WMtttp The iadek should be read by every tax-payer of Remetr,rcr that this paper is the only one in Lincoln or Ben ton county that has the courage to stand, for the common people. mttca Lincoln County. It will .i r..j.-i cost you but $r.5j a 3ear. fit m r II. Toledo, Liticolri County, Oregon, Thursday, April, 19 1894. Number 7. r mmv. DIRECTORY. LINCOLN COIISTY, joint Senator Bounty Judge Clerk ... Bheriff -Treasurer -School Superintendent purveyor Assessor- . Coroner Commissioners J C. Tt. Crosno D. P. Mue B. F. Jones George Lamlis Henry l)euHuger Chas. llooth Jos. Gideon - T. K. Parker Jtis. Russell J. O. Stearns M. L. Trapp TOLEDO PREC1XCT. ustlee of the Peaee J. A. Hall A. E. Altree instable tfHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. if ETH0DI9T EPISCOPAL CHU RCH.- -Services Will hn hpld under the auspices of the Methodtst Episcopal church as follows: First n J 1 .... A,, mnntl. fit fit.. Blltliinl hoMOA BUiiuay 111 mwii" pv Jm . m .ndf n m. Second and Fourth hun- itava at Toledo, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Third gundav at Mill Four school house, at 8 p. m. ill are cordially Invited to attend. . .o A. L. HAWLEY, Pastor, s Address, Toledo, Oregon. iT.' JOHN'S CHURCH Protestent Episcopal.) r Divine service the nnth Ht. It ft. m. Al ne imru ounuay ui every All are invited to attend. Jev. Chas. Booth, Missionary. Residence, Reotory," Newport, Or, r n n v Toledo LodKe. No. 108. Meet JWevery Friday evening at their hall in this ivn. ijNoa Arnold, Seo'y. J. S. Gaither, N.t). O. G. T.-Meete every Thursday evening, X 7;HU O'CIOCK. m irrnuy u unit, wis lonu, X. k Hawley, C. T R. E. Collins, Secretary. FA.'and I. U. Toledo Union, No: 156. Meets everv Saturday evening, Ko'elock, in Grady's knll in this town. All members requested to Jttna;-7T, T. Reader, president; j. j. lurntuge, eoretai y. inn v Hav Tjirlee No. 11(1. of Yaanina City, I meets every Saturday evening. Visiting Brothers are always welcome. . BtjUhows, Secretary. J. N. Stark, N. G, T "O; O. F. Newport Lodge No. 8!), meets every JL Saturday evening, vi dially invited to attend, visiting brothers are cor- CYRUB UIXON, N. G. 1 I. L. Smith, secretary. AF. St A. M. Newport Lodge No. 8f, regular convocation on Saturday on or before each iijU'moon. Visiting brothers are cordially leloomed. Jab. U. uunsell, . m. ' jAg. Robertson, Secy. n A. R. Phil Sheridan Post No. 24, meets It every second and fourth Thursday evening. , .V Geo. Sylvester, Com. i Rt, A- 15SNSELI., AOJl. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Corvollis, Oregon flOTL LINCOLN ipt. ll, VINCENT, Prop. ;Everytliirig .... I I "' First-class. i hargea . ft'OIyEDO, Reasonable. OREGON. if A. HALL, Justice of the Peace f jf loledo, Oregon, j Aads, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers ! ozeouted with correctness. Careful attention iveu w an DusiuesH euirusiea o my care. t - TF. C. SIIEPARD, Attorney-at-Law, Residence, Stanford, Oregon, Business in any court in Lincoln Ppunty promptly and carefully at; tepded to. REDERICK D. CARSON, Attorney-at-Law, Coledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Collections, Conveyancing, 1 ana court Practice j Generally, !fors by permission to Ex-Oov. J. S. Pillsbury, V. 8. Senator W. D. Washburn, Gen. John P. Kea. Ex-Commander-in-chief O. A. K.. Min- toeaDOlls. Minn.. Hon. Martin P. Morris and J. Jt Darlington, Esq.,' Washlugton, D. C, Schuy ler Duryea, Chief Clerk Patent office, Fairfax (County, Va., and Rev. Chas. Booth, Newport, , jregou. The WeHoot Hi. 1 Oregon Pacific Railroad. E. W. HADLEY, Receiver. ijirect Line-Quick Dispatch-Low Freight 1 Rates. treen Willamette Vallay point! end Han franeiseo. OCliAN STEAMER SAILINGS. 8.8. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. r 1... aves San Francisco November 6th, 14th and Vrd IftW. UavesVaqulna November 9th, 19th and 28th, 1883. nd about every ten days thereafter. This Company reservea the right to change! mug Hales without notice. RIVER STEAMERS. allr service between Portland and Salem and L pper n Ulamette river points. 1 VPIv U.B.Vofjle, Prices Dul lLN wSlns YA-QTJESTl. -WE HAVE FULB & COMPLETE STOCK -0F- Dry Goods, Notions, Men's and Boy V Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, G-UM BOOTS, G-XJM COATS - AND - OIL OLjOTMIIIMQ- ' ALI OF WHICH W ARi; Selling at Hard Ao-ent for Brownsville Woolen o IVtills Groods. and Fits Grnaranteed. ' C. B. QROSNO & CO., HAVE BARGAINS IN Farm Lauds, Tide Lands, CoaJ Lands, Ttyvvn Property in single Lots or Blocks IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln County furnished Toledo, m PRINTING The place to get your CARDS, ENVELOPES, LETTER PEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC., And all kinds ol Ii at the LEADER OFFICE, CfiTPriceand ork Satisfactory r NOW A- Times Prices. Measures taken is and on demand. Orpgon. The Alsea House Waldport, Lincoln 4i. i VOUnty9 Headauarters for politicians, tour- " ists. hunters and the nublic. ' Pnmfnrr rlpanlinpeQ cinrl conrl rrrnb at low rates, our motto. ' - e o Feed stable and saddle ponies, ;" Wm, R. Wakefield, Prop, ROB'T CAMPBELL, FEOPKIETOR OF Toledo Meat Market, ' DEALS IN Fresh and Cured Meats OF ALL KINDS. Toledo, - - Oregon. 8, T JEFFREYS, Attorney-at-Law, CORVALLIS, OREGON, Will practice in Justice, County and Circuit Courts of Lincoln County. Solicit correspondence, full" greed. No charges unless Farms for Sale. I have several farms, both cultl vatea ana uncultivated, tor sale in tracts ot 40 acres and upwards These lands are adapted to fruit, vegetable and sheep culture. Will be sold very cheap and on reason able terms. Anyone desiring to purchase such lands will do well to call on or address X M. J. Allphin, Little Elk, Oregon. A. L. McFADDEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public. Toledo, - Oregon. Administratrix Notice. In the County Court of Lineolii County, State ot uregon. "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE VN dersitnied h-is been appointed "by the coun ty court of Lincoln County, Oregon, adminis tratrix of the estaU'Of L. M. Harmcn, deceased, late of Lincoln county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notilied to present mem amy venneq ta " m-s at my rasidenca on Pepof slough, near Toledo, Orogon.-within six months from the date t.ereoi : ana an persons inucntea to said estate are untitled to settle the same im- I' mediately. Hated at Toledo, Oregon, this 2, day ot .March WW. ' - 51. C. HAKMON, Administratrix of the Estate of L. M. Harmon, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the approved plat of survey of township il south, range. io west, has been received from the Surveyor Gener al of Oregon and on v ! April. 25, 1894, at 9 o'clock a.' m. of said day said plat will' be filed in this office and 1 the land therein embraced will be subject to entry oil and after that date.' Peti;r Paquet, Receiver. To Exchange For land or lots on tidewater. One house and lot, and 1 barn 40x80 feet in size, located, in Klamath Falls, Klamath county. A good place for a liveryman. Address, L. Thomas. tf. Corvallis, Oregon. Call lor Bids to Erect a Bridge across UUn siotigb at Alsea. "VOTK'K Is rs-t!by (tlven tiiat the County i-i (.'lerkof-Ui c ut I'ounty, tJreKnn; nn re ceive eetued (il.'M diagram b, iniu and coiifttrurJ.';i such plans. Y.x r'1 specifications and strain Is fi.) the building, erection 4f such bridge, jw'oording to Mrt.lcir therefor shall bo re- ih his bid ten tier cent of 1 id which shall be forfeit 1 ense the award is mnde to , fusoH -r neglects for tho vtersnch award has been quired to dennm! tne amount of ; ed to the county i him and he failf . ' made, and heliis refcived due notilication period 01 twod thereof, to emfi .'..locoiuiftfi amt nienis noun in the bum.ot rinu'- o the amount of his bid, to the satisfaction of mM Coliul Court. All bids to be r .: wived on or before the hour of 120'clock on Friday May.Jth 18!1. Hight re served to roject PTiy or all bids. I. I. .iu.m',", i.ouniy i iera. i'.v M. K. PKAIHS, Deputy. By order of the ( imuty Court, Toledo, Oregon April 6, 1VM, L.8. A liai'ii'ain 260 acres of the best land 111 Lincoln county: situa- ted on the Alsea bay 3 miles above Waldport; has two miles of water front, 130'acres choice tide land, good house, barn and orchard, good ffiSdS;, canbe B. F. Jones, Toledo, Or. THE ODELL Type Writer. tf.Awm Duy tne udelij t j rK nitri'KK 02U with 78 charaotertt. and for the HIS- CLE CA8E ODELL. warranted 4o do better work than any machine made. ' T nn,kinA. ul..,llAU..Ur. ...al.nirn anaarl ease of operation, wean Ion per without cost oi repairs than anv other machine. Haft no Ink ribbon to bothe the operator.- It in neat, nub- stantial, nlckle-ptated, perfeot, and adapted to an Kinaeoi lype writing, ijine a priniinff press, It produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts, Two or ten copies can be made at one writing, Any intelligent person can become an operator 111 wo anys. ne oner fi.uuu iu anv oireraiui who can equal the work of the DtiLliLE UAHK Reliable AgentB and Salesmen wanted. Spec ial inducements to Dealers. dress For Pamphlet giving Iiuorsements, etc, ad Odell TvBe Writer Co. 868-864-Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL A I5 PRIZE I ! The Leadkr will giye five dollars in gold to the boy or eirl under sixteen years ofage who contributes . 1 1. . 1 : . 1. 1 ; . us tue uest article upon lue suujcli of "Decoration Day." CONDITIONS. The writer must be under sixteen years of age and must compose and write the article or essay unaided by any other person in any par ticular. The essay must contain not less than 600 words and not more than 1,000. It must be writ ten on one side of the paper only, and signed by some fictitious name Enclosed with the .same must be a sealed envelope bearing the ficti tious name on the outside and the writers true name and address on the inside. The essay must reach this office by May 15, 1894, and the writer or his or her family must be an annual subscriber to the Leader and must reside in Lincoln county. The meri'.s of the contrl butions will be decided by judges who will be named later on. The contributions are to be the proper' ty of the Leader, to be published or not as we see fit. Get on your thiti'ting caps boys andgirls and get ve dollars. The prohibition! is have placed a full county ticket in the field in Linn county. Faying -'Taxes Will it be tho Hoggs Again? The people of the state'of Oregon The signs of the times as far as are now in the throes of taxpayiug. ; O. P. matters are concerned, indi Taxes are due and in a few counties j cate that the Hoggs are again liable delinquent. In cU.iu touiuies the titue for taxes to become delinquent has beeii extended for a short time but in no cases later than the first of June. The taxpayiug time of Oregon comes in the wrong part of the year. At no other time is cash so scarce and so hard to t,et as it is from February to May, r J une. There are no farm products to sell, growing crops are not far enough advanced to warrant any loans on them, an no works of any material size is ever started that early. ! The . result is that every taxpayer is "put to it" to raise the money to pay his taxes. This suould ' and can be remedied by the next legis lature. The sentiment tor this re form is well advanced over the state and it is very probable that relief will come, ; The late re'publv can state convention recognized the need of this reform and adopted a resolution upon the subject, au fol lows: ' '"That it the pnse of this convention that the coming session of the legislature should pass an act providing for the pay ment ot, all taxes at two different times oue-iialfin the spring and the other half 111 the fall, but op tional with the taxpayer to pay all in the spring in one payment if he so desires)'' Such' statutory ' pro visions would wbrk ' no possible hardship upon auy state or county institutions and would greatly re lieve the burden upon the taxyapers. If this mattet can be taken up jn a uon-partjsau manner this much needed change can be brought about. Grandma Matthews, of the New port News, went off on the wrong foot as usual last .week about the assessor's blanks. Now granny, you say the Post printed the blanks. We will make yon a present ' of a new hat if you can provtj they were printed there by any legitimate means of evidence. A great many tilings you cton t Know, ana me trouble is you are too prejudiced or thickheaded' to learii. . Do you know that there' is in the freight office at Toledo a large box of assessor's blanks for Thos. E. Parker from J3cn. C. Irwin r. Cm of Portland? ' Do you know that the blanks now in use are Irwin & Co.'s form of blanks, but they were not printed in Portland,, neither were they printe.l in Toledo nor elsewhere in Lincoln county, al though Van Cleve collected the pay for tHem? Don't you know that the Leader told the. exact truth wheti it said that Parker ignored the job offices of Lincoln county, and that Judge Blue is responsible for Van Cleve getting the work done outside? Don't you know that you don't know anything about it and that you are some thing of a liar yourself? Every four years ihe mails on each railway loute are weighed for a period of one month and upon the average weight thus found the con tracts for carryjng are made for the ensuing four years. This is the year for the mails .to t)e weighed and the time selected is from the 16th of April to the 16th May. The weighing is done by weighers appointed by the Postal depart' ment. The democrats of Benton county have placed the following ticket in nomination: Representative, A, F. Hershnerj county judge, J. A Cauthorn; county clerk, Ira Hunter j sheriff, D. A. Osborn; recorder, Virgil Watters; treasurer, Wm. Buchanan; commissioner, Arthur Johnson; assessor, Asa Alexander; school superintendent, E. L. Bryan; surveyor, A.J. Locke; coroner, W. J. Fitzpa trick, At the republican state conven tion last week the following nomi nations were made: W. P. Lord, governor; H. R. Kjncaid, secretary' of state; Phil. Metschan, treasurer; C. M. Idleman, attorncy-geneial; G. W. Irwin, school superintendent; C. K. Wolverton, supreme' judge; W. H. Leeds, state printer. 11 i e 1 John I). Daly was nominated for joint representative for Lincoln and Benton counties. to own and control the Oregon jra cific railroad and connecting steam er lines. That they have been at work earnestly to bring this about goes without saying, At one time it looked as though they were to be doomed to disappointment. That was at the time pf the December sale. ' Had the sale been confirmed the deal would have been up and the Hoggs left out. But the Hoggs were schemers, They were not disheartened, and with the aid of the employes they prevailed upon the court and succeeded 'in getting t,he confirmation of the sale defeat ed and' a new receiver appointed Now there is to be another sale on or before the 211J. day of :June, and if rumor and indications amount to ativthinir. it is safe to say that the Hoggs will be on hand ready to bid It will require a deposit of $200,000 to bid at the sale and they have al ready a fair proportion of this Btnounl slened oil' on the "option papers" which they hold. Just what to expect of the June sale is hard to - determine, The outside observer would be inclined to decidj that the Hoggs have the whip hand and will turn the tables on the Blairs in exactly the sanie manner in which the Blairs tried to do them in December last. It will be remembered that time Blairs' attorneys stated when the sale was up for confirmation that if that sale was not confirmed they would never again touch the road 111 any manner. Maiy Dase tne the opinjon on this statement that the Blairs will lidt bid at the coin ing sale. We are inclined to be lieve that the Blairs are not going to cooly sacrifice' the millions of dollars they have invested in this foad after fighting over it so long and hard, and we predict that if the pfcliminary steps io the sale are properly taken that when the Hoggs get ready to bid they will find a Competitor at the sale with money enough to make it interesting, to .1. 1 1. l auy me leant. A remarkable case of surgery lias bei.n reported from Albany. J. A. Xumming' had a valuable mare that was with foal from a valuable horse. The mare had the misfortune to break her leg in such a manner as to preclude the possi bility of her recovery about a month before foaling time. It was de sired to save the colt if possible, and, as the fatf! of the mare was practically decided, chances were taken and an operation was pel- formed, which, so far as known now, is the first on record for a like case. The Caesarian section was performed by Dr. E. L. Irvin, Dr. H. E. Beers and Mr. D. O. Wood wortn. i he lite ot the mare was sacrificed for the colt, whjch was saved, though respiration failed to appear for fully five minutes after being taken from her mother, and was only produced by attificial means. The colt, a fine looking animal is alive and doing well, triumph of skjllful surgery. We see no good reason why the counties should be compelled to pay the state levy before the levy county pur poses is paid; It would rather seem good policy to first pay the county levy and thus turn the money loose among the people, than to drain the county of money to put in banks and loaned out to the people at a high rate of interest, thus compelling them to pay in terest on their own money. To say the least, the state ought not to get more than its pro rata of the money as it is paid in, and, besides, should suffer a pro rata loss with the county of the taxes assessed and not col lectable. This would simply be justice to all. We call special at tention to this subject now, when the legislative tickets are being made up. Arlington Record. A prominent Hogg man near this place declares that the Hoggs will own the O. P. and that they will have the Willamette Valley back on the route again before the last of June. Waldport Items. Fine weather in this vicinity this week, plenty of gardening going on. Dancing seems to be all the rage here of late, have had on an average' of three a week for the last month. Its evident there are lots of idle people here or they wouldn't dance quite so' much, The tug Robarts, of Siuslaw, came in on the lith with a load of. flour for X. H, Diven & Son. She' also brought several passengers.' By the tales they tell the weather was quite rough and most of theiu fed the fishes rather freely, to their great disgust, BORN. On the nth to the wife of Walter Hosford, a sou. ' Walt, seems to be 'qtiite jubilant over 'tiie affair. Also his neigh-' bora as they all seem quite auxious' to see the new arrival and shake' hands wih its good natured papa. 1 We are informed that school will soon open in town agajn with Miss- Buoy as teacher. We hope there will be a good long term, for it is' uauiy lictucu tit picaciU, uiiu i.Vi'li. also .'keep the youngsters out of mischief and off the streets, " ' ' Mr, 'Hawley has moved away from town, for the summer, ' tc Wm. Talley's place, down at? Ocean View, where- -hq intends putting hi'souie garden. ' the Schooner Mayflower sailed or. the 13th from here vith i3o';ood ftet of 'spruce lumber on board.1 Sue goes to a place called Moss; Landing, on Monterey Bay, about1 nuiety miles so'trth ot San . Francis co. The tug Robarts towed hef out and then proceeded to Siuslaw: The dance up the river at Mr.' Hubbard's, on Friday night, was quite an enjoyable affair. Several of the Waldport boys were in at-' tendance. ' "' ' ' We are again pleased to see our genial shoemaker, Mr. Gideon, at home and ready to take orders for work. Charlie s&ys trade is very poor thiji spring, and it undoubtedly is so. If you had a jeweler shop and aciljties for cleaning clocks in conn'ectibn with your shoeshopl We believe it would greatly swelj your financial resources Charlie, Better try jt. Mr. Silas Howell is erectine a new picket fence around'his hotel! It will be quite an improvement to looks of his property, Miss Nona' Reynolds has gone to Tidewater to attend school, Messrs. Titus and Tullic have been fishing for flounders this wek.' They are shipping them out to the valley, where they say they find a ready sale for them. Hope they may have good success in this new, enterprise and continue in the bus; inesfj. Writer. The Willamette Valley. ' This steamer has been tied up at the dock in San Francisco, held by attachments issued to the sheriff, since .early in last December. Iq, the San Francisco state court last' Saturday a decision was . rendered which relieved the vessel of her principal load of indebtedness. This decision is to the effect that attachments issued out of state, courts on marine vessels are void. The steamer is now in the hands, of the U. 0. marshal and is libeled, for $1 1 ,ooo for supplies furnished. There are also claims aggregating $34,000 for coal bills and receiver's, certificates, in process of adjust? ment in the cjreuit court at Corvalr lis. The Southern Pacific Railroad company exhibits two locomotives at the Midwinter Fair. One of them the C. P. Huntington, wa9 brought around the Horn in 1863, It weighs about 13,000 pounds and cost $10,603.49; the other, No. 1999, is a compound engine weigh ing 141,000 pounds, besides which the Huntington looks like a baby, yet it cost but a trifle more than the latter. - It is said that Governor Pennoytr will deliver several campaign speeches throughout the state. Politics will now hold full sway over all other subjects until after the June election. 1 ,1 S ) 1 r