Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 22, 1894, Image 1

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    Remember thaTthlsmner
is the only one in Lincoln
or Benton county that has
tne courage lo stand for
Volume I.
LiNcoLft cocvrt.
Joint Senator -
County Judge
School Superintendent
Surveyor - .
Assessor - -Coroner
Commissioners J
- C. B. Crosiio
D. P. Blue
, B. F. Jones
liBorge Landis
Henry Denlinger
inas. Booth
Jos. Gidenn
- T.E. Parker
J as. Kussell
J. O. Stearns
M. L. Trapp
Justice of the Peace
A. E. Altree
J A Hall
ICTTTHnTilBT rUTCmnn r.Tn.r.n.. 1 .
n - wrAu ini m n; -Divine
BteJ-S11 heldun(Jer theMispices 0f
jtw bTih i p k 1 as follows:
tovu uiuiun at 1K Illy SScHooI
c 11 a. ra. ana
CiT." i i nlre Degins at 6:30 p. m.
r, " - i. i uurcn, ,ewpori, at
E v I?-,fnd 7 p- m: Fourtfi Sunday at Yaqnlna
School House, at 11 a m mt ini lrt... -1 a i.
(D: . All are cordially invited to attend.
A. L. HAWLEY, rWorr '
. Addressi Toledo, Oregon.
WlRST BAPTISTS. Meet every first Sunday
X in each month, k U a. m. and also on the
Mieieuingine aoove sunaav; at 2 p.
hi., in the Toledo Public Hall. h. ti. Bntler,
Resident Pastor. '
RTn J?HN"f ilH-LW;H iPft6Stent Episcopal.
O Divine service lie tfiird. Sunday of every
11 a. m. u are invitee, to attend
Rev. l.has. Boothi Missionary: Residence
'Rectory," Newport, Or.
1 -neao Lodge, so. 108. . Meet
JL.every Friday evening at their hall in this
ftEKOs Arnold, Sec'y. J. S. Oai-ther, X.O
f. 9 , T. MeetA evgry Thursday evening.
:30 o'clock, in irady's hall, this town, A.
. Hawley. C. T. R. E. Collins, Secretary;
p A. and I. U. Toledo Union, No. lift. Meets
f eyerv Saturday evening, lo . clock, in Brady's
...... ... ...i "". cvvn uiemoers requested to I : T. Hcedr, l'fesident; J.J.Turnldire.
f O. O. E.-vBay Lodge No. 11, of Yaonina t'itv
f- meets every Saturday evening Visiting
. v.uv.o uiv Bin ... a nciUUlUV. ' V s-
E. BUBKows, Secretary. j. N. Stark, K. b
f O. Oi Fi Newport Lodge No. 89. meets even-
Saturday evening, visiting brothef Sare'cor-
Oyros' Dixon
I. L. Smith, Secretary:
N. G.
1 P.iA. M. NfiSport Lodge No. , regular
7- convocation o Saturday on or before Tach
lull moori. Visiting brothers are cordially
Vclcomed. Jas. H. Russstt. V. M.
Jas. Robertson, Secy.
(TJ A. R. Phil Sheridan Post No. 24, meets
v every second and fourth Thursday evening.
-:('ko. Sylvester, Com.
R. A. Bii?LL, Adjt. J
Corvaflts; Oregon
T.J feufdrd, Prop.
6hafge Reaa'driable.
- -
Justfc'e of the pWc'S
I'AliYitt.' nWarnn.'
)eeds, Mortyatres. and all kinds of leirnl nanAr.
executed with correctness. Careful .ttention
given to all business entrusted to my care.
in d: siikparj);
kesideii'ce, Stanford,' Oregon.
, Business fn aV court in Lii&cttn
Qpunty promptly and" ea'refully at
tended to.'
, Attorney-at-Law,
Toledo,' L,te6lri oiinTy, Oregon.
froUectionx, Con veijanchtg,
find Court Practice
kAfor. hv r,rmlittfn'tn Vr.C.nv .1 K Pitl.lmrv
V. 8. Senator V. D. Vashburn, Gen. John J'.
Rea, Ex-Coramandef-iti-Chlef G. A. R., Min
neapolis, Minn., Hon.'Martin F. Morris and J
J. Darlington. Ksn.. Washitiaton. D. C. Schuy
ler Uuryea, t hief Clerk Fateut office, Fairiax
County, Va., and Kav. Chas. Booth, New port,
Ths Weill h,
regon Pacific Railroad.
r E. V.;,HADLEYl Receiver,'
Jirect l.lne-Onick niffiatcll-liow Freight
Between ViilnmettiVallay points and Han
tves San Francisco November 6th, Htb and -JtJ.
UW,( ; j
aves YaV,uina November 9th, l!Uh and 2Stb.
'r-i. I
tnd abont every ten days thereafter. ,
kIfCompianTrMrvethe right to change .
"utng daiea without notice. '
I,;! , ..... .. r . .
"'r "'lre)e!tweeri Vhrflaiid and- Salem r,m;
l'pier l UlamelIi1 rKer point
! "
m u-l v n y o n n . aa m v
I lUieQO. Lincoln Lountv Worm 'ThurerJ-iu rAu - iQai U L. ..
We are now i
In otder to make room for
Which will arrive garly In March.
This is no humbup? WF
and JJt
" Suits
""to CliAVl PC7UUf t V'USl.
Mackintoshes Und Gum Wear at Cost.
Ladies' Wraps and Jackets at and below
" Dress Goods at Cost.
" Hosiery and Underwear at Cost.
Ladies' and Children's
Don't Send awdV for VOur GnorU anrl huo nthor
peop!3 select them for you. Come" and select
your own Goods arid we Will
0 J
Guarantee your Satisfaction.
Agent for Brownsville Woolen
Mills Groods; Measures taken
aiid Fits Gruaranteed.
pK O'BRIEN'S scta!rme
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal iLands,T6wn
Property in single' Lots or Blocks
Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincolf fjouniy
furnished ort tfe'riiftnch
, , The place to get yonf
ii lit heads;
etc.; . ,
And all kinds'ol
Is at th
V0f Price" and Worlc' Satisfactory
r f- -
v vusv uur
mpAKi iiict uuat ur cav
"Mi jwwi mini wi b wn I
oys Uvercoats at Cost.
at Cost.
Slides at Cost.
- ' 1 w. w w WVIIWI
sea House
IfaUlpoHf Lincoln County,
ilea5quarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Cojpfprt; tlnlineas and. good grub
at low rates, our motto. ,m
feed stablt and saddle ponies.
- - ......
Wm. R. WakefiblA, Prop.
,t. raoriiicToa or (
Toledo Meat Marketj'
Ff csli and Cntcd Sleats
Toledo, - rfregon.
fi. T. JMrFREYk,
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Liricolr County."
'Solicit correspondence,
fuliv grfed.
So ch'.fges unless
Fartns for.JSale
,1 have several farms,' botL 6ilH
vated and uncultivated, In
tracts ol 40 acres cvf upwards,
'lhese .lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture. Will
be spld very clieap and on reason
able terms. Anyone -desiring to
purchase such land ; will do well to
call on or address .
The A
I tf.'
Lnt'.e Klk, Oregon.
J v,,6v "ijmbj) 1 mv. iiumuer ji.
Notice for Pnrjlication.
Land Othceat Oregon tlty, Oregon. i
January l. 1. j
V0TICK is hereby given that the follontng
namei settler has tiled notice o( his tnten
tlon to ma w Anal proof in support of his claim
and ihat said proof will be mad bvfom ih
County t erk of Lincoln county at Toledo. Ore.
gon, on March W.lsm, via:
ariaa Halt, H. k. He. Till.
for the northwest 'i of section 14, town 11 south.
He namCMhe fvdlowing witnesses tntimv hi.
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
Win. Iwrence. Wm. Itauin. all of l.lnu Kit
Administrator's Notice.
In the fouhty I'burt of Lincoln County, state
of Ortfon ?
unuersigneu nas oeen appoitiica by the
County Court of Lincoln coulltf, orcgnh, ad-
mimsiraior oi ine esiaie ot re'er KCtman, de
ceased, late of l.incolu Couritr, .Oregiin. All
hereby notilieJ to present them duly voritid,
to the undersigned at Waldptirt, tiregoij, with
in six months from the date of this notice: knd
all persona indfbtwl to said estate art notified
to settle the same immediate!;. ,
I'mru si luivuo, Mn-gun, inis .vtn oaj oi itec
ailier, lSKi. A. H. til'YNN;.
Notice for Publieation.
Ijuid Office at Oregon City, Oregon,)
February 1st, 1KM. I
XOTICKlshcieby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his inten
tion to make II rial proof In supjiort of his claim
and that sstd proof will be nade before th
County clerk. of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Ore
gon, on, March Jfi. lrtii, vis:
. Klrairr HhnaHrs, H. K. No. 7.06l
for th6 wuth of tirthwest 4 seclluii ,ll and
3. ::...'u?t i.-i iiui .'4 K'l mj.-.o-u 11, UtMi
11 south, range 11 west.
lie names the follow ing witnesses to prove
his comiu nous residence upon and cultivation
of si1 laiid. vt: .I. w. I'arrlsh, Alonto liun
ilcft. tico. A. IjuhIIs and A. J. Under, all of Tole
do, Otegoii. lSOHKltT A. MlLLKlt, Ucglsur
Type Writer.
-wil buy the OPKLL TYPE WftlTKH
ith 78 Pharai-tcr, and tlu-.fbf.lhKFlS-
bcuer norn man any jiiarhlne uhlv
It cibiuen HiniiiHclty with duraMllly, ntetA.
eae of oporallon, wearf loiiaor without oont tif
rcjmirn 1 11 nil but ouicr nmriuiiQ. tit
rlbUm Ui bother the uteratur.' 1(,(k
h no Ink
float. iil.
Htantlal, nlckle-plated, terfert, anrlfapted to
all kiudsof typewriting. Like a irfitinii:pre!n(
ii pr(.Kiuit!H Mnnrp, cu'su, u'Kmio innuni'rNtfjt,
Two or ten mmieii can lie nutria at mm wrtifinr
Any inte),liiienlti'Kn enn M'ctnne an operator
In two dajs. e offtr f.iV0 to any ojK?ntor
who ran equal the work of the iioliTl.ft CASK
hh-.i,i .
Keliable Atrentn and Salefiuien wanted, Hpee
iaUnduemeutH to Dealert. ti
Ftor Pamphlet giving lidorsdment!,' etc.," ad
dretiH. - - , . r
Odell Type Writer Co.
S.Mt-3tU Dearborn bl.
CHIC Alio,'
Iffota Public
Toledo, - Oreeon
Notice, is hereby given that the
approved plat of survey of Township
12 South of Ra'ne to West has
been received frorq tl(j?t Surveyor
General of Oregon and o
Mrch 12, 1894, ,
at 9 o'clock a. m. of said dhy said
pJat will tx fied in this L.ofTice and
the land therein embraced Will be
subject to entry on and after said
Robert A. RiLWR.' Re;;
PetUr PAquet, Receiver.'
Peoples Party fJo'nrJty Conven
tion. ( i - frfedo,Orcrin; Fcl) lli JH. ,
frne County Convention of tne Peoples Tarry
of Lincoln County, Oregon, Is hereby called to
meet at Toledo, on Mnfra nth, 1MM, for the
pnrpose m tioininating candidates for County
atllcers, to he voted for at the general eloi-tlon
In June, and the election of 4 delegates To this
State Convention, and for the transaction of
sucJi other business nifct properly come be
fore the convention: ?'l (i -
The convention shall tie composed of il (Tele
gates, apportioned as follows:
Newport l'reolnct, 3 Yaqulna Precinct,
Toledo , ' 4 Klk City " 2
MttleWk 4 Nashville " I
Big Klk " 1 lHfMlreck " I
Uiwer Alsea 7) Tidewater " 1
Yabets . - c i
' It Is desired, where it Is sufllclenlly under
stood, that the delegates to this convention be
elected by the preferential vote, and that the
delegation ba full and conipli tl. "
' I tv. I'AltltlHII.j.
Chairman Co. Com.
Kotic.'. i.i.
...The members of the Democratic
couiity. central committee art rfe-,
quested to meet at tvoledo on the
27th day qf February,' 1894, lor the
purpose; of. naming a .time1 to hold
precinct and.wunty conventions,
and making appoitiofiments for the
number of delegates from the
various precincts, gnd for the elec
tion of a chairma i of the county,
committee; and for such other
buisnsd pa m.iy come properly be
fore the somuiittc?. ....
B. F. Jonks, Comraitteman,.
Toledo Precinct.
RoUses A Torpid
Render .
The Amity Popgun has shot its A matt near SpringfielA was re
last wad. ' cently fined $50 by a justice of the
A minister at Huemt Yinta kissed
an vtiimai-ried member of his flock
and a great to do is being raised
about it. What did they expect
him to do, go around kissing the
married members?
L. Y. Wilson announces himself
as an independent cadidate for clerk
of Benton county, and gives as his
feasbh for Funning that he w&uts
the office. A good reason certainly,
and a true one, prtibably(
-e-j . , . -
U. II. Belknap, of Montoe; is
mentioned as a probable republican
candidate' ibr joint SenaWF dt Lin
coln and Bentoii counties. His
Strongest opposing candidate seems
to be Geo. Waggoner, of Corvallis.
1 ''"'
The Salem Independent does not
believe in the efticacy of the "pre
ferential' vot for offices higher than
the county; It objects because it
wtiuld be too cumbersome tmd
would not exp'rtiss Ihe will bf the
ihe order has gone tortu trom
the Mid'Winter fair managers that
all press passes to the fair rttnSt
bear a photHgrHpii of the perstifi t6
whom the pass was issued; A sort
of Chinese register business And
also a standing insinuation that nil
newspapei men are dishonest
I lie olil gag about tno supreme
court decisiUfi in a clou case is go1
ing the rounds of the pre'ss nd
nevet seems to wither or decay. A
Salem lawyer asserts that the
Oregon supreme court never had
a dog case befdro it find the so
called decision is simply tlie pro
duct of sonic fertile" newspaper mrtit's
There exists lii tlit minds of many
of our people a firm belief that Col,
Hogg will eenUfally cotitrot hnd
rhti the Oregon Pacific." Upon
what tfifcy bflse" their fond hopes we
do not know, but if Col. Hogg
should ftgMf fcftme into power we
sincerely hope thfft It will b with
"stufT' enough to' cbrapiiite- the
original s'theihr? and bh'n'g the fciad
to 8 full developem'ut.'
The Preponderance of testimonv
. . ..
seemf tfe! incline to establish the
charge that (lit? so-called Mid-
Wlntif fair is going to rapidly de
velop into a fourth-rate show,
The evidences of a shrewd, sclifcrrle
to uiaw people 10 v,aiuornia 10
beguile away their money ar
plentiful. Mike De Young,' (lie
leading, spirit fh. .WS PnterprisC,
floes' not add any faith to the fair.
In the coming election as far as
eounty office's are concerned; polit
ical lines are going to be lost sight
of to a great extent. Very few
candidates fff? ffolrig to be success
ful simply because they belong to
or affiliate with any particular party.'
The peopl? generally are goinf to
tjrt .1.. r. nr, t.t. "t
iook 10 inc niness aim capaonuy 01
the candidates they vote for,' and
have more1 business and less poli
tics.' The decision of Judge Fullcrton
Mst week that the county funds in
the Hamilton, Job &Co. bank were
trust JuikIh, placrs, the prosecution
ofthejob brothers and Davis in
this cputitjr, '.who are now under
indictment, in a very straight ro.1q.
It would ap'tcar that a conviction
can fily be avoided by a reversal
of the decision hy, the' supreme court
t)i a failurt oil the part of the prose
cution to prove the ddmind, for
the money, as alleged by the County
Ireasurer Denlinger. Still there
may b other, loop-hole bp which
tue prosecution may tail.
VC notice that ninny ol the
Counties in tlx- ftatc rrc hnviti;
trtaiblu uilli the printini? firm of
Den Jrwiii &.V.u.'hA icr by the
publislirfl rcp'fti tliat their i'ills
;.ro .iii', 'luilt . fr'Viiiriitly cut r
Lid .over
This county lit..lind
fjoiue trouble with
the srfuic firm.
the court claiit)iiiKni "fi rcliarg',J
of 25 on a $25 trder, or just dub
liiiK up on tlit- prict , We were
present ;il;; whin theirtf ilji'i
came licfiite the (joj-iiI ' -.ini !u,ud
Miirfe' g-j-r.t!d kicks rKistKd ni
thi.t tiiiici Wljfi a et'tinty mmtf
t j , - ' . M .
outside for work which pf-tt.r in
tlnirowii eouyty do tiny
oil iiino times out of trn.
t 1
peace for killing a Chinese pheasant.
He will appenl the case lo the dis
trict court.
The next session of the legisla
ture is guing to witness a strong
fight for the division of Lane county,
and the prospect at this time looks
as if the fight would be successful.
. :
The republican County tonVfin
tibn will be composed of thirty-one
delegates. Should there be the
usual number of proxies the con
vention will be controlled nnd nOmi;
nations made by a very few deie
gatesi The man who lives in the country
yearns for the city. The mart who
lives in the city yearns for the
countfyt The fHrmeF would seek
the pent up ptec'iiicts tif the town,
and bend over icdgefsj the cierki
already bent double over ledgers,
craves the' free- rtlr and uueonfined
horizon of the country; tli5 dlstitnt
hills nnd the broad acres between
Hut tile rule is, where etther one
. . 1 - ' i. . ! . . .. .
uua till liuiliy to uiukc tue
desifed tiliiiige they heartily wish
themselvf!s kick to their orlgiiila
C. N: Scott, ex-reeeiv-rt til the
Orcgoniaii Raiiw3y Compaiiy. R
A. liitiscu ana Albert J. Kay nave
interested themselves in a dairy
enterprise in Washingtoii comity;
They have le.ified the Coiouei Ti R.
Corneliu.5 fnfni bf ferfrl acres, on
which iit?y wili i)c'gln to operate a
crtamery diioiit Mtirch 1. At first
they will milk ioocows, and gather
milk from neighboring farmers;
Mr. Rav is a son of Tohn Riiv. find
Is wil kllcjwll .in Beiitoti ntid tlii'
colli couiillcs, having been a mer
chant in Corvallis and a banker at
F. D. Smith; formerly of Wagner
who drf big Examiner prlie
last yeaf; died receritly' Kt Lake
view, fro'iu the effects of hniputation
of & bro'keu limb.' The brolctn leg
wast received in a runaway, and
from exposure ga'iigfc'tie ftef in.
Smith never lived On .His ornnge
(firm, but sold i.t soon lifter he won
it for $6,obb. This he managed to
get rid of by dissipation iii a few
months,' and he died penniless.',
He was ill his cups , wiien the ac
cident tlappened which resulted in
his deathj .tfijd what he thought his
great good fortune proved to be his
undoing. Fossil Journal.'
fV-t-e-eti s
The Capital Journal, of Salem,
has been threshing over a lot of
0. P. straw and the most of their
titterings hjive , been vhfild. and
naseous, put they have made one
accusation against judge Fuljetton
that shou'tj .be denied,, if untrue,
and the paperuiiished for( ta
Utterance thereof., We refer tp the
cha.i;ge thatt.V. ,S. McFaddeti, ,.pf
C)oj:villis,.was apripjnttl, attorney
for Receiver .Clark , to p,n,y for
political services rendered -the
judge diirW the .la'strcatiip'aign.
It this charge only a (felted ui the
Judge hi person it woUJu npt matter
but Jt affecia the very trutb. and
purity of tjje court, itself, tqild if
allowed to go unchallenged ly th,e
court, ft is a. tacit admission of
guilt, and thereby robs the curt of
much oj, tjie resjiect of the people
which it should hold..
..A lot of papers. arq grinding oway
on the old IIadtcy; grist, go(ug over
stuff that has been gone1 over sever
al Mouths ago. Tlic.tnosl notable
feature fit their,yoii:iferations is that
they were as rnijck jind f servile as
ever slave was o. master wuil
Hadley and Mulct hy were playing
thcf. desperate game. , They did
not dare ptint d lli'e in favct of the
laborer ns against the men who
were robbing then', for the fear that
the . high and . U'ltfUty , Mqtcaliy
milif get angry qi 1 take up their
advertising contract and then they
wrultlget no mwc' fjee Hdes over
the gieat trans-contiucnlal Orcgoif
Pacific. But-,, tio.v ' Hadley . and
Mulrahy ftro remo- id frOui fower
nnd their free rides leJng no longer
n danger theyjuniipiitotherd with
jbothfeeti Afttr ril Hadley, , who
j kept the men out of their wages, is
j about as much o be respected . as
I the cringing crowd of newspaper
fiwncr who knew Of the deviltry
I nVhatj LLx-ii.iijoi'ths stopped with
'r"'! 'rip fn.i'
The deader should b
read by every tax-payer
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
Harlan Notes.
Snowing this morning.
Jerry Banks was at Harlan visit
ing friends. Look out C. G.
Ben Young is slowly recovering
from a serious wound on his hand.
Li W, Mulvany has returned to
his home in Fairmount, Oregon,
after about a month's stay at
If the minister and his wife moved , ,
oh Big F.ik in March, his wife wil
teach the school and then we can
have churdh and Sunday School. ,,
every Sunday, iiig Elk will be hi
iiiiaveii before fall.
Rain, rain pienty of rain.
Albert Wadklns bdssed througa
the town of Harlan the other day
Citorge' Simmons and his son re
turned to this lowri last week.
What is the' matter with ouf
Sunday School; brothers and sistersf
News scarce this week.
Miss ForTunb.
Nasihvitle Notes;
We still continue to have plenty1
of rain tlnd stiow.
Speitc'e CJershond came dowii
Sunday from Hoskins after hiss
sister, iliiis Alice tJersliond. He;
rcpoiis the snow niild iiichfis deep'
at tlirlt iittce;
Rfiss1 Lucy Eddy, of C'hitwood ijj
visiting her sister, Mrsi H; S. Porter;
of this place,
A. h. Porter made A flying tripl
to Corvallis the fb're Jiart of the
Mr: Irisii and family1 has now
arrived and are now iii their neW
lio'me M litippy as a clan) at lilgti
There wits' ij party given! at the
residence bf It; S. Porter on thtj
14th A good time wds h'itd;
Mr. Rhucndplf; of Portland, hai
moved lit o'li iiti ranch at Norton.
The sheep men of this place are
talking of organizing, and paying
bounty o'li bear, panther arid wild
cats in a. district, wlllcn they will
orm. Hie cattle men are alstj
talking of organizing and try and
effect some plan lei stop people ''
from drjvliig cattle from' cine neigh '
brirhoou to another." 1
Mr. , jil Bryant thinks2 the
climate on Steer Creek much milder
man 011 vaqmnOj st 01 course ne
spelids most of his time ovet there.'
Ye , scribe had the pleasure .of
atte'ndliiii tlie.litqfary k Little Elk
last Friday night.' Everyone per-,
forrhed His part in good shape. It
is rt g'ood thiiig for theaConitttunity.'
Among the people thntnre being1
talked pf for officesjs A; S. fekinner,'
for school Biipcriutcriderit, and Jaa.'
Hamar,' fer.', .for comiufasiorier.
bated iftbi 19, 1894.' .
. .M..(. IJAKD.14ACIC.' ,
kk'citv leifis: i
L t 1 v t) .h k I J
(Received too late for last week.)
R. F. f iinpsoif ij sac
spuds for a shipment will
ship 300
sacks. r ,
Two of. the Elk City boy9 mad
calls pn every hrmse ixi town withj
saw J.n.dsiw-hgrse fill wbdwert,
lucky enough to have wood to saw.
reeejved their compliments and e
pccially Mrs.,8. V. t)j , .
Chester ;JJixou.. madq the rut
down the river, with his raft, all '
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Logan are in
town toddy; , - ,v.(i i
Bridge meeting was well, attend-,
ed yestertjay,' Everydne, seemed to
be .willing, to give tie fatter a lift-,'.r
AVout $200 jn ,work was subscribed
witliiji a.fci mitiiHes, This is a,
shipping point Lit a large portion
of Lincoln county, aty3, the old way,
of handling freight four . times to.
get it Uirce.hundrtdfeet flcrdsrl the,
rivef will be given tip with joy to
V'alcntiuf:..j wcte quiet numerous
uptown yesterday, , , , ' t
An o'tHn'sliiojied snrp.rise party at
M. W. ;Hirnjsou'8 Thursday even-i
Itig. About 1 fifty : neighbors and!
friends with basket filled .with Bli
the good.thlifgs known to the Culi
nary department. . Everybody was
made happy, old Folks ith whi-tt.
and the young folks With dancing.
Everyone seemed to lorget t-it
h rd timeiptilpast iu'dnight.
, r.b i( i8c,4. J. v-.
1 Jack
' it
- )
J ;
' 1
. Wf "Js" wlsflwi''".1