Remember that this paper is the only one in Lincoln or Benton county that has the courage to stand for the common people. The iwKADER should be read by every tax-payer of Lincoln County. It will cost you but $1.50 a year. emu mtnk Volume I. DIRECTORY. MS COLS COrXTT. joint Senator County Judg Clerk fheriff Treasurer - - a.-bool supenntoudent jjurveyor assessor Coroner Commissioners j - C. B. Crosno u. P. Blue B. F. Jones Ueorire tandis Henry. Henliwrer ChKS. Booth los. Gideon T. E. Parker! Jas. Kassell J. O. Steams M. L. Trapp 1 Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 5, 1893. Number 31. TOLEDO PRECINCT. Justice of the Peace Constable J. A. Hall A. E. Altree CHUBCHES AXD SOCIETIES. IilKT BAPTISTS. Meet every first Sundav ' in each month, a 11 a. m. and also on the atiirdav preceding the above Sunday, at 2 p. ., in the Toledo Public Hall. L. M. Butler, I'.erident Pastor. ,iT JOHN' S CIU'RCH fPrntestent Episcopal limine service the third Sundnr of everv minth. at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend, jlev. ( has. Booth. Missionary. Residence, 'Kectorv," Newport, Or. T Levery Friday evening at their hall in this town. IlE.soa Arnold, See y. R. F. Collamore, N.G. it o. G. T. Meets every I. 7;:!0 o'clock, in 'irady's hall, this' town Thursday evening, hall, this tmvn H Penliniter,, C. T. fcli Gartner, Secretary. ' FA.'and I. V. Toledo Union, No. l.Vi. Meets everv Saturday evening, 8 o'clock, in Grady's hall in this town. All members requested to attend. T. T. Reeder, President ; J. J. Turnidge, t-eoretai y. 10. O. F. Bay Lodge No. Wi, of Vaqnlna Cltv, meets every Saturday evening. Visiting brothers are always welcome. K. bi bkow s, Secretary. j. N. Stabk, N. G. IO. O. F. Newport Lodge No. S9, meets everv Saturd a v evening, visiting brothers are cor iliallv invited to attend, John Ku hakdsok, Wm. Abbot. Secretary. . o YAOUINA, -I HAVE NOW RECEIVED MY- FALL AND WTO STOCK DF GOODS ! The Largest and Most Select Stock ever shown on the Bay. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Rubber Goods and Oil Clothing, Notice for Publication. Land Oiiiee at Oregon City. Oregon.) Auvusl .1st is1;;. VOTlCR is hereby given that the Mlow lng named settler has tiled noine of hi- inten tion to make tinal pnmt in support of hisclaim. and that said inof will be made bct'ore the County Judge of Lincoln Coumv. vregott, at Toledo. Oregon, on Ketnber 16th Ixu. vii: B. r. Joara, H. K No. fclWo. For the S.mtbuest l, of the Smuheas: 1 , of See. Si, Town 10 s.. Ktinire 10. w. He names the follow iug witnesses to prove his continuous residence uion and cultivation of said laud, vig: c. H. Crosno. Krantie Harmon, J S. Copeland.and A. J. Rader, all of Toledo, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILI.KR, Register. -All of which I am Selling at- 4 F. A: A. M.- A cunvocntton on Saturday -New port Loam No. R, regular n on rKiuroav on or before pm-h mil moon. Msiting Dmtners are cordially velcomeii. J.a. 11. ltt'ssEi.L, W. M ' Jas. lioiiEiiTsox, Secy. 11 A. K. Phil Sherldnn Post No. 24, meets 1 J every second and foruth Thursday evening. GKO. SYl.VESTKtt. Com. 1!. A. BESSF.I.L, Adjt. U.Ji.Voijle, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Corvnllls, Oregon SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. All Goods are Marked in Plain Figures. I am selling Cheaper than ever before. Call and examine my Goods and Prices and be convinced. Notice for Publication. Land Oftice at Oregon city, Oregon. ( August 21st, lS'.ti. t YOTICE is hereby given that the followlng nauicd settler has died notice of his inten tion to make tinal proof in support of hisclaim. and that said proof will be made lfore the County Clerk of Lincoln Connty, at Toledo, Oregon, on October pith, lKUt, vU: (leer Blsttner, II. K. No. 7.519, For the North of Northeast l4. and North S of Northwest of section :it. T. 10. s . It. 11. w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis.: Fred lirconlirook. Karland Anderson, Edward stneker, and Nicklos stuck er, all of New port, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Assessments Eiiunliml. The county equalization board was in session all last week. They gave hearing to all who appeared and felt themselves aggrieved, but of this class there were very few. They are going through the roll and equalizing on the roll as it ap pears. The following changes have been made: Give us Their names. Name Value as assessed. Agent for the BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. ures taken and Fits Guaranteed. &h O'BRIEN'S store. YAQtmSTA.. Meas- Citation In the County Court, of the Stateof Oregon, for the Comity 01 i.imutn. In the mutter .( the ett:tMt ( .itM,i.m To the heirs oi Muthow ltn. hmthorof l'eter llHkfiiu, Wcesel. it ml to nil athtTX, known ami unknown Infertile,! in theu!)oventttloU estniv, ifrt'inimr: In niK n.vmk or mv: stitk or Okkisos, Ym nrt horchv ite. kmiI retiutriM to niiertr In the County Court of the State 01' Oregon, for the count v of Lincoln, m theeourt room there of, nt Tole'ilo, in the county of Lincoln, on KatnnUv. hr Hh t!v nf llrtoher. IKfliL At Irto'dot'k in the forenoon of ihnt iluy, then there 10 show i'iium, u hii there ihj, ua , An order shouKl not iKsnetuit if the a hove enti tled court, authorizing r. .tones, the tmy uauiie! ana acting executor 01 stim osiHie, 10 11 the real iinueriy tieioiiKinif to daih eaie described a follows: The southwest qnarier ot the northeast quarter, and tho enst half of the ormwesi qtinrier 01 mouou ininv-ont t-u. tutifhip ten (Ui). nouth, of rant,' ten (10) went, fillainette meridian, in Lincoln eonnly, Ore gon, eontaiuiut; lUt acres. wiTNKN, me nouoranie i. r. fm. Mine. Jndjre of the County Court L, s. of the Statu of oretton, for the Countv td Lincoln, with the oeal of sntd court attlxed, thin th day of Septemiier isyc. S. K. .toNK, county Clerk, ity F. M. nitDFiEi.D, Deputy Clork. UOB'T CAMPBELL, PKOntlETOB or Toledo Meat Market, DEALS IX Fresh and Cured Meats OP ALL KINDS. Toledo, - - Oregon. M. HANSEN, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Watches Cleaned and Repaired. All work Guaranteed. FREDERICK 1). CARSOX, Att orney-at -Law, Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon Collections, ('oiirciaiivhtij, and Court Vractlre (rt'iu'rallij. Toledo, Oregon. HOTCL LINCOLN T.J Buford, Prop. Everything First-class. Charges Reasonable, TOLEDO, OREGON. J A. HALL, lustice of the Peace, SOMETHING NEW! jPLNTiFz;R.M:z;isrTiisrH: Preserves Fruit, Cider, Milk, Butter, Eggs, Tomatoes, Catsup, Pickles, Etc. What is it: It is a simple, harmless preparation, free from taste smell and color, thai has the properties oi stopping and preventing fer mentation in all vegetable and animal foods. What it does: It is especially useful for preserving fruits of all kinds without cooking, retaining their natural fresh appearance and taste. Its Use does away with labor, and makes what has been a hot rikncrrpeahle task, a delitrht and a pleasure. It substitutes for the Sum - ' - mer heat of the kitchen the cool shade of a lawn or piazza. Its 'Results are never doubtful when used according to directions and Plum Puddings, Peach and Berry Pies can be had in Winter as well as in Summer. Its Use is profitable and economical, for it saves one-half of the sugar, saves the jars broken by heat, saves the fruit cooked away, and saves the time and labor lost by the old methods. Var Cider it unsurpassed. It stops fermentation at any point desired, and produces a sparkling beverage like Champagne. The a uestion is sometimes asked, "Is it Injurious.' lo allay an . . ... . ..1 r doubts on that score, we would say mat we nave consuuea many oi our most eminent Chemists and Physicians, and all unite in pronouncing the use of ANTIFERMENTINE as a preservative, a perfectly sale am harmless preparation. -FOR SALE BY- Refers by )ermlMlon to Kx linv. J. f. I11llmrv 1 . h. Kniintttr h . n. n HRnnnrn. ituu. .jiiiiii i lies. Kx-l'nminamler-ln-chicf (f. A. H.. M tn- liuaiHiliH, .Minn., Hon. Martin F. Mm rl anil .1 .1. l)nrlifiiruiii. Kno.. Waxll hltrtnn. IV ('..MMlttY ler Durvea. chief t'lerlt Patent oniec, Fairfax County, Va and Hev. Cha. Iloulh, Newport uregon. B. V. Wilson $ 510 May Lawlis 705 W. 1 Stitt '6,yH6 R. A. Stratford. . . 1,028 W. E. Hyde 50 J. McDowell 50 bailie l ylHtin 450 Susan A. l'vbtirn , 4 So L. l- Pepin 500 Arthur St Clair. . . . 4x Jack Allphin. . . v . 500 Mary K. Cross 175 M.J. Derrick 1.22S Win. Dutlen K27 Israel Eddy 1,027 Ogleshy heirs 32 II. Owen 150 1 J. Tavker 2,187 T. K. Porter .117 . T. Peterson.... !,otx S. Pearse 310 Austin Rosehrooks 770 oseph Rosebvook.H 1 50 dain Rae 350 G. Rose brook t. . 2,639 aeob 'illicr 131 Megginsou sl,ue. 2,770 Stark & O'Brien. . . 250 oseph Wilson .... 453 C. M. Abbey 2,050 O. R. Addenton . . . 720 G. Copelaud 3,068 Fred Baker 240 Neal Mackay 230 A. Mitchell 300 H. Ry croft 518 R. V. TitMiholm . . . 480 Thos, Ivspey 400 C.IMIoefs 657 Lavina Altree 600 J. R. Abbey 480 Austin Altree 425 Value a Ciualired. I, I So 6, 060 I.3-S 120 120 600 630 75 480 800 250 1.374 1,000 No More Back Ache ES 1 'QJ Benscll & Hensell & Keady.i Williams 40 350 M. M. Iwpey 210 120 CONSTIPATION. INFLAMATIONkC BUDDErf.ftiD a ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. O. A. Krogstead. Joliu Hill 'o Wm. Kisor 27s II. Lewis 50 Win. Mackay 2,177 II. Dcnlinger 1,700 The board have not yet complet ed the equalizing, but will probably get through this week. Probate Court. 64 200 2,687 8i 1 ,200 500 1,270 280 410 1 .939 73 3.7 380 473 2,650 I.OCO 2,760 440 400 400 628 5.X) 500 837 700 180 625 75 500 310 220 649 35o 250 2, 800 I.20O Our few comments a couple of weeks ago upon a misleading and deceptive article in the Corvallis Gazette had the result of touching the Gazette man oft again last week. In his answer he tries to be both solemn and satirical and only suc ceeded in leing silly. In the first place he tried to dodge the author ship of the screed referred to and attempted to lay it onto the recent ly imported Iloosier editor who parts his name in the middle, onto whom a share in the Gazette office has been recently unloaded. The name ot the party who is supposed to have heard all the waitings of discontent 111 Lincoln county over the division of the county was disclosed. This party turns out to be a distinguished Corvallis divine, one Dr. K. J. Thoinp son. So far, so good. Now will the Gazette or Mr. Thompson name, not a dozen, but one Lincoln county taxpayer who was favorable to the division of the county who would go back if they could Come now, let s hear the name Until tins is done tlieGazetiesuimis convicted in the. minds of fair men of the charge of misrepresenting wilfully a condition of things. A charge that no honest newspaper can afford to stand under. As to the state tax referred to we will but say that our countv offi cials are not wholly devoid of busi ness sense and they very properly refuse to pay any more money to Benton county until a complete settlemont and aduidication of Oresron Moss. Oregon moss is redeeming itself for all that has been said against it. A new industry has recently devel oped at Salem which promises to prove not only a valuable factor 111 itself but an important matter for the railroads and shippers. The day has come when Oregon moss will enter into a new era. Already has a large amount been put in use. A company in Fresno has ordered a large invoice of Oregon moss to be shipped to them. When the moss arrives it is put to use in packing goods for shipment. Thursday five big bales of moss were shipped from Salem to Fresno and yesterday an other bale was shipped. This moss is collected and shipped by the Capital City nursery company of this city. That the moss is equal to other packing material is not questioned. No doubt in a year's time this new venture will be num bered among Oregon's chief and foremost industries. When packed and ready for shipment the moss is in bales and at first glance very much resembles hops. Statesman, Receiver lladley has made a statement to Assessor Parker of the taxable pioperty of the O. P. com pany situated or subject to taxation in Lincoln county. The statement embraces the following property with the valuation as follows, mtld bv Mr. Hadley: Forty-two miles of road bed and track, valued at $3,000 per mile, or $126,000; ma chine shops at Yaquina, $10,000; the lug Resolute, $10,000; the steamship Willamette Valley, $30, . 1 I matters are Had. As it ison scnooi . fc Y(KluilWi 2(0oo. at. and county taxes Benton county so one.jj,jni 0( following rolling riglitlully owes to i.iucoin n"M stock: ulv roaches. $q,ooo; three $6,000 and Lincoln owes Benton l)nKRage carSi $15oo; 200 box cars aiwut ?2,ooo suiie taxes; so u.e $ 8, flal $4 8oo; ,j stand oil seems to ic aooui 4.x iocomotives, $37,500; making a lo in lavor 01 neniou coumy. , . . mfiY)r)00r assessed valuation. In conclusion the Gazette for- Asscssor rarker places a SOmewhat sakes comes . . . . , . 1 . s the original dispute ana ne- h,ghcr vn,ue upon the railroad prop ;s personal, towit: "The cdi- . . nssesscil ti,e total tor of the Lkadkk has evidently lolrito, Oregon, PeeilM, Mnrtirairea, ami all klmls of laira! pnper executed with eorre,tne. carenii auenuuu trtveii tu all business entrusted to my care. W. C. SHEPARD, Attorney-at-Luw, Residence, Stanford, Oregon. Business in any court in Lincoln county promptly and carentliy at tended to. The WiM kl&. PEEK & RUSSELL, Sole Agents for Yaquina Uay, Yaqiiina, - - - Oregon. H. LEWIS. DEALER IN Boots and Shoes, Flour, Feed and Groceries, CHEAP FOR CASH. Toledo Oreeon. Oregon Pacific Railroad. I SOVIET SflVlCE. F. ftirect w, HADLEY, Receiver. Mn-4ulek Dlfpatei Rates. rf tJr' ' ' 'Yj nl titer HENKY WULF, DKAI.Ka IS In the ma Iter of the estate of Peter I lagan, deceased: B. I'. ones, executor, petitioned to be released from the position for the reason of his now being a clerk of the court; petition granted and R A. Benscll was appointed to succeed him: bond of R. A. Benscll in the sum of $3,000 filed and approved with W. C. Copelaud and O. A Krogstead sureties, ...... j!.o T ,1 . . .. j. i,li,1rl,r 1 snmrlliltif that value Ul j..-i7,o5o. .anv;u uu r-"P. ; .. . . ... 1-.... .1.1.. 1,n,l tlio rfr.wt of rlnm mr his lew OI 22 nuns ns 111.11 ycur una brain. If that "somethincr" is what would make the company s tax we think it be, we recommend the amount t() $4,788.47. treatment so extensively unvciueu by an institution at Forest Grove.' 1 We beg to return our most sin cere thanks to the editor of the Gazette for the advice thus freely given. We always attach more niportance to the recommendation of a cure of any kind when it comes from any person or persons who have and we heartily friends that if wc ever find it nee essary we will follow, not only their advice but their example also and then perhaps we can recom mend the cure to others. fiuween Willamette Vallay jiolnu and Sad rranenro. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. H. S. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. leaves Yaordna. October and. lith. St and November 1st. Ida leaves an Francisco. Octobet7th. lTtb.-.Ttb 1KB knrl ationt everjr ten days thereafter. This l ompanr re-erres tbe rlrbt to ebanre aiiiut .lam without nuilr. RIVER STEAMERS. l"ai!y service tiwpn l' rtlnd and Pa'.eni and IHer illauiette river joints. Mil . Ally, ineral !iiiriiiendent if disrrnt men eaa leefire a M. la. Fit. Wise; d Lirar;. Fresh beer on draft. QUIET AXD ORDJ'.KLY RK-SORT. A SPECIAL OFFER 1 flOBR. a she am.. . SI (t. mnA 1 1 mp atraAta. fur mAuf tease THE OHB(KIKLtM bacfell (be noed of dw asd eouinodlou. bulldlna emlracto all tbe inodera linprovaineuu. with (lie laieel inpryrd raaohlnarr lor turnln oat nie ifopotltni.w. j( n-w baa It. an4 ona Uia( faeiue voaar mar iuj m.uu be whole oaat 111a Address Ioc Box 1, Toledo, LOT, C. POWELL, Civil Engineer and Surveyors Lines of Original Surveys accurate ly located. Term Reasonable. Address all communications to Ona, Lincoi.x" Onwiox. Toledo, Oregon. . as It Is eartainlr tba fln.rt oa (be ooufc Row that TUB OKKrt HIA. U settUd In (ble new bone l( feels nae riviuc iia manr a oeaens. 11 maa-a iu. to tboee who renew tbair aubscrlpUoo, or w eboaw who eubesrtbe pr lot to Sepsempe ane 18 UeeKly Oregotylar; Ta Subs'rilif !-r. All those who wish to pay for their paper with potatoes or chick ens can now do so. We will take either of the above at the market price delivered at any point on i the ()WMNkVtiVuAi Months for 2.00 The rankest, rottenest fraud that runs riot In the wltolo stale of Ore gon Is the gigantic fraud unilied th state board of railway commission ers. ?c vvt were the people greater humbugged or more cleanly bilked than by this Institution, They are absolutely of no benefit to the state ami for the purpose of enabling three men tolivw off of the taxpay ers' hard iriltneil money this board exists and the state appropriates $10,000 annually to feed three com missioners and a clerk. We dfy any niiiif (o point out a single in stance of where tins hoard lias saved or earned for the people one dollar. Oil tho otht'r hand sc? how very rpcfmtly tlu-y permitted the Southern Pacific company to raise their rate so high that it Itecftnie profitable (nt teams to haul freight alongside the track frorJi Corvallis to Kueenc and intermediate points The rate is exorbitant and In some instance it is almost double the I rate that has been in force nines the building of the road. Abolish tlie board or m.ikC them earn their ' salaries. i . ...... St. Joseph, Missouri, suffered I a milium fir rpfejllllv. AS the result of a carelessly thrown i igar- A whole encycliedia full of trouble is being experienced by County Superintendent Booth and the county court in their endeavors to trace up and define the bottndar ies of the various school districts of the county. These boundaries : tried the cure personally ve been very indefinite for year i,.,w;u, , L-ind aml 11 was thouRlit that when the records arriveu mat u would he an easy matter to correct and define the boundaries. When the latter ... . . arrived, However, it was worse mixed than ever, for according to the district records the boundaries . . . C -C 11 ,!.... . The Salem Democrat says: "The 01 "la,,y " lc districts overlap ncwsoaDers of this city have here olller. n,,l one instance, one tofore deemed It their duty to have tMSlrH-1 ,!t w,,ul,y waiioweti up nnil.intf but nraise in their columns within the boundaries of anothef, of the state fair and its management. aml 1,1 anMr H'C school house is No matter how Door or how incom- situated nearly two miles outside netent the ulanaifetneiit, they have ' lill,it! of ll,e tlifitrict which it is 1 A t. i4 a soemed to be under tho impression n' m, io say tue that it would not do for a Salem ltast vcry Careless work has miner to Dolnt out its defects or 80,e of the forinei .1. 1 I ...... C.l surest chaiures. Hut the compara- BL""' superinieiuieiusoi tne county tive failure of the present fair should wen as some 01 tue district 01- ii,...n tiv.t it lu iimrt to it-ll iit-'ers. Mr. liootn and tne court . - - , The fair has not been a convince the truth success in any sense The Corvallis Ga.ette saysl ' 'Ar rangements are being made to se cure the services, as band leader, of Mr. Roselrfook, the Toledo cornet virtuoso, for the Marine ami College bands, We believe Mri Rosebfook to bo a gentleman dttvoid of all that is bad and we know hint to be a good musician, and it is our hope that those In charge of the move ment will be suet essful. A good musical organization proj)crly or ganized with necessary discipline would be the pride of our city The Parmer's Journal and the Siilem Iixlepcndctit are making bitter attacks upon Governor Pen noyer. Pennoyer knows how it feels now to be "sissed." 9iirraA in tliitt f-mmtV fir" fit jens. Stanford or Walnut. Drop , IWfiTZ&Z ?Z?Emm; h. us a card if yotf wish to pay tn that oef jjdf "" ' ' way and we will let you know uum'lH PlIBlKHUB CB . (where aixl ietiii when h 'Hvver pobtlawd. 01. Fit,-! Free! I l-'or a short time I will give a fine ette stub. If the fire ha 1 devoured 1 crayon portrait to every all the cigarette smokers of the city! one luy'K 5- worth for cash, the loss would have been more than ! Call at my store, or write for par ' cominsatcd in the minds of thei ticulars to S. N; Wilkins, the lead-,.,-.,lc ' ing furnttnre f4lcr, Corvallis, Or.- will try and locate the boundaries of the various districts so that fu ture trouble will be avoided. We are in receipt of a copy of Senator Mitchell's speech delivered recently In the senate upon the bill regaling the Sherman silver law; It is one of the most able speeches we have seen upon the great silver iiuestion, find is worth reading by every voter lii the United Suites for its financial teachings. . . The ltetald, the new populist paper at Oregon City has got out of the fihe'rit's clutches and is again running; It ought to make it nil -' right this time as It has four editors nov - i4-n e s 1 The county records as transcrib ed, came' 6Ver from Corvallis last Friday and are now snugly deposit ed in the court house in this city. The work upon the records seem to be first-class in every respect, and to fully justify the expectations of our people. The presence of these records will prove a great wVf" ventewf to Lincolnite. i i" ill - A i It 4 . ; I I t SM