Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 25, 1894, Image 4

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    - r - . . ... ...
T 'I
- 4
J. V. ST;M ABT.Kdllor u Proprttter.
i uliliebed evry Thurwlay at Tolado; Llnrol
Comity, OreKon. .
Subscription. Rates:
One,year, - - - $1.50
Six months, ... ,75
Three months, - - .50
AlvertlBlng rnte niie known on ai.tion
liiliieu lo -uId will be lncrit"l In tlicno -nl-utmiH
at live rents r Hue ter week, and will
be run until onlcred lit-iiiitmiel.
fcrerjr xtmater in I. Inc., In county lb authoriz
ed tu aet an aiceut lor the LkaI'KH.
Entered at the poKtoMi-e hi Toledo, Oregon, an
aepond-clanH mall mutter.
rartleKrefeiviiitf thin paper who Hhvc not M
Hred the MHine inuv know ttmt Kuiie frien'l hH
tinlered it for them tin'! that they will nut I
Vailed upon to pay for it.
Officiul County' Pnper,
T. Jay Buford went to Newport
Ihe first of the week.
, I,ce Williams, the Newport gro
Uryiuan, was up last Monday.
1'. M. Stanton went to Corvallis
bn business the first of the week.
Miss Lay ton, from near Scio, ar
rived 011 a visit to her aunt Mrs,
tlias. Dick, this evening,
. 'We are requested to announce
Saturday night will be postponed
one week,
Judge Hurt, of Elk City, came
down last night and Is in the city
to-day. The Judge looks like liv
ing at Klk City agreed with him.
S. N. Wilkins, the Corvallis fur
niture dealer, was attached yester
May by Portland creditors to the
Amount of $i,ydo. It is expected
hat an assignment will be made.
Whnt has become of all our
touritry correspondents? Give us
the best you enn boys, your items
beats ours too bad. Come as often
tat you can, even if your items are
t A number of spars or small piling
have drifted in on the north beach
nt Newport recently. They are
from 60 to 80 feet long and are fine
pieces of timber. It is thought by
some that they are a purl of the
finnous Coos bay raft.
The St. Johns church bell has ar
rival in good shape but hits not
yet been put in place. It was ac
companied by a life-sized freight
bill, which is causing the good
church people to hustle to raise the
Shekels to satisfactorily liquidate
the same.
. We understand that when W. S.
Hufford wfts in the other day on
the Grady rond mutter, he made an
offer to compromise oh behalf of
Grady. The terms, we understand,
was that Grady give up all right to
... twenty five feet next lo Copelaud's
stoic and that the county thereupon
surrender all claims to the balance
We have heard of many cost
miles before, Imt it has never been
our good fortune to run across
many such cost sales as is now go
ing 011 at the popular clothing and
furnishing store of Luke O'lh ten's,
at Vaquina. The tost with this
sale is the cost of both buyer and
seller. He is doing this- i:i order
.to wtfoH liie .balance of. a large
winter sloejj and make room for
his spring slock, which will arrive
about the 1st of March. .We be
lieve that there ore just us good
bargains on his counters ns can be
found in Portland or Francis-
Robert Campbell went lo New
port on the fust of the week, and
returned by the Shaw coal mine.
He brought us a sample of the coal
that they ate taking out of the mine,
and in appearance It is as line a
sample of coal as we ever saw in
any country. It very much re
sembles the famous Pittsburg suit
coal of Pennsylvania, and is remark
able for its.ckiliiliiess. In handling
. it with the bare l'muds no black or
sooty spots or marks uiv made, and
parties who have'tiicd it s.iy that it
bums as clean and free trout soot as
a handles. They also say that it
Sums u-' free ft 0111 cinders. Tlu-ie
, hi bo no question but that it is a
i ! t v.q etit.r qua'ity an I that it
. ul be a cogent factor in the deW-1-t
opmcnt of our country. The
1 company are working right along
at the mine getting things in shape
10 supply the mmket with coal. If
' the whole product of the mine is as
pood as the sample brought us we
ii edict thlt inside of two years it
-v ill drive wood piuctu.r.h out of
nr local 111,11 Vets usy-1 ii'tVi . it
Sheriff Landis had business in
Newport the first of the week.
From the many honest words of
encouragement we have received
we are rapidly losing our fears of
being "starved" or "crushed."
We acknowledge a short call and
a few words of honest' encourage
ment from Jos. Ulflwer, living near
Mill Four, on Tuesday.
that our friend J. R 'f umidge, who
has been quiteJHor some time has
so far recovered as to be able to get
down to town once in a while.
Hon. Beal Gaither was over from
the Silelz yesterday, He reports
that the grippe, jvhfcti has been
epidemic on the reservation for sev
eral weeks has about abated.
The O. P. is now running mixed
trains on freight days. This makes
the train get in a little later on
these days, but is otherwise no in
convenience, and is 110 doubt quite
a saving in the operating of the
Wallis Nash returned from a trip
to San Francisco and Portland a few
days ago. While at the former
place, we understood, hj; met Col.
Hogg, and the condition of the Ore
gon Pacific was discussed at length.
However, Mr. N'ash informed us
that there" are no- developments in
O. P. matters. Corvallis News.
j. man tnai can mm a wiioie urt
of news these days to put in a pa
per these days is a regular James
dude, lhere may have been a
time when items were scarcer for
the country press on the coast, gen
erally, but we believe if there ever
was it was before the Hudson Bay
company trappers ever struck the
Pacific coast.
It might jur.t as well be under
stood nrst, last And all the time
that the Lhaoick cannot be silenced
111 any way or manner. It is not
for snle and it cannot be bulldozed.
That ends it. And it may just as
well be understood also that the
Lhadkk only has one Interest to
protect, and that is the people of
Lincoln county.
The football teairi of the Oregon
Agricultural college defeated the
Multnomah Juniors, of Portland
at Corvallis last Saturday . Now if
some of the students of the
college would get in and win a di
ploma, or prize, or something as a
mark of superior learning, sonic of
the people would be foolish enough
to feel highly elated ovei that, also.
Notice has been received and
duly posted in the clerk's office
that the survey of township 12,
range 10, has been duly approved
and the plat filed in the land office
at Oregon City, and that land in
saitl township will be subject to
entry on and after March 1 2, 1894.
This will be welcome news to the
settlors in that region, some of
which have lived eVi their ranches
more than live years.
The end of Receiver Clark's first
month will soon be at hand. Now
if Mr. Clark takes what money there
is on the first of the month and di
vides it pro rata among the laborers
even if it is only a dollar each, and
not let the reu ivct and the attorneys
hog the whole tiling, our faith in
the new administration will be
materially strengthened, Anything
short of this will bring the regula
tion kick tioiu this paper.
K. Rhoades made proof ou his
homestead near this place last Mum
mer, and the proof vyas rejected at
the Oregon City land office by
Register ApH'rson on technical
grounds. Mr. Rhoades appealed
the case to the. laud commissioner
at Washington and hasjust received
word M the cflect that he will be
entitled , to ivxke his prcof in the
picsctihid way and is diiected to
do so at once. We congtatulate
Mr. Rlnvides upon the favorable
decision, as we are sorry to see any
honest eutrymaii lose his land,
The stricture i.ud by the Capital
Journal, of Salem, on Receiver
Claik, arc both unjust and uncalled
for at the present time. Mr. Clatk
took hold of the propel ty after it
had been thoroughly sucked day.
The ocean division was solidlv
tiid uj, and the liver division was
puictically in the same shape. It
would have been haul to have con
ceived a woise state of utfairs for a
new receiver to take hold of. At
the present time it K-gins to look
as though he was going to bling
I order out of chaos, .so far as it
nppeit.iln to hbn Is very ill-timed
land out of place. As tar as the.
utlici i cs ,-.:e concerned we!
i- '''ill V V n; ).rrs.-nt
Jas. M. Collins, ap-old settler 011 1
Alsea, was in Toledo last Monday, j
L. F. Pipin, of Chitwood, was a;
caller last Tuesday and gave us a
short chat. i
We understand that protracted
meetings will soon begin at this
Hon. R. A. liensell braved the
elements and cAmeun from New -
j . f
IttlVJl i)V.lUL LUC J 4 1 . .A 11 1 . It.
is to the effect that ksfbett knocked
Mitchell out in three rounds.
The branch insane asylum has;06 m OCK T rHLL ana
been located at Union, if the prop-
erty territory can be secured
There was a social Mr
and Mrs. Frank Tilbjtfjon's last
night, A fine timers reported by
all present.
One of our star actors in the drama
here the other night lost a nick out
of his ear in the sword fight. No
rewaid is offered for its recovery.
The industrial school afthe Si
lelz has an enrollment of 88, and
a general avenijjefUeiidauce of 84.
The attendance is larger than was
We see by the exchanges that
Col. Parker, of Walla Wfilla,
is headed this wayi We ought to
get in and quarantine against him
before he gets here.
That account which vou promised
to pay nie is still due, Please call
anil settle it at once, tins means
.ill who are owing me.
C. G. Coi'KLAM).
The Salem Capital journal is
trying to work up a subscription
list along the line of the O. P., and
is hashing up a lot of foolish stuff
ami sending each of the O. I', boys
a lot of extra copies.
We understand that the Tillotson
boys have leased Chas. Kennedy's
place east of town for a period of
two years. The boys will put the
place in good shape with their two
years services.
Receiver Clark went through to
Yaquina last Friday evening. He
was accompanied by Crosby, the
grain shipper, and they went to
superintend the unloading and load
ing of the steamer Del Norte.
Henry Wulf killed his pet bear,.
Pedro, last Tuesday. Pedro had
got to be too "sassy" fopsafety
and went into ihe corfdition in
which bears are Hlost available
through a shot in the head. John
Gaither fired the fatal shot.
Pcnnoyer's Christmas letter has
already begun lo bear fruit. In a
letter received from friends in
Denver they say's "Joe and Mary
were going to Oregon this winter
bul they see a letter from Gov.
Peiinoyer lo Cleveland that people
were about to starve in Oregon and.
they thought they would wait
The Corvallis Times cries out
loudly for n dividend to the Ham
ilton, Job & Co. creditors, and
asks the various public institutions
which are claiming trust funds to
waive their claims as far as the
payment of a dividend is concerned.
A dividend would be a very nice
thing, but the complications ahead
of such event are many and var
ious. The drama "The Turn of the
Tide" which was played by local
talent last Tuesday night was well
attended by our people. The
young people who performed the
various parts did quite well for the
short time in which they had to
prepare for it. One noticeable feat
ure was the entire absence of long
"waits" between the scenes which
are usually the drawbacks of ame-
tcurs. On the whole the play was
above exiH.'Ctatious.
Owing to the extremely stormy
weather last Friday night which
prevented Installing Officer Oliver
to come up from New pott the Odd
Fellows installation of otliccts was
again postponed. An elegant sup
per for the members and visitors
had been piepared at the Hotel
Lincoln, and after lodge the mem
bers partook of the same with as
much est as though due install.- j
tiott had been had. The supper
was a nicely arranged feast of good
things and added another tcsiimoni- j
nl to the hostess', Mrs. 1 hi ford's, '
ability to picp.ttc a feast fit for the
most fastidious,
Klk City Items.
One pleasant day.
The river was higher last Sun
day thntt it has been since the tlmvl
of '1.
The po- tollicc s now in ibcduivj
-u'e ' ' .
! Buy as much as possible. The place to do
! x anin; 4 1) i"1 IC TT L'TADf"
j "US "I HJYl
IT. P. FLSIL wllOl'e
Prices" is tllC l'lllc.
le 0 . 1 r r- 1 1
T),i Af,l
Dry Goods, Groceries,
The Leader
Flour ami Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing;.
Cigars and Tobacco, fruits and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
t-I . TVC. 33FRXJ2STKI, Prop.,
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc.
Billiard and Fsol Room
Vaquina city, - Oregon-.
The county toad up lvlk is in
had condition. Only a trail re
mains in two places, the wagon
track lias washed away.
Col. l' J. Tarker, of Walla Walla
lias been with us for n few days,
prospecting for a rock quarry.
They found a line prospect both in
quality and (j Mutity. A part of
the quarry is on J). J. Rainsdell's
place, lie 'has to-day leased his
interest to parties for developement.
This will he a fine thiiiir for the
poor fislieuuen and pigeon trappers.
They can find employment in the
dull season'.
Jan. 25, 1894. Jack.
Mh KST.U'li l'll.tSr KKS.
The following are the- transfers
of real estate filed in the county
clerk's office since our last report:
J. R. Abbey to Ella Jones, 1
acre tide land in Toledo;
consideration $250.00
C. J. Uishop to Henrietta E.
IJishop; lot 9, blk 35 in
Newport; consideration
T. lvgenton Hogg to Wm
M. Iloag; miscellaneous
tracts ot land in and ad
joining Yaquina City ; con
1. 00
Josephine Johnson to Chas.
Ruhitdroir; N. E. of
N. E. tf.Sec. 31; N. W
'? of N. W. 4. Sec. 32;
5. E. )'i orS. E. f 30;
vS. W. ) ofS. W. ;,Sec.
29; consideration 1SS.00
Jno. Wm. Will and wife to
Christina Will; lots 1, 2,
3, 4, Steam's blk, Nye &
Thompson's addition to ,
Newport; consideration 469.75
Jas. Robertson and wife to
Eda S. Robertson; lots 14
15, blk 4, Prior Scott's ad- '
dition to Highland; con
sideration 200.00
Mahala Cloak nnd. husband
to Geo. T. Smith : 1 7 acres
in Section 15, Twp. 11,
Range 10; consideration 210.00
Louisa Sheppard and hus
band to Geo. T. Smith;
3.25 acres in Sec. 1 5, Twp.
11 Range 10; considera
tion 113-50
F. M. & J. A. Stanton to
Edwin Stanton; Jj of lot
6, blk 13, Graham's ad
dition to Toledo: consider
ation 1 50.00
. .
Notice, is here! y given that the
approved of su . vey of Township
12 Svutli of K.ui. e 10 West has
been received fn a the Stirvevor
General of Oregoi and ou 1
Manli li. ItWI, ' I
at 0 o'clock a. m. of siid said
Jpht will lc filed t 1 this ofike and
j the l.oid therein 1 ubraced will le
I sul jcU to entrv 11 and after saur
j k.mot A. Mi i.ER, Register.
I'vtkh l'V i!VT. Receiver.
"(iOO(l GoOuSat LOW
niiiiiTrn nnTP 1 euftre1
wmitn duuio ana onuw
PUrLi,, 17- I
Hardware, Notions,!
Toledo, Oregon.!
Low Prices. !
No More Back Ache
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Civil Engineer and
I.....: of Original Surveys accurate
ly located. Terms Reasonable.
Address all communications to
Oxa, Lincoln Co., Okkgon,
S. T. JEFl'ltlJYS,
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Lincoln County.
Stilii'li iMrroiMr.V-nec
fullv It'W'l.
S'' chri(es uttleo
i'K.U.KR l
hi Wines ail Liquors.
Fresh beer on draft.
SORT. Toledo.
A. L.
No tax-y Public.
Toledo. - Vnpon
kiOKL 1 Jti
Ell f 1 rB-oWV. TJ
1 3 i jjy-ag
I 1 IV
Lincoln County Leader.
The Official Paper of Lincoln
Gives more Local News than all
the other Papers in the
County Combined.
Fearless, Outspoken and Free."
It is not controlled by any
Clique or lling.
It is worthy of the support of
every Taxpayer in the I,
ONtY 31.
You get all the Official County
News, and the all Local
Call on or
so pe;r