Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 25, 1894, Image 1

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    Remember thatthiTer
; is the only one in Lincoln :!
i or Benton county that has '
,i the courage to stand for i
Ij the common people. ii
The ieader should be
cau uy even- tax-payer ol 11
f 1 j M rj ?? !
V y j?
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
rTmTuTT1 Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, jan. 25, 894"
Joint Senator
Comity Jude
v lerfc
school Superintendent
"'ommissioners j
C. Ti. Crosuo
I. P. Iiiue
B. F. Jones
Cleori?p IhmHIi.
Hcim- iteuliHirer
mas. Hooth
T. K. Parker
Jos. Hide
.'a. Kusell
J- i. .Stearns
'utiie of the Pence
t- unstable
V ,, I. .""" V!'"-:e' 81 11 and
.t T,.wi.. i ,11 i : ' ,' , '" ra ununr
ld sun,7.t.he rES "a',
(1. nareeordiallMnvn,-.ltna,te,i :
A. L. HAWi.EV, I'at',,r.
, . Toledo. Oregon.
llnuVi.iB ' n the
i . ;v t . i p. " c nuMe outhuiv, at 2 t
!tU,CnJ;;!?:,0lU,'Iil' " L-M-liutfeV
1 ,.'v ;V '"; ttre invited to attend
Jiev. Ctaas . Ilnoth, .Missionary. He.-dinee
Reetory," Newport, Or. .- mince.
f . ,V -Toleflo Lodge, Xo. ms. eet
1. every Friday evening at 'their hali in this
o. Meets everv
' 7-:tfl n'l-'lnnlr Inn,,.....
eethers, C. T. Jennie Alexander: srVi."
bl nnd, I f.-Toledo Union, Xo. l.Y. Meets
everv Satnrrtavm-..nir... ,-ll.e
hull in thi. .T i" "..raoy
W1 tt,ct,K. V-.8
decretal y
i(wiii1 luiiiiiiin.
I 'flif'-'y lze So. nil. of Yaoninn ( itv
.- iwsii eiery MtturriHv eveninir VlsiitiiV
'jrothersarealwnvs u-in.i ' ,lsllln?
K. buhkowr, Secretary. j.' N. StaIik, N, o
I SnVa iT"?wSort Ve. N'0' "ect everv
m i. H . ' isiinm uroinersare cor.
W' M'.8d J" aUe"d' Ju!! Hi. HARD. N
u )t. Abuot, secretary, 'G
i F. .v. A. M. Newport Lodtre Nrt. S5. reirular
i convocation n stnr.i,- u vi ... ."V
(nil moon. Visiting brothers are cordimiv
welcomed. . Jas. H. Russell, W m
Ias. Rouehtson, Seey.
-cvuimnuu umriu i nursttftv eveiitng
K,A.,BrtL, Ad7t'iE0, W'EW,Sk' 00"'-
Corvallis, Oregon
T.J I3uford, Prop.
' First-class.
Cliargea Reasonable.
Justfce of the Peace
l'oledo, Oregon,
Deeds. Mortgages, and all kinds of legal
executed with aWrectnoss. Careful attention
given to itU Vuainess entrusted to my care.
W. C. SmSPAllD,
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
ETifeiness in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Toledo, Lincoln; County, Oregon.
Colh'i'tioiis, Cod reifntrimj,
h ml Court Tractive
Rrforf l y (MTrriiKInn to Ex-it.r. .1. S. I".llslnirv,
V r-i!iil"r. W . 1. Wa-hll'irn. (itn. John K
Ilea. hx-Coininander-iTi.t.hief a. A. U..lin-lit-..
i il i?.. .Minu,. Hon. Marliii K. Morrif and J.
'. ImrliiiKttm, Kfi.. w ii.hiugton. h. C.. r-''huv-Ut
iMiryeu. t'h;ef C'.erk I'nient oiln-e. l'airfitv
louniv, Va., and l'.ev. chHS. llo.ih. NeM.ri.
Ths m u
bregon Pacific Railroad.
E. W
1IADLEY, Receiver.
Line Quick M.ntih Low
1 rcight
, lluier.
'cineeu Willatuctte Vallay poiuts and San
ene, .- franclwo X. viruyer v.h, H:h and i
!- . i
U ivc Va niliia X((venilir 'Jth. I'.'th and th.
"T .'.out every ten .ln thereafter. j
Tnl""ni.iijrrer-ethe right to change.
lily irvi. ttirt'oV Portland and "le'.a nd
I I rr Willamette river fOluU
Xi'Ia Any.' General. Suerliitci:.i,.
i ....... ' at hik (itv s
nyu?C ttl 11 H. IT1 Am T n n.
We are now Closing out at Cost our
In order to
Which will arrive early in March.
no humhi.o. AP UCHU nie-r .... ..I
b, mLni, juoi wnl Wt OAY
, r "'J -
rtlPll 'S 'in1 lirti-o j j -.
Ulll fc, aiHl 150JS OvCrCOntS at C0t.
Mackintoshes and
Ladies' Wraps and
Dress Goods
Hosiery and
Ladies' and Children's Shoes at Cost.
Don't send away for your Goods and have other
people select them for you. Come and select
your own Goods and wewill
Guarantee your Satisfaction.
Agent lor- Brownsville "Woolen
Mills Goods. Mea surer
and .Fits Guaranteed.
C. 3. CROSNO dc CO.,
Pi::i E;'.:li Agents d Mmm,
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
AljstrctofTitleto aiiy property in Lincoln County
Notary Pnblio.
Toledo, - Oregon.
The Alsea House
Hahlport, Lincoln Cotthty,
HeSflquarters for politicians, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Comfort, cleanliness and good frub
at low rates, our motto.'
Feed stable and saddle ponies.
Wm. R. Wakefield, Prop.
LETJyiV JIf '.i US,
And all kind, of
I-at the
j iPPrice a" 1 Work Satisfactory
c a s r 1
cr ura mob
make room for
ibvbvbad and vicious j-uv as
:-: is u,ir
Suits at Cost.
. r .
- e CJ1 .x t
HOOTS aiUl SJlOOS jit ('Wt
Gum Wear at Cost.
Jackets at and behnv
at Cost.
Underwear at Cost.
vei 1
oil demand.
Furs Wines and Liquors.
Fresh beer on draft.
SORT. Toledo,
Oregon . '
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Lincoln County,
rdlc't rorrcspi'i.deiK'e
full ft reed.
" rbarKe unit "
Toledo Meat Market,;
l'K.'.l IV '
Frosli ami Cured Mealv f
Civil Engineer
L.- of Original Survey, accurate
ly located. Terms Rciviuable.
Address all conirntinicaliotis to!
' (IsA.'Dvroi.s Co.'.' (1ir..H&
: A Call.
To the Popilists ok Lincoln
Coi nty, Oregon :
! Believing this government u.t-;
founded on the ivriiu-mh-s . if .,!.;,
and justice, and that it should be a
, government of the people, tor the
people and by the people. There-
j fore, when the people are oppressed
unite and select from themselves
m who wiH faithtully serve them
, and will repeal all bad laws, and i
! enact just and cquiiable laws in I
j their stead; and also believing that 1
ii , , , . i
all power and authority belongs ur
i Ule rel''e. and that tin pristciplcs
! of the Initiative and Referendum
! n t.. .,......!- i
i arc uie Kn-atest step-
wiviiiii re-
1C Hiesteil to
form, yon are heiehv
meet m your .several precincts on
Jsaturday. the 31.I day of March.
1S94. and cast your vote for your
choice for your candidates for each
state, district and ttuinty "llicea to
be voted for next June. This vote
must be for persons who are advo
cates of the Omaha platform. The
precinct otlicers will make a com
plete return of said vote to the
County Committee immediately
thereafter and a full synopsis nf
said vote will be refcrted to the
county convention for its approval
and thus retain the powei that be
longs to you instead of conferring
U on a few delegates.
.J; Wi l'ARRisir,
Chairman Peoples Party Co; Com.
Toledo, Or., Jan. 16, 1S04.
Notice for Publication.
Land otliicKt riiy, Orfin,(
JuiiuHrr l.t, I
XdfU K ii hfivtiy Kivi'tt thit iho foiuminir.
nntitp.l fvtt Ut hm lik'd iiotii'i' of hi intiMi
tiitti totmike thml irtKi in Hi)iu.rt of bin rhUni
and thrtt Ui ynntf will hv imhiIo ln-fure itit
nimlyt'lerk of l.inotlii cituntv at Tolnlo. irt
K'ti,i.u Mnn'h 1mm, vi ;
ttarion limit, M. V., Nn. 711.
fnr the northwest '4 of Hon 1 1, town 11 noiith
rHMgU V W t'Sl.
lie nniiu's the foUowniK w itners to prove his
I'lMiuniiouM nv i ii'iut- ii hi and ruitmiUnn of,
miki mini, vi: . i. .uiiiHiin, M. J. Allphln
win. i.vre:i-e. w in. Kajtiu. nil oi i.ittlo Klk,
Administrator's Notice.
in the ( ounty ( oiirt of Lincoln County, HttUe
of t 'roL'oii :
is. Tui in-: is m:uKitv ;ivkn that thk
uii'lcrsitfiieil hiiH Ih'cii ni-i'ointe.1 hy the
t. oumy oiiri oi l.liit'oiii oou nt y, On'Kin, h1-
eefi't'tl, Imic of Lincoln County, Oregon. All
unniMrHior oi tm VHiiueoi ivti-r i-.ckiiiHti. t
iri-iiK nuvniK t'lHim! Hyitiii! miM fsiiitc nrc
ner.'Iiy notitleil to prt-Kt nl th.-m. (inly v.-riticl,
to the iiixlerfiuncd ut itlIt.n , t-troVoit, with
in kix tnonih l pm the ilnti' of itnt notice: himI
nil pcr-joni indi'litetl to Mttil I'vinte are notilli-d
10 w nit' tne Milne imtneutiitciy,
I'ated nt Toledo. Oruifon. thin 'th tint of Don,
ember, ls-.t;l. A. 11. iiCYNN.
Sheriffs Sale.
VOTK'Kfn heruKt jclven thttt HiKlompd by vir
(ueof hii execution duiviKnedoiii of thcf r.
f lilt Court of I he Statu of t lioi'oti l..r Iho Inimf..
of Llneol, iiimUt the walof the ald Court Unr
iiiKdHieof hc.oinl.H r 1 1th in H ccrlain
Jndtrement In favor of C. t,. ( oiIhikL and Ileal
'iaithcr, luiriiicrK dnltiK Iiiimiichu under thi
tirm name and Lyle of Copclatid A (.allher
I'huniitN HK.ini'i John (J IUhUc and Nettie
I I H Ke . OolIllf nil. iiPhn HiCt'tlll r Ms iiHrtnaru on
oer the naineof make Hoiwe ht-lendantf, for
ine kuiii in f i'rj.di ami inter. -l tlicieon ut the
rate of i i-eri'iMii. n r anntim, from the ih.
dB of NovcilllrtT iH'.Ct Miiil f..r t!i fnrtli.-r mo..
of fj.ttj cohTm and dhliirfeintti'H of the ald
wiion, wnirn wni.1 jtHitfemi in whk duly enrolled
and dtM'ketcd in fatd court. on th ti rf ilm- n(
Peeemner IMl, In a certain aetlon wherein the
KHI'l l , l nH-lnri(l A; it. hi i. Hit tier nan l-lrlltl
titr, and Kaid John '. llluke .v Nific itukn Ho.
Iiik biinlncNN touether ax i-nrtioTH uioler the
eeut'oii (o rf,(. dircifd und delivered, com
mand tn mc that out of the iTMMial roHTty
of SHid John H. Illaku A Nettle If lake and if mif
flcient can not he found then out of the tch!
name ui nuike lioutw wai ii'tttnii-titH; mhiIdy.
'"' riv ii me fain .tonii ii. Mintto .Vt Nettle
nane. l aitiiv ihe m ii ainna of imhihv tr.
mand of the mid execiitflifi mrd the mid Judge
ment I did on the Mih. day of J.tccinlr, ih.ct,
levy uj-oti the following deacrllied real prnierty
iMilotiKiiiK (oKiid Nettie Itliike l: John liUkc
to-wit :-IU.K k No. U.liHiraliaiii'M filth ailditlim
to the town of Toledo. In I.I llt'olll Cl ill till' Mliifu
atd. Now therefore In Diirxnnufi.tfi tha
of Oreiroii, Ih-Ihk lotx numtajred, I, 2, A, 4, ft, ii. 7,
f. a pjHtdnnd re' ordnl in the County clerk
otliec ol it'tld. I.'iic'.Im (aunty, ami on Friday dir. ui January, IM I, at thu h'Mir of
1 n'eliM'k i in at the court hoo. (lM.r In th
loan of Toledo, in Llmoln CiMmty Htat of
OreKou, f u ill m-11 at put. lie auction forcai-h In
Mid Nettle Itluke A John w, Muk-. of In Mt,d to
the naid dt-Hcritted oreiniHeM. to MHiiMfv th nutI
junireirieui, (XPftjlloii, ((.(, ami
a. 1'ated iK'ceri.lrfi , 1 fth. !'.'.'(,
t. A. I.AMilK,
i-herifl'of Lincoln County
Type Writer.
the fd !M. T"i IT UTd'i it
with 7" churafter uml II-. for the f-I N
'IJ. i-L !!. I.,'c.l i.. .1,,
''er k nuy mi iiim made
It co. urine, -i .;;. ! nh d u tm ' ! tty, m ,
i a ..m-I -tf.-Ai imi, w ar i f Ith'mi eot t
i i- Li,t.:i aitv .-J vi ii irl Hit no tnk
r.tiKiti to Utther the iei .t..t. It N licat. Mill-
: ttntii.l, n). j.Uo-d, j.
ni f in if ( w r j ifnjf.
It Jl'.fjl.-C. Mur,,, c
I ' or ten t . ,'firi u
Any il!l--,i.i'M :, i-
;wt di. V- ofl.-r
.. h" i an t-. ..! ti,r ttL.i , .
ft, (..
Kei.ihi.- A'iitf ff,-I -
, ,I.O.r, 1 i,,
t, Hiid adaotcd tj
I' 'A,- i iMtHIMM l.t
iK'lt at one h ntfin.
t ! .e an oftmaor
i' any oierai'r
ll lil.h i a-L
OJell Type Writer Co.
S ! K'niliorn ft, till ALU, . ,
Fiirni.H f.r Sal..
I have .-cvr:ml ( ms, lioth rulti-
vated and um idtiv tted, for silc in
trails ol Ait acre; and upwards
. These lands are ; !;.ptcd o fruit,
! v(-ciable and slice ) culture. Will
jbew.M vrty t'iia;; iml on rcasi n-
:i'i't ieriiis, , ,m .in ij.w. rmi tn
llilMf scJ. Wlp ,
r& , ,)f
,.y I,).MIN
o Lii" ? l-'fc Orcoii
1HK Dili l.xltv TKi THK M.ITTI.K
1 I'kti r Leeook
As the old ladv
who lives un
'r t'i. liill l.oc 1 t. ... t
, to mill & emtieJ the hole grist out
on the pub'.ick, that too under
I tlle titl;1 of the bell of Toledo will voa
i aluw worn man who never
down a 'notch or two In tlie
j first place I don't beleeve
111 wimineus rites enny more than
what thay have & 1 alknv 1 attt just
" Mis?us tr of
the Mis. ituiinvays or envolt hese
l,v Hutlen wi.ntuen who Ko off on
a junketen trip evrv sumuie. & leve
' tiulu' babies to home and change
. Uiair polly lu-ks oftener than thnir
, - ., . , , .
Mmiunys. Now tne old gal as is
sho,, ;,, olfhelbrp tlw PnhliL- nc i,..
j bell of Toledo shod ware
u cow
t'ell, as ui my mind slie chaines
her lase loo oftin to find her unless
she be helled or hrandid & if 1 wei
going to brand hir 1 would bran
her as a mizerable fiileyure. What
1 want to know is hdw r old wbih
man who puts iii awl hir time ram
blin about from Kolerado to Origen
iS: from Orieen to .Sanfrancisco and
speckelaie awhile in a green tee
store & from u tee store to Mashing
blackberrys over on the Ollally,
can have the imperdence to show
orr'ns the bell of Toledo. Why
mister Halter it you could only f(
seed her a cummin over the hill the
other day in the wind and storm
with her big ulstir on all split down
behind & a ilyin all around and a
exposen of her under gannints you
woiki a mot oi a liackswoodsman
baber pole; Or a peece that liill
Nye mouglit a writ describen the
culler.', hell after the war. The old
lady sez as how she is a repiiblikeu
& her maw is a deinmicrat. Land
sakes! Did you ever hear of n re
publiken who can writ such peeces
as her a inaslieii Black lierrys for a
livinf , Nary tx thite; Sheed be a
gom off to Washintun and be hired
rite off to rite speeches for wes
teron kongresinen unless thay
uioi as now sue mile ue too gum-
mey & put her to stickin Clumbian
postage stauins. f am ml old ladv
& have got no more eddicashuii nor
what 1 picked up at a eominin
skool a way back in old Mesurri,
out as a gesser 1 am rite up to the
staiiilenl with your kollodgo gals &
if I wer to make a gess what that
thar old ladys polvticks is as culls
herself the ; belt o'f Toledo Ide say
on my solium homier that it wer a
cross atween a Lease-ite & a I
dont no what men fokes calls em,
out as who lias been sore kind a
made a faleyer of tt & kind a envvs
other pcepel In thair honist posses
shens that the gooil Lord has per-
mittea them in tlialr carefull & sav
in way to obtane. No, I allow
that if uny , person or, old Indy or a
belle is so coiistitoolcd by nacher
or babbit as to be always wanteu to
have other folks & their property k
standing in sosiety ptp'filNied and
cut up and divided after other fokes
havf beu a h.ofe life time maken a
carackter, or a savin up a litfel,of
this wurlds goods, that this old la
dy or Hell or whomso ever she may
be is a persin that needs our sevcer
simpathy, and in this I am truly &
do reely feel like reechen out & ad-
vi.iu of her. If ytu will fonrive an
oh wommaii for bjtf. J will
say come down oil the perch A let
yore diinmecralic maw blow sum
hard, om. ien sence in to yore
hed, or stick it in with a nitten
ncedel it you are clone to reseev it
as above (leskribtd.'
My oi.inyun is that the bell of
loledoisa bell as who kinder
wants to get into: PoTytickti & wood
like to have the teptiblickens put
him u) for jint Cenater, but I allow
;is how it will be a cold day afore
the repiiblikeu Party, as has had
men like Krasno, Jk-lluap and lieu-
sil represent them afoti . thr;y will
come down r( take up a kind of a
nasliimiil tramp, or a bell of Tole-
lo & put Iiim up to lead the party,
is has hud Likens. Grants and
Gurfecl'ls to lCed em.,' ,
The bell i.ays as how Jack A 11
phin kinder would lit-.? to be jint
Cenater. Lar.d salt's f d-.n't be
lieve a woid of it, for I have knowed
old Jack tor ever since i.Sj'i & he
always been satisfied lo pull the
d.-miiiicrals and nevrr st 'me'1 to
take to ollice. but I allow as how
jjatk li."s stood u;i fur Oriyeu and
lias i,eeii conleilte.l t. tike his
ciiiintci aloasi le with tin? rest of
us & not drill in on g'K'd tiiiis ft
ct'. s the country in hard times or
1-ose ns a betl of Toledo, and I want
to tell you that if I was wlmmens
ri'.tr and had a vote, I d'-nl ore if
my ok(s di I file to up hold the
Union the M,h amendment, & if
mi ..1.1 .;i ....... c . : 1
I my ol.l man tad vo l.r . Giucrtl
I Harrison over 40 ytars ijo al
j ways voted as lis fd;ot, I declare to
j goodut-M Ide vote for. Jack afore
I Id vole f.r the bell of Toledo '
Vouin Truley,
IJktsv Jank.
Lincoln county has 3 irprchant
w ho w ill not sell t!," ':i ','r i'ri
baking powder
ln'tv .la no lias a Sav
Tri'siMit OwiHM'Sliip Maps.
I T"e contract for the present own
I er maps has not yet been filed in
the office of the county clerk, and
- ! we believe that before the Lkapkr
gets through telling the people
about it that it never will be filed
in the clerk's office, or elsewhere,
except among those things which
might have been. We believe that
the indignation, of the taxpayers
will be so great that the commis
sioners w ill not dare to carry out
the infamous agreement.
The Lkapkr misunderstood the
terms of the proposed contract last
week. We understood, that Par
ker and Van Winkle were to re
ceive the stale tax and four mills
ol the-county fund, based on the
valuation of the property found
that was not assessed on the origi
nal roll. We have since been in
formed by Commissioner Trapp
that they are to receive a total of 1 1
mills, and if the state levy did not
reach 7 mills, as last year, the dif
ference was to b mfl.lp up out of
the countv fund. This would take
6 7-10 mills from the county funds
and 4 3-10 mills stale tax.
Now let (is look at the thing and
figure ti little. Under this agree
incut; If it is consuniated, the eon
tractors are to get $1 1 out of every
$ 19.30 the county collects ofl dis
covered property, or property iiot
on the original tax roll, for finding
it. On top of this the sheriff is to
be paid ti reasonable compensation
for assessing, and the per cent, for
collecting'and considerable more
than half of the tax is gone tor
finding, assessing and collecting it
Take this example: Dlain & Hale
of Albany, own 108 lots in Toledo
The value of these at $20 per lot
which is below the average that
unimproved lots in Toledo were
valued at, would reach a total of
52,160, and the total tax would be
fM.48. I'or "finding" this prop
erty (that was never . lost) Messrs.
Parker and Van Winkle get $22, 76
and the county still has the sheriff
to pay for assessing and collecting
me tax. iur. inxpayer, no you
blame the Lhai.Kr tor kicking?
It is argued in defense of this
proposed outrage that the contract
ors do not get anything if the taxes
are not paid. Neither does the
county, and if the tuxes are not
paid the property had just as well
remain undiscovered
And what proportion of this un
discovered property was really un
discovered and what proportion
was noi, no one out the assessor
will ever know. From the nbove
example it is plain to tie seen hal
it pays much better to "discover
ptoperty than to assess i at $3 per
day as the law provides
For a mouth or more before he
completed his assessment Assessor
Parker was figuring with certain
meiuiicrs 01 the commissioner's
...... i - i"
court 011 making a supplementary
assessment roll. .Perhaps that hud
something to do with property
secreting itself so it could not
be assessed at the regular price of
$3 per day. ,
Now let us look at this assessing
business a little. Mr. Parker be
gan asses'sini; about the middle of
April and turned the roll over about
the first of October. For his ser
vices during this time he was paid
$834.70 by the county, or more
than $r, for every day he worked.
How well did he do his work? In
the town and immediate vicinity of
loledo wefind the i.llowing parties
omitted from the roll: Plain &
Hale ownini; !oH lots in Toledo and
a third interest in 13R more in the
same place; Coll Van Cleve and
his printing ollice arc omitted; J.
S. Copland was assessed but his
name docs not appear on the roll;
the Toledo Coal Company with 370
acres of valuable coal land with
nv.rc than improvements on
the same arc not on the roll; the
Murgaret RolH.-rt.soti ifio acres ad
joining Toledo, no .v occupied by
t a. a.. :,. . .1 ,t .
A' 1 Rj k' not " tllC r1I; tl,e
property of Nancv Imios' loun
property of Nancy Kiios' near tow n
is omitted and these were found
only on casual inspection of the
roll. At a reasonable and fair val
uation this proj,erty would amount
to $i3,(xx), and for "finding" this
the contractors get $134 and leaves
the county $n8.yo with the sheriff
yt to pay for asses tag and collect
Number 47.
ing. Would any of this property
be hard to discover if a person wa3
to get one-half of the tax, almost,
for "finding" it? Does any sane
man think that these properties
weie left off by accident? If this
many omissions were made right
in this vicinity how many do you
suppose there are in the back
couutty where they are not sd
liable to be found.
Taxpayers, now is the time td
nip this and all such outrageous
schemes to fatten off the county
. .
Sotkiu Motoriety.
The poor old benighted Capital
Journal, of Salens has just w aked
up to the fact that there has been
something rotten with the Oregon
Pacific railroad. Last fall when
the Lkapkr was fighting hard and
strong against the gang that wa
absording all the earnings of the
road and starvirig the etniJoyes,
the editor of the Journal was riding
over the road on a free pass and
writing sickening articles about
tunnel kissing ana mowing up
Hadley and Mulcahy with alt the"
wind he could raise. It is easy td
kick ft dead man.
rr . :
And so the Lkapkr is a "Sim-.,
day Mercury," is it? It is goiu
to be starved to death is it, because
it dares to defend the county against
the presetjt ownership map busi
ness? It is going to be crushed, is
it? Well gentlemen, just get right
in w ith the starving and crushing
business. It may be possible to do
it, hut the people are going to hear
the truth just the" same, and we!
have a confirmed belief that the
"starving" and "crushing" busi
ness is going to be slow and pain
ful. In the article coiicernjng tho
present owliership maps and assess
ing in last week's Lkapkr an in
advertent mistake was made in the'
figures of Van Winkle's bid oil
transcribing the county teeords last
spring. The type made us say thaf
his bid was 787 w hen it shonlif
have'siifd $3,787. The other figures'
which followed it showed plainly
what was intended to have been
said. J
1 mi
The republican state central com-'
miltee has been called to meet at,'
Portland on January 31st, to ar
range for the state and congressional
conventions; Th.e.inembr; of the
committee from this county is R.
t. Uensell, of Newport. Mr. Hen-
sell was the member from old
Denton, bift w-as cut off and W. S.'
PIufTord has Jiceii- lipp'olute'd from'
France will soon adopt an inter"
estiug innovation in the postal card
system. The cards will be' Issued
in the forrrt of check books with
stubs. The sender of the postal .
card cun make memoranda of its
Contents oii the stub, and can' have
this stamped at the postoihct-licfore
the card is detached, so that a veri
fied record of tlie correspondence'
can be kept.
A letter received at Fairmouni
Lane county,. from Frccinoiit.'Neb.
states that Oregon apples are re
tailing at 1.50 per bushel, and are
wanted in carload lots. If all the
apples of the Willamette Valley had
been saved last Tall, they would',
have gone far toward relieving the
hard times, ,
The Lincoln Cocntv Lkadkw'
makes an attack 011 assessor Ted.
Parker and J. S. Van Winkle over
county m-tters. Albany Demo
The Htmoctat Is mistaken. Tiit
Li!adi j has no attack to make on.
anyone. Ihe Lkapkr is strictly
on the defense of the county's in
teresjs. It is the other fellows tint
have made the attack.
The Morning Telcscoix; has sus
pended publication, owing to a.
lack o'. ;uipport: Times are en
tirely too hard to force a paper on
the people for which there in no,
demand. A motion lo suscnd oiij
the part of the Corvallis News will
next be In order,
It is'oiir humble opinion that this
weather; wy;ht to' 0 into the' ban!'',
of h Tt ir