Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 22, 1894, Image 2

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Lincoln County Leader.
J. F. STEWART, Publisher.
The Position In Society, Politics and Com
merce of the Prevaricator.
For many years the wise men have in
sisted npon the importance and beauty
of troth. We read that all the glorious
and lovely productions of the arts de
pend npon the truth as npon a solid and
enduring foundation. We read that
poetry and beauty rest upon the con
genial substance of truth as a statue
upon its pedestal. But the man has not
as yet arisen who has given the other
tide of the question justice or yielded due
praise to the efforts and worth of liars.
We respect and revere the truth. We
adhere to it in theory and in practice a
thing rare in the adherents of mere
opinions but we believe in justice
though the heavens fall, and in all the
good, old fashioned axioms. In all
truth, however, to speak paradoxically,
the liar, as an element of practical ad
vancement, has been too long ignored.
It is time that the pen and the brush
should do him homage.
Who sets the greut enterprises afloat?
Who is the originutor of vast invest
ments and the instigator of magnificent
projects? , . .
The liar.
Who is it that floats the bonds, dis
counts corporations and consolidations?
Who is it that has settled the wild
lands of the west and made Uncle Sam
no longer a freeholder?
The liar.
Who is it that originates "booms" and
distributes capital from the unwary to
the wiser
Who is it that makes wildcat mines
successful and sets a prize upon human
1 UU AO 1 bMUtt feiVUtl tUU lUilfUUU bU UUi'
itics and the trend to political economy?
The liar.
The liar has as many guiseB as Portous.
Anon he wishes to make your fortune,
and again he wants to borrow a dollar.
But he is always pleasant, affable,
agreeable, whether engaged in the solic
iting of millions in world stirring plans
or in attempting to secure a free lunch.
The truthful man will affront you with
rude candor and hold up your faults
brutally to your notice. But the liar
he will do nothing of the sort. He will
make you comfortable, and happy. Ho
will put you at peace with the world and
with destiny.
Whether he is in commerce, in politics
or in the show business, whether he is
offering you a position or asking a favor,
lot his merit be recognized. Minneapolis
The Hardworking Bultan.
This ruler is currently imagined to al
low his ministers to do all his work,
while ho himself lives a life of luxurious
indolence. The very reverse is the rule.
The one man in all the Turkish domin
ions who works morning, noon and
night, whoso mind never rests from ef
fort to carry his people through the dif
f".ilties which beset bad system and
lock of moans, is the monarch. The min
isters work little, the sultan incessantly,
Not only is this well known, but an inti
mate of mine is an aid-de-cainpin daily
attendance upon his majesty, and my
ideas gleaned from him have given me a
hearty respect for tho personality of the
preseut bearer of the crescent.
Since his accession he has scarcely left
his palace. Here he labors with honest
fidelity to effect the imiiossible, for the
bad Turkish customs are like the laws of
the Modes and Persians. The system is
as rotten as the people are hard to teach.
Moreover, the sultan is the simplest and
most plainly dressed man in his domin
ions. The unpretentious courtesy of his
personal bearing, his apparent lack of
egotism, his rather pale, nervous, fa
tigued looking face, are dignity itself.
I havo never seen a more patriarchal
ceremony or one of higher tone than the
quiet procession of Belamlik. Harper's
Magazine. .
Thirty-three Veara Without food.
A queer story, and one which readers
would do well to thoroughly salt (give
It more than the proverbial grain) beforo
swallowing, comes with first class rec
ommendation all the way from Eng
land. Thirty-three years ago, in 180(1, a
meiulier of the Chaplin family died at
Blankney, Lincolnshire, and was laid in
the family tomb. This particular Chap
lin was a naturalist, and among his
other pets had a large gray bat.. That
bat was permitted to enter the tomband
was scaled upalive along with the corpse
of his dead master. In 1800 tho vault
was opened, and to the surprise of all
the bat was alivo and fat. On four dif
ferent occasions sinco tho Chaplins havo
looked after the welfare of their dead
relative's pot, and each time it has lieeu
reported that the bat was still in the
laud of the living, although occupying
quarters with the dead, lie was last
seen in 181)3. St. Louis Republic.
Feather Trimming.
The great controversy over tho wear
ing of feat hers is developing considerable
heat There is no appreciable effect yet
of the pleas on behalf of the bright
plumaged birds. Tho hat boxes of tho
Princess of Wales have just been peeped
kito, and what was seen there may have
an important influence on a largo num
ber. On the hats recently made for the
princess and her daughters there are
many feathers, but we are told there are
Done except from birds which are used
for human food. Most of the hats aro of
the half Alpino shape, now coming Into
fashion. One of the neatest contained
black cock's tail feathers. A little color
has been introduced, showing that the
princess is bringing tier mourning to .
close. London Correondent.
A Hew Steel Proceaa.
A new method of producing steel ha
been suggested fb M. Jules Gamier by
M. Moissau's diamond making experi
ments. He claims that it is successful.
Tho steel is instantaneously made by
placing a bar of Iron aud a stick of char
coal together iu a parallel direction iu
an electrical firebrick furnace of a tem
perature of 1,000 degrees and subjecting
them to strong current. M. Jules Gar
uier expects that his discovery will revo
lutiouiie the steel industry. Exchaugo.
An t'rgrnt Tall.
She One of t lie legs of our aofal.liroken.
Will youooiuenrouud right away and fix It r
Carpeuter I'm very busy just now, nils.
Won't tomorrow dot
She-Ob, dear, nol It must be ready by
7:80 this eveu lug. Life.
Aside from the wonderful Interest
Phich is being created by the variety
nd general character of the exhibits at
the California Midwinter International
Exposition, that enterprise is beginning
we last hold on the minds of those
who visit it as fountain of pleasure.
The experience at the Chicago Exposi-
pon, more perhaps than at any exposi
tion which preceded the Columbian
World's Fair, tanght those who get np
enterprises of this kind that the element
of entertainment must be largely catered
to. ' " ' ' "
has been found out that in order to
draw the biggest crowds to the exposi
tion, special programmes of entertain
ment must be provided, and to that end
the idea of observances under the aus
pices of representatives of different
states and different organizations, fra
ternal or otherwise, has been "worked,"
to use the vernacular, for all it is worth.
The first state day. that celebrated un
der the auspices of the Vermont Society
of the Pacific Coast, was such a decided
success that the commissioners for other
states are now vieing with each other to
surpass the record made by Vermont
day on Saturday, March 3. The.Ver
monters had an advantage in securing
the presence of their home governor,
Hon. Levi K. Fuller, who came on
across the continent especially for this
occasion, and who is now doing the
glorious climate to the best of his
The next great ctate day Is Michigan
day, which comes on Monday, March 12.
The Michiganders are also fortunate in
having a prominent representative of
their state to make a lion of. General
Russell A. Alger, famous soldier, leader
in Grand Army circles, a possibility in
the way of presidential timber, is now
here in San Francisco, and has planned
his Itinerary so as to be hers on Michi
gan day. General Alger will be the
orator of the occasion, and around him
will center some very interesting cele
brations. The Grand Army element of
uttii L luuciBCu ivcuMiuAe mm ue a icauer,
and the military order of the Loyal
Legion will unite with others to do him
honor on this occasion. Grand prepar
ations are being made for the celebra
tion of St. Patrick's Day, which comes
next week as well, and so there will be
coining along o:ie after the other during
the entire term of the exposition special
fete days and grand gala occasions
which which will keep the fair from
becoming monotonous, and which is
sure to roll up the gate receipts in a
Very satisfactory manner.
One of the most prominent features of
these special occasions is the grand dis
play of Pain's fireworks which is made
in every insinnca, anil which is a do
cided novelty on the Pacific Coast.
Heretofore, pyrotechnics have not been
indulged in on isuch an elaborate scale,
and the eyes of those who have never
been east of the Uocky mountains have
been literally opened by the displays
thus far ma le by the wonderful work
of the Pain company. Those displuys
aro varied on e;ieh succeeding occasion,
and are minto local to tho state or tho
organization under whose auspices the
special observance is being conducted.
In this way tho picture of Vermont's
governor was presented in fire, and the
coat of arms of the Greeu Mountain
state also had a placo on the programme.
General Alger's portrait will play a part
ou March 12, aud Michigan's coat of
anus will take its turn. True it is that
everybody is kept iu excellent good
humor aud made to fuel that special
days aro something more than a mere
name iu this connection.
But perhaps tho most wonderful of all
tho successful efforts which the exposi
tion management has made to please the
public is to bo fouud iu the great Bouet
stool tower, which occupies a central
position iu the grand court, aud which
has excited the wonder and ad mi ration
Of all beholders. This tower is built on
the model of the great Eiffel towor of
Paris aud reai'lut a height of 273 feet.
On its summit is an immenso search
light, tho largest of tho great search
lights which were used at the Colum
bian exposition. But it is the electric
illumination of tho body of this tower
from base to summit that makes it so
remarkable a show piece. Nothing of
the kind has ever before lceu attempted
In the history of expositions. The Eiffel
tower was not illuminated in this way.
Mot only are tho outlines cut out against
the blackness of the night iu lines of in
candescent lights, but the sides of tho
tower are resplendent with electric rep
resentations of lieimtifiil rosettos, of the
shield of California, of tho coat of arms
of this great empire state, and of the
typical grizzly of tho Rockies. AH
these aro brought out iu vivid colors and
the effect is one that cannot be easily
descrilied. .The towor is in reality a
pillar of Hre by night, and canbeseeu
lor miles around 8au Francisco, and
from far out ou the Pacims beyond the
Uolden Gate. '
This wonderful towor is very popular
by day, as wed as ho night, for its elec
tric elevator carries t housands daily to
the upper of the three galleries which
mi-round it, and from this point of van
tage can I obtained the best possible
View of the exposition and its surround
ings. No more beauiit'ul hirdscye view
ran lie imagined any whole on the face
of God's g.vou earth than this view
from the top of the Hcuot sieel tower.
Stranger from abroad stand as long as
tho guards will let them, drinking iu
the beauty of tho scene, aud again and
again they ascend tho lofty outlook aud
seem uovor to tire of the experianna.
Bus wears All I'.ton Jacket and a shirt
Kront Mlttly marvliril.
And newt llluelirra nratly llrd above
Hit liiairp aivlietl;
A Mllur hut, with Harvard ribbon tied
About the crown.
Bet Jauntily upon lirriurUof fluff
(luhlett liniwu.
And I wear neat tan llluelirra, Itiouna
My lnotop'a mil m naelli
I have a blue m'to Jarket, and a
Wilt Mmvlird liirl, as wells
I'puii my tanulril, curly thatch, a hat
With Yale'n blur band.
And our coiiipU'xIone are alike, eicept
That I'm inure united.
bhe M) that !"'' liimi, and looks
At mi' In ft'liiiird urii
When I ilk-urn! t hat the in-fira "thai
Harvard man's brown eyea."
lie's ls feel four, a great athlela ,
Of Harvard' famous crew.
I had the Yule HrM honors, but
I'ni only live feet two.
- Merrill Kveue In New York fun.
The discharge of a river is the vol
ume ol water it pours into tho eva with
in a given time, usually expressed a
so many feet per second. It is esti
mated by finding tho breadth, the aver
ago depth and the average rate of a
river at its mouth and multiplying.
Portuguese and British Have a Fight In
Africa Count Herbert Bismarck In
terrogates a Member of the Kelcha-tag-No
Kxpoaltlon for Rome.
Rome. The Chamber of Deputies re
jected a bill providing that an interna
tional exhibition be held in Rome in
Paused In Committee.
Bkkun. The Reichstag Committee
has passed the Russo-German commer
cial treaty by a vote of 10 to 12.
Dr. Miguel Will Not Kexign. Dr. Miguel, Prussian Minis
ter of Finance, emphatically denies the
report mat lie intends resigning -from
uits uiiice
Carter a Criminal Lunatic.
London. Wyndham Carter, a crank
who was arraigned in Bow-street police
station February 17 on a charge of hav
ing menaced the life of the Queen, was
adjudged a criminal lunatic. Hi nee his
arraignment on the original charge he
has been confined in an asylum, but not
as a lunatic.
lurk the Itltir Located.
I .on don. The fact has developed that
the Scotland Yard detectives have dis
covered that the famous "Jack the Rip
per- is an inmate oi uie Dartmoor in
sane asylum, having been sent there
soon after committing tbe last of the
Whitechapel atrocities. The fact has
been kept a profound secret, but is now
generally admitted.
The Spanish Cabinet Iteslgns.
Madkid. The Cabinet has resigned,
and the Queen Regent has charged Prem
ier Sagasta with the work of reconstruct
ing the Ministry. The Cabinet resigned
after an exciting sitting, which lasted
seven hours, and which revealed the fact
tiiut a SOiiOUo uiVuiKui'U: ol opiiliuu ea-
isted among the members on the pro
posed economic and colonial reforms.
Blots of Students In Purls.
Paws. The lecture of M. Ferdinand
Brunetiere at Sarbonne was listened to
without any disturbance. After Brune
tiere closetl his remarks, however, the
medical and scientific students made an
attack upon the literary students, and
several sharp conflicts followed. Finally
the medical students crossed the bridges
and made a manifestation in front of the
ofliceB of the Figaro. It looked as if the
students would make an attack upon the
Kigaro offices, but a strong force of po
lice hurried to the spot, and the students
were driven back to the Latin quarter.
Spanish and Morocco Treaty.
Madiud. The treaty which Captain
General Martinez Campos concluded
with tho Sultan of Morocco for the set
tlement of the trouble at Melilla pro
vides for sending the offending Riff tribes
into the Interior, the chief aggressors to
be imprisoned and the ringleaders exe
cuted. A neutral zone will be 'estab
lished, and the Sidi Aguariach MoBque,
the proximity of which to a Spanish
fort in course of erection led to the out
break, will be encircled by a wall. Pil
grims will continue to be admitted to
the mosque.
Portuguese and British Have a Fight on
the Zambesi Blver.
Pout Natal, Africa. A serious en
counter between Portuguese troops and
British sailors has occurred nearTete on
the Zambesi. British parties construct
ing a telegraph line between the British
sphere aud Tete, the capital of a Portu
guese government, have recently been
greatly obstructed by the Portuguese,
and finally Commander Carr of the Brit
ish gunltotit Mosquito was sent up the
river to protect the workmen. Tho Mos
quito landed a party, aud they were
promptly fired Uon ly the Portuguese.
The sailors returned the lire, but with
what result tho rojiorts do not state.
The latest reports are Governor-General
Lopez do Mendonic has sent Irom Quili
iiiane, the capital of the Portuguese dis
trict in Mozambique, two Portuguese
Itiinltoats anil a strong force of troops.
It is understood that the British com
mander in charge of the telegraph con
struction party has also asked that rein
forcements lie sent to him immediately.
They May be Kutlrely Kxpelled r'rom
the Republic of Mexico.
IIidamio. The expulsion of the Jesu
its from Mexico Is causing much serious
thought among those having the welfare
of the Republic at heart. The first blow
was struck bv the exnulsion of the Jes
uits in a college of this city by Bishop
Montes do Oca, ami the Jesuits are out
of power in San Luis I'otosi and have
been ordered to leave at once. Bishop
de Oca has assigned no official reason for
the action. Matters have been in an
ominous state many months. Many ef
forts nave been made to bring peace
again in the divided ranks of Catholi
cism, but have been unavailing. Just
how this will affect the Jesuits and their
Interests in the remainder of Mexico is
hard to foretell. It is freelv predicted
mat it is tne tieginning ot tne trouble,
and mat tins is the llrst outbreak of a
deeply seated growing opposition to Jes
uit domination, which is felt in all parts
of the Republic. It is thought the action
ol iiisiiop de iva will lie the sign for an
uprising in many harts of the country
against the Jesuits, and that if tbev aie
not expelled from the Republic they will
at least be shorn of a largo part of their
I' pun It Was Founded Report of Poulble
Runeo-tleriiian War.
Baai.tN. Tbeconimitteein thelieichs
tag having In charge the German-Russian
treaty rejected the amendment of
feretl by the Conservatives, limiting to
one year the time when either party to
the convention shall be entitled to one
year's notice of its abrogation, by a vote
of 15 to 10. The committee then adopted
a number ol articles, including that fix
ing the term of duration of the treaty at
ten vears, as originally proposed. Count
Herbert Bismarck in the regular session
of tho Beichstng demanded of Count
...... i.u...i...r .e i .
vuii i -tiiuuii v uunrr all Vf all expla
nation of the Tageblatt'e statement, al
leged to have been made on his (lwn
hotfa) authority, that Prince Bismarck
had declared that the rejection of the
treaty would inevitably tie followed by a
Kussu-lierman war. Count von IVienliotl'
admitted that he did not speak with the
authority of Prince Bismarck, but that
he had based his statement merely upon
hearsav. He had learned, he said, that
II err rvrupp had heard lr. Schweninger
say mat lie nau nearu rnno Mismarck
make a statement to the effect that the
rejection of the Russo-German treaty
would be followed by a Russo-German
Some of Walla Walla's streets have
never been named.
Chehalis conntv Daid out about 130.-
000 for roads in 1893.
A project is on foot to construct a small
smelter at Hamilton.
A fruit growers' association is being
organized at Waitsburg.
The long-distance telephone is to be
extended to Monte Cristo.
Reform has cut down Port Towngend's
annual budget some 1 3,000.
A plank road costing $6,000 is to be
built across the big Snohomish marsh.
Tacoma brewers are drying out and
making merchantable a good deal of
The early-closing agreement at Walla
Walla is enforced with a clause forfeit
ing $25.
A sample invoice of a ton of the South
Bend tannin extract has been sent to
The Fairhaven Chamber of Commerce
is forwarding resolutions for the pilot
cnari lo Washington.
The Whatcom Agricultural Association
i8 agitating the subject of a fruit can
nery and a county fair.
The Vancouver creamery is turning
out 1,500 pounds of butter per week,
aim cannot supply tne demand.
The Supreme Court has affirmed the
decision of Judge Pritchard of Tacoma
that an individual cannot garnishee
a citizens league lias oeen iormeu in
Port Townsend, which guarantees to re
duce city expenses $15,000 annually if
given control ol atlairs.
Ernest Slim, the Tacoma onium smug
gler, gets off with four months at Mc-
rueirs island, llis friends will make up
ins fiuu nne among tnem.
During the month of February the
Olympia land office received twelve
homestead entries, nine final homestead
proofs, four cash entries and six coal
Thomas Canboy, the principal witness
in the Manville murder case, has been
rmt under 1.000 bonds at, Olvmnia on
the charge of having perjured himself
in liiB testimony at the trial.
The output of the Gray's Harbor lum
ber mills for 18113 is figured by the Ho
quiam Washingtonian at 72,700,000 feet.
There are at present on the harbor about
40,000,000 of logs uncut, all except 7,000,
000 of which have been sold.
The taxes paid to the Klickitat County
Treasurer for the monthsof January and
February amount to $15,170, or about
one-third of the total for the current tax
year. This is considered a good showing
under existing circumstances.
The Interstate Fair matter at Tacoma
is moving along smoothly. The com
mittee appointed recently report that
they are meeting with success in their
collecting trip, and express themselves
confident of raising the money.
The suit of Elizabeth Davis against
the Northern Pacific Coal Company for
$30,000 damages for the death of her
husband by an explosion in the Roslyn
mine was "decided in the Federal Court
in Tacoma by a verdict for the defend
ant. General Otis will make a tour of the
different army posts in the department
of the Columbia in about six weeks. He
will visit Boise Barracks and make a re
port on the advisability of abandoning
that post, which General Schofield has
The detailed statement of the peni
tentiary's jute-bag output for the past
six months is as follows: In September,
1011,300 bags; October, 113,700; Novem
ber, 11(),4(X); December, 132,000; Janu
ary. 164,000; February, 101,100. The
original plant for making grain bags in
the penitentiary in the jute mill com
prised fifty looms and other machinery.
The last Legislature authorized an addi
tion of twenty Iooiiib and other machin
ery, which were put in position last fall.
Since then there has been a very marked
increase in the output.
The State Land Commission has ren
dered a decision to the effect that there
is no provision of law regulating the
lease of harbor areas in the act creating
the commission, and consequently the
commission has no jurisdiction over the
same. This question will no doubt be
brought beforo the Supreme Court. The
commission has received the report of
the engineer at Ocosta to the effect that
the government improvements at that
point made with a view to deepen the
channel have had a contrary ettect, and
where there was fifteen to sixteen feet of
water there is now but eight.
There is a good deal of scab among the
sheep bands of Lake county.
Grant's Pass Odd Fellows have sold
the Council a site for a city hall, to be
erected in the spring.
The output of gold in Jackson and Jo
sephine counties last year is put at $1,
000,000, ami the indications are better
for this year.
In the Iakeview land district there
are 2,221,000 acres of unsurveyed lands,
not including Indian reservations, and
285,000 acres are in ljike county.
C. II. DeWitt of Harney county is
taking an eight-legged calf" to the Mid
winter Fair. The calf, a heifer, is finely
developed, with two organs of genera
tion, same sex ; one head and eight legs;
calved near Harney, and died despite
great care given it bv the owner.
Tho Secretary of War has approved
the plans for the railway bridge across
Young's Bav. Mavor Kinney of Astoria
has received the following dispatch from
Senator Mitchell: "Everything all
right. Duplicate license papers are be
ing prepared in the department author
izing the bridge. They will be forwarded
in a few days."
Seven miles of the Bailey irrigation
ditch have been already completed and
U00 feet of the Hume built. The latter
will be 2,100 feet in length and the ditch
twenty-two miles. As soon as the flume
is done it is intended to turn in the wa
ter, causing it to follow as fast as work
on the canal progresses. A dam was
constructed above the point where the
water is diverted from the Umatilla
river and the flume put down to the bot
tom of the channel. The prospect is
sure for an abundant flow of water along
the canals ot the company. In three
weeks the water will be turned in.
The question of ratifying the contract
made by the Modoc and Klamath In
dian tribes and the Yahoo band of Snake
Indians of Oregon and their agents is
pending action by the Interior lVpart
nient. The contract stipulates for serv
ices to be rendered by the latter in pros
ecuting the claims of the Indians against
the United States arising from an al
leged error in the survev of the out
boundaries of the Klamath reservation
in Oregon. It is provided that one agent
lie given a commission of 12 per cent of
lands which are valued at $200,000 to
$400,000. Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs Browning recently recommended a
reduction of the commission to 5 per
cent. The out boundaries were estab
lished by survey made in 1871, and as
a result of the contention which once
threatened to end in s serious conflict
between the Indians and the settlers the
Commissioner recommended a resurvev.
I The case will be decided soon.
Good Winter Ration Cow Stables eed
a Good Absorbent to Fix tbe Am
monia In the Llauid Manure What
Every Farmer Should Know.
That, if his farm is in a run-down con
dition, he should give his immediate at
tention to dairying, because in producing
butter less of the soil is removed.
That there should be a choice of feeds,
and that none are better than bran,
middlings, linseed or cotton-seed meal.
A good winter ration may be composed
of malt sprouts and middlings fed on
cut hay.
That it is bad policy to allow the liq
uid manure to leach away from the stable
and barnyard.
That some good absorbent should be
used in the cow stables to fix the am
monia in the liquid manure. Land plas
ter is good.
That, if it is possible, a water-tight
gutter should be built beneath the sta
ble floor to contain the liquid manures
from the cow stables. An iron grate
may be built so that the hind feet of the
cows may stand upon it and through
which the droppings may fall into the
gutter, which should be cleaned out as
often as once a week in summer and
dailv in winter to nrevent freezing.
That kindness in the treatment of the
dairv cows is dollars and cents to the
That it does not pay to feed two dairy
cows and get a product in milk which
should be got from one.
That winter dairying will pay the man
who will give it his best attention, but
not otherwise.
That overcrowding the cows in the
stable is a direct bid for tuberculosis in
the herd.
That there need be no fear of overpro
duction oi good muter.
That cow s should have their feed reg
ularly three times a day, and the morn
ing feed should be given earlv, as cows
are early risers.
That the dairyman who undertakes to
do without an icehouse is working along
wrong lines.
That, while ensilage is a good kind of
feed to use, it is not essential.
That the best butter is made from
cream ripened uniformly.
That it pays in marketing butter to
put it up in neat packages. Some peo-
Cle are willing to pay for appearance in
utter as well as other things.
That the World's Fair dairy test goes
to prove more emphatically that the
dairy cow is a machine capable of the
most wonderful resultB under the right
kind of care and feed.
That it is the excess over maintenance
that pays a profit to the dairyman. A
cow should receive 65 or 70 per cent more
feed than her maintenance requires.
That it does not pay to sell the best
cows from your herd because you can
get a few dollars more for them than for
poorer ones. We do not pull up the big
plants to give the little ones a chance.
That unless dairymen are testing their
cows individually they can't tell whether
each animal is paying a profit or entail
ing a loss. However, it is a very impor
tant thing to know.
Curing Meut.
A Pennsylvania farmer sends an East
ern contemporary the following recipe
for curing bacon and hams. The recipe
is as follows : For every 100 pounds of
pork take eight pounds of good salt, two
pounds of brown sugar, two ounces of
saltpeter, one and one-half ounces of pot
ash and four gallons of water, the brine
to be boiled and cooled. Meat should lay
in a cool place for three or four days.
Each piece to be rubbed with good salt
and the whole packed down and remain
so two or three days, according to the
weather. The brine is then poured into
the cask at tho sides, and the meat is
then left for six weeks in the brine. It is
then taken out and rinsed in cold water,
when it is hung up to dry for four or
five days, when it is smoked with hickory
wood. When the details of every stageo'f
the curing are carefully looked after the
product is simply delicious. The for
mula is also well adapted for corned beef
to be used during the winter months,
but it will not keep in summer, except
in the case of smoked beef. For fat pork
to keep indefinitely rub with salt, let it
lie in tne salt turee days and then pack,
using fifty-six pounds of coarse (crystal)
salt to each barrel of side pork.
Furm Notes.
Live-stock raising improves the soil
and increases the production of good
crops oi grain anil grass.
Sheep are not as vigorous as cattle or
Horses; nence they need more careful
attention in the way of Bhelter.
Medium-sized hogs are the most prof
itable kind to raise. Those weighing
250 to 200 pounds are desirable.
Do not stint the yearlings so that it
will take all summer for them to make
up wnat tney lost during the winter.
In providing cold storage for eggs ar
range in a small room so that a temper
ature not lower man 34 nor higher than
37 degrees can be maintained.
The average product of a good, well-
ieu, properly nauuied dairy cow in Scot
land is estimated at $175 per annum,
rating milk at 17 cents a gallon.
If there were better dairymen, there
would lie less delusion and'disannoint-
ment in dairying. The man and the cow
must both be "good " to make dairying
A good steamer is not without its value
lor preparing food for poultry in cold
weather. By its use food can be utilized
which would be of no value in a raw
Experiments in feeding and in com
puting the value of eggs have shown
nvj W.TVUUI, ui moor is taicen, a
dozen eggs can be produced at a cost of 6
cents or cent an egg.
Never try to get something for noth
ing. It is a dangerous practice. A good
fowl and a good incubator cost something
and they are worth it. Yon can buv
cheap things, but the best is really
Dressed fowls which are nicelv
plumped and placed in new basket's
covered with clean linen are sold more
quickly and at better prices than if they
lack the neatness of packing and dis
play. Plumpness appeals to the appe
tite, and neatness inspires confidence,
both being important elements in work
ing the provision market.
. Mlrrtm Cleaned and Pnll.hcd.
The best way to clean mirrors, or any
glass, such as that In picture frames, t. to
wash then, lightly with tpoD an
clean water, then with soother sponge rub
them oyer with spirit of wine. After this
dab ihen, lightly with some whiting tW
Jm H?nn, '."f' "ml finish th .a old
silk handkerchief. This sounds trouble:
ome. but in reality , very quickldonr
Uhing that chamois leather and waterdo.
beside, keeping the Kls bright to,
much longer time. A quart of sniritaal
win. will Uat long -tl
Wsiat Vallev. 85S6Mc;
Walla, 75g77$c per cental.
Eabtkhs Smoexd Mats ad Labd
Hams, medium, 1212c per pound;
hams, Urge, 11(8120; hams, picnic,
ll(Sl2c; breakfast bacon, 13lbc;
short clear sides, 10(gl2c; dry salt sides,
9)4ai0;'gc; dried beef bams, 12'13c;
lard, compound, in tins, 910c per
pound; pure, in Una, ll12c; pigs
leet, os, sa.ou; pigs- leei, a, eo.,
kits, $1.25.
Hops '93s, choice, 1214c per pound
milium olln iwir tin demand.
Woob Valley, 10llc per pound;
Umrxiua. Uai2c: Eastern Oregon, 6
10c, according to quality and shrinkage,
Minna Trv selected nrime. 5c: green,
salted, 60 pounds and over, 3scj under
bO pounds, Z3c; aneep pens, siieai uum
liVriilftf- medium. 20(335c: long wool,
3060c; tallow, good to choice, 334c
per pound.
Buir Top steers, $2.503.00; fair to
(rood steers, $2.002.25; cows, $2.25;
dressed beef, 456c per pound.
Motton Best sheep, $2.50; ewes,
Hogs Choice heavy, $4.004.25; me
dium, $4.00; light and feeders, $3.'J0
4.00: dressed. 0(870 ner pound.
VKAiSmall choice, tk:; large, 4c per
Manilla rone. in. cir. and up, 10c;
man ilia rorje. 12-thread. K diam., 106c;
manilla rope, 6 and 9-thread, X and 5-16
diam.. lie: manilla Dan rope, m cuim
or on reels, 10c; manilla lath yarn
tarred, 9c ; manilla hawser-laid rope well
borine. etc.. 13c: manilla transmission-
nf-nowcr rone. 14c: manilla paper twine.
lie; manilla spring twine, 14c; sisal
rope, V4 in. cir. and upward, 7Jc ; sisal
rope, 12-thread, diam.. 7e; sisal
rope. 6 and 9-thread. 1 and 6-16 diam.,
8c; Bisal lath yarn, tarred, 7c; hop-
vine twine, tarred, yc; sisai paper iwine,
Floor Portland. $2.65; Salem, $2.55;
Caacadia, $2.65; Dayton, $2.55; Walla
Walla, $2.90; Knowtlake, ; Corval-
lis, $2.65; Pendleton, $2.65; Graham,
$2.40 ; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats White, 33(330 per pusnei;
gray, 303Zc; roiled, in uags, owots
6.00; barrels, $6.006.25; in cases, $3.76.
Millstuffs Bran, $l3(gio; snorts,
$1616; ground barley, $1618; chop
feed. $15 per ton : whole feed barley, 60
70c per cental; middlings, $23(428 per
ton; chicken wheat, 65c$1.15 per
Hay Good, $1012 per ton.
BrjTTER Orecron fancv creamery. 27W
30c; fancy dairy, 22i26c; fair to
good, 15l7Kc; common, ll12c per
pound ; uamornu, 40c per roil.
Chbese Oregon, 1013c; Califor
nia. c: Young America, 1216c;
Swiss, imported, 30 (g 32c; domestic, 10
18c per pound.
Eggs Oreaon. ll12c per dozen
Poultry Chickens, mixed, quoted at
$3.00(83.50 per dozen: ducks. $4.50(8
5.60; geese, $7.00(28.00; turkeys, live, 11c
per pound ; dressed, 13c.
vegetables and fruits,
Vegetables California cabbage, l.'c
per pound; potatoes, Oregon (buying
price), 4650c per Back; onions (buying
price), $1.70(32.00 per sack ; sweet pota
toes, 2c per pound ; California celery,
8690c; artichokes, 85c per dozen ; Cal
ifornia lettuce, 2035c per dozen ; Ore
gon hothouse lettuce, 4050c; cauliflow
er, $2.t5 per crate, 90c per dozen ; pars
ley, 25c per-down ie,vswuU, $1.40 per
box; Btring beans, 1518c per pound;
asparagus, 12',,c per pound.
Fruits Sicily lemons, $4.00(iH'60 per
box; California fancv. $3.50(84.00; com
mon, $2.50(83.00; bananas, $1.50(83.00
per bunch; Monolulu, $1.502.50 ; Cali
fornia navels. $2.25i82.75 per box : seed
lings, $1.25(82.00; Japanese, $1.75(32.00;
sunflower, $2.50; apples (buying price),
green, 6065c per box; red. 6075ci
iitie winter pears, oo(gouc per dox,
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted.
$1.752.00; peaches, $1.85 2.00; Bart-
lett pears, $1.752.00; plums, $1.374
1.60; strawberries, $2.25(82.45; cherries,
$2.25(82.40; blackberries, $1.85(82.00;
laspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25
z.tsu; apricots, fl.oo. tie fruits,
assorted, $1.20; peaches. $1.25: plums.
$1.001.20; blackberries, $1.251.40per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.153.50; peaches, $3.604.00; apri
cots, $3.504.00; plums, $2.753.00;
Diacaoernes, 4.zo(g-i.ou; tomatoes, $1.10,
meats Ctorned beef, Is, $1.60; 2s,
$2.25; chipped, $2.40: lunch tommn. Is.
$3.60; 2s, $6.757.00; deviled ham, $1.50
tsz.o per dozen; roast beef, Is, $1.50;
Fish Sardines, He, 76c$2.25; Js,
$2.15(84.50; lobsters, $2.30(83.50; sal
mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.251.60; flats.
n.oji-ioa, fa.j(o)a.ou;-Darrel, $5.50,
staple groceries.
Coffee Costa Rica, 23c; Rio,2223c;
fcalvador, zzc; Mocha, 2628c; Ar
buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound
cases, $24.80
Dried Fruits 1893 pack, Petite
prunes, usc; silver, 1012c; Italian,
810c; German, 68c; plums, 610c;
evaporated apples, 8 10c; evaporated
apricots, 1516c; peaches, 1012c;
mill Ml In nria . 1
Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s.
$16.00; 60s. $16.50: Btock. $8.50r8.fin. '
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c;
in half barrels, 42(857c; in cases, 35
80c per eallon : 2.25 ner kew; ('ui;f,.;
in barrels, 2040c per gallon; $1.75 per
Sugar D, 4'sc; Golden 0, 4'4'c; extra
C, 6c ; confectioners' A, 638c; dry gran
ulated, 6'ec; cube, crushed and pow
dered, 6gc per pound; Jc per pound
discount on all grades for prompt cash
maple angar, 1516c per pound. '
. ICS-?0, 1 sdwich Island, $4.75
5.00: no Japan in market.
Beans Small white. No. 1 J. v
2, 2c; large white, 2ic; pea beans',
-'V; pink, 2','c; bayou 2c; butter
dc ; Lima, 3l4C per pound.
i icklks Barrels, No. 1, 28(8 30c per
gallon ; No. 2, 2tl(S28c; kegs, 5s, 85c per
" --, n ...D, VHII w uuzeu : quar
ter gallons, $1.75 per dozen.
Apices A hole Allspice, 18(8 20c per
r , .o, juioc; cinnamon, sbm
40c; cloves, 18030c; black pepper, 20
it -R?h ' xe8 l-80; ,ancy faced.
,,,,, ...moc per pound;
4 crown, 6(85. Seedless Sultanas
boxes $1.752.00; bags, 688c
A Keller.
Slimson-My youngest boy has been after
me to let him i..i- .i.. . . " auer
t- iV, iuuren cnoir.
on Blumer . . .
hlmf - " J"" going to
Slintnn T I. ... . ' 1
. ,. " , " y i was. Why, they
Rather Dull.
Friend How is business?
Merchant-Bad-rery bad.
"Pretty dull, ehf"
"Never saw it sodull. There hasn't r
a day for twoniomus that I did a' T.Lr 5
10 minute, to spar, fo, luVct."lpuS,
U AISIN8 Leondon lavere, boxes, $1.75
$Jo 2.00a2.25; qui,
$J.252.75: pnr it he 9 aval nn ? '
The Intelligence They Display U Simply
Marvelous How Thej Hunt Oat and Sue-
ear the Wounded and Lost Scenting- an
Enemy When Five Miles Away.
Some 80 miles west of Vienna the lit-
tie market town of Wels nestles iu me
foothills of the Austrian Alps, which
here rise in bold cliffs from the banks of
ti,o fnresta of the neighborhood are
too open to harbor much game, but a
stranger stopping at the summer hotel
of the little town might easily he led to
believe that the citizens must oe ine
most indefatigable hunters of the Aus-
tro-Hungarian empire, rrom morning
till night, and sometimes tin long aner
dark, he may hear the echo of shots and
the barking aud howling of dogs ap
proaching the town or dying away in
the distant hills, and occasionally an
swered from far and near, as if all the
sportsmen of the northern Alps had met
in convention.
For this is one of the stations where
Kriegshunde war dogs are trained.
The plan of training dogs for military
purposes was first adopted by the French
garrisons in Algiers, but has since been
tried with great success in Prussia, Italy
and especially in Austria, where four
footed messengers have for many years
belb taught to carry letters to the snow
bouBd villages of the Alpine highlands.
The shaggy collies used for that purpose
make the best war dogs and can be
trained to race in a bee line to the next
military post and announce their arrival
by a peculiar bark that is at once recog
nized and answered by the shout of a
They will ulso range a long chain of
hills in quest of wouuded soldiers, and
either dash back to report their discov
eries or stand guard at the side of the
cripple till iin nmbulnTico prty enmpq
near enough to be signaled by a long
drawn howl.
Trainers Bend out three or four of their
shaggy pupils at once and ascertain their
proficiency by all sorts of ingenious tests.
Soldiers instructed to act the part of
helpless cripples will hide in thickets or
caverns and keep still till the dog tugs
at their sleeves, when they will Bit up
and reward his sagacity with a piece of
They then try to rise, but pretend to be
too weak to walk or even to shoot, and
ask the dog to call for assistance. If help
is near, Collie will set up a loud howl, re
peated at shorter and shorter intervals,
till the signal is answered from the val
ley below. If his appeals should remain
unheeded, he will mount the next rock
and look about as if to impress the lay of
the land on his mind, and then dash off
to summon help from headquarters.
Should two cripples intimate their
need of aid at the same time, Collie will
guide the rescuing party to the hiding
place of the one farthest away, and help
them to pick up or somehow assist the
the other man on their way home.
Messenger dogs carry letters in a small
bag wrapped around their collar and will
permit only the proper officials to touch
that collar. A noncommissioned ofiig '
displaying the insignia ot his rank, may
venture to remove the bag, but the dog
will follow him and see to it that he gets
him an answer.
Private soldiers are "stood off" with a
menacing growl. Persons wearing tho
uniform of the enemy cannot stop the
messenger with anything but an ex
tremely well aimed shot. Dogs racing
along the battle front will dodge bullets
by running zigzag and develop a mar
velous talent for taking advantage of
every cover, running through the high
est grass or along the safe side of rocks
and fullen trees.
Picket post dogs are selected from a
different breed. Tho half shepherd, half
wolf dogs that carry letters and hunt up
cripples are not entirely devoid of scent
and can find their way back home in a
manner not wholly explicable on the
theory of keen eyesight. But for effi
ciency in the role of sentries they yield
the palm to a species of deerhounds that
do their best work after dark.
On picket duty a well trained sentinel
of that breed will scent the approach of
a troop of cavalry before a man, with his
ear on the ground, can hear the tram
pling of the horses. The dog sentry will
announce his discovery in a more dis
creet way than the Scotch widow who
screamed through the citadel of Luck
now when her "inner ear" heard the ap
proaching bagpipe of the McGregors.
Phylax on scenting danger will step up
close to his uniformed companion, and
after a pause of silence aud keen atten
tion will announce his suspicion by low
growls, getting more frequent rather
than louder, as the cause for alarm be
comes more unmistakable.
The best dogs of that breed have ' 'chal
lenged" cavalry from a distance of three
to five miles, according to the direction
of the wind, and infantry from nearly
two miles. They can be trained to an
nounce the approach of a known friend
in a quite different way vjz. by leaping
to and fro or crouching down and jump
ing up by turns, but Without the warn
ing growl of the danger signal. F. L.
Oswald in Youth's Companion.
A MaMage Stone.
A "massage stone" is coming into use
in England that is made of unglnzed .
china and provided with a sort of dorsal
lump for holding in the hand and has
the rubbing surface slightly undulated,
not to say ridged. Tho stone is white,
and even when used on recently washed
Ikin it soon becomes darkened, showing
that it squeezes a good deal of material
from the pores, London Letter.
Junipuppe-I have just hit on a-tlcK
imtion for a suicide. v-
Jasper What is it?
Juinpuppe-A suicide is a man who
cannot bury his troubles without bury
ing himself with them.-Kew York Her-
T1,.V C"r,,',,,. HoW P"-
Pan. . 7. "Prtnkling the plaza, of
oflen7i,"r,' nvance. It consists
ed .t ,Z "I p eacn l"Kth mount.
small wheela. nn i fxle" hav'"8 two
gether byLort le.Tha
Now York Sun P eCMf fleXible hoae-
V- Saving Labor.
necessary it ,72: ' toU'lT on-
.. t -,,, ,,, 1 . r-
,ew j.n. . ip e eain m i