Lincoln County Leader. J. F. 8TEW1KT, Pal.ll.h.r. TOLEDO OREGON OCCIDENTAL NEWS. Cause of the Explosion on the Collier San Mateo. SAN DIEUO AND NKEXIX ROAD. Men in a British Colombia Colliery Agree to I ho Proposition of tho Management. Tacoma claims a population of 62,323. ran Diego's ivuit Exchange Las bcn incorporated. All tho cieditois of the Tacoma Expo Bilion aro tilled into court Noveuila-r 28 A franchise for an opOHitioa ferry at Vallejo bus been grunted by the Trus tees. Tho amoiint of sugar output of the Chino factory lor tho Benson i.1 15,100,000 pounds. The counsel of Chris Evan, Ihe ban dit, have applied for a continuance ol bin iw-u, I'oggy weather bug interfered with rni.-iii fiini) in tho South. Hot weather is wanted. The Untie (Mont.) Council refused to roiilirm the appointment of a negro on tho police force. Tho relations between tho Arizona Ga zette and tho Territorial Judiciary are somewhat strained. The railway employes of tho Hoitth are finding it diiheiill to handle tho tramps that infest the freight trains. The Victoria surveyors who looked Into I lie causes for thu explosion on th ... io.... . ' ..... '' -' e.uuo ticciure II doillillfg originated in thu exposure of tho gi generated from the coal to tho llamuot lighted litui ii. Chief WcUlen has notitlod tho settlors ol Harrison, Idaho, the new town just wiiniii tun liorderof thu Comr d'Abm Indian roscrvntiou, to luivuor pay 2I 000. 1 ho settlors aru pruparinu; to do- lend themselves. The trial of Alilerninn Peter Graham the last of tho allowed Spokane iHsidlera bail terminated by thu jury bringing in a voruici ol not guilty. Ilo will tiring neuvy ii.iniago sun, against thu city lor inn expulsion irom tne UHy Uouucil Jack lireen, a wealthy rancher, and 1 liomas lavlor. a farm hand, worn nnir deieil at Savoiiy island, iilmut 10.1 miles Iioin ancouver, II. C, unit $10,000 taken ny the murderer. A man named lluli 1.) nil is thought to havu been thu lnur uerorer. Motorman Kdward F. Torry, who was in charge ol tint electric car which went through tlio Madison-street bridge. chanted bv tliu Coroner'M iurv aL I'.irl. land with grosH negligence in permitting ii i h car io run wild reckless and excess Ivo speed. five miles of tho Han Diego and I'lnimix load uio now graded and over three miles of tliu track laid. The woik In going (oivttti.l rupidiv, neaily 1,IXK) ol ban Ihcgos t'ltixuii having pledged iiicmscivcs to pay tl per liulu cacli lust ud tlio ro.ul is graded. A gang of fortv .uiJIfty bunco-steerers fliiu llaiiiincis and sure thing men have lulestcd lacoma several days and com united a niiuiDcr ol ruliDcrics iihiii iiii inspecting coiuitrymen, whom thev in iliiiud to vistl down-town resorts. Muuv ol the men riiiuu over tho Northern IV Hllii from C hicago, w here they operate during the World's Fair. They am now on nn ir way to tliu juidwiniur lair al ban rrancisio. Lilllo if HtivtliiiiK is being ilono to ward getting tho steamer New York olf tliu locks at 1'oinl llonita. luformallon in not given out readily, and along the water iiont tiiero am lew w ho know ex nclly what hleps thu 1'acillc Mail otlicials propose, now to take. As thu vessel has settled solidly, there Ih no likelihood ol bur ever being pulled oir. Hie will have to ho laired and lloated. l'umps will lie Kepi on board, niiil will lie ready for woik ul any tune. Tho Coivallia Times savs: There Is possibility, if not a probability that tho 1,0"U ol Agricultural College funds on deposit in llit) jolt hank al ine time ol Ihe suspension will be wholly lost. It will bo leincmbered that shortly after ine iiiiiik passed into tnu hands ol a ro reiver III order to secure thu college chum an aiiactiiueiii was placed on tne properly by Treasurer Shipley, it now develops that the attacbmeiit was irreg tilarly i-sucd, and il i-o, the college will lu nilhout any claim whatever lo the binds on deposit when tho hank bub reiided. The new cruiser Olympia, on her first trip, cnlahlli-licd her position as ipieeu of ihe United Slates navy. Tho shin made a maximum spied of 21. jm knots, and averaged slightly under 21 knots on a run of (18 knots, with a heavy pea and a slicing heal wind. As the Olympia was only expec ted to make 2) knots, tier builders aru very happy over the irisl, anil lliiuk mat when (lie of ficial government trial is made she can lie forced up to 2-' knots. This would give Ihe Union iron works a bonus ol 1400,000 for exceeding the specs! ru quiiemeut. The Clement grammar school at Ran r iiiiiclseo, containing 7lH) young chit dren, w as discovered on lire during the school hours 1 1 io other itav. i no clul men marclietl out in an orderly manner when Ihe alarm as given, and theiowas ju panic. ill. inu nna ill lllll garret, and was extinguished la-fore much dam age was done. Miles Haird, a fourteen-year-old pupil of ihe scIumiI, was ar rent ed on the charge of arson. Ileciitilcssol that be bad started the tiro In the garret to see how the pupils would get out of school in case id a real (be. Voting ll.iiid bus always had a mania for ret ting buildings oil lire. At San l-'iuncisco in the case of the VnitcdMatcs vs. l-'rauk I.. Wilson Judge Morrow of the Disliict Court lis granted the motion of the defendant lo quash the indictment charging him with send ing obscene matter tbiough llio mail. F.xii-essions complained ol wero written by Wilson al l.akcvillo lo a friend in San Kramisco. Judge Monow suipiisl the Uiiium Mates Attorney and the Inspectors liy bis inierpivlation of Ihe statute governing such cases, lled. ci I C1 that a H'rsniial letter, sivurelv seal.vj containing obscenity is not indictable even II it pusses throuwb thu mails. Ilo interprets the law to refer only to manilold, stylograph, printed copies or similar publications. Numer ous courts hae held that written letters containing onsccniiy are incm ied in the i .... . c meaning oi ine snuiiie, aim sucii ca-es jiavu n'l'ii iMimsiicii in inio nni iinpris-; onmelit. District Attorney darter an- noiinwa that ho will ajpcai Ibis vase to Itighar ctfiuU ' BCSI.NE33 BREVITIES. In Japan 343,603 cotton epindlea are Last year 1.S75 Teasels wera built la A revival of Miesisaippl river com mere is expected. Virginia prodneei annually 2,000,000 buMitls of peanut'. Electric railroads, now to common, are not yet ten years old. Carnegie has a new steel casting that weighs aixty-foar tons. It cost I ha government f2.423.522 to roi ine regular army last year. The operating expenses of the rail roads last year were nS0,'.m,VM. Cape Colony, fionth Africa, has (90, OOO.Olfl invesUd in State railroads. The oyster beds of Checapeake Bay give employment to 30,000 persons. "J! 1;el,'pP,' of Reno, Nov., shipped 50,000 pounds of honey to St. Imis. Eighty million dozen pocket handker chiefs were sold in this country last year. The first consignment of corn ever sent to Europu from Mexico is about to lie shipped. Marrpiette, Mich., with a population of 12 000 people, pays only 1 por 1,000 feet for gas. The total number of cmp'oves in the service of railways in this country last yenr was 821.415. Near St. IOiii 400 acres have been ziven up fo raining willows for a willow ware manufactory. Two cotton mills in Shanghai nre ex clusively in Cliinoso hands and founded on Chinese capital. Two-thirds of all the cotton duck pro duccd in Ihe woild is uiado within twou ty miles of Raltimoro. Tho young colton-scod-oil industry has scored a yearly re on! of I ,()( 0,000 barrels, representing l.fiO!) tons of seed. Thsre are 110 women lawyers In Hie United States, and ciifhl have earned 'he right to practice beforu tho Supreme Court. Ihey do say that Iwor California, where land is very cheap, is as web idapted for lemon culture as thu f 1,000 an acre groves of Sicily. Ily Ihe saleof their lands to Ihe United States government some of tho Indian I P. I ..... m vn ....... I . C r I " ... . . n r ... w. i ,, - J,) JiU.Ouu per capita, man, woman and child. A Chicago building society ha in rea-nd Its capital from (5,000,0m) t., 'isviisi.uisi, nectares tin; .Naiionsl lian Herald, l're.-ent aswis aro f, l,ryx),0.)0, It is estimated that Ihe richest of civ ilized peopto tlie I'.ngliBh, with l,'j:)Jl per capita. In Franco the nverago is -aid lo bo tl,102; In tho United States f l.uni. A nourishing new HaIlimoro export "in y iihn oeen stario I ny ex Semito iiuiirv vi. lavis I III I, ol s lllioner eul Virolnls enke to tho eilver-miiiing regions ui mcftico. Aiioih U K) lo 1,000 bolts aro uei in single freight car. ami about. I DM nr. required for a llrst clas passengercar, in id'lliioii lo the soo reipiirod in two gosl 1 w IIITfl I ruCKR, Upon a recent purchase of 10.000 lon if raw sugar, not more than two weeks 'upply, the American Sugar Kellning company win net, it Is intimated, lirollt of 2 W 000. The tenth census shows thai 21,010,000 iiinaoiiauis oi itto united Mali's arc 'tipported by agriculture. II. iVJ.l.OiK) ,v nianiifanluros and 15,02 J,0j0 by com merce. Ono hundred years ago the United Elates iiiit' ti acgreiated f .'t 1,000 (KK); Ui dav, tWW,:l,42l. One bumlred vear tun the exirtH were valued at 1011 vKiO; to day, (8 17,60r.02 . There are patents for making paper from sawdust and shavinis, from this lies and thistledown, from tobacco stalks and tanbark. It is said that there are over 2,IH'() patents in ibis country covur ing the manuka -lure of paper. Over !l, 000,000 women aro earning in dependent incomes in this country Thero are some 2, IV 10 practicing medi cine, 11,000 managing piBtotllccs, 25 preaching the gospel, and in New York city alone 27,000 of them aro supporting their husbands. PURELY i'KKXOXAU Tho Emperor of China is studying French ami (iuiman. and will taUn course In law. Jeweler I,. It rlcntine of rotlstown, I'a., has a 04 year-old walch that has never missed a day. J. C. Henries of Charleston, S. 0., Is tho only ex-Confcdcrato in that State who wears the iron crii of 1'riHsia foi valorous service in tlio Franco TiusHiau war. I'r. Psmnel F. Smith. Ibn anthni- f "America," passed his Koth birthdai !at week at Ins home in New Ion Center aiasa., m ar itoston. I n is mtifn n,,A aiert. and leels tliu hmdeii of bis vance I nga littln. 1 - I., 'e i , i.nov iciuivMin ua i vivi ii.t. tamo housekeeper. ICirlv in liu in ir rted lite tho late poet laureate said jest insriv mat. should ilerature hi-,(., could keep the family from iKiverlv bv tier cuunsrv sum. The Maharajah of Kannrtbals. wlv spent some time In this country in tin latter pari ot the summer, has been re eentiy a vioilor to Her in. 1 le Hi guest of the hmpcror for a few davs the course of the maneuvers In Alsace. Uirrsme. I'rnf. t'harles Eliot Norton of lt.r. ar.l t'liiversilv is to 1h the rurnbiil lectnrei on poetry Ibis yesr al the Johns linn kins l ntversilv in II i timnm. II,. F "o I'siue, wiiose "Pivinr nmedv no trsnslated. and the l.viur.u win lie given In March and April. Charles 1 (irsves nf Helena M.mi who was inarrieil at U-xington, Kv., the iiinnr oiiv. is one in i no w ca t i nrtki men In the I nile.1 States. II. i. I resident ol Iwo mining companies in Montana, and Is ant to be a in .lionnirv He married a well-known imKiio.1 Wtllllftll ui ixiiigiou. wiu-vii tniaue 01 erva. instea.i t' constantly ta'wailtng herwois as form has diTiilod that thero is sum, o Inn,. left in lile, and tlie other eveium- . lies i e I elesantlv dresseil at a ball ill veil at Mrttitono in her honor by Mis. Mellor an American. Mine. Adelina Pattl recently told a re xirier lor an miuImi paper that pivplr natp a n-rnv i m-tina ior asKim; her lc opt tneir chlldieu. She U eonaianilv reeiiving otl'ei of hahics- hundred-, shi hould sv. In the imiiish of th.i v..p tier last one was a pair of tw ins. i . i .i . , . . mtiewui ine aiiuu ii increase ot vis itors to hgypt an bsiHirtant addiiion ha la-en made this seas in to the number tn nrst-class hotels in I ami. The lihcsirvl Talace Ibdel is intendel lo surpass aiie and splendor its well-known livals Shepheard's and the Continental. lhltili vesels landed a party neai Kio de Janeiro in order to oMa'ii a sup ply ol sand for holystoning Ihe d.vks Tho men approached an old lbwuihai government powder matianine, w hich wa guard. it by a delation. -lit (,f pni l,.m Penoto's soldiers. The latter, Slid I ft U'lieycd nunils r of seamen ilimiiinr, iner ncinnged to the ships and, acting tinder onler, blew up tin powder msgarine and killed and w'wiud- U Mvaial of lb Umult aailora. EASTEEN MELANGE. American Protective Associa tion IncreasLnr. TEE SMALLPOX IN ISDIA5A. The Bonder of a Challenge to Fight a Lal Sentenced to the Fen heutiary iu Alabama. The New York telephone girls have been vaccinated. Chicago proposes to settle riht down to business now. A sixth bridge is to lie built across the Ohio river at Cincinnati, The State tax lew for Illinois has been made. It calls for 2,500,O0O. The Salvation Army has opened a ten days' campaign at Galveston. Dengue fever in a mi'd form has made its appearance at Sherman, Tex. Tho Viking siiip has started on trip irotn Ulncago to ew Orleans. Gobi quartz, assaying 1fr a fijn licen struck in N'orthoni MinnevoS! (Jueliec is lioing ravished bv ....i...:.i t .. i i . , "I"1""! icier causeu oy oan nmage. the Indiana Siiprein8""l'ourt ha" Kiiockeil out the saloon scree! ordinanco. Tho drivewavs of CentrsM'ark, New York, are tu bu lighted by incandescent lamps. The smallpox enidemiccontinnes wlkh. out abatoiueut in the infected legiflhs in Hill jlllB, The present fad in New York is saTl to e thu answering of dinnur invitations in i by me. Arrangements are lieinir made to win ter an immense number of Texas cattle in Mississippi. World's Fair stockholders probably w ill receive a divi lend ul 15 par cent on their investments. Tim American Protective Asuneiaiinn is reported to hu growing rapidly in noriuerii iiiniana. A secret order known as the Pension eis' I'rob'ctive A-po,-iaiio;i is lieing or gani.ed in Illinois towns. Claims under the Missouri diseased sbs k law threaten epletiou of the sur plus in tho Statu Treasury, A large number of silver dollars not made bv the government have buen put in circulation in West Virginia. A romp my has been formed at West Plains, Mo., with ample capital to do velop the onyx of Douglas county. (iail Hamilton is still working for the liberation of Mis. Mayhrick, imprisoned in Kiiglaml for poisoning her husband. An Alabama jury has convicted the sender of a challenge to liuht a duel. He will have two years in the penitentiary. A pauper census of the Htato ol Min neso a shows in June la-t there wore VM paupers, against 4,8011 tho previous year. Captain Anderson Is desirous of pro renting the Viking ship to this govern ment, it to be kept pern. alien Uy at the capital. Iiuisiana sngar is being marketed rapidly, and thu result is considerable ebef ulrca ly in thu financial situation in that section. Revenue olllcers have decide.! that N'oi lh Carolina distillers must pav tax on three gallons of whisky for every bushel of corn used. During tlie lisliing year just closed al, Mass., Ilitv-seven tlshermeu have been lost, ami ton vessels, valuud at 1,110,000, have been wrecked. Governor lajnelling of Kansas bns ap pointed .Mrs. Kva blackmail a memliei of the Topeka Police Coiiinii-sion, vice a topolisl meiiilair w hom hu removed. The number of paid admissions lo tli Columbian Fair dm ing the 1711 davs ilia it was open to the puolic was 21,477,218 ucing an average ol llll.HHl', per day Senator Sherman's real estate holdings at Washington are rated on this year's lax li-t at HOd.OOO. Ho is alsmt tie heaviest individual taxpayer at tho cap ital. It Is understood that the United States Nipreme i onrt w ill Iw asked to ordc Ihe naturalisation of a Chinaman, with a view ol testing tlio auti-Chinusu legis mi mil. ltnsiklyn ofllcials intend establishine a squad ol Milice to protect pedestrians mini tne oanger ol tlie irollev cars. similar sipiad does duty on llroadway .M-W' I OI R. Cornelius Vandcrbiit raid f 1.V1 fhsl i ne Old ,-ovcnlli Kegimenl chihnousu in onier lo pull it dow n and make a tlowei garden on its situ for his new Fifth-ave iiue mansion. The President has appointed Colonel i.ii.rui. i. uuggies to lai Adjutant Gen eral of Ihuaiiuv with Ihe rank ol lii i adier-General, lo succeed tieneral Will lams, retired. About 2ft 1,(100 phologrpbs were de ........ .. i .. . . ,. .. 1, . -,.,i,i n. inr i iwiiiTiiri) I'epartment III vt ahington on the 2,-ltli ultimo. Thei ii'pri seuled tlio a vumnUtlon in the dead-letter otllce since 1874. A suit has heen instituted stMali'on. Wis., which iuvo'ves tiovernor Peik Atlornev-Geucial O'Connor and othet late olllcers in an attempt to gel at tin State funds in the Treasury. The Minnesota LivUlatitre Ima naan.l an ordinance declsring poobooms pulili. mi. i iiinKin owners m ituiid mg rented lor p snroonia and their frv ipn titers gnilly of a miademeaiior. The Supreme Court of the United Slates has directed the court of Utah to iii-csv!.! in cimfnrniiiv irnh it,.. ... ihe last Congress in dis'iHsnn ..f chesteil Mormon Chuiv'i properly. Mrs. Cyrus Field, who left .New York society a mouth or so since in order to open a millinery shop, is now iMiiinbut inn lo the newspspeis letters on " Worn i.i's Sphere in U,isimss," signal Su.-ie M. A. t teld. A.ku...K. i- . . I l.i I .1...- .1.1.. .. - . . ,lili. lillllll iti !. I1A4H.I in..,, '---i l"i's isiiniimom ute IWentV-ntli passenger radios I lines that enter Chi- ami carried to that city S .AiVtVl i.r- sons nuiiiur tne ivntiiiiiain-H ..t ii, ii oi id s rair. The Philadelphia Pres gics into long expo-ii nre of one nf the tricks of ih.- ennsyitauia milk .Unler-. They but I ine larmers hv the serui .in ire, and sell to their customer, hv n. wine gallon measure. At the close oi Ihe Columbian Fail .''hiciigii paiwrs art nsMKiiisiug ihe t x slelice id what thev tall Dm ('air grip, whore sviuptoms ate a slight 'lacking couch. tMiislriction hi Hi.. of the nose and a general languor. Theie were sold rtwn ly 100 acrea o lie old elister lioimstead at Marsh eld. in. hiding the old olisei t ati.ri- .... Ulack Mount. The ditil slum. il,-. sniel Webjder uin ha-.-. p;4rt f I hi iroiH'ilv ui I"t. The Imk-Iiiii ......... who lias laiiiitht the land coveted it on Kttiilut of lis historical UiUk U w ulics to sue prvsurvad. ' tfT Jtfll FfiOM WAJSHIS'iTON CITY. Eatiflcafons of the extralition treaty between the United States and Sweden and Norway have been exchanged. It aid go into'effect in thirty days. The SeDate Committees will have lit tle to do during the reo-ss. The Com mittee on Agriculture will complete its investigation of the causes relating to the depression in agricultural products and submit its report as early as possi ble after the beginning of the regular session. The Committee on Pacitie kail wavs is investigating the Union Pacilic railroad receivership. The Indian Coininiee'oner has received a telegram from Captain Iialib, Indian agent at Colville, Wasli.. who has made an investigation of the alleged troubles at Harrison, Idaho. lie says there is no danger of a conflict Is-tween the w hite men and Indians. The Indians, be as--erts, are seknig an exorbitant price for their interest in the lands iism which the towu of Harrison is located. The Trassiy Department has had an sciual workunr balance of not to exceed i2,0IMttiti.' If this lie, omen exhausted, ihe depigment will havu to meet the eurrTiialiliiations from the void reserve. asury officials, however, hope for UtMU'r times, and exnift that, a further ii tie stopped. Jt is predicted that lie Coinauu nf cold between now and January 1 will amount to (2.1,000,000. -Commissioner Miller of the Internal revenue bureau is amending- tho Treas nry Department's regulations for the istratioti of Chinamen in accordance itlLtftbe recent act ol Coniiress extend- Tsse time of registration six months. frM. . . i. . . uefni uiieiii. ntts an unexpecieu nai 1 of 1 1,000. which can m utilized ih putting the new legislation into opera tion. It is geneialiy understood the Chinese will register, and alter six months all Chinese unable to produce coitilicates will lie summarily deported. There aro rumors that Voorhees will introduce a free-coinage silver bid at the opening of the regular Bession. Voir liees declined to talk atsiut the matter, but it is siinted out ho has always been a silver man. and that he declared dur ing the debate on the icpeal bill that lie was no less a Iriend of silver than .!- .is. At any rate it is thoroui'hlv mi tersiood the silver question was not shelved hv the pas-age ol the repeal bill tin Ihe contrary, the silver men siv the tight has only begun. When Congress a-semliles they to keep it well lo tho trout in connection with every .treat issue Is'twee'.i the parties from the tin lit to the repeal of the Federal elec lion laws. F.verv staie of the larilfdia cusion will be punctuated bv pertinent tileries by the silver men tending to prove mat it was demoneti.atton of sil ver and not the McK nlev tariff whii tinned tlie linaucisl depiession. Indeed it is intended that the silv.-r men shall let as a body of obstructionists, as did i ho I'arnellitcs in Parliament, till silver snan receive a Hearing. Although Congress amended theGearv let so as to allow Chinese six mouth more in which to register, it adjourned wiiiioui, m.iKing an appmpi laiion carry out the provisions of the act. The uiiairman of the I oinmiitee on Aiuiro- priations had cognisance of the necesitv of the Treasury Department's need of money to carry out the law, and it proliaMe that, il I he U'uency dericienc on i nan pused, a clause appropriating 'imiijcii money ai least io lieum opera MMis noinu nave neen inserted in llv "III. As It IS. reulstratlons llliderthna. vill not beain until the uppioprisiion is maie. iiieanwiine the treasury Depart incut wid make nil its preparations:, sin o soon as ihe money is available it will ne prepared lo B-i:n its olllcers so thai ihey can he.'ln Ihe work at once. The oureau has assurances that an effort w ill oe made to get the lull through in th 'artv days ol tlie session, so that Ihe woi Kol registration w ill not be Ion de erred. It is said that nM Chinese now in tlio country approximating loO.OOO. can no registeied in sixt v days, if tliev promptly takd advantage of tho oimor I ha annual report of L. Ixiwrio Hell uio second Assistant rostmastertien erni, shows that the total expenditure r mail transportation was f4 1.6',)7.()il7 ' "' loin nuioiiiH o,(o;s t was on ao.oiiut of star ionics and fJ5,7'.'(J,(W5 on account oi railway routes. The re port shown that there are now in opera i. sur nniin i.i.nno, mileage Zh'.i, AMI; i ail road routes 2.fii!l, mileage ltlrt, li-i-'; niesseiiger routes 7.205. niihaji 2,IKM. The tnci ease in thu number ot '"" " i"K toe tear was jimii and in ine length ot routes (1.2 u miles. Tin increase in the annual tato of expendi- iiiru was ii..-iii,.iti. iiurmg the Inst it...... i ..... .1... i .. . A. "-mi Mr me ra iwsy postnrnce cars em sunji cted lo 40.1 train aaidents. most an oi winch resulted in loss of lift or serious injury. Ten clerks wembillxl ill seriously injured and 118 slightly in- j ... ... vuiiiiiii-iiiing ii p( in tne tacts. .Mr. neiissjs: l he department is permit e l to care for the mj irtsl, but no an 'horiaiil relief under the existing stat ut.-s can he extendisl tn tll(. p,sip. left U.I.I...I I... .1. 11..... , ., ' 1 . ". K"i sin- lenovys n no gu down to death whilst performing their omen, ine nav death enters the Mr the pay of the clerk ceases, and at the ery time Help is mo-t ncii I... I thu l.n.n 'in. ken f.imilv Ih'iimiu s tisi often an ob j.s I of charity. Various methods have 'M-eii siK'iiestid w here bv re ef mll K., xtendeil without material ohlk'atinn iiiiiii i nt. Koversmeti', and I trust th ...i-i-. -in viiuKn-rs cbm in- prevai ed nnm o adopt some one nf thu miimu..,! i,u... If such a measure of reli. f were put info '-ne. i. it mini i nro'lioii! i ih .iiri'i.ii an.l the dire. t Isinelit that would bo induced y ii would ne great. eeretarv Gro-dia'n ha recelvn,! . .Ii.. patch from I'nitiil Slates Mmist- r Hiker who was on Ixiard the steamer Costa Kica at Amapala when died on bv the Honduras amhoiiiies liecau-e the'esp- ani in I ne e-ael refused to surrender a reiugee from Honduras on hoard as a passenger. The dispatch full V foiitlriiit. he ptess reports of Ih.. Iliii'i.. .... .i... fnite.1 State. Hag. While Ihe shin was n the ixirt of Amanita iho mil, l. leinandisl t. sili reii-h r nf I'.il. n... uill.i, wao was recently inncern.M in the 'evo uii niarv mnveinent a-ainat it,.. Honduras goverMim nt. The captain ile um l. Alter the slim had .1 .learanc.i papers and whi e she was leav hi: Mrt six ur sevu shots were ttrt-1 ' (0 hung her ... Minbter Hiker waa on b'lir l at the time. Whether the s'lofs -veie tins! dir.vtlv at her or in front ja iot stated. The matter was d'cn-ed at a Calinct m.eii 'B. Captain IXiw , who was iu ui nmand of the Costa i, -a' j s the same cap'ain w ho liarlsnd liir-'j nmd a, w ho was killed on his shin ,'.,-. I eral tears v..i bv the (iii itema'an au thoiities. It has lieen esiablishitl Ht Hiliti-at reiugee who is a pa-senger as Iwndla was. cannot Is- taken in.m t'he hip on which he i. Tim .-li.n... . nf il... l..;..l c . ' .... ... .... annister in tho vt-sel in thi eat is n it ennui, l..i Minakeanvditreremvinihediplomailr asv,vta t,f the ,-Ht. Notlnng tsinl.i 'eariif.1 oi wtist was a,.t M.nii Ka,..r .1... ....... - ..... ... .. rn-f.s nrt- iir.tti.ia,. I t it,, taken in ihe matter. The Srnteai steam-liip Al!ian,v aie. the. .liter ilav '"V" ,"', 'o A. ajuHa in Salvador. .. ..,.,.-, ,.. moveni-ni was occasioned al ... . ... .... mcui was not stated at the do. psutiaaaL. FOREIGN FLASHES. Matabeles in Africa Butchered ly Enjlish Soldiers. FIXASCIAL STATE OF SALVADOR, British Sallori Blown Up by the Ex plosion of a Powder Maga zine in Brazil. The police have closed the principal skirting club in Paris. The new Austrian Cabinet will he moderately conservative. Parisian women ride bicycles followed by grooms, also on wheels. Travelers in Italy are seriously an noyed by the scarcity of small coiiis. Of 147 members of the Swiss National Council the Socialists elected but one. Theodore Tilton has published a book in Paris dedicated to the American col ony. Kmpcror William doubts the safetv of allowing Italy to reduce her standing army. A new find of mummies is reported from Alexandria. They are in the orig-1 inai wrappers. Madrid toughs assaulted the Civil Governor as he was taking a walk, anf git,? nun a rcino iTCttllflg The London Hospital shvs tea-tinnlinv is producing in Britain results not less serious than alcohnhc drinks The suit againsf Explorer Stanley for commissions on American lectures" was sett'ed oirt of ?iurt at Ixindon. For obtaining photographs and draw ings of German forts two Frenchmen will be tried at Leipaic for hili treason. tvaiser w iiliam has sent Ins portrait to Chancellor von Capri vi, with a letter expres.-mg uuahated confidence in him There is-a widespread feeling in Eng land that tlje so called battles in Africj with tlicsMatabeles wero savage butch eries. The Pup-; is said to have changed no tieeably in appearance lately. Ho b much bowed down, and seems more nervoa. tr: f T t . r . . ivuig ii urn iien oi iiaiy, who was iiiruwn irom ins norse a lew davs ago, is oneoi the best n lers among European oilman os. The New Decimal Coinasn Association has organized Willi considerable evidence of strength for the purpose of decimaliz ing English coinage. At the instance of the Pri of Bavaria the royal opera house at Mu ni" li hasoiiereda pnr.o of 8,000 marks lor a new Uerinan opera. Russia is lo he put on a war footing I lie (.zar orders the foimaiioii of flftiM.ii row bngailes.thus incensing the strenalh ..I 1... Ill, A 1. . wi me bi my oy lou.oov men. T- ':!! ..i . . . . i mil Yunnan, woo was iKdieailed in n..l : i .. t . i . . . iiiTiiiu ii-ceiiiiy ior i ne inuritcr ol her titi-nanil, was the Ibst woman lo be exe cuted in that city since 184(1. The old established chaiitv in London. Ihe Scottish Corporation, is financially in a depressed condition, and apjssals " in-nig tiiaooon us oeliait. Cholera has a-jain iimknit nut in il... Charleroi district of B Iguim, where:Kl cases nave ocenrred within a month with a fatality of 33 per cent. Tl... Tl :t:.. I .. ... iM.i.iiiaii at lyin ton does not hetieve the story th it the insurgent vessel R.publica snnk a government transjiort, causing the losa of over l.OOil lives. It is stated that the Russian govern ment has conceded the French company the right to establish telephonic, e iiiimn nical ion between all tho large Russian towns. Charges of brutality to private soldiers mite caiicu iiioca-hieninriif l.i..nt,..i,it Sc brag-Miller of the Eiglitytimth Regi- i,i niiBiurv, siaiioni-u at JJussel ilorf, Oermany. The stockholders in teres t.d In thu railroad from Acre to DamastMis are mak ing prophecies about the time when il will tie possible to go from London to India in eight days. Municipal restaurants b am twrnn no. tahlishorl in many Uernian cities as a means for minimising Urging and to re lieve the worthy iswrof Hie nmnasitv m aeoepting fosl givon in ch.iritv. Dr. Knox, tho recent! v dceeaaed V. mate of Ireland, is said t'o have re.-eiveil his arohiepia.iipal promotion thrmth .n error the see having been intended for another Dr. Knox. Prince Bismarck is not nwinpin. ... rapidly as was honed. He bun y.,l,i i,.. copvnght of his memoirs to a firm of u'nian piinii-iiont tor 2),000 for post Ill1llli.ll. ...,Kli...l ' v...i- I'.li.lltlsilUII. One of the laws of Kino T ,t ,,... i. nowHghling the Briiish in South Africa' .- t.inv iiiouifrs-iu-iaw mav not enter uieir son-in-iaw s ti mse. an. slmnl. 1 1 1..... meet in the street they must avort theiV Italy is in financial strut's rot tl.., vast i-Tiw.ti,lit,.pU u i.:.. i. t .,.' .'-iiiuii nave put her " iuis must Ih) mniinnetl She has been notified In-I ;n, . ..... .i... she mn-t koep up her military and naval St'Cllgtll. A state of affairs almost ii if "".'."i "'l""cni exists among the "'"'; constahuiary, owing it is s lege I. to the recent efforts to .,,.r. alizo the 800 meu 0f which (h j tree ronststs. Q I vn Victoria,! va nit fall t.. b count of her numerous m, . i .i... ourt Circu'ar remind. Ii. r.,.i'.... ...... the infant son t.f I'rm.ess Fenlinand of Romnania ia lier Mai stv'a ...-u.,i ,i. great grandchild. ' ' The Paris Omnibus Comn.tnv Intends lortly to hnng into ns .....i.. sh coniprcs-cd air l.s oniotiv. , fr the tram- li ( i ilia limn. t yrt U-en used in IV.,;. f..; . . . IHWt.f s.rn-l .s,)tiiin; - ,l,r- It is sai l that I ls.a.ia i """"'"i " r.ntei t.nv.r that ih-v n I r'l't:isa tiigldnMn.,s.,di.ispM,K ' i .. .1 - "t mme i .. remove ail Ihe npia-r part down n. the ' , Plaifir" might n si in III iiii a m.,k i. i . I Ml III. illl H hl.di I The financial con,!iti,n f Sut . H-ti,ng ala;n,ing. The troops !;-"t !,. paid for si w,vka. civil" , ploycs have not received any money fr ore,, months. n, scln teachers have Utm unpaid lor six montha. e unjiaid lor six mouths. ni!!'.1' , r'erIe Mrn'U',,'n- holds a me-lical diploma from a Paris nimer-iiy and who estaMisl h w .. ' i'"' lv csll.M n,v,, to ,,. niotherof the Klmlive. She Iihs simv oeen aiis.ntl d.n-lor at il... ,..i.. . . i-.w-v, J. Symon.. F. R S.. .avs t't since he haT" " rn',1'" i". on ,n 1Ny he h.. ly previously n-ieteti lh rainfall of f..ur ti-nsei ie m..n "i at l.a than an inch e.ef. ..,.1 .k.... ? lews (nd.u,eenUof,wo. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Valiev, 95c; Walla Walla, 33j(i85c per cental. HOPS, WOOL A-1D HIDKS. Hops '92s, nominally at 10(516c per pound, there being none in the market; no- ,.n,n 'O'j 1 M .7 1 7.. f., ehnl.sji inf.. rior, 6c and upward. Wool Prices nominal. Hidbs Dry eelected prime. 6c; green, salted, 00 pounds and over, 3,'jc; under tiOponnds, 2i3c; sheep pelts, shearlings, 10i.iloc; medium, 20ii35c; long wool, 30'a60c; tai low, good to choice, 3a3'sc per pound. FLOCB, FEED, STC. Flocb Stanlanl,2.90; Dayton,$2 90; Walla Walla, $3.15; graham, i2.5u; su perfine, 2.2) per barrel. Oats New white, 33ig30-' per bushel ; new grav, 33 2 34c; rolletl, iu bags, $0.25 (atj.fto; barrels, Jri.75io7.00; caees, $3.75. Millstcffs Bran, $16.00; snorts, tlS.00; ground barley, $2223; chop it-ed, $18 per ton ; w hole feed, barley, 7cc percental; middlings, 23a28 per ton; chicken wheat, ll.lOrai 15 percental. Hay Good, $10(gl2 per ton. DAiar pboddcs. ",- Bfttkb Oregon fancy creamery, 30 aj32,l,c; fancy lairyv5S37hic; fair to good, 20(g2l8c; coiauion, ldi420o per pound. ;. Ciieksk Oregon, 1012',c; Califor nia, lUr4c'; Voung America, 15lt5c; Swiss, uupjrLcd, 3J32c; domestic, 18 i20c per pound. Eoos Oregon, 30c per dozen; East ern, 27,s4C. Poultry Nominal ; chickens, mixed, 2 00i3.50; ducks. 3.00ia4.00: geese. t7.60Co8.5J per dozen; turkeys, live, 12c per pound ; dressed, 14c. VEOBTAULKS AND FR01TS. Veoktablks Calibage, In pr pouml; potatoas, Oregon, 75c per eack ; new on ions, l'c per pound; tomatoes, 35 40c per liox; u'eeu corn, 15c per dozen; sweet potatoes, 1 '-4 (sleeper pound; Or egon celery. 35yj50c. Fruits Sicily lemons, $6.00(S6 50 pel box; California new crop, $5.00,;j5.50 per box ; bananas, $1.50iit3.00 per hunch ; oranges, $3 50 per Ixix; Oregon peaches, B6 u70c er lsix; fall butter pears, 80aj 0c per box; grapes, 60mW0c per Isjx; New York Comnr.1, MS - j er bauKei; Italian prunes, 75c($l.(JU per liox; ap iiles, Italilw in. King, 85c(al.lH) ner Ikix : Waxen, 75,"iU0c; cranberries, 48.00(28.60 per oarrei. 8TAPLB GROCER! SS. Coffkb Costa hica, 2;!c; Kio, 22c Salvailor. 23c; Mocha. 2U1a2,Sc: Ar. buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-ijund KO.. ..... 1 ' v , u,ut. , ' 1 njiiiiti, Honky Choice comb, 18c per pound new Oregon, ltb520c; extract, SlOc. Uriko t ruith 1 -yj pack, Petite prunes, H a 10c; sliver, 10i;tl2c; Italian umvc; Herman, B a 10c; plums, Gallic evaiioiated apples, 8itI0c; evaporated aprieors, loatim:; peaches, 10120 pears. 7(fille per pouml. Sti.T Liverpool, 2 K)s, $15 63; 100s, $1(1.00 : 60s. Hi.SO; slock, $8.50at.50. Ukans Small whites, SuSc; pinks, 3?4'c; bayos, 3(a3'4c; butter, 4c; lima, 3'aC per pound. RicgIslan.l,$5.750.00; Japan, none in market; New Orleans, 16.600.25 per ceinai. Syhop Eastern, in liarrels, 4055c in hall-liarrels, 42i5c; 111 cases, 36i 80c per gallon : $2.25 ner kiv: California. iu barrels, 20i?40c er gallon; $1.75 per Kt'. .-uoar i,-tj4c; Ltolden C,5c; extra fis-4c; conlecttoiiers' A,6 c; drvgran nlattsl, 5'.e: cube. erusliH.1 and tutu "It-red, 6 V per jiounil; l4c per pouiii .oseiiiinv on an grades lor prompt cash maple sugar, 15'lc per pound. CA.N.MED noons. CtNNBI) (iouua latile Irnitu 1.75(112.00; peaches, $1.852.00; Hart- lull ...... VI -C .' . " l"i Ti.roa.uu; ptllins, $1.37l(g .it-, runit oerries, z.l'Oij;2.4i ; cherries, ti.tM.w; blackherrius, $l.6(n2.0U isspherries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25ai, np.i.-oio, ti.oo. no Iruits, assorte.1, $1.20; neat:ha. 1.2Sr nln,,,. $1.00((il.20; !)la. klsjrries, $1.25(1.40 per loTr"' , J'IB fr,,itM' Kll'iis, assorte.1, ....,1111, peacues, f.j.aut.r-i.oo; apri cots, $3.50ia4.00: iihim.. ) tk.-j isi blacklierries, $4.25(34.50; tomatoes.$l'.lo! Iunion iieei, is, $1.40; 2s 2.i0; chiliped, $2.36; lunch tongue. Is f.1.0.; js, o.o; deviled ham, $1.50g ,K ,i7f",!n!,, 8' 7B.'d$2.26; ,4, $2.15(4.50; lobsters, $2.30at3.50; sal ",0. ','! 1",b ul1"' 1-26'41.60; flats, $l.5;2-lbs, $2.25aJ2.50; -barrel, $5.6o! PROVISIONS hABTKR. Smokio MAT8 ANO Labd llams. meilium, HSwlS.'jc per pound; breakfast tiaeon, lSatlOc; ehort clear sides, 15ttt ItSc ; dry salt sides, 13J14c ard, cpiiiKiund, in tins, lOc per pound pure, in tins, 13',ttl5c. BAOS AMD BAOOI.10 Burlaps. 8-onm-e. 40-ineh not mcU IL.. l.....'.. ... ' -"i uun.,1,, iu-,-ounce, 40-tnch, net tiwn, o ,.c niiriaps, ll',-ouiice, 45-inch. IV' ""iriaps, 10-ounce, MO-incli, He ...naps , iii-onnee, 7-incb, 14c: wheat bags, Calcutta, 22x30. sihiu 8c: S-bn.h.l l liags, 7'.c: No. 1 ...I0..10.1 1 han.l hags, 7c: Calcutta hon dmh . "1.111 -i .in. LIT! A.1D DRSSSID MS AT. o i..- oir 1 rime steers. $2.502.75; fail auuMsu-ers, -ii.utnaa.o0; lochoiei i-ows. $l.mila.00: dressed beef. ;j.60(a 0.00 per 100 bounds. ' 9 Murros i.hoicj mntton, $2.00(92.50. .ert , -t..s.,oo.oo; Ismtsj, $2.0O,.t2.50 ; diesse.1, lrl.00; live weight. $ I loos Choice heavy, 6.00ro.Mr: me- f4.ftO(rt6.tX): dressedr$7.00. Vial $4.00irf.00. M1SCKLLANKOUS. .. T,?':,; C- rliareoal. 14x20. prime onah ity, $S.50,".tl.00iH-rlNii: lur'-r. .' extra -r Uix ; I. C. coke nlates. U io' prune onabtv. J7.50 9X111,,,., iw.. . . ! i.... 1 .. 11:1 ." " :"" 'cine .. v., prime quality, $.507.tKl . N;tl'r,,,-t!"!noations: Iron, $2.25: steel. $2.35; wire, $2.50 per keg oTBbl l er pound, 10s,c. Lao Per pound, 4'.c; bar, BUe. -s ai Ai.j.roRr.s Oakiini.$4.50,i6.00 per de; resin. $4.! nfi.oo ,., an 1... bal tar, Stockholm, $1.1; Canilina. $0 per bar rel; pitch. $H per barrel; turpentine, tioc per gal bin in er l.t. Everysh n r that tends lo d ;.-., V... ngrciltu e.sof benefit to ..II who" are in aivii'ane i of tl... .t , lion li - .... ' , . , " ' ' 1 rm.-r stops got in . ' ,!"'1.e vr Ui lin ''"! to ho - iwLV , r1""''"'". "t relieves in.- it neat lis, k.t i.i.i . 'i c .ii.-aae every ew and practical d.w h. '.Tr :"' ,,,H' MM1 '"-l'-s diailv or not. ' Tli Vr of Dot IV iter. Speakm- of hot water, it is wonderful how many good purposes it serves. A compress of liucu v.rcng cut cf hot aalt au l water nad ornlied tn thh ere.1 entirely and closely with Cannel to prevent the taking of cold lli:"-r aa.l do away with tho irritation which culminates ij frcqnent conghing. nQt water at the baci vt the neck ami be hind the ears rrj't .... . urnuul weanuesa nnj hysteria which overcome one after a hard days work. Hot water taken internally before a meal U an aid to tleaUo-PluUJeipiua Xiiam, FARM AXD GARDEN. layinj Out and Putting: in Xiie Drains JNow in Order. ABOUT SELECTING SEED COES. A Good Time toAcqnlre tlieTLeofjt of Agriculture is During the Winter Farm Notes. Hani out manure as it accumulate, and spread it on the fields. Do nut l it pile and tire-fang. 1 A lqn.n nitai.titi, tt 1 1. 1 uuceo in tins country is spoiled inuuii ciiurning anu working. Clean up rubbish about tlie farm Bi'i of rails, limbs of trees, ends of Uiarilf etc., will soon 13 covered with snow. 1 In building temporary corncribs hav, the floor at least a loot aliove the groun I so rats and mice cannot hari.or under it' Patch up the cracks in the chicken house, cow barn, sheep shed, etc. Cul'l winds aie detrimental to stock-raisin,. Get the potatoes iu the cellar or Jt as the time is nearly here when cull nights will injure them. See that tlie btonng p ace is well ventilated. When the machinery used in puttini in tlie wheat crop is needed no Ion J, carefully clean, grease bright metal r. faces and put away in a dry place. In selecting seed coi n remember that the varieties will crosB-feitibze at loim distances. Select seed from corn whit has grown apart from other varieties. Tlie best method of keeping rood where one has no regular root cellar j to bury on dry ground Cover with ti,o leet of earth, and see that all water that falls on the pit can get oil' readily. Laying out ami putting in iiie ,iraiM is now in order where the ground is not too hard, lietter Iimvc a!! to main lines surveyed and ihe tile leveled bi.iore cov ering. Imperfectly laid drams are Use less, During the winter, when (here is not so very iniirn mat one can do in the way of practical ork, is a goo I time lo a.' quite the theory of iigi icitlt uie. lo t it from looks ami from your hum papers and have it at tour lingers' ends, so that you can verify it by pia.-tice as ioon as you get into the field next spring. Some of our friends of the press make a mistake when they take the posiiiun that good roads are oi iiiiKirtjnce only to the farmers, and that in coiise.pieine the whole expense of building mid main tenance should be Ixirne by them. Tncy are of value to the entire coiniuuiiitv und the expentu should be shared bv all classeB. The Imsimgiof manufacturing starch from potatoes has been conlim d to com paratively few loeiililice. Where it l,t lieen carried on it has pioven a p.ohtal.le industry, and has increase.! the value of hirm lands devoted to growing the crop. The combii.Hti.iu of iigii. ullural produc tion and manufacturing is usually cutis lactory to all concerned. Thorough tillage will partially take Ihe place of manure bv making more valuable whatever plant food mav be in the sod. But the natural inlereu.e is that this exhausts tlie soil stdl more rapidly, so that, if continuous flopping is to be piaeticed, the maituie must not lie withheld, however good the tillage will make big crops rbjht along. Some men seem to pride themselves upon the. fact that Ihey are piuctical farmers, and know nothing about agri culture except that which thev have earned by hard knocks. Hut 'this is hardly as nun li credit to them as they seem to think, liecause the verv best farmers in these latter davs are the ones who combine theory with' practice. Wheat has gone abroad in fairly lib eral quantities. This ought to make hetler pi ices, and will if it continues long enough. Anyway, it brings a M . P10""' '"'o Hie country, and this will help to make times better. The panic is over at any rate, and farmers can plant with the assurance that busi ness will continue next year just as it has in the past. BcccEssri'i, r.n.MEBs. The Practical Farmer savs: Wo should ask what qualities do these men who are Buccessiul fanners possess that have made them so? Are ihey nut men of great energy, wide-awake ail, I uleit men who always keep abreast of the times f Are they not men of an unfliiich tug de erniitiation, who trample upon difficulties, and who ever pass ttnwanl and upward? Are they not frugal and sober? Do they not read and think? Do Ihey not love their culling? Iain acquainted with a tanner, who ahont eight years ago Isjiigbt a farm. He had nothing to begin with hut energy, char acter ami ill .1 itv.and I....I..,. I...V:. . .... t i . - ' '. . .it in it. ...'..h Ollt Of debt. Ills l.ini.i.v I.. from bis farm pr.Klucis, und he even sells com, oats and hay-, tops which take o,r much plant food; but thi plant ood is always ictmning l,y ro,IIH' ,u. "lung. He follows ir. ne.i f.,... i.,.. it is intensive f :ttlimi It.. .1 'tioit than he inn tl.. u..n ...i hnro ia n-iinc. ...s . f . p a , "; "ii'iertake t-niirelv too iinu ii. akooi tanner once ni never plowed moreeroiin.1 tl.,... i, i l ... 1 1.... i.u completely cover with manure. That is it pian. I can imagine that that a.merwas snccessfnl. lie t.t.. ., mo ;e than what can Im to'mi.l. t.-lt red with manure mm i. ..... i 1...1.. . i.ivt;it .tf plow more than what can he thoroughly tilled. An able wiiter on nfri.-nlmra wrote some time ago that pn, ,..y M,,(l prc,,gy fertilizing and p.odigv 'tillage will bung pro liirv results X,.-"ii to me that any farmer who has i.a-on-alily good land can obt,.l.. ..i.;....i.. g.Kid results by using the liest seed, hv copious fertilizing and bv thorough till age. All that is needed is i-niern i.,.. constant p'aimiiigaiid push. Thetruuble iti.ti agreat muuv inri,r. ;d ti atislied too soon'. mil I titti o a Top that is sliirhtlv ubove i i,e 'llf..r,.r or somewhat, better thin that ..f their netghlsiis thev think thev sr.- .I..i.i.. wed enou.' i. This should i.ot las Tht v should strive each tear to smpass ll.'e woik of the vear l.. f..n. Tl....- .1. .1 set iN-fon the'ms. Ivesa b'ijh id. a I slid men strive lo their int.., i.. ,i., 1 sniirn Ihe ,, ..( ; ...i... . ... . - -....It 1.1 lll,1l,, fertihlv. That tl. si... sl....,t.l .i.l . .. I'lginent in anv pro;r.-ssjVH farmers mind. Incre.iing the fertility should be the aim. A Mailer of rrl.le. Small Doy.! wnuter take faa. Lk-iilist-lt i, luit uslliJ to jminister pas for a milk tooth, my bor. It won't hurt but an instaut, Vftt t ' V'a . J . have i , .d,"7Sr r Buam' " or 1 . "Vo" "''oul'dn't Iw an nfr.i.l r.t a on. NOW sit Illl lieru III-. .. I... I. " "I ain't 'frai.l ,.f Kn bun. 'Toiut lluL I m afraid I c.tu't Ltlp ui,iu a screech wbeo it cornea out." "That won't matter." n Jlw'lllon- All tie bors wot I've ever licked is wnitin under tlT wiadt t'