Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 08, 1894, Image 1

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    Remember that this paper
lLe only one in. Lincoln
or Benton county that has
-"v-tuurage to stand
the corsmon people.
! - A 4 mi B . . ST' ' J - . -
Mt. Ml I ' V H m T W- B 4k k ST F-i i - , M r:-:"f . E ' "
:-murage to stand for ! . ' Ml . B B B B B M B BE BU A . JSL V - i: ' :, .. M V T
Volume I. ' (g5 T? Vf j
VlRECiqnw 1" loledoLincoin County, Oregon, Thursday, Feb. 8, ,8Q4 " .
J : - . ' -
latioTi. T V P.ii.i-.'.. n 1 . .. " ,
Joint Senator . ,
ixraiitv Judge
rheriff-'- " . . :
Treasurer . ,
School Superintendent
Surveyor .
Assessor ,
C. B. Crosno
v. v. Blue
: B. F. Jones
George Landia
Henry Denhnger
-nas. Booth I
Jos. Gideon I
T.E. Parker
: .las. KU8ell
0 Stearns
Si. L. Trapp I
pfdfe, O'BRIEN'S
are now Closing out at Cost
In order to make room fr.r
Which will arrive earlv in rarM, '
TLl j . """!
no numbug; WE MEAN JUST WHAT WF flv
- -. - . VFM 1
Jfustlee of the Peace
, J. A. nail
A. E. Altree
SdonVd g&U.Tltt s-isj
kp; Sb' ug ice, begins at 630 p m
fliUd Sunday at the M. E. church, Newport at
nd P- m. Fourth Sundau at" auuina
Schoo House, at U a. m.; at Mill You r 3 p
ut nu oic L-uruinuv in vi run a atf-a
A. L. HAWLEY, Pastor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon
VmXlIJ., Sunday
Saturday preceding the 'abo've Sunday, it 2 n
fesid,en,thpeaIto1red0pUblie U: Mb
&!?FJt$ Episcopal.
t'k"11?-"?!. A Invited to attend
!.p.it3'v V"'"". missionary. Residence,
1 f - toieoo Lodge, No. 10S Meet
A'every Friday evening at their hallin'this
11KN08 Arnold, Beo'y. R. F. Collamobe. N.G.
IP0', T. Meets eyery Thursdav evening
7:30 o'clock. In Ornrfy. ball ,hl.", " r'5'
painprs, c, r. Jennie Alexander, Secretary.
W A.,and II U -Toledo Union. No. 1,16. Meets
?i. 5 tlSj"nf'ff'n-J AU "'erasers reqiiested to
SncrBti. v "ueri "esiuent; J. J. Tumldge,
T O. O. F. Bay Lodge No. lifl, of Yaqnlna Cltv,
iigri oaiuruay evening. Visiting
"'""J" nvivuiUQ,
. . bubrom-8, beoretary. j. N. Stabk, N. 0,
T 0. O. F.-Newport Lodge No. 89. meets everv
J bawrdayevening. visitfng brothers are cor-
" !' V iwna, JOHN KICHAR080N,
. Abbot, Secretary. jj, 0.
AF. i A. M. Newport Lodge No. 85, regular
. convocation on Saturday on or before o,.i
url moon. Visiting brother are cordially
welcomed. 3as. H. Russell, w. m. I
war. nunnumifi, oecy.
iCt A". R. Phil Sheridan Post No. '.u n,
' every seoond and fouttU Thursday evening.
K A. Bensell, Adjt.
Geo. Sylvesteb, Com.
Men's and Boys' Overcoats at Cost.
M Suits at Cost.
ivr " 1 1 . i " Boots and Sllocs at Cost.
Mackintoshes aiul Qum Wear at Cost.
Lathes Wraps and Jackets at and below
" Dress Goods at Cost.
" Hosiery and Undoi
Ladies' and Children's Shoos nt Cot
Don't send awav for vnur r:nn i i .
, - wwua auu ndve oiner
people select them for you. Come and select
your own Goods and we will
Guarantee your Satisfaction.
Agent for . Bixrrcaisville Wnnlm,
Mills Cxoods. Measures taken
and Fits G-uaranteed.
aotioe for Pnblit
Land OtUceal Oregon city, orepm,,
- . . b.. 11. t
Mivrioa Hut, H. E. So. jo4u
r.V:,"T,hw est lf M. to. n U s
He namcsthe lull,
ROBERTA. Mill Kit.
Administrator's Notice.
IVfho""!yC0Urt0' Lincoln County, state
"'"IcrHgned has bw, aniyiinted bv the
County Curt of Lincoln .,.,' H ' ! J? "
mimstratorof the i...? ' I1:' "'
ceased, late of
persons having cltlnis against faid e" tale art
hTh1:5;"",'"' "lr-'nt the:,, dU v "rit"d
to the undorslnni'd t i.t, ,.s. . : '
is mouth. 1mm the date tl"'e' i mi
to wttlc ihc same iinmnli.t.t. imumiu
Paicd at Toledo, Oregon, thii .Mth day of Dec
ember, Ism. A. II. iH'Yns,
.inivlu Counir. Oregon. ' All
pT Corvallis, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
I-and Ottlce at Oregon City,r(gon,
VOTIChisheieby given that th. following-
named settler hu titn.i , .7
Hon to make final imtof in n,. ,,.- .xt
and that said (.root ill ie made before the
t oumy clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Ore
gon, on March LV,. loin, viz:
, ... K(..le, H. K. o. 7.UOH.
for the south ol : northwest i4 seriion'ia and
U nouth. rausu 11 wiKt '
He iihiiir the following wltnpimea to imtve
V V.V . ""'"v'n-r u ami ruitiva ton
of saidland, vir:.l. . I'arrlsh, Alenio liun
don.t.eo. A. liiilis and A. J. Hader. .11 ,,f t..i...
do, Oregon. ItoltKRT A. MILLER, Register
Type Writer.
9ftwl!la.b"y tth0 TYI'K WR1TKK
PV with 7tf ohKrftPtor, and lift, for Ihe SIN
i HKIJ warranted to do
"" unn nny nmi'iiinc HIKae.
iiuiiu'H HiiiiitilCliy wun (
than any other tnachii
n comiunps Hiiiiitiirity with duraMUtv, Rpeed
n,,"l n-in lUIIKtT W liniMll
i any other tnRhin uuu
... lamit-i iiiu uiturniiir. II IK n.tat. mil..
I Post
T.J Buford, Prop.
First-class. :
phargee Reasonable.
Justice of the Peace
roledo, Qregon,
peeda, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers
executed with correctness. Careful attention
given to all bnsinesa entrusted to my care.
7f. CtSIIEPAltD,
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon.
Collections, Conveyancing,
and Court Practice
' Generally,
Jtefers by permission to Ex-Gov. J. 8. Plllbnry,
I". 8. Senator W. D. Washburn, Gen. John P.
Rea, Ex-Cnmmander-in-Chief O. A. R., Min
neapolis, Mlnn, Hon. Martin F. Morrisand J.
J. Darllnsrton. Eso.. Washluirton. D. C Schuy
ler Duryea, Chief Clerk Patent office, Fairfax
itmnty, Va., and Rev. Chas. Booth, Newport,
C. B. CROSNO tfc CO.,
Real Mi Agents and Abstracters,
Farm Lands, Tide Iands, Coal Lands, Tpwn
Property in single Lots or Blocks
AMrctofTitleto any property in Lincoln County
furnished on demand.
Oregon Pacific Railroad
E. W. HADLEY, Receiver.'.x Line-Quick DIipatch-Low Freight
ietn Willamette Vallay point and San
t ranctsco,
The place to gat your
And all kind! ol
Is at tha
tW Price and Work Satisfactory
Uves San Francisco NoTtmber 5th, luh and
'"es Vaulna November th, 19tb and Jsth.
M atont every ten days thereafter.
Th' ComienT rewrves the right to change
muiuk dates without notice.
"ilr wrrlM between Portland and Palem and
I'ppet Willamette river poinu.
HUCLCABlf. Oaneral Buperlnwndent,
Corrallii, Origoa.
The Alsea House
yaliliwrt, Lincoln County,
Headquarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Comfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our motto.
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
Wm. R. Wakefield, Prop.
Toledo Meat Market,
Frosli and Cured Meats
Toledo, " Oregon.
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Lincoln County.
Solicit oorrtiondence.
full greed.
No charges unless
Fire Wiies ad Liters.
Fresh beer on draft.
stantlal, nlcklo-plated, iwrfecl, and adapted to
.... -.. ... i.iKca priniuig press.
It produces Wp, clean, legible inanuscrlpls
I wo or ten copies can Iw made at one writing
Any Intelligent person can become anoiwraior
In two days, W e otter ll.wu to any oiierator
oiirff " ork ' UfK , ASK
Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Spec
ial inducements to Dealers.
dor Pamphlet giving lldorsenieuts, etc., ad-
Odell Type Writer Co.
358-lkH Dearborn St. ClllcAHO, ILL.
A. L. 3fcFADI)EN,
Notary Public.
Toledo. , Oregon.
Notice, is hereby eiven that the
apprpved plat of survey of1 Township
12 South of Range 10 West has
been received from the Surveyor
ueneral ot Oregon and pn
March 12, 1894,
at 9 o'clock a. rti, of said day said
plat will be filed in this office and
the land therpjn embraced will be
subject to entry on and after said
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Peter Paqubt, Receiver.
Notice is hereby given that for
the purpose of making an examina
tion of all persons who may offer
themselver as candidates fot teach
ers of the schools of Lincoln county,
the county school superintendent
thereof will bol l a public examina
tion, at Newport, on Wednesday,
February 14, 1894, commencing at
one o'clock p. m.
Dated at Newport, this 30th, day
ofjanuary, 1894. Chas. Booth.
County School Superintendent,
Lincoln county, Oregon. t-w.
Farms for Sale.
I have several farms, both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts of 40 acres and upwards.
These lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable and sheep culture, Will
be sold very cheap and on reason
able terms, Anyone desiring to
purchase such lan. Is will do well to
call on or address
M, J. Ai lphim,
tf. Litt'.n Elk, Oregon,
No More Uack Ache
lA- CM . -J
le rBLADDEr?A"3
lt E. Taker's Promised Letter.; segment.
It is easy for a man to u-lt half
truth and make broad assertions in
WlucU tit is. uq truth, to. the injury
a iii.tiucier, it is nniKxs.
sible to reply to them in detail, tor
neu you stoop to grasp them there
is notmng in them, and calling
men liars, besides being tht; lan
guage of blackguards, proves noth
ing. So I will make a plain state
ment of the actual facts in the mat
ter of my last assessment in the
county, ami my present work Qii
last owners' maps. Beginning by
saying that all I will say is open to
easy proof, and if any taxpayer jn
the county wants to investigate any
part of it, let him come to the coiuir
TV-sent nrrrr I will cl.t-W-ll.;,! Mmk
1 undertook the assessment in
this county in March lust without a
particle of data of any description
to guide me: 110 map, 110 tax roll,
no recoids Qr assistance whatever,
I was simply turned loose to assess
the county for the first time. It
would be a most extraordinary
i"i"ei 1'. uiiticr nit- cit cumstatices, i
had nnule no mistakes, There are
doubtless some names left off the
assessment roll, hut who for a mq
ment supposes that if my intention
was fraud I would begin at home
by leaving such prominent men off
as j, , tjopeianil, whose affidavit
was published with such a flourish
of trumpets the other day? The
facts about him are that I went to
him repeatedly for his assessment,
and failed to get il until too late.
Badlv huudkapped en 1 wit's I
found and assessed at a much lower
rate than heretofore, a gross value
of $1,041,000 worth of property
111 tins county, which is nearly
$500,000 more than was ever assess
ed, and I received hs a total com.
pensation from the county $763.40.
Of this I paid about $200 for clerk
1.: t 1; . .
iiuc nun MiippijeSj aijti tv pt us
wqrked night and day for five weeks
making out the roll; then take $joo
which is reasonable for traveling
r- 1 r .-ia -, j
count on wararuts, and you have
about $400 as my total compensa.
tion for the year's work. And this
is all true. If you doubt It come
here and I will prove it to you.
Section 3,762 of Hillta annotated
code, Vol. 2, 1892, reads as follows:
"It shall be the duty of the asses
sor in each county to make out and
retain in his possession q duplicatp
01 nis assessment roll, and shall
make the necessary corrections
therein, so that such duplicate will
correspond with the assessment roll
on file in the office of the county
clerk, and qlso make a plat of the
government survsy, and town plats
within his county, and note there
on the owner ot each tract of land
and of each town lot, and deliver
such duplicate assessment roll and
plats, aiid other documents relating
thereto, to his successor in office. '
By this yqu wjll see that the law
compels me to furnish just what I
am furnishing, a set of last owner's
maps for every township and town-
site in the county, and of course the
law contemplates that the assessor
shall be paid. Now to do this
would cost the county about $1,000
which would have to be paid out of
the county fqqds whether one cent
of additional tax was collected or
not. In the meantime an evil came
to light which, necessitated a reme
dy, in the way of double assess
merits on the roll that came from
Benton county, which cost the
county about $1 tjoQ in the way of
extra state tax, printing and delin
quent rolls, To obviate this en
tirely a thorough system must be
adopted by which to do the work.
To get a complex system required
additional labor, so I waived my
right to compensation under the
law and agreeJ with the county
court to furnish the maps for the
amount they would have to pay the
state as state tax, and which they
would not have to pay, and to wait
for my pay until the tax was col
lected, so that instead of paying the
state they would pay me, and the
county would not be out one cent,
thereby saving the county $i,ooo,
as I have explained above.
In order to do thy work well I
secured the services of one of the
best abstractors In the state, Mr,
Van Winkle. And we are doing
credible work and finding buried
and hidden property that will
astotitsh you when it Is known that
people generaUy swear to their as-
Now don't be bamboozled by the
twisting and distorting that inter
ested parties gjve this matter
i ue lact remains that Lincoln
county will not havp one cent to
pay tor the work we are doing;
The money that we get would have
to ne paid to the State if the prop.
crty lud been on the roll when it
went 111 about two months ago and
costs the county nothing.
Yours Truly,
Thos. E. Parker.
Matters Political,
flic time for the various con
ventions will soon he nt hand, and
as the time chaws on it is evident
. in DO - a
shortage on candidates that will
einbnrass the conventions. The
present appearances indicate that
there will be enough candidates to
go around.
The people's party will probably
hold their county convention first,
as their calj for precinct caucus is
tor March 3rd. The candidates
which are most prominently talked
ol ore: Geo. A, Landis, the
present incumbent lor sheriff, for
re-election: Judge Blue, for county
clerk: Attorney A, L. McFadden,
for county judge: Thos. Stakely,
for joint representative and J. W.
Farrish for assussor, Wo have
heard no name mentioned for the
lesser oftices.
Democratic candidates are plenti
ful and the principal ones talked of
are Lee Wade, of Toledo, and Ben
Tracy, of Newport, for sheriff; B.
I Jones for re-election for clerk;
Allen Parker, of Yaquina, and W.
II. Harrison, of Woldport, for
county judge;' T, E, Parker, the
present assessor, and Al, Waugh,
for assessor; Sam Logan for treas
urer; Win. Wakefield, of Little
Elk, commissioner. W. 11, Har
rison, of Wqjdport, Js 'also men
tionptjasa candidate for commis
of candidates and it Is. going to be
nip and tuck with some of tbctn
till convention is over, The caiv
didates talked about for judge are
J. 0. Stearns, of Waldport, the
present commtssjqner, and S. V,
Burt, of Elk City. Frank Stanton
seems at present to have a clear
track for the sheriffs nomination
ijjupp T. Jay Bufprd has taken up
for another position, and j. W.
Brasfield, of Seal Rock, and C, B
Crqstiq, flf this place, are mentioned
for the clerkship. Silas Howell, of
Waldport, is the man most talked
of for assessor, and the woods are
full of men who would like to be
Of course these names ore merely
takpd Rf and sproc of them may
not even be candidates. And it is
more than probable that the con
ventlous will make materia.) changes
in the slates.
Where is the Cash?
J. R. Brysoii filed an answer to
the suit of Benton county vs. him
self as assignee of Hamilton, Job &
Co, a few days ago, Among the
other allegations which he makes
as a defense he alleges that he re
ceived as assignee for Hamilton,
Job & Co, the sun, pf fn.735.a1
in money, and no more. The re
port of the same gentleman last
June, as given out by the Corvallis
papers contains tho statement that
among the assets were, "Cash at
Corvallis, $13,643.21." "Cash at
Yaquina, $2,581.97." Add these
two items together and it will be
seen that the amount of cash re
ceived at that time according to
the published statement was $15,
227.18, Now it Ins shrunk to the
extent of $3,301.97. The question
naturally arises, w'.iat has become
of this money? or what has caused
the discrepancy in the two state
ments? Both of these statements
were published in the Corvallis
Times, and it behooves either the
editor of the Times to explain the
mistake, or Assignee Bryson to
arise and tell what causes the de
ficiency. It may 1-e all right, but
the figures don't show it, and the
peoples' confidence in the whole
Hamilton, Job & Co. business is so
shaken that it would be better not
to attempt to juggle figures on
The uu.vdi-r should be
read by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
A Justification.
The position taken by the Lkad;
KR that county officers are merely
the peoples' servants to perform
certain duties are carefully laid
down by law, and further, that iq
the performance of these duties the
officers have no legal nor moral
right to keep anything secret or in
the dark, and that it is the solemn
duty ot the press to keep the people
informed on these subjects, has jus
received an ample justification
from Linn county.
G. F. Russell, the county schooj
superintendent of that county has
turned defaulter and fled- to parts,
unknown, leaving his bondsmen tq
makeup a $r,ooo shortage. Ah
msmnt into inn mrm -wm. 1
got hold of the money shows that a
deplorable state of business affairs
have been in existence in Linn
county. To obtain a part of these
school funds which he embezzled,
he had to forge the names of school
clerks tq school orders, and report
new districts created where none
existed, aud pretend Jo continue,
some which had been discontinued
These were all palpable frauds and
most easily discoverable, had the
press dqne its duty to the people,
Had a synopsis ol the business)
transacted by the county treasure
and the school superintendent been,
published those clerks would have
known at once, that the school or
ders with their names. tittache4
were forgeries, and the drawing qf
money for discontinued districts
have been easily detected. But
there was 110 pay in publishing
these things and so they were not
Newspapers owes as much of a
duty to protect the community
which feeds them as they do tq
stuff their own purses.
A Linn County Defaulter. 1
Some days ago County School
Superintendent G, F. Russell left
this city ostensibly on a trip tq Sari
have discovered that he has been
guilty of systematic robbery of the.
school fund and that he took witl
him considerable cquuty schooj
It has been customary for the,
school superintendent to draw
money for school districts from the
treasurer and send it to the clerk 5
as an accomodation. In some cases,
he forged the names of clerks oj
school districts and in others gave
ficticious names of clerks of schoo)
districts having no exir-tance.
The full amount of his ombezzclt
ment is not known. Over $1,000,
is known to be stolen and perhaps
much more. When last heard of
Russell was n Omaha, He tele:
graphed his wife here asking if she
would come to him. She refused
and returned to her parents at
Shedds. Russell is aged about 35 .
and had heretofore been considered
Newa and Politics Mixed, ,
The Albany Herald says: "It is.
reported on good authority that II,
E. Fulsome, democratic treasurer
of Umatilla county, has been fqun4
short in his account in the sum of
$49,000. The discovery was made
on the demand of the county courj
for a statement. Fulsome's bonds,
men are said to be able to make,
the amount of the shortage good."
The funny part comes in when it
is learned that Fulsome was not a,
democrat at all, but was a strong;
republican, These efforts to mix
news and politics get comical somes,
times, '
... .
The Oregon City Woolen Mills
have shut down, owing to a dis.
agreement with their employes
over the wage question. The'
Enterprise, of that place, warms
the mill owners up in good shape
and allege that they are trying to'
force their white employes to work
even less than Chinese wages. It
further alleges that the cause for
the falling off of the purchases of
the mills' product is caused by the
mills working so much shoddy into
their goods.
Hadley has filed his final state
ment and fails in it to Jell what
was done with the last three months'
earnings of the road. He don't
explain about the wood deal which
the road participitated in last sum
mer. '