Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 22, 1894, Image 4

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L i K JTk ABT.Kdltor tni Prnprl.tor.
ulilinhed every Thursday ni Toltdo, Uncol
. County, Oregon.'
Subscription Kates:
One year, - - . I-50
Imx months, - . . 5
Three months, - " . .50
Advertising rates mada kirn on npplliation
Justness ,, wis will le inserted In these enl.
I limns at live cents r line per week, and Mill
be run until ordered discontinued.
v EvetTf postmalcrln Lincoln county is authorjj-
; ed to act asiiKent lor the I.kakkk.
Jlntcrcd nt the postoiilc at Toledo, Oregon as
- nerand-clHss iiiull mutter. '
"JITttcS WfikrlniII.t. ........... h.. .
. V , iiujmTI nu.IIHTU 111)1 II HI
?!il the same may know that sonio friend has
firderpd it (or them and that they Mill not l,c
'ailed upon to pay lor It.
Official County Paper.
Protracted meetings closed last
J1. J. Lewis was up from New-
f'ort Tuesday.
John Lucas, of Rock Creek, is
The Rebecca C. was up after an
other cargo of lumber yesterday.
X Our W'aldport correspondent pre-
liVeiits another good letter this week,
ill 'lay hi weekly visits continue, '
neglected to mention the
feuni ' 1"'reJ Stiiiitoii from the
I "Jplumhia river, where he has been
I,.--Engaged in fishing for some time.
I Today is Washington's birthday.
Tom Fish and Iten Jones had pa
triotism enough to hoist the flag on
ine sian, ami "uia lilory" has
iieen waving all day.
Protracted meetings are in pro
gress nt the public hall in this city.
i Allien interest is being manifested
jv jll!iL, several converts have been
y , -"i The meetings are in charge
f jifkev. Wallace, of Junction City.
Tlie preliminary heaving of the
jiian Jell'ieys, chargi'd with stealing
afi oveivoal bcoiigin to N. Petit,
was! in hitnre Parker s courl
.H Vatuiina Tue.'nv. lellrevs was
Imiiiid over to the grand jury in the
sum of $100,
An editor that will print a ilia
's Jicioiis story upon a person without
iXfU tempting to h-arn the truth llieie-
V'ji'.'and then fail or refuse to make
r a true statement of the facts when
) so requested to do, is the essence
pf .stinkerisin. I he editor of the
Porvallis News, a thumb paper
printed at Corvallis, is now occupy-
ing that position,
A sister of Dr Davis came up
from Newport yesterday on t tie
Rebecca C, in order to take the
Ifrtin for her home outside today.
Afthe time on which the trains are
running it is almost impossible for
anyone at Newport' to get out in
time to get to Vaiiiina anil catch
-the east bound train. Newport
people are laboring under a ma
terial hardship.
For some occult reason the county
i'Oiiiinissioners court has been ad
journed from day to day with no
business being done. What tin
term is continued lor we are unable
to learn, as those whom we have
asked about profess not to know
why it is hanging on. As Com
missioner Stearns is now up and all
members will probably be present
l 'morrow, there will likely be
jioine business transacted.
A fellow went out to Corvallis
last v eek and circulated a story
il.u' t!i? editor ot this paper had been
fin iMv ejected from the oflice of
the P t by Coll Van Cleve. Of
untrue in every par-
'"nv -1 '1 xv.i
,u and
Today is aIega "holiday for
everybody trot printers. '.
Sheriff Landis had ' business in
Newport the first of the week.
A cancerous tumor was recently
removed from the face of Bert Van
It is rumored that A. O. Kroz-
siad is thinking of building some
houses for rent in this place.
Judge Stearns came up from Al-
j sea bay to attend commissioners'
court. He has not been in attend
ance at this term before,
The Oregon Pacific road has
made an $iH round trip rate to the
Mid-Winter fair, with a thirty clay
limit attached thereto.
E-iddle Kisor, who has been
visiting his sister Mrs. Copt-land,
of this place, for several days, re
turned to his home at Philomath
last Tuesday.
Our country correspondents did
exceedingly well last week. The
county was pretty well covered and
the news good. We hope that they
will keep up their lick.
The "Rebecca C." of Newport,
came up after a scow load of lum
ber for the new Odd Fellows build
ing at Newport last Monday. She
took down 18,000 feet from Krog-
stad's mill.
School Clerk Hooker, of this
place, has just completed the an
nual school census and reports 121
children of school age within the
district. Thy is an increase of
eleven over last year.
Of the ninny things of which
Toledo folks are properly proud,
not the least among them is the
quiet, decorous and gentleman and
lady like behavior of iheir young
people when attending public gath
erings of any kind. This trait
shows that the young people of
Toledo and vicinity recognize that
the true way to win the it-sped of
other people is to first respect them
I Ins olln e lias turned out -(,000
tax receipts for Sheriff I.andis', for
1893 taxes. The receipts are per
forated for stub, numbered, ruled
in red lilies and bound neatly and
substantially in board covers with
200 receipts to the book. The
work will compare most favorably
with Portland work, and it is being
done at a saving of 9.50 to the
county compared with Portland
prices. And the money stays at
home, Joo.
We are in receipt of a communi
cation Iroiij Corvallis, which bears
the. ear-marks of :j fake. It is, very
personal in its character, and we
only mention it in order that, we
might say, that while the columns
of the I.kadkk are open upon all
topics of interest, all commiicatioiis
that are of personal nature what
ever, must be over the writer's own
signature. We positively will not
let one man stab another in the
back through the medium of an
unsigned article in these columns,
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Western Transporta
tion Company, (the owners of the
steamer Volmita) was held at the
company's oflice in Va(tiiiia lust
Saturday. No business was done
outside of the regular election of
officers, though the steamboat pros
pect 011 the Hay was discussed
generally. The officers for the
ensuing year are, Win. Toner,
president; S. A. l.ogau, vice presi
dent: Jos. Alexander, secretary and
treasurer; S. A. l.ogan, Geo. King,
S. Case, Jos. Kendall, Thos. Horn
ing, Win. loner and Jos. Alex
under directors.
I'onnty Court.
The following proceedings have
been had in the commissioner's
court since our last issue:
Court convened in session as per
order of adjournment: Officers
present as before, (D. P, Bine.
judge; M. L. Trapp, commissioner;
B. I Jones, clerk and Geo. A.
Landis, sheriff.) and it appearine to
the court that there was no business j
to come before the court it was
ordered that the court stand ad-1
jotirned until Thursday, February
15, 1894.
Court convened as per order of
adjournment; officers present as
before, whereupon the following
proceeding were had: It Is hereby
ordered that the Beaver Creek Pre
cinct No. 22, be and the same is
hereby made a justice of the peace
precinct; and the electors of said
precinct arc authorized to elect a
justice of the peace and constable
at the regular June election in 1894.
It is ordered that the court stand
adjourned until Friday morning,
reby. 16 1894, at 9 oclock a. m.
The county judge and commis
sioners being absent the clerk ad
journed court until Saturday uiorn-
ine at 10 o clock a. m., Feb. 17,
Saturday morning, 10 o'clock a.
m. It appearing to the county
clerk that the county judge and
commissioners were all absent, the
clerk adjourned court until Monday
morning, Feb. 19, 1894, at 10
o'clock a. in.
The ju-Jgc and commissioners not
appearing' by 4 o'clock p. m. the
clerk adjourned court until Tuesday
9 o clock a. 111, February 20, 1894.
The judge ami commissioners not
appearing by 4 o'clock p. 111. the
cleik adjourned courl until Wed
nesday al 9 o'clock a. in. Feb. 21,
1894. ' '
Klk City News.
Mr. Holfiiiaii is here with a full
set of tools, and has gone to work
getting out stone on Dave Rams-
dell place. Mr. Hoffman is an ex
pert and pronounces the stone of
superior nualitv.
Mr. R, Simpson is sacking his
potatoes, and expects to ship by
the next boat to 'Frisco. When
this 'taler' money comes Rufe and
I will be down ami paint Toledo
Hverybody is pleased to know
that we are going to have the
bridge which we have so long
needed, The people have been
very liberal in subscribing work,
mid we propose to build a bridge
that will be the pride of Lincoln
About fifty of the neighbors gave
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Simpson a
surprise on the evening of the 15th.
All hands came in about seven
o'clock from front and rear, and it
gave Marsh such a surprise that it
made his hair stand straight up on
the top of his head, But Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson made all welcome.
Vs we had two violins the dining
room was soon cleared so there w as
room to dance two sets, and both
old and young went in for a good
time, and they had it. The older
Ggftrs, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc
Milliard h
hi i.i kiik.
Buy as much as possible. The place to do
this is at "CHEAP CASH STORE" of
T. P. FISH, where "Good Goods at Low
. . J .Triecs is the rule.
DO YOU' WANT FRUIT TREES?!Sec my Stock of FALL and wnter boots and shoes
" I Ready Made Clothins:, Etc.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Notions,
T. P. FISH, - - Toledo, Oregon.
The Loader in Low Trices.
It WW Pay YOU to see ME before Buying.
Warranted True to Name and Free From Disease
and Insect Pests
Home Grown nnd Hetilthy Trees
Toledo, Oreson
Abseil Hay N'olcs.
Considering the enfeeble 1 condition
. r .1 . .1- . .
. 1 r ., . r u oisiricc treasury t us would
Quite a large partv of the elite of , ., . . .
u'.,i,i.w.,, t .!.. ..- u.c way Of getting more
" ill ijflll UL 111 J 1.. M 1C IK. C OJ . l( ,
Mrs. II. Harrison Tliursdav
evening of lust week and gave her
a.iiirpiis,; 011 the anniversary of
licr birthday. The congregation
pnnsisll'il fif iltfv nvirrir. 1 f, Jl-
with the exception of the 'aii'diters ', tlns ycar-
... ! n.
ol tlicgeiiiaUjOStess. 1 he evening
passed ti'i !tr 'Le sootlii.vr influence
Austin Altree an 1 faimlv have
moved onto their farm near Nash
ville and will try farming again
of insti
nation i
Kobei t ;
are mei
con versa i ai
After v, Nhi'.i
n!a!, vocal and coniLi
ic, in which Messrs.
: A'. 1. Harrison, Jr.,
:;ous pel formers: sud-
. i ill intervals f social
and nut cracking.
the hostess
happy i . i '. is of the day, tlie stir
prisors , ,i: ted in the neighbor
hood o;' Inight mutually con
tented an ' congratulatoiy.
Mr. Kingsloy and Mr. Thaver
came in from Portland on Fridav:
A. IT. Ouyun, of W: ldport, was
a pleasant tu'der last Saturday..
! . Role. Chambers left for Portland Tuesday morning, where he
ex pec Is to get wor'c.
: C'mvpon' should reach our
otlu-e not later than Wednesday
evening of r.-uh week to insure
publication on that week.
A n a". his family by the
name ol linker from V'a-hiugton,
have rented the Olsen place
wild moved onto it last Monday.
u e un ieisian.i mat there is a
..imc iii mini i uitunm on rnuay:-
They repot t extremely hard times :k'kh1 I,n,snet'1: i'1"- "e litigation
in the nietronolis. i.i.onn men mit:ver t,,e steamer Richardson. It
folks, Mr. Simpson and his w ife in-
. -i,,.i. ..i t-..t .1.. i . ...
v., iv , .v. i ih'hii til ,i itiimii; (II la-'
: i . .. ....
bles in the parlor to play so.nekind "r omiiM
ol work. Surely Gov. L'ennovor
was not was not so very cranky
whtn that famous Cleveland letter
was letter was written. The Salem
board of trade ought to apolized to
the governor.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nice re
turned last Friday from a visit to
California. Of course thev took in
the (air and were not disappointed.
Mr. Nice avows himself very much
depressed at the outlook; his last
year's fish being still on hand and
unsaleable except at cost. Our
friend should not repine when so
many merchants are selling below
cost and at sheriff's sale; but tmlv
that McKinley bill was disastrous to
its supporters, and a number of in
terests suffered from.
Mr. Ouynn returned from Tole
do Sunday. I'.vcrythiug ijtiiet
about tlie seat of Lincoln county,
beyond a ripple of excitement res
pecting the coming county-seat
Several miners are pirambnlat
ft'enfs as though the silent partner
in the boat wants an accounting and
a settlement.
M1XHHXSON. At the Siletz, on
Sunday, Feby. iS, 1804, Wm.
H. Megginson, aged 24 years, by
drowning. The remains were
interred at Cape Foulweater on
Ill' If '11. lOll 1 1 l.ll T ..........
blank Stanton b.ou-ht us word , 1 am un;lhl ,( .
.... OH.., . 1 .... 1 1 c .1. . ! " '
'..! t'-C
. t 1 i!
iii 111
. , . i
bi-e b,
1 1 '
111.- tl, Vi.ll i,.n;,i,, il . . ' . . .
., m K.v,.. i .. ' ".co,,vl- 1 M""U" 1,1 ,,,chvliat games they were pliviii, but,
,i i.
.it., . ....
ili n ...... i, x i ,J. . '. eie an ine nine laiKing anout os- nieth.Hl to ils, S.., .... m,..,.Vi1 . ... i,..,i iM,..n !....., .s .
It created some fun ... ,' ., ! " ... ... J ullM ''l'a,,w-
. . ' H or table they talked of "playing it
IHM lie 1..1..I, ,,r i,.. r.,.r.. 1,u C, I . . . 1 "
, v h ",v ,v"-' "v " .none aiu iHtlnuT -.. ,,i ,
v'orvallis fellows,
i'i iTnr i ,i i i .. i.ii i hi . i 1, l.v . . ..
;' u.e .euy came .km ...okch half p.M eleven there as a change
., .'".T , , .'caud was Rone. P-eing in iIk ,,,,,..,,. ,.nch limo w
I i 'I'h.s Itllorms i:s l, he iiiivIuik I.i net ..r.isa lie il t. .iiii.l. ..I . ....
: . , ' autumn. cvl, .uul 1 bt-iug an expert
and drinkables
1 1
.1 1 1 in 'ii i e v v t ,
to ivlUvi taxes to bud the river on his horse. The 0n e.iti' h s
i ist, at which' river was
ipii'e high but ho
i r,''. i"V l.ixe-..
but as 1 is hoise went to climb vhii-h i-i it i to steep,
,lu' too shol t I
1k things w I
!i ive llie iiieiiK ii. re.ichc l the opposite side in safety
'.l i t ;md will be le.l ly
To all mm
. ' . i. ...I. ... ;-. ! i .i t 10 0
ll.n . i,....:,v . ...... ' ., , .
i.v on-, ii, ii .si.ui- uie ni Kiio rem a stuuieu oi ...i., i
'n ..nioiint of their taxes jot k , throwing his hoise backward M,s, Sim;
I'u, . in ui.n a eiy icw ontu him and 1 Hiding both in th
give 'U an outline f
W'e had. - i Y im I'm
tdl of all t"'o
' I lo cat. It w as just
A I hall past m e t.
'.'iMie, leaving Mr. and
"ii bidioving that thev
hearts of xve ha
" II S id
' I''"
llt'I.I .'I 11;1-M lit k . ... in tl
l...';l I.i urn .... .. . I. .. ,
..)....! xx.'iu ine man on ine utu.or- ull lu ,, ;,hil. ii)m .
ii'.'.ng taxes wnl bo M,lo. noxer i i... i i ... . .
.niim me i'i -i aim iin-si success- a ;ati'.Mini.'ns
I.Alli iV I .! slleull ........ .. .1 i' II.'. .
,. . ' l" uu :u""11 ,"'mu lul social p.o '.v we h.ixo a-tcn 'cd luss w
. ,m..kmg lu.iiiiies an- on a ho.ixy lubber cut and ,m the Pay.
f .v'C-;U 1 to lite their nihln r buis. wlii.-l. ..iit.i ,.. '" .. . ,u ' '
a.i . Jij;..t lorgctto prevented his swimming, and the
;.;. T"x- t..v! iv ill river is unite swilt at the ,mit. 1 1.. paxis' liousohoM g.H, Is
:! -Vxa.i.ity -vat thii llis body was found on Tuesday aitixe 1 last Mmidav, an I ., he
:. Uuvelo.n over the about p.noe miles below xxheie ho and his w iio are domiciled in Titos.
!' '-": ,; ; was drowned. lloruiug's house on the hill.
are at xvoik on the beach between
here and the Vahats oviok, and
suppressed whispers bie '.tl.e ofn
ipiaitz ledi;e so newhere amid the
mountains of th Coast range.
It is s.ii 1 a sti uncr is to c ;no in
to our bay diroc. from San Piau
cisco at an early date. Who sncs
we are retrogi.i irg. Sumo have
goods ordered ; id pai 1 for List Ju
ly vacillating Iietween here and
ice. We ptay the
lot a chimera, 'hen
our goods may
gular comiiu'iiic:i-
nu-atis corrup'. "die
Ijiort cilit'iis.
1 bav News
eek. Wo fell
vcthi'.'g. Not
ig. mind yon,
!in as tho;i.;h
The following are the transfers
of real estate filed in the countv
clerk's office since our last report
C M Starr and wife to K II
lialdwin, block "It" of the
town ot Newport, $oo oo
Satn'l Case an 1 wife to John
I.oomis; undivided inter
est in lot 3, blk i2, Case
iS. Bay.ley's ist ad. to New
port, So oo
J R D.iyley and w ife to John
l.oo'.uis; undivided inter-,
est in lot 3, blk u, Case
vS: M.iyley's 1st ad to New
port, So oo
Notice for Publication.
I mill (Htiiv hi Oi i'iruii city, i iri''nii.
hi'l.rlliit v l. Isul
i'iiTIi 1" is hiMx'i-v i;ii'ii Oiilt (,p iell.iii.ini..
I -I'Mlrr till - iili'.l ll.iliin' of iii. iiiU'M-
'!vr! el lit-. ,'!iii:ii,
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Notlcp fov I-iVIicntion.
'. Uli'l 1' ' .V ill i , . in.,,., in-.'. M.
t:;,l- 1 ., l .
1 u jj that putt ex or
the suppei. l',,1,11"s boat be
stuck: life is V-'1' ;i'lvct'tme
k tuateri.ili i , 1
-i i
i: i- h
. a ..
I1..TI t -ii'.,.
Hll'l ihiC -iM'l 1
i .'limy i 'irl. .1 I e
Oilmen, nil Aiin! i. I
I ii.l. I .i.P
(ion mil. I bv
lll.llllKIs of ',
The Ya.piii
Unite t.uae last
il.T Ol.'
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111' IH" ,
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'e til.' :'.'tl..i in.
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Alter 1
iiiw.ivs p' .:
.'"ooth soloiu
uk pools.
Some of our
to h.lVO .1 si:
M.iu fi.t ate
and not reret.d'le
lidded w.i'.d ; 'tis
io sweep into the
dnft of the ilciu
ciyle arc anvicis
cKptioM school at
-rio.l of the xear.
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i' -i ' -' i -l Or, : .
l."CI 1,T X MIL! I I!, !.!-!er.
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing. '
Cigars and Tobacco, fruits and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Lincoln County Leader.
The Official Paper of Lincoln
Gives more Local News than all
the other Papers in the
County Combined, I
Fcuvloss, Outspoen and Free.!
It is not controlled by any
Clique or King. !
It is worthy of the support of
every Taxpayer in the
You get all the Official County
News, and the all Local
Call on or address