Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 01, 1894, Image 1

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    L Remember that this paper
is the only one in Lincoln
or Benton count- that has
The ieader should be
read by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a ear.
jj the eouragt to stand for
ji the common people.
Y jj ' 1
LVolume I.
.int Senator
C. II. frofmo
1 P. lilue
H. F. Joiivs
Henry Henlinirer
i'uas. liooih
Jos. (iidv'on
- T. K. Parker
- Jus. Russell
J. 11. Sttirrns
M. L.Trp
.,nt- Judge
Jit -.lerifr
;,siirer -
..kool Superintendent
o-jiai of the.Pcaee.
.'onsisblc. '
J. A. Hall
A. K. Altree
sendees will be held under the auspices of
First Sunday of each month at Kile City School
ifouse at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Second' Sundsy
be Metnoaisi tpiscnpai ourrn as follow
it Toledo, in uio f-cnool House, at 11 a. m. and
n. m.. Sows Servian Inins at fi:Su i. m.
Third Sunday at the M. K. Church, Newport, at
,1 m. ana p. m. fourth sundavat laquina
lfl)ol House, at lia.m.: at Mill Four t i
it Ml are cordially invited to attend.
' A. I.. HAWLKY, Pastor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon.
SiBST BAPTISTS). Meet every first Sunday
I in eaeh month, a 11 a. ni. and also on Ihe
Juturdav preceding the above Sunday, at p.
a.. In ihe Toledo Public Hall. I.. M. Butler,
Kcsident Pastor.
u 'n MAIN'S CHURCH Prntertent Episcopal.
9 Divine service the third Sunday of every
month, at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend.
Itcv. ('has. Booth, Missionary. Residence,
.'lie.-iory," Newport, Or.
o O. F. Toledo Lodife, No. MS, .Meet
I'efery Friday evening at their hall in this
jtixos Arnold, Sec'y.
J. S. Gaitheb, N.G.
t 0. C. T, Meets every Thursday evening.
7:0 o clofflt, in ,ir;nlv ball, this town
I A.'and I
-ioietio I'uiou. Nt
f every Saturday evening, So'elock, In (irady's
fan in tni8 town, ah meniuers reuueste'i u
ttehd. T. T. Reeder, President; J.J. Turnlilgc
frecretai y.
t'OrO. F. Bay Lodire No. Hi!, of Yaiiuimi city,
meets every Saturday evening. Visiting
brothers are always welcome.
E. bi'bhowh, Secretary. j. S". Btakk, X. U.
I0."OT F. Newport Lodge So. . mes;! every
Saturdavevening. visitfng brothers are cor
Jially invited to intend, Cyhi-s Loxos,
r'l. Pmith, Secretary. N. (i.
4 F. & A. M. Newport Lodge So. H5. regular
t- convocation ci Saturday on or before each
lull moon. Visitllig brothers ar- cordially
Welcomed. Jas. II. Kusski.1., W. M.
' lux. Kobektsos, Secy.
(1 A. R. Phil Sheridan l'ost No. 24, meets
" every second and fourth Thursday evening.
(Ibo. SYLVi$sTj;it Com.
It. A. BfcNSF.LI., Adjt. ' ' ' '
Corvallls, Oregon
T.J Buford, Prop.
Charges Reasonabe.
lt A. HALL,
Justice of the Peace
iokriOf Oregon,
Deeds, MortfrHe, and all kinds of lefral papers
executed with correctness, Ch refill attention
given to all business entrusted to my care.
if. c. s hup Ann,
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
' Attorney-at-Law,
Toledo, Lincoln Coun,-, Oregon.
PoUectloiM, Conrejianriiuf,
ami Court Practice
Aefera bv permission to Kx-!ov. J. K. Filliburv,
U. 8. Senator W.'li. Washbnrn, Gen. John 1'.
Rea, Ex-Commander-in-chief (1. A. It., Mln
naanolla. Minn.. Hon. Martin K. Morrisand J
J. Darlington. Ks.i.. Washington, D. '., Schuy
ler Imrvea, t hief I lerlt Patent offli. Fairfax
t'ounty" Va., anil Uev. t'has. ltmith, Sewjairt,
Oregon. ".
The Mi
Oregon Paciflo Railroad.
Mue-Quiok DIptoh-Low
Between Willamette Vallay p'ln' N,n
Lv Sen Franulin) KoTmter 3th. Mb nr1 .
lvt, Y-Uln Kovcmlxr 9th. Pth .nil i:b.;
MX . !
And tKni every ten lr thereafter. , . j
Thl CnnipatiT renerve the rlnht to chiiii
iillu dte, without noti.-e.
Wily lerrtee between Portland and SaUm and
l'ptr Willamette river yviuil
Dry Goods, Notions, Men's and
Boy's Clothing, Boots and
Slices, Hats and Caps,
Selling at Hard Times Prices.
A-g-ent for I3rovnsville Voplen
and Iihs Guaranteed.
C. B. CROSNO to CO.,
h Mi Agents ail Mivkn,
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
Abstret of Title to any property in Lincoln County
The plaee to get your
Ii at the
I Price and Work Satisfactory
Toledo, Lincoln" County, Oregon, Thursday, March i, i3o4-
i Pft I
IJa S l
v Wlifill
on demand.
The Alsea House
lialdport, Lincoln County,
Headquarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Comfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our motto.
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
Wm. R. Wakefield, Prop.
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Tied o, Oregon.
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Lincoln Cotiryty.
illicit oriK)!ilenre.
N rhargei unleM
Farms for Sale.
j I have several farms, both culti-
' vated and uncultivated, for sale in
.tracts ot 40 acres and upwards.
' These lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture. Will
! be sold very cheap and on reason-
; able terms. Anyone desiring to
I purchase such lands w ill do well to
' call on or address ;
j M. J. Allpiiin,
1 . - tf. Little Elk., Oregon.
Notice for Pnblioation,
Land Orticeat Oregon t'ity. Oregon, (
.U.iuary j:. l;n. t
NOTICE is hereby given thai the toUowtng
named settler has nled notieoof his inten-
lion toinake final pr.H.f in supirt of his ''laim '
i"'ul " rT "M x lv,or the ,
Count) clerk 01 Lincoln futility at Toledo, Ore-
on, oil March UMxM.vU:
.. , ....! ii t v.. jii i
Jiartoa Uaat, H. i; Nu. .ill. i
for the northwest i, otsectton H, town 11 south,
range west.
He names the (ollowinit witnesses to prove his!
ciMititmous residence lin and cultivation of, ;
said land, vin: A. J. Zuniw all. M J. AUphitt
Wm Lawrence, nm, i;avtu. all ol mite t.ik
t " lllillEi'.T A. MM ! EK.
Xotive for Publication. j
VOTU'K is bert'bv (jiven thM the" follow. ns-
named s.'tllcr has riled notice of his illicit- ' .
lion to make final proof in support of hlsc.aini
cieoT'Y!!!,,, LT"
orogon, ,
for the eift oi lionhwel tutrthoHst 'nf
wmihwit l4 and ltl l,notUm :il,Town Ut.ulh
lie n nit i e the follow Inn witnosest to pntve
of.MiHiui.vii: John w.Viroo. i.oum
hi continuous riffi-U'iu'e niun nnu cuHivniion
sei. i.iiiiam Henna ana .tocri ueyno.cis, an oi ;
ValdMrl. tlietron.
'KOULliT A. MlLLKll, ItcKister.
Notice for Publication,
1 tViirunry 1 iwm.
VOTICK if hcivby ptv'n thm the follow Iti
nnn i-d KtMtler t:s itUd itt'tic' of hiHinttn
ttoii to luHr c linul t'ltiot in support of hio flaim,
mid thrit mi id proof will 'e nmde ln'toro the
t'ounty t'lork of'oln t'ounty, nt Toledo,
trron, on April n, lsn. viz:
for tho oiuthvt't 1 . hi northoir 1 ,
l4 of- northwest l4 and lot 2, eetlon VA
Houth, mnte 11 uet.
He iiHine the following witneneii to prove
hit) residence uiNtn And eultivHiioii of, Paid
land, viz: John W. Itrookn, J Miners. Allen, Al-
lrt, tiregi-n.
UtHU'.UT V Mll-KK, UeKlctor.
Notice for Publication.
I .and oillce at on-con t'ity. Oretron,
Vidtnmry !.", is-.i.
V"TK'K i herelv given thnt ih foUowinK
tiiiuu d mt tier has tile.d ipitice of ht in t
tiontrt nihke liuitl priHffn fitipiKirt ot h.UiMnltti,
mid that mid proof will Ik made (n'fore the
t'ountv t'lerk of Lincoln t'ounty, at Toledo,
Oregon, on April uh vti:
John W. lirookn, H. V No.
for the northwest '4 of tmutheawt '( northeast
lk of m'u:Vvo,: 1 t.:id h;ta :. and i aeeltuu iu(
Town in fcimth", rnn. 11 Wetd.
lie nanies the foi.owtnK witnene to prove
his continuoiiN reside. nee utnin and enltivatiou
of, said hind, Ja: I. . Allen, Win. Ilelinn, Al
bert lieytioldH, ar.d Umitt t'apsel, alt of Wald
port, Dretroit.
Ktlii:UT A. M1M.EH, KegUter.
Notice for Publication,
Land Offlee at OreKn t'ity, OreK'm.l
IVhrimrv 1st, IHW, (
VOTU'K in heiehy Klveii that the followintf
named settler hntt tiled notice of hin inten
tion to make limit rof In supiHtrt of hiMidttlin,
and that until pMt. will tic made Indore the
t'ouuty t'lerk oi I in oln County, tUToledo, t)r
gon.un March vi ; .
for the piMUh Strife went l4 Ket'lion' l'J and
outhc'akt l4 of m-r-'iieaiU 4 of tei'iiou 11, town
11 nouth, ra lore 11 went.
lie names the fuiluwlnff wltneHHea to prove
liiicotitfuuoun rx'Pldciiee tuon and cultivation
of inid land, vix: .1. VV. 1'arrlnh, Alonio Iun
den, t.oo. A. Ijindin and A. J. K rider, all of Tole
do, Oregon, HoltKKT A. Mild. Kit, Keglttvr
Type Writer
20 with TK character), and 1V for the SIN-..l-;
t'ASK ol'Kld.. warranted to do
better work than any machine made.
It combine simplicity with durability, upeofl.
ease of operation, near longer w ithout cost' ol
repair than any other machine. Ha no Ink
rlbliou to bother the ojierator. It in neat, nub
slant tal, nli'kle plated, perfect, and adapted to
all klndnof type w ritiny. Like a print fi)g prHxf
it produce harp, clean, legible uiauuscrtptK.
Two or ten copicn can I e made at one writing.
Any Intelligent ersnn can Income anojierator
in two davit. We offer ll.oou to any operator
who can aimal the work of the Itol Itl.E t'ASK
Hellable Agentand Salesmen wanted, Hjiec
ial iiiducemeutK to Dealer.
For Pamphlet giving lidoroemeutK, etc., ad
dre Odell Type Writer Co.
8f m lerl)orii HI ( llle'AI.O, ILL.
Notary Public.
Toledo, Oregon.
Notice, is hereby given that the
approved plat of survey of "Township
12 South of Range 10 W est has
been received from the Surveyor
General of prcgpii apd pit
March 12, 1801,
at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day said
plat will be filed in this office and
the land therein embraced will be
subject to entry on and after said
Robert A. Millkk, Register.
Peter Paquet, Receiver.
A Portland paper says: "Some
ot the tinest apples we nave ever
seen came fryirj f he Dalles, Or
The apples we especially refer to is
the Ivsopus tpi'zent)urg, very
highly colored an 1 neatly packed
in regular size bo::es and retails at
two dollars a box. We congratu
late the grower on his success.
RoUses A Torpid
Our rivbil!iv,
With this issue the Lkapkr com-
pletes its first vear of -labor. and j
, . . i n, ,,.),, 1,A
register one eai oia. inning me
,,l,l, ; 1, , 1
ear 'HCll it ll i MMteil niailV
Lincoln countv homus It has en-
. ..,..' , . ,
deavored to lie a faitnii.l, chronicler I
. ,,rr, ,.f A ,r ,,,,,, 1
OI Hie ClirrCUl eeills ol COIUUN .
It has not desired nor attempted to j
go beyond the county for its news,
! having been established with the
View ot bems livnl paper. How
well it hns filled its mission we
leave our readers to deeidv for
.t.. c . . .i. i.i..
Uieaisen es, lor we .tie UIOI -mg lll
I "live to tJc fact that a paper is
jcons(!luUv u trial v,,,,! its readeis
in the capacity of jurors
During the vent, therq have been
a Iew eveuis irausjnrea wmui wic
r a. i.:. .i. i
T .,, j,,i ; .4.,.,. t. tnl-a n
firm stand against. Vor this bold
front we have hivl no apology to
offer for w; have had no reason to
change our minds.
In closing these few loiu-uks we
wish to most heartily thank the
people of Lincoln county for their
hearty support during the pat
year. It has exceeded our ixpec
tauoiis. " .nd w; assure the people,
tltut 111 me iiuuiu, iia iii li'.c pa1'.-
we will labor toward the advance
ment of the county and in the
interests of the people, thereof.
- -
Comity Coimitissloiiors' Court.
Court ronvenf 1 as per order of
adjournment, nil member being
present. The following business
was transacted;
Ordered that warrants be drijwu
in favor the f'dlowing persons
for the following imiountsj
If. W. (lorman, sundry sup
plies, f 15 85
0, A. I.andis, sliriff fees, . . 149 65
VaqTtina Hay News, printing ! 50
li, K, Jones, balance yi) Ux
roll . 46 00
M. T, Whitney, pauper sup
plies '. . 8 00
In the matter of establishing n
new voting precinct to be known
as "Lobster precinct No. 23:"
Order&d that 4 sparatc vu.tjng
and justice of the peace precinct bo
and is hereby created to be known
as "Lobster Precinct No. 23," and
to be bounded ar.d described as fol
lows; Heginning at the southeast
corner of Lincoln county 1 thence
west on south line o Lincoln coun
ty to southwest corner of northwest
quarter of section 10, town 15,
range 9; thence, north along th(j line,
between sections 9 and 10 to the
head of Cascade creek; thence in a
U)ithCtsterly direction along the
divide between the waters of Alsea
river and Lobster to the east line of
Lincoln county: thence south to
the point of beginning. The poll
Ing place of said precinct shall be
at the present residence of John
Taylor, within the boundaries of
said precinct. It is intended to in
clude all settlers living within Liu
coin county on the waters of Five
rivers and Lobster river jn the
above precinct,
Ordered that L. A. Peek, Jas.
Sheppard and O. L, Rosjj bp pp:
pointed judges, and K M. Anthony
and George It. Parris, clerks.
In the matter of supervisor re
port of road district No. 56, surr:
visor Harvey Patks alluwed $10
for services.
In the matter of the proposal of
T. It. Parker and J. S. Van Win
kle for th? rankjng of present own
ership maps, plats and books for
the use of the county:
It appearing to the court that
such maps, plats, and books, flre an
actual necessity lor tne proper
assessment of the property within j
the . county and to the various,
coumy omcers in tne irausacuon
of their duties, and it further op -
j pearing that ti;e terms of said pro-
j position are highly favorable to the
, interests of the county; It is hereby
ordered; That the county judge !
and commissioners sign the contract!
thettfor in open court assembled; j
and it is further hereby ordered in ,
.compliance with the terms of said, l0 report to the sheriff of said
'contract, that the sheriff be and Uj county for assessment and taxation
hereby instructed to set aside the , H property notalrtady assessed and
sum of eleven mill upon each 'm not on the regular assessment
dollar's worth ofprojrly from uU;roH of vid county, as nearly as the
;cole.tioiis of taxes upon property i Mme can be ascertained, and to
wn.n 0. ocen erromousiy om.ueu ( pIace aii ucli unasscsscd property
from the original assessment roll of, foun(i by said second parties upon
,the year 1803, 'and which sakl'.th! roll or book furnished by said
property shall have been duly re-1
T J- the said
T. K. T.uker and J S. an mkle ;
It) t
nccorujucc w uu iciuix m ,
aid contract; and to pay said sums
into the hands of the county treasur
er as a separate fund and ' to tak
said treasurer's separate receipt
therefor and it is further hereby
ordered and directed that the
county treasurer keep said sums of
money so paid into his hands as a
separate fund to be known as the
'..sinking fund," and to open an
account therefor in the books of tho
county and to apply said sums con
stituting said fund solely to the
payment of warrants drawn in
favor of said Y, K. Parker ad J.
Winkle as compensation
for the performance of the work by
them agreed to be done in said
contract. It is further hereby or
dered that tne sheriff report to the
county court at each of its regular
sessions ihe mounts, by hn col
lected and paid over to the treasurer
into said "sinking fund" as above
It is further hereby ordered that
t.hc county y.htrk' enter said contract
at large upon the records of this
1). P., Judge,
J. O. Stearns, Commissioner,
Jt.l,' Trav.i Commissioner.
This agreement made and entered
into this ?4'kh day of I'ebruqry 1894,
by and between Lincoln' county,
Oregon, by its board of commis
sioners consisting of J. O, Steams,
M. L, Trapp and 1). P. lilue,
county judge, the party of the
first part and'J. S. 'Van Winkle
and T. lv. Patker,' party of the
second part,
WITNESSETH; That for and in
consideration of the stipulations
and 'agreements hereinafter ' con-
tainod and the sum agreed to be
paid by the said party of tho first
part to the parties of the second
part, th partes, do hereby
undertake and agree to make and
furnish to the said first party ' a
complete and accurate list of all
the present land owners in Lincoln
county, Oregon, alphabetically ar
ranged by townships and towns,
together with legal descriptions of
the lands owned by each said owners
so fur as it is possible to ascertain
the same from the records of said
county, the United States land
offices at Oregon City and Roseburg,
Oregon, and the records of the
Hoard of School land commissioners
at Salem, Oregon 1 such ownership
to be qf the date of the 1st day of
March 1894, nil to be written in a
plain and legible hand, in a six
quire book of equal size and quality
ol the Deed Records now in use in
said Lincoln county, And all
mimes In said book to be properly
indexed by said second parties and
put opposite to each description to
the volume and page of deed records
under which the present owner ob
tained his title; and the said parties
of the second part do further agfee
to furnish to the said party of the
first part two sets of plats of each
township in said county, showing
the exact location and the acreage
of the lipid owned by each land
owner as far as the same can be
definitely located and ascertained
by the records aforesaid, provided,
that 110 plat shall be required of
any tract of less than fjve a,pre,
said plats to be made upon the
scale of forty chains to the inch and
names of the owners of all tracts
shown upon the said plats and the
acreage contained in such tracts as
ascertained, to be neatly and legibly
inscribed upon tho several tracts as
iaid out upon said plats, and in
such cases as the tracts are too
j small to admit of t uch inscription,
j t,e owners and acreage to be shown
j by reference nui.ibers upon the
j margin of the plats, and to make a
.t of tracings of ail town plats for
the use of the assessor, as by the
htatme provided, It is hereby
further agreed by second parties
Number 52.
first parties. Said second partiea
further agree to index all names1
which appear upon the regular
awsauutu ion lur luc J cur loyj,
and all names' which appear upon
the supplementary roll above de
scribed in an index book to be fur
nished by the. said first party. And,'
the party of the first part agrees to"
to direct the said sheriff to assess;
said property .s shown'' upon said'
supplementary roll and collect the
taxes thereon. The said parties of".
the second part agree to complete
said vok within three months from'
the date hereof; all of said work to'
be done in a good, workmanlike
manner, and 011 completion thereof1.
s;id work shall be carefully exam
ined by said second parties and er
rors corrected by them. And the
party of the first part hereby agrees
to pay to said second parties'
in payment for'such work as afore
said, eleven mills on every dollar,
of the assessable value of all prop
erty not assessed by the assessor
during the year 1893, and at ' the
time the supplementary roll herein
before described shall be turned
over tjO th nhoriff by the said sec
ond parties and reported 16 'the
.snei 111 uiOia;.;, r.v.'rr.
not to extend to any assessment for
years subsequent to the year 1893'
being agreed by h"nd between
the two parties hereto, that the said1
second parties shall rcceivej
nothing for their said services
until said
shall have
receiyed ths tdxes assessed upon ,
said property shown upon said sup
plementary assessment roll.
The saitl party of the first pari,
further ngrcos Jyi niiike an order of.
record, clirectiug the sheriff to set
aside the said sum of eleven mills'
upon each dollar of the assessed
value of all property from all collec
tions of taxes upon property that has
been erroneously omitted from the
original assessment roll of the yeai;
1893, and which said property shnl
have bwjn duly reported for assess
ment by' tho suid parties of the sec
ond part in accordance with thiij '
agreement; and to pay said sums,
into the hands of the county
- , . , '"
treasure of sid county as a sep
arate fund to be known as the,
".Sinking Fund" and to take the,
treasurer's separate receipt there
for. And thu said party of the hrst
part does hereby further agree that
the county court of said county
shall and will make on order of
record, directing the treasurer of
said county to keep said sums as f
separate fund to be known as the,
"sinking fund" and to open at(
account therefor in the books of
the county and lq apply said sums
constituting said fund solely to the
payment (jf warrants drawn it
favor of the said parties of the.
second part in payment of their
services for the work hereinbefore,
mentioned. And the said first
party further agrees to audit Ihe
claims of said second parlies at
each of its regular sessions and
order warrants drawn in favor of
said second parties for such sums,
as may be found due, and it is here
by expressly qgreed upon the part'
of T. It. Parker, one of the parties
of the second part hereto that in
consideration of the proportion of
percentage he is to receive by the
terms of this agreement, he does
hereby waive all claims for further
remuneration from the couuty of
Lincoln for his per deim and exn
peuscs in making present owner
plats of the realty in said county or ,
for taking transcripts of town plats,
as required by law, '
In witness whereof the county
court of said Lincoln county, has,
caused these presents to be signed '
by the county judge and commis
sinners of said couuty in ojien court
this 24th day of February, A. D.,1
1894, and the parties of the second'
p;irt have duly affixed their hands
and seals this day of February,'
A. I). 1894,
J). P., Co. Judge, j '
J. O. Stuarnh, Commissioner, !
M, L, Trapp, Commissioner,
For Lincoln County, Oregon,
J, S. Van Wi.nklh, seal.
Tin. It. Parkkr, seal.!
Done in the presence of,
John D. Daly,
M. It. Pkairs,
Road Master Con. Sullivan went
over the road Tuesday on a special
Whand) cnf, J'