Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 15, 1894, Image 1

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1 T.
Remember that this paper
is the ouly one in Lincoln
or Berjfon county that has
the courage to stand for
the common people.
I Volume II.
nt Senator -
- CP. Crosno
B. P. Blue
B. F. Jones
George Landis
Henrv Uenlinger
('has. Booth
Job. Gideon
- T. E. I'arker
Jas. Russell
J. O. Stearns
M. L. Trapp
u f "erifT
m. wnnf
waaooI Saperinteudent
fjurveYor .
.Coroner - .
Commissioners J
fy ' Justice of the Peace
TI Constable-
J. A. Hall
A. E. Altree
services will be held under the aupices of
he Methodist Episcopal Church as follows:
First Sunday of each month at Elk City School
Honse at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Second Hundav
t loledo, In Old School House, at 11 a. m. and
p. m., Song Services begins at 6:8ti p. m.
Bird Hundav at the M. K. I'hnrrh. Npwin.rt, n
11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Fourth Sundar at aqtilna
fichnol House, at 11 a. m.: at Mill Pour at 3 p.
All are cordially Invited to attend.
i . A. L. HAWLEY, Pastor,
p Address, Toledo, Oregon.
IRST BAPTISTS. Meet everv first Snnrtrty
1 it Mh nmnth all u m a,A ale.. .. ,.,
Saturday prei-edinirthe above Sundav, at 2 p.
to , In the Toledo Public Hall. L. i. Bntler,
eileat lastor.
ijT.'JOHN'B CHURCH Protestent Epintrnftl.
"""Mivine service the third Sundav of everv 11 a. m. All are invited 'to attend.
Rer. Chas. Booth, Missionarv,
Rectory," Newport, Or..
0. O. F. Toledo Lodge. N'o. 10S, Meet
erery Friday erenlnK at their hall in this
' own.
"JtifKoa Aimocd, HSc'y. J- S. OaitiIkR: N.G:
t . T Meets every Thursday evening.
:woeiocK. in iiraoys nan, urn iuu.
u. nawiey, u. x k. r.. t ouins, secretary.
A. and I. lr. Toledo I'nlon, No. LIB. Meets
everv Saturdaveveninif.Ho' Crndv's
all in this town. All members remiesteri'th
ttend. T. T. Ueeder, President i J.J: ToruMire,
icretai y.
T O. O: tVniay Lodge N'o. 11R, of Yaqntna City,
meets every Saturday evening. Visiting
brothers are always welcome?. .
t. borrows, Secretary. J. X. StahKi N; Gi
SO. O. F. Newport Lodge N'o. R9. meets every
Saturday evening, visitfng brothers are cor-
nraiqr tnvitea to attend
Cvitt's Dixon.
I, L.
. Smith, Secretary.
N. G,
& A. M. Newport lxMlge N'o. 8T, regular
lonvocatlon on saturtlay on or before each
moon. V isiting brolhcrs are cordlullv
Welcomed. Jas. H. Kusskm., W. M.
Jas. Robebtson, Secy,
(1 A. R. Phil Sheridan Post N'o. 24, m
M every second nd fourth Thursday even
tito. Sylvrhtkr, Com,
R. A BrNspri, Adjt
Corvallis, Ort'gon
br. ii. VINCENT, Prop.
Charges Reasonable.
justice of the Peace
j loledo, Oirgoa',
Keeds, Mortgages, and all kinds'ot legal pa per
executed with correctness. Careful attention
given to all business entrusted to my care.
lissdfirtrie,' Stanford Oregon.
r Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to,
, Attorney-at-Law,
ToledoLincoln County, Oregon.
lollectioim, Com-eiianctmi,
and Court Pviicttee
.... Generally.
Men by permission to Ex-Gov. J. 8. Pillsburr,
C. a Senator W. V. Washburn, (ien. John 1",
lea, Ex-Commander-ln-chlef O. A. R., Min
leapolis, Minn., Hon. Martin K. Morris and J.
J. Darlington. Esq., Washington, I). C, Schuy
kr Dnryea, chief tlerk Patent ollice, Fairfax
County, Va., and Rev. ( has. Booth, Newport,
n." .
h Welfoot Hu
C " '.. . ' i 1
Oreeou Pacific Railroad.
' AAV. HADLEY, Receiver .
une vmca inspaicn now rre.gnt
"waa Willamette Vallay points and Han
Jar Francisco
'''. . ,
"f "an franclaco N'ovembel' 'ith, 14th and
.. -c -
I y YaquiLA November Wh. Wh and Wth.
1MB, '
and about every tea day thereafter.
nils Otnnan reserves roe right to change
aalllnf dales allhout not
i"atly MrVatotetwecn PorflVi and Mem and
tpper Willamette rlvtr point.
Dry Goods, Notions, Men's and
Boy's Clothings Boots and
Shoes. Hats and Caps,
iLj oi-iorri-iiisrcs-
Selling at Hard
gent foi? 33iownsville Woolen
Mills Goods. Measures taken
aiid Fits Guaranteed.
c. B. CROSNO & CO.,
hi Agents anil Abtraitsr:.
Farm ijandS, Tide Lands, Goal Lands, TovB
Property in single Lots or Blocks
Abstrct of Title td any property In Lincoln County
. , The place to get your
m lilLL HEADS,
v A1 .IJ.Jpl of.. r
tT Price and Worfc Satisfactory
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon,Thursday,
3 fas
on demand:
sea House
lfaldiwrt, Lincoln
fllijfdquarters for itoliticians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Comfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our mofto.
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
Vm.' R; WAkeWki.d; Pfo&
raopairroa or
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
6$ Rll, KINDS.
f ledb, - - Oregon.
Will practice in Justice, Count
and Circuit Courts o(
T I , ,
Lincoln Coilrty.
; Solicit rorresiond nce
fullv greed.
N'o rhsrg i nnlesa
I have sevejal farms,' both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts , ot 40 acres aud. upwar.
These lands, are .adapted.. 16 frjiit,
vegetable and shecp.culture.' JVill
be sold very cheap and on Reason
able terms. Anyone .desiring -to
purchase such lands will do well to
call on or address
M. J, Aiapi'in?,
Little Elk, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oreem City, Orefton,)
January V in. (
NOTICE is herebv trlven that the following
nametlsettlerhas tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk of Llnr-nvounty at ToKtloi Ore'
f on, on March V2, 18SM, vis :
Marlon Haat, H. K. Ko. Tilt,
for the northwest 4 of section 14. town 11 south,
range west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, "vis: A. J. Zumwalt, M. J. Allphin,
Wm. I-awrence, Wni. Kaplu, all of Little Kit,
Xotice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
K'bruary l.Y 1S4.
VOTICE is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim
and thit-aiilproof will be made before the
County Clerk of l.iucoln County, at Toledo:
Oregon, on April 3th: 1!M, vis: 4 ,
Janes L. allca, H. K. No. 5,illi
for the east t, of northwest 4, northCast of
southwest'4 and lot 1, section 31, Town i:l (outh
Range 11 west.
He names the following witness to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis: John V. llrooks, Untis Cap
scl: William Helms and Albert Reynolds, all of
Waldport, Oregon.
Notice for Publications
Land Orllce at Oregon City; Oregon,
. . February l.',, ism.
VCfTICK I" hereby given that the followlng-J-'
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make fitiBl proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will l made before the
County Clerk of Lincoln Countv, at Toledo,
Oregon, on April II, 1M, vis: '
Louis (so.fl. H. K No. 7,4Si,
for the southwest '4 of northenst 4, southeast
"4 of northwest ., and lot 2, 13
south, range U west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his residence upon and cultivation of, said
land, vis: John . brooks, .tame.a. Aiiuu, Al
bert s. Iteyuolds and Wm. llulins, all of W ald
porti Oregon, , . , ...
UtinKRT .1- M1I.I.U Rj Register.
Notioe for Publication.
I.aml otllce at Oregon city, Oregon,
February l. ls4.
VOTICK is herebv given that the following
A' named .etller has Hied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said prootwU be made before the
County Clerk of, Lincoln County, at Toledo,
Oregon, on April '7th 1I, via:. . , ..
John W. Brooks,' H. K. N'3.
for the northwest l of southeast '4, northeast
of southwest ' ., and lots :t and 4, section 80,
Town l:t south, rntiKO 11 west.
He names the fol.iwing w itnesses to prove
his continuous residence uihui and cultivation
of, said land, 1.. 4JlU..Wm, Melius, A I.
bertlteviiolds, and l oulsl apfei; all ol WKld
IKirt; (iregon,
Notioe for Publication.
Land Ofltco nt Oreiroii City, Oregon,!
February 1st, 1I. i
VOTICKlsheiebv Kiven. that, the follo,wlng
named Jetf Ihfr.KS Hltd notice of his inten
tion tn,nrtke tiniil proof insupKrtof his claim,
aiid (hat said pr.,,1 will lie made before the
Count Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Ore
gon, on March -Jii. vis:
Klraser Khnadrs, H. K. No. ;,(,
for the south '5 of northwest sictiou 1 and
southeast '4 of northeast of section 11, town
11 south, range II west. , ...
He names the .following wittHiSVs to prove
hjscnntlnuouftr. Mdenre uiioti ami cultivation
P'.fK land, vis: .1. W. I'arrlsh, Alonzo Hun-
. CtAi. A lj.nittu.tiA A I l,.HA. ull ...
Democratic Counts Conren-
The County Convsntlcijf the Democratic
Wrj-ti". '''i'o'n county' Oregon, Is hpfebf
called to meet In a delcgRe.nvenlloii in the
Court hotiseJiTpledoi Cregon, on Thursday,
April 1pW, at i o clock p. m., to nominate
candidates for the various county offices to be
voted for on June 4, MM, and to elect delegates
to the Htate convention, and for such other
business as may properly come before the con
vention, vii. j, '
The Convention shall he composed of 41 dele-
timon, aiifNir-iioiieu as unions:
leaver Credk 2 Newport..., f
HUfKlk J Nashville S
Drift Creek 2 Tidewater a
KlkClty 8 Yahats s
Lobster 1 Yanutna 5
Little Elk 8 Toledo I
Lower Alsea 8 j
Primaries will be, bald In fhe various pre
cliict on baturday, April 7, Hut, at 1 o'clock p.
B. F. .IOXEK, ChalrmanTl.
j. n. iiai i, perretai
Type Writer.
t-owill buy the ODKI.I, TYI'K WRITER
JU with 7ti characters, and lift for.thirHlS.
OLE CAXK ODKLL. warranted lu do
oeuor wos inui atir nuicnine made.
It comblnirlax4lcrrf tvlth durability, sieed.
ease of otraMoa, wears longer without cost of
repairs than anv other machine. Has no Ink
ribbon to umHer Iheomrator. It Is neat, sub
stantial, ntcltle plated, perfect, and adapted tp
411 kindsof type writing. Like a printing pafss.
i, piuuurv. snarp, rieau, legiitie luanuscritils.
Two or ten copies can be madeitt orio writing.
Any Intelligent iwrsou ran Income an oieratr
who can equal the work of the Dot III. K CAHK
ill iwo nar, iinr si 1,1 .ttv i,,ra,,.v
Reliable AirentsandKalesnien wantil.
iai iiifiticentents to lfealers.
For Pamphlet giving Hdorsements, ate., ad
dress . i:" . . '
aOdell Type Writer Co.
i-m Dearborn St. CIIICAOO, ILL
V(TU,W MBREBY (II vy.S, that the partner-
AS shif.ilklsllt,. UMMn i:k. II lluuki.. .
Tlioa. I'avey was dissolved on February 17, W.H
All accounts due the Hrm art uavabla to ThiM
I'avey, and all indebtedness of the firm Is pay-
able by hiio.
il'S. II. RRM'HKK.
Notary Public.
Toledo, - Oregon
(Hri.AMATiONt'iaf BUODER.iiO
No More Back Ache
March 15, 1894.
Hogg's Latest Move.
The following is the reading of
the option papers as presented to
the preferred creditors of the O. P.
company for their signatures:
In consideration of one dollar,
lawful money of the United States,
paid to each one of the undersigned
on his signature of his presents, the"
receipt whereof is hereby respec
tively acknowledged and for divers
other good and valuable considera
tions, each one of tht undersigned
creditors of the Oregon Pacific
Railrond company and of either of
the former or present receivers
thereof, T. Egenton Hogg, E. V.
Hadley or Clas Clark, hereby sells
and assigns to T. Egenton Hogg,
of Benton county, Oregon, or his
assigns, the right and bption to
purchase fit any time before the ex
piration of one day after the sale of
the Oregon Pacific and Willamette
Valley & Coast Railroad Compnn
ieslf their ptoperiies and franchises,
which sale is fixed for on or about
the 2nd day of June, 1894, the
debts respectively due each one of
the undcrKicrned from thu nid mil-
rond companies; fet either of them,
or from either of the receivers there
of, on the following terms and con
unions, namely, 36 per cent, of
said debts in cash on the day of the
completion of the purchase of said
properties Wild frSiictiises ' by the
said T. E. lloggorhisassigs, under
the said sale on or about the and
day of June, 1894, and 64 per Ceiit:
01 eacii 01 said debts in first mort
gage interest bearing bonds of the
new company which will be formed
by the said T. E; Hogg; aSitf lils
associates, to take over the said
railroad, its properties and franchis
es, in case thf said T. E. Hogg, his
associates or assigns, purchase the
same; the said bonds to be a part of
and equal in rank and priority with
the other first mortgage bonds of
the intended new comnanv. It he.
'ing further understood and rreed
jbetween each of the several signers
jhereofand liie said T. E. Hogg
ihat the agreement to purchase the
said debts shall become binding on
him or his assigns if and as soon a
he or they shall cause to be miiiled
to each one respectively of the sign
ers hereof his or their written or
printed acceptance of the option
hereby given at the present or last
known place of And in re
lation to the; said per cent, of
such debts to be paid in first mort
gage bonds of the intended new
company. It is understood and
agreed that two or more' trustees,
resident in Oregon,, shall be ap
pointed by the saii'f T, Egenton
Hogg, with the approval o(. the
Jiv'ge of tTYe circuit, court of the
state of Oregon for Benton county,
to whom the aggregate amount of
such bonds shall be fssued. and who
Shaft be charged wjth the duty of
realizing them in their discression
to the best advantage, and distribut
ing tlprfice'&ls,' pro rata, without
deduction, among the parties en
titled thereto under these piesents.'
The populists H( Benton county
held thcTr county convention, at
Corvallis last Saturday.' The con
vention vas attended by 16 dele
gates. Jas. Bruce, C. Vanderpool,
J. Yvhiteaker ana c ikel were
elected delete?, to the sUfe con'
vention; and other nominations
were made as follows; F. Dodele,
representative; A- Chcnowith,
county Judge; Willard Price,. .sher
iff; R. Logan, assessor; D. Vander
pool, commissioner The conven
tion decided not to make nomina-
lions for the oiflccs of clerk, re
corder, treasurer, surveyor,., school
supcrinteruleut and coroner.
, .- .)
fhe movement , nade by Col.
Hogg to buy up the O . P. employes'
back time, when Jr:njjed i .of fa
legal verbiage niean syny that
the men areto receive V pif cent.
oftbeir timc in fjsh nt;d4((jr
cent, tq be secure i by yinort
gage bonds on the road. If the
racn coulij be .assured beyond a
rcasonablt douiU'. that ,the road
would thett .be extended 3t)d- tuide
a cU-HuppoTtiiig property tine o.ler
would be a , fair que, to til'. UKti..
The only danger in tuiiihtaWpresiitit
to the scheme is that th . sjH.n'3:
mortgage, bonds would 1 become.
secondary claims should, another,
operating debt be permitted Uitt?
cumulate against the newirom-pany.
Oregon Pacific. Jalk.
In speaking of the outlook for a
sale of the O P. the Albany Her
ald has this to say:
'It is learned that Gol. Hogg is
not in Sail Francisco, as has been
reported, but is in Scotland, where
he has been negotiating for the
money for the purchase of the road,
in which undertaking he has been
successful in obtainiug tl'e million
and a quarter. If his plans are
successful, he will pay in cash to
the Keilitors the 36 per cent. and
use Remainder in extending the
road i Finally "li KiIast as possible,
n'ltld 1 CO'll t Si. .... ,, .,
n-iiijri iMr suited that all the
actual construction that has ever
been done on the Oregon Pacific
was done by the Hogg management,
and should he secure control of the
road again, there is good reason to
believe that he would carry out his
original plan mid extend the road
into Eastern Oregon and to an
Eastern connection. With such an
outlook the people who are inter
ested in the success of tl'e road will
wish to see him succeed, and wili
n hp unrifM-tirkinfr all possllje
The much-discussed "preferen
tial voting system was used in the
populist convention t,He oilier" day.
In tlif whole county there were
ninety votes cast at the primaries.
Out of these ninety the candidates
for clerk, sheriff; surveyor; itsse'ssor;
cordnbr, and one commissioner re
ceived a majority vote and their
several nominations wrjrp, ryttfted
by the convention, except in the
cSsfe bf sdrveyor. For this office
A. L. Porter received a majority
vote and was declared the nominee,
but Mr. Porter, who happened td
be present, arose mid ftifo'tine'd the'
coitvt'iitioii that he had given no
one authority to use his name in
convention that he had refused to
accept thenomitatiou. This necCsj!
siuucu Hiiuiuvr iioruimuuii, auu al
ter several fruitless ballots were
it was decided to leave thisnoraina
tion blank.
ltarlith Item's.
Irvin Smith is hauling hay,
The spring flb'wers nre blooming!
We are havni;
weather now . "
Grain looks fine for this time
Albert ,Wfidk,ins and his brothfr
passed through (oir country the
28th of this month'. Come afca'n.'
Ben Young's wounded hand is
on the fast road of recovery.'
J. R. Harlan went to Corvallis
the a6th to look for work 1 Hurrah
tcr Jim.
The Rex ford family means busi
ness. They Are hard at work flow
ing grain.
Brother Tunison held a protract
ed meeting n Drift creek last
! Monday" and Tuesday
J. W. Baker went to the lower
end of the county last' Wednesday.'
, u Jfoney is rather scarce, which,
not only accounts, for,. flii. scarcity
o( items,' but will answer as an
apology for your lazy correspondent
as well,
William Mulkey carried the mail
last Friday
mi. h';ti '
rhomas, Jelly passed through
Harlan Friday. Also Charles Lil
lard, Wm. Conrow and Milton
1 see items from philomath, Elk
City,. $nlado and many other places
and thought MIsj Fortune ought
to be heard of every week, also,
, There is a loud cry of hard times
all over the countryi Is there not
a cause for it? Ves, and you can
see the conntry stores and post-
officen ar full, of men any. day in
(he week, talking of hartf times
and the scarcity work. True,
there Is none at the old prices, but
at a fair price for labor. ,, Jn 185J
4fty renj.s a. day was a gpodt price
hi labor in the middle states, The
trouble is, there Is a class , who
will not work andarealwayscrying
no work.
.News y Scarce ai
Ibis tiin! of year.
Miss Foktunk
1 The1 republican county conven
tion will bejeld on April 5th, and
The i,BAder should L
read by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
2. -
Populist Convention.
The county political pot was set
to simmering last Friday, that day
being the convention day of the
populists of Lincoln county.
Ihe" convention was called td
order at 10 o'clock a. m. by County
Chairman J. W. Parrish, who in a
short and well delivered speecfl
stated to the delegates assembled
the object of the convention. TJpori
motion Mr. Parrish was elected"
temporary chairman, and B. F
Wilhoit, of Drift creek, temporaiy
secretary. A roll call of the deie
gates showed that there were four
teen delegates present, representing
seven precincts. The precincts not
represented were Lobster, Big Elk;
Beaver) Newport and Tidewater:
The convention was regularly or
ganised by electing J. W. Parristi
permanent chairman, A. L.'
McFadden secrttnry and B. F;
Wilhoit assistant secretary; After,
appointing committees on order of
business and resolutions the con
vention adjourned til . o'clock p.'
Uwm ream vUinintt!!i
uoou the convention proceeded W
thelectiott-f.DMPABlue, A T 1
McFadden mid Wm. RrwakefieliJ
deleg'ates to the state convention,'
and to nominate candidates fbt the
various County officers. The foi-'',
lowing nominations were made!
A..' L.' McFadden, judge; D. P;
Blue, clerk; G. A. Landis, sheriff;
T. P. FlsH. treasurer: A. S. Skin-'
ner, school superintendent; J. W.
Parrish, assessor; "" ,' siirveyprlf
Dr. F. M. Carter, coronerj A. H:
Guynn and Jas( Hamar, Sr., corrl
missioners. . . .
The following resolution' were
iidopteei and passed by the conven
tion! "We, the committee on resolu
tions respectfully submit the follow
ing resolutions for the approval of
uidmbers of this convention.'".
r Rusotviipf That we endorse the
bmnha platform in full.
Rksolvkdi That we favor thtf- -free
school systeni.' ,
ftisSotvKD! ThSt the! Peoples'
Party of Lincoln county, Oregon
welcome all who wish to join our..
taiik'l and vte with u3 regartiless'
6f former party i'lTillIatibiis,' anci hat,
we oppose iusiou with any and alf
political parties.
RissolvhdI That we demand an
econoflfical administration of gov
ernpifiit;; fjfjecmct,' touhfyi' State4
and National.'
RK9oi.vkd!' That we favor pre
cinct assessors, elected by the'
peP' ...-..
Rksoivbd: That .we ffjvqj
fKlMative system, ktidwn as
imuuuvc auu neierenuum,
Rusolvkd: That we tender hi
people ofToldeo, and especially the
ladies,' , a vote of thanks for the'
hospitality and kind rea.tmejpf we,' v
the delegates of this convention
have received during our stay
among them.
11 ,), r ' '
The following is a summary of
the weather for the month. ..FeT)-. -ruary,
a jta'ken at the observing"
station at Toledo, Oregon;
Elevation above sea level, 49 feet
mean .tltrnpejiaureli .40;' maximumj
te'mperature, 60, date 1st; minimum
temperature, ao, date 20th; mean!
of Jqftlrjijlt,, tyrif)erture, 5'2 J;;
mean of minimum temperature, 33;
number times minimum tempera
tur)! 3 .(egrcesj or, , below, jo,'
Amounjt.rAin fOjll in 34 hours, 3.1;
total precipitation,' 13,, j', 5, inches;'
total depth of, urimelted siiowfall,
5 inches. Vrevaillng direction of,
wind, south,. jSuwber of cloudless,
layt 3j, number, of partly cloudy
days, 5,, tmrnljer. of cloudy days,'
20; nurjijb'.pf days on which ,01
of ralrt qr.anow fell, 17, .'Dates on
which hail fell, 10th, Jlth, 16th,)
17th aud dates on which snow,
fell; 8th qnd J9th; dates of thunder
storms,'; 7th; dates of light frosty
18th and 2cjtjb, dates, of .killing or,';
injuriclusiost, 2othand 24th; dates
of sola.i f ylos, 22th. .. .
. .. .. , . . . Observer.
t ' . t
Benton, county, was quite hard;
up for( candidates. for.'clerk, 'but
after a Lincoln county man took pityi
on tUem,and moved pver there arH,
Stiyi'S'ffji.1'.? candidate, thf -
lJeM rljjlit PKIlln. "
s -,
.1 .
t :.
I Ov.i" .'
the primaries on March 28th
.--- ......