Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 01, 1894, Image 3

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You want the Best
Royal Baking Ponder never disap
points; never makes sour, sojmy or
husky food; never spoils good mate
rials; never leaves lumps of alkali in
the biscuit or cake; while all these
things do happen with the best of cooks
who cling to the old-fashioned methods
or who use other baking powders.'
If you want the best food, Royal
Baking Powder is indispensable.
ROYAL BAKINft PnwntD rn . ......
liiichcn Steam Is Unit.
Specialists on throat diseases are he-Mr,-mm,'
to take unusual interest in culinary
methods. They advise a kitchen quaran
tine on wnsli days and boiled dinner day.,
giving us a reason that the steam from
boilniK clothes and pickled meats that, re
quire much heat produces manv illnesses
of the respiratory organs ami aauravates
slight or chronic diseases of the nose
throat and lungs. Patients are advid to
vacate apartments having dark or ill ven
tilated kitcTiens. and to keep all babies and
ailing children out of the kitchen when
cooking is goina on. Exchange.
A DanEvrous Witness.
"You cau take the witness," said the
prosecuting attorney in a trial before a
Texas court to the defendant's lawyer.
The witness happened to be a good looking
"Judge," exclaimed a young man in the
back uurt of the mini ., ..
seat, wuu one hand miner his cuatiuii;
"don't let him take her! That witness has
uceu engaged 10 me tor more'n three years
aud if be Uikes her lliar is goin ter be trou
ble right here." Texas .Sittings.
The Modern Plow.
The principle of the modern plow was
laid down by Thomas Jefferson. A plow
consists ot two wedges a cutting and a
lifting wedge ami Jefferson discovered
unci enunciated the proportions of each,
and the relation each bore to the other.
Before his day no two smiths made plows
alike; now tliey are made in accordance
with a mathematical formula. Exchange.
An Orange Spvenly-llvo Yean Old.
Benjamin Hubbard of Wells has an or
ange that is 75 years old. It was found
among the valuables of an uncle who died
In the West Indies in ISIS, and from the
associations connected with it has been
treasured by the family all these years. It
shows no marks of decay, but a gradual
shrinking, being now about the size of a
hen's egg. York C'oiinitit.
Crimsonlx'ak- I U-ar Mr. (fctcon has been
given up by thedn- ki:s.
Mr. Yeasl He i: i: l be a pretty sick
"On the contrary, he is perfectly well or
the doctors would never give him up!"
Boston Transcript.
In Worcester, England, is a stone erected
over the grave of a departed auctioneer of
that city on which "Gone" is inscribed. In
a Sussex graveyard, in addition to the Ini
tials of the deceased aud the date of death,
a stone has inscribed in large letters the
words "He Was."
A queer deed has been recorded In the
register's office at I'ort Huron, .Mich. A fa
ther deedeil bis farm to his son for the con
sideration of a yearly payment of J24 cash,
24 bushels of potatoes, 4 barrels of flour and
200 pounds of pork.
A whistle that can be heard a distance of
25 miles has been constructed in Heading
for a Philadelphia car manufactory. The
cylinder of this formidable steam trumpet
is 18 inches in diameter.
One of the largest wire cables ever made
has been completed by a Liverpool firm.
The rope has a continuous length uf 4
miles and weighs over tons.
In most churches of Kuglaud a ring is
kept so that embarrassment may be spared
in case of forget fulness of the parties con
cerned. An armless boy of .Middlctown, Conn.,
mimed William Jlyh hreei t, has complete!
the painting of a wagon, llii feet did too
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Rubier Co,
73 and 75 Klrat St., Portia: d.Or.
Write for catalogue fbes.
$ 11 0 WIFL
Tn the p rion or club returning ui the lmgeii
mint r of
CettlfliMtei on or tvfore Jnue 1, 1!I, we will
Ktve it eh rrie of $100. nn4 to the neu lret
numerous otltrw nnln from I to .a IX
Cash. CbOSokr A DKVBIU, l-orilsnd. Or.
Now geneMllv fl -' iibove the irhool
houw: and What more nnoroptUie
thn that the bnvi ahouM te taugnt
to defend UT-Ei .President Harrtion
Bishop Scott Academy,
I'ort und, Or., is mllltsrf iehool
under irtTernment control. Hcen
title, commercial, elamcal. Caia
lue on request. Spring term be
(in February 6.
DIRECT A b'ge p.vkrt each of K ,
FROM N a"J p'5;'" ( JU
THE Varieties mailed for
San Francisco S
w., iuo wau. tr., NEW YORK.
We've done the lest w e could, my dear.
There's nnthing to retire t.
c'va taugla ili.ulii;i.rc;i many Irullia
Ja v. jit-b uur iionrti wen- u.
And if o ir old time av
They fuoli.-lih- prot.-st
VVo never need iv,-iet, r.-.v doar.
That we havo done our best.
Tl'cre'j many a i bu that's come to nar.sht,
There a many a lislit Ko;ie out.
Ai:d iliniiimirents, Kriefs and cares
Have hedged us romulul nut,
A"1' " sail mistake we've made
ThruUi;ho t our lives, unci vet
w e've done the very best e'eould
Tis US 'less to r.-ttret.
Fur out of evil K,u,d Imscome.
And out of darkness liulit.
And all v.Ton:.:doin in thi, world
Some day will lie st light.
And t'unudiweliitvenot reached thcheiehl
Attained Ly others, yL't
,n..vo lo"e tl,e , t'sl " -'ol'ld. niy dear
lis useless to regret.
We've tried to live like honest folki.
To do our duty well,
'Gainst evil things to take our stand,
In goodness to excel.
So judge yoursulf nut harshly, dear,
Nor at misfortunes fret.
We've dono the best wo could, aud so
Tis useless to regret.
-Eaglo and County Cork Advertiser.
She followed Hit Lead.
There were scats riioiiLMi fur nil
one young man. whoso nariv .,f
paira Bat down near tlio door. It was
the High spirits of this group doubtless
that nromiited tho
them that the stum, hi 'j-
should sit in tlio lap of liisyoutig woman
for greater com fort. This' ho promptly
did, and .not being repulsed sat tliert
with great oontt-tit KHjiijisiMf.
At Keaiie street a vnmi" liisb irtri
boarded the car. It i vi.lnt fn
eryone tlint she was reecptly landed,
weu imeuuoneii aim little inronneu. -
She etooi 1 at the door n minntii nn.l
looked bewildered mi mid down tho filled
eata. Then hor eyo fell upon a yountr
man wtting at case iu a young woman's
Ibd. dhe il.irteil forward, and liofnro niiv
one hail ti:e sli;,'ht( st idea of her inten
tion she fouled herself respectfully but
urmiy on ihelnpol toe other young innn.
It was hard to tell which wu tU fun.
niest, the ngil al ion i f t ho VimtlD' llllin. till
calm of the young woman or the hyster
ical laughter of the colored i-irl in ti.
corner, who expluiuci to the passengers
oetween her peals:
'Sue finks ilem ;n rimica fust sits nn
de seats, mi demas conies next sits on de
Which was evidently just what she
did think until tlio conductor came to
the rescue. New York Uecorder.
Acute VInIuu uf ItirtN.
Birds have very aeule vision perhaps
the most acute of any creature and tho
sense isnlmost.inore widely diffused over
the retina than is the case with man;
consequently n bird cun see objects side
ways as well us in front of it. A bird
sees showing great uneasiness in conse
quence a hawk Inn;; before it is visible
to mail. So, too, fowls and pigeons lind
minute scraps of food, distinguishing
them from what iippcur to us exactly
similar pieces of earth or gravel. Young
chickens are also able to find their out.
food, knowing its position aud how dis
tant it is as toon as they are hatched,
whereas a child only very gradually
learns either to see or to understand the
distuuee of an object. Several birds
apparently the young of all those that
nest on the ground can we quite well
directly they couie out of the shell, but
the young of birds that nest in trees or
on rocks nre liorn blind and have to be
fed. Chambers' Journal.
A HenmrkMble Itrlilse.
It is reiiorted from Denver that a nat
ural bridge formed by a tree of ugatized
wood, spanning a canyon 4i feet wide,
has been found in Chalcedony park in
Arizona. It is supKsed that the tree
had at some remote lime fallen, when it
became inlx-ddcd iu the silt of some
great inland sea or mighty water over
flow. The silt became iu time sand
stone, and the wood gradually passed
through the stages of mineralization,
until now it is a wonderful tree of solid
agate. Again, in after years, water has
washed and eaten away the saiulston
until a canyon 4" f-t in width has been
formed, the flintliko substation of the
agatized wood having rcsisb-dt lie erosion
of the waterflow. Yankee Jllade.
The rinrtt.iil on Cintrlr II Table.
The first mention made of the delicious,
tropical fruit, the ( iiu apiile, may be found
In Kvelyu's uiary. w herein he w rites that
it was brought from Uurlmdor. and wh
esteemed a rare luxury at the bible ui
'harle II. Harper Ita.'jr.
Tliromdi Santa CbraWheat
It struck Ro?taat sue had not even
thanked the mau in the same flash that
she remembered something dreadful that
he had said. She covered her face with
her hands and tried to recall herself.
Mrs. Rin,l,-ilT, . .
- . e.r'"v utjipeu ner
shoulder with a ruixtm-e of mr,i
philosophy aud discipline, a id continued:
"Of course it's an nnut r,.l .
fused stiU. That's nothin?. Thov .r
dear, its perfectly well known that no
tWO TleOTllA'ft TonnaA... - l
ever is the same. Its really ridiculous
the contradictory stciries one hears.
Isn't it, Eaule?"
Rose felt that tlm mm, v,i
. . . "C UtlU
joined them and was looking at her. In
the fear that s'aa should stiU see som
trace of the startV.1 olfUl, 0;,.,i ; .;.
...11 U.l, 414 UiJ
face she did not d.ire to raise her eyes
to his, but looked at his mother. 3drs.
Randolph was stand
but impatient.
"It s all over now." said r.niu in ,;
USUal VOlOe. "lUld excpnt tlo rbimn.n-a
nd some fallen plaster there's really no
dainrge done. But Tm afraid the'v've
caught it pretty badly at the Mission
end at San Francisco in those tall,
flashy, rattle trap buildings they're put
ting up. I'vo just sent off one of the
men for news."
Her father was in San Francisco by
that time, and she had never once thought
of him. In her quick remorse she forgot
all else and rose to her feet.
"I must teleTT:mh til nit- fnfli,, of
.T - - 1 l . .1 , (I
once," she raid hurriedly; "he is there."
"You had better wait nntil the mes
senger returns and hear his news," said
Emile. "If the shock was only a slight
one in San Francisco your father might
not uuderstand von and would lwikrni.
She could see his face now: them was
no record of the nast
but he Wiis watching her eagerly. Mrs.
Randolph and Adelo had moved awny to
nvnV to the servants. F.miln ilrnw
"You surely will not desert us now,"
he said iu a low voice.
"Please don't," she said vaguely;
'Tin so worried." And pushing quickly
past him Bhe hurriedly rejoined tho two
They wen? superintending tho erection
of a long tent or marquee in the garden,
hastily extemporized from tho awnings
of tho veranda and other cloth. Mrs.
Randolph explained that although all
danger was over there was the possibil
ity of the recurrence of lighter shocks
during th day and night, and that they
WOUld all feel much morn nrvnro nnri
comfortable to camp out for the next
twenty-four hours in tho open air.
"Onlv imagine voiiVa t.ieniel.iio nnA
- c - i -
youTl enjoy it ns much as most people
ownuy enjoy inose noma at tresco eu
tertainnicuta. I don't beliovA thoro's tlm
slightest real necessity for it, but," she
auucu in a lower voitMWthe Irish and
Chinese servants are so demoralized n-v
they wouldn't utay indoors with as. It's
a common practice hero, I believe, for a
dav or two nfter the shock, nnd it rnve
timo to put things to right again and
clear tin. Tho old one-storied Sn.mish
houses, with walls three feet thick nnd
built round a courtyard or patio were
much safor. It's only when the Ameri
cans tried to imnrovo unnn thn old order
of thiugs with their pinchbeck shams
ana stucco that iJrovuleuce interferes
liko this to punish them."
It was the fact, however, that Rose
was more imnressed bv what nnnmnil tn
her tho absolute iudifferenco of Provi
denco in the matter, nnd tlio cool resump
tion by nature of her ordinary condi
tions. The sky above their heads was
as rigidly blue ns over and as smilingly
monotonous; tho distant prospect, with
its clear, well known silhouettes, had
not chnnrved- thn frrrnra Btviini, r,n I, am.
deliberate win is over the grain as be-
..... . . .
lore anu me irauo winu was blowing in
its quiet persistency.
And yet she knew that something had
happened that wonld never ngain make
her enjoyment of the prospect the same;
that notnitnr would pver Iim na it vna vml.
terday. I think at Brst she referred only
to the material nnd larger phenomena,
nnd did nn t.iifi,nnl (l.ia vui-aI.i!..
the insecurity of the universe with her
experience or man. i et the fact also re
mained that to the conservative, correct
and, as she believed, secure condition to
which she h.-ul been approximating, all
her relations were rudely shaken and
lincot. If rnnllv aoAmA.l tr thia.imnln
minded young woman that the revolu
tionary uisiuruance oi settled conditions
might bo something in the style of a
tuvuiv rigni uiso.
ft vat th young Inventor rom the uheat
In her desire lo be alone and to evade
the now significant attentions of Emile
she took advantage of the bnstle that
followed the hurried transfer of furni
ture and article from the house to es
cape through the garden to the outlying
fields. Striking into one of the dusty
lanes that she remembered, she wan
dered oo for half an honr nntil her
progress and meditation were suddenly
arrested, bhe had come open a long
chasm or crack in the soil, fully twenty
feet wide and as many in depth, crow
ing her path at right angle. She did
not remember having seen it before; the
track of wheels wout np to ita precipi
tous edge, she Ciul l see the track re
peated on the other tide, but 'he hiatus
remained, unbridged and uncovere-L It
wu not there yesterday. She glanced
right and left: the fissure teemed to ex
tend like moat or ditch from the dis
tant road to the upland between her
and the great wheat valley below, from
which the was thnt off.
An odd tense of being in some way a
prisoner confronted her. Khe drew back
with an impatient ttart, and perhupt ber
first real tense of indignation. A voice
behind ber, which the at once recog
nized, tcarcViy restored her calumet.
I "You can't get aeroa there, miss."
8h tamed. It ru the ronatt tuTaav-
n .
tor from the wheat much oa horseback
ana witu a c.ea:i face. He had just rid
den out of t iiL grain oa the same side of
the chasm ns herself.
"But yon feem to have got over," she
said bluntly.
"Yes, but it was further np the field.
I reckoned that the split might be deeper
but not so brtvul in the rock outcrop
over there than iu tho adobe here. I
found it fo and jumped it."
He looked as it he might alert, intel
ligent and self contained. Yet she said
nothing. He lingered a uiomeut,
"I'm afraid you must have been badly
shaken and a little frightened up there
before the chimneys came down."
"Xo," she w:;s glad to say, briefly and
she believed truthfully; "I wasn't fright
ened. I didn't even know it was an
"Ah," he i fleeted, "that was because
you are a stranger. It's odd they're
all like that. 1 suppose it's because'uo
body really expects or believes in the
unlooked for thing, and yet that's the
thing tliat always happens. Aud then
of course that other nfi'air, which really
U serious, startled you the more."
Sho felt herself and an
grily blushing. "I don't know what you
moan," she said ieilv. "What other af
fair?" Why, the well."
"The well:-" she repeated vacantly.
"Yes, the nrtcsiuu well has stopped.
Didn't the major tell you?"
"Xo,"said the giii "Ho was away.
I haven't seen him yet."
"Well, the How of water has ceased
completely. Tint's what I'm here for.
Tho major sent for me, and I've been to
examine it."
"And is that stoppage so very impor
tant?" 6ho said dubiously.
It was his turn to look at her wonder
ingly. "If it's lost entirely it means ruin
for tho rancho." he said seriously. He
wheeled his horse, uodded gravely and
trotted off.
Maj. Randolph's figure of the "life
blocd of tho rancho" Hashed ucross her
suddenly. She knew nothing of irriga
tion or the costly appliances bv which
tlio Caiiloruiau iignouilurist opposed
tho long summer droughts. She only
vaguely guessed that tho dreadful earth
quake had struck at the prosperity of
thoso people whom only a few hours
ago she had been proud to call her
friends. Tho underlying goodness of
her nature was touched. Should she let
a momentary fault if it were not really,
after nil, only a misunderstanding rise
between her und them at such a mo
ment? Sho turned and hurried quickly
toward the house.
Hastening onward she found timo,
however, to wonder also why these com
mon men she now included even tho
young inventor in Hint category wero
all so rude and uncivil to hor. She had
never before been treated in this way;
she had always boon rather embarrassed
by tho admiring attentions of young
men clerks nnd collegians in hor At
lantic home, und of professional men,
merchants and stock brokers in .San
Francisco. It Wiis true thoy were not
w continually devoted to her and to tho
nice art and etiquette of pleasing as
Emile they had otno- WnfJ to think
about, being in btiiineat and not being
gentlemen, but then they were greatly
superior to these clowns, that took no
notice of her and rode off without lin
gering or formal lenTe taking whon their
selfish affairs were concluded.
It must Ik? the contact of the vulgar
earth this wretched, cracking, material
and yet uugoveruablo aud lawless ea. th
that so depraved them. She felt she
would like to say this to some ono not
her father, for ho wouldn't listen to
her; not to the major, who would laugh
ingly argue with hor, but to Mrs. Ran
dolph, who would understand her and
perhaps say it some day in her own
sharp, sneering way to those very
clowns. With these gentle sentiments
irradiating her blue eyes and putting a
pink flush upon her fuir cheek Rose
reached the garden with the intention of
rushing sympathetically into Mrs. Ran
dolph's anus.
But it suddenly occurred to hor that
she wonld be obliged to state how the
became aware of this misfortune, and
with it came nn instinctive aversion to
speak of her meeting with the inventor.
She would wait nntil Mrs. Randolph
told her. But although that lady was
engaged in a low voiced discussion in
French with Emile and Adele which in
stantly ceased at her approach there
was no allusion made to tho new calain
ity. "Yon need not telegraph to your
father," she said, as Rose approached,
"He has already telegraphed to you for
news. As you were out, and the mes
senger was waiting an answer, we
opcned.the dispatch, and sent one telling
him that you were all right, and that he
need not hurry here on your account
So you are satislied, 1 hope." A fov
hours ngo this would have been true,
and Rose would have probably seen in
the action of her hostess only a flatter
ing motherly supervision. There was,
in fact, rtill a lingering traee of that
trust in her mind, yet she was conscious
that she would have preferred to answer
the dispatch herself and to have let her
father come.
rvn as nmrrtunanl
A I'o.lalTuli. Arr...lh KnglM, Channel.
The protKeu'd plan for tho postal tube
between France and England is to sua
pend two tuUn. each about three feet in
diameter, by means of steel cables thrown
across the channel, u'ij fw.t above the
level of the water. These cables are to
be fixed to pillars whose foundations
will be thn rocky Inittoiii of tho channel,
each pillar H yards from his fellow. U
tho plan us pmKM-d it consummated,
miniature Hams, each carrying too
pounds of mail matter, will run through
the tube. Van kee Blade.
A II lei for Hi Ituay Ma.
A targe Ueriuau tramp steamed into
port this morning, with the yellow flag
Hying at the tii.iMhead. causing quite a
commotion along the city front. She
proved to be tiie itomnltit from Hong
Kong. There was no su kiiewt on Umrd
in epite i,f the yellow flag, nnd the flip
lain told fir. Lawlur lie only hoisted it
to keep tho runner away from the thip.
liis ruse succeeded, for not runner
went within half a mile of the veasel.
ian Francisco Kinminer.
Johnnl. tVaan't Whittling;.
Tht atory la told of tht Incorrigible tmall
boy who. baring been warned (galoot
wbiatlinir. waa aeen b bla m.,l.M ju
shortly after be bad Juat made acquaint-
wuu win pr mini roof M, "lotl JonD
Die." cried the nuithrr. nmlm ih ..ii...
packer of br toa't 1 1 pa, "quit that white
ling." Wbemat J oho nla, to pain and faar
(taped out: "WbU llof Hnhl I gnaaai fan
poliitwat " K tw York Craning Sua,
Vn.n.t,.. . . . ..
with nw by peron fr their lnierior in uhvi-
mm atrenstn. Muscle uoej not Imply vnror. In
ii it uoi airaeun ot proof thai athletea do
not live a long nor mjov good bea'.ih at th
averaw lu,tl lJual who 1, Tlg,.rvu that l to
y. now diseMion and sleet, aie unimpaired,
wliose iierres are ho ban no or
Cuie tendency to dix-iu. lhe roquutu- ot
liter are tvnteirrd upon IIioh' iiiheienllv weak,
no le. tnu un.ii ih. Uebiliimcd iiuvinrh
waatimr diM-aw. toy a thorough, penitent course
ot Homelier Suunnch Bittvrt, lue Icouipt na
ttoual tonic, tlidorxst and l ivramelnitsl bv
piluin of eminence. It will not endow vou
null the nuiM-leol a Corbett. but it will infue
elicry -into oarteni and renew, he aelive
and bealtlidii n;i(,rniaiuv of in. fulie.lon H
aertaud eur tuaiarial, thru matie ami kidner
eomplaintii. aud otervonica dteuu. eousiii
Uou, liver trouble and uervouMicaV.
hrUrl.r,rfrilf7,5:,n u" n American
, i i . MiiuBui Aim out be
Y-" '.. ."L" ""' he can oi. Lord Forsuua-
a ioe wa i ieil.
Imitations have beeu put upon the mar
ket so closely resembling Allcock's 1'ob
ocs Pi-astsks in general appearance at to
be well calculated to deceive. It ia h...
ever, in general appearance only that they
compare witn alu oca's, Tor thev are worse
Mian worthless, inasmuch as thev contain
deleterious ingredients which are apt to
cause tenons injury, lteineniher that Ai.l
ooi g are the genuine porous piaster tne
best external remedy ever produced; when
,... uiw-imk pinMers no not onlv ask lor
but make sure that you get ALLcotVa.
ItRANOKKiH'a Pills, the U-t anti-biliout
Thunt linAiliti... la. i ....... .
, . , ."-..i... i: ini uiea io rsl a man
atwul luaklitK a menial inventory ol h tfilenda.
.-.......,.,, ,,, iiWflfJ win reuevt
uroncbitis, asthma and throat diseases.
'iNltll'a I?-,,,,.., T .1 , i1, i.
mystery about
baa been aolved.
the letter that never
It wita never aeut.
Til niMtl HllBimtnt alt !.... 1 1,
...... ....,.,, ni,inkitiu t.un, IIOR-
iES,Ni. 1 ' ,mve ",ai,e special out good to
.March 'JO. Write lor catalogue and out
rate. Orders mailed alter March IV not
good for cut rate.
100 ltKWAKI -aioo.
Thm nl ... ...
i'iht win oe rncarca to
learn thai there ia hi least one dreaded dlaeiuc
lt!ea, ami that l eiilnrrh. Hall's (slarrli fare
1. nit only jsmnive cure known to the uiunleul
eiiae, reiiulrea a coimtltultoiinl ireatineiit. Itali a
I auirrli j ure la taken liiteriillv,aeiiiitdlreely
oil toe blmid and liiiieiMinsurtaiH'ii ol theayaleiu,
thereby ileatroyiliK thefoliudriliiinol lhe.llei)
and Rlvliiu ine uitient atrviiKth by biilldiuir up
the euiiktuutlon and Kiih,K nauire In mdim lia
work. I nv proprleiom have mi much 1,0 Hi In l
ouratlvc power, t they offer One Hundred
Ihillara for any ee llmi it f.nln to cure. Mend
lor lint of imi1iiiouIIh. Addrcaa
- . K. J. t:il KS K V A CO., Toledo, O.
IW sold by druitnlnti,; 76 oeuta.
One Tuerk Water Motor, new, that will
levelop from Id lo I a bore power; cau be
tad at a tacriiice by addnssinK
1 AI.MKU .t- It IV
had i
l'orllaml, Or.
a P. A. RITUAL, fomplete srorklnitH i.f the
l'.,!',.,J?"".', "'liollc i. liter, by mall, 25 eelils.
HOK 8 bisik siore, I'orti.mi, or.
8ie, ati inside liearers; table distrihu
tion; lied sprinns; will print nine-column
rolio or six column quarto; a splendid all
round presa for country olllee; lor sale
cheap; guaiitnteeil In order. Address
l'AI.MKK A Hgy,
Portland, Or.
Dae Kunmolluudtove foliau. uiiduat, una
Tat Um( f,ir breakfaat.
is Disease Germs living in
the Blood and feeding upon
Its Life. Overcome these
erms with
tlio Croam of .Cod-liver OH,
and make your blood healthy,
skin puro and system strong.
Physicians, tho world over,
endorse It.
Don't be deceived b Substitutes!
Praeara - bjr Scolt k Iloxno, N. V. All Drugilita.
This Trail Va rt Is on the bnt
Si2?.7 In the World !
" A. J. TOWER. llflSTON. MfS&
Bee Supplies.
171 Reeond Hlrl. . I'urlland,
Perid for rataloirue.
Chronic Cases of Many Years Cured Easily.
,. . ,
X II I 11 II V BsU CArLndLA O.i l,(.. Iln.,u ml laanKufn.lKio)
lUHLHIl I A'lmai-a lur burihiitra .. a ve riwn I ; urrtuani-ut. Oiti
rSmok the Admiral Clgar.l
Ve Have High Opinion
ciw.riii at our nouae ana wlrh
eJ rc.-n. eight year I wai trou ble J
u ineumaiism and all
remedies to help
m cxeci t nl Sarsa
lar!lla. Lkemauyoih
cra 1 have not laken It
steadily; only when tho
paimcameon, but It has
always slvcu me relief.
Kor years past I was
troubled with quluny.
Slue t.iktna; Hood's Siir-
sairilla I havo uoi had
t inile attack. When
1 flKt ' .'
any ot my fnndly aro taken they resort to
Hood a Sursapaiilla. I mlgbt write several
Hood's814 Cures
i-nees In p-ale of thl excellent medicine."
T W. Uc, TO Pouu Ave., Pittsburgh. I'a.
Hood'a Pilla are nu-eiv veir,.taiiU . .i.
act pitnje, palu or gripe. Sold by all druirirlsta
Hleta.. nnA
i.ioper Bottle?
uue ceut a
Tnrt Orsat rotroa
ijr cwet
throat, lIoaraenaaaTwhocpinf Coug
o ui ,i k i i a ii. LDwni. , rn
p, aiwiw
gh and
aainma. tor wooaumptlco It bnt no rival
una cured thouaacda, and will rttna Totr if
taken In time, gold by Pnigglsta on a guar
ntee. Kor a lame Back or Cheat, uae
Xluri ll 'I'hllMiaa.ltrisani.i.a.
toed to cure you, Prioe,Wot. liUootor f we.
I simply state that I am Druggist
nd Postmaster here and am there
fore in a position to judge. I have
tried many Cough Syruns but for
Kn ;car3PI,st, 'VC round nothing
cclll'' to Uosehee 3 German Syrup,
I have given it to my baby for Croup
1.1. . . .- . J .
with the most satisfactory results
IJverv tnnlltor slini '.l liiir If T ir
Honns, Druggist nnd Postmaster,
Moffat, Texas. We present facts,
living facts, of to-day Eoschce's
German Syrup gives strength to the
body. Take no substitute. o
V-M 1 En ihttCrttdt Curt
f rCttttii rti, IVwfnfi,(hlt.Kttn'Thntiir,
) nfirii'tBn, H tmilstt'fit, I .-I i.l, .tick mi Hiu
firH, rttKiitiif trout
IllB lltr till- nierihu
rid. N:tnie mid priio
n the boitiMti. hvcry
aniul, 'I'.iUo nn ruIihm
foLKjIjiir.. fr lull
'iptmn til our Cf'inplciu
i i"r J idiitj o ij fc-rn.
itcint n or t-ntl 0r 7.
i trnttii t titttlorut
ItivinK in
t ruction
I a
derby mail, I'mUrc free. You cin ret the m
bArguint of dciilvrt who puth our ilioc7
row i:n i
(UI, 0li till, llaht Itchlllf
yUikiBllN'Or I'UO'lltUUlNU aViaUaJ
Til i.n ATOtvnrn
rhli'h ! dinwily on prt urTootml
iMurha turoort, Utb lUttUng ,rTtvitln
p4trniasViiitloiira, J'rion ftfci, PrtiffUis
or uiAii. lit, BoMtiko, l'blltMlalDliia,
Marin Tina, f it-irs m-,l Hl.tMN
Free by Mail
uii rrwalptuf u..a
A Whole Garden.
.... isar . II URIlt W If
will Uli you l) about it. " miaft ami I'Ihi
ail you our lliuttr m1 t) u num -..
it. iniifrwiMMi an NurM) y t n.j, ; an ultl
Hir at, nan Fraiiciai'o. MjI tU Hvinla a apMialty,
IWI AitlATM H 1114 1 It
Kvitrvthli.R iu tha a I -ore Una. Coatumea. Win
Httanli. l'riiiHrtliia. ikisMra mnA u..k. .... 1
liirnlahM at iroatly retltwed ralw and In 'itiirf
rlor quality by llicoldoat, larj(eal, beat rouownw)
and llierfor nuiu tLthL u.. ......
mr oh tht Pacific iMKUt. c:orrMnilema T ao
UimI. (JoI.iwtiim A Co., M, 'in and m O KarrwIi
Hit. alau M2J Market atreet.Hau K rani) lain. W.
Ill (III I V fill Tkmtm aaa l(Va (.ma! Ia u-
J Siuil inisll,
in. vur . mmiiifua I'l
nul uia.
!. Urn iirlca, hntu t,u
lca, Ji
mrnta. Aililn
W. V.. H.iscll
IUhiii, California.
f wvv.
MR WINinW'C sooTM.Na!
VOI M lr. CAN RI M IT. i i.aa mi oa Kmiixa
Biwl I'uar r fur Irrlaallnt I'arroM.
l a'mer 4t Iter, a. tal. 1'urtlauU, or.
P. N. It. No. 6S3-N. f, N. IT. No. HI"
hlrksus art taailjp and tuocraalu
raitM b7aain lha Petaluma I
puoatora ana Brooder. Our
luairaMMi lalaliif ua (tin all about
iliivn run i
41 I If I """io
" "laiiima ii jon waul atnina, tliforoua rlili s.
V r"lfl' oaat lli-ailiiartira Inr Bona and l;lurr(;iitura, Mart
ra, Honks, I alxiiilslna; lixiia, rauUlna, fluixl't Kuup Cure, Miirrtt
foultry .'urr,(;,pM,sii tlia rat chirktii-lliaklllar aiidarnrrothai
arlli.l. mulraq br .Hllr raiara. IV ll mai hlna. in oMratlon al
our-iiill,it wnh (, Nurwalk Oalrli-h farm. Mhlwlntor fair, hatthliii
ostrklin auil ail kllirU f rata. CaUlotua Ir; II you want II, writ!
ut pfTAiuMA incubator co.I
75-7id-;M-4 ta-aln airnat'Taialuinal'tal.
Tha Admiral Cigarette-
S Heart. 1)
V t itil vfiir, anil iiihki up for liwl lima f
V frrrt'aral Aitimnl for li-w lU
V-i tiv you uiauy aluatle hlnta JJ
W aoom w hat lo ml-e anil how to Jf
V nilnetr. It contain Intorma- ff
Vtlon lo he bait from no otbrr
Mmi Vnr to tM.JFy
VKt. M. Ferry
ATV lVtroit. jfjr
I'!J',.I.,'".T,, tii-wehiMT". r ' -
aJj for Hu4h Col.1. and Croup waa onion .ttub. IS
B'!,MWTlwl.l,-lir aa It wri. foriT yrar. aao.
vr s:rn,,-hlldn.n i.ka Pr. Uiinn'i Onion tvrup
wniob ii i alrvaar pwp.ii4 and more rtouinl to tha
taata. Bold .v.rrwh.ra. lam. bottl.a ao oanas.
Taaa bo auusuiuta tor iv, Tasnit nouuat aa 1004.
Blaildnr, lirlnary and Llrar Dlaeatet Drops
Orarel aud Ulabotos art cured by w
Ourot BrlKht's Dlafaaa. Kotntlon or Non r
trt.11,,1, n llrlnn. Haiti. In lh Hark. Iill., or
('lires lntcmiHjranoe, Norrous Dlapaaitt, (lonora
IHikllily, Female Woakuuaa and Kicossm.
Curnt Blllnnanoaa, lliartrtia, Jaundliw, Bout
siomanh, Hyawaia, Cousllimllnu and l iioa.
All I S) T WIH an the K liturra.'t
and HowrU. roatiirliiK thorn to alivalihr a
lion, and I I U.Nwlin all oiber nimlluiuot
fall. HuudroUa haro beim sarml who hare bean
I Iron ap to dlo by friends aud physloiaua. HV AM, IIHI I.UIKln.
" KOR jj
Regulator ofthnLivcrandKidneys
-A HI KIIIKK! roii-
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And All Olbr Blood tod Skin Dlteisti.
11 I. . .W-lll ......... -II ., . . ..
, . " nii .iniav nainriii,aoll-
oalavoiiiMalniaaiidoiiinpllitaUii troiiblaa and
and tow'!?111'' uu' wlt, miithars
IliaeltiHil ia ImtnwIl.iB and laatlnt. Twoot
thro. ot Ha. I' ma's Uaaany ukou dally
tiwpa His bliMMl nml, tha llrnr and kl.lnrvs ait
In, and will cntlrnly aradlrata Iroui tha syslora
t ULf"?"! !'' 'iZ'!'utm- M11 Hhtiim, or any olh.i
Inrm ol blond
No nieillitlnaaviir intriidiirad In thlt country
haa mot with aimb mail y aala, nor ilren sunn aatlalaitilon wbauuTtr uaad aa thai ol
III. fAKIItt't KlMtllT.
nils rwiiwiy bsa lawn ud In tha hotpltalt
.i.m .uim ior ms past twenty
lira yaara aa a aKwlDn lor tht al.a dlMaaoa,
and It has and will sura whan allotuar ao-callad
rtttnailitta fail.
Hhii.i lor pauiphlat ol laatlmoulals from Ihow
who hare Imtu i-anii by lis Usa. Urul.u aall
ror aaltby 1 " oouyluoad.
9 " front 8t., Ban rranoltoo.
, , , a,,r,M ..niiiiir: naw I
Will,p in 10 IfMioriw iw,,r. H alrr ls tht
Una M..t,.tir..lrl T.iB.k U' . ....
.., , ,K,,.r iount,alii1lha"'l uerk'
!;.",,,,,"l,,!,''1eh'lalBioiiir Iu tha Darktl
n III bs sold at a sai'illlrv. AiMlvas
I'AI.HKH m KfcV, lortlaifl, Or.
l-AT UMT11.
crar.11. We rrfvr lo a.uiHJ
tianta. No oraaannN. No
...Kuup mis ai'siNiaa.
M niM or i.ll for Mr. ,il.. ...
bank retaraiire, Usaaulaa kat.
Marauaa lallalna.
.POH I I.A-.U. OK.l.laj
iMtraara-sd Catlttl tnt luralut, 11,000.000.
Dr. Williams' Ind'tn Plla
Olnimont will cura Blind,
ilieeilliia and llchlna PIIm.
It aliaorlit tha tumors, allarl
Ilia Iti hiiiK at onir, ai'ls aa a putil-
lice, atvaa iti.iani rllr lir la111.
lama' luillan File Olntmrnt la nrenarad
lor PI Ira and llchllia ol lha nrlrala
parte. Krery but la warranted. Br dru.
al.ta. br mall .n (.!,. t of h.iM fst .,.,
Proprietors, Cleveland, Ohio.
awwaaaaetileee and people I
wboba.e weak lunaaor Astls
saa. aboaKI aa 1-lao'aCnre for
CuD.BjHioa. II aaa ataraal
tamaaawale. It baa no lnnr
ed one. 1 1 la not lied to laae.
II la tea bea.eoueb erran.
ewse e.errwaere. Do.
Pardee's BemBfly,
V if "
1 K2
.L1 I I
: r
t .
sis v siaips. I nm B9W,r .
w ' . sVal
-,,.-4 ' ' J. "
- .... ' ' ' ;.-,. ' ., r