Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 12, 1894, Image 1

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Remember that this paper
is the only one in Lincoln
or Benton county that has
the courage to stand for
the common people.
The deader should be
read by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
Volume II.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, April, 12 1894.
Number 6.
Joint Senator
County Judge
School Superintendent
Commissioners! "
- C. B. Crosno
D. P. Blue
B. F. Jones
George Lundis
Henry Denlinger
Chas. Booth
Jos. (ildeon
T. K. Parker
Jas. Russell
J. O. Stearns
M. L. Trapp
Justice of the Peace
J. A. Hall
A. K. Altree
will be held under the auspices of the
Methodist Episcopal church as follows : First
Sunday in each month at Elk City school house
at 11 a- m. and 7 p. m. Second and Fourth Sun
days at Toledo, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Third
Kundav at Mill Four school house, at 8 p. m.
All are" cordially invited to attend.
A. L. HAWI.EY, Pastor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon.
SJT. JOHN'S CHURCH Protestent Episcopal.
f Divine service the third Sunday of every
tnonth, at 11 a. in. All are invited to attend.
Rev. Chas. Booth, Missionary. Residence,
'Rectory ," Newport, Or.
10. O. F. Toledo Lodge, No. 10K. -Meet
every Friday eveninic at their hall in this
Rknor Arnold, Sec'y. J. s. Gaitheh, N.O.
10. G. T. Meets every Thursday evening,
FrSOoVloelt, in (iradv's hnll, this town,
A. L. Hawley, C. T R. K. Collins, Secretary.
X? A. and I. U. Toledo Union, No. l.'m. Meets
f- everv Saturday evening, Ko'clock, in (irady's
; Ball in this town. All members requested to
: ! kttend. T. T. Reeder, President; J. J. lurnldge,
Yo'.'o. F.
-liav Lodge No. ltfi. of Yaunlna city,
:i. meets every
vrl KRtnnlRv m-fmliiir. Visitinir
(miners nro RUvnya welcome.
E. BUKKOWB, Secretary. J. K. Stark, X. G.
T O. O. F. Newport Lndffe No. 80, meets every
-m. Hfituraav evening, vismnguroinersarecor
Cvkus Dixon,
Smith, Secretary.
K. 0
AT. & A. M. Newport Lodge No. 85, regular
convocation on Saturday on or before each
full moon. Visiting urotners are corninuy
Welcomed. jab. u. h.m
Jas. Roiiektson, Secy.
A. U. Phil Sheridan Post No. vM, meets
every second and fourth Thursday evening.
K. A. Benskli., Adjt.
Cliafgea Reasonable,
justice of the. Peace,
' l'oledoj dregon,
Ceeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers
cxecuieu wun correctness. i:areiui attention
given to all business entrusted to my care,
w. c. siiepabd,
Residence, Stanford; Oregon.-
Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Toledo,' Lincoln County, Oregon.
Collection, . Con veynncln(J,
tiitd Court Practice
cferf' by permission to Ex-Gov. J. S. Ptllsburv,
U. H. Senutor W. I. Washburn, Gen. John P.
Ken, Ex-C'ommander-ln-('hief G. A. R., Mln
Ticnpoli, Mijto., lJon;Martin F. Morris andj.
I. lmrlington, Esqi, Waxhiuirton, I). CSohny
ler Iiuryea, Chief Clerk Patent ollire, Fairfax
( ounty, Va.t and Kev. Chas. Booth, Newport,
lis Wot h
Oregon Pacific Railroad.'
K. W. HADLEY, Receiver,
direct Line
-Quick DlspatPn
Rates. Low Freight
; I Corvailis
X Iciueen WilloiiyMNs Vallay points and ban
iares ran Frauci&co November dth, Uih and
Kves Vauulna November 9th, 19th and 28th.
nd alwnt ev.ry ten days thereafter.
This Company reserves the right to change
-iling dates without notice.
sereiee-Ketween Portland and Salem and
rwtr Willamette river points.
Fm OfYlLa - Ota
Dry Goods, Notions, Men's and
Boy's Clothing;, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps,
oii. OtOTi-iiKfo
Selling at Hard
for Brownsville "Woolen
and Fits Guaranteed.
C. B. CROSNO fc CO.,
Real U Ignti and Abstracters
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
AbstrctofTitieto any property in Lincoln County
furnished on demand.
The place to get your
And "11 Miwl'inf r .
Is at til
fajrPrice and Work Satisfactory
Times Prices.
The Alsea House
Jfaldport; Liiitbln Comity,
Headquarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the publfc.'
Comfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our motto;..
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
Wm. R. Wakefield, Prop.
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresli anrf Cured Meats
loieao, - - uregon.
& tt: jEFiiiErs;
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
E'incolrr Cotliyty.
Hfliltclt correpondenc.
Iull greed.
No charKea nnlexs
Farms., for Sale.
t have several farms, both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts ot 40 acres and upwards.
These .lauds are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture. . Will
be sold .Yery cheap and on reason
able terms. Anyone desiring, to
purchase such lands will do well to
call on or address .
. v M. J. Allphin,
tf. Little Elk, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Adniinistratrix Notice.
In the County Court of Lincoln County, State
of Oregon.
1 dert-iimeri has been appointed by the coun
ty court of Lincoln County, Oregon, adminis
tratrix of the estate of L. M. liar mm, deceased,
late of Lincoln county, Oregon. All nvrsons
having claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present them duly verified
to ma at my residence on IVpot
slough, near Toledo, Oregon, within six mouths
from the date hereof; and all jHrsoti indebted
to said estate are notified to settle the same im
mediately. , Dated at Toleao, Oregon, this 29, day of March
Administratrix of the Estate of L. M. Harmon,
VOTIVE IS HE khllV ttl VKN; that the partner
Bhip existing between litis. H. Heschke and
Thos. l'avey was dissolved on February 17, 1MM,
All accounts due the Unit are parable to Thos.
Pavey, and all indebtedness ot the- tirm is pay
able by him,
(lirs: H. Khrchke.
All persons having cliunis aarainst the estate
of W. it. MKinson, deceased, are hereby unti
tled to present the mime, propiirlv veritied; to
L. L. Logan, at theSilctz Ageuey.'wiihin thirty
days, or suh claims will bo forever deuarred.
Hated this 8th dav of March, 1MU.
L. L. HKiAN,
SiletB Aeiu'V, Oregon.
A )5 rKiZrvli
'rhe Lkader will give five dollars
in gold to the boy or girl under
sixteen years of age who contributes
US the" btst iirticlc upon the subject
of "Decoration Day."
The writer must be under sixteen
years of age and must compose and
write the arJdS bt essay . unaided
by any other person in any par-
ticular. The
tibt less tlia:i
essay must contain
obb words and not
o. It must be writ
oi the paper only,
owe fictitious name,
'.he same must be a
i beaiing the ficti
more than i,-
ten on one s i '
and signed 1 y
Enclosed wit!
sealed Siiveli.:
tious name on the outside and the
writers true r.ame and address on
the inside. The! essay must reach
this office by May 15; T894, and
the writer or his or her family must
be an annual subscriber to the
Leader and must reside in Lincoln
county. 1 he merits of the contri
butions will be decided by judges
who will be named later on. The
contributions are to be the proper
ty of the Leader, to be published
or not as we see.ftt.'
Get on your thinking caps boys
and girls and get five dollars.
Notice is herebv edven that thi
approved plat of survey of township
13 soutn, range 10 west, has been
received from the Surveyor Gener
al qf Oregon and on
April 25, i8gi,
at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day said
plat will be tiled in this otlice and
thk land therein embraced, will he
subject to entry on and after that
KbitftRT A. Miller,' Register
Peter Paquet, Receiver.
-. t. To. Echange ,.
For land or lots on tidewater.
One house and lot. and 1 barn
40x80 feet in size, located in
Klamath Falls, Klamath" county.
A good place for a liveryman.
Address,' ,
L. Thomas.
tf. Corvallis, Oregon.
Ranch for Sale.
.,.A good 40 acre ranch on the riv
er two miles below 'Toledo. Good
house, barn and cf icken house, also
good young orchard. Will be sold
for $375, one-fourth down, balance
on liberal time. Call on or address
J. N. Arnold Tohdo, Oregon.
A liargnin 260 acres of the
best land in Lincoln county; situa-tcd-on
the-Alsea bev 3 miles above
Waldport; has two miles of water
front, 130 acres choice tide land,
good house, barn and orchard, good
stock range; 50 tons of hay can be
cut on the place. Address,
B. F. Jon::s, Toledo, Or.
S?ypo 7 riter.
m buy the oni;(.r, TV PR WHITER
with ;n -hara-Utr. and ll.. for the KIN
.I.K 1tfK 0I1KI I,, warranted to do
better wnrjc than any ma line mad'-.
It combine iiMilli'ilyy ,th durability, aix-ed,
eae of ot'eraibui, weerit fi fiffirr wltboiit ffotit of
repair than anv other n hine. iiat no li. k
ribtion to tuither 'ht!oien or. It Ik neat, nub.
utaiuial, nirkle-viatd, cr-'i-i-t, anil arlaitted to
ail kifwlHOf tyie v. ritiitK. l.lkt-a rlntlnir pre.,
It j'rodurcii .harp, vU'un, It a-ible rnaitiJKcrljpiK.
Two or 101 r-opl - " ri le i aile at one writ nic.
Any ii.le'ilKent rm ca, tKfitne au ofa-iator
ia two- (-h. U' i,,fr fi H to an o;rator
rhuran eiiual tr.r Kork u. the IMH'lll.K CASK
f.,yi.l,l.. . f
Utabie Aironi' H-id !-) imen naij'el He
...l .ii'lureini'iiii'to I'tmicr'.
F'lU'auiph'et riw'iK ll'.oriieme IT .itc, ad
'oell Type 7ri4v Co:
Vr1 I "rt'"fn ai , I l.itMlO, ILL,
Comity Court.
County Court met in regular ses
sion on Wednesday, April 4, 1894,
a'. v.:c:S..?r.i p-r'-"1- A4
Gxescsi. Journeu iLi Thursday morning at
9 o clock a. m.
Court convened with all mem
bers presenti and the following pro
ceedings were had;
In the matter of the report of tl.
W. Vader, supervisor of road dis
trict No. 131, Ordered that the re
port be accepted and the sum of
$28.50 be allowed to said supervisor
and that Chris Hansen be appoint
ed supervisor for the year 1S94.
In the matter of the petition for
a bridge across Hekmau sloufrh at
Alsea Bay: Ordered that the coun
ty court at otice advertise four con
secutive insertions in each weekly
paper in Lincoln county for sealed
plnns, specifications and strain dia
gram. Each bidder therefor shall
be compelled to deposit with his
bid 10 per cent, of the amount of
such hid. which Sersfr't shrill
forfeited to the county in case the
award is made to him and he fails,
ucglects or refuses for the period of
two days alter such award is made,
and he has received due notice
thereof, to ciiter into contract and
file his bbnd in tile sniii of double
the amount of his bid to the satis
taclion of the sai l county court.
In the matter of the1 netit'bn of
August Gfohe tor the extension of
boundaries of road district No. 57:
Ordered that the petition be grant
In the matter of the
of J. J. Lrisiow, road supervisor of
district No. j?7: Ordered that resig
nation be accepted and Lucius Nor
ton be appointed to fill the vacancy.
In the matter of the petition of
Robt. Chambers et al. for aid on
county road: Ordered that the pe
tition be not granted.
In the matter of, the petition of
bridges across Drift creek: Con
tinued for terihi
In matter of surveyor's feports
on roads from Mackay's point to
Alsea and at Elk City! Ordered
that reports be accepted.
In the mattet; of the bilj of N. M.
Newport; Ordered that this bill be
not .allowed for the reason that
the justice had no jurisdiction either
to take bail or discharge prisoner.
In the matter of the petition of
M. L. Campbell et al., to change
the boundaries of the voting precinct
of Elk City: Ordered thaj
tition be granted and the clerk
ordered to reconstruct the boun
daries Jto conform to, the Same.'
In the matter of the petition of
B. F. Grant et al. for county road:
Ordered that petition , be granted
. A- . "' ''k
aim surveyor ordered to survey
sameon April 24, 1894; Wm. Pepin,
Sam'l Stewart and G. Luckey,
appointed .viewers.'
In the matter of the petition of
Ordered that the petition be not
In the matter of extending the
time .'or payment of taxes: Order
ed that the lime for the payment
of taxes before they aret delinquent
be extended to June is'c 1894.
In the matter of the report of
viewers and surveyors of Hodges
road: Ordered ihat reports be ac
cepted and road ordered opejied.
In the matter of the pet 'tion of
A. T. Peterson, road supervisor of
district No. 34. for construction of
two bridges oii line of Toledo and
Duilden bridge road: Ordered that
said bridges may be constructed
under the supervision of the super-
visorot said- district, In payment
for the construction and building of
said bridges, the county only to be
liable for the actual and reasonable
cost of material nacei-.sary ' in the
construction thereof; and e upon
final completion and acceptance
thereof by the officers of this court
.In the matter ol the report of I).
II. Williams, supervisor off road
district Xo. 38: Allowed in the
sum of f lo.oo. - -
In the matter of the contract of
Parker & Van Winkle for malting
present owner maps, plats, etc: - It
appearing, to- this, co.urt that all -the
requirements of said contract on
the part of said Parker & Van
Winkle have been fully and satis,
factorily complied with, it is hereby
ordered that all of said . work be
accepted and filed as part of the
peri'-anci.t records of '.'.is cohr.ty. j
In the matter of school district
boundaries, of district 37, and any
or all others. The county superin
tendent was ordered to make all
necessary and legal changes in dis
trict boundaries.
In the matter of supervisors re
port of district No. 53, G. II. Moore
supervisor: It is ordered that this
report be accepted and he be allow
ed the sum of $10 for work per
formed in said district.
t'Ott 11V STAT11TK.
C G Copeland, supplies for
court house, . ; . . . 1 $ 6 40
H W Vader, road work dist.
No. 13 28 50
N M Newport, justice fees,
claimed $2 00, claim rejected.
Ben C Irwiu & Co;, cash reg
ister lor sheriti, 1 1 15
lieo Marnier, assist, survey 2 00
J F Stewiirt: printing: 28 00
Chas Mathews, sawing wood
for court house 2 50
Dr. E. Warreti) medicine for
Forrest family 3 00
J F Stewart, printing 6 50
Coll Van Cleve, printing 1. . 5 25
W II Alexander, wood for
court house 10 50
Coll Van Cleve, printing) : . ; 34 00
R F Rains, caring for For
rest infant ,. : . 28 00
Coll Van Cleve, printing .... 5 00
Josiah Gideon 1 snrveying
Toledo and Alsea road ... 99 50
Mrs Chas Gordon; boarding
prisoner Jeffreys 7 00
Jno Buckley, supplies for ex
amination of. teachers. ... 5 10
Ben C Irvvin'S: Co, index to
tax roll 9 45
J P Allen; assisting J; P. . . t 50
Chas Booth, teacher's exam. 9 00
ST Adams, " " 900
G A Landis, money paid out
for county - 37 00
Yaquina Bay News, printing
for sheriff. 8 75
Chas Booth, fees 105 00
Haivey Parks; fof viewer on
Hodges road .' .' 5 10
P L Latiirop, do 4 80
Geo Hodges, chalnman 4 50
W L Pepin, chainman ; ; . 5 50
Harold Lathrop, marker .... 4 80
A L Porter, surveyor 1880
W H H Ricb,: rent fo; .court
house for Feb and March 1
$50 claimed rejected
J H McNeil, supplies for For
rest family atid T E Par
ker j 2 20
L O'Brien, supplies for John
Earl, $9 9$. Continued.
D H Williams, work in foSd
district No. 38 40 or
W L Watklns, constable fees
State vs. Jeffries 51 60
II A Crowder, guarding pris
oner Jeltnes 14 00
Copeland 6c Gaither, rent for
court house $50 continued i
(j ii Moore, road work 111
district jno. 53 1000
Dan Murphy, viewer oil
Feagles road . ........... 2 00
W A Rineower, do 3 00
Calvin Mann, chainman. ... 2 00
C H Skaggs, do .... 2 00
B F Grant, axman. ..... 1 . . a 00
Lester Grant, axman,.' 200
Josiah Gideon, surveying, , , 14 00
State of Oregon
Lincoln County
I, B. F. ones, county tferk here
by certify that the foregoing claims
are full and complete list of claims
allowed at the April term of county
court, not provided for by the stat
Witness my hand and seal of the
county this April 9, 1894.
B. F. Jones,
County Clerk 1
By M . E. Pkairs,
The following bills were nudfted
and allowed!
J. O. Stearns, service as ' "
county commissioner. , . ,..$63 00
M. L. Trapp, service as com
missioner 3300
Chas. Booth, salary 20 83
T. E. Parker, assessing. ... 31 00
G. A. Lan iisi services as1
sheriff 34 60
B. F. Jones, clerk's fees. , , . 80 8$
Chas. Booth, salary...,,... . 2083
H. Denlinger, salary ...... loo 00
Railroad Humors.
A gentleman from Oregon who
recently visited the East, returned
a few days ago, and concerning the
the proposed extension of the Chi
cago, liuriingtou ex. yuincy line 10
the coast, said to a representative
of the Union Republican that while"
en route he chanced to converse
with a railroad eugineer on the C.
B. & Qi When he informed the
engineer he was from Grand Ronde
valley the engineer said though hfi
had never been in Grand Ronde,
and knew nothing about it, yet he
would soon become familiar with
this section, as he was running &
railroad survey and his instructions
were to the effect that Grand Rohde"
valley was on his route; but when
questioned further the engineer
would have nothing more to say,
stating that he could not make
public the intentions of his com
pany. It is suppbsed, however j
that it is the C. B. & Q. railroad)
and that the plan is to build from1
the Yellowstone Park, where they
now are, to Boise, thence to Eagle
valley and via Catherine creek passJ
to Union j and thence on me uuui
survey to tidewater, or perhaps
across the Cascade mountains ovet
connections with the Oregon Pacific;
road. Ex.
Stealing Populist Thunder:
At the republican county con'
vention of Clackamas county the V
following resolution was adopted:
"Resolved, That Vve demand acori
stituttonal convention at the earliest
possible date for the purpose of re
vising the constitution of Oregon1
and including therein the Initiative
referendum in its strongest form;"
If that isn't a plain case of stealing
populist thunder we don't knoV .
what It is.
'' ia j,-
The legislature of Iowa has not
in set terms abolished the prohibi- .
tory liquor lawi but has provided S
way through which liquors may be
sold within the state. The new
law fixes a tax of $600 year 011 .
any real estate upon which liquor
is sold, and the payment of this tax"
is to be a bar to prosecutions under
the prohibitory law when a majorit
of the voters in the larger cities,'
and 65 per cent, of them hi places
not so large, ask such exemption
by petition; That isi while prohi
bition is nominally maintained, , a.
method of local option is devised
whereby it may be set aside.
In 1882, only 12 years ago, the,
first creatnety yas . established inf
Denmark. There are now 1,500,
there, and nil find sale at a .profit
for their entire protjucti tiutthen,!
the Danes are probably the finest,
dairyman itl the world. In the,
management of herds and flocks,
they have been distinguished fol; - i
1,000 years, but it was only when
American cattle drove the Danish 1
cattle out of , the European mrkets
'that they turned their attention to,
dairying, and now nearly all the,
farmers are engaged n that industry
and prosperity is the result.
. . - .-,. .
The legislature meets in January,,
and the schoolbook men are already-1
making a preliminary canvas of
the state preparatory to springing,
a change of text books upon the
people through the next legislature. "
Qregou's. scltool book -law is, one of
the numerous statutory monstrosi
ties which, need revision at the very,
earliest oppotiunityt Milton Ea
gle. '
. .
The apportionment of the 'five
per cent, qjid direct tax road fundSi
for 1894 hiiA been made and warrants
for the sauje forwarded by the sec
retary of state to the various county '
treasures. Under this distribution
Lincoln county receives from the .,
five per cent, fund $161 and from,
the direct ax $283, making a total:
of 5484 which will go to swell the
road funds cf the cotinty.' '
If a turn takes a firm hold on
your thrcV- coat button and tugs
you gently yet firmly toward some -
dark dootwny or teal; alley, proceed
with him without fear, as he is only
a candidal? mid will hot hurt you.
The lijbt Uquse tender, Manza''.
ftfta was, 111 the lower bay the latter,)
part ol Ihf o ttieqk .and. .placed two
W f iivi in position.
,,,., .ay