Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 15, 1894, Image 4

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J. r. STEWiHT.MItor iul Proprietor.
'julillshwl every Thursday t Toledo, Ltneol
C ounty, OreKofl. '
Subscription ltates;
Pneyeat, - - $1.50
Sixmonths, ... ,75
Three months, - - .50
dvertiKlntr rataa nide kn'itvn on a)l!ratton
lufncKH UohIb will be liiborted In tJieM rol
umuii at live htK r line H!r week, Hiid will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every poRtmafiter l:i Ltnroln vnnty Is nuthorlz
ei to act an uiceiu tor me i.kaiek.
Entered at the poMnlfli-a at Toledo, Oregon, an
necouu-ciHw man matter.
Fart left repeivltiKtbl8iai.r who have not orrl
f rod the name may know that mono friend hax
'.NlFl It f... (llA.n .1..... U-.ll ..... 1...
rll,l u,.,,t t r.MV f,.r4l
... .... ...
Official County Paper.
E. L. Davidson, of Newport, was
jn the city last Monday.
O. V. Hurt and Jas. Gaither
tvere over from Siletz this week.
' Mr. Cressy, of Monmouth, for
merly of Newport, was jn town to
Judge nine went out to Corvallis
pn business Tuesday morning, re
(timing Wednesday evening..
A very pleasant birthday pqrty
iVn? Cri'"0 ! brmnr nf Will Tf ii'h's
K4, birthday last Saturday night.
The Corvallis Gazette celebrated
jts, thirtieth birthday last week, and
gives promise of many more useful
future years.
There is not a vacant dwelling
iouse in Toledo that . is . for, rent.
This speaks volumes for Toledo in
jhese dull times.
Marriage licenses were issued by
(bit county clerk this week to J. K,
Waugh and Miss Rosa Rnder, and
f. Ihirrows and S. S. Winanis,
The, republican committee held a
meeting (it Vhi( Cleve's office Weil:
iii-sd vy. The county convention is
called for April 4, and the prima
ries for t.uch 27,
Correspondents will please bear
jn mind -that we want 1 licit: invn
name with every letter. This name
is not published except requested to
do so, but our owi ptlm Hu,st de
jnand these names,
i It, Gallagher, a shoo drum
mer of Sun Francisco, was in town
winy, pruminers have been a article for some time and the
appearance of one seems like a har
binger of better tjiuos,
Charley Williams started for San
Jfrancisco on the steamer pel Norte
today, where he goes as a delegate
(o the Trans-Mississippi convention
having been appointed by the May
or of Storrs. to represent that city.
We understand that the tux in
junction case against Sheriff I,an
ilis, which was recently decided in
favor of the Sheriff, will be appeal
ed by the Corvallis parties bringing
the suit will be appealed to the su
premo court,
The devil of this office had a job
on his hands last week by losing
an item about the party at Mr, and
Mis. Vincent's on Wednesday ev
ening, a week ago. A very enjoy
able time was reported by all who
The columns of this paper are
open very freely to the republicans
for their convention and primary
calls, and the publication of the
tauic would cost them nothing.
Still, if they do not wish to furnish
ps w ith the copy, we can't veiy
well publish it,
Negotiations are under way for
the purchase of 0 steam dredge or
titeam. shovel to be used on this bay
f.nd trlhutaries for dyking uud
dredging out shallow channels.
The party who is winking the mat
ter is an old hand with such ma
chinery and thoroughly under
stands the work, lie proposes to
dyke the land on shaic or for cash
where the parties so desire. If the
pcheme is successful the tide-lands
will all soon be substantially dyked
And will lie good, useful land in
ittead of waste, as it piincipally.
Judge Hlne infoims us that the
case of Kenton county versus J . U. j
lliyson, assignee of Hamilton, Job 1
tNf Co. has been decided in favor of j county, the court declaring that
the funds of the county on dcHsit !
in the bnnk were trust funds and j
not applicable to 11 pro rata distri-J
billion among the creditors of the
insolvent bank. This will directly
affect our county and if the decision
holds will assure our county ag linst
Joss. The case will be apivaled to
the supreme court, where it will be
further adjudicated,
A. T- Peterson was apjioirU-u
road supervisor of Toledo district
by the county court and has already
got some men ou to work on the
Nate Petit, one of the O. P.
bridge, men, left his over coat on
the west boutjd train some, time ago.
He telegraphed to Yaquina for it
but the car sweeper at Yaquhra
reported that the coat had not been
seen. Becoming suspicious Petit
went down to Vaquina Tuesday
and swore out a search warrant and
searched the premises of Jeffreys,
the car sweeper, and the coat was
found in his trunk. A warrant was
sworn out before 'Squire Parker
and will have a hearing tomorrow.
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc
Billiard mi Pod Ream is kmh,
W'.Ulll 1 R API R '. At t TieTesT
drnie of the brute's parents in
this city 011 Tuesday evening,
l'ebuary, ty iSi.i, J. K. Waugh
and Mi, Rosa Ruder.
Alsca bay Notes.
It is rumored that Mr, Porter,
Newport's meat market man, has
purchased the late Peter IJckman's
p attic from the administrator of the
estate. Jfso, the cooks of that
burgh may lay aside their steak
mauls for a while.
The WaKlport side-walk com
mittee after dping some good work,
have suspended their labors, leav
ing part of the street crossings im
practicable for traffic.
There is talk of Mr. Poty's ntw
hall being dedicated shortly with a
splendid program by the district
scholars and a dauce at the, comple;
tion of the term.
Our estoenied pedagogue and
couuy surveyor is ' to visit the
county superintendent this week, it
is said. Hjs wife is to leach the
school in hjs . absence. Enviable
mau, to have such nnable 1st mate.
The school literary society hold
successful meetings every Saturday
night. Last week the debate was
as to the relative merjts or values
of the mathematician and the his
torian. The historian got there.
Apropos of the historian, will t
some of our politicians refer to the
history of the panic of 1873 and the
statistician's report in the Agricul
tural Report of 1878, pages 274 and
308, 011 average primps of animals
ami products, of Qregqij for that
period, and may I ask if a demo
cratic administration was responsi
ble fyr that panic and the, low prices
of 1878. Is jt not historical that
honors are about equally divided
between tbe two parties in the mat
ter of hard times and panics?
The question is, who grabs the
boodle? Will some one, kindly tell
us the, political professions of the
following! L. P. Morton, John
Wanamaker, Philip Armour, A. J.
Prexel, Marshall Field, John P.
Rockefeller, Pavid Sinlon, Geo. W.
Childs, the Vnnderbilts, Astors,
Goulds, lliintliigtons, Stanford,
Fairs, Mackays, Camegies, lllairs,
all and many others credited with
over $10,01x3,000 each. There are
seveutyrtwo men whose combined
wealth is said to equal the national
debt uud now Astor probably acting
for himself and the others has
taken up his residence in London,
must likely with the intention of
owning lvuropc. Only we ought
not to permit him, (without re
monstrance) to risk good United
States cash in the deal. He might
get bit. then Kurope would own us.
We had a sad bereavement last
week, Our estimable resident
preacher, the Rev. Hriston, passed
from our midst with his grip sack
and cook stove, enroute for Cor
vallis, from whence he came, it is
said. Funnv is it not? The air ol
Lincoln county don't seen to agree
with ltentonites. Omnia bona
Poes any one know whether we
have a deputy couutv clerk in
Lower Alsea precinct or not?
e are hoping to have some
good exponents of the political
views ot each parly visit us during
the coining campaign, and by their
oratory logic, to say nothing of
their dollars, convince us which
party we ought to support in the
race next June,
The members ot the Pcmocratic
couutv central committee are re
quested to meet at Toledo on the
27th day ot Feluuary, 181)4, lor the
miipose ot naming a time to hold
pu-ciiict and county conventions,
and making aportionmeuts lor the
number ol delegates liotn the I
vat ions precincts, and for the dec-
tion of a chairman of the county
lomiwiiuv; and lor Mich other.
buisnos as may come propcily be
foie the committee.
11. F Jai;s, Coiniuittemau,
Toledo Precinct.
IrWIjl Pay YOU to see ME before Buyino,
Warranted True to Name and Freg Fronj Disease
and Insect Pests
Home Grown Healthy Treetj
Lincoln county: Ordered that the
cl.iiim be disallowed.
In .the matter of the petition of
the petition of Dr. Carter et al. for
assistance to build a bridge across
the Yaquina river at Elk City:
Ordered that the petition be granted,
on condition that petitioners will
furnish and supply all piling ind
labor, and build ami complete said
bridge according to plans and speci
fications; said county not to be
responsible for any material until
bridge is completed.
In i.he nw"'.:r(ff Geo. Hodges et
al. for a coin. I y road from Hig Elk
to Gopher c.vek: Virgil Mulkey,
Harvey I'ur!.- p ml A. L, Lathrop
be appointed viewers to meet at
postofiice 01. :iig Elk on Feb. 22nd,
and vieiv sime,
In the matter of county printing
contest for the year 1894: Tt is
hereby orde'L-' that the Lincoln
Cpt'NTv LkmuvR be designated as
the official paper of Lincoln conunty
lor 181)4.
In the matter of jurors and wit
ness fees in adjourned term of court:
Allowed, 37.60 jurors fees, and
$44.80 witness fees.
hi tbe matter pf the petition of
the petition of Coombs et al, for
a new voting precinct: It is order
ed that a new voting precinct he
created to be known as "Heaver
Creek Precinct No. 2J," uud boun
ded as follows, to-wit: lieginuing
at the ocean beach on the line be
tween sections 6 and 7( funning
cast to west line of section 8; thence
north to northwest corner of section
8; thence east to east boundary of
the southeast corner of the town
ship; thence west on south bound
ary to the southeast corner of sec
tion 36, township 12, range 11;
thence south to the southeast corner
of section 2, town 13, range 11;
thence west to Pacific ocean.
The voting place to be in the
southeast quarter of section 21,
town 12, range 11, at Ona: Or
dered that Sam Hill, Thos. J. j
r.iuou anu jas. urasiieui he ap
pointed judges and J. A, Puiisr
worth and J. M. bowers clerks of
said precinct.
The following bills were audited
and warrants ordered issued for
Cbas. booth, salary,
H. V. Jones, fees in circuit
court ; . ,
R. F, Jones, fees i 1 county
M, L. Trapp, se vices as
. ounty Courh -. . -
" iii liie matter cf the petition of
E. Stoker and others for a road
from Newport to S'letz: Ordered
the petition be granted according
to survey.
In the matter of F. M. Carter
and others for a county road at
Elk City: Ordered that the peti
tion be granted and thg road opened
according to survey.
In the matter of the petition of
R. L. Feagles and others for a road;
Ordered that the petition be not
W. II. Hunsucker for a saloon 1 1
license at Yaquina: Ordered that j
the petition be granted, nd a
license issued for sjx' months from !
Feby. 9, 1894. j
In the matter of the petition of j
Ceaser Iloefline for a saloon, license
3t Yaquina; Ordered thntthe peti
tion be granted and the license
issued for a period of six months
from Febuary 15, 1894.
The matter of road supervisors
reports, the following proceedings
were had:
Pistrict No. 44; J. R, Harlan,
supervisor; report accepted and
supervisor allowed $8 for labor,
W. B. Mulkey appointed supervisor
for 1894.
Pistrict No. 47: Herbert Twomb-
ley supervisor; report accepted and 1
t!'!! Sffl "l'!0 filloM.pfl for tntvir I
Tom Coombs appointed supervisor
for 1894.
District Vo. 57; j;ouis Capsel,
supervisor; report accepted and
th; sum of $40 allowed for labor.
J. E. Allen, Jr., appointed super
visor for 1894.
District No. 42, Neil McKay,
supervisor: Report accepted and
the sum of 13 allowed for labor
performed. John Goodman ap
pointed supervisor for 1894.
District No. 55, W. L. Pwyre,
supervisor: Report accepter) and
$6 allowed for laber performed.
Supervisor re-appointed for 1894.
Pistrict No. 46, Albert Meaker,
supervisor; report accepted and 30
allowed for labor performeM. Sup
ervisor re-appointed.
Pislric No. 53, Geo. M. Moore,
supervjsorj report continued for the
term. J. M. Pevine appointed
supervisor for 1894,
Pistrict No. 45, Ole Thompson,
supervisor; report accepted and $15
allowed for labor performed. Fred
Joss appointed supervisor for 1894.
Pistrict No. 31, P. B. Ramsdell,
supervisor; report accepted and thy
sum $15 allowed for labor perform
ed. Hurston Parka appointed sup
ervjsor for 1894.
Pistrict No. 33, Irwin Magee,
supervisor; report accepted and the
sum of 12.50 allowed for labor per
formed Frank Hide appointed
supervisor for 1894.
Pistrict No. 50, II. N. Foster,
supervisor; report accepted and
the sum of allowed for labor per
formed. I. J. Pepin appointed sup
ervisor for 1894.
Pistrict No. 34, Alonzo puiiden,
supervisor; report accepted and the
sum of 38 allowed for labor per
formed. A. T. Peterson appointed
supervisor for 1894,
District No. 38, pave Williams,
supervisor; report continued for the
term. Geo. W. Huford appointed
supervisor for 1894.
District No. 56, Harvey Parks,
supervisori report accepted and bill
for extra time be continued for the
term. Geo. Hodges appointed
supervisor for 1894,
District No. 32, Jas. McDonald
supervisor; report accepted and the
sum of 6. 25 be allowed for labor
performed. Smcrvisor re-appoint
District No. , H. H. I'nment,
supervisor; report accepted and the
sum of 6 be allowed for labor per
formed. J. J. Hristow, appointed
supervisor for 1S94.
Pistrict No, 17, R. Chambers,
supervisor; report accepted and the
sum of 524 allowed for work per
formed. Supervisor re-appointed.
Buy as much as possible. The place to do
this is at "CHEAP CASH STORE" of
T. P. FISH, where "Good Goods at Low
Prices" is the rule.
See my Stock of FALL and WINTER BOOTS and SHOES,
Heady VIade Clothing, ICte.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Notions,
T. P. FISH, - g Toledo, Oregon
The Leader In Low Prices.
: i
Flour anil Feed, Staple and Faney Groceries,
! Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
! Paps, Rubber and Oil Clothine."
James McDonald, Sup Pist
No 32,
W. II." II. Rich, rent of
court house
R. F. Rains, boarding and
caring for Forrest family,
V. II. II. Rich, rent of
court house
John D. Logan, making
coffin and trigging grave,
Jacob Frantz, services as
" janitor
M. T. Whitney, claim con
tinued for term,
Phil Sheridan Host 0. A.
R. relief Com. funeral
expenses of Win. Ham
mond , ,
C. G. Copelaud, supplies
for court house
A. O. Smith, medical ser
vices," '.
.) . F. Stewart, printing',..
Pavid Ruble, nails furnish
ed road Pis. No. 57, . . .
Yaquina Hay News, sta
tionary for sheriff,
M. O, Wilkins, typewrit
ing ;
Geo. A. Landis, stamps,
express & stationery, . .
Yaquina Bay News, print
ing notice,
J. F. Stewart, printing
notice '
Chas. Hooth, mileage
" " postage, ex
press & stationery, ....
VV, II. Harrison, bridge
Chas. Mathews, hauling
wood for court house, . .
J. F. Stewart, ptg notice, .
Cost bill of surveying road
through farms of Talley
Hasford & Wakefield,.'.
G. A. Landis, service for
T. P. Fish, supplies for
court house
A K Altree, wood for court
3- ?5
4- 35
5- 35
Koot. lliamhcr!-, super
visor Hist N'o 1 ;
In the matter of the costs of sur- J R, Sup Pist No
veing lilk City road: Ordered ' 44
that the claims be allowed as pie-! Twoml y, Sup
stilted and cettitied, except claims jT !',." 1'V '."x-'
. . ,. . . 1 ! Louis CiUcl, 5u Dist No
C J Bishop, making and
tiling J P jurv list,
J A Hall,
A L McFaddcn, atty's fees,
Coll Van Cleve, ptg notice,
II II Painent, Sup.
Survey of county road at
F.Ik City,
Fxponses of reviewing
county road at Yahats, .
M J Alphiu, petit jury fees
in the circuit court
M J Alphiu, grand jury
M J Alphiu, witness fees
before grand jury
Mate ot Oregon,
County of Lincoln, SN
I, B. F. Jones, County Clerk of
Lincoln state of Oregon, hereby
certify that the above account is
true and conect.
B. F. Jonks,
Couutv Clerk.
7 00
7 00
2 00
24.00! IVoplos Party County Convention.
8 .00
1 I.OO
.,1 m i c;..,., .... t l XT.. 1
Pr. Carter, as these petitioners J N'Jil McKav, Sir Pist No
4 3
were not to charge for their scr
vices. Pwyre, Su; Pist No
It the matter of the bill of Ben- ( Albert' Meaker.' Yip' Pist
C. Irwin & Co. for 5.00; Order-! N'o 4(1
ed that the claim be not allowed , Ole Thompson, ..up pist
aiut iierk reipiesteil not to tile this . .. . ;, , '. .v1' - or'.vKau. i iu iui ivmi.i, uv
T. Uvln. otVLvn, Kelv , lvu.
The fminiy iVnwMitiotiof the People I'uny
of 1 in. Mlii 1 oumv. Is hrrvnv culleil In
I'wi i l.'l.a.i. ..11 Mr,'h i:h. ivm. d.r the
I'M-I..,. ,.i u,iiiniithiir mu. lit lute- (or l inuuv
iM'.nvr. I. ! M'li'il ( Ihi- k 'TKl elc. lLm
in June, mi.l ihe . uv'l.'ii hi ' .lr i'k'!f loih
Slut,-l'.invMiMm, nil (or ihtf tril)rii'liou of
-ui-h Milur loi.ii.. n-ir.ny ioterly route In.
Uitv 1 ho eoiivtvitl,.n,
I he iMtiviMttioii hll i& coin tH.ik'tl if le".-
'rtt'-. Ml'l-Ttt.Mi.-.l lolU.w:
ri rm'tm'i. .1 miiiiiia rrei'liici. .1
. I loil'.lo 4 l it chv ' i
f oo i iu ,i .!,, r, to I
1 Mic I Ik 1 lintt Crvek 1
I l.'Hi'f Uh'1 II.I.OdUT 1
o,co : 'tt i
I It i U.iriMl, where U I -utlh iontlv tiiiilor.
t.Hl. thHt tl-.e ,W'tt'nt,.ii io th's i-i'itvetitlon I
t.iii ....) .i .i.Mtiii,
...... .... V j',,,,, vuv
prices ot it.
In the matter of the claim of
Marion county for expenses in ;
committing an insane resident of j
up Pist
lrcn Mcl'icc, Sc Pit No
3 '
H N Foster, Sin Pist No
50 .' . .
Alono Puudeu up Pist
1. '.50
. . l'lUKlSll.
IhAtrttiMti 1 o. Ci.m.
MILLFR. At Yaiiuina. Orecon.
lS.ixl on Friday. Febn.uv o. iSoa.
Sieve Miller, aged 50 years,
Ci-TC zr.d Tcbscco, Fruits and Confectionery,
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Lincoln County leader,
The Official Paper of Lincoln
Gives more Local News than all
the other Papers in the
County Combined. !
Fearless, Outspoen and Free.
It is not controlled by any
Clique or lling.
It is worthy of the support of
every Taxpayer in the
You get all the Official County
News, and the all Local j
News. !
Call on or address