Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 08, 1894, Image 1

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iSf :ST k" t-
Remember that this paper, j
is the only one in Lincoln j
or Benton county that has
the courage to staqd fpr
the common people,' .
Volume II.
Joint Senator .
- ocmcy Judge
";lerk . .
School Superintendent
Surveyor - . .
C. B. Croano
. D, P. Bine
t B. F. Jones
Geortre Landis
Henry Ltenlinger-
unai. nootn
Joa. Gideon
T. E. Parker
J a. KiMnell
J. O. Steams
- M. L. Trapn
J ustice of the Peace
J. A. Hair
A. E. Altree
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregog, Thursday, Mgrch 8, 1894.
services win re neia under tbe auspices
the aietnodlst Episcopal Church as followt
First Sunday W eaoh mouth t Elk City. Rchot
House at 11 a. tn. and 7 p. m. Second Hundr
at Toledo, in Old School House, at 11 a. m. a
7 p. m., Song Services begins at 6-30 p. i
' "hlrd Sunday at the M, E. Church, Newport,
1 a. in. and 7 p. in. Fourth Sunday at aouia
, k'hool House, at 11 a. tn.: at Mill Four at s
n. .All are cordially invited to attend.
V A. L. HAWLEV, Pastor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon.
FIICST BAPTISTS. Meet every (Irst Sundf
in each month, a 11 a. m. and also on te
Snturimy precedinthe above Sunday, aliftj
in., in iiic iuicum i uuuc jinn. u. ji. uuuti
C0K.itent Pastor. ,
Notice for Publication.
. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, i
. January 15, ISM.
SOTICE ia hereby givtfn that the following
named settlerbas filed notice of his inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be mcrla before the
County Clerk of Lincoln county Wi piel Qre
ffta'iwBjUkKh l2,l8M,viw!i!.- n r:r n i
arioaHaat, v. K. 5a. 741.
for the northwest of section 14. town 11 south,
range 9 west.
He names the following witnesses to Drove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said uvivd,: A. J, Zumwalt, M. J. Alli.htn.
vtm. l-awrenc, Y,ra, Rapln, all of Little Elk,
Oregon. . n., . ,
. '.testator.
4JT. JOHN'S ' HIT RCH Protestant Episco4,l
f lnviiie service the third Sunday of evrjr
iiionth, ut 11 a. m. All are invited to attad.
Itev. ('has. Booth, Missionary. Kesidetee,
ii.'t-r.," NewMirt, Or. j
W . 6. V. Toledo I-odue. So. ins. Met
J-.every Friday evening at their hall In his
tow u
Kknok Aiinoi.i, Sec'y.
J. 8. (jAITHKK, NO.
a ..... ". ."- !... j
t j.-u o clock, III limdy
I II. ...In.. T 1J l5
hull. tli own
K. K. Collius, tfecraary.
'nlon. No. lXi. Iisets
cvry Saturday evening, Ho'clock, in (party's
p.A.'ind I. I'. Toledo
Aeqruhi y,
null it this town. All niemliers ieuiintel to
Auvnt. T. T. Iteeder, President ; J.J. Tumtdxe
Drj Goods, Notions, Men's a&d
By's Clothing, Spots and
-Shoes, Hats and Caps,
l. V. Hav Ijxiiic No l.ll. of Yautliia City,
jnMs every Saturday evening, visiting
i am aiwavu iwAipiinm. 1
orotli rs i
1!;' IiiV rows, SecretKr'y. J. N. Stark, N. It
(0. . F. Newport Lodge Xo. Ki, meets every
Saurday evening, visltfng brothers are cor-
jiall invited to attend,
1. 1 Smith, Secretary.
C'ykuh Dixon,
N. B.
i Ilk A. M. Newport Ixnie No. w,
i- (
i civocation on Saturday on or before" Mcl
(nil iiikiii. Visiting brothers are cordlall
Kelcmed. Jas. II. KuMiiat, W. M.
.Iai Roukbtson, Secy.
K. Phil Sheridan Post No M. meets
ety serWnd a'hd fourth Thursday evening.
It. . riKNMKM., Adjt.
tiKl). BVI.VKKTER, ' Com.
x. :
Selliig at Hard Tidies Prices
A.o:t!it for Brownsville "Woolen
- 1 ' 9 0 . - . 1 a a. i
Jjjlls Goods. Measures taken
aio. nts ixuaranteea.
T. J Bufard, Prop.
Cbnrgea Reasonable.
ustice of tfte peace
I'oMO! Oroa,
iiecds, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers
1 executed with correctness, t'areful attention;
given to all business entrusted to my care.
XcsideucCj Stanfordj Oregon.
Husiness in any court in Lin
poiinty promptly and carefullf
tended to.
Fem Ln(ls, Tide Lan(s, Coal Lands, Tqw h
pjperty in single Lots or Blqcks
Tftrle to any property Lincoli Cpunty
l:urnilied on demand, u. . : '
'olecT- j r .
J ....
mfmf-;rr , " -a
-i.1 Lia- a-
- -CN I ft
I IlLJ 1 I
e I
Xotice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
PelirllBrv 1 1WI.I
VtJTICE is hereby given that the following
named settler has.ttled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof 1 lupprttt of his claim
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo.
Oregon, on April 9th, 1S9I, vis:
James L. AUea, H. K. No. 7.111. '
fortheeatijof north we northeast '4 of
wniuncflv4 uu mi t, set uou di, town til aoutii
nuiipm wvsr. . : .
lie names the following witnesses to
his continuous residence nnon and iMiltu-atiiM.
oi, saia iana, via: jonn . i;rooks,
liuls t'ap-
ui,hiuuiiu, auuil l . l,rOOKS, JXIUIB t ap
scl, William Helms and Albert Reynolds, all of
K01IERT A. MILLKR, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofllce at Oregon Citv, Oregon,
Kebruafy 15, 1WM.
VTITICE Is hereby given that the following
A' named settler has tiled notice of hisinten, make final proof in support of his claim,
audi tttatKMUili proof will 'jfc made iefire the
County ivlerli of -Lincoln luuly, at. ioltrto,
Oregon, on April , W. yutf ' ril...
Loals ( apael. H. K No. T,MS,
for the southwest of northeast1., southeast
VA of northwest i. and lot scctliiti fln tnwyi 17
souin, range 11 west.
tie names tne following witnesses to prove
his residence upon and cultivation of, said
iana, vis: Jonn w. Hrooks, James s. Allen, Al
bert 8. Reynolds and Wm. Helms, all of Wuld
port, Oregon.
ROUTRT .v. MILLER, Reeistcr.
.) Y.-r , 'in. 1 o.c,.,'.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofllce at Oregon city, Oregon,
February 1", W.4.
J NOTICE is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make final tiroof In sunnort of his claim
and that said proof will be made before the
ouuty. wi's 01 i.intDin rouiu at Toledo,
Oregon, 011 April nth lnt; viai'iu y. '
Joha W. Brooks. H. K-'Na. (.Ml.
for the northwest of southeast , northeast
4 01 souinwesi aim lots a ana section jju,
Town 1:1 south, ranife 11 west.
He names the following witnesses tn prove
his continuous ro-idence uixm and cultivation
of. said land. Jfllt." I.. Allen. Wm. Helms. Al.
bert Reynolds, ,(!! ouls Capsel, all of W.ild
port, Oregon. . . . a.l ! H ".
ltdiir.KT A. MIl.l.f.K, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Lmfil-Otii e at Oregon City, Oregon, (
! nH 1 .t i, February 1st, 1M. (
VOTICE Is hciei.y given .'that the following.
i-' named settler has tiled nutlce'of tats inten
tion to make final iiroof in stimiort of his claim,
and that said prooi will be made before the
County Clerk of I tnpoln County, at Toledo, Ore-
ami, oil .Mnrcu 1. iiHt viz:
Kleaser Hhnsitea, H K. Ho. 7,069,
for the, south iMVnrihweat lj section 1J and
southeast 14 of nonijeast ,'i-of aectlou 11, 4owu
11 sonth, range II west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
ill. iiiiiiiiiiuiu. r siiiKni'H iionn inn riiirivuritin
of said land, vis: .1. V. I'arrish, Alonzo Dim-
ien. uen. A. Landis and A. J. Rader, all of Tole
do, Oregon. liOllERT A. MILLER, Register,
Toledo, Lincoln County, Orn
VH1 Voitvt Prqctid
Generally. j
liners by rinlasin to Ex-liov. J. 8. plinry,
I . Senator W. I). Washburn, lieiv""
Ilea, arx Coiiniatiiler-ln-chlef (1. Ai. Mln
nriijKilts, Minn , Hon. "Martin K M,imi J.
I. Iiarllnaton. Kso.. Washington, lij-cbuv-
- ler iniryea. Chief tlerk 1'alent orliit) airlax
1 oniiiy, ., anil Kev. 1 naa. tiootnwiori,
loot h a
1i MM Bile."t
All persons having claims avalnst ihn .tnlA
of W. R. MJgginson, deceased, are hereby 'notK
fled to present the same, properly verified, to
L. I Logan, at theKlleti Ageucy. within thirty
, ... bioinin im mrcver ueuarreu.
iaieu tnis nin (lay ul March, 1MI1.
- Blleti Agency, Oregon.
Democratic County Convention.
The County Uomeiittoii of the Democratic
party of Lincoln county, uregoh, is hereby
called to meet In a delegate convention tu the
Court house In Toledo, Oregon, on Thursday
April 12, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m., to nominate
candidates for the various conntv offices to be
voted for on Jur t. WM. anil S elect delegates
tt Wb ftfa.A tl .. .1 I ' . . 1. . .'V . I
bnstneas aa may properly eome beforft the con.
iBtlon. '' - '
The tVnurentlon shall be eomiioaed of 41 dale-
gaies, aiiNiruonea aa follows
neaver i;reea v
Big Elk 2
Drift -Creek J Tidewater.?.-,,.. a
ElkCity?.. 3 Yahats .T"?
Ixibstei'. . . ; ;; J Vannina.-rr.?.""1
"tie Elk -..aTtleHb.;,. 5
Lower Alae..-.:.. 'Vt-M
' ' ' n r jiihvh cii.iM.nvi
f mjm 11 ' oeerewy,
ViWport, JLincpln County.
quarters for politicians, tpur-
s, nunters and the public. .
Clfort, cleanliness and good grub
low rates, our motto.
eed stable and saadle ponies.
Vm. R. Wakefield, Prop.
The place, to get your
And U kinds of
raorairroa or
esli and Cured Meats
do, - - Oregon.
Katos. 1
Oreeon P4cifio Ralroad
fieiwtjn Willamtfle Valley Ml and
' , Kraivclvo.
l.ctnaaaETancicoXovmbrrili, 14th and
jint. 1H. ' ,
Leave. Yaiiulna Sovemlerlai.: anil 2at.
nd a'iut every teu daya therener.
Thisi omnaiiT rwnw tbe rt-t to change
.lllng.latea without notl-. ,
la at the
Will practice in Justice County
id Circuit Courts of
4 ' ' '
II i ncolr- Gt5ilrty .
Irice. and Work Satisfactor
Solicit correspondence.
11 ' greed.
No charges unless
e between Portlsn , jj Italem aad
pef nuiameiie mviui.
, I Furhis for Salf,
j I have several farus, both culti
ted and uncultivated, for sale in
facts oi 40 acres and upwards,
ttiese lands are adapted to fruit,
regttable and sheep culture. Will
i fold very cheap and on reason
itile' terms. Anyone desiring to
purchase such lauds will do well to
on or address
M, J. Aixphix,
JitUo. Elk, pregop,
111 buy the ODELf.'-TVPK" WRITRB
P-iU with 78 characters, and Sl.V fortheMNei
vii. r. (inr.iji,, warraniea to ao
neiter work man any machine made.
It combines slmpliMt,"wtth durllilllty, speed
ease of oiieratlon, wears longer withisut cost of
repairs than anv other machine. Has no Ink
riblion to bother the onerator. It Is neat. snh.
stantial, nlckle-plated, perfect, and adapted to
all kindsof tvoe writing. Like a printing press,
1 Hrouuivs miari'. cieaii, legioie manuscripts.
Two or ten copies 'an lie made at one writing.
Any Intelligent person nan become an dieiator
e offer fl.ino to any otrator
I lll.E CAHK
in two davs.
who can equal the work of the DOC
Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted
lal Inducements to Dealers.
Kor l ajnphlet giving lldoraementa, etc., ad-
Odell Type Writer Co.
I St.
Vie-am Dearborn :
Notice, is hereby given that the
approved'plat of survey oT Township
12 ooum 01 Kange 10 west bas
been received from the Surveyor
Oeneral of Oregon and on
March 12, 1894,
at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day said
plat will be filed in this office and
the land therein c mbraced will be
subject to entry on and after said
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Peter Paquet, Receiver".
No More Back Ache
Cr Grave LfoT
' -4 rl innrn . .
1K wrmwunwiir PtAUftlC. AID
The San Francisco Call of the
2nd inst. contains the following
news concernine the movement 6f
Cul. T- E, Hogg.'WUO' ipow1" yi
that city:
"Down at section 4 of the seawall
is a steamer that is guarded by
deputy sheriff, who keeps lonely
watch over her day and night. It
is the Willamette Valley,, at one
time the property of the1 Oregon?
Pacific company, but at present no
individual person or corpora tiorv
holds title to er ' " "j-
"The vessel is plastered with
nearly $125,000 in attachments,
which is more than her intrinsic
value. ' v' !v
"At a local hotel, theie ha'for;
some wees past' Resided. ...o' TJ
.niou riogy:, ex-receiyeTt in.
Oregon Tacific compantut'TfCiw
best known as a tjtfzirj'i pf vealthj
. r
''The credijors of the Oregon
Pacific irH eagerly watching the
slCaiiici Wiilitiucuc Valiey, Siierirt
McDadfr is marking tbe movements
of the creditors, T. Egenton Hogg
s taking uotes on the actions oT
both sheriff and creditors, and the
United states marshal is more or
less interested in all.
"A new and complicated knot
has been tied in the tangle of af-
' fairs of ilie'Grfcgou Pacfii; company.
"It was expected that Siieritf-
McDade at a very near date would
offer at public auction the attachment-plastered
steamer to the high
est bidden, Now j copies to light
ii, .1 : 1 1 ! ..' '. 1
luoi uwing tu umriiic nanus anu
mortgages filed on the vessel in
the shrri J would find him7
self iii serious cllfliculty if he follow
ed out the demands of the Oregon
Pacific company's creditprs.
'The"' attached property will
probably have to be turned Ovt r to
'irlir im-". t'i'
the United States marshal to avoid
further litigation.
"But the figure that T. Egenton
Hogg cuts in the case is by far the
most important of any. Mr. Hogg
has ben in pan Frncsco for no
other reason than to, see what
Chances himself and a number of
other Eastern capitalists have to
bvty in the Oregon Pacific when it
is offered for sale, & H wllbe on
the 1st of June, Not only this,
but Hogg claims that he has re
ceivers' certificates against the
O-tSgQ cnc company which en
title him to the first clojin ftgjjins'j
the v lUamette V alley,
Pregon . Pacific - compt.ny, Hpgg,
together with a trio pi speculators,
purchased the "' " Hast,
bronzy ner around the "Horn imi
.ntlT sold her to the Oregon corpor
ation, receiving part payment in
cash and part iii cfcrtififfitps, whjcb,
(.have never as yet been liquidated.
"It must be abmitted that Oreg
on people are of the opinion that if
the Hogg crowd should again get
control of the road it will be much
better tor the people of that section
of the Northwest and also of San
Francisco, for in that case the : Ya
quina route will again blossom forth
as an active rival ot the Southern
Pacific company.
"Tust how Hogfj expects to make
his claim to virtual ownership
of the Willamette Valley stick has.
. l. f 1 I I .
not feeling at their best. Ovit the
gloomy prospects of realizing any
thing oil their claims against the
"It is asserted on good authority
that the Hogga would, if they
again gained possession of the Ore
gon Pacific system, operate it im
mediately on a much improved
plan," .
In the circuit court at Corvalljg
last week Jude Fu.lgrtbu set June
1st 1894, as the next sal day of tbe
Oregon Pacific. He also provided
for the customary deposit of $200,
000 an stated plainly tj)at if any
bid was made at the coming sale
that it would be confirmed beyond
any doubt. The Judge set the date
above named at the request of a large
number of petitioners, who repre
to by
words, uSf weayTne..
county .grants irtjTull, excef
suc.isjbrfcts'when a schoool&ci!
has B&ebiievied, tobft collected by
saidsjkriflt ?
-3tyrpi4i6n of the matter is, that
it is simply a case of conglomerated
inconsistencies rpni cnniiig" to
-flf" the state and school tax be
tiollectel on the supplementary roll
it certainly will be deman led by
the state and schools, and if noth
iug but i'ue county tax be coiiectjpLi
Cthe 10 mills,) wh,ere s the sheriff's
ices, sunups in answering inquiries,
!andsj;lpj'')u not theylfeast,
the 11 mills In this Drcsent- fiivrjir
book contract, to come frj? 4lJ
understamlmg is that county -contracts
are paid in warraftts. If 'o.
the "sinking fund",will,' ruuire
quite a dox. 10 contain ineaepreciat
elfcouQty warrants fvituffed
In a spirited argument not long
since, with a leading man, of this
county, over the. demoralized con-
county's finances, he
explained wnat pad caused our
county paper to be offered at less
than 5 per cent, discount, and
stated that it was through the mis
representations of thai insignificent
paper, the Leader, because, said
he, arrangements were made by
which every dollar could be sold at
5 per cent, discount, but as outside
parties take fbg LMD$R,"they got
afraid and said "No" we will buy
as cheap as we can, etc. Now if
exposing fraud before the public
depreciates or county scrip, let it
go down to an equal footing with
silver, (57 cents.) Dig it out and
send it to the sunny clime to dry.
Although "i cannot tolerate all
t i.aj)er's actions in its raid on
our assessor,' rjnwrsi-i.viv its aim
was all right. I for one do noi
blame Mr. Parker for making all
he can out of a business contract.
For you far. Editor, would do the
the jlw,
never has b
afloat conc-i,
above may bg Va,
v- - . .4 .
"While"aetings receiver for the,same if tne the county court would
derate it, am sorry 1 am not
uumDerea vim tne (ucay.
' -- A Taxpayer.
A writer in h Newport News
of Inst werli. hnnmn Cantain
qot been made public consequently T - , ... natQr .
- "
That is all right
Uut if you want a sure enough
ea Captain not one of these coast
ers that never gets out of sight of
land but a regular deep sea man
gi who has been to every port in
Bi'e world worth mentioning, just
come up the bay a few miles and
tike that genial oi l sea dog, Cap
tain Nate Stevens. If a seafaring
map is wanted he fills the bill, and
crowds the edges all around. Capt.
Winant is a rattling good fellow,
but then he is only a cdaster, and
hardly ever gets out of sight of
land. Capt. Stevens has been to
Europe, Airope, Irope, Orope, Stir
rup and many other foreign coun
tries to say nothing of Ireland,
Stevens for the senate! Whoop
'em up boys
f -v.-
We have a good lllustraSj
working of qitr assessment;
atfon law under the new rik. ,"
here at"bome. 'A citizen of Euge;
borrowed $350 on some property ne a
has iii his name. The man fronf
whom he borrowed it made
contract to pay the taxes as well asj
the interest. He now, has to pay'
$8,03 on his property and $8.05 ori .
his borrowed money, or double tax
ation, while the money lender isj
relieved. It is relieving the money
lenders of taxation and doubling "'
the taxation of the poor man whri
is compelled Jo borrow money,
There will he a "general demand foi
the repeal of the laws passed by the
last legislature in this respect when
the new legislature convenes, and
the man who js opposed to this re
peal will stand no show at the polls .
next June.-r-Eugene Register.-
President Tordon, of Stanford
University, says of the cigarette
habiti ''.'Asa college teacher my
experience with boys wno have.
formed the c jgfjrette habit, is some-'
what limited. It, however, con
firms, me in the opinion that such
boys are like wormy apples; they,
drop Jong bfore. harvest time.
Very few of them ever advance far.
enough to enter pollege. Very few
- .uosa who enter last beyond tne,
first year, '.piey gaiety make fail,
ures in after life, because they don't,
have any after life, The boy wbq
begjns cigarette smoking before he
is fifte, ngver ers the life of the
world. When the, pther boys are,
taking hold of the world's work ht
is connected with the sexton and.
the undertaker, There is one grim
argument to be made for the use of
Mr; taxpayer Is mistaken wln
he calls out aiticfes an " '-taVick up
on our assessor." It 1s otn attack, crgaeJby Jtelps on te.
it is a defense, There was no pa'rtwisimivaj 0( xn httest, i tij
parcel of that ownership map or sup
plementary roll business that was
instigate or. upheld by the Leader.
We believed that it was an
useless expenditure of county mon
ey, was unlawful in certain respects
and was against the best interests
of the county. As far as Mr. Par
ker personally was concerned, we
have nothing to say, for or against
him. EfoTrbR.3
1 TM;"-J-
to such thingb,--. Ts
boy 3oefat take
He has life in hi
In the United States circuit court
in Portland in the case of the Ore;
gon Pacific jailroad, E. W. Hadley.
receiver, against the steamer Alice,
Blanchard, to recover salvage,
Judge Bellinger made an order
substituting C, C. Clark in be.
place pf Hadley as receiver, and
the case was tried upon the testi
mony and the report of the referee.
The steamer Alice Blanchard be
came disabled off Yaquinq bay
about a year ago, and drjfted,
ashore inside the mouth of the bay.
A tug owned by the Oregon Pa
cific assisted in getting her off, and
a dispute arising in regard to the
amount of salvage to be paid, suit
was brought to settle the matter,
The court found that the stedmer
was of the value of $15,000, and,
that the Oregon Pacific Railroad
Company find Andrew Carlson and
Francjs Andrea are entitled to tb
sum of It,7.t5 compensation foi
services rendered by them. Of
this, $2,370 goes to the Oregon,
Pacific, as owner of the tug Resolute
and $680 each, to Carlson am
Andrea. A number other intei,'
venors arc alJowedMr-ff2"j; to
Jij5.1irTnsdc' Ttt l tk"t t
T.ani suaii, ni.. i;i u ;i
Along in December Granny, Tat
thews eot angry at the cov - u-
scu cu.iu luvmuiiiuaiBviuav uine court ana started in like fcCTvas
there will be a bid made that woidd going to say something. A mem
represent something of tt vajuf of i ber of the court had a personal con
the;road. - " versation yitb him gnd gave h
i .to tbe reistrfjjfaitetourt thh
;;"2tittJi-8bove mentioned, or tha
the execution issue 'against E, B.
McFarland. and Df F. SheTati,
stipulators on i" )"
tb rlt
1 r
-, V: