Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 07, 1893, Image 1

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    f Remember that this paper
is the only one in Lincoln
; or Bento:i eountv that has
;: the courage to stand for
J ttlCOlU ISbtl nihil
ead by every tax-payer of
tne common people.
Lincoln County. It will
cost you but $1.50 a year.
: r F. : M m W K
ryJ Y v
DIIiECTOin'. ' -
mntoln corny.
. Join: Senator
Comity JuuVe
1 rensurer
t"'-hoiI .-iutierittienilent
- C. II. ( r,.s;
I. I'. Hhie
Henry luliiiwer
I'has. lt..oih
.'os. (.nieon
- T. K. I'nrker
Jus. Kusseil
M. L. Traj.ii
Justice nf the l'eaee
J. A. Hall
A. K. Altree
TUKST HAPTISTS.-Meet even- first SnmuT
l 111 each month, a 11 k. in. and also on he
satur.lay jirecclinKthe nliove Sun.lnv at " n
m., in the Toledo Public Hall. L. M.'llutler
Ilesident l'astnr.
WT .IOHXS t'lll'ltfli fProtestent Kplsc
" lMvine service the third Sunday of
to ill
month t 11 u ... to ,. .: 7 , 11 e.vr.
i'V... ., - S i. ... . "IVe'i 10 aiTeiid
..v,. itniiiu. -uissionarv.
-'Lcctory, Newport, Or.
T -,f --Toledo Loiiire. No. ins. Meet
!mviiCry y evenll" ,neir b'U In this Arnold, Sec'y. It. F. rou.AMouF., S O.
f i'- T. Meets every Thursdav evening
1. ,u 'V!h-!!'k-'" ,!'ly' 1". this'town.(.;ei;
1 .ethers, C. 1 . Jennie Alexander, Secretarv
P A. and I. 1 .-Toledo riil.m. No. I V,. Mcot
even-Saturday in i;riidv-s
null Hums town. AH members remiestcd'to
attend. T. T. Keener, President; J. J.Turnidze
secretin y. '
T (. (). F.-llay I.odire No. llti. of Ymmitia ( itv
meets every Saturday evening. Visitiiiir
brothers are chvays welcome.
K. lu'KRow-. secretary. j. x. Stakk. X. I!.
T V' - 'f'-'ewiiort I.mlffe No. w.i. meets even-M-
stiturdav evening. visitiiiu-UrotitoPuurA....j
oiiil'y invited to aitcn.l
XV m. a 11 nor, secretarv.
JoilN KlrllAKhsox,
X. (i.
r. .
.--..ei. pi.i I i.i.use. .o. m.
COllVOCatlOll Oil Stlttirdtiv on or 1.,'.,r .,...
ton ni.,1,11. wsuiiiK Droi ners are cordiallv
Helcomed. .l.Vs. 11. IU sski.i., XV. m '
1.1S. li'.UIEltTSON, Secv.
A. R. Phil Sheridan Post Xo. -.'I, meets
" every second and fourth Thursdav evenin jr.
, iEO. SVI.VESTEU, loin,
li. A. llKNSKU.. Ailjt.
' I'orvallis, Oregon
T.J Buford, Prop.
Clinrgess Reasonable.
Justice of the Peace
loletUi, Oregon.
peeds. MortirHKCs, and all kinds of Iciml uiT.ers
executed with correctness, careful attention
Kivcn to all business entrusted to my cure.
At torncy-at-Luw,
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
ritOl'llIKTOIl OF .
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon.
Collections, Con i'l-ianciiu,
(Hid ( ourt J'i'firtire
Refers by permission to Kir-liov. .1. S. Illlsburv
t . s cnutor u . P. ivasnnurii, iten. joho i
l;en. Kx Ciimnianiler-lM i hief li. A. 1!., Min
nc i'iioIIs. .Minn.. Hon. Martin F. Morris and .1
t imritntftoti. Ks.i.. Washlucton. IM'.. schnV'
ler Inirveii. chief Clerk patent otltce. Fairfax
Ciuiitv". Va., and Uev. chas. llooth, New port
Toledo, Lincoln County. Oregon. Thursday, Dec. 7, 893
Number 40
1 . Mil 1. Frcilll -V-
TOR 1S02,
Hutlciaau. John, iot :
t.unp .
llenrick. H.mie a re
Harris. Ala. 1, t-.', 11, MM4, llrooklyn,. ..
llulton A ;iark. . lots 4. i lk 1. clvde.
Hulil fd i at'.orinc. lot-- i 1-1 k l. .Pakcr
HdilltioM to N-.-v -,-ut
llornley. 1 ".H n .1. 1- t li, 1 Id i. iie' ad-
diti -n i , i e;s-ri.
Hull ;:. A II, lot 1. c'k in, south N- l-rt
lUnlhc ., Joi n, t.-i .'. r-. blk I, s.uith
New ivt t .
Illll-ers. .1 1.1, -is :;, Huli-rd s ail.-.llioli
lo AlvXHioli ia
Hault. Ainu,- I lots II, V:. I lk. 1J. WiKon
llMrlou 1.1k Nvi' a l l.o-.- -oil add. to
HtlOllWHt tritl-S 111' t ll.. A....,...,ut lull I.. lkA I ..u,. rl
county of Lincoln ami ih slate of Orecon, Hutchins. i,. !1. lots "i.ii. I Ik i", Ni'irl.
which warrant is nc-1 ,v hands, and is tn ' Holm, p.. n lots :.. ii. 1,1k i s liiu.ird's
wordsand titrurvs as toUous, io it, j add to Vlcxi'iidi-iia
Statr af OmiMK 1 lll.i,v ".i:'im -.-.o . .v Thorn nsoli. add.
! Vir riilarnla.i " iocisu: '
WTHESllKltirFHT I.IJH4K tlX-NTY, SriTK l I Uotlin: -.'"', I I'll-t 111a lnortsakC. -iiau
HKK..OX. ilKKmsu: i HuBwoll lo ihti-.n'ii !l...nii:r.-oii.
jN TUK N VMF l.F TIIl. sr TK OF OltMfllS : ,rvl" . V. V ,vr. lull or. I c ly
y'U are hereby isimiiitiidiil Ik isdlcot (he .thn.m. Mis. U. li. lot -M, ' II"
e ii.iiient laws is ntalncd in ihe fun-going i.ik Nve .1 l n.1.1. ti
ll'.tiiiiiimit l ax liotl f.r h.. -...1 I lK v
i irme of arran; for the eolh-cilon of !-.
1 14
1 U
1 4-1
I I '
i sii
I 11
District Court.
Notice for Publication.
I and otlii-eat Oregon I'lty. oreiron.f
inr:illHTl.i, is:v l ,
voth k is hereby Kivcn that the follow in;. ; The following cases were dis
naiued settler has liH-d nolicc of his linen-i 6
tioi! lotiiiiketinal i.nmt in sunnon of his claim poseil of as follows bv the COlirt after
and thai -aid i-rooi will 1h- n.adc bciore the,
county Clerk of Lincoln cuihiv at Toledo, ore- tile LKADKR W1S ISSUeil last Week.
icon, cn .'anuarv 9, lsoi. vii :
sirhoi.,cBst.aiii.. ii. :.. i H, Deuhnger vs. M. M. Davis;
for the norlhi-ail i, of soiilhcavt ij. soulh 7 of
souii.,-M southeast ' , ot southiiest section , leave to file amended answer.
Iiiwnsl-.iii Pisonlh Italort- 11 west.
He names the follow ins w liut'ics to .roe his !
coouoiious rcsioi'iice iisin aim cultivation of,
said land. iL Allen K. n.!t n. I ew issiuthMorth.
A C. Iiarling, A. A. Mci'leary, all uf nMHirl,
, Lincoln l oiintv, Ou'koii.
prlEE O'BRIEN'S ssrhe
The WiW
Oregon Paciflo Railroad.
Llnc-ljuick HI'iafh-LoM
I reluhl !
i -.M
lieiiiniuent lax Hull for the vcar b". and xmii
are hereby commanded to imIIccI the same bv
KNvy iiH U the itoods and eliattelsof such deliii-
nucni taxpayers, and ii none tie tound, then
ilivii Ihe real tro;vrtT as set t'orih in said de
limiueiu tax list, or so much thereof as shall
sati-fr the amount oi taxes so charged. ilh
eosts and ex)ienses, and yon are hervbv imiii
niauiled lo mv over all itioni 's so collected bv
thotirsl Monday in July hereafter.
In testimony whert-of I have hereunto act un
hand and atlixed the seal of the County Court
oa the auh day of iK-lolter, A. I. n.
County ( lerk for Uui-sdu County, drcnon.
Whifh wrtiTHiii ii HttHfhod to the list of un
vaM and ili'linMm'iit ixo for the y?nr in
said l.inroln i'o.t ui not having Wvi hIo,
Hor tliiipt-iit sinh to Uml nny ihtsoiuiI mi
erty within vHttl fomttv out ol Whioh to mnko
the taxiv. lu rein afti-r nii'iitiotusl. I have U'vKul
mnni tlu land tleMTittoil in tho annexod s ln
intt the rnvrty of tho within mum1,! intlivtit
nuls, tht f-nine Hvi'wrs kmsc. t.n said de
liqiUMit tax roll, and w ill on
Fridav the 15th tlav onwem
hor 1
at the oonrt hotiw donr in Toledo, l.ln
I'oln t'outtty, OtvKon. at tho hour of UinVloofc
a. in. of snid tiny at puhlto au.Mlon, to tho
tUK'U'M I'uoifr, IMUiji'i'l In U-iU-iH ) :oi i'M-H
in hand on thotiay of shU, all tho Umd (lowrlii
ed t'olow, or so much thorvof hi nny in- nov
esMiry to nay ml satisfy thi xum tnxod Huuint
said ro.riy in sHil l.incidu t o., Dr., tor the
year of tKt togtMfcer h ncoriiiiitr iv-sts and
elOHH's. HVM. A. I AN ills,
sluritt'of l.lntvdn t o.uuty ttrogoti.
Paled (his Nth tiny of Nov. Isitl.
Statk oy iiiir.uos, i
I'ot NTV ok l.lNt'OI.N i
I hereby certify Mint the above 1 A true nnd
correct eoitv and the wliole thereoi of the oriir
itirtl warrant now by hand for collection of
ueiintu'iiMnxeti, tor the your sm.
t.KO. A. I.ammh,
sheriff of Lincoln Couutv, Oregon,
Dated thlsxih day of Ntivember, lv,
namr. hKsrmrrioN. amount.
Ai', May S, lot N Mk 7 ItufordV :iddf-
tion to Alevandriii, 5
Auilrew , John, lotN I, t, 7, blk Kred-
rieiisbitri:. K.'iS
AW rick. J II, lots 1. H.bU Z- N'ev(M.rt, lotH
ii, i, it. k ii, iiiiini, n, iiik i , iiiiiey
t iisev ttdditioii to ow tHrr. 7 l"i
Albee, W h. loin :, l i. l. hi, 17. is, Crewy
tilk, Ne t Ihoinpson'H iiddition to
Newport , 8 i'iK
Austin, t onielin. lot .' nlk lot li blk HI,
HbMiiuer'K iiddition to Nevvhort 1 72
Allen, K s, lotK I, ti. blk i, Unvburit'D tid-
dilion to Aluxiuidrin. 1 28
Allen, l ituiiie Louise, lot 1, blk II, ituford'M
a.Mttion to AiexiutOrta. m
Ainohii. c s. lot I blk li". Newoort. 1 .Vt
Buchiiimn, .1 S, 2 Hcrex ticrii'Mliuntl bind, l'i(K
Jlesauiore, Itunedict, Uillt, 11, 12, blk 21,
h rtMir ckJtburir. 4 lsi
IteuNnn, John, lot 2, Id i, OUhoii'm ImI ltd-
union to .Newport, i b".
Bay ley. Mm K, Ljof w 1 , nnd h w '4 of
e ,, n w 1 . of n e ir, h ml n e ir ,,f w
ir, ami w nt oi ti w qr, k nm w nr, nc
tioii MJ. township 10. rtiiito 11: tvlso I lotn
in OlsS'in'M addition to Newport, Ui Kit
Btiyley, J K. e hf of h e ir te :il, twj in.
nnrfl ll ; n w ir m r tt nee i.i, iwn n,
niKf " w Mr 'd n w r nee x, tun 11,
rmreii: river bts 11 and 12 huc Jii, wu 12,
nuiiTO.; doiiutioii claim ot '1'hos 11 ren
vie in nee 2 tund 21 iwn I rane I and 't
except 1 l:t acreN: undivided half lot 1,
ib.iw pit, riint'c 1 1 ; piim i , i pik if
lotH to 12. ..Ik T'.i. lotH 1 to 12 blk K2. Io(h
1. 2, :i, 4, ", ti'J, u Si k sw.lott" 1 to 12. id: n.i
lotNltol-i blk (L. lot n I to 12 bt1. '.'I. nil
lott in blk !:. lots , ;..'t,7. n.h. blk ir. b.tM
1,2, '.I. blk w. lotn to v blk lim, lotn I. 2,
I. in, 11, 12, hi 1112, lotn I, 2, ii, tlK n ,
IoIm I. 2. :t. I. Mli-K" nil ill flay ley A
CtiMe'tind.Hlion to Newport. til 11
Main. John, lot - 2 and ;l, ec :t2, twp Ll, rnye
Hi; lot 1, 2, :i. I. i, kcc ill, twp i;i, rime
lo II H2
ltcavluder, riant. bt Id, blk It, Harlow -"h
blk. i.i N ve iV lip mi pr'on h ad'lMl-ii to
NewiH.rt: I l-'i
llakcr. Iwm L, loix :atid i, blk 2, H
add t on to Newport:
lU-Mii, Harriet L.lot K). blk 2. Maker ft nddb
t on to NewiMirl : :i
HraMiieW. Lylin, riortKane . Naicy A
.lesnpto l.voia iitaiieiu, on j h'Toh
oll'of mm n, twp ll, moi II: 12 loin in
I'heln't addition to Ni'Wiort; :Hia''re
Seal ltock; 7 b-iw In VaUfna !l'lt-ht;
Id1 1, aircH in Willamette river bottom ;
Hrown't property lot-: tuortKayc fiiKi;
pilot,, ltulord fadrlltton to Alexandria;
Itettvccu Willamette ValUy point
Icivei -a:i Francis Novemtr .vh. lUh atid
2ird, ivi:.
Ic.ive Yiijuina Novemlr'.:b. Yr.h -'h
An l ab..nt every ten tiny thereafter.
Thl-Compmiv reserve the rWM to rha:(we
tiliiitr date without tiotle.
Iwtly ervi-e 'tween PortlnT'd nnd -a'.cia and
I pper W illameiie river dnt
C. 3. CROSNO & CO.,
H Eslils Agents ii Uwki,
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
AlHn t of Title to any property hi Lincoln County
furnished oii demand.
7 li
I I .'
I ti
l IMl'U'AIIY. Cinrl Si;rlnttilent.
torvUU. Oron,
lrtlintiruvvil iicri;- hi St-nl Hork ; ;im lutti
Si'Hl Kni'li .nri '4l
llaknr, NimiIo .1. liBker t rimn Cini-I, H
HiTtm. mitt A, ti II, rliuL II : I it I iiml
2, linker h Bilillimn to Ni'wiNirt: InU.'t,
i. 7, Ii. lo. In linUtir iii'lilllluii I't Nfw
imrt : ttlkt jti mill :;, l'l'lim Hiliiiiinii
In Newp ort; I t 1 . 1 1 1t I, Lit 4, !lk :l,
(i1hm.ii Jti1 ulillili n to Nwirt; InU II, t il-M-irn Hl1itl..ii to New
iM.rt : lnt :l mul 111. I: loin :, I, fi,
I, 1k A ; loin 1. , II; lot 1, 7, III
nlitttoti'ti aililltiiiii In Nt-wtort; tot.
II, 2, litiliinl mlillii iti to .Mi'xmi.ri
lnlnl.'.', 11,1.'. II; lotn 4, -t. ll, 7. , It,
I, Ik 14; loin ;:, I, 'i, ii, 7, . u. Hi, lilk I't;
lol 1,'. ;i, I. .,, 7, .'J, 1U, II. L!, III,
Itiifiird'H Jml H.lilltinti to Nt'u Hirl : lotn
n, '.i. Ill, ir,, liiilonl ' Jinl it lilliloii to
,Mi'Xii.lrln; i, ..rlKKe . Mnry J.
Iiritkv unit Nelllu l-li i l !" to II. I'. H-
ker; lm k, I. Ni-wimrt Ill ai
hatmerii. V. lot Uf .V Ol-mni'i 'Jml
ililllitm to SViAiiorl 'J 14
r.rr K. n '. ol n i ' n a a nl ii e
tttl' JII. IWll 11 THIIKU II II 1"
Cuottvr llro ik Kttrllnnfl. I'eriuilial . . IJ 10
( ai j-, 'I ho V, 1,1k it, ri,i'li inltlliioii to
t oinli. It i, IIi.kIiiiiIiik -.' Ic I Kl-t ol
I'l.rncr ol lilk 1.1. iiit- i 'i' irt nr i lo-t
Ihi-iifP norlli til li't-l. iht ; 'K-l M's
Ii rl llii'iii-e It'i'l ! i-t'Kliiiiijr . . .
mii.Ii-1I, Mm All"!!, lulu 1 hii'I 'i. Mk 4,
lllill . K'HII'.iili l i M-wju-ri
cin.i ll, r-itritl . I .t- 11 ""'I I-', l.'k 11,
tilllll fwimri
I ili'V, II, rit !, Itlkl, I , i't! rli'k liilrif . .. .
i arl.-ii. Ainilii. .,i 1 . nil ii, lilk j, i;a'-
tiiiril n mill 1 1 ii n to ui'XHliilrln .
riiniiin.'l urn, II I l, liial ami -'. -',
.ii. xali'UIn
an. in. 't I.. I"l l. ' II. 1, Yn'init.a l,"li;lil
lower. l..t-'i. Vauliia livlKtii.
ii-lHiit-y, J r , i'-ri"-i.
l.xli'i-. I L. raw ii.llU ill i.iitr.liK. Nt!''
Lintiry, V it. il ai'ri'n ol .lelTrli'ii e-ln.o I Ci
l.yi r, II. !' r- nal I'.i V.', Mr-., lot i Lin l, Nytj.t I i ...i..-.nil
a'tlitut .ii lo Nimi r. :I.V.
Franklin. Mr. M A.I.'JI, lilk I,
i i., n r. Tiiiii -t iii h.IiIi'Ioii i.i
Ntwrl . ill
Frljlu. I ill'h 'nl i I), el. I ll In, 11,
i 'l-.-.Ti a-lillil iii - :-i'V -l' I.I !
l'rai..'i-. Alfloli II. li.' ii. 7. , -, I", I Ik Jl,
iii'i-ii'i ii-w I'.T'.'j
F'.rliiil'.lfr, in, Nye . 'I lion f".li ' a.lill- j
11. ii It. N' I'orl l V.
Fracr, I. Ii, lot I. .'.. ir t t :n sye Hi I
I htm I - ii it'i'l1 1 .ii !... i- r: I I.i ;
i .ll.iit ) . I I" lit!' I ai I 2 lilk '., Ilt'ittk.
I Ml -'"I
i. ll. i. i,, I hn, l.. 1 t.iiil i.I. l i, I il'I
r!"l.-'.'ir .
I, in "It", III', III II, It! I.i, I rt"lt l" tutl ry I 1.1
itlilit.n. i -.1 1 - '! ii i a:cl im 1 , "I e
i. ..-i- Ij. t w f . U, r.i.K.' II. . f ..I
i,. tt, i. iw, i.i, ri m- n ijd
'irlrnl-l, llfi.'. i..'-..h ii I. i:n ;-jr
A i a lilt'.li'ii it '.t'lt-jfri . i;m
iirln , l.ti.tiiti', 1. i, ttlk ,', I'li'-i
ill'1 .n In Ni-w rl pf,
.r..... A. 1.1 I. I.I r., I 'I I, I lk .,,! h St-w tt.rt ;
l.rartl. t it,. l-.t,' 'V li, Ntv. . all
( Far I ' n.T I ;k- 7. . 'J, In, Im. I,
t,t. MX I: loi I. .. it. is I'.'. 1 I I, I.U
li.. lot. 1, .', I, t nil ,-.'. I.all i,l I t
4, i,; p. .-.
Hall. s .1 , ari l"t I, . Ik Xttuih l'-iv l
Holt. Ca'...n 1. t n: at ' Ini n Ii" t
n.rih ui tr firiK ..I l.t I, 1,1 I. In
Nyi-tl 'I l.'i'n l-ti. ailililtuii bt Ni-w-(tirt
. ihtriifii wt?-l 'Mt- l , l lif nt? in, rih
Vi Itt. ilifiifc t- .t t it-.-t. tl.t-n.-r
Miulti l lr?t to lattp ol U-tfiiiiiliiir .
II I'Mll, Hayb rn. a.lillil ,u to Al
. iri I
to N'v-
lohll'i'ii. AI"Mr.,iL'r. 1., I a 4 OK-oli s l-i Ni' V rl . .
Ki-iH'ilv, Mr. I'.nsvl, .".I'i.i In thi- I r.'il-
rii-kstHiru 4 -'.i
LoiH'li, K lnl "i. 7. Llk. I. I rt'ilri 'l-i IKK 4 '.M
Ki r.v. ( has Iota 1, I;i ' urn iM. lo
Vlt'vtiiiilitria I i-
Kollii-haM , Im 7, I lk. . uls.nii aiH. to
inv.rt .!
Kiuifon. I nrL hit'.i'.r-U'ii'i l.iiiirovon.tMils ilii
Leo, Jan. lot I. Mk. 40, Frcilrl.'ksl.iirK 4 a
Uvl, Mrs. V.. J, lot . I lk. I, I'r -i ricUs-
liiiru 4 13 inn. .1 w. Lit Mk I.S. New imrl. lot
a, lilk. I, Kn'.lrii'k-iliiii k. 8 11,
Ijiwm, .1 s, Inis .1 ti. I I, I lk II, nl-nii s ml-
iliilon In Nuwitori ... ft7l
Lohi'Ii. A A, lot I-:, I lk Is. rivlrl.'k-'i.ur . sr.
l.ou.loii. Mrs A II, L i 7 I Ik 7. Iiit-i klyn . i'h, .1 I', l.ils .1 an. I , I Ik a i, I'rinlrii'K" I
' Min: i.l:
U'liirnn,'t In, I lk n, ilin'onl's a.lill- 1
lion lo Aloxiui'ti in
LhiiiiIiIIii, i has, loi i hlk 17, linker -mlitl-
linn In Ni'm isn't .
Lesh, XV II. I.Iks 2 III 1, 11 ii.Lllil. il lo
Larson, loi's .1 ami 4, 1 Ik ,X, luri.lirn'w Hilili-
tioii to .Xli.Mimli'l.l
SleXXhnrter. l-vl ami li'L. I..I i! ilk 4.
nlsMinV l-l a.liilil'.n n Mi-wimr:
Monlsi'ii. I I . lol " ! K 7. I'; .lii iiru .
Mili'ht'U. i en I', lot 0 "f: 7, Fivilili'ks.
Mlti'li'i' lL XV !, W i v..l , Mk '.' Ilnki't's
Mi-kViiii.V! ,'.',!., 1 l'. 'I I" N.ut..rl .
Mi'Mnk.,11, !l ,1, lot II lii li, liMiikh ll ...
O'K.'ll.v, 1 I. i.s, 1..I I i II. ll', 1 r.ilil.'Us.
Inirt,-: l"t ll I.Ik :. i-M'i.V l!'.Lli li
lo Ni'Wlsirl . . , . ...
oln'rlilnile. .Ins, Inl 11 ami I i lk 1'rvil-
I'nriSn. I ll Li Ik I, ! iv ill niK
I'elers :i I', lol 1'ii'l.i 'I, iil-ili s ii lull loll
lo Ni .v H,rt
I'arl-er, '..ii: ti n .Lull ( Mk I', I'.nyi-y k
ca-o's n.ullil.'i'. in S. wis. it
I'arklii,.! A, 7 .i nl v'.k 7, llnyl.niira
aiL.tilon in .XL miii ' i.i
I'Ktinii, !' M.lnl 3, Ny .v ' i-.ti.i I'-mi s nil- in X''i 'it
I'liiil'oii, i hi Is, lui" I. i, Ki'vl nrn s ailill-
I It'll If Al. Mlll'll In
Lnl eri, u, ; l, i,s .nil. i' ii,iii
Lii linrn, i:ili .1, 1 us ll 7 11, Uriu.k-
' 1 V I)
lllli'V, .li.V ti, I. .Is ,i, il 11 1 10; l.ils .X, ll, 7,
I'.lk 21. It ili
limit, sum ,.l,l..l I'.MIk J, linkers
linn lo Nt'Wisiri
stroliK. lol il I.I il, FruilrL'k'.liiiriz
Slevi iit., I i ti: Its-rl XV, lol- I ! II li I lk 17,
llrnni 1 v ii
SlvMiiit, l.'i iuiranil Xinlln, l,,is I, ,X, II, 11)
lit I, I. i- I, i, L, IS, M 111. 1'its i.ll, 7,s,
M in, In,
Mn.Hh, I' XV, lots'.x, 7, 1,1 '.'I', i inn 'I Vli w ...
Serull .i.I, i, In II. l,.t., .x, 7, ,1 11, Nuw-
sin , Annie I'.. . Nil, Hi, 1 'Ji, ne- iin
X ii w
Smith, ll. M.lnt 7, 11 '.'i, l ly I ,
Slum', ,lil. lot , 1.1 l'i, llttKt r s Aillllllilll in
New i rt
Smith l.iiii'li II id an 1 .iiiiile I'n., nil III
I. S.lllth llt'lll li, NlMVlMll, .Ins I, ,1s II li !il '.'7; all hill '."J,
lots 1. 0 li. 4. I'filrU'Ks 'If
Tetlu'ri.w. Ilenrlelln M, li-ls.'l, 7, hi 7, lots
4, 11, ill 4, I re 1 1 h'K-iill l'K
XVI, lu iikit, ll I', Ifi- I, Ii!, I.I .1 I'.aker s
illllnli lo Neu t. i rl
XX hlllni;er, li .1, lots ', II, i.I il 1'i'eiirli'Ks-
V-wlei:, ll. ,Ur., Int. I, 1, lllK ill,
VI It k I li , M. lol il, I.! Ill, New im",
XV,, If.ili'.i. XV. ,.t 11 nt It, llriLiltm
X 1,1,1,1', ,1, hi;., Hern an, Iota 1,'Lil. LD.II,
7, H.ll, In, hi IX, iH'i'.in X ttiw
Faiiiio, ii. II. Lei', .1. ll., Hn'' inn, T. XVelk,
IX'. , ami ii. A. XXai.,iiei, XXaitnerH
Aililllii ll lo Mml lioi'l., '."2X Inlii 111
1,,1,1-k- l III
XV, i,i.l, V. li,ls7,H, Ll 111, ifl Llll HI, Solllll
NY.viii.r! Tl
XX'alilli ', l.e '. isifs'iiin; 1 1" r. . j m 1 1 v Ill In
liiin.erlie, ,1. II. it'rsniial imiisirly H 7.X
F.I.K I 1 1 1 I'llHiM T NO. II.
Alnlii'w.i; II. ii w t niul '4 mil' an l i
II. riiuee In
III!,'. X : l.ff. lots 'J 1,1k 17, lots II, li,
i'lk i. I.U i lly
Ilii'liiv., i.i'.i, lloit.utli'iiil li'i,riieiiielils
I t .11
Llnili'i'inaii, Mrs Lllalielli, lols.1, il, 1,1k 4,
oyster i lly
l.aihroi, I' N, istrs.mal
I.athriiii, Mrs Ksie, (..if i iml
MorrLi.ll, C I., jsTsotinl anisi
M 1 1 i I . hihii, I'm ni'.ren lini'l
Iliun-ilell. r M, ii 1 , ol s ij sec ll, lwt
11, raiiKO II
i.miKii; i riticiM r mi. in.
AImo I'. a 1, M l I. I II, i Ik II, Seal mplc. . .
Ail a, i . Juili'e XV H, Iota 1, it, hlk It, Seal
roes -
Arninn.iiir. T.I, n w li I hit- til, Heal
fuel: X lew
Allen, L M.e'jlot lilk 17, Seal men View
ill. ii. K XI, e lol 1 1.1 k 17, Seal rm'K
Allan. . Mrs tl, lint Seal rm'K Vlow
Ailain-, la. 1 lot x al rm-K X lew
Iloliell. II A, tour lol- In XI alils.rt
Hun-, n. .li Im I', lol to. tl . Seal r.'i k He
sort Iliirus. Kn.alltie, 1 .1 4, tit In, Seal nma He.
Hawrue. John, Im I. bl 1:1. Seal rwi llesort
llaker, I raiiK I', lot III IV,
llarKor, F. C. lol il, hi IX, Seal II. II
Hall, Uvl XV. loin, In 111,
liuvri'l.i'ii.c. XV. h i I, hi -M, "
llowcn, liwen, lol 1 1, hi !", "
IIoki-ii, Mrs. Nellie, lol 7, hi til,"
Itryaul, .I'll.n, lol n, in .11,
Who was tho W'ritor?
1-uriiii; the progress of district
court last week some person sent n
telegram to the Corvallts Times
that was malicious, false, and sneak
ing. A letter also tippenred in the
Gazette ol the same place that jxur
ported to have been written from
Toledo that was a tissue of slander
and malicious lies from fust to last.
It was one of those mean, insinuat
ing articles that the writer knexv
x as a mass of prevarications when
"I he penned it, hence he did the
sneak act and failed to sign his
name in the printed article.
It lias been generally staled, and
accepted as true, in this locality
.. J that YV. S. McEadden, tho noted
.:! Cor vnllis attorney, was the author
K"l l' t.,,,1. ll,.. I..1. ,,.! ll,.. .,..i..l
v'l uiiiii kn. i. iv i i il ill nun ill, til .iv I.
in the Gazette. Wo are extreinoiy
loth io believe that Mr. McEadden
was the author of these slanders.
We are slow to believe that a man
of Mr. McEadilen's character and
ability would stoop so loxv its to
defame the whole people of Lincoln
county and also the district attorney
and circuit judge, as this article did.
If it be true that he was the author,
we must admit that our conception
of the man's character and makeup
has been entirely wrong. Wi
freely admit that our idea of Mr
McEadden was that he was a high-
minded, honorable gentleman, and
one that was far above lite evident
calibre of the sneak who penned
the articles referred to. We took
Mr. McEadden lo be a talented at
torney and one who made a force
ful, but at the same time, fair fight
when engaged in a case. We pre
sume that he wn.4 defending the
Jobs as an attorney nnd in such
case would give them the the best
of his high talents, but we do not
like to believe that he would so be
little himself as to attempt to create
prejudice by insulting every honest
and decent man in Lincoln county.
In conclusion we would say that
Mr. McEadden owes it to himself
as a man, lo his ftieuds in this
county for the friendship they have
borne to him, and to the public
generally to deny that he was the
author of the articles referred to,
and we hereby heartily tender him
any amount of space in the Licahkk
that he wishes to make this denial
and to set himself aright with his
many friends on this side of the
Catherine M. Grady vs. Alonzo
l")tindtti txInititifP: trU'ii unfit Tin '
i, 1S94. to make a reply to defend-jf "
ant's answer, and that K. 0. Potterj )
take testimony in the matter and reS
port hisTindings; injunction dissolvji
ed as to county court but continue
as to Alonzo Dunden.
State of Oregon vs. B. R. Job,
Zephin Job and M. M. Davis; de
murrer to indictment as to B. R.
Job, overruled.
A. T. Peterson vs. W. T. Weberj
sale confirmed.
a. v.
1 mi
I 1:1
'2 lil
1 mi
4 m
1 tit
11 no
17 Hi
1 71
4 .MS
1 71
1 IS
11 III
2 Nil
'J I I
7 IX
I Hi
I 411
III, 'ill
il rat
ft 4:1
A special term of court will be
in Lincoln county beginning in Jan-. -nary
2, 1894. The entire jury pan-
uel except M, J. Alphin were dis
missed, the latter being retained ta
"draw to." The case of the State
vs. Job, Job and Davis will probably
be the most important case for
To out friends of the Gazette at
Corvallis, we will say that we ad,
mit that we nre poor, and many of
our people have hard work to make
both ends meet, but, thank God,
none of them have yet been indict
ed for larceny.
Judge r'ullertou and Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney Condon were,
in the city this noon after several
days courting nt Toledo. Only
three trials, all civil, were had,
nnd one indictment made, that
against the Jobs and Dr. Davis,
Court nilionrni'i 1 until IiVtriinn
The legal gentlemen each hai' XT"""".?
fine St. llernard-Newfoundland i 1
as a trophy of their week's worN j
Albany Democrat. If Mr. CondV j
is "deputy prosecuting attorney" V. lJ'
we wish the Democrat would tell
us who the prosecuting attorney is.
All parties owing me 011 store ac
counts are notified to pay the same . .
immediately, as I am closing up all
my accounts. This means all who
nre owing me.
II. Lkwis.
For Sale.
For 560. 320 acres west x, of
section 36, township 1 1 south, range ""'
9 west, in Lincoln county. $300
cash, balance on time. Inquire of
Room 45, Hamilton Uuilding, Port
land, Oregon.
Uiuicli for Sale.
Ilaltfli.r I, tin, ll)', l"l li, l'i il!
it II, 11 .11,
a la
t HI
4 HI!
4 ml
HIiieK. T. J. 1
ll. ... I, V l'i lot IL hi X
Harm It, II, N. li', I' 11, M I 1. hi it.
Seal It. View
lllttiii'r. Jm-iih II. I.ll III. iiroveim Ills anil
iHTssmal .11171
IliTltfii, I illlll, F. lol 1,11 I", Seal II.
lit llliell. l ll"', lo' 7, Itl II fl.'lll '! View,'
linrui.i'.'i', .I'tinle K. nw',, I it 11, hi 11,
in-al It. View
ii t.u .. ii u i . i.r l, ,i ui in. ifni it.
s, I X lew
1 j Ht.Mv.leK, K. A, u', lol .1, M 17, Mill It.
1 "I II, m HI, II III. lot l.i.l l'i, Seal li. .!' sort
' lla'h, I. f ila.V'l II, hi ill. ' I 'i. I'.i 'i.rt
-I", ItelKl;-., 'Ir.. .'!..,',! t II. M i., Far Far
Ml lllliil., li i' f- X, ii, bl f, .Xsi.i i.rl ...
'' . ; Hr ii'- , I. IL In si r. s rli-'iltiinil iainl . .
, I lar ' i , 1 1. Ii. Ian l
I .i.ii.i,.. i ;. xv. h -nt ii ii tits i' i ri.riitr ,1
H'"1 In' I. e in ll, nt r.', Ih.-i,ti imrili
1 im
.1 it
l!,e Ir ai'h a's il
!..' i ai,l., iftt-r.' t
SI'I I' t I, '! "I'lf -1
lol 1, I ..Mil e VSt s
I, si, ll
SI I li, 1,1 I lilt
o ,. . '.I
I . .. I'.l.l. L'K,
II li. 'ot. '. I, I.
iijfe li; lol- v.'i. i.
.". X, T, in l- i,.
. ...i.'hui -l
ei lii.ti .,. ti, n 11
'. .till w siri,
1 , ll. W" t
..ithes-t , i li-e.i
11. a'-.i- . ,' 1 1,1'. Xli-K I'll- . i all ol
it.r . . I' I X I '-."-a, nn, i'xre,i'. nart
ai-re s-i'il t.' I. '-''-r.iill.fjr
' 'lieue , i ' i ', li.l 11 ..k .. s a :.,-. I.i-.i.rl
( il j.'s'tl. lr Allen, lot I 1,1s in, serl t,s k
I hatleli 1 . June A. t 1 I. til' It', "l! I'.m-i
l:ti:t ...
I'mwiey. ll, V.lfl7. tl.rvj! 11. e. !!.!
'!:.. ,
fralf I'. XV i. V, hif ii. Seal I',.-;'. I! rl.
tin;'' i lie i i '.a: .., , I li. hi I. '.1 . ea' lis
rri'li j,'tiii'ri waiKent. lol hU rl,
a r-s1 .
I ' il ,' .1 . X '
I lit e, .'i.', i'
I in- ..) . XV. I!
! '. ' ! I
I'raw.'ti'l, Jus It.
i ha- il. '
:a ',v lli't.rt
ami .ot il, hln
ii . it!, -esl II.H'li
, hi !. eal Ic.teli
I I, ". I t ii l a , I' ll e, h i II, ali-l loll li,
til. i.m In. -'n, l'i-' X'lear,
I ris k, t. lla."'l -utile, ett I., if! s II, hal
ll.K ', l'.,....n.
I t- i.V. 1,1,,'c : . ea l. -li llmwrl,
i r . ii an ,V. XV. t,it I, I. I, XX ,i.l.,rt, .'
,. ! -sine, s XL h.l it, h n I, St . I Hik lie
li,iii ..II. n il. lol 4. i U ',. ss-al Huck Ha
M.rt ,
City election passed off very
quietly last Tuesday. There being
but one ticket in the field a light
vote was polled. The newly elect
ed officers are, II. W. Vincent
mayor; J. A. Hall, recorder; T. P
Fish, treasurer; Chns. Ruhl, mar
shal; Lester Waugh, Geo. Hethers,
A. O. Krogstad, C. li. Crosno,
Wm. Alexander and R. I Colla-
niore, alderiiicn. At the time of
taking their offices in January lots
will be drawn by the aldermen and
three of them will be entitled to
their scats for two years and three
for but one year.
. ,
It will be interesting to note
that the county court of Mtiltmo
mall county has brought suit against
the North xvest Loan and Trust
company, to rec-iver an amount of
money placed vi h them on deposit
by the sheriff of that county. The
1 case has many ol the features of our
.. o-vit county with the Jobs and will
, be watched wil'i considerable in
,i7 ".crest.
- -
.. ' Our friends of the Corvallts Ga
,i( cite are blessc 1 with a great
amount of nerve nr an equally large
i u' absence of g(Kl j.tdgement in prittt-.-
in"; and circtilati lg such matter as
w they did last wei k concerning the
grand jury. It piobably thought the
grand jury had nadc its report and
had been discharged, but such is
! not the case.
m ; County court is in session this
A good 40 ncre ranch on the
river two miles below Toledo,
Good house, barn, chicken house,
etc., also good young orchard.
Will be sold for $600, one-fourth
down, balance on liberal time.
Call 011 or address,
J. N. Aknoi.ii.
tf. Toledo, Oregon.
A Statement.
I wish to publicly extend my
thanks to the Hamburg-Bremen
Insurance company for the prompt
manner in which they adjusted and
settled the loss sustained by me on
a scale house and hay barn recently.
This loss was paid in full by their
agent. M. M. Davis, at Yaquina, itt
less than thirty days after they
were notified of the same. I heartily
reecomniend them to my friends.
llKNRY Vl7t.V.
Farms for Sale.
I have several farms, both culti
vated and uncultivated, for sale in
tracts ot 40 acres and upwards.
These lands are adapted to fruit,
vegetable nnd sheep culture. Will
be sold very cheap and on reason
able terms. Anyone desiring to
purchase such lands will do well to
call on or address
tf. Little lilk, Oregon'.
The following is the listofadver-
tiscd letters left remaining in the ,
postoffice, at Toledo, Oregon, for--!
the month of November, 1893:
Gowen, Mr. F. Marion,
Shultz, Mr. D. W.,
Southworth, Mr. Lue,
Tavis, Mr. Samuel I., .
Yoder, Mr. D. S.t