v Remember that tbis paper is the only one in Lincoln or Benton county that has the courage to stand for the common people. V, 'J: The lvEADER should be read by every tax-payer of Lincoln County; It. will i cost you but $1.50 a year. J UU4 uiJ Volume II. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, April, 5 1S94. Number 5. tncmn i I DIRECTORY. LXSWVS COl'STY. Joint Senator Founty Judge Clerk Sheriff Treasurer Heboid Superintendent Surveyor Assessor Coroner Commissioners! " C. B. Crosno D. P. nine II. F. .tones George Laud is Henry Denlinger Chus. Kooth Jos. oideon - T.E. l'arker Jhs. liussell J. O. Steams M. L. 'frapp TOLEDO PKECIXCT. Justice of the Peace tonstable J. A. Hall A. E. Altree CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. itrETIIOpISTEPISCOPALCHrRCH.-Servlces i" will be held under the auspices of the . Methodist Episcopal church as follows: First Strii'lr.y hi eHch month at Elk City school house at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Second and Fourth Sun rtnys at Toledo, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Third Sunday at Mill Four school house, at 8 p. m. All aic" cordially invited to attend. A. I,. HAWI.KY, Pastor, Address, Toledo, Oregon. jT. JOHN'S (IIl'ltCH I'rotestent Episcopal. lnvine service the third Sunday of every nonth, at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend. Rev. Chas. llootti, Missionary. Residence, "'Keetory," Newport, Or. 0. O. E Toledo Lodge, No. 10ft, Meet every Friday eveniiiK at their hall in this powu. Renos Arnold, Seo'y. J. S. Gaitheh, X.O. 1o. G. T. Meets every Thursday evening. ::) o'clock, in Gradv's hall, thii town, A. L. Haw ley, C. T K. li. Collins, Secretary. 1,1 A. and I. I!, Toledo Union. Xo. 15fi. Meets I- every Saturdny evenintr.So'eloek, in Grady's iall hi this town. All members requested to -ibiuiu. 1 . i. ftcuoi, i icsivicui ,0.0. x uiuiugvi pcrptat v. r o. O. llav Lodire Xo. llii. of Yamina Citv I- meets every Saturday evening. Visiting irothers are always welcome. C. uuituowH, secretary, J. X. HTAKK, X. G. EO. Or F. Newport Lode Xo. Bit, meets Saturday eveninK- visitfng brothers ai every are cor- Sirtiiv invited toauena, J. L. Smith, Secretary. Cykus Dixon, X. G. A E. fc A. M. Newport Lodge Xo. H.t, regular iV convocation on Saturday on or before each mil moon. Visiting brothers are cordially Welcomed. . .U. H. Kussem,, W. M. ,)ah. KoBkitTfos, Secy. A. R. 1'hil Sheridan Post No. 24, meets every second ami fourth Thursday evening. UKO. DXbYfiSlKK, COH1 It: A. JIKNSEM., Adjt. V.R.Yoyle, practical' WATCHMAKER HOTCL LINCOLN Dr. H. VINCENT, Prop. Everyttirig First-class. Charges Reasonable TOLEDO, OREGON Jt A. HALL, Justice of the Peace loltilo, Oregon, deeds. Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers executed with correctness. Careful attention given to all business entrusted to my care. ?r. C. SIIEPARD, Attorney-at-La w, Residence, Stanford, Oregon. Business in any court in Lincoln County promptly aild carefully at tendecl to. FKEDEltICK 1). CARSON, Attorney-at-Law, Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Collections, Con t'eyniiclng, ftHt Coart Practice Generally. . Refers hv nermlRRlnn tn Rt.flnT .1 R. IMIlsKiirv t.-. 8. Senator W. D. Washburn, Gen. John t. Kea. Kx-Conimander.in.rhtef tl. A. H. Mln. neapnlis, Minn., Hon.Ma,rtin F. Morris and J. .1. Darlington, Ksu.., Washington, 1). C, Schnv ler Uuryea, Chief Clerk l'atent oillce, Fairfax uounty,.va., and Kev. t-has. Booth, Newport Oregon ft Oregon Pacific Railroad. E. W. IlAbLEV, Receiver. )lrecl I.iuB'-Quick Dispatch Low Freight .. Hates. totwecn Willamette Vallay points and Sbd r rancisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. ! 8. S. WIM.AMKTTE VAf.I.EY. I .vin es San Francisco November .Mb, 14th and 8rd, WW. U-avea Yaqulna Xovemlier 9th, 19th and 28th Ha A-.d about every ten ilftyi thereafter. Companv reer-es the right to change . nil. ug dates w ithout notice. KIVER STEAMERS. irvi"otrt!fween Pnrtlrind and Halcm ini J.'pper Willamette river poinn. N-.S Corvallls, Oregon . - aciue, - -WE HAVE FULL & COMPLETE STOCK -OF- Dry Goods, Notions, Men's and Boy's ClotMng, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, GUM BOOTS, GTUM COATS - OII-i CLOTHING All of which we are m Selling at Hard Argent for I3roYiisville vvooleii Mills Goods. Measures taken and Fits GriaraiiteecL C. B, CROSNO fe CO., M Agents, anil LMm, . HAVE BARGAINS IN Farm Lands, Title Lands, Coal Lands, Town Property in single Lots or IMPROVED OR Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln County furnished on demand. Toledo PRINTING The place to got you.' CARDS, ENVELOPES, LETTER JIEA.&S, HILL HEADS, STATEMFTTS, JU .., And all kinds of FFIKTTIKTG, Is at th! LEADER OFFICE. tfF Price and Work Satisfactory NOW A- AXD - Times Prices. :VS UNIMPROVED Oregon. Tlie'Alsea House Walilport, Lincoln County, Oreyvn. Headquarters for politicians, tour ists, hunters and the public. . Comfort, cleanliness and good grub at low rates, our motto. Feed stable and saddle ponies. Wm. R. Wakefield, Prop. UOU'T CAMl'UELL FBorqirrox of Toledo Meat Market, DEALS IN i Fresh and Cured Meats OF ALL KINDS. Toledo, - - Oregon. .S. T. JEFFREYS, Attorncy-at-Law, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Will practice in Justice, County and Circuit Courts of biricolr County. Bolleit correspond ince. So ct-args un! ,..llu ... less Farms for Sale. I have several farms, both culti vated and uncultivated, lor sal- in tracts ol 40 acres and upwards. These lands are adapted to fruit, vegetable and shetf .culture. Will be sold very cheap and oti reason able terms. Anyone desiring to purchase such lands w ill do well to call on or address M. J. Allphin, , tf. Little Elk, Oregon. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY tilVES, that the patner--i. ship existing between tins. H. itescnke and Thos. Pavev was dissolved on February 17, Ml. All accounts due the tirni are pavntile to Thus. Pavev, and alUndebtedness of the lirm Is pay able by him. fit's. II. Kesciike. Notice. All persons having cluiins against the estate of V. K. Metffxin!oii.dcccaod. are hereby noti tied to present the same, properly verincd. to Loiran, at theSilcu Agency, within thirty davs r or Such claims w ill be forever deuat red. Pated this lh day of March, 1K1. L. L. LOG AX, Siletz Agency, Oregon. Xottve for Publication. Land Office at Orecon City. Oregon. I . 1 tiou to make iiual proot in support 01 l.isi'laim and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on April tub, .l'l. vix: Janifs L. Mini, H. K. No. 7,211, for the east U of uorlhwet l4, northeast '4 of southwest 4 and lot 1, section :tl,Town l;t south Kuge 11 west. - lie names the fcllowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John W. Crooks, Louis Cap- sci, uiuiam iicimsanu Aioen Keyuoius, an 01 Waldport, Oregon, liUMi.KT A. .Mii.i.hK, uegtsiur. Notice fox' Publication. ' Land 'lice at Oro'ii Citv, Oregon, l'ebruarv l 1SM. "VOTICK is hi .i-'iiy riven that the following named set: ler Kos lilod notice of his inten tion to make tir.;:l )r.oi in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk t f l.imdn County, at Toledo, Oregon, on Apiil lS.p), viz: LouU l.ipKel, II. V.. No. 7,'J:cJ, frir the southwe st of northeast ' ,. southeast 4 of northwest l.; and lot J, section uu.iown bt smith, range 11 west, lie names the .I'llowinir wilnessos to nrovo his residence upon and cultivation of, said lnnd. vbc John V, brooks, JamesS. Allen, Al bert S. Heynoids aiut Um. uuun, uil ul V.';.!i port, Oregon. KOUKKT A. MILLKIt, lteglster. Notice for Publication. Lind OBipg dt Oregon City, Oregidi, February 1.',, 1N4. VOTICK Is hereby given that the followlng named pettier nas tiled notice of his inten tion t make tinnl proof in tmpiort of his claim, and that said proof will be tnadu before the Countv Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on April nth IS-.H. viz: John W. brook-, II. V. No. 7,'.':ll, for the orthVi-st l.i of Miutbetist northeast 'M'ff i.. .ivf't 1 ,, l'id liis.i und 4, section Hi, Town l.stulh, range 11 wo;t. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cuttlvalion of, said land, Jamus L. Alton. Wm. Helms. Al bert Reynolds, and Iiuis Capscl, all of Wald port, Oregon. jitM-i-.n 1 'Ti'.Mit.i.i'.ic itcgister. Notice. Notice i:: hereby given that the approved p'ni. of survey of township it gbliTIi ,"!:', 'is-o.: 10 west, nas beer. received from the Surveyor Gener al of Oregon and on Awm, 25, 1894, at 9 o'clock a. ni. of said clay said plat will he led in this office and the land tr vciii embraced will be subject to c"'.yy on and after that date. Rohki. j A Miij.kr, Register Phtei; : vnt KT, Receiver. Adicainife'uti'lx Notice.' n the County Cr.i.rt of l.lnt-oln County, Btate of Oregon. VOTICK 18 HKHKIiY OIVKS THAT TIIK FN-dur.- igued. ha- i eon appointed by the coun ty conrt of I. hiciiln County, Oregon, adminis tratrix of the e::)Uo of L. M. Ilarmrn, deceased, late-of Lincoln cunty, Oregon. All crsoii having claims a:.v.ins.t said estate are hereby uoiineo. 10 pr-seui inein uuiy venueu .u! at .iv rudenc'3 on Itenot slough, near To'. 00, Oregon, within six mouths from the dale. 1. frvuf i-and all persons indebted to said estate art; untitled to settle the same im mediately. uateu at ioio ;o, trcgon, inis -a, nay 01 Jiorcn 1804. M. f. HARMON, Administratrix of the Estate bf L. M. Harmon, aeceaseu. . ..ss-.A Democratic County Conten tion. The County Convention of the Democratic party of Lincoln county, Oregon, is hereby called to meet 111 a delegate convention In the Court house in Toledo, Oregon, on Thursday, April l, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. in., to nominate candidates for the various county offices- to be voted for on June 4, iMM, end toelect delegates to the State convention, and for such other business as may properly come before the con vention. The Convention shall be composed of 41 dele- vates. apportioned as follows: Heaver ('reek... t Newport 0 lllglilk 4 Nashville -2 Drift Creek i Tldewltter, 2 Elk City 3 Yahats 2 Lobster 1! Yauulna J Little Elk 3 Toledo C Lower Alsea 8 Prlmarl" ATM he held In the various ore- (-nets on Saturday, April 7, 18i4, at 1 o'clock p. :i. B. F. JONES, Chairman. J. 8. GAITIIKH, Secretary. Five Dollars Given Away. The Leader will give five dollars i'i oM to th? bny or pirl une'er sixteen yeai s ol agt who onli lbutcs us the best article upon the subject of "Decoration Day."- CONDITION!. ' The writer must be under sixteen years of age and must compose and write the article or essay unaided by any other person in any par ticular. The esvay must contain not less than 600 words and not more than 1 ,000. It must be writ ten on one si'ie of the paper only, and signed by some fictitious mime. Enclosed with tlu same must be a sealed envelope bearing the ficti tious name on th outside and the writers true name and address on the inside. Tht essay must reach this office by M-.y 15, 1894, and the wri : r or his or her family must be an annual subscriber to the Lkadi'.'' and tnu- t reside 111 Lincoln county. The merits of the contri butions will le d -cided by judges who will be nnnii.d later on. The coiiUiinilions are to be the r.c- er. ty of the LKADE1- , to be fiiMlshtd or hot as we see f t. . r,. 1 Get on your tl inkin-js boys an -.I Ms mid fi? fiv") - lint. A Stupiit Law. The present state law making taxes delinquent April 1st is a stupid one, an 'I it is high time" it waschunged. December ist would be Unbent dale, when money is always more plentiful. If a person ever had any money it is then. The crops have been garnered and the payment for same has been re" ceived, All kinds of obligations generally are squared up by this - : x-. or U-c emiy t.pHiig liioiims me aaveise is true. These are borrowing months. The cash assets of nearly - everyone has dwindled down to nothing and money is tight. It is the worse time of the year foi such a heavy draw as taxes. The next session of the legislature should amend this law. And in this connection they should at the same time pro vide that assessors be appointed by the county courts This is too im portant a matter to be left to chance. There is no other county office which requires such peculiar char acteristics on the part of the in cumbent as county assessor. A good assessor is never popular he is too inquisitive, too prying. A convention may put Up .ft. brainy iii'an and a popular, but he may make a very poor assessor. The county court, recognizing who would be most valuable for this duty, and w ishing to make the best 'administration possible, would make a better choice than any con vention. Dallas Chronicle. The London Timber Trade Jour nal says:' "T''e .Dock company are now using a pl.ink of sawft Oregon pine, brought over by the sailing ship, "Starbuck," another of the neglected fleet lying useless against the quay-side waiting for something to 'turn up,' The plunk in question is four feet wide and sixteen ftet long, without a single knot, and is to form the top of the new board room table at the Dock office, and is certainly one of the finest pieces of Oregon pine in the ducks.' These j-n;ions yield any quantity of such dimensions, and will, by and by, play a more im portant part in our supply, when means are fo'u'id. rtf reducing the freight charges." C. P. Huntington, the Southern Pacific magnate, is quoted as say ing, "that if the government does not accept the present bill before congress',' postponing' the time of payment of the Central Pacific debt, or extend the time of payment of bonds to a reasonable fitulod,'" the probability is that the first mort gage bond holders will take the road. If, on the other hand," he said, "reasonab'e tinle is given to to meet the obligations, and for the proposed new issue of bonds to be made, the government will receive every dollar clue instdeof sixty days after the bonds are issued." This leads one to wonder who is running this country, anyway. A bold sclien'e for obtaining mechanical power for industrial purposes has lately attracted attcn tion in England. It contemplates the construction of a dam ij miles Icr.s; 'ro r,. l!i5-? nh'r.ster'-' .cwt of Ireland aciuss iSortti Channel to the extremity of Cantire, Scotland, and putting in several gates and water wheels, to be worked by the tides. Owing to the greater depth of the ocean than the Irish ea, and to tlie treer course affor 'ed west and north 0 Ireland, tlie tide comes up from the South Atlantic by that route, and flows southward through the passage just mentioned long before it can gej tip the,re on the east side of the gr'eu fcir2 ..The estimated cost of the undertaking is $10,000,000, and the time named as necessary lor construction is three years.. A new route of travej has been located from Salem to Newport, starting at Falls City, going by way of Sutter's eawmill to tire divide ol the Coast range,' through a newly settled country on Rock creek. Subscr.iptiops have bettn made of money ana work enough to -insure its completion. .There is a good deal of hard grad.ng, etc., but the new route will be enough shorter to justify it. Oregonian. The United States civil service commission announces that the supply of male stenopraphers and typewriters for the department ser vice at Washington is not equal to the demand, and there are requisi tions now which can not be filled for want of eligible persons. Ap pointments to these places are usu ally at salaries of $1,000 per year or less. There will be an examina tion in Portland on April 23rd, at which persons dc-'ri" to co'tipe to suvii pu.3i1.iuus may be examined. Those who desire to take the ex amination should write to the civil service commission, Washington, D. C. , and obtain application blanks and pamphlets of instructions. . The clerk copyists examination will have to be taken as a basis, and there will be practical tests in. sten ography and typewriting. ' If these positions were open to women there would be no trouble about filling them. Under the head of "Promising New Fruits," in the report of Hon. J. M. Rusk, secretary of agricul ture, "" tSo-j. appears a description ofthelling cherry, originated by Seth Lewelling, of Milwaukie, ac companied bv a very handsome colored plate which does full justice to this cherry in every respect ex cept as to size. The description says that tlie Biug is the largest cherry ever received at that office. In quality it is classed as very good, and is also pronounced tin excellent hipper; season, first hdlf of July in Oregon. For comparison with the Ring an illustration is given on the same page of the Napoleon, a popular old. vfirsety of European origin, widely grown in California and Oregon under the name of 'Royal Ann." This is a fine pic ture of the Royal Ann, but in size not equal to many, cherries of that kind seen here. In the same ar ticle appear descriptions of the 'Matilda," "Quaker," "Vesta" seedling cherries, originated by C. E. Ilosklns, of Newburg. Oregon is likely to maintain its Mupremacy over all other states in the matter of big aiid fine cherries. A petition was filed in. the circuit court this weelc' by tyollfs' JlNasU, attorney for William Laird Law, of Oaklaildj California, showing that petitioners is the owuer and .holder of receiver's certificates of the Ore gon Pacific, issued by Ti Ei Hogg, to the extent of $26,000, which certificates are a part of the total amount of $150,000 issued for the purchase of the steamship Willa mette Valley. These certificates were made' a first lien upon the vessel and are over due and entire ly unpaid. Said petitioner is also the holder of other certificates ag gregating jti2,ooo. The petition further stales that three separate actiong brought by A. W. Swinner- ton, and one brought by Sanford Bennett are How pending ill the supreme court of San Francisco county, California, against the Ore gon Pacific railroad company 1 Said Swinnerton as assignee of a number of local creditors of said company, has caused the Willamette Valley to be attached to satisfy their claims. If these parties succeed in their ac tion, the tloamcr wiii be sold with out reference to the tights of p'oti tio'ner, who is desirous of foreclos ing his lien on the vessel, and its order to enforce it, it is necessary for him to be allowed to interplead, and asks that Charles Clark, the present receiver, be permitted to inplead in these several actions. Upon reading pet- tion Judge Fuller ton granted the oder as prayed tor, allowing petition -r to bcin pro ceedings for the purpose of fore closing his lieu. An exchange, says: "A com mittee representing the mining in terest of southwestern Oregon, was in San Francisco recently, and there learned that Goodall, Perkins & Co. intend to ta':e steps in further developing the coal industry of Coos county. They intend pur chasing a diamon I drill, and will bore down in hopes of getting bet ter coal. They say if there is any steam coal in Coo t county they are going to get it." Messrs. Goodall. Perkins & Co. should come Up in Lincoln county and open up some of the fine coal fields here that lay next to the surfacc-i Little Elk Precinct. Weather fine and news scarce; everbody busy and all things move along. Our school commenced todaj with Eli Gaither teacher. -Elder Parker, of the U. B. church preached at the Chitwood school house yesterday. Come again Eld er. A little daughter of H. N. Foster Ml into the river a few days ago; She sufiered no damage except cold bath. Mr. Johu Hyde and C. C. Mc Bride wiH reperesentour precinct in the republican convention next Wed nesday, so the precinct will be well' represented. Mr. Swope and family are coming back on their homestead on Simpsor creek, after a sojern in turtland for for a few months. C. H. Walker, from near your place, will move to Chitwood some time this week, where he expects'., to make his future home. There is' room for more whether democrats; republicans,- populists or prohis. TilC political pGt LCgitlH sirrv"-'' some around the edges, a.nd it bids' fair to be a lively campaign. It it) to be hoped that we will keep cool and elect the best men regardless', of party. ' BORN-On March 28, to the fam-' ily of A"i L.' Chitwood, h son. I If atiywone want's fo know who wrote this tell him i April and 1894. I Did.' Glen Items. - April fool. Showers. v - " ' -S. J. Wilhoit has gone to Browns ville on business, to be gone a shortf time. Lee Watkins, notwithstandingi the severity of his wound, is able - -to be out on crutches; School will begin at the Meadow' creek school house April 9th, with Miss Butler, of Toledo, as teacher.' The republican primary passed' off in a quiet matter, it has been suggested that we compliment theni on their large attendance', there being three present aiid two of' these are5" delegates, I wonder how v they managed the election f We have long boasted of out' j peaceable neighborhood, but since the land has been surveyed there, has been considerable strife over': some of the claims. . As much laud as there, is here it seems to us un-. necessary to quarrel over a small portion of it. In proof of the abun-, dance of it we will cite you to thet fact that there was not room to spread it out so hi the beginning" it was piled up on edge. A storm of wrath swept over Drift creelt A few clay's sincej conse quence, fences were torn down,' trees have fallen on cultivate ground and general damage doWn to tempters. Look out for a cy- clonel Get in your cyclone cellars! Mr. John Cromer 13 nuilditig a new house. We think that the chap that in-. serted tlie marriage notice in the. Leader -should apologize to the . officiating gentleman for inserting , n 4iawttlry prefix to his name. Some grain has been sown and some gardens planted, but the bad. weather has stopped that for a time. t More iinon, ' Sticks. , .. . - Over iii.Morrow county the can-, didates JLave a novel way of an--nounciii themselves, as shown by a reading of the Gazette. One man who whuts to be county treasurer should be defeated on this announce-; ment! , .'.'Being afflicted ..with the office itch,, a.nd desiring to finger, in the county funds, I hereby an--nounce , nj-self," etCi One man comts out at the "earnest solicita tion" 4.of, his friends, another "through the solicitation'' of his friends, still another "through the. earnest Solicitation" of his friends,' and yet another' "at the request of" his fHends. Whatcom county, Washington d hnft flJlOiy 1 debt pt! $211 ,ooo, ant' It m-t .it, fi..i,t of $m,ooo, I. IlM i i'