Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 15, 1894, Image 4

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' r 'aded o
1 '
is orr--
6ln county leader.
. DTKWUKT.MIUf U4 Proprietor.
"uMtRhelY6ry Thursday t Tolt'l.i, Unoulu
, comity, vjrKoq.
Sulibcriptivu llates;
One year, - - $1-50
Rix months, ... .75
Three months, - .50
vrti.tK r.te kn-,n ,,n .,piiPtl.,n I inwrtert ! ihew
j 11 t tive ceiitu r line r week, nml will
' bo run until r.iere.iiioi.iiuue.
f'iT.'r!ll uth-.n.
Filtered at the Mti(!l(e m T'.lHo, Oregon, ft
nofitud-i'Iiidfl inntl mutter. '
Officitil County paper.
Last Satuarday and Sunday were
riome what breezy.
A few land seekers Ijave made
them apearance in this county.'
A. L. McFadden and W. R.
Wakefield started to attend the pop
ulist stale convention at Oregon City
which convenes there; today.
Rev. Wallace, who recently hld
revival services in this place, is
now assisting in conducting revival
services at Monroe. About seventy
ive conversions have already been
jmarte. .
Last Monday town 12, range 10,
km thrown open for filing, and
r about half dozen new filings have
,j'., )cen made this 'week. There will
' )e some thirty to forty filings all
f .,. jold to be made at once
I 'S(iiire Luikey, of Kddyville, in-
1 our sanctum a short time last
l-'riday, ufter convention was over.
Mr. Luckey was prominently men
tioned for clerk and also cotnmis:
The I.kadkk acknowledges a
oleasant call from Messrs. Capt.
V JVukefield, J, JI. Doty and" A.' IL
Guynn, of Waldport, last Friday,
JThe two former were delegates to
fhe populist convention, and the
jattei wits nominated for commis
sioner by the some people.
Conundrum Why do the citizens
pf Newport resemble drover Clever
land? Answer next week. Six.
Yauina Post.
Answer Hecause they are sensi-
le, respectable, don't make fools
hemselves trying to be smart.
find tend to their own business,
Uy u published notice in another
col 11 111 11 it will be seen that town 13,
range 10, will be open for filings
aui l April 33, 1 894 . This township
js me out; which me survey uas
leen hanging fire for some "time,
jor sonic reason. There are adout
forty settlers who will be now en
nblod to file on their lauds.
A pugilistic encounter took place
at 1'lk City last Friday lclwieii a
couple of young men, iu which
knives and stoye wood took a
prominent part. At the end of the
tj end of the third round the by
wo Hln,''ers interfered and th,g battle
"s declared a draw. Don't fight
6ys, it's hard pti the eyes,
A prominent republican wants
j, to know why tho Lkaukk did not
41 publish the call for the republican
1 county convention 11s well as the
! culls for the democrats and pop 11
lists. It wus just because the re
publican secrctury was not courte
pus enough to furnish us with a
popy. ...
W c learn that the names t
creditors of the O. 1. company rep
resenting f j3,ooo were pluecd on
the option papers at Albany j ster
oy and little or no opposition was
met with. This js certainly a good
showing for one day's work, We
understand that they are ulso Wing
gener ally signed in Col vallis. Cor
vallis News.
Hello! What's the matter now ?
Cet your partneis while the dance
"is on, and get in. Never iu the
history of Opulistic Otegon was
Mich prices seen before. Goods
almast given away nt lUwth's Cash
Store, at Yaquinn. The Old Re
liable Corvallis Mills flour at 75
cents per sack, or $1.1 per banel.
Shorts 95 cents icr hundred. Mid
dlings, good enough lor bread, Ji
17 Iks Granulated Sugar, $1
lbs golden C, fx.
Sheriff Iindis requests us to iu
form the coplc tliat lodi the 01 ig
inal and supplemental tax rolls are!
now in his office and he Is prepared
, ;, ' I
10 coueci Mxesionw. u.eiaxes,. Morrisoll Klk cilv. Aiu.rt
, are payable at the county seat, iul Mkcr. Mill Creek; II. F. Wilhoit.
will be delinquent on April 1st, Diil't Cteek; Troy Mays, Storrs;
should not the county court extend
the time for collecting 011 the roll.
Any questions relative to taxes will
V 1 cheerfully answered by the
school teacher from Jjrift creek',
V38 in town yesterday filing on his
A decision was rendered by the
supreme court at Salem Tuesday
in the case of Newton Williams vs.
The Toledo Coal Company. This
was a suit to foreclose a miner's
lien upon the property of The To-
Mo Coal Company, for wages for
I WOrk Perforrae1- T'ie cas VaS
.leridrd in ilip lnu-rr rniirrnrlvr
. uecinen 111 me low tr courr atnerse -
; ly to Williams, who then appealed
it Uj ti,e supreme court. The latter
court affirP'i'd t'ne opinion of the
lower court and so Williams' lien
stands for naught.
Tlie rjoiicer stone nuarry is rap
idly opening out into an important
industry. They are at present put
ting in a steam derrick, and when
this is in place they will be enabled
to hoist the stone onto the cars in
rapid manner. There is a force of
fourteen' melt employed at the pres
ent time, and it is more than prob
able that this fori e will be kept up
all season. Tiw excellent quality
of the stone commands a ready sale
when it has bu n inspected.
GRADY To the family of 1).
llrady, near this city, m Sutur
March 10, 189.1, a daughter.
1)1 KD.
W1I1TNKY. At hishome in New
port, 011 Saturday, March 10,
iHy4, Dr. G. A, Whitney, aged
51 years.
Dr. Whitney was well known in
this county, having for many years
made it his home. lie was a phy
sician of guod qualifications, He
contracted a severe case oflagrlppe
last fall and never fully recovered
from it. I J is death was due to the
effects of this disease, lie was
buried ot Newport by the G. A. R,
post, of which he was a member,
AW11 Jlny Nojt's.
Still more rain and early spring
omen's about as scarce us at this
time last year. From the old set
tler point tif view, Oregon winter
weather gets worse annually. Can't
we load this moisture onto the
back of some political party, but
which? Its too heavy and frequent
for the new party to pack,
Messrs. W. II, Harrison & Son
are running the saw mill this week
and watchful eyes are frequently
scanning the ocean horizon for n
first glimpsij of the San Francisco
steamer, due this week.
Messrs. Doty, Wakefield, Guynu
and Axtell returned from the pop
ulist convention lust Sunday.
Tht'y spcov very feelingly of heir
cordial reception and treatment by
the people of Toledo,
Since our nchool closed and the
outside scholars returned to, heir
homes Waldport has assumed the
aspect of Goldsmith's deserted vil
lagCj only more so. To some eyes
it looks as though with our elegant
new .school house and the outsulu
support the district receives from
scholars, as well as the presumed
increase in state grant, llmt we
might manage to afford more than
a three months' school annually,
more especially, when by the exer
tions of a few an entertainment re rnqre than thirty dollars can
so easily be gotten up. Hut ex
penses ure heavy; voh1 and coal
oil serious items,
It is said that the mail route be
Newport and Tidewater, so long
satisfactorily carried by Mr. "jlol
gate, is to pass from his hands on
the 1st of next July, and Mr, How
ell, of the Waldport house, is to
make his debut to the public jn the
capacity of route contractor be
tween the almve points.
New s is hard to dig up this week
;tml I fear "Kex" will secure the
crown his name demands; if not
here, jierluips hereafter,
The following arc the arrivals at
the popular Hotel Lincoln for the
week ending today:
Jas. Carter, Storrs; Gus Reschke,
Yaquina; Jas. MclVuiuld, Chit
Jerry Banks, a successful young
loiwood; G. F. Luckey, Utile llk;
J. II. !Vty, Alsea; I. J. Pepin,
-Chitwood; . H. Guynu, Wuld-
IKiit; . R. Wakeuolvl, WuMporl;
j. H. Simpson, Corvallis; J. lteers,
'iule .in.Jw xv',t ,'
ouiiia; G. . Axtell, Axtell: Har-
G. E. Dwyre; D. W. Noonemaker,
Yaquina; Marion Hunt, Wm. E.
Iiwreuce, M. J. Allphin and II.
E. Derrick; Little Elk; S. V. Hurt.
Elk City; Chas. Gordon, Drift
Dyking .Titlu .Lands. ;
The negotiations for a steam j
dredger by Robert Campbell, are !
progressing favorabjy, and it is to !
be sjneerely hoped that they will be
successful. The plan upon which j
Mr. Campbell proposes to work is
dyke lands on the shares, the size j
size of the shares depending upon ;
the location pf the " land and ' the
amount of dyke required. This
plan ought to enable anyone who
has a piece of tide land to get it
dyked. The profits and benefits to '
be derived by dyking thse lands ,
art too many and various to be i
enumerated here, and too welli
known to need recounting. Lands
that are overflowed by every high
tide, while being the richest and
most most valuable in soils of any
lands, are practically worthless for
any purpose. A few tons of tide
hay is the entire product. With
the land properly dyked the same
land will produce from two to four
tons of good hay to the acre, or
produce an abundant yield of any
other crop to which the climate is
adapted. The land then becomes
productive, valuable and saleable,
so that the owner will receive at)
income from it or dispose of it if he
wishes, at a greatly enhanced val
ue. Dykes made by a iredge aa
much better and have numerous
advantages over hand-made dykes.
In the first place no land is lost by
deep ditches on each side of the
dyke. The dyke is placed closer to
lie bank pud the dirt for the dyke
is taken trom the bottom of the
slough or river, thus not Only mak
ing a dyke but also makes a good
clear boat channel. The dyke is
nicely rounded, and can be sown to
grass, and thus none of the land
will be wasted. The work is more
rapjdlv done and the owner can get
the use of his laud that much soon
er. Land that is properly dyked
will clear from 20 to 40 per acre
annually in a hay crop olone, and
do fully as well when well cultiva
. . .. : 1 ' i
ieu wuii oiuer crops.
It is propescd to take contracts
on land for dyking, the tenor of
which are such that if Mr. Camp
bell, or his assigns, erect a good
dyke of the proper djuiensions, etc.,
that upon completion thereof they
are to receive a deed to a portion
of the land. Several parties have
already signed these contracts and
if enough of them are signed to jus
tify the outlay the machine will be
purchased. In case the dyking is
not completed according to the
contract the contract then becomes
void. It is hoped that all parties
who own tide lauds on the Hay will
investigate the plan, by calling on
addressing Mr. Campbell, at this
place, and sign contracts if they see
fit. We believe that if the proper
interest is displayed by land own
ers, who now are absolutely reap
ing no benefits from their lauds,
the dredger will be her and iu
operation before the season Is over.
Talk it up and help the enterprise
along. It will make a garden spot
of our country,
lion, Hinder Hermann is doing
some good, lumfw'orU in congress
for this part of his district. He is
fighting manful))' for Yaquina har
bor, and the results ot his rbrmer
efforts fully justifies his stand, He
is also making strong efforts in the
Siletz reservation matter, His ef
forts in IkUIi matters are fully ap
preciated by the people of this sec
Ml 11 tiki KAirKN.
The following are the transtvts
of real estate filed in the county
clerk's office since our last issue:
John S. Meak and wife to
Elialieth Henretty, lot 6,
blk a, AbUVs addition to
Yaquina Heights; consid
eration, fioo.oo
Alexander McRae to lVmnld
McRae, lots 1 and 3, blk
40, and lot i a, blk 36;
Fredrieksburg ; considera
tion, 300.00
Joseph E. Wilson and wife
to Marion T. Whitney and
wife; 67.5" acres in section
jj; consideration, t, 000.00
Chas. H. reuse to A. I..
Hathaway; a pieceofland
containing ao acres moie
or le.vs, all iu township ic,
range 8; consideration, 2,000.00
John W. Simpson and wife
Frank Wcitiuan; S. E. (
of n. w i,' and N. K. I4 of
S. w. i and N. j of 's. K.
of sec. 8, twp is, range
8; consideration, S3S.50
Arthur St Clair to I.J. Pipin;
piece of laud containing
about 3 acres, near Toledo;
consideration, 1.00
fcj. TVI. BPXJ-JSTK:, Prop.,
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery. Fruity etc ;
Biliiard d hi hm
H WHI Pay YOU to see
Warranted True to Name and Frse From Disease
and Insect Pests
Home Grown and Healtliy Trees
..... ..: t " ."
Toledo, Oregori
gW"jt lAtXUmi OKFICK.
Klk City Items.
All quiet on the Potomac.
Barney Morrison was in town
last evening.
Andy Porter made us a call the
last of the week.
Piling for the bridge is all in the
water ready for use, and men are at
work today hewing timber for the
lf. C. Hoffman, of the Ramsdell
quarry, left for Albany the last of
the week to make arrangements to
commence work on the quarry next
month. They will put in a tram
way to the title water and from
there will handle the rock on scows
somthiug auer the style of the
Pioneer Quarry is working ten
men and will soon-put on twelve or
fifteen more. The two quarries
will scatter several dollars in this
part this season,
We see by the last week's Lkad
KR and by the Salem Journal, the
name pf M. W, Simpson for county
judge. Jt meets' with approval by
all in this part, regardless of party,
We know of no better man for the
position. Marsh is one of the
pioneers of this bay; well known
by all to be a man of good judge
ment, one that will work for the
best interests pf Lincoln county.
He has never been an office seeker
and would not be managed by any
ring rule or allow anything but
justice to all. He is well posted
nud wel acquainted with all parts
of the new county and the people.
We have never found the man to
say one word against him in any
manner, and believe as the Journal
says, "He will catch votes as fast
as lie cau fish." We do not be
lieve jn liny party running the
affairs of the county, We propose
to vote for the man not the party,
We want the man who w ill best
serve the interests of the people,
aud believe M. W. Simpson to be
the man for the county judge.
Divide the offices up with the best
"Dated March 14, 1894.
KmroR LKrKR:
In order to cor.ect an impression
conveved in I urrimatur's last1
week's Alsea Bav Notes, I crave a1
little ot your s.ace. Imprimatur!
1V. .1.- ... tl
Omaha platform ud the discussion
thereou had terminated etc.', I
desire to say the: i was no discuss
ion, although oft red. The horses
of the old partie present refused to
join issues and opened, not theiT
I mouths except tu .isk if the populists.;
1 had any object io ; to their presence, f
1 It having been rt aioted that an able
exponent of the republicans had
vampjished evt y thesis of the
populists. I t;tk this opportunity
of enlightening the public as to
actual facts at th - populists primary
of March 3rd, at Waldport school
houe, and am
Yo n Truly,
P. P. P. Secretary.
ME before Buying.
Pool Slongh Putts.
A very enjoyable party was had
at Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferr's lasj
week. The young folks gathered
in and passed a very pleasant even
ing with singing, music, games,
etc. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr took part
with the young folks, and the small
houis of the night had come before
they thought of going home.
Mr. George Morgan wili move
over from Heaver Creek into djs.
trict No. 41, to remain for the sum
mer and take advantage of the
school for his children.
Mrs. l-'red Hailey moved to Cor
vallis last week, where she will
join her husband. They will re
main all summer,
I4ncohl county is practically one
year old. During that time there
has been thirty-one marriage
licenses issued as follows:
A. D. Taylor and Bitha Bums,
V"ni. H. Howell and S. J. Hoover,
Otis Kisor and Clara Dixon,
Albert Cowgill and Jennie Hallowell
O, G, Esterbrook and Ethel Trapp.
W. S. Hosford and Martha Ruble.
Lewis Fuller and Sissie Bensell.
Oscar B, Brown and Dellie Depoe.
W. E. Baxter and E. M. Lewis.
S. G. Wulfkill and Mary F. Schlupe.
John Adams aud Martha Clay.
M. C. Davis and Katie M. Stimpson.
H. A Bowman and Ida E. Hyde.
W. L. Davis and Stella A. Cressy.
W. R. Megginson and Anna Battice.
Wm. Samuels and Lucy Wilson.
Frank George and Catherine Hark-
Chas. Fair-child and Kate Spencer.
D. C. Rosebrooks and Etta Titman.
V. D. Boone and Emma J. Ferr.
John Buckley and Nellie L. Case.
Wm. G. Reynolds and Ella Knotts.
M..Jollis and May Butterfield.
Ed, Betisel) and Susan Tqrdan. .
Knic-ai i.ubeil aijd Auna Jofgenson.
Frank Carson and Rachel Brown.
J. F. Steel aud Mary V, Bamford.
J. E. Waugh and Rosa Rader.
J. Buitows and S. S. Wiuans.
Tellef Tellefson and Hannah Brot
ten. R, W, Linville and Lavina Avery.
A Pmrjratn 260 acres of the
lest land in Lincoln county; situa
ted on the Alsea bay 3 miles above
Waldport; has two miles of water
front, 1 10 acres choice tide land.
K00-1 1olls!. a and on hard, good
i. CM
....... v.-t
B. F. Joxks. Toledo. Or.
Notice is hereby given that the
approved plat of survey of township
13 south, range 10 west, has heeu
received trom the Surveyor Gener
al of Oregon and on
PRii, 25, 1S94, j
at q o'clock a. m. ofsaiddav said
plat w ill le filed in this office and '
the embraced will be
subicct to enti v on an.l :nVr , '
Robert A. Millkx, RegLster. J
1ktkr r.vyi KT, Receiver.
. Notice.
U rrknh.Yi:. .:. .(line th, ..t.
K. Micm-..n. tlnv4M. arv hrrvl.v twit.
BM o ptrut lh Mm. iTMtvr t wrti'.pl o
U l.. l.t.n .1 lhr Mlr'i vru- . .thliv Ih rlf
Amjt. or .n. h tliinn t vrvTrrdrua.-n J
liJthimi il.T ui tlin k. 1 -.
L I. I.K, vN.
iiu natj, Orca.
uy as much as possible. The place to do
this is at "CHEAP CASH STORE" of
T. P. FISH, where "Good Goods at Low
Prices" is the rule.
5cc my Stock of FALL
Drj' Goods, Groceries,
T. P. FISH, -
The Leader jn
General :-: Merchandise,
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinc.
cO'gars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Lincoln County Leader.
The Official Paper
Gives more Local
the other Papers in tho
County Combined.
Fearless, Outspoken and Free.
It is not controlled by any
Clique or Ring,
It is worthy of
every Taxpayer in the
oisrirr ' 31.50 pe;r
You get all the Official County
JNcws, and the
Call on or
Hardware, Notions,
- Toledo, Oregon,
Low Prices.
of Lincoln
News than all
the support of
all Local