Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 03, 1893, Image 4

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i. P.KTKWAKT, Mlt,rd IT.rlttor.
,'uMl.he'l every Tiinrvliiy it Tulcl. Lincoln
Coutily, orchrou.
Subscription Uat:
One year, . . .
f?ix months, - - ,
Three months, , 7
. -5"
'lvertisltiH rule maU known on application
tuliicii In h1 will le lnncrie.1 in thete pol.
union at live entn k.t line per week, nn.l mn
I run until ordtrcl IlM:oiiiimicl.
fvery pontmaiilcr In Unc.ln comity In authorlz.
dl ti nc't at agent Inr the I.kahkii.
Cntcreil at the pontollire nl Tolclo. OroKoii, ns
tWfiina-iflasH Liail mutter.
I'nrtlnii receiving thin paper ho have nut orl
frcii the mime may know that wmie (rlm1 hnH
inleri-.l It for them anl Hint they Hill m,t l!
fnllel itputi ( pay (or It.
Hale rope at Copt-land's,
George .Sylvester, of Nevjort,
)iad Inistness in Toledo last T lies-
Mrs. Percival and Mrs. Stover,
pnth of Yaquina City, were in the
fity last Monday.
A broken wheel on a flat ear
near Norton Siding last Saturday
caused the freight to delay the pas
senger a short time.
Mrs. Lydia Hunt, the new su
perintendent at the agency, visited
the family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jay
Jiulord this week.
Wc tire informed that Austin
Koschrooks and bis innther have
jibout $1,400 in one of the recently
closed banks of Portland.
1'oijm, iA bunch of keys, 011
the JH-poo Slough road. The
nwnr ctin lutvc the same by call
jug M oflieo itnd paying for
this notice,
Mrs, AHroonnd family will move
to Newport tomorrow, where they
will reside- while the boys work on
a house of which Oliver Allree is
architect and contractor.
The closq season 011 deer expired
last Monday, and on Tuesday about
Jialf of our malo population made a
Jicgira to the woods in hopes of se
curing a choice bit of venison.
The third Demorest silver medal
contest was held nt the court house
last Saturday night. The medal
was won by Miss Ollie I.ogan. All
the pieces were of high order and
worthy of mention.
Much credit is due Messrs, Robt,
Campbell, II, K, Jones and C. It.
Crosno, for their efforts in arrang
ing for entertaining the San Fran
cisco excursionists during their
stop here; niul praise Is also due the
Jadies lor their assistance in dec
Mrs. Thompson, of West Yatii
tin, met with an accident last .Sat
urday, which came near resulting
in a broken leg. She stepped into
hole cut through the floor of an
tipper room for (stovepipe, It
was feared for n lime that her leg
was broken, but it proved 10 be on
ly severely wrenched,
Dr. Rowland, the stipciinteud
rnt of the insane asylum at Salem,
was in Toledo last week looking
after some property interests he
lias near this place, He went
home on Saturday, but expects to
return in a short time ami make a
fitay of several days, lie thinks
the climate at Toledo Is the most
delightful of any in Oregon.
Jos. ilson, a young attorney ol
Corvallis and for many yeais depu
ty county clerk of Kenton county,
was in Toledo yesterday looking
up the situation of matters and
things generally. Rumor hath it
that Mr. Wilson is seriously con
templating hanging out his law
nhingle at this point at no distant
Two or three pat ties in town are
in the habit of borrowing the
I.KADKK from their neighbors to
read, thus saving the price of sub
eription. We are aware that the
l.KAPKK is a necessity in oil well
regulated households, and if those
borrowers will kindly hand in their
names wc will send them the paper
free lor three months, and thus save
the trouble of borrowing it,
E. 1). YoiMiir. of Chitwood. was
Bonds for deeds for sale at the
Lkaukk office.
A large amount of
received on the last
Sheriff Ford, of
county, and lamily went
to the beach yesterday.
F. M. Stanton, the happy and
genial post trader at the Siletz, was
over a couple of days this week.
Our thanks are due Mr, and Mrs,
Ileastiu, Nashville, for generous
hospitality extended last Saturday,
15, F. Jones made a business trip
to Albany, Oregon City and Port
land this week, returning yester
day. W. S. Condon, our district attor
ney, went to the Siletz today,
returning to his cottage at New
port this evening,
Nude bathing during the day in
public view is liable to get some
of our youngsters into trouble if
they don't look out,
Kx-County Clerk Hughes, of
Washington county, accompanied
by his family went through to
Newport on yesterday's train.
Mrs, Win, Alexander has been
spending several days visiting rel
atives at Corvallis, returning home
on Tuesday last. Since that time
Jiill has quit staying out bite with
the bovs, but goes home with the
cows, so to speak.
We regret to learn of the serious
illness of Commissioner Stearns
his homo on the Alsea. He is suf
fering with inflammation of the
lungs, and his illness is repo! ted to
to le quite serious. e note
soon note his recovery.
A party composed of the Misses
Campbell and Chambers, and
Frantz and Fred Chambers started
for the mineral springs above Klk
City last Monday, for a couple of
week's camping out. T. E. Par
Kcr aim lamuy leit lor the same
place yesterday,
If the assets of the defunct bank
of Hamilton, Job & Co., continue
to decrease at the rapid rate in
which they have since the time they
closed, they will soon have to make
an assessment made upon the cred
itors to raise enough money to pay
the assignee his salary
Al. Waiigh has just finished his
hay harvest on his ranch near this
city, Mr, Watigh has put up this
year about 70 tons of excellent hay
It is sale to predict that his stock
win come lurougii next spring in
fine shape, and he will have a few
tons of hay to sell next spring when
hay gets high. All of which is ev
idence of a good rancher and good
11 any 01 me good people up
above Klk City sees a long, tall,
hungry individual meandering
around in their neighborhood car
rying a shotgun, a rille, a howie
knlle, a pair of brass knucks anil
an extra pair of brogans, they need
not feel alarmed and perform any
rash acts upon his person. He is
only the foreman o this office out
after deer and bear, and despite his
looks, he is perfectly harmless.
The belief that the coming ses
sion of Congress will take the nec
essary steps toward opening the Si-
let. Indian reservation for settle
ment, has already set a small tide
of would-be settlers In this direction
Sevetal parlies from Harney valley
in Eastern Oiegon have come over
the mountains with teams, and they
report mote coming. Thev will
locate temporarily until such time
as the reservation is thrown open
for settlement, when thev will take
up their claims within the limits.
A delicate surgical operation
was preformed last Fiiday night at
at the residence of Mr. J. S. Conk
lin, near this city. The patient
operated upon was Robert
Simpson, 0 grand son of Mr.
and Mrs. Conklin. He was in
juted by a fall from a horse when
quite small and sustained a wound
on the head, and suffered partial
paralysis and uberration of mind
thereby. Dr. Rich, believing that
relief could be nfiorded, ond called
in Drs. Applewhite and Leonard,
of Corvallis, to assist him, and
also assisted by Dr". Carter, the
was prelormed. The
TJie Merchants' Excursion.
From Waldport.
freight was The Merchants' excursion from ; Lrage crowds of people are
burner for San Francisco arrived Yaquina last ' marching the streets of Waldport,
: Saturday on the steamer Willamette ', They come from Alsea Valley and
Washington j Valley. On Saturday evening they , Corvallis for recreation. They have
through ! wfcre ulKen 10 Newport and were their guns and fishing rods with
served with air elegant supper at j them and are going to the beauti-
ine jjay lew, 111 which Host and j ful stream called Yahats, to fish
Hostess Abbey fully sustained the and hunt.
great reputation of their popular, Mr. W. C. Shepard Is quite busy '
house. On Sunday they inspected j seowinf? tearas (Wn from the head
the government works under the of tifle for campers
R. M. WADE & CO.,
Corvnllis. - - Oregon.
Hardware, Stoves and Ranges
B caller last 1-iidav. Mr. Younn
is the county stock bisector, un.l 1 l,lvr itu"'
was just completing a tour of in-' was 'Mlt u,ulor tUo '"leticc
miction of the Mock (,. tl... ,ol chloroform, and a piece about
the engineer in charge. At mid
day they were driven to the Hotel
Monterey, on Big Creek, where a
most excellent lunch was served.
In the evening they were driven
back to Newport and served with
an elaborate repast at the popular
Ocean House. On Sunday a por
tion of the excursionists were taken
out to the valley by a special train.
On Monday morning the balance
of them, consisting principally of
members of the board of Trade and
merchants of San Francisco, ware
taken out on the regular train.
At Toledo they were met by a
large crowd of citizens who had as
sembled to pay their respects to the
distinguished visitors. The fine,
new brick depot was handsomely
decorated with bunting, flowers
and evergreens. As the heavily
loaded train drew into the station
iney were greeted with music by
the loledoband, after which, the
Corvallis band, which was along,
rendered an excellent piece of mu
sic. three hainlsome little girls,
each bearing a loaded tray of flow
ers and gave each of the quests a
handsome bouUonierrc, and three
boys distributed a small pamphlet
containing a short description of
1 oledo and its resources. A short
address of welcome was made by
tl r t-
jion. v-, ji, crosno, and was re
sponded to by Hon, J, H. Stetson,
a merchant of San Francisco and a
member of the Hoard of Trade of
that city. His remarks were quite
felicituous, and at their close elici
ten a good applause. After being
photographed the train sped on its
way Valley-ward, At Pioneer they
stopped for a short time and a com
mittee visited the famous Pioneer
stone quarries. This was their last
stop in Lincoln countv, Thev all
expressed themselves as greatly
pleased with their treatment at this
end ol the road, the memory of
which will linger in their minds for
a long time.
Speaking of the excursion the
lbauy Herald says of Toledo:
'The new brick depot at Toledo
presented u beautiful appearance as
the train passed with the San Fran
cisco excursionists on board. It
was handsomely decorated with
bunting, flags, ferns and a large
arch handsomely trimmed, to which
was attached a banner containing
these words: "Toledo's welcome to
Oregon," traced in ivy, which was
among the very much admired.
When the train came to a stop three
of Toledo's pretty young maids en
tered the coaches presenting each
of trie strangers with a handsome
boutouiere and a pamphlet gotten
up expressly for the occasion, set
ting forth the history of that thrifty
young city and country and its re
sources, in which the meson t man
agement of the Oregon Pacific R.
R. Co. were kindly remembered.
Excellent music was furnished both
here and nt Yaquina by the Toledo
and Corvallis bauds. Robert Camp
bell, an old-time Oiegon Pacific
man had charge of the decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett are visit- !
ing friends and relatives on the
Hay this week,
Robert Harrison made r flying
trip to Yaquina yesterday,
Mrs. Anna Baldwin has just re
turned from the valley where tfhe
has made a long visit,
Miss Emma Shimmel Is home on
a short visit from Portland,
Rev. Ooly, from Eugene, is hold
ing services regularly for the pres-'
ent. He is the guest of Dr. Diven. i
Mrs, Early and Mrs, French are j
making quite an extended visit up j
the river at their old home. j
David Ruble is making quite ex
tensive improvements on his prop- i
erty near town, j
Quite interesting meetings are !
being held here by Revs. Ooly and j
Hartinan, j
Mr. Ed. Baldwin returned from j
the valley yesterdey,
Dr, (Mines, our
treating a case of cancer
Charles Diven Is gone on a trip
to Newport.
There was a dance in the Hall
Saturday night, with supper at the
Alsea House.
Skmpkk Fiokus.
Orders from Lincoln County solicited and will be
Given Prompt Attention.
I-I. JVE. BPRlLJJNrKl, Prop.,
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc.
llii ui hi hi is hmim,
flfirj onirr and oudehly
Toledo, Oregon,
lieit'er In
specialist is 1 i)ry q00(is Groceries, Hardware,
:er at Wald- J 1 '
.Uoiidy Made Clothing, Etc.
NOTICE. All parties indebted
to me must settle the same without
delay, T. P. Eish.
Letter List.
The following letters remain tin
called for in the postoffice at Tole
do, on July 31, 1893:
Christenson, Mr, C,
Derby, J. D.
Oarett, Dox
Hoys, E. M.
I.lndermau, Jul.
Merrill, Mrs. N. S.
Rough, Mr. Charley
Thorn, A. W. Esq.'
Williams, C. H.
Williams, C.
W. E. Rich, P. M.
Our Customers will find our stock complete in all lines and are solda
moderate prices.
gi-am:rau merchandise,
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing.
DAY1 i:S STI M PSON .A t the
bride's father at Newport, Ore
gon, Tuesday, August 1st, 1S43,
Marcus C. Daviesand Miss Kate
M. Sthnpson, Rev. Chas. Pooth
Jle Informed us that the condition
the sie of a silver quarter, and the
- nitiiii s :i iv i.r (i.rti.'tii..i. ...
of the Mock inspected Vvas first- moved. This formation was press-
class. He did not find a trace of ug against the brain, and in the
scab or other disease among the . ,,P,' ' ''' doctors, is the cause
sheep; nor traces of nnv disease i t'ic. tn,!,,,1 wit. which the pa-
. , ,- .. ' tieut has U-cu utlltcled. The oier-
atty stock. This speaks quite well ati;l Wi(S a m,,, MUvess(ll; '0!le
for Lincoln rounly ns n stvk conn, and at this wtiting the patient is
ty. cxjH-riencing guU relief.
BOWMAN 1 1 Y DE. At the res
idence of the bt ide's parents, on
Little Elk, Wednesday morning.
August 2, 1 803, H. A. Bowman,
of Marion county, ud Miss Ida
Hyde, of Lincoln county.
The bride is the daughter ofj.
.. Hyde, a prominent resident of
.ittle Elk, and who was for several
ears a druggist at Dallas, Polk
county, and is an intelligent and
tefined young lady. The gr.vmt is
an entetprisiug young man, and for
several years was foreman of the
Capital Journal office at Salcui.
Notice is hereby given that for
the purpose of making an examina
tion of all persons who may offer
themselves as candidates for teach
ers of the schools of this .county.
the county school superintendent
thereof wiil hold a public examina
tion at Newport on the 9th. day of
August, 1S03, commencing at the
hour of 1 p m. Dated this 27th.
nay 01 July, 1N93.
Chas. Booth. i
County Shoool Sup't.
A Fine Hnrjrnin for Thirty Pays
Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
For Bargains in Real Estate!!
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property, in single Lots or Blocks,
Eighty acres of timber and bot
tom land, situated near Toledo.
Can reach the land by road or
water. Wood enough on the land
to pay for clearing. Will sell cheap
for cash or will svive an interest in !
the land for clearing, or would oe j Twenty-two years' residence on Yaquina Bay.
willing to trade an interest for a ! "
goo.l young stallion, imported stock, I
Belgian or German Coach pre'erred.
Address I.ock Box No. 1S, Toledo,
Lincoln County, Oregon.
Call on B. Ft JONES & CO.,5SSz
A luirirain in Eighty Acres.
SC . I KTI 1I XG X i :AV !
I have just received direct from XowYork
Eighty acres of bud situated Manuiadurcrs an assorted line of Novoltv
tidewater, three miles from Toledo, ul 11111 1,1 Lll
partly cleared, well watered and'1,,VSS lO0US Comprising tllC Latest PattOHlS
'SI.;V Z T1 1)l'"s in 1)ross Goods- Call and see
and suitable for iarmini: or stock 1,11111 1 IllCy a IV SOniOtillinr etl'il.
Are you
Reading any
County Paper now?
If want a paper
That will give you
All the Local news;
All the County news;
All the Court news,
And in
Fact all the news
That is of interest to
You should Subscribe
For the Lincoln
County Leader.
Only 81.50 per
raising. Good hay laud on place.
Will he sold at a bargain if taken
soon. lall on ov address, tins of
fice for further particulars. tf.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be recci ed by the county
court ot Lincoln countv. Or.
till August 10. r oj, for ti c erec
tion o, .1 trestle bridire.
length on t'.ie r t '.
Notice to fishermen.
r t ! rir!::::; !rom
jTolelo to the Du iden bridge, over
jtide laud on G. If. Ro-.tlrcok's
I... 1 .....a-!... I 1.1 .
I i.iii 1, ue.ii t.'ieuo. I Mlisau.l speci
1 w ill be at Capl. Nice's cauneiy j fK- itions In-s en at the office of
on the AUm, on August 1 1 . and I the county detk . f Lincoln o-mtv
u. to register all persons who wish Oregon. The ruht is te-erv-.l ,.1
1 tejvS-t aw or a'.'.
J. Wm. WILL,
Dealer in
llrit.iir!er d r the bon
Sririmj Mavh iin-s, llin,rl,s. ;. FM,h,;, Tnrklv. ,,
" -vulnt ..U,'l,i:.e :,,! ylnt ;rvmc.
l-mily. Work
to fish during the present
15. E. Jonks.
Civ"v Cle'k
D- P. Hi. I K.
C''1ltv Tnd...
S in, machine needle-, oil and supplies, spectacles and field glasses
TOYS nnd N.,tio nlw.ivs o, llm,.
lT.staMished 1SS1.
It' l.,r,st Ihnuf Tim,- Vccs.
I. Win. WILI, Corvallis, Oregon
The place to get your
And nil kliuli of
Ilt th
'Prices and Work Satisfactor