Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 07, 1893, Image 2

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    Lincoln County Leader.
J. F.STKWtKT, midl.h.r.
Farmer of Oregon, Arraigned
for Incest, Skips Out.
The Folsom PHhoii Directors Take
Their First Action Under the
California Parole.
About 1000 bales of Lane county's
nops are yet unsold.
Itoecmber 15 at 1 p. m. is the hour set
fur the Oregon Pacific sale.
Another 14000 clean-up has come into
iiuKer Hum thu .Monumental,
The iViiilli'ton Savings Hank has re
Slimed with increased capital.
Some 170,000 milium sheep have been
shipped Irum the Dalles in 18SI3.
Know is six inches deep on the nionn-
tain road (run. Linn county over into
l'rinevillu for the first time in six
years could nut hold u public school this
"John tho HantiHt." a 156-oound
black iiiiiHtiH of Scfo, lias been bought
dv a nacramuiiio man.
J. T. Cargill and Alexander McKcnzio.
of Pendleton, have assigned to Senator
Haley. Assets and liabilities are about
The chores of tho Columbia along by
The Dalles are thickly lined with wood
piled high, in anticipation of a cold
Attorney-General Chamberlain is said
to ue pushing the case of the state
against liaker county for the payment
ol taxes.
The young man in tho Salem board
ing hoin-o who would rather pray than
vat, was sent to the asylum. Mich re
flections on the great American hoard
ing Iuiiinu must lie punished.
At Portland the United Hiatus grand
jury has returned an indictment against
K. Brighton on the charge of smuggling
72 flvo-liiel cans of opium, llrighlou
was placed under arrest.
John Savage, a farmer, was arraigned
In the ciicuit court at Corvallison a
charge of incest. His 17-year-old
daughter is the victim. When con
don led hy her two aunts with their
suspicion she confessed the facts, and
declared the intimacy hud existed for
several years. Saviigo lied before the
court convened. 1 ho evidence was very
strung against mm.
It is possible Ihat Mauwcii, who was
arreted lor opium smuggling, is the
fame Miuo-on who led litllu Isivsal Van-
louver. It. into committing bur
giancM. 'i'hu Ikiv Uadalet has admit led
Ihat 1 1 in peixui who look him into Mr
Charlie's liou-e was a man and not a boy
ol 15, as Hint dcsciibud. Ho cava In-
wan alraiil lo tell the truth until sure
that Miinst-n was out of ilie count''.
C. Noloy, of Vancouver, II. C, has
Written to the city council iHvging them
for God's mliu ami hiimauily's sake to
en lone the law again.-t the sale ol
cigarettes to Illinois. He says he is
driven to nsk them to do this bv the fact
that his sou, 10 years old, has been
driven crazy through smoking cigarettes,
mid lie says hit knows of several other
.cases, lie says cigarette smoking and
Uiiiiumahle piaetlces are rampant in the
ci i y schools.
The name law made bv tho last leitis'
latino of Oregon, only allows grouse,
pheasants, quail, etc., to be sold in the
market one month in I lie year. During
this mouth, which expired on the 15th
iiiHt., dealers accumulated a stock of
Mongolian pheasant In cold storaue.
Now Fish and tonne Protector Mctiuire
will commence suit to prevent dealers
from selling bird from cold storage.
lie tried the same tiling last spring in
r-iiard to salmon and the dealers won
in the supreme court. They look on the
new suit as merely intended to make
lees ami costs.
(i round has been broken for the Ann
Hathaway cottage at the Midwinter
1'iiir, which will be the Itritish head
quarters. The situ is on the south arm
of the fairgrounds, which extends along
thu borders of Strawberry lake on the
south. The grounds w ill ho laid out in
an artistic manner, and as nearly identb
ml with old English ideas and practices
as MtssibU. The box hedges nave al
ready Ih'cii arranged for, ami on the
quaintly designed Mower beds will lie
planted nun igolds, dall'odils. sweet Will
iams, lads and lasses, and other Mowers
that Shakespeare knew.
In thu superior court at San Fran
cisco U. A. Spreckels and II. M. Woolcv
liavtt commenced suit against thu
Hawaiian t'omiuercial and Sugar Com
puny. T he suit is for an accounting of
all moneys and property In possession
of thu corMration, An order is asked
for restraining the defendant from
transacting any business. The plain
tills also a-k lor the appointment of a
receiver to assume control of the com
pany's iilhur. The complaint at the
same lime noises serious cuarges ol
fraud and other irregularities. There is
involved about t,UHI,tHM.
The clearance salu of stallions and
brood mares (mm thu San Simeon stud
of the late Senator Hearst took place re
cently. A great numlicr of breeders
were in attendance. Thu average price
was the latge.-t ever realized st such a
sale in California. Paloma, the dam ol
Aruiitage, brought 17500, tho highest
price, Coset, a chestnut mare, brought
J.MMK). Km nam, a bav horse, brought
$;Ml(0. Forty-two head brought a total
of 140,721. an average a little short of
JH70. The average was reduced by the
rale of one or two crippled animals and
an old mare or two. Really well bred
inaics avciaued alsmt $1500.
A special from Folsom, Cal., says the
prison dirvctors, at a meeting Saturday,
took their llrst uction under thu patolu
law. A prisoner under sentence tmm
: Shasta county for murder to cnintl
parole, and John V , i,. ,m c'c
him employment u-d lx t ( -. . h 1 1 . 1 o for
li i tit. A P tt rivei I:;. ban . hod al-o
paroled. He was i-eutcn, . .1 (,,r kithm
a niedicine ni'in w Im had I -'d to one
hit (tho cliiel 's) broMu'i. I'los wtlle
custom of the 1 1 1 Ih. but the people ol
Modoc silted to put a stop to it an I
-fausvd tho chief to U' arrested mil
pro-eeu'ed. The superior judge nnd
others, U'licving the desired end to have
been reached, lecoininended the chief 's
parole. The application of Calvin Pratt,
the unU'XJiler, was referred by Gov
ernor Mnrkham to tho lioard. Pratt
yrtu called Indore tho director, but de
clining to state here the money is and
preferring to serve the remaining two
years rather than give it up, no action
til taken.
New York has over 300 labor organi
sations. The government controls Swiss tele-
The highest railroad bridire is the Oar-
bit viaduct in France.
Neailv 1 0 different machines have
been invented for boring rock.
The crop of cotton see l of the South
will bring $30,000,000 this year.
A quarter of a million of commercial
travelers are abroad in the land.
The process of carlsmizing wool is get
ting special attention in (ieruiany.
There are now thirteen co-operative
quarries in the New England States.
There are 120 uovornmcnt buildings
under way, which will cost $38,2)5.731.
Coffee was brouuht into England in
1041. In 1885 the crop was 718.000 tons.
The most extensive mines nre those of
Saxony. The galleries are 12.) miles
In Germany nearly 13.000.000 people
are insured by compulsory State insur
ance. In making a shoe 100 steps are taken,
and only experts at each step are em
Alcohol has never la-en reduced to the
solid stab-, but becomes viscid at very
low temperature.
There are eighty-five women in Great
Ilritain engaged in the occupation of
chimney sweeping.
The largest creamery in the world is
said to lie at St. Albans, Vt. Capacity,
22 000 pounds daily.
The steamers last ween Kuropo and
North America carry on an average alsmt
70,000 passengers a month.
The Carnegie Steel Company has cut
tho prices on steel rails, and asking (24
to 25 a ton instead of (20.
More than fl.ODO.OOO is invested in
clubhouses ami duck-shooting facilities
along the Chesapeake Hay.
Tho agricultural capital of Kuropo has
doubled since 1810; that of the United
States lias increased sixfold.
Previous to 11110 nails weio made by
hand, it cost xi.uoo.uinj to pcrlect a ma
chine that came into use that year.
A New York hotel is said to use a ma'
c'lilio timl wuniius and dries 1,000 dishes
an hour. 1 wo persons attend to it.
In August, 18112, 270,838,030 cigarettes
were manufactured in this country. The
figures for August, 18113, are 357,8 11),3I(().
Tho average annual production of the
precious metals in the world from 1870
to 188(1 was: Gold, $ 1111,1176,000; silver,
The coinage of gold in the Philadcl
phia mint during Octola-r whs greater
than for any other month since the mint
'was established.
The Canadians bought last year 831,
04(1 tons of soft coal mined in the I J ni !
States, and they sold in thu l.'nilcd Slates
080,388 tons mined in Canada.
At a Kansas City packinir-hoiiHe a few
days ago in eleven hours 3,218 cattle
were killed and prepared for I be beef
market, an average ol about live a min
ute. The new Fast river bridge, as project
ed, Is to lake six or seven years lo com
plete. Thu span will he 1.1170 feel : tin
total length from anchor to anchor 3,2i)0
The Hunk of Venice conducted its deal
ings for (100 years with such honor that
in all that lime no Inutile criticism or
condemnation ol ils methods has been
W. Waldorf Astor has alsmt $0,000,000
1 1 vested in li s two great holds on fifib
avenue. His bill lor furniture was some
thing over 41.000,0110. and it all camu
from Grand Kapida, Mich.
No one country of Europe produces so
much wool as the United Slates does;
hut the combined production of thu Eu
ropean count lies is about t wo and one
half times as much as our production.
Statistics just issued by the geological
survey show that thu total (Mai output
of thu I'nited Slates during last yeur
was 170 00 l.O(K) Ions, valued at the mines
at $207,5011,381. More than half, or II!),
000,000 tons, was mined in Pennsylvania.
Australia, New Zealand, Ta-mania
and the islands pro bleu ueailv twice as
much wool as the United Slates does;
then comes Argentina, with 70.000,000
iMtunds more than we produce. The
United States comes fourth in thu list of
wool producers.
Captain Magnus Anderson, who built
and brought thu Viking ship over, will
settle dowu as resident of tiiis country.
He is (o live in Washington.
A bust of Mayor Harrison by a sculp
toi named llrasciolini was receiving its
last touches when he was assassinated,
It is of life size, has the chin raised, thu
client thrown out and tho head slightly
bent as if listening,
Mr. Mercier in a letter published in
thu Montreal Palriu declares that his an
nexation view s exist solely in thu minds
of Canadian Conservative papers, and
no asserts on ins word ol honor that he
is opposed to thu annexation of Canada
to the United States.
Senator (ialliiiL'cr of New Hampshire
has thu baldest and smoothest head in
the Senate. It is perfect in its outlines,
full, even ami symmetrical. A phrenol
ogist would be delighted with it as an
example of a wutl-dcvclocd cranium.
Drs. Drvandes. Stadl and Van lloctlcn.
thu three German travelers who went on
an exploring expedition to Greenland a
year and a half ago, returned home last
month. Thev went under thu auspices
of the German government, and re
turned with a largo collection of speci
mens. The results of thu exploration
will probably bu published.
Senator Morgan's old school teacher
suvs that thu Alabama "Ambassador"
went to school for but one year. His
lack of education, however, did not pre
vent him from studying law at an early
age and In-coming a successful practi
tioner. His literary acquirements, for
which ho has a reputation, were gained
by reading in late years.
Mrs. K. It. Prant, Secretary of the
Ohio Humane Soeietv, localise of inter
nal troubles in that organuatioii has re
signed her position and started for Phil
adelphia. Sirs. Prant will go into train
ing lor a deacon Me in the I Ynnsvlvania
IH-aoonato 1 laimi g N hool and IH-acou-
se Home. Is said,
itrr being defrayed by ll sbop Vincent.
Pr. M. I.. Nardi, who was Geiicr.d
( irint's pin sician dm dug hi t our art a id
tin' wot Id, now live in S.iu I'i.vicim'o,
w In-re he is d, -voting himself to making
aiiutumii al casta of thu human bolv.
He has put tmi-lnil the largest ol t of
th" human heart v, r made for the Mi l
winter l's poiliou in San Francisco. It
is thniy-nve tunes the actual sice of the
human organ.
Prof. Cuming, M. P., to whom Mr.
Gladstone has oll'rred a tt.tronctcv, is
one of the most eminent of Irish physi
cians. He has sbra ly declined the lesser
honor ol knighthood. He i an l'lter
Catholic and Nationalist in politics,
ami prncli.-en at Uclfast, whsre lie is r
prole-tor in the jueei's College. Hn
daughter is married (p sou of Sir
CbarM KucU.
Criminal Proceedings to Be In
stituted Against Coglilan.
Breach of Promise Suit A (rains t
Ru-isell Sage Disnils-ed
Other News.
Cleveland. O., has a widespread epi
demic of influenza.
It is said that Governor Boies ol
Iow a will run for congress.
The fire waste for the month of Oc-toU-r
is placed at over tO,500,OJO.
The breach of promise suit against
KusHcll nage has oeen dismissed.
Already Ohio is bespeaking tho next
Republican convention for Cincinnati.
Jouesville, a thriving suburb of Birm
ingham, Ala., has been nearly destroyed
by lire.
The largest majority given to a Renub'
lican candidate in Pennsylvania was
There is great activity among the
Mexican revolutionists along the Rio
The Boston supremo court has de
cided that an attachment by telephone
is not legal.
It is said the Missouri state treasury
holds 100,000 for distribution among
unknown heirs.
Tan II' revision is likely to meet organ
ized opposition in the house from the
Interests involved.
Diphtheria is epidemic in Mahoning'
town, Lawrence county, Pa., and the
schools may close.
Pittsburg banks have cancelled the
1)1187,000 loan certificates they issued
during the summer.
Some fine specimens of dates grown
St Corpus Cloinli havu been sunt to the
South 1 exits exhibit.
The old soldiers aro dying off. For
the first time in .10 years the list ol pun
Dinners shows a decrease.
In a recent I-cavcnworth marriage the
united ages of groom and bride were
137 years, and both cried.
Arrested in Troy for shoplifting, a
woman of 80 was recognized as thu no
torious Mother Hubbard.
Cornelius Vanderbilt denies the rumor
thai his lamily now owns a majority of
the stock ol I lie Heading railroad.
It has been suggested in St. Louis
that thu names of the streets bu cut in
stone and placed at the street corners.
Receivers have been appointed for the
Kast Tennessee Land Company of liar
riman. Thu liabilities aro ,1,50(1,000.
"Soup, Soap and Salvation" is the
concise motto in the risnns of the lialti
nioru Free Sunday ilreakfast Associa
tion. Mreet laborers at Sheboygan, Wis.,
struck copper ore like Ihat of Lake Su
perior a lew days ago, and thu town is
In a letter Senator Sherman of Ohio
declares that ho is opposed to any in
crease whatsoever of internal revenue
Mrs. Adam Height, of Piqua, ).,
dropped dead on being informed thai
her husband bad been buncoed out ol
Tho Western lines have nil announced
their in ten I ion of paying commissions
on round-trip business from California
The poor and unemployed of Hurley,
Wis., have been given 10,000 pounds of
beef, probably by Phil 1), Armour, of
The Minnesota supreme court has de
cided that thu sale of butterinu in that
statu is illegal unless thu article be col
ored pink.
The health of Roston school children
has improved immensely since three
years ago, when u simple system of phy
sical culture was introduced,
A Methodist preacher at Springfield,
0,, advertises that he will preach a ser
mon against gambling, illustrating with
a pack of cards the methods of sharpers,
Mrs. Victoria Rolling is serving 15
days in the house of correction at Mil
waukee, Wis., Iiccause she could not
pay a line for keeping an unlicensed
The claim is made by the Ilraxilian
minister at Washington that Admiral
Mello is in straightened conditions, hay
ing exhausted alt his pecuniary re
sources. Tliu refusal of the senate to conllrm
thu nomination of Mr. Hornhlowcr for
associate lust ice of the supreme court is
attributed mainly to the opposition of
Judge Field.
The railroads aro taking a hand in the
Chicago mayoralty contest, with a view
to deleating anvono lavoring the track
elevation scheme advocated by Prouder
gast or others.
General Fit.hugh Iau wants to lie
United States senator from Virginia.
Messrs. Daniel and Hunton, present iu-
cumls'nts, desire to stay there. There
is promise of a lively contest.
An investigation into municipal affairs
at Toledo, O., shows tho chief depart
ments have Keen in thciiaiutol account
ing just as thev saw tit. There was no
check or head to the financial svstoiu.
The general assembly of tho Knights
of l.alvor held another stormy session
at Philadelphia the other day, and the
lie passed more than once between the
administration and anti-admiuistration
A young man who gave his mime as
Charles Fuller, ami who said hu was a
traveling Salesman for W hittier, ruber
,x Co., of San Francisco, has been vic
timizing: merchants of St. Ixuus on
bogus checks.
New York advice statu that Charles
Coghlau w ill 1h arrested for bigamv a
sni as ho sets foot in Now York, ami
Ihat criminal proceeding growing out
of the alleged marriage would also be
irxnight against Kuhne lteveridgo.
The general grievance committee of
the Lehigh Valley road employe claim
overtures were made to Chairman Wib
kins of the Udiigh Valley strikers bv al
legt-d detective", who offered lo burn
bridges and blow up round-hou-e
Thev wore ordered out ol the hotie
Wilkin claims these men were emis
saries of the road and figured in part o'
a plan to entrap the striker into crimi
nal acts.
Key. Henry Kay, Methodit minis
ter of St. Joseph, Mo , Ixvame insane oi
.vouut of an Injury jix months ago
sud died in an asylum one day Us'
week. His father, an old and wealth
letired merchant of ihat citv. grieve.)
over hi -n. and when the news of hi
loath Mas brought to bun he rvmarkc
that be could not stand tho blow, am'
died an pour after of a broken hesH
Father and sou were buried in the lamr
The Pa valla d commission has reported
to the commissioner of Indian atfaire
for instructions. The commission will
leave immediately for Seattle, Wash.,
where it is to begin its work.
According to the deCis "n bv the su
preme court the great takes are high
seas. Ibis decision was made m a sun
under an act congress for the punish
iiieut of oil'enders on the high seas
Gray and Brown dissented.
Carlisle has ordered the release of
tile KiiHfciau convicts arrested at San
trancisco, and so notified the Huss:n
minister here. The convicts found
were political prisoners, and according
to our li 8 could not be detained.
The issue of standard silver dollars
from the mints of the treasury office foi
the week ended November 18waa $631,-
IXHJ; for the corresponding period lasi
year, VS'O '. J lie i-hipiiieiit ol pac
tional silver coins from the 1st to the
18lb inst., aggregates $575,404.
Assistant Secretary ol the Interioi
Sims lias rendered a decision holding
ihat surplus lands in the Shoshone or
Wind river reservation, in Wyoming,
can be leased for purposes, and
that the leases should Ik made for five
yeais or thiee years at a minimum. All
informal bids already received will be
The appointment of Jeremiah J.
Crowley as supervising special agent of
the treasury department, vice A. K.
Tingle, resigned, to take effect Decem
ber 15, will le otfici diy announced from
the treasury department "rohably dur
ing the coming week. Mr. Crowley is
at present a treasury special agent in
charge of the Illinois division, with
headquarters at Chicago.
Oflicials of the pension bureau are un
usually reticent regarding the announce
ment that the bureau has unearthed at
Hullalo, N. Y., a wholesale scheme for
defrauding the oflice. The publication
at this time they fear will hinder them
in bringing the guiltv persona to iiiHlie
The Post announces the name of the
person w ho has been carrying on this
scheme to bu W. Itoon Moore, who was
formerly special examiner of the bu
reau in Washington. It is believed
$150,000 has already been paid fraudu
lent claimants whose cases were engi
neer.'d bv Attorney Moore.
Secretary Gresham has received a
complaint from Chinese Minister Yang
Yu that within the past 10 days a China
man living in a small town in Western
North Carolina has been chased to the
mountains for no other known reason
except his nationality, and that he was
Is'lieved to have died from exposure.
An investigation is being made of the
facts of the case by the United Status
district attorney for the western district
of North Caiolina. If the facts are as
stated, reparation will probably have to
be made by thu United States. Recent
dispatches' from North Carolina state
that tho Chinaman was believed to be
insane and was wandering in ttie woods,
and that his assailants had been ar
rested. Attorney-General Olney has ap(oiiited
Edward Valker. of Chicago, a speral
attorney to represent the United States
in thu case of the suit against the com
missioner of Yew South Wales to the
World's Fair. Among the exhibits of
New South Wales were a lot of gold
nuggets. These were attached by a
traveling circus company which bad
recently been in Australia and alleged
that throiiuh the defective quarantine
arrangements of I bat country the circus
company had lost many valuable horses
They sought to recover on the nuggets
of thu New South Wales exhibit. An
examination of the law here discloses
the fact that a foreign government can
not be sued in a United States court
without its consent. Even if this point
were not conclusive, the government of
New South Wales in the circumstances
is a guest of the United Slates and en
titled to immunity, even if the allega
tions, so far unsubstantiated, were true.
The case will probably be dismissed if
Commissioner of Pensions Isdiren
has issued the follow ing important order,
simplifying thu practice ol the burden
in tint adjudication of claims under the
famous act of June 27, IS',10: 'Pension
certificates issued under the second sec
tion of thu act of June 27, 1H1I0, will no
longer specify particularly (he disabili
ties. Iu such certificates, where the
maximum rating of $12 per mouth is
allowed the certilicate will slate it is for
inability to earn support by manual
lalsir. Where less than the maximum
rating is allowed the certificate will
state it is for partial inability to earn a
living by manual labor. Whenever, in
tho case of a pension granted under the
said section at less than the maximum
rating and a higher rating is subse
quently sought, the application for such
higher rating shall be considered and
treated as a claim for an increase, and
not as a claim for a new disability, and
the increase, if allowed, will commence
from the date of medical examination
showing an increase of disability."
Between adjusting the accounts of the
North American Commercial Company
with the treasury department, and the
claims of the treasury department for
$0,802,000 against the' North American
Commercial Company, the natives of the
seal islands in the Arctic ocean stand a
gissl chance of starving this winter. The
North American Commercial Company'
accounts to the extent of -J4.0iH) t-llVH)
for coal supplies to tho United States
revenue cutters, nnd $20,000 for supplies
furnished the natives aro held up. The
commercial company is seriously con
sidering the advisability of withholding
further supplies to the natives unless
the account already presented are
passed. The w hole matter, as previously
stated, has boon referred to the attorney-general
for consideration, ami it
will piohably lind its way into the
courts. In the meantime much solici
tude is felt for tho fate of the natives,
w ho entirely depend upon the supplies
furnished hy tho North American Com
mercial Company for subsistance.
Tho now regulations for issuance of
certificate of residence to Chinese,
under the provisions of the amendatory
act recently passed by congress, have
'I'll submitted to Secretary Carlisle by
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Miller. According to their provisions a
Chinaman innt swear he has never
committed a felony in the United States
nd this fact must lie testified to bv
white w i'nesse. A photograph of the
applicant must he atiachcd to tho atli
lavit. and two other likenesses must he
transmitted to the collector of internal
'ovenue and the treasury department,
'olhvlors of interna' revenue and their
dopities are instructed that all class,.
of .illed and unskilled manual laborer,
In lu bug (. In lose, employed in mining
ishing, huckstering. laiindrying and
oeddlmg. shall he classified as laborer
V tcron to he exempted from the opera
'ion of this law must he engaged in
buying and selling merchandise at a
ixod place of business, which busitie
oust lie conducted iu hi name, and
ho, during the time I claim to he
engaged a a merchant, doe not engage
,1 flu, ,Mrf.,r,, gt ntd-i.,1 I .. 1
ept such is no-vsMiry in (he conduct
f In huino a such merchant. The
'mragraph in the old regulation exempt
eg porn from I he opemtiorsof the
aw who are owner or art owner of
mercantile establishments it stricken
Bloody Views of Louise Michel,
the Female Anarchist.
Lord Charles Beresford Makes a
Declaration Concerning- the
British Navy Etc.
British Guiana invites Chinamen.
England is said to have over 1,000,000
Ukase No. 227 makes 150,000 more
Russian soldiers.
Bicycling is even more general in Eu
rope than America.
Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot
is again seriously ill.
Moody and Sankey are soon to open
another revival in London.
The elections in Spain have resulted
in favor of the .Monarchists.
Since Dickens' death one firm has sold
64:i,0U0 copies of "Pickwick Papers."
Two French jockeys were killed dur
ing a recent race on the Anteuil track.
Henry Labouchere denounces the war
in Matabelelund as "wholesale murder."
The Neuste Nachrichten iu Berlin will
become a Bismarckian organ on Janu
ary 1.
It is denied that admiral Mello has
proclaimed in favor of Prince Pedro as
hmperor ol lirazil.
King Oscar of Sweden has decorated
Mine. Melba, the opera singer, with the
gold medal tor art and science.
Italy can borrow from the Germans
all the money needed to keep her army
up to the Triple Alliance standard.
In the house of commons the employ
ers' liability bill has passed the third
reading without division of the house.
u. It. iyler, London's new Lord
Mayor, was an errand boy in the great
paper-making house of William ena
bles. Oakley Hall, in Essex, a property of
000 acres in good order, valued 40 years
ago at 28,000, has been bid olf for
Two of the three charges against Cor
nelius Here have been canceled. The
remaining one will not sutlice to secure
his extradition.
The Plenary Committee on organiza
tion of the Paris World's Fair of 1000
has continued the sub-committee's se
lection of the site.
The Diocesan Conference of Truro con
cludes that great harm has been done
to the cause of purity by the reception
of Zola in London.
Two hundred and fifty people killed ;
80 missing, 400 wounded and $2,500,000
lo-s, is the latest estimate of the disaster
at Santander, Spain.
One hundred and thirty-four lives are
known to have been lost in the gales
along the Knglish coast last week. It is
thought the number will reach 200.
The question whether a female claim
ing to be a "lady" was libeled by being
called a "woman" was decided by a
Itritish judge and jury iu the negative.
European diplomatists consider the
peace of Europe will always be in dan
ger so long as tho plans of England in
regard to the coast of Africa are not
James Gordon Bennett is now cruis
ing on the Mediterranean in his yacht,
the Noiirmahal. The Grand Duke
Alexis was his guest at luncheon a few
days ago.
According to an official report just is
sued in Paris no less than 19,000 mi
crobes have been discovered on two
bank notes, which had only been in use
for five years.
The Berlin correspondent of the Lon
don News learns that the Czar's new
yacht, which is to be named thu Stand
ard, is to cost 250,000, and is to be fin
ished in 18J5.
Professor Klebs, of Carlsruhe, who
has modi lied advantageously Professor
Koch's tuberculin tor consumption, says
that he has discovered a sure cure for
diphtheria. Hu has been successful in
1J distinct cases.
The telegraph operators and messenger
ooys struck al Koine, owing to the Gov
eminent' decision to amalgamate the
postal and telegraph departments. It
is expected tnai me strike will extend
throughout Italy.
The scarcity of business at the Krtipp
Works at Essen was never so great as
now. Hands at the famous gun-works
are being dismissed in all departments
and there seems to be no prospect of
any revival oi ousiuess.
Dr. O. Hilderbrand, of Goettineen.
reports in the Medical Hecord the case
of a boy of 14 wdio, since tho age of 12
years, had had 150 to 200 teeth of various
sizes removed. A year and a half later
17 more were removed, with evidences
of others coming.
The eldest son of Count d'Eu, Prince
I'edro, who was said to have been pro
claimed Emperor of lirazil bv Admiral
de Mello, has started for St. S'azaire, a
seaport near Nantes, where, it is stated,
he will soon start for Brazil, aci-om-panied
by a suite of 20 persons.
A dispatch from Algiers says the
police raided a number of houses in tlie
European quarter, and seized a largo
iuiiiiIht of anarchist pamphlets and
document which reveal an extensive
conspiracy, including' a plot to blow up
the French law court and the new
mosque, where native cases aro heard.
Several loaded bombs and quantities of
explosives were seized in the village of
Hussein, IVi, near Algiers.
Lord Charles Beresford, formerly
Junior Uml of the British Admiralty,
declares the navy of Great Britain must
be one-third stronger than anv combin
ing of the fleets of her two possible ene
mies France and Russia. Ho proposes
the expenditure of 22,000.000 for the
construction of six ironclads of the
Royal Sovereign class. 12 battle-ships of
the Harflenr class. 10 cruiser of the
Itlake class and 50 vessels of tlie
Mavock class.
In an interview lxuise Michel, the fo
nialo French anarchist, declared that
the throw ing of bomts in tlie Lvceura
theater, Ban-elona. sprang from the
blood of l'allas, the man w ho attempted
to assassin itc General Martinet Com
pos. She ad led: "The increasing pov
erty, an t severe mean of repression,
warranted more terrible means of de
fense. The Enrorran international
agreement for the suppression ol an
archism i woithy only of derision. Ex
p!oi ms form the het and most clement
me i of extending the propaganda.
Ana-vhy in the United States is nour
ish! g. Boml have not been recently
nsel there, because the evil have not
be OMie tirmlv rooted. The execution
in t hioagn converted thousands to an
a ch sm." She also declared that the
an whists were not connected with, the
a tempt to blow up the Nelson monu
ment in Montreal.
yii wrpi mfmammammm
Wheat Valley. 9295c; Walla
Walla, 83c per cental.
XJnoa 'Q9q nominally at 10(316c Per
pound, there being none in the market;
new crop, '93s, lOilOc for strictly
choice, and nominally at 8c for medium.
Wool 1'nces nominal.
Hides Dry selected prime. 5c; green,
salted, 00 pounds and over, unaer
60 pounds, 2 3c; sheep pelts, yearlings,
lUmloc; medium, zui.gooc, """g ",
30(260c; tallow, good to choice, 3(83.40
per pound.
Beef Top steers, 2:2c per pound ; fair
to good steers, 2c; No. 1 cows, 2c:
fair cows, l'jc; dressed beef, $3.50(35.00
npr 11M) nnunds.
Mutton Best sheep, $2.00; choice
mutton, $.175(o2.00; lambs. 2.00ca2.25.
Hoos Choice heavy, $5.00t5.50; me
dium, 4.50(u5.00; light and leeders,
f4.505.00; dressed, $6.50.
Veal $3.00(a5.00.
Floor Portland, J2.90; Salem, $2.90;
Cascadia, 2.90; Dayton, $2.90; Walla
Walla, $3.15; Graliam, fz.ou; supernne,
$2.25 per barrel.
Oats New white. 34(S36c per bushel :
new grav, 33g34c; rolled, in bags, $6.25
(6.50; barrels, $6.75(a7.O0; cases, $d.o.
Millstuffs Bran, $15.00; shorts,
$16.00; ground barley, $18.00; chop
feed, $15 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 70c
percental; middlings, $23( 28 per ton;
chicken wheat, $1.10(31.15 per cental.
Hay Good, $10(812 per ton.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 30c;
fancy dairy, 25(a27i2c; fair to gooid, 20(8
22!jc; common, 1517'oC per pound.
Cheese Oregon, 10(812sc; Califor
nia, 13(gl4c; oung America, 15(216c;
Swiss, imported, 30 32c; domestic, 18
20c per pound.
Eoos Oregon, 30c per dozen; East
ern, 25u272c
Poultry Nominal; chickens, mixed,
$2.003.50; ducks, $3.50g4.5U; geese,
$9.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 14c per
pound; dressed, 10(dl7c.
Vegetables Cabbage, Is par pound;
rotators. Oregon, 75c per sack ; ouioiio,
$1.50 per sack ; sweet potatoes, I Vffgl.'-gC
per pound ; Oregon celery, 3560c.
I Fruits Sicily lemons, $5.00(t5.50 per
box; California new crop, $4.00yi4.50
per box ; bananas, $1.50(83.00 pur bunch ;
Florida oranges, $4.50 per box ; Cali
fornia, $5.00iu5.50; grapes, 50(90c
I per box ; New York Concords, 15c per
I basket ; apples, green, 90c per box ; red,
$1.00(81.60; cranberries, $9.00 per bar
rel; persimmons, $1.50 per box.
I Coffee Costa Rica, 23c; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 23c; Mocha, 20sa28c; Ar
buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound
' cases, 25.30c per pound.
I Honey Choice comb, 18c per pound;
new Oregon, 10(g20c; extract, 9(810c.
Dried Fruits 1893 pack, Petite
j prunes, Big 10c ; silver, 10(it 12c; Italian,
'9(ftl0c; German, 8i810e; plums, 0(81;
evaporated apples, 8(8 10c; evaporated
apricots, 15(ttl(lc; peaches, 10ijjl2jic;
Dears, 7(8 lie per pound
Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s,
$16.00; 60s, $16.50; stock, $8.50iij9.60.
Beans Small whites, 33f4c; pinks,
o-c; oayos, o(aa-4c; ouiier, c; lima,
I 3,'aC per pound.
I Rica Island, $5.75(30.00 ; Japan, nono
in market; New Orleans, $5.50irt6.25 per
Syuup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c;
in half-barrels, 42t67c; in cases, 35(8
80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg; California,
in barrels, 20(840c per gallon; $1.75 per
Suqar D,4L,'c; Golden C, 4 '..c; extra
I C, 4Vc; confectioners' A, 5'8c; dry gran-
ulated, 5'-4c; cube, crushed and pow-
dered. 6lHc ner pound : Vie Der Dound
discount on an grades lor prompt cash;
maple sugar, toraltk: per pound.
canned goods.
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted,
i.(0(irz."u; peaches, fl.BOtirz.w; Bart- must lose then- e.-seiitial elements, and
lett pears, 1.75r2.00i plums, $1.37,Si(8 that, too, very rapidly.
1.61) j strawberries. $2.25(82.45; cherries, streams of dark, biack liquid issuing
$2.25(2.40; blackberries, $1.85r2.00; from fertilizer heaps, and pel bans rini
laspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25'8 ning down some slope into pond or brook,
2.80; apricots, $1.05. Pie fruits, where the crops are not liable to receive
R'ai' 1oT5l,P 'l'"9' lm,dl bt'"elit llul li"- Whv are
$1.00(81.20; blackberries , $1.25(81.40 per , these leaks permitted and how remedied
XXU JrallS' K''S'. i88orte' are the questions. The first is hard to; peacnes, w.S)0(tC4.uo; apri
cots, $3.50(84.00; plums, $2.75iS.OO;
blackberries, $4.25(24.50 ; tomatoes,$1.10.
Meats Corned beef, Is, $1.40; 2s,
$2.10; chipped, $2.36; lunch tongue, Is,
$3.50; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $1.60(8
2.75 per dozen.
Fish Sardines, J's, 75c(S$2.25; js,
$2.15(84.50; lobsters, $2.30(83.50; sal
mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.25rl.50j flats,
$1.75;2-lbs, $2.25(82.50; -barrel, $5.50.
Eastern Smoked Meats and Lard
Hams, medium, 13l8(814c per pound;
hams, largo, 13iil4c; hams, picnic,
llla(812c; breakfast bacon, 1510c;
short clear sides, 12yC13e; dry salt sides,
ll(811'ac; lard, compound, in tins, 10(8
lie per pound; pure, in tins. 1214c;
pigs' feet, 80s, $5.50 ; pigs' feet, 40s, $3.00.
Burlaps, 8-ounce, 40-inch, net cash,
6c; burlaps, lO'j-ounce, 40-inch, net
cash, 6'...c; burlaps, ll's-ounce, 45-inch,
c; burlaps, lti-onnce, 60-inch, 11c;
burlaps, 19-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat
bags. Calcutta, 22x36, spot, 8c; 2-bushel
oat bags, 734c; No. 1 selected second
hand bags, 7c ; Calcutta hop cloth, 24
ounce, 10c.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.50(89.00 per box ; for cmsses, $2
extra per box ; 1. C. coke plates, 14x20
prime quality, $7.50(88.00 per box ; terne
plate, I. C, prime quality, $6.50(87.00.
Nails ltase quotations: Iron, (K
steel, $2.35; wire, $2.50 per keg. '
Steel Per pound, 10'c
Lead Per pound, 4V; bar, Bc
NavalStorks Oaknm, $4.50(85.00 per
bale; resin, $4.8Ot5.00 per 480 pounds;
tar, Stockholm, $13 ; Carolina, $9 per bar
rid ; pitch, $6 per barrel ; turpentine, 65c
per gallon in car lots.
$23(825 per ton.
Taderewski, just before sitting down
at the piano, holds his fingers for several
minutes in warm water, presumably to
render them more flexible.
It is announced that the president
will not make any further important ap
pointment until congress meets.
J. Shotwell, a well-to-do farmer on the
ttenatchee. is putting iu mill for
grinding rornmeal.
lUrkr.l Iu II,. r, fr ,h. W.,.r-
On last Saturday Master Calnn B
Crocker captured a twelve pound turtle
The reptile was discovered under the ice
that hal fonuod over a pool near his
home on Rockland Mreet, and was taken
"alive and kicking" after a breaking ami
ntcring of his icy bointx - Oedhaui
(Mw) Transcript.
The Algerian know what a real plajme
that ronntry alone over .Vi.onO gallon ol
th .I".. ..r . . .
-yew mwrv gamer, aau
bum! hut few.
Suggestions Worthy of the
Farmer's Consideration.
Iou't Begin With Too Many Breeds
Keep Thoronglibreds Only
Ahont the Turkey.
Start out with good stock.
Endeavor to have your flocks uniform.
Keep everything clean; it will pay
An extra dollar or two for a superior
breeding bird is money well spent.
A gooil supply of road dust or dry
earth and fine gravel are won h a gooil
many dollars to a poultry breeder dur
ing the winter.
One of the best remedies for damp
poultry-house floors, also an excellent
deodorizer, is air-slacked lime. Gas
lime is also good.
Do not neglect the water fountains.
Keep them filled with freth, sweet, clean
water. In rainy weather keep the yards
drained so that no impure water will be
where the fowls may drink it.
Do not destroy eggs that have been
deserted by the hen, or in cases where
the incubator lamp has gone out and
they have become cold. They often
hatch a good percentage of strong chicks.
Don't begin with too many breeds.
Select tlie one that best suits vour sur
roundings and stick to it. By careful
selection you can then build up'a strain
that will be satisfactory to yourself and
Although a damp roosting place is an
abomination, fowls prefer a wet roost
free from vermin to a dry one that is in
fested with them. This may explain
why some people's chickens "prefer to
luool on trues.
It may be taken as a very good rulo
that short-legged will fatten juore rap
idly than fowls " well up on their pins."
This is important to the broiler raiser,
whose object it is to get nice, plump birds
as soon as possible.
Keep thoroughbred fowls only. There
are enough breeds and enough sizes,
shapes and colors for any purpose. With
a mixed Hock one cannot lay down any
set of feeding rules or glean any reliable
information from his statistics. In other
words, he never knows where he is at.
Always keep shells and grit before
your fowls, and for confined birds straw
or refuse bay, cut about one-third of an
inch in length, should be furnished
them. Besides tlie much-needed exer
cise obtained by scratching in it for seeds
and grain, ttiey will eat a large portion
of it.
The turkey is an industrious forager,
land picks up the greater portion of its
food; therefore the dillerence in tlie
i weiglit of a large and small bird is an
1 imnortant mutter, hrimmu. thu i,..ii, ,l
cost ot production down to a low sum
when large and small weights are com-
There is one advantage of hatching
VhiVk3. during winter in California, and
" ''1 f'e,',lol" from vermin, which does
J101 "urease nenny so rapidly as during
hite spring and summer weather. This
is where the incubator proves of great
value to the poultry mber, as it is next
io impossible to get a satisfactory supply
tetting hens before February and
ollen later.
It is not necessary for experimental
stations to tell
us that nn.nilies kept
continually exposed to rain and sun
answer, but the second is ol no very dif
ticult solution. Mix manure liberally
with absorbents, and keep tindir lover.
Many old-fashioned bams contain no
cellars for storage of manure; and, for
that matter, there aro very potent objec
tions to putting manure right under
stock, so that poisonous gases will con
tinually arise to befoul tlie air above.
Why not build a cheap "lean-to"
against the barn to cover the manure
which is cast out? This may be made
very rough and inexpensive aiid provided
only with a roof (sides would be better).
The idea, of course, is to prevent the wa
ter from eaves and skv from leaking
through the manure and removing tho
best and most available portions. Bed
tlie stock well with straw and absorb
ents sufficient to retain all the liquid,
says a writer in Practical Farmer. Land
plaster is excellent to fix the ammonia
that gas which is so easily lost; and coal
ashes, as they come perfectly dry from
the stove or furnace, are good'for the
same purpose. It is well known that
the ground beneath a manure pile be
comes saturated with fertility ; so it is
wise to remove this soil to a depth of six
to ten inches, cart it way and replace
with a quantity of new, dry soil, which
in turn should also lie drawn out and
spread on a field or meadow. The mat
ter of saving manure cannot be looked
into too closely. It is folly to depend
on commercial fertilizers when much of
our own manure goes to waste.
watering tub seedbed.
American Gardening savs : It is com
mon among amateurs and" some profes
sionals who sow seeds of various kinds,
either in or out of doors, whether the
soil is moist or not, to water it imme
diately after sowing. From repeated
trials 1 have found the aliove practice to
be a serious mistake. If the soil or com
post in which the seeds are sown is moist
at tlie time of sowing, do not water, as
the soil la-comes still" and forms a crust
on the surface, which prevents the seeds
from pushing through. After sowing
the seed in anv soil, except an extremely
dry one, wait a dav or two before
watering, until the soil dries up pretty
well. Then water gently with a line
sprinkler sutficientlv to moisten the soil
moderately throughout, which will suf
fice until the soil shows signs of dryness
aeain. Do not do a a great nianv'do
give a little sprinkling evervdav." This
only makes tlie rase worse. '
A Ilrmarknbte Court nrrnr,l.
The jury on one case in the Bi.ldeford
supreme judicial court disagree., hut
week, and Judge Virgin improved the
opportunity to give them hi opinion of
a jury that could not agree in word
winch he aij he ,v0M on 8,ovrl).
ne washed to measure tbera.
After scolding thorn a little the Jndg
Mid that in the eighteen year be had
held court in York omntr only four
"Oveinent bad been reported'oni of
400 case. Thi la not bad record -L
wis ion Journal.