Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 24, 1893, Image 4

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t. V. STt AbT, )CdWr aa troprlf tor.
''"ounhtr?Or:S;n-'ar,V T,!ido' Uu"!
Subscription Hates:
One year, ...
pix months, : . ' .
d'hree months, ; '.
iIvertllng ratet mada koown on appllQation
1 .'.'mn.' ,loUw" lrteJ In tbew cl
lmna at tire renn w Hue r week, ami will
l run uni lor.lereddlM.01 tiuued
Kvery poMmaiiter In Lincoln conntf la aulhorlz
1 to act a aKeiit lor the Lbauku. P
Kntered at the itoltice at Toledo, Oregon, ai
nerond-cuuM mall matter. T ' '
,L3 .ie" r'TOlv'"f "li pair who have not mil
r JiL !Ji.!'V"e '2Hy k""w tb,lt '"end na
,.r lered It or tbem and that they will not 1
,!lled UK)it to pay lor It. n v
Bonds for deed: for sale at the
Lkadek office.
The passage of a stay law would
Jo no good and might do an infinite
fcmount of harm.
A. J. Rader has returned from
the valley where he has been loo,kr
Jng after his farm for several weeks.
The suit agajnst M, M, Davis
looks very much like the little fish
were to be niade. suffer aqd the big
fish escae.
The O. P, has issued a bulletin
that all employees yll hereafter
j cimrgttit 01m com a mile for trav
Cling over the road.
llert Wqugh, tha O. 1. passenger
brakenian, is taking a vacation
caused by C(iUill hiy hund severely
on the glass of u car door tlie first
ml the week,
Miss Jesi Alexander presides
over tlie popular Jlotel Lincoln
.luriujj tyrs,' Buford's vacation,
which she taking at the Silet.
with her husband,
We have printed about a hun
dred blank receipts far subscription
to the Li?ai)ih, flml we are now
prepared to sell that many at $1,50
each. Don't al corns at once,
A match gumu of ball was played
lit Newport last Sunday between
t'nc Newport and Toledo clubs,
which resulted In favor of the To
J ;do boys by a score of 25 to 9.
iwo young men mat Jives in
Toledo, caught the camplug-ont
lever and walked thirteen miles
before breakfust through tho rain
to stay over night, There must
have been somo groat attraction.
Mr. and Mrs. Dodrjok and Mr
and Mrs. l'red Stanton made a fish
ing trip to the Hilctz last Saturday.
That they had good lMck'we-cau
testily to, from the receipt of n fine
jness 01 trout.
Hurley Lutz left lastTuosday for
a visit to tho east, He will visit
the World's fair, and relatives in
Illinois and Kansas, before return
ing to Oregon. We wish our friend
n pleasant visit mid wife return.
Chns, C, Brown, of Drift creek.
proved to the entire satisfaction of
the editor Inst Saturday, thut he
rould honestly lay claim to the
title of a successful deer hunter, by
bringing us as fine a ham of venison
us we ever saw, He bagged two the
day before. Accept our thanks,
Mr. Brown.
Attorney General Chamberlain
has given an opinion that the bal
lots used at the city 'election ' were
illegal, for the reason that the bal
lots had no stub, and Ltncg were
defective in form. With due re
spect for Mr. Chamberlain's legal
Qpinjon, we would like tQ tall his
attention to the following extract
from a decision of the Supreme
court of Oregqn, handed down last
January, in a similar case, the de
cision resting upqn the interpreter
tion of Section 49 of the general
election laws; "The law Is manda..
tory in the sense that it demands
and requires the county rlerks. In
the preparation of the 'official bal
lot to strictly comply with all its
provisions, JjUt not in tha sense
that a voter's right to exercise its
elective franchises will be lost be
cause of some technical mistake of
the clerk Unless the law is
clearly mandatory, or in some way
declares the consequences of a de
parture from its provisions, the
court ought not to defeat the will
of the people, when fairly express:
ed, because of an error or mistake
in the form of the ballot."
Oscar Tom was appointed by tlie
Probate court, on Tuesday, guar
dian of Lorenzo Uulonl, an Insane
jcrson, who Is now in the asylum
u Salem. His estate consists of
about 34 head of cattle and the im
provements on n homestead, on the
tipper Alsca.
The largest head of lettuce we
ever saw was brought to this ofiice
yesterday by S. A. Logan, and was
grown on his farm near Storrs, It
was much larger around than a
water pail, and one leaf selected at
random measured 11 inches across
ie way ami nearly 17 inches the
other. It was a world beater.
Chris. Cicrmansou. of Yamuna.
and Joe Strong and Henry Wulf,
of this place, returned last Satur
day from a trip to the mouth of the
Sileu river. They were gone about
n week and were camped for sever
al days. They report a most en
joyable trip canoeing up and down
the river, and lots of fun and fish
while they were out.
J. M. Wood, the blind violinist,
gave an entertainment at the court
house last Tuesday night. His per
formance was fairly acceptable, and
was attended by a small crowd.
He has quite a reputation as a per
former upon the violin, but in our
opinion we have a violinist right a'
home in the person of A. Rosehrook
who plays a better class of music
than Mr. Wood.
Beach Mining.
Abput very so often, or perhaps
a little oftener, there appears at the
beach varjpus and divers persons
who make a gallant break at beach
mining in the black sand, which is
known to be impregnated with
flour eold. This periodical out
break appears to have been again
readied this week, as five mining
claims aiii two pre-empted water
rights were filed with the county
clerk on luesday of this week.
The claims are in section 20, 1 1-1 1,
and are on South Beach, and were
file(l upon by John Robertson, C,
II. Piggott, David and Robt. Alex
ander and George Wallace, and are
all Portland parties. In clue time,
we presume, a machine for saving
the flour gold will be set up 011 the
claims, and after working it a time,
it will be laid to rest and its ghost
will mingle with those of several
other machines of like use. whose
bones bleach upon the beach.
A Benton county paper savs:
"If the assets of the defunct bank
of Hamilton, Job & Co,, continues
to decrease at the rapid rate In
which they have since the time thev
cloned, they will soon have to make
an assessment upon the cred
itors to raise enough money to pav
the assignee his salary, Junction
City Times. For trracious sake
t - 1
Bro. Times, give a m.?.f "LreTlir for
what he does say. It would seem
like it would be very far from any
of the lleuton county papers to say
anything of the kind. In fact they
say noiiung in as loud a voice as
possible, The crying need of Ben
ton county just now seems to he a
paper that will say something.
License to marry was issued this
week to W, M. Wilson and Emma
Zink, both of Little Elk.
The apportionment of the state
school fund has been made, and
County Treasurer penlingtr today
received a check for $834.40 as
Lincoln county's portion, This
money will be apportioned to the
various districts ag soon as the
check can be collected.
A tramp came near setting fire
to the Tillitson boys' bam night
before last, and they had to fight
fire all day vesterdav to nrctert
their property. Some tramp will
make connection with a convenient
limb on a tree some of these days
for setting out fires carelessly.
Some sort of an insurrection
must be on hand at Chitwood, as
a telegram came this evening for
the sheriff to go to that place and
take charge of the depot at that
place, Some trouble occurred be
tween the railway agent and the
company. Deputy Parrish left for
the scene of trouble on a hand car.
Begun to Grind.
Henry J)enlinger has brought
a civil suit as county treasurer ol
Lincoln founty, against M. M. Da
vis, to recover the sum of 1,1 on of
county money which was in the
pc:;:;c-oiOii of Daws a cashier ol" the
Yaquina bank when the Hamilton,
Job & Co., fiasco came. Attach
raent papers were placed in the
hands of Sheriff Landis, who at the
time of going to press is supposed
to be in the wilds of Alexandria, or
vicinity attaching all the property
of the defendant's that he can find.
The prosecution of the case will be
conducted by District Attorney
Condon and Judge Kelsay.
K. M. WADE & CO.,
Hardware, Stoves and Ranges c
Orders from Lincoln County solicited and will be
Given Prompt Attention,
Hard Luck.
iiie idea ot culling a spacial ses
sion of the legislature to pass a stay
law does not seem to meet with
much Approval by the poople gen-
crolly, It seems to us that Oregon
is not in need of a special session
to enact any law, but the crying
need Is for the repealing of some of
the unwise laws passed by the lost
legislature. If at least f 500,000 of
unexpended appropriation could be
stopped, the mortgage tax law
placed buck on the statute books
and a few other unwise laws repeal
ed a special session would be pro
ductive of good, but to call the
legislature in session to enact more
laws Is not necessary or called for.
' HI
The following are the arrivals at
the popular Hotel Lincoln for the
week ending today:
C. J. Atwood, Salem; Mrs. More
house, Hilgard; Albert Mcnker,
Mill Creek: Mr. and Mrs. New-
land, Hilgard; Dr. Carter, Elk
City; P. O. Mays, Elk Citv; I. J.
Pepin, Chitwood; Capt. Ramsdell,
Elk City: W. N. C. Lonsdale, Elk
City: E. W. Powers. Elk City; O.
G. Databa, Elk City; S. Brown,
Pfcmcer; James Wood, violinist;
G. L. Moulton, Albany: Dr. Crock
er, Wold port; O. C. Simpson, Elk
City; J. E. Dixon, Elk City: Jno.
D. Daly, Corvallis: Simon Lindton,
Yuquina; M. Mackey, Yaquina.
' -
Judge Burt and wife, of Elk City,
are visiting friends in Toledo today.
. --
Free! Fre!
Eor a short time I will give a fine
life sie crayon portrait to every
one buying $2$. worth for cash.
Call at my store, or write for par
ticulars to S. X. Wilkins, the lead
ing furniture dealer, Corvallis, Or. patent,
County Clerk Jones is in receipt
of the following letter, which relat
es to a tale of woe to a matrimoni
ally inclined young man of Little
Little Elk, Or., Aug., 22, 1H93
Mr. is. 1. Jones,
Toledo, Oregon.
My Dear Sin I herewith return
to you within marriage license.lun
executed, by order of the prospec
tive groom. "Barkus was willin"
but Seinantha flew the track, and
took to the brush about twenty
minutes before I reached the house.
and as I was not expecting to have
to run down the game, did not take
my long winded hounds, nor any
salt, hence the wedding was
flash in the pan.
Yours Respectfully,
G. P. Luckuy.
Eddyville Items.
On 1-nday night a large hast of
friends gathered at the residence of
II. Hewitt to see Mr. William
Wilson and Miss Emma Zink unit-
. 1 ? .
eti 111 inarnaire. u Iiph nil no
ready some one was absent. Who
was it but the young lady above
spoken of. Found owing to hard
times and the high price of dry (roods
and drapery thought it necessary to
keep what her purse contained so
the marriage was postponed. Mr.
ilson's friends were much aston
ished. After a short conversation
over the young lady's proceedings.
Mr. Luckey, the Justice and Mr.
W. Wilson, the unlucky, and friends
retired without a word of congratulation.
Haying is done and harvesting is
well under wav.
Emma McBride from Shedd is
visiting her brother C. C. McBride.
wnue longer still another shot was
The following are the transfers
of real estate as filed in the county
clerk's office for week ending to-
W. P. Stitt to R. F. Baker, bond
for deed.
Geo. Maddox & wife to Xettie J.
Baker, lots u and 12, block 6 in
Waldport Item. I
More wagons coming to the J
coast, overland, every day; all tie
having an enjoyable time. I
The law suit came off Friday fct- j
tween James Allen and S. and W, !
Hoover. Thfc plaintiff, James!
Allen, was granted judgement. j
Wm. Helms is busy putting in
shaving and counters in the Har-;
rison store. I
Miss Connie Diven spent Sunday I
at the Yahats. j
C1.. :.. i 1
waniKjii iicvci uaiuc 111 vj aiuw. . - -
Mrs. Jtepworth and two daugh-!
ters are guests at Harrison's. They J
hail from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ruble and
sister Lavina Vrt for an extended ,
visit to the Alsea Valley Tuesday, j
Ten German lords passed through
town Saturday enroute to Ten :
Mile. They were bent on getting j
some Americana elk to carry back i
to Germany asLa trophy of their:
good raarkmanship. j
There was a dance in the school .
house over in the Bend, Saturday
night, with a goal attendance.
Some Waldportites ;were over in
dulging in the light fantistoe.
Charles Dixon went to Newport ;
U ednesday to hsh. Fishing is bet-1
ter in Yaquina Bay.
Semper Fidelis).
Drift Creek Items.
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc.
lid m! Fn
Toledo, Oregon,
Dealer In
Foggy weather on Drift Creek.
"B. F's house is going up a Ayr
ing" W. M.
Milt Young is on Drjft Creek
looking after his ranch. Hg has
the best place on Drift Creek.
Albert Meaker was on the Creek
B. F. Wilhoit and William
Marginson were in Toledo Saturday.
John Arnold and William Grif
fith went to the County Seat Mon
George and James Hodges are
visiting on Drift Creek.
Miss Cora Grant and her brother.
Lester, were on the Creek visiting
''Jerry is death on Jays." W. M.
William , Mareison left for San
Francisco Tuesday.
Jerry Banks, William Martison
and Frank Wilhoit went to the top '
of Table Mountain: last Wednes
day to look ai the beautiful scenery
to be seen from there, but when
they got there they found everv-
thing covered up with fog.
Wm. Davenport is in erecting
his domicile on his new ranch at
Lick Skillet. '
Quite a sensational affair occured
on Drilt Creek, last Saturday night.
V m. Griffith, usually called Billy,
was awakened on the aforenamed
night, about eleven o'clock, by a
shot fired in close proximity to his
humble habitation. Now Billy is a
very excitable young man and in
less than no time, almost, he was
out of bed and out of doois, revolv
er 111 hand reaviv to defend his
home against all aggressors. Billy
is very patriotic, he believes that
every man's houe ishiscastle, and
will defend it to the verv last breath.
he listened breathlessly for a while,
his knees smiting together and his
whole frame trembling with sup
pressed excitement. Presently an
other shot was fired still nearer
than the first, excitement still more
intense, the dogs were charging
and barking, he thought at first
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
rienly Made Clothing, Etc.
Our Customers will find our stock complete in all lines and are sold at
moderate prices.
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinc,
Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Are you
Reading any
County Paper now?
If want a paper
That will gire you
All the Local news;
All the Coaaty news;
All the Court news,
And in
Fact all the news
That is of interest to
You should Subscribe
For the Lincoln
County Leader.
Only 81.50 per
For Bargains in Real Estate !!
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks,
Call on B P; JONES & C0.,S?ldn
l wenty-two years residence on Yaquiua Bay.
thatsomeonelwas shooting at his!. JU!a "irCCl irOlll JNCW 1 Ol'k
doRs but none were hun, he stiii (Manufacturers an assorted line of Nnvoltv
waited and listened for further de- Tiff ten n,m,l, 2.1 t . , J
velopments. and after waiting a! J . 1 i 1U latest PattCHlS
while loncer still another shot wnsiaild DcilTllS lit Dl'OSS fannilc
fired quite close a'. hand. Thi was twii tlmv nv on.w,!,,',, j.
the last though he landshiv."11111' Ult M"H'thlllff CXtra.
ered a while Inner. It Kill
w.. wj. Jijux JU?, Oregon
ered a wnue loncer. lie saw noi
one nor did he anything; more. I
He does not know what to think of!
it, or what anyone wants to shoot;
around peoples hi .ises at midnight j
for, and disturb their midnight
slumbers. All is .-juiet at present, i
mouRn is verv much ex
Itealer in
PIANOS. ORGANS and MIKimi Mrn-i,,.
Inker's addition to Newiwt; con- slmu,,ers- Ilis , met nt present. ' '-r.v.nHNUI3t,
t,..... . ... . William IS Verv much ev- Mw1iurterii forthebcit
luvtatiuiu 3IAA.. I . '
Wm.Knnisto Lydia Knnis. Mjyno tnc ,uSce. even at .V,r,m, Much ,,. nicjrte,, ;, Fishht(, T, ... .
1 uic i'iocui wniir.wr. 1 . .......
acres lanu: consideration $t. 00. ' ""if wmm.
ftarnnitl . i win Ma. '&tn ami Ht lniirrmur :. .
i X T M'.'ll....'. 1... 1 - 1 I
J. R. Bay ley and S. Case to John, . . , , . . , ;
. Smith liili 11 i- mi. i.. ! "v,t" .
' " I - ...... . Ill l .w. . . . ,.
v. . , cre tuviieti. .- iiinuer
Neivtvwt1 (iiKi,'.'fit,Aii .111
Isaac Smith to John B. Smith, ' ...j .r ,w , 5l,v' . .... .
lots in Newport: consideration 5. i WM h..l . . . . 7 " " S ran,ne " 0,1 rPWe.. spectacles and
. ...... v.... va a- -v t. vi n Ul A
Bailey and Case to Isaac Smith, was done. TOYS ntul ntl.,nu i
twolots i Newport: consideration; Mr. Munkers h.vs returned to bis ; XW-stablil rSS, ' "
iiviuv 11v.11 stirui. 1
United States to T. E. Parker. Aueuutji. iSot. i ViM'Mfxr, till at lAtin-nt
. , ...... M m MMMf f-lj.pd
peoialtr. Work
field glasse
J. "WILL, Corvallis, Oregon
The place to get four
And all klndi of
Is at tha
Price and Work Satisfactory.