Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 08, 1894, Image 4

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J present
,.fnse party waa
frs. K. Dedriclc
vciung Uy tUcirmaiiy
The evening wait ' very
ocmbly Hpent in social games,
music and dancing. '
.We notice by the' Corvallls Times
last week tlmt Marsh Siihpson
bf V.k City, has been out to Cor-
vailin joshing the boys Out' there
on the county seat question. Marsh
Is an ' inveterate joker.
Mr. Van Horn, recently a brake-
man on the Oregon racific. )Jio
..vas injured a few months ago by tin
nccuieut nar loieiio nas heen ap-
lointed" coiidiictor of the new Al
any street car train. '
9 At tho annual school meeting
j10'1' at tnc sl'bool house 'last Mon
day, O. A. Hooker was elected
.director for a term of three ).eur!i pud
,T. r. l'ish'wns elected clerk for a
jerrn of one year.
J. O. Carter has trailed for the
I'ym place at Storrs, and hits turned
fioruy-handcd farmer. He estpectu
to larin lor a tune ami lay up
lilUHigh provisions to enable him to
work a while longer for the O, 1',
J The ileniocrats are, talking of
iiominating Marsh Simpson, ofKlk
, f City, for county judge. Marsh
Jias lived in this county for the past
enty-five years, and there is no
'tulk1iIg7Tf..Jie is nominated he
all be the next cuunty judgo.
. Wnugli, whose name has
Jen prominently mentioned in con
nection with the democratic nomi
nation for assessor desires us to
state for bim, tat yvhjle. lie feels
.very 'thankful to his friends for
fVjheir kindly mention of bis name,
he declines to allow hjs name to be
A new postollice has been estab
ljshqj on I 'rift creek near the
mouth of Gopher creek. It is
byowii as GU-ii, and S. J. Wilhoit
is the postmaster. The supplies
for the office has ju,st been, received.
This office will be quite un oeooin
nnxlation to a number of people in
j that vicinity.
We arc not prophets, but we are
-J'mv liig uoiuiuUli0U.-' foTCOUTityS
1). 1'. lilue, clerki G. A.
sheriff; A, h. McFaddcn,
judI J" " i!"i assessor) a,
' c skinner, school KUOeritittMident:
,;s. llamar, Sr., and A. H. Gir nu,
t rwiuC.A.l'ick,
"... 1 , "!' 'i wc W
, coroner,
f 1 your utrTnMfci,:v- tl s duiicl1 t,le founty is goii
i?;Vnnd Kttin. N7rr4iis "" r i-uc vexatfu
oi upunstic Uirgon wu
l's seen neioie. i.ixhi
Ji away at Hooth'a Cash
Equina. The Old Re
"';s Mills flour iK 75
vr f j. oo x barrel.
' .
bread, 1.
jsis neiu
le county.
the primary
ni Grady's hall,
atcd in by about
iopulists. Consider
' , $ was attached to the
ji1 'from llie fact that the
renlial" vote for candidates
rst used. Their county con
ation will be held I'riday, the
iiilh when county nominations will
be made. ' w' "'' ' ; '
Foiirtcmi QncstioiiH.
Will some one of the present
ownership map men
following questions:
I, The county levy for county
funds was W n mills, Have the
commissioner!? a legal right to con
tract to expend eleven mills out of
the same year's taxes?
3, It being agreed with 1'arkcr
and Van Winkle that tney are to
receive eleven inills of the tax on
the property found not on the
original roll, will it be possible for
any taxpayer who is on the supple
mentary roll to pay ' n part of his.
taxes in county warrants?
3. If a part of the taxes are paid
in warrant." will these warrants be
turned over to the "sinking fund"
or will the sheriff or treasurer re
place these warrants with cash from
the other taxes?" '
4. Has tho hheriff the right to
levy and collect a 4,3 mills state
tax, well knowing that it is not
intended to pay the money thus
collected to the slate?
5. If therouuty intends kecpjng
both state and county Lixcs, cannot
both of these bo paid in county
6. Would jt be fair and lawful
to take cash out of the county fund
and exchange for waiiauts paid in
to tjic sinking fund?
7. If this were done would not
a warrant holder have a legitimate
action against the officer and his
bondsmen who did it?
8, If it is not done, and war
rants arc accepted jn payment of
taxes on supplementary roll, what
warrant of law have the officers of
the county to re-issue these war
rants, or in other words, "when a
warrant is once paid Into the sheriff
as cash 011 taxes, is it not then dead
and stands only for cancellation?
9. Where property was assessed
by the assessor and he failed to put
it on the-roll, will the contractors
be allowed eleven mills of that tax
10. When a resident of the
county was never visited or called
on by the assessor or deputy for his
assessment, will that property also
lv couipi,llwd to prfV its percentage?
11. The law says the assessor
shall ben in to assess on the 1st of
March, of each ycarj the assessor is
now working on a private contract;
will the county court allow him
f jer ilav as assessor also?
1 J. Of what use to the countv
urn both the supplementary roll
and the present owner map?
IS If thjs contjact is wholly
legitimate why was it not wmplet
ed and made of record before the excised jt to the tnx
14. 1W anyone In connection
or preMiuie
tig to vscupe
trout law suits
. over the matvr?
the patlor of the Hotel Lincoln
. in this
fi rTn!ef-.1lUfii an.!
, iUah l.ry vn t.v, yViuiiia
The jnrffebtednt Exemption.
J that the absolute repeal of the
allowing exemption for in-"
, '? est a serious mistake is
;nt to our minds, through
of its repeal, we, in
rh a majority of the
that it was wise. "
. inequalities of the
r i . i ' i i
find we are convin
Sistake to repeaj
have been
jliy amend the
- riler to take a
of it. For
J:btedness should
ed unless a corres
tis found and taxed.,
f e stopped the run-
Inks and borrowing
v. ... '..
.rrt, and itever take th ino'ney
-out of the bank. Had the bank
been assessed with the credit it
would have stopped much fictitious
indebtedness. The law" should lie
re-enacted, with such judicious
changes"iii it as would best work to
an equitable use of it. It is abso
lutely unjust to tax a man on both
bis property and indebtedness.
Ajsea. liny Notes.
On Saturday, March 3rd, at one
o'clock p. 111. The hrst populist
meeting of Lower Abrfa precinct in
augerated idolatrous (iii the old
parties'- eyes) ceremonies at the
Waldport school house. "There
were quite a number present; war
horses, wheel horses and other fa
mous horses from across the river,
Coon hollow, and elsewhere, punctr
ually on time. After the election
of J. M. Doty to the chair and V,
R. Wakefield secretary, the Omaha
platform was read and inadequately
commented upon, discussion being
invited by the secretary, On the
termination of iln. discussion all
who desired to "ptrrticipate in the
festivities projwr were requested to
come forward and endorse the Oma
ha platform by signing the club roll.
With clastic step 8 of the number
responded and Messrs. Doty and
Wakefield w ere elected delegates to
the county convention, A. II.
Reynolds was nominated for pre
cinct; constable nnd W. R. Wake
field received the nomination for
justice of the peace. The meeting
then adjourned,'
On Friday evening the promised
schqoj entertainment materialized.
Recital, drama, supper of clam, and
dance adorned the program. A
committee .ippointcd selected and
prepared the choicest dams from
the famous Kckman slough. The
dining rooms of the Alsea and
Waldpoit houses were donated to
the committee on clams to srve
supper 111, and something like one
hundred tickets of 35 cents and 35
cent denomination were sold, real
izing in the neighborhood of thirty
odd dollars, some seventeen of
which were deposited with the
school clerk, the remainder going
for expenses. Kverything appeared
to go smoothly; some after 'supping
at one house sampled soup at the
other, and vice versa. Satisfaction
reigned, with perhaps but one ex:
ccption, and that not native to the
soil, A visitor from Tidewater,
unused to the complexion of bi
valve soup imagined t to be chalk
and water and it took quite a lot
imbibed at both houses to convince
mm ot 111s error, me drama was
excellently performed and gave
great satisfaction, -I he dunce
closed down about daylight and
some of the Vaquina Hay citizens
wended their wav homeward
amidst the snowstoruvol Saturday
Monday, March 5, the annual
school meeting in District No. 54
held at aldport school house re
suited in the election of A. I,
Hulilwin director lor ttiree vears
and W. H. Harrison, Jr., cUrk
Mr. Gideon raav be congratulated
upon having taught a very slis
factory term of school.
Mrs, A. H. Guyiiu is 0.11 th sick
list, having caught a severe cold
thtouHh ih imu;l exertion and fx
posure whilst pcrleettug arrange
ments to insure success for the
school gaities,
A vessel leaves San Francisco 011
Match lo, for A'sea bay direct,
Whoop! Look out Vagina liay,!C,uHW wu .mo '.may aiut iuesuay,
that tributary country is a coming! i This is the secor.t time that there
Get ready your railroad am! motor ; ha been church on Drift Creek.
line and do something if you w ant
that county Mat permanently set
dow n at the mouth of the bav.
Sneak no Toledo and Yaouina.
nevermind therms " just ;
now, us hear something, even
if it be alKiut a dark horse. I
Itlswhisre,! that Waldorf.1
xhorter lost the threaJ of his dis-!
UmMen .Uvuh eve,,!,,,, i t w
jaiiybody found it? .
OJow.,soincNv ingorsay som'-
J-J. Tvl. .eFU-HSTKl, Prop,
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc
Billiard and Posl 'Ron ii Csadk
It.yifHI Pay YOU to see
Warranted True to Name
- - - and Insect JPests :
Home Qrown and Healthy iTreea
r V , ... I-
("At Li:AI)IR office.
thing about A-ring, gentle Spring.
' P ' Imprimatur.
Plenty of rain again. No
of soring in this Vicinity.
There is a steamer is advertised
to sail from San Francisco for this
port '011 the 10, for a cargo ot lura-
ber from V. H. Harrison & Sons.
We hope she may continue to make
regular trips here, as it would be a
great mlvafrtage to 'air persons do
ing business on the bay.
The populists held their pri
mary here on .Saturday lust and ap
pointed Capl. Wakefield and J. II',
fjoty to attend the convention at
School yes irday passed off very
quietly, A. I., U.ildwjn being elect
ed director an W. Ii.' Harrison,
Jr., clerk.' ' '' 111
The exl ibition given by the
Wa)dort Ai: fteur club and the
Student's likiary society on March
3. vas' gram? Success. There was
a large attendance and everyone
went home happy, and satisfied that
that they got thtir money 's worth. I
TJie literary part'of the exercises
consisted of songs, recitations, etc.,
and concluded by rendering of the
drama entitled, "Down by the
Sea." The cast of character was
as follows:
Mr KftymuiKl O.J. Ruble
Jthn Hlt .Hobt. ltarrtHou
Marrh little, Henry llowrll
Sop. tinle Ja. IlArelMin
(irttphemi, A. I.. llAlilwtn
'np lAmlulioii Ktl. Hrvak
Mr, tittle Atltlle (iiiynu
Mr tiiiti Mnificie tiitlwn
Kale Ivnyiuomt .. .. Imixy llonlnnl
Kveryone played their part to
perfection in such a way that it
would have been creditable to an
older company. The bounteous
clam supper given at the Alsea and
W aid port houses in bono, of the af
fair was a glowing success.
We are sorry to see so many of
the young folks of the Jown leaving
butns school is out, suppose it Is
their duty to go home. May suc
cess go with all of you.
The siuprise party at Miss Tren
holm hist evening was grand suc
cess, and the young people enjoyed
tlCs(;lve.s hugely. The evening
was spent in telling tales and pop
ping com. Don't know whether
know whether there was any other
pypping done or not
prift Cnvk Items.
Stirring events and warm weath
er. S. J. Wilhoit has received his
commission as postmaster, and will
sgcjrj be ready to deal out the mail.
8. J. Wilhoit Jr. hauled the ma
chinery for Arnold and Hodges'
saw mill the first of the week.
John Arnold, libido's enterpris
ing saw mill nun, was at Glen the
first of the week. He went from
here to Harlan t get a shaft for
the saw mill.
Rev, Tuuison. of Kings Valley,
preached it tho Meadow Creek
Come again Mr. Tunison,
A, L. Porter was on Gopher
Creek the arth. Mirvevims the road
fum ric0. ,Uh! . to ,lic m0llth of
Ter L reik. These surveyors
wenl V Xht n!ilfS "
ovrr h wimj n ate that the county
! sur evot did a: the rate of two
jaud one-half tni!js per day.
, A dance wr. given Tuesdav
ME before Buying,
and Free From Disease
. , - . -
Notary Public.
Toledo, Qregon,
VOTK'K IS UKItKftVCIVKV, that the partner
A hip extxthifr between IJH?. Ii. I:eseij(ij .and
Thou. I'avey wan (lithilved t)n Kebrwary If, 1mi4.
All accounta due the rirm are iiavaMe to Tbo.
I'avey, anil all IndebtedueMt of the ttrm Is pay
able iiy hlia.
night at Mr. John Watlcia's, for
the benefit of several of the young
folks of Harlan, which were on the
Creek. A good time was reported.
Mr. Stillmaehtr, of Tangent,
came in the first of the week to
look at Mr. Griffith's farm, but as
yet they have not agreed on ' the
price. ' ' 1 "''
Albert Watkins and Mr. Curler,
the'juttur a sou of II. H. Curler,
came in from Philomath the 28th.
Dated March 2, 1894.
Nashville Notes.
Deaths, none.
Marriages, none-.
Separations, none,
Sick, Mrs, Mary Allen.
Nora Davis went to Eugene the
first of the week.
Miss Sarah Martin, of Eddyvllle,
spent scveraj days iij' .hi vicinity
visiting friends,"
. L. Porter has repaired the
Brush creek bridge, and all parties
wishing to try Ujat roai VaiiVow
do no,
A surprise party was had at Mrs.
Sarah Miller's. A good tinre was
hail by all present..
A. 1?. Altree made a trip to Cor-
vallis, via Kings Valley the first of
the week, He says everything is
dead at that plce..'
The populists held their primaries
on the 3rd, and elected J. A. Haruar,
delegate from this place.
K. H. Bryant Is spending a few
days on the Yaquina river. He
will return soon to Steer creek.
J, A, Haoiar is going to build a
new barn. He only has two at
present, and thinks that three or
lour more will not hurt hjra.
Ed, I.ane and Leonard Whackrell
will build a house on the Guilford
Nash farm, on which they will live
and improve.
Dora Miller omne home the first
of the w eek from Corvallis, where
she has been working during the
past ear.
Mr. and Mrs, Maik, of Hoskins.
are visiting friends and relatives at
this place, He says we haven't
had any winter to compare, with
II our clerk could hav been at
the dance at Mrs, Miller's and wit
nessed the actions of a young
couple, he would have went home
and begun to till out a marriage
neeno at once,
March 5, 1S94,
Harp Tack.
Our County Commissioners
having sitistled themselves as to
inc vaIr" o be obtained
, 'rT u,.e V" ownewuip map
1 nd lHHk, have let tue contract for
the Mme of u, ,here xviU
? "J?01 ? from cer-
; t JMrties who wantevl the county
to ,m' a t of abstracts
iKHik ot which, vyjire informed,
they woulJ Ux maile a goul
Ure cornraissLu. Newport News'.
13uy as mucli as possible. The place to do
this is at "CHEAP CASH STORE" ojf
T. P, FISH, where "Good Goods at Low
Prices" is the rule.
See my Stock of FALL and WINTER BOOTS and SHOES
Ready Made Clothing, Etc.
Dry jroods, Groceries, Jardwaje, N.Qtions
T. P. FISH, - Toledo, Oregon,
The Reader in Low Prices.
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
w" 'Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing. '
Cigars and Tobacco, fruits jajcid Conff ctionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Liaeoln County Leader.
The Oificia Pper
Gives more Local
the other Papers in the
County Combined.
Fearless, Ontspokei anj Free.
It is not controlled by any
Clique or Ring.
It is worthy of
every Taxpayer in the
ONIS? 31.
You et all the Official County
JNews, and tho all Local
Call on or
- - -
tof Lincoln
News than all
bo support of
' i
! 1 i
i i !