to tidewater. M. W. Simpson is on the sick list. Mrs. Kisor is visiting with her father, J. K. Dixt n. S. V. Burt exj ects ten tons of j flour this evening , which he will ' sell at $2.90 per ! arrcl. Sam. 'April t8, 1 $94. . . . Th Breckeiridjic-Pollntd suit finally ended ".fter dragging its hlthy, sli'ny tiial through wcr'y a Uinth of court. Thej ury awarded tt plaintiff Mr leline IWlard,. a VLnucT, lor . 1 : 5,090 u,u.unugs. I . - iiny - KWirkljiti ,a. Oiue' j.nve giv en ret " 01 tin a- nc. MUST MAKE OLLA K 1 v Toledo, Oregon. Low Prices. Democratic Nominations. The democratic state convention at Astoria made the following nom inations! Wm. Galloway, of Yam' hill, governor; Chas. Nickell, of Jackson, secretary of state'; Thos. L. Davidson, of Marion, state treas urer'; W. H. Holmesi of Marion, attorney general'; D; S V. Reid, of superintendent of public instruc tion; Capt. John O'Brien, of Mult nomah, state printer; Judge A. S. Benuett, of Wasco, supreme judge. Hon. J. H. Raley wa-. nominated for congress the iecond district and Hon. J. K. Weatherford in the first district. UKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following are the real estate transfers in Lincoln county since our last report J j Let to J M Hansen arid wife', lots 10, 11, 12, blk. 23", Davis' addition to Ya quina, consideration. .. .'$ 65 06 Etnil Hansen and wife to Mark Stone', lot 10, blk. 23, Davis' addition to Ya quina Alfred Cloake and wife to the General Conference Association of Seventh Day Adveutists, a small parcel of land near Stoirs for a churc' lot 15 00 1 00 , . WEATHER UEPOBT. The following is a nummary of the weather for the month of March, as taken at the observing station at Tojedo, Oregon t . Elevation above sea level, 40 feet; uieao" temperature, 48; maxi mum temperature, 71, date 22ndj minimum temperature, 45 date 3rd; ECaP.pf maximum tcmperature,jj& mean of minimun temperature, ,34; number times minimum, tempera ture 32 degTeesotbelow,'$; number times minimun temperature 40 de giees or belowv 28. Total precipi tation, 18.4 inches. Prevailing direction of wind, south; total movement, of v!nd, .30 miles. Number 0? clear days,.; number of partly cloudy days, 7; number of days on which .01 or more of pre cipitation fell, 24; number of days on which .04 or more of precipita tion fell, 13. . Dates on which hail fell, 2nd; dates on which snow fell, 1st; dates of light frost, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 16th and 17th. Dk. II. W. YlNCliNT, Observer. QJ CONSTIPATIOM.; r INFLAMATIONor BLADDER. aDi JBAU KIDNEY DISEASES. I (Jo More Back Ache mum Lrl I 1 1 U Sr. V W 1 I mm jf ! M. I I 1 11 if 'Vwr II Ax DO YOU WANT It Will Pay YOU to sec I CAN SELL YOU . FIRST-CLASS STOCK, Warranted True to Name and Tree From Disease and Insect Pests AT THE LOWEST PEICES. Home Grown and Healthy Trees Toledo, Oregon t&At LEADER OFFICE. I-I. TVE. mnUKIKl, Prop , Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, fruit, etc lilliarl d Fool Room io Conneciion. 1 QUIET AXD ORDERLY RESORti YAQUINA CITY, --"vTHE- Lincob County Leader The Official Paper County'. Gives more Local the other Papers in the County Combined. Fearless, Outspoken and Free. It is not controlled by any Clique or Ring. It is worthy of every. Taxpayer in the ONL.Y 31.SO You get aU the Official County J ews, and the News. Call on or TOLEDO, FRUIT TREES? ME before Buying. - OREGON. of Lincoln News than al irh ftimnnW nfi 10 t v ' '!:! . ft all Local addrel OREGON 1 c . k- I.