Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 21, 1893, Image 1

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    The deader should be
ead by every tax-payer of
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
KememDer that this paper
is the only one In Lincoln
or Benton county that has
the courage to stand for
the common people.
t - s: K .1 v
VjTV a . PS' I H " !
imcoln Qiomv
Volume I.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 21,
Number 42
Joint Senator
County Judxe
School Superintendent
- C. B. Crosno
D. P. Blue
B. F. Jones
George Landis
Henry Denlinmr
Chas. Booth
Jos. OMeon '
- T. E. Tarker i
.1. O. Stearn6
M. I.: Trapp
Justice of the Peace
J. A. Hall !
A. E. Altree !
Ordinance No. 5.
A T .. Al('V A IVDKX. An ordinance concerning eV-.-c
JL services will be held under the auspices of
the Methodist Episcopal ("him-h as follows:
First Sundfty of each month at Elk City School
House at 11 a. in. and 7 p. in. Second Sunday
at Toledo, in Old School House, at 11 a. in. and
7 p. m.. Song Services beirins at lisid p. m.
Third Sunday at the M. K. church, Newport, at
11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Fourth Sunday at Equina
fcchool House, at 11 a. in.; at Mill Four at 3 p.
m. All are cordially invited to attend.
A. L. II AW LEY, Pastor,
Address, Toledo, Oregon.
FIRST BAPTISTS. Meet every first Sunday
in each mouth, a 11 a. m. and also on the
ftuurdav preceding the above Sutulav, at 2 p.
m.-. in the Ttledo Public Hall. L. M. Butter,
Keldent Pastor.
UT. JOHN'S CHt'KCH Protestent Episci
itvine service me tmru
Sunday of everv
month, at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend.
Rev. ( has. Itoolh, Missionary. Kesldunce,
"Ilectory. Newport, Or.
o. O. F. Toledo Lodge, No. 10S. Meet
every Friday evening at their hall in this
JIenos Arnold, Seo'y. R. F. Collaxore, N'.G.
f! O. (i
Meets every Thursday evening,
r,rtv' hull th.a town. lien.
Men's Youth's and Boys' Clothing, Hut,
Caps, Boots and Shoes. Gum Wear
and Oil Clothing, Ladies' Dross
Goods, Notions, Ladies'
Wraps and Jackets.
Notary Public,
Toledo, Qvegqn,
1?K 1 !' OKDI SKI' '"V THE O -imi-
out noil 01- tiik ci.y or Tom-do:
....; , The annual ele 'turn
ofnffiiwrs ot the citv 1 e
.) shall;
resident of the state wr six months
and of the city of 'iolodo thirty
davs next preeoding this election
and that you now reside therein, so
help yon lod,V
sv-. it snail ne tne amy or
wages duo the employes and thej
vast mass of receiver's certificates
which have been issued from time
to time for years. This would
mean oulv about ten cents on the
('l,e ; the judge or judges of the election dollar to the men on their back
first Mon avir. Hvenv cr ot e.t.l ho, h sh lU Umv.v or sus- ' a '
year, and the p, ; p l0 he ..udid as n '
at S o'clock nurnv.,.., satisfied a
Pure Wines ti Ips
Fresh beer on draft.
employes are anyming "
at the outlook as may now-.
closed at cv o chvU v. t ie evenms I l6 tvv0 0v more ballots ; he expected. Thev had a meeting
of each election ri.y, VtaA be foldel togcth-r rts to present the ; t Yaquina and also tU Albany,
Albany trt Yaquina and
th Uidoes of ekcli,.!', ottue iimt. m, I( nn.,, al,.i emnloves hold a meetine at
the nppearace 01 s.iu. ti,ilHt A ma-; latter place on fmnctay, at wnicn
i tiure a coumutto of five was ap-.
tl,e j vmicrtiMi ana see wnai can oeuona
for thuiu. The committee lett on.
thev are sworn m,
! KCC It sb:d I ili -.ity 01
he marshnlto ? 11 t:va place
selected bv the rmnmoH couui'll a-;
the votttirt flnce, is piope'l.x tui-
nished for that p-n p'Se, as u.ij iic
commodrttiou of th(? judges uny ,e-
Jlethers, C. T. Jennie Alexander, Secretary
1,1 A. ami I. I'.-Tolerto 1'nlnu. No. 1"1.
everv Hut urrtav evening, o'clock, in Grady 'h
hall in thin town. All members requcstO'l to
attend. T. T. Iteetler. President; J. J.Turntu'ee.
riecretaT y.
Io. O. V. Hay Lodge No. 110. 01 Vaqnlna City,
meets every Saturday evening. Visiting
lirothers are always welcome.
K. burhows, Secretary. j. X. Stark, X. U.
IO. O. F. Newport Lodge No. meets every
Sat urdav evening, visiting brothers are cor
dially invited to attend,
M. Abbot, secretary.
John Kuhahdson.
K. G.
VI. i&A.M. Newiort Lodge No. R", regular
convocation on Saturday on or before each
full moon. Visiting brothers are cordially
welcomed. jab. It. kukbell, ..
J.v. Robkktson. Secy.
A Large Invoice of HOLIDAY GOODS Jnt Arrived
Call and Examine Our Goods and Prices.
We will not be Undersold ! !
iWent for Brownsville Woolen
Mills Goods. Measures taken
and Fits Guaranteed.
A. R. l'hll Sheridan I'ost No. 'J4, meets
every second and fourth Thursday evening.
It. A. Hknseli., Artjt.
Corvallls, Oregon
T.J Buford, Prop.
Charges Reasonable
Justice of the Peace
Toledo, Oregon,
eeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers
executed with correctness, vareiui attention
given to all business entrusted to my care.
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon
Volh-rt ions, Convcya nvvn if,
and Court rrartlre
Kefer bv lormlsirion to Et-Uov. 1. . nilsburv,
l". s. Senator W. 1). W ashburn, Oen. John r.
i:ea, hic-i ommauder-lti-t hief O. A. K.. Mln-neap-ilis,
Miun Hon. Martin F. Morris and J.
J. Darlington, tu., Washington. H.C., Schuy
ler Inirvea. Thief t'.erk I'aient otnee. l-air(ax
County', Va., and Rev. Chus. Booth, NewKirt,
Will practice in Justice, County
and Circuit Courts of
Lincoln County.
lully agree1.
joritv or the Jiuiges ta 01 uis t'jmi
ion tliat the ballot thtu folded lo-
trct'ier was voted by one
tbcv shall be excluded from
Sec, 7,rAfter the examlue of
the ballots b complotetl mo uum
Civil Engineer anil
Lines of Original Surveys aeouratB
ly located. Terms Reasonable,
Address all communications to
Ona. Lincoln Co,, Orkoon,
Toledo Meat Market,
1)H.W Pi
Fresh and Cured Meat
Toledo, - - Oregon.
The Alsea House
Wahlport, Lincoln County,
Headauarters for poHticiann, tour
ists, hunters and the public.
Cginfort, cleanliness and good grub
at low rates, our motto.
Feed stable and saddle ponies
Wm. R. Wakefieui, Prop.
. . -. .i. - - .1 ' t ie oauuoi i' iHiuii-iBi
So. 4.- OT.f, i, Xllw of votes for each person shall
election is ot proved o by this J metaXeA mler' Uie inspec.
OMTWSr.T ; ; tion of the judges and setdown
ducted accosting to the laws of tins
State, reguliitlng elections lor state
and countv ollicers,
Sec, n. Each voter must be a
qualified voter of the County of
Lincoln, and Ibr thirty days pre
vious to ilia eleetlou a resident of
the city of Toledo,
UC, D," iltUwi i .' . ..
or sneclal u ection me . cimiiiuimi
council shall fipptdnt thvci: piugos
of election, who iwe Miters ol
the Citv, two of whom slwili lso
act as clerks ofsril '. tdection.
foc 7 Elections shall b IwM
at such place In the city astnw oom.
mon eoutioil shall designate, anu
ten davs before any annual or
special election, the recorder shall
publish in some newspaper printed
In the citv, or post tn turee purine
places in said city notice of ttueli
election, the time and placo of
holding the same, and the hour
when the polls shall open and close
he shall also notify the Judges of
election of their appointment at
least five days before the election,
Sec. 8. If any person appointed
by the common council to net as
judge of election shall fail tn be
present ot the place ol voting nt
the time when tlie pom suouki
the poll hooks, shall be signed by
the judges and attested by the
clerks of the election and the
names therein contained shall be
counted and set down nt the foot
of the ihhiI books and the clerks
shall certify the same to tne re
Sec, jH, .Returnn shall be made
Itnmettiftlely alter tuu wiecuoii u.
the recorder by one of the -judges
of the election ami as soon as in
returns rro made the niHyor ond
recorder shnll proceed to canvass
the vote, and shall make a report
of tee same to the oommvui council
at the next meolluK thereof,
Sue, to,' The recorder silfi'l. af
ter the votes e canvassed and re
ported as Hpeuified In seetiou 8,
issue certificates ot election, toeacii
person eluded, and In case two or
mote person. hrtve received an
equal number of voles for any
ofhee nt the election, he nhifll notify
such persons of that fact, and advise
tlicm of the next meetlufr ot the
council, when the case shall be con
sidered and deoided by lot, In such
manner as may be directed by the
See. so. Any candidate failing
to receive a certificate of election,
may contest the election of the
candidate holding the certificate,
open the voters presant may elect
.-. . . . . r- . l
judges who shall e qua mien o; , n ,lotice on BUch wwon
ters and when quallhecl they mioii . ,,ta .,,rh tl, ,..
.. r 1......1 "v,f4 v, ,
the election as u u ipiiiiimii ,. , ,,,i niwi r.i. (l, rl,rl,,
by the common council. , u c0lmnou COuncil. with
vSec. 9. Hereaner at encn nn- f oj scrvice endorsed thereon,
nual election there snail oe oiecieci - , ti, nonnril stmll thou
The 0. P. Sale.
The long expected sale of the'
Oregon Pacific road at the hands
of the sheriff of Hen ton county took
place at Corvallis last Friday. At
the appointed time, Sheriff Osborne,
read the notice of sale, and an
nounced that the sale was on. At
this time protests against the saie
were lundo pi t.he interest of the
Hogg faution, the Grant l'owder
Co., and the yilhunette Valley
Coast Wagon Grant Co. After
these protests wers duly read the
sheriff announced that he was ready ,
fur bids, A paiqful suspense en
sued, which was broken by Messrs,
CUrlse ntul llllg'';. two New York.
lawyers, W.iresunting the Blairi
Whartoq-Jlijgard people who, af
tor depositing a certified check, for made, a bid for
amount, The sheriff, after calling,
the required number of times,
knocks the property down to the.
property down to the bidders, and 1
the Oregon Pacific was sold for
the paltry sum of $200,000, or a
least one sixth of its of its actual
worth, So ended anothet chapter
in tne drama in real life which1
has been on the boards for some!
a mayor recorder, treasurer np.,it a committee to take the
marsnaii iy tne voters 01 .-mo iny, ,,..,:,,..., n,i ,pnnrf h.-. frta nt
who shall respectively serve lor u e the next ,neelin of ti,e council,
or at such other time as may be
term of two vears or untill
successors are elected and
Sec. to. That at the first gen
eral election there shall be elected
six alderman for said city by the
qualified voters therein and the
alderman elected shall so claslfy
themselves by lot as that three o
their number shall go out of office
at the expiration of one year and
three of their number at the expi
ration of two years.
Sec. 11. At each general clec
curtain raises again at
directed, provided, that the points
upon which the contest is made are
deemed of sufficient Importance by
the council to require such action,
said committee shall give each
party five days notice of the time
and place of hearing said contest
and aftet the conclusion of the
of the testimony they shall re
port the same together with
their findiuxs of fact, to the coun
cil with a resolution in favor of the
neasou having the oiiice wiiom
The place to net your
And all kinds ol
Is at the
f Price and Work Satisfactory
turn held thereafter for city officers thev H,w flld enlitiea t0 tUg 8ftme
m sain city, there shall be elected an(( thew tha cornmon couns
three, alderman for said city by the dl H,)nU prwceil t0 desitle the same
qualified voters thereof, who shall a(.cor,in t0 ti,e right disregarding
serve in the common council for;,;..u r,r miumlrfu..
the term of two years or untill
their successors are elected and
duly qualified, said alderman shall
be qualified voters in said citv
Sec. 12. At all general elections
held in the citv of Toledo for city
oflicers, each election shall in full
deliver to the judge of the election
a single ballot on which shall be
written or printed the name of each
person voted for, with
designation of the office
mav be expected to fill.
Sec. n. The judge to whom
anv ucKet mav oe 'lenverea sunn
The WsMool Route.
Oregon Pacific Railroad,
HADLEY. Receiver.
E. W
l.ine-onlck Dintch-Iw Freight
Hetween Willamette Vallay
points and Sao
Sec, 2V Judges of election shall
be allowed three dollars for each
day they act as such to be audited
by the council and paid out ol the
city treasury.
Sec. 24. Whenever it shall sat
isfactory apoear to the common
council of said city, that a vacancy
has occured in any office, the com
mon council shall 111 all vacancy
a proper r,, i.-,anm l, oniu,iimciil
wnicn lie c , ri. o .,ir.,.r ,r
Citv ol Toldo. may be removed
from office for mallcasance inatien
lir, or ltwritntitfiirv ill nftire noon
upon receipt nereoi pronounce two tllirtl vote ()f the council,
111 an aiK' voice ti:e name 01 it ne t,rovi(lc,i ,lat aily micn office shall
elector, ami it no onjeruon sna.j oe ,)cfore ,,eil removc,i have charges
ui'.- l.lilKCT Mic ,.rr,l .,;, 1m, hi wrillllir
the officer to have a copy thcreolt
certified by the recorder at leas
ten days before the action thereon
,' VI
Leaves San Franclseo Sovember 5th, 14th and
J;:rd. 1MXI.
Jeaves Yaqnina November 9th. l'Jth and Win.
And ahont rrr ten dan thereafter.
This Companr reserves the rlttht to chanw
mailing dates aiihoat notice.
C. B. CROSNO ds CO.,
U E:'.'.l: Agents and
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, T()wnr?lp,',:g .?1'Au J
X ill 111 JJtlilva, , y Lincoln Cunty, Oreir-ii.
. HO I
"7T'- between Portland anfl Salem and
1 1'jr Willamette river polnta.
H If L'Lrf , , HuDarlntendent,
v W 1 1
Property in single .Lots or imockb
Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln County
furnished on demand.
Notice for P ublication.
ijiiid ortli e at Orc. n lty, Otcifon,.
.Nntr i,l,-r 1.1, (
NOTU'K Is hcrfliy id veil that the followInK
lianieil ttler ha. lllfr 1 fiolli-e ( hli liiliru
tlon tomakr linal priHil in ii,.,rt of hi. i-lalin
and that ,s!i iir.,f will 1m; n,a-lc lM-fore the
t ountyl lerk f Lincoln ,unty at Toledo, Ore
(on, on January , l"1 i:
KlrLal.. I H. K. 0. MHO.
Inrthe i,orih" at '.. ol , ilhcant '., M.uth ol
Mtthfa-t ;,il(h'at ''.of aonOiwert K. Herft
: Town. hit, 13 w,nih Itane 11 we.l.
li. :,,.- th lollowlnu wltneiwM to prove hi.
! emtlliiuon. reHl'lnce up,n ana cuiiivauon oi,
en, ivwts miriworifi,
eary, all of Waldport,
KRT A. Hil l KU.
pacity consists and the trial there
after sha 1 be conducted as lar as
mav be according to the proceeding
and rules of evidence in a court of
lustice. Passed the common coun
cil, Nov. 18, A. I). 1093.
Attested, Approved,
J. A. Hall, C. H. Crosno,
City Recorder. Mayor
The Ashland R :cord says of a
deer hunt with hounds: "William
Gee, in company with James Leabo,
his brother Noab Leabo, of the
Willamette, and Cal. and Mark
Wininghara, had a big deer hunt
in the famous EU crek district
last week. With four dog they
killed 51 deer in sis days. One
day they killeJ 34 doer."
made ti htm, an I
satisfied that the elector is a legally
(nullified voter as provided in sec
tion 5, of the ordinance, the judge
shall p.. the takci immediately ,)y tl)e council particularily in what
wmioir -,i:iK ""'n - . malfeasance inoartion an jnca
ten or nuteti tiiereon, 111 xuc mix
prepared for that purpose, and the
clerks of election shall enter the
names of the elector and number
in the ikmiI book or books. The
ballots after being counted by said
judges shall be seale I up ill a pack
age and delivered to the Tecorder
by and of the judges of elect jon
and said recorder shall dejxjsit
them in his office where they shall
lie safely kept for two years, he
shall not allow the same to be in
spec ted oxcept in case of contested
election or unless the same become
necessary to be used in evidence
and then only by order of the
Ctf.s wm Tli ,,t,r ,f 1wtinn
sliall administer the following oath
to any jierson whose vote shall be
challenge, "you do solemnly
swear or affirm, that you are a cit
izen of the United States or have
declared your intention to become
such, (as the case may be) one
year next preceding this election,
that you are of the age of twenty
one years, that you have been a
Eiuployc.4 Left.
The sale of the O. V. last Friday
for the pitiful sura of $200,000 have
blighted the men's hopes of secur
ing their back pay. It is now
understood than the claims in order
preferred will stand soraethiug like
this: First the court expciLses of
sale; second, the due and delin
quent taxes against the road; third,
the $40,000 in receiver's certificates
issued by Receiver Hadley last
spring to pay the pretended 46 per
cent, of back pay; and fourth, the
Corvallis next Tuesday, when the
court will be asked to confirm
the sale. The great question now
is, is whether the court will so
confirm the sale, ond upon this
jiolut there are many opinions,
The men, as is stated elsewhere
are making strong efforts to pre
vent a confirmation and protest
upon protest from other interest-!
ed parties are being poured in
upon Judge Fulerton to the same
end, Should the court confirm
tee sal the men are defrauded
out of their money and the tnost(
outrageous steal of the times has
been perpetrated to a finish. The
developments of next Tuesday at
Corvallis arc anxiously awaited, 1
. ,
Representative Bowers of Cal
ifornia, lias Introduced to bill of an 1
mportant nature. It is to estab..
ish a system of postal savings banks
in the United States, every first,
second and third-class office to lie a
receiving point for depositors of not
less than $$ or more than $300 on
the same day, on which funds the
government is to guarantee interest
at three per cent, per annum. At
the request of the depositor bonds '
will be Issued to lilru by the Secre
tary of the treasury in the denomi
nation of $100, to run twenty years
at four per cent. Interest.
Mr, Howers said that his idea
was two-fold: First, to provide
means by which the people could
put their savings in a place where
its security would be absolutely i
certain; second, to open a way for)
the raising of funds for the govern- j
nient without resorting to methods!
of taxation which would be felt by j
the people. i
The small savings of the people ,
had always, he said, been a means)
of acqui lug wealth by sharp per-
i ; f : I
sons ami corporations ui vuuuus
kinds. For instance, a savings
batik was now an adjunct of nearly
all commercial banks, and the
former was used as a dumping
ground for all the worthless se
curities of the latter, so that in
some cases of failure the depositors
in commercial banks had received
four times as much of their de
posits as had the depositors in sav-
ings Institutions that were part and :
parcel of them and had failed at the
same time they did.
Mr. Bowers said he did not ex
pect the bill to pass at this session,
though he would make a strong
fight tor it. The Wall-street in
terests would antagonize it, and all .
banking interests would join them.
! 1
' i
1 .
' I :
CrraUU, Ortfoa.