il T 1 .1 ... jxoucuiutr mat tnis.paper is the only one in Lincoln or Benton county that has the courage to stand for The lkadkr should be read by every tax-payer of Lincoln County. It will cost you but $1.50 a year. tw ' $j & 2 2 h -1 Q v i the common people. (jsklHCOltl . MPS DIRECTORY. wamva corvrr. joint Senntor (entity Judge i Icrk rheriff Treasurer School bupermtendent (Surveyor Assessor Coroner Commissioners) - C. B. Crosno D. P. Blue B. Y. Jones George Lamlis Henry Der.linirer t'has. Booth UB. Giileou T. E. i'arker Jas. Russell J. O. Stearns M. L. Trai-p TOLEDO. PRECINCT. Justice of the Peace instable J. A. Hall A. E. Altree CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHrRCH.-Divine services will be held under the ausi.lees of iuu lueiuouisi npiseopai i nuron as follows i lrst Sunday of each mouth at Elk lltr School ""S ' l "d ' 1- '". Second' Sundav at Toledo, in Old School House, at 11 a. ni and 7 p. in., Song services begins at ti:Si 11 m 4 hird Sunday at the M. E. Church, Newivrt, at n,'-.?n1 1 P- m- Fourth Sunday at Yamuna school House, at 11 a. m.i at Mill Four at S p in. All are cordially invited to attend. A. L. HAW LEY, Pastor, Address, Toledo, Oregon. ipIRST BAPTISTS.-Meet everv first Sundav f. in each month, a 11 a. m. and also on the Idaturday preceding the above Sundav, at 2 u ai., in the Toledo Public Hall. L. i. Butler Resident Pastor. -" ST. JOHN'S CHURCH JProtestent Episcopal. Divine service the third Sundav of everv pionth. at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend, iteyt. C'Uas. Booth, Missionary. Residence, I'Kertory," Newport, Or. Io. O. I--. Toledo Lodge, No. ids, every Friday evening at their hall 1 Meet i this town iENos Arnold, Sec'y. J. S. Oaither, x.g. f O. G. T. Meets every Thursdav evening, 7::50 o'clock, in Orach 's hall, this' town, A Hawley, c. T. R. E. Collins, Secretary. v a. anu 1. u. loiedo I nion. .No. Meets every pauirany evening. So'clock. in (iradv's pall In this town. All members requestcd'tn (.iiiiw. j. 1, nvciici, 1 iiuit;iii;j.j, lunuue, PU)IHI y. to. O. F. Bay Lodge No. llii, of Yaiinina Citv, meets everv Saturdav nveninw viuiti,iU ijrqthersare always welcome. t.. burrows, secretary. . X. STAKK, X. G. TO. O. F. Newport Lodse No. SI. meets every . Saturday evening. vinitfnK brothers are cor- ilially invited to attend, Cvttus Dixon, I. L. Smith, Secretary. X. G. 4 r. Js A. M, Newport Loci ire Xo. .", rcuular "-convocation oi Saturday on or before each fun moon. visum? lirotners are cordially poii-iiiuciu. ,,A3. II. UCJ1.L. 1 . Jl. Jas. RoBKRTfsON, Secy. 1 11 a. n.-i'nii nerinan rust No. im, meets " every second and fourth I hursday evening. Geo. Syi.vestk'u, Com. R. A. Bessei.i., Adjt. Vwjle, PRACTICU WATCIISAKIB Corvallls, Oregon HOTL LINCOLN T.J Buforct, Prop. Everyttirg First-class, Charges Reasonable. TOLEDO, OREGON. A, HALL, Justice of the Peace l oleclo, Oregont Beeds, Mortiraires, and all kinds of legal papers executed with correctness, careful attention given to all business entrusted to niy care. jr. c. sinjPAim, Attorney-at-Law, Residence, Stanford, Oregon. Business in any court in Lincoln County promptly and carefully at tended to. FREDEK ICK D. CARSOX, Attorney-at-Law, Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Collection., Con veiimicing, and Court Practice Generally. Kefers tv permission to Ex-Gov. J. S. Pillsburv, 1". H. Senator W. D. Washbnrn, (ien. John I'. rlea, Kx-Comniander-iu-( hief G. A. R., Min neaiiolls. Minn., Hon. Martin F. Morris and J. J. Iiarliugton. Es., Washlueton, r. C.. Schiiy. lor liuryea, Chief (",erk I'atent office, Fairfax County, Va., and Rev. chaa. Booth, Newport, Oregon. The Mi hi Oregon Paoifio Railroad. E. V IIADLEY, Receiver. J.lrect I.lue-0,ulck r)istch-L(.w Kate.. Freight iieiween Willamette Vallajr points anfl San rranctsoo. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. 8.8. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Uavoa San Francisco November 5th, Hth and iiPl, 1.. Leave. Va julna Norember 9th, l.'ih and ith. And atmnt every ten clavs thereafter. This ( ompanv reserves the right lo change lung dates without notice. RI-ER STEAMERS. 'ily service between Portland and Sclera aDd l'pr Willamette rive- points. O'BRIEN'S We are now Closing out at Cost our ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER IDS In order to make room for NEW -:: SPRING :-: STOCK, Which will arrive early in March. This is no humbug; WE Men's and Boys' Overcoats at Cost. " Suits at Cost. " " Boots and Slioes at Cost. Mackintoshes and Gum Wear at Cost. Ladies' Wraps and Jackets at and below Cost, " Dress Goods at Cost. " Hosiery and Underwear at Cost. Ladies' and Children's Shoes at Cost. Don't send away for your Goods and have other people select them for your own Goods and Guarantee your Satisfaction. ior I3rownsville "Woolen Mills Goods. and Fits Guaranteed. ONE nmrTTATo CASH O'BRIEN'S PRICE UDU!M0 STORE C. B. CROSNO fc go., Heal Estate Agents and Matters, HAVE BARGAINS IN Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town Property in single Lots or Blocks IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln County furnished Toledo PRINTING The l'lace to get your CARDS, EXVRLOPES, LETTER HEADS, . RILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC., Knt nil kinds of Iiatthe LKADEU OFFICE, f flTTrice and Work Satisfactory til Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, CASH MEAN JUST WHAT WE SAY you. Come and select we will Measures taken on demand, Oregon, The Alsca House 11aitljorf, Lincoln Count if, (treton . Headquarters for politicians, tour ists, hunters and the public. Comfort, cleanliness and good grub at low rales, our motto, Feed stable and saddle ponies. Wm. R. Wakei'iuld, Prop. UOH'T CA3IPJIELL rKoPHirriK or Toledo Meat Market, UKAl.S IS Fresh and Cured Meat OF ALL KINDS. Toledo, - - Oregon. ,V. T. JEFF KEYS, Attorney-at-Xaw, CORVALLLS, OREGON. Will practice in Justice, County and Circuit Courts of Lincoln County. Sollelt rorrcMrtiiidenca. full" irred. Nu chartrei anient IIENHY WULF, DK.W.KK IS Furs Wicss d L::::r;. Fresh beer on draft. QUIKT AND ORDERLY RK SORT. Toledo, Oregon. Notioe for Publication. Land urhceat Oregon City, Oregon. r January 1'.. i !'ffi!R&iK3 toSSEIMR. KmTORjI find in the last! : uonioniacetiimi prot In support oi his claim I and that -aid pr.n.( will In- made twiore the .'iin. ivi. hi i.iiiv.iii riuu ai ioumo. lire goli. on Man'h 1. vM. vil Marina Huut. H. K. No. Ittl for the norths t '4 of jeetlon 14. town 11 south ranee it et. II.. nnn.tli. f.. II.. u-lt.....- ... vi continuum rvs.ileiice uin am) enllivalion of, j that article, and 1 tiltllk that I Will aul lantl. vi: J Zmnwalt, M. J. Allphln. , m. l.awremt, wm. nai.iu. all ot l ime Km. , nave to iiive a uescriiition of the Oregon. I . KOIIEKT A. Mil l KK. j 111311 ltl sllOl t CI SOCil l)V VOlir lllllll Uegister. ! , . ..-'. . j Me servant. In the first place he j is a rather portly man with a florid Administrator's Notice, complexion, hair silvered with ''ofX'-nr''0""0' Ll"coln ,'ol,1"-- s,",jRrttv, t'.at is what L loft of il since lsPurStm the softcins of the brain set in, or ISaShe'lJeoYVvler V clse republican lobbyist PtlS '1'e poor old e:)r the verKo of insanity nn.l in six mouths iroin the dale of this notice: ami all iiersons in.lebted to said estate are uotiiied to settle the same iinniediatelv. Hate.1 at Toledo. Oremm. Ihii -llih ,lv.f Iw. Cllllier, ItSlt. A. II. I.I VSN. dmiuislrator. Notice for Publication. I.ainl (Mtlt'tf at Oiriron cttv. tlrotton.i Fol'riiarv 1I."SM. ( X'OTIl'K Is tli'ipliy uivi'il that the tllo Inir naii:o't !o:tlor lias liltnl luHire i his iuti'ii ttnll to makrlinal iiroof hi 8l.M.rt oi hl t-latni, ami thai sai l proi.f will lio niailo In loro t ho t i.iinty Clprk of l.iniMln Tilo.ln. dto (toll, on Mtin'h -.M. lsit, viz: Klraurr llhna.lri, H. K. No. J.OAH, for the S4HHh ot inNrlhvost i , sei'iion U' aiul oulheast i, ut norlhcast 4 of soi'tlon 11. ion n II tmnh Tnii"i II . pl He naiiu's th' tollowlnir wltm ss s to iimvc hiseontinuoii ri'sl.leiiiH' upon anil (MiltiMition ot siii-i lim.i. vi: .1. . I'arrish. Alnnro Inui ilen, lii'o. A. Ijiinlis ami A. .1. liailer, all of 1'ole do, Orj(tim. l;ur.;UT A. Mil, ll.nisi.r THE ODELL Type Writer. t-5rtum b,l' ,ht1 "i' i- Tvrt: wiiiTKu pSJ with 7H t'tiHrHflur, ami f .. fur lht si S. til K CASK olHil.l.. wHrrnnti'il to do InMtor work ihtm tutv maehim niuti It cniiiliinoK stiiii'lieity will, (liuitllU(y,sootl ene hi HiterHtinii, ut'iint loniror u ulum't imi of n'imir-limn nv ..t h(r in-niiu. IIhh 110 Ink riltWm to linthcr t h oKriit(.r. It In urn!, mili- MHIlttHi. Ilii-kll-l U:tMl, jHTftM't, mill Hltltttl to Hll kinds of lyjH' w iiiintr. Liken priming rv, It producpH shHri, -U nu, li'irtMu inmuiMTiiitn. Two or ten euH' "tin le made nt mo wrhhiK. Any luU'lligoii' i ir'ii en 11 leeoiiu an oterahr in two duvH. We 4.1V1T I.UKt to nuv oiHraUr whocan vqunl thew.nii of Hie t'ASK IIOKI.I.. KeliaMe Audit' itmlSBKiiiep Majitt'd tw inl imtticomt'iits t lt-ali rs. ; r raiii)ihlet ifivliiK lidorMMiientit, oto., d drt'f! I Odell Type Writer Co. &IK-3M Dearborn '. CIIICAOO. II. I, A. L MclADDKxX, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public Toledo, - Oregon. NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that the apprqved plat of survey of Township 12 bourn ot Kauge 10 West lias been received from the Surveyor Oeneral ol Oregon and on March 12, l!i, at 9 o'clock a. ru. of said day said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date, Rohi'.kt A., Register. I'ETKR I'aqi kt, Receiver. NOTHK. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examina tion of all persona w ho may offer themselver as candidates foi teach ers of the schools of Lincoln county, the county school superintendent thereof will hoi 1 a public examina tion, at Newport, on Wednesday, February 14, 1894, commencing at one o'clock p. m. Dated at Newport, this 30th, day of January, 1X94. Cmas. IJootic. County School Sujierintendent, Lincoln county, Oregon. t-v, Fiinns for Suit'. I have several farms, both culti vated and uncultivated, for sale in tracts ol 40 acres and upwards. These lands are adapted to fruit, vegetable and shet p culture, Will be sold very cheap and on reason able terms. Air one desirine to purchase such lai: !s will do well to call on or address M. J. Ai i.mii.v, tf. Lilt'.- Klk, Oregon. No More Mack Ache i ..not r 1 J CO. STI PATIO M. INFLAHATIOHr 9UD0E.ii0 ALL KIDNE) DISEASES. -S Feb. u, 1894. roininuiiiejited. Toledo, Ore-' on. Feb. 10. iSui. . . , . . Newport News ail article written an article written '(by a person signing himself " Amer-' icus. I think that I know the poor old deluded, person who wrote lie has ttlllltH it out ill his rivitiixs huii..i u ihh hi him T.1 llio,. "Cllperv Pli irt.v " ill,.,l Vlur. Harit , .SO-I..U1UI, nevpr iv.m n l'ree.tri,l,.r nn.l u t . ' lieinp; seedy I am not like the turtle, carry all my wealth on my back. Now if my memory is not gone astray I think we told the Siamese twin's, that is the deino-rcpiiblican party, that the financial question of more importance to the masses than the tariff, and we believe that when the people have to go dow n in their pocKets mi uitMi laws ;inu pay on their mortgages they will see where the finance question comes in. .now i see no w ay mji oi our pres ent trouble than for the novernors of every suite to issue scrip enough to put every idle man to work, and wtrk them on our roads, or any other works where the public would derive a benefit. If you have any tiling belter to oiler dijj cheery charley. Now Mr. Asparagus, or whoever you are, I will give ou an illustra tiou of the tariff as seen by my eyes today: My wile owns u sheep ranch, and I have a line dog. I have to have meat for my dog and we will call that big bone of meat the tariff bone. My wile takes it into her head lo raise a litter of cats, She says to me one morning, 'Charley, my cats are ypung, they must be protected. We will give them a part of the dog's meat whie they are young," and from that day to this Unit family has been gnaw ing at that poor old dog's bone lui til they have got it all consumed, and the consequence is that the poor old dog has got so thin anil starved that he can hardly go after sheep. So one morning I told him there would be a change of cooks, ami I thought that he would fare better at night, So when night came and he came home tired and worn out, he beheld a big bone in his dish, How he wagged his tail and smiled with the thought of a good supper. He went up to ut bone and snielled of it. Nothing there, went back with tears in his eyes; so hungry ; went up again and licked it, nothing there; set down in dispair; went again, there must be some gristle there; nary n gristle, and the poor dog lay down to die. My wife came out and see ing the situation and says: "I have protected him near'y to death through feeding my cats, give him some tlun soup which may help him. See? C. A. Dick, Hl tllDU ItH'llltl The ftillowing is a stiuunary of the weathe r for the month of Janu ary, ns taken at the observing sta tion at Toledo, Oregon 1 Klevalion above sea level 40 feet; mean temjieraturc 51; maximum temperature 57, date 14th; mini mum teinterattire 27, date 4th; mean of maximum temperature, 50.5; mean of minimum tempera ture 36; number of times minimum temperatuer 32 degrees or llow, 8. Total precipitation 1 1.7 inches- Total depth of unmelled snowfall, I.I. Prevailing direction of wind south; total movement of wind 30 miles. Number of cloudless days 4: number of partly cloudy days 5; number of tluiidy days 4; numljcr of dav on which .01 of rain orsnow fell 19. Dates on which hail fell 16; days on which snow fell 1; dates of thunderstorms, 16th and r L T,l hht fr"M 7' 8 9' '7 26, 28, ,V'th. Dx. H W. VlNCKNT, ( )bserver. . can't foot its own 1 ills. Receiver Clark has paid all the:. .... excuses of his receivership out of! tne earnings of tfie road. This has , been done withous seriously reduc- ing tne service -m tire road. It is , very commendable showing, 11 itt Crppk Items. Cold weather 4ml snow. Mr- John Arnold and George llv"" "l i,lllm,S 111 i u,J,. ... ,( "OflgtS " - ' WOTn. S;UV n,i11 nt Hodges' place, on 1 1J,K Miss. Hattic Hums, of Toledo, is visiting with Mrs. Henshaw. , On the second of this month, as Albert Watkins was preparing sup per, he heard a noise and looked out and there stood about thirty of the neighbors drawn up in line be fore his door. He no doubt would have run, but it was too late. They all came in and took posessioti of T his house. Mr. Watkins, though completely surpiised, soon re covered himself. The house was stripped of all unnecessary' furniture and soon music and dancing was heard. At eleven o'clock a de licious fpflst was spread, which every one enjoyed very much. Hut the bachelors quite forgot them selves and did not bring any free wool gems. Alter all were re freshed the dancing was resumed and kept up until dav light,. All are willing to admit that this is the gltllllll-Xl all.tll IIUII 1111.1 UMI l,IK place on Drift Creek. We glory in the spunk of the editor of the Lk wkk, and think every citizen in Lincoln county should read his, paper. Dated Feb. 10, 18114. Stick, (.'hit wood Chips. There is not much news ut pies-; eut. Some are chewing tobacco uiul spitting politics. The people's party nil want of fice, ami are sorry that there is not n place for nil, I don't see why we can't have twenty-five sheriffs, clerks and county judges and fifty poiumissioners so we could all have a chance. Well the weather has changed and, oh, what a change, snow last week three inches deep, but to:day it is going fast aid vjll soon be gone, then we will look for the next change. If times get better so it could cet the chancre we might have better weather. John Cooley, of Siding One, paid our place a visit a short time ago, the guest of Uncle Jimmy Chitwood. Come again John. A, L. McFadden was up lost week, looking after his chances for the county judgeship, We hope he will have a fair trial and get justice, but he might not be satis fied at that, It don't look like the lemocrats and republicans are go ing to raise the color here for 1894. Now Mr. editor can't you and the other editor stop iiuarling? If you don't believe what each other say how do you think the county folks con believe either of you, - Stick. Ilnilan No) 'H. are having some We rainy weather now, J. Harlan is talking about mov ing out of I5ig Ivlk in the Spring. Good luck for Jim. Hen Young, son of Milton Young, met with a sad accident last Fri day. He went to take the gun out of the wagon and it discharged and shot his right hand and took a piece of his car. A little snow here last Friday, Church at the Harlan school house a week from Sunday, The minister and his family will move on Dig Klk some time in March. Hurrah for lllg Ivlk. Nevv scarce. M.'SM Foktunk. . Pool Hon; h Pulls. The oyster trade is broken up, and the oyster com any bhut down. White and Rodd still hold the fresh oyster trade ct this place, Jack Vigntw ha been doing con- siiierubie miprovin;: on bu ranch preparing for card mlag, 'We will all ha, to da like him, ami go to work and not dept nd on the Ore gon Pacific railroa-' to help us. It 1,lcre were ,K,,:l 35 men wait- lnK or Jou wiien tne steamer got in, but when she come she only emrdoved four men to ! six to load, so there were 39 men Number 50. who did not get work. Cap Maloney still keeps salting his lead mine. He says ducks are poor but good all the same. T. Huntsucker says the deer otj the Alsea are wild for he has made ' several trips and has not none yet. He can see them but dare not shoot. We had a nice little snow on the Slough the first of the week. The boys and girls exercised themselves, throwing stipvbnlls. John Towers says that he is, afraid that there wont be candi dates to fill the offices pf Lincoln county by the way they stacked up, in last week's Lkadkr. Fisherman, A San Francisco dispatch of the, nth says: Sheriff McDade was, served with notice yesterday by Page & Kells, representing the Ore, gon Pacific Railroad Company and the Willamette Valley Railroad Company, to the effect that the company would hold him responsi-. ble for the detention of the steamer Willamette Valley, The steamet was attached by the sheriff about a mouth ago for $14,000, on proceed-, ings being instituted in the superior court by W. O, Swiunerton, who, held a number of assigned claims, Keepers were placed in charge ol thp stenmer and she has been de tained in port ever since. Now. comes the railroad company with notice to nuke the sheriff responsi ble for all resulting damages. The notices states that the railroad company, in consideration of the, payment of the bonded indebtedness of the road, executed to the Far: niers' Loan & Trust Company a, mortgage for$ 15, 000,000. The sher-t iff was served with a certified copy of this mortgage, together with a notification that a receiver named Charles Clark had been appointed. The receiver was appointed before the attachment proceedings were brought in this city. Sheriff Mcr Dade does npt like his position very well, but under the law he had no other course to pursue, as if he had refused to have made the original attachment of Swiunerton, he would have been responsible for $14,000, by allowing the steamer to depart. 1 here was nothing left for him to do but to detain the steamer. The question to be decided is whether the admiralty laws in the United States courts take precedence over state law, and the sheriff said yes terday he desired the courts to set tle the question as quickly as possi ble. Tho Silver QinHtion. An exchange aptly illustrates, the silver question and coiifidencci "See here, Dut,cliy, I think yon have made a mistake. You. didnt give me as much sugar for my dollar as you did that hay-seed." "Veil, Mr. editor, I yust told you how dot vas, Dot hay-seed say his dollar vas honest; you say silver is von dishonest dollar, and not vort more ash 57 cents, so I gij you yust as much sugar ash. you, dell me in your paper dot dollar vas; vort. See?" "Oh, come off. My silver dollar " passes for 100 cente every-where, Here, give me the rest of my sugar." "Veil, vot you tell beople dot dollar only vort 57 cents?" "Oh, that is politics, you know, , The dollar Is all right." "You yust pick up dot sugar and gitl Ov you tolt me does lies "to fool beople, does boliticks vas all lies." "See here, Dutchy, if 'you have confidence in the silver dollar, it will go all right." "Veil, If you yust have gonfl. deuce in dot sugar it go for you -dollar's vort.., You get Sui o' here or I vissel up my big )gj ntul be ' make you git home guick like yon- say buack Komnson." Uutler County Press, A large ocean swell came in at the mouth of the river Mondnv that reached Florence, five miles inland, and ulthough the tide was ebbing, the river raised over four leet and the rush of waters remind ed one of a tidal wave. Florence West, (71 X ) .1 1 J 7 .4 A