Lincoln County Leader. J. r. ITIWAKTi Pwbllahar. TOLEDO OEEGON OCCIDENTAL NEWS. More Placer Mines Discovered Near Goler, California. THE GOVEEXOE IS CONDEMNED. Large Lump of Beeswax Two Ocean Steamers en Uoute for Puget Sound. The British Columbia shinglemakers have combined to keep up prices. A cliicken epidemic is depopulating the henroosts of the lower Kogue river in Oregon. The Riverside Fruit Exchange nays no fruit injured hy the late freeze will be sent Kant to market. Waldo M. York ban been appointed Superior Judge at Iam Angeles to suc ceed the late Judge Wade. The name of the postoflice at Pond d'Oreille, Kootenai county, Idaho, hah been changed to Hand Point. Ashland, Or., is bringing to its aid the chuingang and bread-and-water diet in dealing with the tramp question. Steps have been taken at San Jose to form a county wine exchange similar in purpose to that of the fruit exchange. j oriuimi a lyiiainour 01 ivomiuerre I on- i, -ii i ., t demns Governor Pennoyer's statements in his open letter to President Clove land. Heceivers were appointed for the At luuiiu mm 1 Mi-iuc ttt PiituuiA, A. T., on application to the Supreme Court of the .territory. The Mare Island authorities are in dignant over an article In a San Fran cisco paper charging the marine contin gent were being starved. Many Sacramento officials profioso to test the legality of the new charter, and will not surrender their ollices until they ate required to do so by a court de cision. The City Auditor at Critnt's Pass. Or., refused to cash a bill the Council had ordered to bo paid, when the Council de posed him, and the citizens are raising money to aid him in his contest before tho courts. Tho lowor California Development Company has obtained a concession from the Mexican government for the estab lishment of a mull steamship service be tween the ports of San Diego, Knsenada and Sun Quontin. An Inquiry mode for tho 1,000 oil painting of facoma, which was exhib ited at Chicago during the World's Fair, shows it is in hock in Chicago as security for funds advanced on account of the Merchants' National Bank of Tacumu. Olllcial statistics just compiled at Port TowiiMcnd show 2,3.r0 Chinese pas sengers in transit irom the Uncut hy way of the Cunudiaii steamers landed in Portland and Astoria last year. With the exception of 500 all ohtuined admit tance as mcrclituitH. Walter Chedick, a Carson business mull, proposes that the State flout $.'!, 000,000 3 per cent IkiikIs to build a roud through Diamond Valley, around the south end of Luke Tuhoe, along I.ako Valley and down the American river to the Sacramento, making Nevada a com petitive point. William Morton and Ocorgo Mocsscr in an extended prospecting tour on the desert, ulsiut 200 miles north of Sun Bernardino, t'al., and about forty miles from (ioler, discovered placer mines never before known, and gathered sev eral largo nuggets as the result uf one day's work. The Public Administrator at Sun Jose bus tiled u statement of the condition of 1 lit estate of 0. 0. Haywnrds, who, it was aliened, took and squandered the money of the Santa Clara Bank while he was cashier, there will lie alsjut $10,000 to distribute among the heirs, If the hank doesn l file a claim. i no iiouiesiiike goin mine, known as the Neul mine and situated hi the Nenl district, eighteen miles from Boise City, Idaho, bus lcc n sold to persons con nected with the Omaha anddrant Smelt ing Company. The price? is said to I hi tins is the mine over which there bus recently been some sensational litigation. The Pucillc Coast Council of Trades in session at Sacramento has declared in favor of the municipal ownership of gas, electric light, water works, street rail ways, the iiatinulir-'.ion of telegraph, telephone and railway lines ami postal savings h.uks, compulsory education up to 10 years and eight hours' lubor a day. A huge lump of beeswax was recently brought up from the Nchiilcm by a set tler in that section and sold to M. J. Kinney of Astoria, Or., for $25. Its di mensions are about S'x'-'il feet, ami on one of the sides are three letters, but so indistinct that they cannot hodeciphcred. It was found near the spot on the beach where a Spanish vessel is supposed to have gone ashore many years ago, and where so much of the wax has lieon found from time to time for twenty years past. Collector Wise has discovered a big smuggling ring, with headquarters in Kan I rancisco, Frederick Miller, lieorge Wiehiiiun, a candy dealer, and l.ow Greenwood have been arrested for smug gling $;l0,000 worth of opium and ille gally landing thirteen Chinese. Two other members of the ring, Voss and SorctiKon, w ere arrested some time ngo in Sacramento, were released on liail ami are now in Victoria, It. C. The schooner Esmeralda was chartered, and brought down from Victoria l,n00ouuds of opium and thirteen Chinese, all of whom were successfully landed. Kx-ln-spectors of Customs I'attison and Noyes ie implicated. At a meeting of the Portland Tsxpny eis' Committee of 100 the first step to ward alsilishing the Port of Portland Commission was taken. The commis sion was created several years ago bv the Oregon legislature, and was given Miwer to create a twenty-llvo-loot chan nel from Portland to the sea. Bonds aggregating 1500,000 were Issued, and the Columbia and Willamette were im proved so that a great portion of Oregon and Washington reaped the licnent ol the improvements. The emimiiudou lately has lscn spending money in mak ing a new channel at Snag Island in the Columbia at an outlay of a large sum, while it is claimed the old channel could be improved at a much less cost, (liber charges of iiccUlcssexpeiidiliireof money have Into made, and now it is deter mined to stop it. With this olijeet In view the committee will appeal to the next legislature to abolish the commit-liou. THE .NATIONAL CAPITAL. Senator Dolph has introduced a joint resolution allowing a number of settlers titles to laii is ou the Umatilla reserva tion. The Kavv DeDartment has assigned the TlietiB, now at ban Diego, Cal., to the duty of conducting surveys along the Pacific Coast. The Committee on Indian Affairs has reported favorably Representative Ellis' bill extending the time of the Umatilla Ditch Company for three years. The Banking and Currency Committee has decided to lay aside till the tariff bill is disposed of the bill for the repeal of the tax on State bank circulation. It is understood the Senate Commerce Committee has agreed to report unfavor ably the nomination of Scott Harrison, brother of ex-President Harrison, to be Surveyor of Customs at Kansas City. Senator Mitchell has secured an order from the Postoflice Department estab lishing a tri-weekly mail from IJalscy to isrownsville on alternate days with the mail that now reaches Brownsville from Portland on the railroad. In the Senate a memorial from the Legislature of Idaho wag read, praying for dredging the Spokane river by the federal government as a means of lower ing the level of Comr d'Alene Lake and reclaiming submerged land. A Cabinet officer has stated that the contingency upon which the Secretary of the Treasury could issue bonds with out Congressional action was when the gold reserve in the Ireasury was invaded to such a point as in the judgment of the Secretary to impair public confidence. That point, he paid, had almost, if not quite, been reached. It is stated in official circles that then is no probability of the international monetary conference reconvening in the spring, as was thought likely some time ago. At least Hie suggestion for it to re convene lie will not emanate from the United States. This information has I l .l t i. . oeen conveycu to ine uriiisn government " u? e.Teiary .resnam, General Wheeler, Chairman of the Committee on Territories, has no hope ol getting up the hill lor the admission of New Mexico until after tho tarilF bill is disposed of. Delegate Smith of Ari zona, whose bill for the admission of his Territory lias already passed the House, says there is nodouhtol favorable action In the Senate. It is said Cleveland has called for the resignation of members of the Utah Commission with a view to increasing its elllciency. It is represented that there are conflicting Interests among its mciuhcrs, and that good government will be subserved by a new deal. When the Democrats in Congress come to admit Utah as a State the commission will die a natural death. The Civil Service Commission has completed the schedule of examinations that will he held during tho first six mouths ol the present year to fill post lions in the railway mail and Indian services, r.xamiiiuuous will he held as follows: KoHchurg, Or., April 20; Port- lund, dr., April 1; Seattle, Wash. April 27; Walla Walla, Wash., May 1 and SM)knue, Wash., May 3. The House Committeo on Naval Af- (airs has ordered an adverse report on the resolution introduced in the House by Mr. Holman of Indiana, directing the Secretary of the Navy to suspend until liirtlier nonce was received Irom t on ureas all payments of premiums for in creused speed in naval vessels and call ing on him for information relative to the amount of premiums heretofore paid and the manner of determining the amounts ot these awards. Mr, Bowers of California appeared lie- fore the House Committee on liiversund llarlsirs the ot her day in support of plan to protect the mouth of Sun Diego Jiuy Iroiu shoaling, the plan content plates building a jettv lit the mouth of the hurlsir a mile and a half long. The object Is to cut olf u lateral channel that has been forming at the mouth of the harbor, there is now about twenty three feet of water on the bar at low tide. The building of the jetty would increase it to twenty-six feet. In the Semite Allen. Populist of No braska, called up his resolution directing thu fvcrctarv ol the 1 reasurv to Inform the Senate from what source the gold com of this country outside tho Federal Treasury was Increased to the amount of t8H.000.000 durum the fiscal vear l.Hir.l, as expressed in his recent report for that year. Dolph Joined with the Populist Senator in expressing inability to com prehend the rewrt of the Secretary of the ireasury, and thu resolution of in quiry whs adopted without dissent. Senator Dolph has rciortcd from the l oinmlltee on I uhhe Lands and secured the passage of Senator Mitchell's bill to uulhorir.e a patent to bo issued to Will iaui llendershott for a donation claim in Oregon. He has also secured the has snge of the House bill to authorize proofs in timUir land entries to lie made More olllccrs authorized to take proofs In home stead cases, and also ol his bill to au thorite a corrected patent to the Whee-liH'k-Simnious donation claim in II ills Uiro, Or., and to grunt to the State a tract of land for the Crater Lake Park. 'I he Investigation of the water re sources of the United States undertaken by tho geological survey bus been prac tically completed. The work was com menced In Octolier, 1811, with the object of determining the quantity of water available (or the irrigation o( arid lauds of the West and for use as water vower. Studies have Urn made ot most of the drainage basins west of the 100th merid ian, as well as several catchments of the Fast. Scientists have devoted a large part o( the time in the examination of the "run oil's" o( the Missouri, Arkan sas, Itio Grande and Snake rivers. Ge ologist Newell of the survey said in an interview: "It docs not appear prob able that even 10 ier cent of the laud now owned by the government can ever lie irrigated. ' In (act, there is not a suf ficient supply of water to bring under cultivation arid laud equal totlmt which has passed into the hands of individuals and corporations. These are, however, localities where thousands o( acres can le profitably irrigated by the construc tion of dams and irrigating canals." Secretary Carlisle has received from Attorney-General Olney an opinion in which he holds that the Chinese exclu sion act and prior acts regarding the Chinese ermil Chinese laborer coming or going to countries other than the United States to pass in transit to the country of destination through the I'nl ted States. Thisqiiestion wassuhmit ted to the Attorney-General some time ago by Secretary Carlisle, (or the rcaoon that it is alleged that a number of Chi namen while in transit stop oil' at points in this country ami thereby gain admis sion in violation of the law. Munv Chi nese laborers, too, it is said, who land at San Francisco from China, destined fot Cuba, return to this eountrv by wuvof Key West, Fla , or by points on the Mexican border, holding certificates as " merchants " fraudulently obtained. It was to stop these avenues that tin Tnasury IVrtinent consulted the At toriiey-Gcneral, hoping that his opinion would K that the law could r so con stuie.l as to prevent Chinese laborer from passing through the United State The Attorney-General has not been able to gratify the department bv carrying out this expectation. EASTERN MELANGE. Peter Jackson's Constitution Ruined by Drink. THE NICARAGUA CANAL COMPANY Mrs. Frances B. Clarke Deserts the Episcopal Church Oar Total Yield of Wool for '93. Thousands of Texas sheep are starv ing on the prairies. A home for ship builders has been es tablished in rew York. The organ of the Chicago saloonkeep ers is called Mixed Drinks. There were 315 suicides in New York last year, against 241 in 1802. Texas railroads killed 180 people and injured during last year. Over 2.0X) New York painters have deserted the Knights of Labor. Mrs. Cyrus W. Field has applied for a receiver lor her millinery business. New York civil-service reformers are trying to form an anti-spoils league. Cincinnati is about to expend $1,000.- 000 upon the improvement of her parks. Several St. Louis dairies have been condemned as nuisances by the Board of Health. The Brooklyn Citv Railroad Cnmnsnv will equip 1,000 of its cars witli life fenders. The German Americans of Kansas are preparing for a vigorous anti-prohibition Campaign. The National Hice Manufacturing Com pany of New Orleans has completed the nrst rice elevator. Knights of Labor officials are trying to mortgage the headquarters in Phila delphia for f20,000. the government is to erect ot Sandy Hook a search light larger than the one at the World's Fair. The grip has attacked a tribe of In dians up in Wisconsin, and has in sev eral cases proved fatal. The conference of transcontinental railroad lines at Chicago has failed to agree ujion anything so far. The fire underwriters are lending a vigorous hand in the war against the trolley on Manhattan island. It is Predicted that over 1,000 miles of railroad will lie built In Texas this year notwithstanding tue nuru times. lteHjrts from Dallas, Tex., are to the oiled that Mexican rebels are organizing all ulong the itio u ramie border. It is stated that Aztec Indians in Mex ico will join the Yaqtiis in their light against ttie Mexican government. Another spun of the I-oiiisvillo and JeH'ersonvillo bridgo is reported to be out of perpendicular and in danger of lulling. The New York, Olympia and other big war ships, it is understood, will patrol the Pacific next summer to prevent seal- killing. r.rie railroad directors have Issued a notice to road's security holders propos mg a new mortgage to secure $70,000,000 in bonds. The South Carolina roast is luting watched to prevent contraband wur ma terial from leaving to aid. the Brazilian insurgents. The total yield of wool in the United States lust year is estimated at 3!4,3&0,- (idU iouiids, ttie largest crop ever made in one year. A good gold find bus just been made In the Esther shaft of the Wolcott ground within six blocks of the leading iiioroughlure ol lAudville, (Jol. The smallest immigration lust year came Irom ales, the number being oniy nh, while the heaviest rush wus from Italy, which sent us 05,200. The totul value of tho crops of the United States during 181(3 is estimated at $:l,000,000,000, ol which the largest item is tmi.uuu.uuu worth ol hay. Judge Guillett of the Valparaiso (tnd.l Judicial Court proisises to give nil crim inals who are habitual drunkards the gold cure instead ot prison sentences, The State ol Connecticut is swarming with bunco men who have hccii driven out of New York, and it is said that many of them are in a destitute condi tion. Only thirty-five vessels havelaen built at Baltimore during 18113, while sixtv one were built there in 1S02. The regis tered tonuuge showed an even greater decline. The employes of the Philadelphia city government are contributing 1 per cent of their salaries for the relief of the poor, ami win continue to do so while the dis tress lasts. A bill to prohibit the running of rail road trains, freight, passenger or even mail, in Ninth t aroliua on Sunday has la-en introduced in the Legislature of that State. Charles Henderson of Wellston, O., is titling out an expedition to seek (or treasure which he claims was secreted in a cave on an island in the South Seas forty years ago. Peter Jackson, the colored prine lighter, has ruined his constitution bv excessive drink, it is positively asserted by a well-jxwlod sportsman that Peter w ill never apear in tho ring again. Komco Pagliostro was an applicant tor naturaliratioii papers oclorea New lork court recently, and when the Judge asked him who was' the Chief F.xccutive ol the United States he answered confidently, " Tamilian lliithtv" He got his walking papers instead. Major Graham Davis of North Caro lina is actively interesting himself In a movement to save from rum the old fort of Sir Walter Kalcigti on the eastern coast and preserve to the State the ground on which ii was num. The students who enter Hillsdale iMich.) t ollege single cannot get mar ried dqring their course and remain in the college. People already married, however, are not burrvd. This is in ac cordance w ith a new rule laid dow n by the faculty and just made public. Mrs. Frances B. Clarke of St. Paul. Minn., has deserted the Episcopal Church, and Is now on Iter way to Koine lo liccome a Catholic. Mrs. Clarke is the wealthiest woman tit Minnesota, and her husband i one of the most promi nent men. She was President of the World's Fair Board at Chicago, and at tracted a great deal ol attention Utli because of her beauty and ability. A plan ol reorganiiation or adjustment I the Nicaragua Canal Company is be ing prepared, at the city ol New York, hivli will he fuller, (ranker and more quitahle than the one the stockholder ire now asked to assent to. and they w ill H asked to join in the appointment of a MUitmttce composed ol men ol national cputation, strict integrity and ability o reorvsniie the company or adinat it's iitair in the la-tt interests of all the stockholder. FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS. There ia a prospect that the Panama scandal may be revived in France. China is manning a chain of forts all along her seacoast with Krupp gung. Mrs. Langtry has purchased the Cob ham Park stud farms in England for fou.uoo. Great Britain, France and Russia each contribute 120,000 a year to the civil list of the King of Greece. The malady from which the King of Siain is now suffering is due to the abase of alcoholic stimulants. England's Admirality has ordered a new cruiser that will make at least twenty-three knots an hour. The harbor of Glasgow will soon be undermined by seven tunnels, running at a safe distance under its bed. The decision of the Court of Appeals in Holland that kissing is not an offense has attracted some attention in Europe. Russia's revenue fell olf about $10, 000,000 in the last nine months of 1893, compared with the similar period in 1802. Lobengula is on the banks of the Zam besi with Z.000 voumr warriors. He pro poses to keep up the fight with the Brit- loll, Labor agitators in F.nirland are enlist ing public sympathy in behalf of the overworked barmaids, of whom there are izu.uw. Emperor William of Germany was much pleased with one of his Christmas presents. It was a bust of himself made of plaster of paris. Under a law recently put in force in France only physicians graduated in France are allowed to use the title " Doc tor" in that country. The tax imposed on women for wearing trousers by the French government ranges irom iu to nil. but all women are not given this privilege. The name most whispered now as the strongest candidate for Pope to succeed Pope Io XIII. is Monsignor Dominico Jacobini, the Papal Nuncio in Lisbon. When the Paris Salon of 1894 closes next June the Palais de Plndustrie will Ihi devoted to an exhibition of Ixxiksand of all industries connected with paper. The bicycle has brought aliout the re opening of many of the old-time country hotels in France, which had closed long ago because of the introduction of rail roads. It is said that in making racing and pleasure Isiuts French constructors are creeping rapidly up to their English ri vuls and are seriously striving to over haul them. A new insurance company is being organized at Berlin by a body of respon sible men, mainly jewelers, to insure the members against losses at tha hands of burglars. A remarkable arclucologicul discovery is announced from Treves. In excavat ing the old Roman walls close to the Mo selle a complete Roman pottery entail ment was discovered. In Italy oil is now made from grape seed. When perfectly clean and well dried the seeds are ground like wheat. Thu finer the flour thus obtained the greater the yield of oil. A letter received from Sumarcand de scribes the ravages of the famine through out Turkestan. The cause of the famine is the excessive cultivation of cotton to the exclusion of cereals. English scientists are very much wor ried over the results of an investigation which has shown bevond doubt that the seas around the British coast are being rapidly exhausted of fish. ine rate ol mortality ot lxjndon is shown by a recent report to have stead ily decreased with the introduction and perfection of adequate menus of dispos ing of the sewage of the city. According to a decision just rendered by the Supreme Court of tho German Empire boycotting is not forbidden by the law of the land, although it is to be condemned on moral grounds. Camels have been introduced upon a farm not fur from Kiell', Russia. Ai present eighteen camels are at work plowing, and their keep is found to cost much less than that of horses. Madrid is to emulate Chicago. A rovnl edict bus lieen promulgated, and on April 1, 1894, there will be opened in the Span ish capital an international exhibition that will last until Octolier ;ll. Another Communist colony is to be started in Fast Africa. Everything will Is) managed by voluntary groups of self governing men, who will own all thev can raise, but have no exclusive right to the land. The cold weather causes the greatest misery in many quarters of Berlin, and additional slselters have been opened for the accommooation of the 2.000 or more people who receive coltce and bread free ol charge. Prof. Tyndall's death by accidental poisoning has served to draw attention to the fact that in 1892 no less than 500 out of the 870 deaths certified as having heen caused hy poison were duo to mis adventure. At au inquest held in England recent ly the evidence brought to light the queer fact that the life of the dead man hail been insured by a liquor denier whose bur he chietlv" patronized. This practice is said to obtain to a consider able extent in England. The Bank of France has put in circu lation notes printed on ramie paper. The notes are of the same form as the old-fashioned ones, but the new paper is lighter and at the same time firmer than the old, and permits a clearer impres sion, rendering counterfeiting more dif ficult. The English rival to the Eiffel tower at eniblev Park will probably lie com pleted bv the end of this vear. The tower has a general resemblance to that of Eill'el, hut is more pointed and slen der. The four legs which support it are founded in concrete to a depth of seventy-live feet, and stand :t00 feet apart. The entire work is of steel. IjisI Septenilvr Sarah Bernhardt was roblied of t50,lXH) worth of jewelry in Rio Janeiro, and the suspected thief was tried for it. The Paris Evenment pub lished a pretended interview w it Ii Sarah, in w hich she confessed, the whole thing was an advertisement. This article had the cll'cct after it reached Kio of causing the prisoner to be discharged. Now that Sarah has returned to Paris she sues for iil.000 damage in that first the legal proceedings at liio were alwndoned and that the article reflected personally upon her. Chicago is to cremate its garbage. Separate the hogs wanted for butcher ing from the stink hogs and sows. Put them in a small warm jkmi and feed well until time to slaughter. Mort boiled cotton seed for the cows should le used in the South. That is, not more by the Individual farmer, who, if he use it all, puts it in with other rations, as it i loo rich to feed alone; hut more farmers should utiliie this food in a section where dairying is at last liecomitig rvoogtiue! as a iiiost prof-' liapio uusiiioes. MIDWINTER FAIR. The Exposition Started on the Road to Success. EASTERN VISITORS IN ECSTACY. The 11th of June Has Been Set Apart as Hawaiian Day All the Bailding-s Ready. fWesVly Circular Letter-No. . The semi-official opening of the Cali fornia Midwinter International Exposi tion took place on the 1st ot January, according to the original announcement. Owing to the delay caused in shipping foreign exhibits from Chicago, it was understood, of course, that everything would not be in readiness on that date, tut the buildings were completed, a fcreat many of the concessional feature were in full operation, and the Exposi tion was practically started on the road to success. The day could not have been more beautiful if it had been made to order. Eastern people visiting California for the first time went into ecstacies over a New Years Day so much like the grand est April day in other parts of the world. There were flowers blooming on eyery hand, and the deep green foliage formed a striking background for the gala day costumes of the thousands of ladies who thronged Golden Gate Park until the lun went down. Early on this beautiful midwinter morning flags were hoisted on each and every flagstaff on the build ings and in and about the Exposition grounds; there were concerts during the day by the great Midwinter Fair band, and thousands of people availed them selves of the opportunity to view the buildings and to witness the speciul at tractions which were offered. Among the concessions which opened op ou New Year's Day were the Santa Burbara sea lion exhibit, Boone's wild animal arena, the Ostrich farm, Heidel berg castle, the Vienna Prater, the Col orado gold mine, the Japanese Garden, the Scenic Railway, and a great many others. The Santa Barbara sea lions will evidently prove to be one of the great drawing cards of the Exposition. This is one of the entirely new features one that was not seen at Chicago. Those who witnessed the performance in the wild animal arena, and who had seen the siniiliar performance on the Midway Plaisance iu Chicago, say that Boone's show rivals Hagenbeck'B in every particular, and surpassess it iu many. The scenio railway did a remarkable business; the crowds in fact being greater than could be easily accommodated. The Ostrich farm was also well patron ized, while Heidelberg and Vienna were full of visitors all day long. These con cessionaires, as well as others not speci fied in this connection, are very well sat isfied with their start, uud feel confident that when the Exposition gets in run ning order, their dearest hopes in the line of money making will be realized. Notwithstanding the fact thut there were no speciul attractions of a general nature provided for this semi-official opening day, there were about 10,000 people who paid for admission to the grounds. The price of admission is only 25 cents as yet, the 50 cent rate will not be established until the official ceremon ial opening. The date when the open ing ceremonies will take place has. not yet been definitely fixed. It will prob ably be about the 15th or 20th of this month. It will depend largely upon the rapidity with which exhibits arrive and are installed. All the buildings are ready, and a great many exhibits lire now lieing arranged, but it will be fully the middle of the month before every thing will be in readiness. When the gland day of ceremonial opening comes, there will be an elaborate program of exercises, in which all the tate, municipal und federal officials of f the Pacific Coast will participate. The merchants and residents of San Francisco are making extensive prepara tions to decorate their stores and resi dences and the Exposition will hav? the grandest "send off" ever accorded to any enterprise in this part of the world. There have been received by the chief of the Department of Publicity and Pro motion a great many queries in regard to editorial courtesies which are to be extended during the Exposition. Some of the querists seem to fancy that the Exposition will, in some way, arrange for railway transportation for visiting editors. This, however, is not the case. The Exposition management has nothing to do with transportation, but every ed itorial visitor to San Francisco, upon presentation of credentials to the Depart ment of Publicity and Promotion, will be provided with a pass to the Exposi U m during the term of his stay in San Francisco. Visiting editors may rest assured, therefore, that they will lie taken care of in this regard, and that any other courtesy which it is possible for the Exposition management to ex tend to them will be gladly accorded. Monday, the Itth of June, is the day that has been set apart as "Hawaiian Day," and that occasion will bs taken advantage of for the making of a special effort in the way of a general entertain ment in which the Hawaiian concession sires will piny the part of hosts. A part of the program will consist of a parade by the entire foreign contingent, headed by the Hawaiian uational band of forty pieces, which was formally the Royal bond of Honolulu. Among other feu lures of the day will lie a horse race with female riders, sitting astride, as b the native custom. There "will also bt native field sports, including feuciug, lar throwing and hcola dancing. On Waikiki la$n, within the Hawaiian village enclivnre, there will be a com prehensive exhibition of aquatic sports. The event of the day, however, will be a luau, or native feast, to which the offic ials of the fair, the imtuicipal officer, the press, and others will be invited. Gurtda will tit on mats and eat from a table a foot and a half from the ground. Roast pig and baked dog, cooked in ti leaves, broiled devil fish, and a large number of other Indian fish also cooked in leave, native fruits and, of course, pot" with every course, will be some of the items of the menu. It will require about a week of prepartiou to properly get up a luau, and cooks and provisions are to be specially imported from the Hawaiian Ialauda for this treat. THE PORTLAND MARKETS. Whsat Vaiiey, 92tec; Walla Walla, 80(281c per cental provisions. Easter Smoeio Miats axd Lard llama, medium, 12113c per pound; hams, large, 11.412,'sc; hams, picnic, 11 ra 12c; breakfast bacon, 13(3 16c; short clear sides. llg 13c; dry salt sides, lO'igllc; dried beef hams, 12,S 13c; lard, compound, in tins, (aiOc per pound; pure, in tins, ll$13,lac; pigs' feet, 80s,t5.50; pigs' feet, 40s, 3.00. HOPS, WOOL AMD HIDBS. Hops '93s, choice, 1516c per pound; medium, 1012c; poor, 5ft 7c. Wool Valley, 10gllc per pound; Umpqua, ll(sl2c; Eastern Oregon, ti(g 10c, according to quality and shrinkage. Hides Dry selected prime. 6c; green. salted, 60 pounds and over, 3.'2e ; under 60 pounds, 2 3c; sheep pelts, shearlings, 1015c: medium, 2035c; long wool, 3060c; tallow, good to choice, 33c per pound. UVI AMD DRESSED MEAT. Bxsr Top steers, 2Uc per pound; fair to good steers, zc; o. 1 cows, zc; fair cows, l).jc; dressed beef, 3.605.00 per 100 pounds. Mutton Best sheep, (2.00; choice mutton, 1.752.00; lambs, $2.002.25, Hoob Choice heavy, $4.66(45.00; me dium, $4.00(24.60; light and feeders, $4.00(34.50; dressed, $6.60. Veal $3.005.00. CORDAGE. Manilla rope, M in. cir. and up, 10,'u'c ; manilla rope. 12-thread, diam., 11c; manilla rope, 6 and 9-thread, hi and 5-10 diam., li2c; manilla Dan rope, in cons or on reels, 10,'c; manilla latn yarn tarred, 9c ; manilla hawser-laid rope well boring, etc., 13c; manilla transmission- of-power rope. 14c: manilla paper twine. 11c; manilla spring twine, 14c; sisal rope, 1 '4' in. cir. and upward, 7c; sisal rojie, 12-thread, diam., 7c; sisal rope, 6 and 9-thread, 1 and 5-16 diam., 8c; sisal lath yarn, tarred, 7c; hop-vine twine, tarred, 7c; sisal paper twine, 8c. FLOOR, FEED, ETC. Floor Portland, $2.75; Salem, $2.75; Cascadia, $2.76; Dayton, $2.75; Walla Walla, $3.00; Snow-flake, $2.80 ; Corval- 11s, t.oo; 1 euuieiou, ?4.ou; Uiwuaui, $2.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats V hue, 3334c per bushel ; gray, 3132c; rolled, in bags, $6.26 6.60; barrels, $6.75(27.00; in cases, $3.75. Millstuffs Bran, $1316; shorts, $15( 1(3 ; ground barley, tl'H't 18 ; chop feed, $15 per ton ; whole feed barley, 60 70c per cental; middlings, $23(428 per ton; chicken wheat, 65c$1.15 per Hay Good, $1012 per ton. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery. 30(3 32,'oc; fancy dairy, 26276c; fair to good, 20(1 22 'ie; common, 10(217.'aC per pound ; uaiuorni 1, ou(gooc per roll. Cheese Oregon, 10(2 13c; Califor nia, c; Young America, 1215c; Swiss, imported, 3032c; domestic, 16 lc per pound. Eoos Oregon, 20c per dozen; East ern, 2022j4c Poultry Chickens, mixed, quoted at f-l.uuffio.uu per dozen ; ducks,$4.50(6.00 geese, $.uu; turkeys, live, 14c per pound; dressed, 10c. VEGETABLES AMD FRUITS, Vegetables Cabbage, 1 !a' s per pound ; potatoes, Oregon, 6076c per sack ; on ions, fi.zo per sacs: ; sweet potatoes, Z'..c per pound; California celery, 8690c; artichokes, 85c $1.00 per dozen; Cali fornia lettuce, 2025c per dozen; cauli flower, $2.76 per crate, 90c per dozen ; parsley, 25c per dozen ; sprouts, $1.00(9 1.25 per box; Btring beans, 15(g 18c per pound; asparagus, 18(g20c per pound; Los Angeles tomatoes, $2.00 per box. Fruits Sicily lemons, $5.00(5.50 per box; California fancy, $3.504.00; com mon, $2.50(g3.00; bananas, $1.50(23.00 per bunch ; Honolulu, $1.602.50 ; Cali fornia navels, $2.753.50 per box; seed lings, 42.00tf2.75; Mexican, $3.50(tf 3.75; Japanese, $1.75d2.00; apples (buying price), green, 5065c per box j red, 60(g 75c; late winter pears, 6580c per box. CAMMED GOODS. Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted, $1.76(32.00; peaches, $1.852.00; Bart lett pears, $1.762.00; plums, $1.37) 1.60; strawberries, $2.262.45; cherries, $2.25(22.40; blackberries, $1.85(32.00; laspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(3 2.80; apricots, $1.65. Pie fruits, assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1.00(31.20; blackberries, $1.261.40per uozen. rie iruits, gallons, assorted, to.ioiga.ou; peaciies, $3.6O4.0O; apn cots, $3.60(34.00; plums, $2.75(33.00; blackberries, $4.254.60 ; tomatoes,$1.10. Meats Corned beef, Is, $1.40; 2s, $2.10; chipped, $2.35; lunch tongue, Is, $3.50; 2s. $6.75; deviled ham, $1.50(3 i.10 per uozen. Fish Sardines, s, 75c$2.25; s, $2.15(34.60; lobsters. $2.30(23.60: sal mon, tin 1-lb talis, $1.251.60; flats, $1.75;2-lbs, $2.26(32.50 ; -barrel, $5.50. ATA PI. nDnrantH Coffee Costa Rica, 23jc; Rio, 22 23c; Salvador, 23c; Mocha, 26$(3 i -aruucaie s, voiuuiDia and Lion, luu-pounu cases, zourauc per pound Dried Fruits 1893 pack, Petite prunes, 0(d8c; silver, 10(3 12c; Italian, 8(dl0c; German. 6(i8c; plums, 6(3 10c: evaporated apples, 8(3 10c; evaporated imu.u,, luim;, peacues, lU(aii;'uc; pears, 7 (3 11c per pound. Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.60; 100s. $16.00; 60s. $16.60: stock. $S.50(t9.5O. Syri-p Eastern, in barrels, 40(355c; in half barrels, 42(357c; in cases, 35 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg; California, in barrels, 20(3 40c per gallon ; $1.75 per keif. Sdgab D,4lsc; Golden C,c; extra '-'i i-jc ; couiecuoners- A, ogc ; dry gran ulated, 5'4c; cube, crushed and pow dered, 67c per pound; f4'c per pound discount on all grades for prompt cash; maple sugar, 15(3 16c per pound. Kick Xo. 1 Sandwich Island, $4.50(3 4.75: no Japan in market. Beans Small white, Xo. l,24'ci No. l2'c! '""Ve white, 2,c; pea beans, - 4e, imia, i-gc, uayou, z-4c; Putter, 3c: Limn. 31 ,c twr rviiinil I'll K I KS Barrels. Xn. 1 '8S'tn.. no. gallon ; Xo. 2, 2ti(S28e; kegs, 5s, 85c per eg; imii gauons. z.,o per dozen ; quar ter gallons, $1.75 per dozen. Kaisins lxjndon lavers, boxes, $1.75 f-1 00; halves, $2.00ei2.25; quarters, $2.25(3 2., 5; eighths, $2.'s3(33.00. Loose Muscateis, boxes, $1.60; fancy faced, $1.75; bags, 3 crown, 4(350 per pound; 4 crown, 5id5'r. Seedless Sultanas, boxes, $1.75(32.00; bags, 6S8c per pound. Sni Ks Whole Allspice, 18;5 20c per pound; cassia, KV.USc; cinnamon, 22t 40c; cloves, lS .iSOc; black pepper, 20(3 25e; nutmeg, 75i80c. Arllllclal !'( rroUurer. A certain llerr Paul Rich in has in vented a mist or fog bull with which to envelop your enemy in a dee mist nav even a thick fog. These foo- Iwll. . easily broken spheres, containing am uionia and acids, which, upon escaping create a fog that envelops all aroun.t it until blown away by the wind. Battles, thoush. are not alwav fom-ht less, calm days. But, aars the inventor with this fog around them it will be inj. possible for the enemv to find tha r.-. or to reply to the fire of the attack.' ew xote leiegram. FARM AND GARDEN. Cows Xeed Watering Twice a Day in the Winter. SEVERAL PITHY PARAGRAPHS. A Man Should Xot Condemn a Thing Until He Hag at Least Given It a Trial-Pointers. Cold-storage butter keeps best at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Color doesn't make the cow give milk. Weigh the milk and test it in order to judge of her worth. Theoretically cows need watering twice a day in winter, but in practice once a day seems to be just as good. Feed cows twice a day only twice. Let them chew the cud well between meals. They are built that way. Wash and cook the potatoes that are too small for market or for table use. They are good for pigs or chickens. Churn cream from strippers at a high temperature in some cases as high as 70 degrees. The butter fat needs soften ing. An exchange savs bran fed to cows makes the cream harder to churn and requires longer for the operation. It works the other way for us. Picking the potatoes over and remov ing the rotten ones about once a month during the winter will lessen the loss from that source. Look after them once before the holidays. During the long winter evenimrs mm-h of the theoretical knowledge of agricult ure can do acquired. UDtain a few of the best books on the subjects in which you are specially interested, and read them carefully and thoughtfully. Lose no time now in making every thing secure for winter. See that the crops are properly stored, as it does not pay to grow a thing and then let it spoil before getting to market. One thing that we would call attention to is that you keep the potatoes from the light. A dark, cool, dry place is what they want. A man should not condemn a thing until he has at least given it a trial. We have observed that those who sneer at intensive cultivation, extra heavy ma nuring, etc., are the men who have never attempted to practice them. A trial of these methods is very apt to give one some respect for them. SupHse you make a little experiment in this direc tion next season. Double cropping is a matter that the majority of farmers do not see their way toward practicing. But- where it can be done it is a pretty certain way in which to increase the earnings of the land. Crops must be used which do not require a long season for maturing, and you must make up your mind to apply enough manure to counteract the extra drain made upon the land. INCOMPLETE MANURE. Barnyard manure is ordinarily looked ujion as a general and complete manure, and in the sense of supplying the most needed elements of plant food this is true. Yet it seldom, if ever, contains these plant food ingredients iu the pro portions which have been found to give the best results. Farmyard manure con tains (according to the animal and the food consumed) from .4 to .8 per cent of nitrogen, .2 to .4 per cent of phosphoric acid, .3 to .6 per cent of potash ; practi cally twice as much phosphoric acid and considerably more than of potash. This is too nitrogenous for a well-balanced fertilizer, and any one using barnyard manure does well therefore to use acid phosphate and potash salts in addition. Farm manures usually deficient in pot ash, such as those produced from corn meal, silage and stover, and hay from the grasses generally, and especially when fed with nitrogenous food, should always be applied in conjunction with fertilizers containing larger amounts of potash and phosphoric acids. A still better plan is to sprinkle these materials in the stable and upon the dung heap, and thus a double benefit is obtained by preventing the escape of ammonia from 'the manure. Potash salts are especially soluble in this respect, and when so used no leaching must under any circum stances be allowed, as thev will be easily washed out of the pile to the detriment of the manure. WEIGHT AT THE SHEDS. The following comes from the Ontario experiment station : Sometimes it is not easv to convince the farmers that raising and fattening lambs is a good-paying business when the conditions are favor able, but the following piece of experi ence at our station will tend to show the possibilities that lie in that direction. In the autumn of 1891 we purchased two carloads of lambs in Prince Edward Isl and, 1,150 miles eastward from Guelph, Ontario, wheie the station is located. Some of these we fattened and sent back again to Halifax, within 100 miles of where they were bought, leaving us a substantial cash profit at the same time over all expenses. Some ol them we fed until May, and were then shipped by us to Liverpool and sold. Thev cost us $2 per head when purchased, and averaged $11.60 per head at the Liverpool docks. After charging all expenses whatsoever we had a nice little cash profit on the Iambs, not counting in the manure, al though we had paid the expenses of their transit a distance of not less than 5,000 miles. . AS TO WATERING COW8. A Ellrntwan flTnanniant In dairy cows shows that cows always in incir stables gave much better results w hen changed back where thev could get water twice a day. It was found that the milk yield increased where the cows had access to water at will, and no de cease of fat contents occurred. The daily increase of milk was small, but ss ""uoiTO ii noma improve tne yield fortv frallons ner row rw va- i ticeable feature of the experiment is that .ucivno umim nine less wnen per mitted to drink at will lk. (.. niched twice a day. By drinking often mere was less chilling of the stomach thnn vhi'M Ttla, fitt.l -. I.n .. 1 . ....... - - w w mice a day and each time in large quantities. Tli. .1; . t . . 1 Mijirouuii nan improved, as Willi each Small ilrnnoht nf vain, uii... trie luice was secreted and went with it, it 11 nM not me case 10 me same ex tent where large draughts of cold water had to be taken. Tha Art of Walklnf . An English authority says: "The lody should be held pnvt tbA eVimil. dors down, chest extended, and tho log moved from tha hip, the whole inire RDove being immovable. The movement from the, Vth ia be the secret of bad walking, com bined with the discomfort of tight Shoes and hiffh heela wfcinh turn ll figure In a most disgraceful manner. A short brisk walk is beneficial, while a tramD of miles rea-nita in itsw wearlnesa."