Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 05, 1893, Image 3

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Royal Baking Powder
Leads All.
From actual analysis made by me, I
pronounce the Royal Baking Powder
to be the Strongest and Purest Baking
Powder before the public.
It is entirely free from alum and other
additions injurious to health.
Prof. Chemiitiy, CMegi of Phirvuicy Def t.
Univtriity of Cjltfontu.
1 II . 1 I m - m
a aii oiner DaKing powders are shown by
t analysis to contain alum, lime or ammonia, i
"3!1 n pain's teaching punishment; the firs
ukuis a soul, even bile It tortures,
fhe sorrow that oninalces some old desire.
And on the same foundation builds a hinher.
Hath more than joy for him who acquiesces.
Ah. darkoe.- teaches ns to love the light.
Xot as tia loved of children, warm abed.
And crying for the toy put by at night.
But even as a blinded painter micht
Whose soul paints on in dreams of radianc
-Amelie Rivea In Harper's.
An Acrobat's Fall.
An act was given at Cordray's audito
rinin performance recently that was not
printed on the programme. Stanley nnd
Muson do a perilous act in midair on the
trapeze. There are two bars snspended
by ropes from the ceiling, one large and
one small. Stanley was on the small
trapeze near the ceiling, and Mason on
the lower one. The man on top was
preparing to hang by his legs, let go,
drop, and, falling, catch his partner by
the feet. Stanley, who had a boil on the
Viside of his leg, slipped and fell. His
f:irtner conld not save him.
Every eye was riveted on the falling
acrobat and every heart stood still. To
the man himself it seemed an age. Ma
son, who wits below, as quick as a flash
measured the distance, and saw that if
his partner fell in that position nothing
could save his neck from being broken,
so, as Stanley descended, he gave the
fulling man a quick turn, somewhat
broke the fall, and the performer fell to
the floor with a hard sound and struck
on his back.
A dozen men rushed up the aisle to
pick up the man, and for a moment quite
an amount of excitement prevailed. He
was picked up and carried behind the
He had fallen twenty-five feet, and his
only injury was a rough shaking np and
a bruised back. Two minutes later
George Stanley appeared before the foot
lights and bowed. Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
An Eclipse Dinner.
"I have been to an 'eclipse dinner,' "
said a young woman. "There were any
number of them, yon kuow, of course
with the part of Hamlet left out. At the
one at which 1 assisted three gilt boys
at each end and in the center of the
table held nloft, respectively, in flower
figures, the dates of the last, the present
and the next eclipse, garlands of flowers
passing from one to the other. At every
corner lay a pretty sketch, showing
earth, moon and sun in space and in the
proper positions to produce the eclipse.
"The ices were served in gilt stars.
The host, who is an enthusiast in as
tronomy, had a small telescope mounted
on the roof for use had the night been
clear, and, to be frank, I had crammed
all the afternoon to be equal to the occa
sion. It was love's labor lost, however,
for we did not even go up to the roof.
messengers being dispatched from time
to time to return with the invariable
cloudy report But it was great fun,
and everybody laughed when lobster
cutlets a la totalite were served." New
York Times.
His Intentions Misunderstood.
There is a certain small boy living in
the vicinity of the armory who has con
eluded that the finding of a pocketbook
is a misfortune. He picked op one the
other day on the street containing about
ten dollars. Being on his way to the
baker's he rreneronslv imid a score of
U.25 that was "hung np" there against
the fumilv. and then meandered down
town to invest another dollar in a Buf
falo Bill mm and ammunition. Bnt
when be reached home maternal per
suasion so quickened his conscience that
he asrain started out in a sorrowful quest
for the owner of the money, who was
toon discovered.
And it is further alleged that this
owner would not abate anything from
the full amount lost and that the man
who sold the little fellow the gun refused
to take it back after all the circuit!
stances had been explained, so that even
to this day the mention of that pocket
book causes a shadow to creep over the
countenance of that boy. Springfield
(Mass.) Republican.
Effective Work by Lawyer.
A VArv Ainnsinir incident occurred at
the, r'itv hall a few davs ago.
A couple of men, while in a state of
cheerfulness, became boisterous in their
wnnlv wnrfara and were taken before
Judire Cnvin.
A friend of the two belligerents, who
had also been looking upon the winu
when it was red, appeared as counsel for
Thanksgiving Day in New York City.
It used to be that Thanksgiving day in
New York was, like the day all over the
eastern part of the country, a day which
centered around a dinner. This dinner
was inevitable, mid the families saw each
other then that never saw each other in a
group at any other time. The prodigal
returned for it: the poor relation looked
forward to ft and praised it as it pro
gressed heavily through its different
courses; and the several members of the
family tried to be more polite and genial
nd loving toward one another at that
nieal than at any other of the three times
f.G-5 other meals of the year. There are
some who line taimly dinners, and there
are other wicked ones who sympathize
with the young woman who assented to
having a family dinner by saying, "Yes,
and let ns have auy family but our own!"
-It is an awful and solemn ceremony in
many homes, and it is made more so, as
a rule, by some one of the elder of the
poor relations, who endeavors to enliven
the general gloom by trying to be "the
life of the diuner." He does this by
growing reminiscent over the younger
members, and telling how pretty they
were as children, and how they used to
make him tell and retell the old story of
the roast pig he stole the night before
Gettysburg, with which introduction he
promptly tells the old story again.
It may not be so everywhere, but
aronnd New York city this has all
changed. It is not that the families
around the great metropolis love each
other less, or that they have less cause or
less desire to be thankful, but a great and
powerful and fascinating rival has come
te take the place of the Thanksgiving
day dinner, and it is known not only in
New York, bnt from lexas, or wherever
else a Yale man is carrying a transit, to
Canada, or wherever else the Princeton
man is building a bridge, as the Thanks-
giving day game.
And now everybody goes out to see
Princeton and Vale decide the football
championship, and instead of boring each
other around a dinner table, grow hoarse
and exhausted in shouting for their fa
vorite son or the college of their son.
Harper's Weekly.
A fieorgla Mule Mlns.
Squire Spudler has just discovered an
extensive bay mule mine on his farm
near here. " The squire wus fishing down
by the creek near where an old Indian
mine was worked for mules, and he was
attracted by a sound resembling the
bray of a mule coming from a little cave
in the bank of the stream. The squire
commenced a search and soon discovered
the ears of a mule protruding above the
soft earth near the water. Work was at
once commenced and several fine speci
mens were unearthed. The squire s son-
in-law started with one fine specimen to
a mineralogist's to have it assayed, but
it bucked and jumped with him, and,
after sending him off on a voyage of dis
covery toward the planet Saturn, went
on a grazing spree in the adjacent cow
lot It is believed that the mine wiii
Drove very profitable, and fodder and
corn have advanced to fifty dollars per
front foot Calhoun (Ga.) Times.
A Woman's Tsrribla Kiperlenea.
A fanner named Morrand found
woman lying underneath a tree near his
farm in St. Jerome parish. She was
alive, but almost a skeleton, unable to
speak and insane, she was Manilla
Grapin, a domestic. Over a month ago
she left a house to go to chnrch, bnt had
never been heard of again and was be
lieved to be dead. She had laid down
nnder a tree where she and her dead hus
band had often sat together. She fell
asleep and slept for two days, and when
she awoke shu had lost ber reason. She
wandered about the woods for tnirty
five days, and never tasted anv food.
She obtained water from a brook. Since
she has been found she has been rational
at times and has told the above remark
able story. She is in a very wean state.
Montreal Cor. Minneapolis innune.
Advice Trom Doctors.
rritrt one hould know bv this time that
It is dangerous to ak a doctor's or a law- I
rer'a advice even In the rnovt casual anu I miht Miiect the worst
lm' , !.... public manner unless one expects to pay t That evcnin, MW th9
xiie sen consiuuicu "; .. - I bim for It. -inert is a wen miu..-. 'motner
That the social season on Cherry Hill
had not displayed the brilliancy that had
marked it from the time Miss Maggie
Kelly had the leadership in such matters
thrust upon her was due entirely to the
fact that the young lady had passed
a period of dangerous illness. At one
time they thought the end had come.
The doctor thought so too, for he bent
over her for many minutes before he was
sure that she still continued to breathe.
Miss Kelly's illness started with a
slight cold. It didn't bother her any at
hrst, and she went to her work at the
envelope factory with the same regular
ity that had characterized her for years.
Then she began to feel worse. Her
mother advised her to remain at home
for a couple of days, but Miss Maggie
would have none of it At that particu
lar time she was doing another girl's
work in addition to her own, which
meant thnt she would receive double
the usual amount of pay when the week
was ended.
The young girl needed the money very
much, for she wished to attend the third
annual ball of the Social Five, which
was to occur during the following week.
On that occasion she had proposed to ap
pear in a costume that would delight
the hearts of her friends and still the ad
verse criticism of her enemies.
Mr. Slobsy Carroll, with much plead
ing in his tones, had begged of her to
accompany him to the ball. She had re
fused the gentleman at first, and very
frankly told him her reasons for so doing.
If 1 go with yon, she said, "you 11
go off 'n git a jag on, an then you'll com
mence to spout tragedy, an somebody 11
sock yer in the eye 'n there'll be a scrap.
1 don t want no scrappers takin me to a
ball." Mr. Carroll was much hurt upon
hearing why Miss Kelly did not care to
go to the ball with him. Then ho pro
tested against her classification.
"1 ain't no scrapper, Mag, he said.
I'm a actor."
The young lady referred to a disturb
ance which Mr. Carroll had started at
the last party she gave in order to prove
her assertion. Mr. Carroll protested
with much vehemence that it was not ho,
but the quantity of beer he had imbibed
on that occasion whidi was rcsponsiblo
for the outbreak.
Miss Kelly naively remarked that per
haps the beer might be responsible for
another such scene, bnt Mr. Carroll
hastened to assure her that such would
not be the caso. He even weut so far as
to hope he might die on the spot if he
would become involved in any quarrel
at the ball. He was so fur successful in
convincing Miss Kelly thnt he would bo-
have himself if only she would go with
him that finnlly she consented.
Her mother was not altogether pleased
with the choice Miss Maggie had made
for a partner at the ball. "Shure," tho
old lady had said, "yer moight betther
had wint wid Mike elsh. He s a nice.
quiet, dacent, good young man."
"I know he is, maw, the young wow
an replied. "He's too good. If Slobsy
don't git full he 11 be all right.
"Yes, if he don t, the mother re
sponded grimly.
It really seemed as if the fates were
against her accompanying Mr. Carroll,
for the very day after she had consented
she commenced to feel ill. Three days
later she was unable to rise from her
bed, and the doctor was called in,
Your daughter will have a hard tune
of it, he tolil the young lady s mother.
A heavy fever set in, and on the evening
set for the ball Miss Kelly was delirious.
Thon tho doctor said tho critical time
was at hand, and that the young wom
an's recovery depended as much on care
ful nursing as his medicines. Ha said
that no noise should be made that would
disturb the patient Miss Tessio Brady
said she would see that the injunction
was carried out.
Miss Brady had come out in a new
light since her Sricnd Maggie becauio
ilL From the very first she had been at
Miss Maggie's side.
Without her the Kellys could have
obtained no rest, for a ceaseless vigil
was maintained over the patient. For
the first few nights Miss Brady wont to
her own home shortly after midnight
Mr. Carroll always loitered atiout the
neighborhood until Miss Brady camt
out (Then, while he was walking home
with her, she would tell hiin how Mag
trie was getting along.
When the physician announced that
nis patient's life hung only by a thread,
Miss Brady ix:;lected her work alto
gether and r-nained constantly at the
bedside of her friend. She told Mr. Car
roll that Maggie might die at any mo
ment He could not believe it "Air,
yer lie," he said jocosely. Misa Brady
assured him that what she said was the
timule truth. Then he stared at her
blankly and said, "Goer
When the doctor came thai evening
be said be thought he'd stay awhile He
told Mrs. Kelly that if her daughter's
sense's did not return by midnight the
The figure beside the 'bed 'began to sway
to and fro, and from the mother's lips
there issued a lullaby that had not been
heard in the Kelly household for yesrb.
At first it was faint, like a sigh, but
soon grew a little louder and steadier.
The physician came in. looked for a mo
ment, and then turned away without a
It seemed like hours to Miss Brady
before the physician again came in. He
raised his finger to the mother, and the
singing and rocking ceased. After
watching the patient for moment he
hastily wrote a prescription. He handed
it to Miss Brady and told her the quicker
the medicine was procured the more
chance there was of saving the patient's
The young woman went swiftly down
the stairs and to the door. Mr. Carroll
was there.
"Slobsy," she said excitedly, "go over
to the drug store an git this quick. If
you don't hurry up, Mag"
But Slobsy was already gone. He
dashed across the street and around the
corner like a flash. A moment later the
drug store door was thrown violently
open and Mr. Carroll bounded in.
He approached a clerk with Titian
hair and said:
"Hev, young fellerl Gimme this'l
quick ez yer kin."
He then threw the prescription on the
counter. The clerk picked it up in a
leisurely manner and scanned it careless
ly. Then he asked, "Are you in a
Yair, Mr. Carroll responded, sur
prised that any oue would think other
"Well, you'll have to wait until your
hurry's over," came from the other tn
cool, breezy manner.
Mr. Carroll's brow lowered ominously.
"S-aa-y, young toiler," he said, very
slowly and distinctly, "do you moan
"Of course I" Tho clerk never got
any farther than that, nor could auy one
who happened to be in the place at the
time tell just what happened. They saw
something bound ovor the counter,
heard a thud, saw the proprietor run
out, wave his arms, and then saw a piece
of paper thrust into his hand.
"Gimme that quick or I'll break yer
jaw, seel" they heard a voice exclaim,
and then they saw a young man throw
some money on the counter and dash
out of the place at his best speed. Slobsy
handed tho package to Miss Brady, and
moment later tho physician had ad
ministered it For another half hour
thoy waited. Mrs. Kelly went into the
kitchen. The patient was lying quite
still now, and the doctor was bending
over her.
Suddenly her eyes opened. They
rolled from one side to the other in an
inquiring way. Then the lips wore
parted, and from them came faintly
Whore s mo ole wouianr
"She'll como through all right now,"
the doctor said, and Miss Briuly com
menced to cry. A few momenta tutor
and tho doctor passed out of the house.
A block away ho was followed by a
square shouldered young mail who
walked with a swagger. I he doctor
was in a hard neighborhood, so he
grasped his heavy cane more firmly.
The figure soon came up with him and
stopped. The physician looked into the
other's face and half raised bis cano.
Then the othor Bpoko. Ho said:
"Hey, Doc. On tho dead level, is
"Well?" asked the physician sharply.
"Is she she dead, you know, np
there?" indicating the Kollys' home with
his tingor.
"Oh, no!" he answered, with a feeling
of relief. "She'll be out again in a week
or two."
Thon the man of medicine wondered
why the other shook his hand so heartily
and proceeded to execute softly a jig on
the sidewalk. Charles A. Broadhoad in
New York Evening Sun.
Tao Lata with Hla Objections.
A marriage ceremony at Roseburg
was interrupted in a sensational manner
a few evenings ago. Charles Minkler, a
freight condlictor at Woodbnrn, was the
groom, and Lottie Critzen. of Roseburg,
the bride. During the ceremony the of
ficiating minister asked if any one had
any reason why the ceremony should not
A young dry goods clerk of Rosebnrg,
named Manuis, stepped forward, saying
be had serious objection He said he
wanted to sou and speak with the girl
privately. He was put ont of the houso
and a pistol wus found in his pocket He
said he bad always wanted to marry the
girl, but had never gathered courage to
tell her of his feelings. San Francisco
Of the diseases to which it Is adapted with the
best results. Hosteller's stomach Hitters, a tain-
ilv medicine, couinrehenslve in lis scope, h
never been thrust upon public attent'on in the
m oi a universal lufctiacea ior oouhv ins.
Ms rlHim. d,tilv arnwMUHl In the columns of
the daily press by the proprietors of medicines
mr interior to 11 as specincs. nas in a uiuusmiu
instance distrusted the nubile in advance by lis
absurdity, and the prospects of other remedies
oi superior qualities nave oeen nniiiiii-kppvM uj
ine prelensions oi ineir wonnieas pre eewsnrs.
mil ine American people snow, occanse mrj
nave venneti mv iih-i uy ine most irimx
that the Hitters possesses thn virtues of a real
specific in cases of malarial and liver disorder,
constipation, nervous, rheumatic, stomach and
kithiev trouble. Whut it docs 11 does thorough
ly, anil mainly for this reason it is Indorsed and
recommended by hosts of respectable medical
Who csn blame Mr. Cleveland for seeking the
seashore? halever the wild waves are saying,
iney reuot making speecnca arjoui silver.
Ai.lcock's roBovs Plasters are unap
proachable in curative properties, rapidity
and safety of action, and are the only reli
able plasters ever produced. They have
successfully stood the test of over thirty
years' use by the public; their virtues hav
never been equaled bv imitators who hav
sought to trade upon the reputation of
Am.cock'8 by making plasters with holes
in them and claiming them to be "Just as
good as Allcock'b," and they stand to-lay
indorsed by not only the highest medical
authorities, nut ny minions 01 graieim pa
Hems who have proved their cmcucy as
household remedy.
lteware of imitations. Ask for Ai.lcoci's,
and do not be persuaded to accept a substi
tute. llBAnnRKTii's Pili will purify the blood.
SIM with the testi
mony of women who
huvc beeu made well
and slroiitr by Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
It's a medicine
that's made especially
to build up women's
sirrngtn anu tn cure
women's ailments
an invigorating, re
storative tonic, soothing cordial, and
bracing nervim;; purely vegetable, non
alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. For
all the functional derangements pain
ful disorders, and chronic weaknesses
that afflict womankind, the "Favorite
Prescription" is tht only guarantied
It mutt have been the medicine for
most women, or it couldn't be sold on
any such terms.
Isnt It likely to be the medicine for
you r sold by druggists everywhere.
- ,i - ri as is ea
touts., and
f 1.00 per IlotUe?
Out cent a dose.
Tna Orb at Cocoh
Tk 1 1 T
Regulator of the Liyerand Kidneys
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And ill Other Blood and Skin Diseases.
It Is a THvltlve cure for all tho-e painful, deli
cate comi'lnluta and complicated troubles and
nil promptly i
where all others fnlL Coughs, Croup. Bore
loarseneaa, wnoopins; bouga ana
For Consumption it bRS no rival:
Throat, Hoarseness,
siuims, riir vviiBuoif.uvu II, dm nu n,Bu
has cured thousands, and will Cl'na TOO If
taken In time. Bold oy liruiniiata on fuar
antee. For a Lame Hack or Chct, use,
lvn vmi i MLnrrli V Thin rctmerir In irHn
teodtooureyuu. sfrtoo,60oUb iujvctorfre.
weakneaeteM common amuug our wlv, mother
aim uatiKnuT.
The effect Ik Immediate and lastt' Two or
three d4ea of 1'arike' Kkmkdt taken dally
keel the Mood e ol, the liver and klduevi act
ive, and will entirely eradlrnte from the nytem
all traces of Scrofula, Holt Klieum, or any other
form of blood dtnease.
No medicine ever Introduced tn this country
has met with attrh ready aale. nor Riven uch
univerHl at.Htactton whenever unea as that of
lm. f ARUM'S Kkmkuy.
Thin remedy has been ned In the hospitals
throiiKhout the old world tor the paat twenty
live years ai a specific for the above dttteMses.
and It ha and will cure when all other so-called
remediea (ail.
8end for pamphlet of testimonials from thoee
who have been cured by Its use. ImiKKists sell
tt at 91.00 per bottle. Try It and be convinced.
i or saie oy
9 and II Front St., San Franolaoo.
An Eaintinnnl Hole She Why were you so
swkaard and embarrassed when you prop sid
tome? Ho Oh, 1 was trylnic not to look so
cock sure oi being accepted as 1 leu.
sfx-wvir-s. rs "v
n 1 99
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for but
cmteof catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. F. J. CI1KNKY A CO..
ToliMo, 1).
We, the undorMirned, have known K. J. Che
ney lor tne last ititecu years, aim oeueve mm
perfec ly honorable In all
and financially able to carry out any obligations
buslneHS trauwicttoits
made bv tboir tlrin. WKST
noicHiiie lfruKKiMii, iuicuo, u.
Wholesale DriiKKlts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken .ntfriiallv. acting
directly upon tie blood and tnucoHs surfaces of
the syHem. Testimonials sent free. 1'rtco, 76
cuts per bottle. Hold by all druggists.
Bladder. Frlnarr and LlTer Diseases. Dronsr
uravsi ana iiiaoeies arv eursa uj
Mr. Albert Hartley of Hudson,
N. C, was taken with Pneumonia. 1 1 1 1 1 1ITJ ft I"! T KM P it
His brother had just died from it. n 1 1 1 J I A K rill rill
rally him he took one bottle of Ger
man Syrup and came out sound and
well. Mr. S. B. Gardiner. Clerk
with Drueffist J F.. Uarr, Aurora,
Texas, prevented a bad attack of
pneumonia by taking German Syrup
In time. He was in the business
and knew the danger. He used the
great remedy Boschee s German
Syrup for lung diseases
Cures BrlKht's Disease, Retention or Non-re-
teiition ol untie, rams lu we, Back, uiiii. or
Use Euamcllue Stove Polish ; no duit, no smell.
Trt Qermia for breakfast.
Praise is Good
For arty medicine you
hear afxmt, but to bo
made v. til I by Its use Is
still better. 1 have for
many years suffurtd
with an irritable UchliiK
all over my body, and
mv left lev swelled and
Itccanie so sore 1 had to
vivo uo work, rhvid-
I'luns prescribed for me
for fcrnfula, but did not
cure me. Hood's Ha'aa
.tart I la save ine hn mo
il Into relief, drove all
; Buyers' Guide
Tn lli'VKHa' ui'ituc Is mitilMirri 1 1' Hrst of
..Hi-h miintli. li Is Issued In tne Interest of all
consumers. It Hives the lowest cash vinbitliin
on even tliltiK In the Kroocrv lino. It wll .avc
von money to consult It. Mulled free (o any
iddres. on aiillciilion. Don't 1 without It. It
costs von nolliinii lo net It. It utlotes wholesale
prices direct to the consumer. Mention this
HtMir. Address
UO Front Htreet, - forlland, Or.
dlsciiso out of my blood 1
and Rave me iwriect ours." w. u. uunri, ill
uunhsou uourt. Kansas my, bio.
Hood's PHIS ours constipation. Try a bo I
1 but a Yiioment, however, when Judgo
Cavin sniJ, "Discharife the prisoners ana
lock np their attorney."
The order was comclied with amid an
outburst of laughter. Galveston News.
story of a man In New York who chanced
to remark: to a ccienmieu pu; .
"Doctor, have you any sure means or
preventinR seaalcknewr"
"Lertaimy. aaio iue
"What Is it?"
"Slav on shore!" anid the physician and
sent the man hit bill.
i ik.. m.nt ifntn. woo .uiu-
Hr. Klein's Privata Bain.
Tha atorv of a wonderful phenomenon
cornea from Rossville, nineteen mile j tndirjarian, met a doctor of hi acqtiaint-
west of Topeka,on tne union racm anre on the street ont aay.
For ninrteen days, It Is said, rain leu in
cessantly on the orchard belonging to
n. Klein, a prominent Rossville resident
This orchard is in the town and is bound
ed on the eaat by Mr. Klein's residence,
on the other three sides by lines of fences.
The rain did not fall outside of Mr.
Klein's premises, but for nineteen days
there was no intermission In the fall,
aud it was only stopped by a cold snap.
Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Shocked Capers.
Expert (engaged In examining ths ac
count of the late Bustall bankr-1 near
ly fainted with surprise today. Never
received such shock In my life.
Depositor (tremuloualyr-What was it?
Expert Some of the stock on which
thsytttuk ""py leaned money to tbetn
selrW was food. A'sw York Weekly
lwifi'uidhr." miltill Did .
Do you know, I'm o weak that the least
bit of walking on the pavements tire me
out What do you think I d better taker
A hon car, 1 gtiew." "id
crustily. And he. too. N-nt In a little
memorandum of the amount du. for this
wise preacription.-Youth's Companion.
A Great Saond.
Did you advise Howler to cultivate his
voice 1"'
"Oh. mercy! What forf"
"A rain producing machlne."-CUca
toUr Ocean.
They'll Be
first Burglar-Here comes a pollftnan.
now can we (trt rid of hbnf
t- a'i BTfteod to be
The Maid of Katlsbon.
Another political legion is gone. In
France the Maid of llutiabon, who by
hor Intrepidity saved a whole French
armv from destruction durtnir the
Napoleonic wars, has long beon believed
in no less impliuity than Joan of Arc or
Jeanne Hachette of Beauvais or the
Maid of Snratfostta. General Marbot, in
his memoirs, gives tho true veniion of
the story. Aftor the assault upon liatis-
bon, be says, he was In couuuana or a
column which was ordered to occupy a
briJge affording the only line of retreat
for the AuHtnuns. "Losing my way
among the streets of the town." be goes
on to say, "1 suddenly saw a young
woman spring up before mo, crying-
'Save mo. 1 am a r roncliwoman. rine
was a dressmaker established in business
at Katisbon. 1 asked bur to show ns the
way to the bridge, but as we were still
under fire, she was afraid Thereupon
I nnlnrml hor tn lm lid bv the arm at
the head of the column by two gren f T AFTft FlFVFR
diers. She shrieked, but it was of no uuuuu a v. i j-ta.av,
use. One of the grenadiers was wound
Baking Pontfer
When in Portland bo sure to take in
the greatest novelty at the Kx position.
We xliall bake limimiu ami cuke overy
I afti-rnoon and evening on our protty
Jewel (ias Move. Kveryliody cordially
invited to have a biscuit with us and see
the wonderful merits of tiolden Weal
linking 1'owder proved by actual work.
A Biovsmsnt of Ihs bow sis oh dar Is onoa-Mrr tot
a. it ft 1 :m an mil w jrliAL I ha flVBlCtD IsVOU to it riUr; 1 Iwj mr llMdswh-. briiiuwn U
t).a 'nmnlfiilnn bttr lH0 SOS
' .. TL...S) t.Mw taaHtiisir an-in nor ftinhsn J
other Dtlla da. To oonvlm you ol lhlr mrtt 1
will ml mmptr;oT full 'rtr,V "T"!? "2'
Kvervthlns In the alxive line. Costumes, Wigs,
Beiin'ls. I'mnerlles, Opera and I'lay Hooka, etc.,
furnished ai xrnlly reduced rates and In une
Cures intemperance, Nervous Diseases, General
Debility, Kumale. Woaknusa and cesses.
(lure. Illlinnsness, Headache, Jaundice. Hour
Htouiaoli, Dyaiwptia, Constipation and Tiles.
'T1 IT OlM'Kon the HMneve. I Iver
aud H.wrlii re-torlnn them to a healthy ac
tion, aud ill-: when all other medicines
tall. Hundreds have been saved who have been
liven up lodls by (rleuda aud physicians.
Hercules Gas Engine
Msataj tor Powsr or Pumping Purpoea
The Hisanm Raitahls Oaa Kaaiaa
en lbs Harass,
Out of Ihsims ans)
rlor quality by the oldest, InrKcst, best renowned I
llclted. Ooi.ihtkin 4 Co., ', W and 110 O'Farrell
iiusr un Ihr fnrlfr (VkisI
77im'rfrfl( HuvuU I
I orresiioinleiice so-
ireel. also Mu Market street, San Francisco. We
4tliily u inttlltrt on wc vwui, w piiwm we ra-
tpectlully relvr.
father and
mother, with Mias iSrady, sitting at the
bedside of the social queen of Cherry
HUL The neighbors who were obliged
to go np and down stairs did so on tip
toe and made no sound in the halls.
Then the doctor came in, examined
the young woman, and said he migh
want some one to go to the nearest drug
store in a hurry. Miss Brady said she
would look after that matter and
straightway proceeded to the strwt door,
where Mr. Carroll was standing patient
ly. In a few words she told him of Misa
Kelly's condition and warned bim not to
go away, a he might be needed at any
She returned np stairs in time to hear
the physician say that be was not yet
able to tell what the result would be.
Mr. Kelly began to sob softly, while
her husband every now and then brushed
the back of one band across his eyes.
Finally the mother's heart could stand
it no longer. She stepped softly over to
the bed and knelt beside it
Then she extended one arm and ever
so slowly and gently placed H beneath
her daughter's bead. The other axis
was trat half war around the aHrl't bodv
I '
ed In the arm, and the blood spnrtud
over the noor. terrified woman. She
fainted and bad to be carried. Napo
leon, having heard tho story, asked to
see tho littlo dressmaker and compli
mented her upon tho service she hail
rendered the army. This was the origin I
of the legend.'' London News.
Ha Wanted yulck Bet urns.
"As 1 was sitting In a railroad station
the other day waiting for a train," aald a
traveler, "I saw a 4-year-old boy walk up to
a box which bad been placed there to re
ceive the contributions of the charitable,
dron a Kenny tn the slot and pull the pad
lock. Evidently be liau mistaken tue uox
for a oennv-iu-tbe-lot candy machine.
When he found that be got nothing, he
called to his mother, who was sitting near.
She tried to explain to her young sun tliut
he couldn't get candy from that box, but
that ha would bava the tileaaur or know
ing that bis prniiy would buy something
nice for some other little child, lint ths
little bov didn't sppear to grasp this, la
fact he paid no heed to it, and there was
nothing for the mother to do bnt to take
bim to machine that yielded quick re
turns for the money." tw 1 ork bun.
KH. Icadtlif Jew
eler of the Pacini
Northwest, keeps a
larse stock ol ai
HAIXJKH on band
Beat koods at low-
est Osures. H idiot
Baas lo oraer.
jvf r. .T. f!. JonoK.of Fulton. Ark., says of
J'JfJi "Aljout ten years ago I con
JZElJM tntctod a severe cano of blood
poiwm. Leading physicians preHorilied
mediaino after motlmlno, which I took
without any roller. 1 also tried mercu
rial aud potuuh romedies, with unsuc-
BMnful results. Iiti t which brought on an
attack of nmrcuri' 1 rl.eumutihra that
nuvle my life ono of agony. After suf-
ering four year i gnve up an remedies
and commenced fining B. B. S. After
taking several bottles, I was entirely
snred and able to resume work.
Sis tho greatest medicine for
Mood poisoning to-day on
the market,"
Is a Knecla! brand of Hiirolne (ill, which ws
manuisciura eaprcssiy inr rsnii.1 urn.
IT I" A I'r-.ltr-ICtlT ll.l.tlMINaTOIt.
IT IN 111(111 rillK TKST.
We (uarnntee It to be ths iiiiiiikbt rnaslktl
ukAbk or IU.I SINATINO OIL. ASS lor lb
ITaar I Implicit 7 It Bsats the VTorld.
It oils Itself from a KoaarvolT,
Da Cajbnrwtor to ffot oat of wrator.
Xt) BatUrtss or BUotrU
It rams wtta a Cheaper Oralis of Oaaoilas thaa amy
eibef atufiue.
ssnia roa caTaUMoa so
411 Sibnm StmLhi rriMtaMsU.
A tha GenuincI
Sold Everywherer
R A KM. WOOL'S .Axaat, fortlaad, Or
Brooklyn Hotel
mm But. St.. In Fruelseo.
Thli fftrortt hotel U nndnr tha miMm!.!
ol CHAKl.tH MON'IUOMKKY.Aiid liufiMid If
iiui iu. im riuu iua OUIlUtM HID UUUU
lo Had yrtviicUoo.
Homo Comforts! Cuistns Unsxccllcd 1
ripst-clsas servlc and ths blihaat itandard ol
resuectaiilllty suarauUwd. Our rooms cannot as
nrpatud Uir nratnru ami cutaurL Hoard aud
room bar day, l.i6,I.W, 1.7t aud tl.lM; board
snd room per week,7 to til; slnifle rooms too
to II. rrea ooavb to and from hotel.
Dr. X. (the celebrated physician who
makes, we are told, l'AOrt franca a year by
his practice)-Well, sir, wnereao you sui-
Patient Here, air. in the pit of my
stomach. It htirta me dreadfully wbro 1
nn aa aialnat It-
Dr. X.-Well, then, sir, you must Uks
ears nevsr to preaa againat It, (Patient dis
missed aftesr paying bis fee of 9 loulsH
I'bareda Ooapbore.
Owrsnaa Oatlarmla.
nnatatter McOinnls-Havt too spoken
with the herr professor yet, Must Upper-
. Croat f
I Miss Cppererust-No. Tht German gut
turala are so daooUets that they offend my
tars. . '
I Rp-nollatairM
-yea. Bd low In the Back, yon know."
Texas Sifttsss.
Trealias on Blood and fiVIn Tilseaaea matlad
(res. Bwtrr Bracuriu Co., Atlanta, Oa.
f -a. 1'
I faeaalatri
I Wacsbla. SS Irau a kattla. ,
S. P. N. U. No. 612-H. F. N. U. No. 68U PILES V
It M if C JTOHlWf V1T.IS feanpwn hr wlstiis
TlH C tst.p''K''.."r"l'iv!!".l'r!,,f
Yf)ll aUJLXllUlU or f llOl'MUULHU XUi
ttyf wliu-a ama diraoitr on pwia airaaUd.
sou, ilr. aViaanka.ynll.lyaia.Sa.
This TraA. Vsrk la oa tbs bast
Je In tha World I
RraaMly for CalarrB M UM
CasIsM to TJso. and l lMaSMi.
hf Zmvnrlr or sra to 5aT I
I T. aUiZTtlaa. Wwrss; fl U
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
AaroatA. nasxos. Jannary 10. leaaauuwlth plaasnrt that by tha tue wt
VOIIKK'S KRVKALKD ItlMKDY sir hnshand was rallarod from an old eases
UKITMATIriM sod mf yon n fast hoy eared entirely of INFLAMM ATOET Wild
MAriuH wbsalbetrtslfcjOMfl soust s did bias oa rt Tbts In fratHwd
una, i, y. truuh
old at ion DsotMiiav,