Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 20, 1893, Image 3

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A Matter
TT costs more to make
man anv other,
are more hi-hly refined
i.1 IA
me Koval is
higher in lpvm-r
money value to the const, f-th' and ot Sreater
in cost of Royal over flR5"" The difference
does ..fUiT-ue d: est of the others
strength, nor make KO,trence in leavening
,3 v viiiii'- ai
or the cheaper povders,'aue interior-wore
. . . ' i
impurities which such po'.or
the food.
1lfv. til. fint:t
Rnval B.-ilrinT
v ' 1 ' v I v 1 V ' 1 1 1 V 1.1 1 1 I U .-iCI i lug
Where the question of health is considered
no baking powder but Royal can be tisetf .(
with safety. All others are shown by ofiicia
analyses to contain lime, ammonia oral am?
Experimenting With Corn.
"1 made u queer and a very interesting
experiment with a growing cornstalk,''
said Harvey Samuels as he settled in one
of the great rockers in the Lindell. "1
I. - A 1 1 . 1 -.. 1 . II
effect of injecting medicines and food
into human beings, the method being pro
nounced preferable and more beneficial
in cases of extreme illness than that of
feeding through the regnlar channels.
My work with this corn plant was decid
edly interesting. I secured a small glass
B)Tinge with n very fine point toit. After
thecorn was two wceksoldandonlyafew
inches tall I began to inject the unfer
mented jniceof crushed apples. My first
injection was not quite a drop. Three
days later I repeated thedoso, increasing
it slightly In a little while the injection
was a daily occurrence and the doso in
creased proportionately. The cornstalk
waxed fat and tall. All along it gave
promise of great Hizp and large fruit.
Its height in July was fully 10 inches
ahove the tallest stalk in the field. Its
ears wi te much larger, while the silken
tassel was much smaller and lacked the
depth of color characteristic of the other
pl.,t is I took an ear home to steam
and eat 1 can tell you that the quality
of that com for eating purposes was ex
eel lent It smacked a little of apple,
jni t the slightest suggestion of it. and
not at all i'v agreeable as one might sup
pose The grains were large and juicy
In fact the quality of the corn was far
superior to anything I had ever eaten in
that line. I am going to repeat the ex
pertinent. "St. Louis (i lobe Democrat.
Scverul Ciilnelilcnees.
While the belief in talismans and
omens ia confined to the less educated
portiou of our population, even the most
Bkeptical read with interest coincidences
that simpler minds regard as prophecies.
President Garfield a few months before
his death related to a friend the follow
ing incidents
As General Garfield entered the con
vention the day of his nomination, a
man distributing leaves of the New Tes
tament handed one to him which the
engrossed politician folded and put in
his pocket. Long after the nomination
he took down the suit ho had worn that
eventful day. and before putting it on
proceeded to empty the tockets. He
drew out a paper pressed into a narrow
fold, one verse only being visible. It
was this, "The stone which the builders
rejected is become the head of the cor
ner." Again, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon
the hour of the nomination in Chicago,
an eagle, coming from no one knows
where, lighted on General Garfield's
house in Washington and sat there sev
eral minutes. This occurrence was wit
Bessed by many persons in the capital
Wide Awake.
A Nuturallat and the Snake Charmer.
A story used to be told at Cairo of the
late Sir Kichard Owen during one of his
sojourns in Egypt. The great naturalist
was seated in the shade on the veranda
at Sheppeard's hotel, as is the postpran
dial wont of visitors to that famous hos
telry, when the inevitable snake channel
came to him and produced from his bag
a lively specimen of the horned asp the
deadly eirastcs. The professor gazed,
and nothing daunted ftoped and
plucked the horns from the head of the
reptile wriggling at his feet, remarking
to a bystander that the man would prol
ably think twice before trying to palm
off upon any one else a harmless snake
as a cerastes by the aid of a couple of
fish bones. With anybody else the
charmer would probably have succeeded.
He hud tried it on the wrong uian.
London Tit-Kits.
Let us look into the force, mc.-.ti-ing,
reason of the oft-repeate-J line:
Cures Promptly and Permanently.
Pains Endured for 30 Years,
25 Years,
20 Years,
10 Years,
Have been promptly Cured by
By the use or:
Correspondence with Sufferer shows
entire permanence of cure up to this
time, in some cases covering
ft Years,
7 Years,
8 Years,
10 Years,
and to on, and this proof ve hold.
. TT, "f the .::.cil rnf..lo rf the
"lumbUn Esf-lti'-n,' d.eriptlT
M Building ind i,munds, lutifully iliu,.
iral"). iu attr color effects, will U iil to
any .it-- ,,,, prompt 0f hr (n te
Jitrj- T Ths CHasLts A. Vc!H to..
I K I. 2f. U. No. Wl S. F. S. U. So. 57s
ol Health
Royal Bat'
."ing Powder
hr - cniw ;
,..,nSly mrer
r 'T .
iinl,- o.-. 1,., 1ht-
The lleavrni In the Nortti.
From the last dava of Mnv tntsra ..
of July in tho northern part "of this land
the sun shines day and night upon 1t
' UtULO, lUikO
valleys, towns, villages, hamlets, fields
and farms, and thus Sweden and Nor
way may be called the land of tin bid'
night sun. During th'. period of fori
tinuous davliirht the stars are never seen
the moon appears pale and sheds no
ligtit upon tlio earth. Summer is short,
giving just rime enontrh for tho wild
flowers to grow, to bloom and to fade
away, and barely time for tho husband
man to collect his harvest, which, how
ever, is sometimes nipped by a summer
A few weeks after the midnight sun
has passed tho hours of sunshiue shorten
rapidly, and by tho middle of August
tho air becomes chilly and the nights
colder, although during the day the sun
Is warm. Then the grass turns yellow,
the leaves change their color, wither and
fall; the swallows and other migrating
birds fly toward the south; twilight
eomes once more; the stars, one by one.
make their appearance, shining brightly
in the pale blue sky; the moon shows
itself again as the queen of tho night and
lights and cheers the long and dark days
of the Scandinavian winter.
The time comes at last when tho sun
disappears entirely from 6iulit: theheav
ens appear in a blaze of light and glory.
and tne stars and tlie moon palo before
the aurora borealis. "Land of the Mid
night Sun."
Wanted to III iihb Tlicm OPT.
Passing down a quiet street not long
sinco I saw two beautifully dressed wom
en approaching. They were clad in deli
cate colors, and spick and span from
head to foot. Between them and me was
a garbage wagon, and just as they came
opposite about two tons of aches was
hoisted into it with a result to the women
that was detrimental to their appearance
to a marked degree.
"That mean old thing," said one.
"I know he did it on purpose," said tho
"My eyes are so full of ashes I can't
see a thing."
"And so is my mouth," said the other
But the climax was reached when the
driver of tho garbage wagon accosted
them, saying:
"Wouldn't yees like me to brush vees
i oar
These two women proved that warm
hearts were beating beneath their dainty
clothes, for they only thanked him kind
ly, but refused. New York Herald.
The Ciittne Needed Editing.
Three newspaper men were playing al
ltged billiards in the sp;icios billiard
room of the Palmer House the other after
nooa, while two fellow workers iu the
business looked on and made remarks
about the game. The game could not
stand many remarks. It was weak and
baiting. When, after many efforts and
sundry wild dabs with the cue, one of the
trio would count, the quintet would in
dulge iu wild hilarity. But this did not
happen oflea.
The button were becoming fastened on
the wire by rust. The play was had
Shots were made with the let intentions
in the world, hut somehow the balls al
ways rolled too far to one side or the other.
Finally, after a period of futile shots, one
of the onlookers said:
"You fellows ought to get some one to
'rend copy' on that game you're playing.''
"How is tlua'" asked the player who
bad mlsed last.
"Lecanse there's so much bad English in
it."-Chicago Herald.
' A Thlii Opening for Light.
i Experiments made In Hartford show
that light can bo seen through a clean cut
opening of not more than one forty thou
sandtli of an Inch. This fact was deter
mined by taking two thorouKhly clean,
straight edcg, placing a piece of paper l
tween the surfaces al one end, the opposite
end being allowed to Pime together. The
' straight ed'is litini placed lietween the
eye and a strong li'ht in a dark room, a
wrdgeof light w as perceived from the en U
betw-een which the paier was pl.-u-ed and
the opposite, which were brought together
The thickness of the paper lieing kno'vn.
the distance apart of the two edge of t!ie
mall end of the wedge of light wan easi!
rn'.culatH, and tiie result was shown ai
above, tlchange.
Seasoning Timber.
I Oak limber loes alut one-fifth of Its
t Wright In seasoning and uboiil one-third
of its weight In becoming dry. j rid nil
drying and M-aoning are considered the
mo-l favorah to the doraluiity n'rl
strength of t ; n: Ikt. Kiln 4rying is pur
ticiilarly serviceable for bo-inis and pieces
of small dimensions, and nolens performed
slow ly is apt to cause ctai-ks and impair
the strength of the wood. If timber of
large dimensions be Immerved in water for
some weeks it is Improved, and Is less lia
ble to warp and crack in seasoning. I'hila
delphia Ledger.
Mrs. William II. Vanderhilt sometimes
rides ID a high French carriage of striking
design that is remarked by thousands in
Central park. New Vork. as a very tine aud
on q ie reucie It Is lined throughout
with uiin, aud sets so high at the springs
that it is provided with a fl gl.t of ste(
1U the tamiij coaches cat oUlea Uma
TWs crescent shaped and flexible blade.
Yith time dulled, tawny pold inlaid.
'Neath skie knew the eastern star
Was found within so old bazaur.
I niinJ me well, how, parsing by.
We caught the rnorrhant's gleaming eye.
Where in his ilim recess lie al
Upon his preeiou-t Persian mat,
Lrbane he iva and grave of mien.
This patriarchal Damascene;
He lured ns to his small divan;
A serving boy for ootTee ran.
And. while we sipped, he laid before
Our eyed Lis wondrous flora.
There from worn sheaths, once bright wits
We saw protrude the jeweled hilu
There ivory from Heniral brought
With Saracenic art was wrought:
And there keen steel was looked upon
That tike moon-burnished water shone.
But most of ail on me laid bold
This blade, wiih letters strangely scrolled
Some curious Koran text, no doubt,
bidding the warrior's heart be stout
And, when we took our way afar,
I bore it from the old bazaar.
He had a deadly supple wrist
Who wielded it of yore, 1 wist.
And oft, mayhap, in goodly stead.
He fl.ished it o'er his turbaned bead
When some Crusader, huge and griui,
Iu the thick press confronted him.
PcrcLaiu-e bis zealous soul now roves
In peaceful paradisial groves;
His blade 1 wond.T dic3 he know?
Is nothing hut a curio!
Aid what a fate its fate has been
.. The blade that cleft for Saladiul
Clinton Scollurd in Upplnnrtt'a.
Some lleautlfitl Sentiments About That
Place Which Is Loved by All.
The London Tit-Hits offered a prize for
the best definition of home. Here are some
of the best of 5,000 answers sent in.
The golden setting in which the bright
est jewel is "mother."
A world of strife shut out, A work.
loie. allot ill. v
A ship upon the ocean of life, where
captain is assiatd by n first class nmt'gun.
s.ntre of prosperity becomes too dazzling; a
j harbor where the human bark lluds ahel
!V.'r iu the time of adversity.
- iioine is tue Uiossoui of which heaven Is
tie fruit.
Alome is a place, that a married man
fcV s before his tuother-iu law conies to
stay there.
Home is a person's estate obtained with
out injustice, kept without disquietude; a
place where time is spent without repent
auce, and which is ruled by justice, mercy
ami love.
A grand old mirror, through which both
sides of us nre seen.
That source of comfort which yout h does
not fully appreciate, which the young men
and maidens lovingly desire, which the
middle aged generally possess, which the
old rightly value.
A hive iu which, like the Industrious bee,
youth garners the sweet and memories of
life for age to mcdiun and feed upon.
The place where the cook spoils the din
ner, where the baby spoils the night's rest,
and where a late breakfast for au early
train spoils the digestion.
A place easily left but not so easily for
Tho place where tho great are some
times small and the small often great.
The divinely appointed school for man
kind, where husband and wife, parents
and children mutually educate one an
ot her.
When good, a man's kingdom and ha
ven of refuge; when indifferent, a parade
ground of duty; when bad, the torturer's
cage in which of old the victim could
neither move nor rest nor stand nor lie.
The kingdom of luve whose queen is
The world's workshop for the manufac
ture of character.
A mint, in which our characters (the
coins of life) are stamped and impressed.
A junction on love's railway.
The best place for a married man after
business hours.
Home is the cosiest, kindliest, sweetest
place iu ail tho world, the scene of our
purest earthly joys and deepest sorrows.
A place the clubman retires to when
weary of his club.
The only spot on earth where the faults
and failings of falleu humanity are hidden
uiiilcr the mantle of charity.
Where mot her lives.
The father's kingdom, the children's
paradise, the mother's world.
The jewel casket containing the most
precious of all jewels domestic happiness.
The place at which the bread winner
looks to obtain some little rest and quiet
ness after a day of toil, and the favorite
sojourning place of one's offspring w hile
there is aught to lie got out of it, and the
place just as studiously Avoided by them
when their pecuniary position would war
rant something; being got out of them.
Where you are treated best and you
grumble most.
Home is a central telegraph office of bu
man love Into which run Innumerable
wires of Affection, many of which, though
extending thousands of miles, are never
disconnected from the one great terminus.
The center of onrallections.arouud which
our henrts' best wishes twine.
A little hollow scooped out of the windy
lull of the w orld w here we can be shielded
from its cares and annoyances.
A popular but paradoxical Institution,
Iu which woman works iu the alisence of
man aud man rests Iu the presence of wo
A working model of heaven, with real
angels iu the form of mothers aud wives.
The place w here all husbands should be
at night.
The place In which you live till you are
old enough to gi t away from It, and to
which you uever fail to return when there
is nowhere else to go.
The antipodes of hail lodgings.
The place dearest to those who have
tost iu
An abode on which the Inmate, the
"superior being called man," can pay back
at night w ith to per ceut. interest every
annoyance that has met him fa business
during the day.
The only place on earth where man Is
seen as he truly la
A place tbiil Is cither made or marred
by a woman.
A place we are always unhappy away
from and never contented Iu
An oari in the desert of life w here one
can find a shady retreat from the sun nl
toil aud drink from the well of happiness
A seat of bliss where naught's aiuisa.
A universal lodestoue
A school wherein we are taught the most
important lessons uf life, for they constl
tute tue basis upon which we build the
whole supers! met ii re of our cbantcterm.
There are in Illinois many extinct lakes,
whleh can easily be transformed into sheer.
ef water by the simplest means. All tht
enormous Vljiice I'laln," as It is known to
geologist., comprising Wisconsin. Mi one
sola and Michigan, north of the Ohio river,
is dotted w it h tonntbss sheets of water,
Conditions luing favorable for creating
many more by u b inexpensive artifice as
the (lamming of str-,'ui,H.
The young Prince of Naples, he lr to tb
throne of Italy, is said to lie a model prince,
intellectually and morally. He ia an only
child, Idolized hybis parents, and a scholar
And a gentleman iu every sense of the word
Jssmlne Is an Indian shrub. Its starry,
wax white bl'fcuonis art Inn'ncribabl
sweeL All the burning pain and paasion
And pathos And mystery of the Hindoo ra.
stem to rise up to you la Its breath.
Ao expert electrician asserts that an elec
tric train making 1 miles an bour would
require T.Ouo feet la which to com to a
the Visitant O.lh-er. of the Ciar
Were Cleverly Outwitted.
On the secoud day after our arrival in
Krasnoyarsk we narrowly escaped getting
Into what might have been serious trouble
as the result of au unexpected perquisition
in the bouse of tne acquaintance with
whom Shamarin and Peterson were stay
ing. This acquaintance,, it seemed, was
under suspicion, and late in the evening,
during the absence of the two youug men
from their quarters, the police suddenly
appeared with orders to make a house
Search. The search was duly made, but
nothing of A suspicious nature was found
except the two locked trunks of Shamarin
Slid Peterson.
In reply to a question as to what was In
them the proprietor of the house said that
he did not know, that they were the prop
erty of two of his acquaintances who had
stopped for a few days with him on their
way from Irkutsk to St. Petersburg. L'pon
being asked where these acquaintances
were, he replied that he did not know; that
they usually went out after dinner and re
turned between U and I. o'clock. After A
brief consultation the police officers de
cided that as they had no orders to search
the personal baggage of the houseowner'a
guests they would not force the locks of
the trunks, but would merely cord and
seal them, so that the contents could not
be tampered with, aud leave them until
When Shamarin and Peterson returned
to their quarters about midnight they
found their trunks corded and sealed so
that they could not 1 oiened. In one of
them were many letters from political ex
iles and convicts In eastern Siberia and
friends and relatives la 1-luropeau Hussia
letters describing my investigations and
the nature of the material that I was col
lecting, and asking the friends and rela
tives in Kuropean Hussia to co-operato wit h
tne and a photograph of myself that 1
bail I'icen to SUimiturm with u ileilient inn
..'-'sprintioii on tho back that, would
i;i"v Intelligent police oldcer the fe
Duvictsof '! '
leal convicts!
hat was to lie doner To break a polio
seal under such circumstances would fes a
penal olTenie, nod would oroiyiMe In-- -Imprisonment
and an investigation. To
leave the letters and photograph In' the
trunk would be to insure their discoTery
and con llscat ion ou the following morning,
and that might creato a very cniimrraalnj
situation for me, as well as for the authors
of the letters and their friends. Ths two
young men Unally concluded to make aa
attempt to get the trunk open without r
moving the cords or breakingthe seals, aid
as tho letters and photograph were near
the bottom, and as the lid could not lie
raised even if tho trunk were uulockcd,
they dt-.'ided to take out a part of the hot
toin and afterward replace it.
Hy working all the rest of the night
they succeeded in getting out one of tho
bottom boards, obtained tho dangerous
letters and t lie photograph, but the board
back without disturbing any of the seals,
and when the police came in the morning
stood by with unruffled serenity and bhw
the trunks searched. Of course uothing
more dangerous than a hairbrush and
nothing more incriminating than a hotel
bill could bo found. (Jcorge Kennan iu
Strangers' Cold lit St. KlhU.
One of the most curious facts given by
Dr. Parsons in his report on influenza re
lates to what is called "strangers' cold,''
an epidemic from which thu little coin
mtinity living at St. Kihla, ia the broad
waters of the north Atlantic, suffers every
time a vessel from any other part of the
world arrives. Indeed, so surely does this
outbreak follow the arrival of a boat that'
it Is called by the islanders "boat cough."
In other oceanic islands the saiiie odd ef
feels havo been observed.
In an Island 40 miles eaat of New Zea
land a similar epidemic attacks both Kuro
(leans and Maoris on thu arrival of a ship.
So regular is the occurrence that when
murri-miirrl, as tho cold is called, appears,
the good folk arc so sure that a ship is In
th port that theyrido straight off to the
harbor "to fetch their letters." Stran
gent' cold and influenza are remarkably
alike in their symptoms.
The cause of thu former Is attributed to
the organisms of disease that icople in
populous lands curry about with them,
and to which they themselves are inured.
If that be so, whence conies our influenza,
I.ondou Tit Hits.
Ilrllllant ttepartee.
A certain famous Rnglish general, the
hero of two eastern wars, found his bealt h
beginning to give way beneath the strain
of long and arduous service, and was or
dcred home by his doctors. On tho day of
Ida embarkation for Knglaud he was ao
compaiihd by a vast crowd of friends, to
whom he Is-gnn to distribute various small
tokens of his regard.
"Well, general," asked the bishop of
Calcutta, who was one of the party, "have
you no memento to leave to an old friend
like mer"
"Oh, I have not forgotten you, my lord,"
cried the general. "On tho contrary, I
have beqneat bed to you my entire stock of
"Ten thousand thanks, my dear gen
eral," replietl I he undaunted bishop. "You
have given me hy fur the largest aud most
valuable part of your properly."
And then the bishop's wife turned to her
husband aud said sweetly, ".My dear, I am
glad to see that you have come Into your
legacy so soon." David Ker In Harier's.
The Curran Umbrella.
The desideratum at present Is a portable
umbrella. There Is a fortune for the man
who Invents a really good umbrella which
can lie stowed in a valise or trunk. Tin re
Is an unpatented Corean umbrella that
may fill the bill. When It begins to rain
the picturesque and stutely Corean swell
reaches Into his sleeve and produces a
folded, oiled paier affair resembling a fan.
This is spread and net over the hat like ah
sxtluguisber, And is kept In place by two
strings held under the chin. It Is not very
large, but anything that will cover a Co
rean hat will keep the ruin from a Corean.
Irish Times.
A Military Nu.lty.
A vegetable cartridge shell, which la en
tirely consumed In firing, Is now coming
Into general use In the 1' reach army. The
cartridge has scarcely half the weight of
one with n metal shell; t lie cost Is consider
able k-M, beside the Inconvenience of re
moving the sliell after each shot is avoided.
At present lheconiositlon of this military
novelty Is kept A secret. St. lyiuis i
learning by r.iprrleiiee.
Tramp Please, mum, I'd like some cold
vittlei fi r my dog.
Housekeeper Dogl Wl.y do you go
tramping through the country with a big
brute like that at your hcclsf
Tramp To fx-rtect my heels from other
d'r foitn. rp.f,- y.-w.
Life and Strength
Ar r Vfii to wrnk :i1 fff.ll rhlMr-ij la wn.l r
f il i.M'in r If II . f'ir4rtir.l-i. Mr, 1-1
"ni'i t iilts-ri, ijttt r r IH'i'(
m; ""Mr i .ii, -ii-t'
r, KttH, find 11 Mlu
MitMiKth vtr ti a t,,v.
! "u i.o Rtil t n t.t.H
y nrn ui'l ! ,i.J -1,'n
tit I li I it U li K
ftpflU. We rr- r
ti'm J rarwptri i b. II. r
rt-uTHi h- li ' l .ii -.rov t
ilht:l)ie lie;-' t vsi'.hy
n i'i r.'i i Wtici Lt-r
Klta lllllrrt.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
(swawioTinrjr nw, wUuueTer thw eijllu 1 1
tuns i I
"-i.r'- v
HOOti'O Pilltl core! oil tllntiou if n .luring
Um in.r.4U,Uc l.uu f Uiw aliuuiuuuy caiiai.
Ths Coyote and the Crows.
Once on a time many crows lived ia tho
edge of some wood. A little out imothft
plain stood a very large tree, with much
sand under it. One day a coyote was pass
ing and heard the crows singing aud danc
ing under this tree, and came up to watch
them They were dancing iu a circle, and
each crow bad upon bis luck a large bag.
"Crow friends, what are you doiugf"
Aktsl the coyote, whowmuch interested.
"Oh. we are dancing with our mothers."
said the crows.
"How prenyl And will you let mo dance
too" asked the coyote of the too-whil-lah
widdeh crow icaptain of the dauee).
"Oh. yes." replied the crow "Go and
put your mother iu A bag And come to the
The coyote went running home. There
his old mother was sitting iu the corner of
the tireplace The stupid coyote picked up
a stick ami struck her on the head and put
her in a bag, aud hurried back to the dance
with her
The crows were dancing merrily and
"Ai nana, que-eerah, que ee-rah."
(Alas, Mania! you are shaking, yon are
shaking!) I he coyote Joined the dance.
with the bag on bis back. And sang as the
crows did:
"Ai nana, que-co-rah, que-ee rah." I At
nana Is an exclamation alwAys used by
mourners. I
Li-Bi? At last the crows burst out laughing,
and said. "What do you bring In your
bAgt" '
, Way Bsothcr. as you told me," replied the
coyote, showing them.
Then the crowsemptled their bags, which
were filled witli nothing tint sand, aud Hew
op Into the tree, laughing.
The coyote then saw that they had played
htm A trick, and started home, crying "Ai
nanaf When he got home he took his
mother from the bag and tried to set her
np In the chimney comer, always crying,
At auiii, why don t you sit up as before
JJutahe could not, for she was dead. When
he found that she could not sit up any
ft be vowed to follow the crows and
.At inem ".?!' , , . ,"ie. ami rrae-
uMiinj 10 mis no nas uceu hunting them,
and they are always at war. C. F. Lummis
in St. .Nicholas.
Hoitt's Oak Grove School, Millbrae, San
Mateo county, Cul. A tirst class home
aojkioI lor boys, lleautitiil surnmiidnu's
Surerior instruction. Tim nest of cum Si
graduates tor hstia are admitted to the Slate
university or Stanlord I niversity without
examination. Number nf nimili limit. 1
Fll term commences August 1. Send for
catalogue, and mention this paper, lui 0.
Iloitt, Ph. 1)., Master, ex-Statu Superin
tendent l'ublio Instruction.
."Hid you see that shocking strsw hni lie
slips Is wearing T" "Yea; another I'snams
llr.t 1IIKIU.Y Nil A K V.
A trembllnit blind, an uncertain step, (IiIki'II-
Iless. Indieilleii bv resiles Mliifllnu lr..,.,
place or poslurc to miother, ti-UHlly nieiilnl nn
noynnie hi unexpected noises, sre siuoiiK the
iudicttlioiiH if extremu iiervousuiws. These
seem iniuiip.l.iil the lic.illli of uieiiHiid women
In thin condition is "decidedly slinky," liable
lo be ovci throu u disastrously- bv causes which
Die vigorous niluhl defy. l'o lorlilv the ner
vous system Ki'iienil viitiir must, tlu'oiiKli Hie
invuiiiiii oi ri oreeu ingestion null a renensl
o( so lillpiiireil rower nt si .loo i ni.,1.1 i...
raised los h.iilililul ntundnrd. A Kunrnnleeof
this I Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, which re
establishes diitesllou, lute accretion and the
iiui'ii oi isioj- on h peruiaiietilly regular
basis, tlnei t-mieu On. il,,, i I....I., oil.-
which is followed by s gain ot uticuc.lh him(
nerve lrniiiiillllly. lor kidney coiiipbilul,
rheuiimlisMi, in urnlgin, mid ns n preventive of
me him niini-K or Hiioseutieut return ol mala
rial disorders, thin medicine Is without a peer.
I brlcu daily take a w liu Klnssf ul.
" Hut, my dear, why should wo ,c cMrnvn
irilllt llild keen horses? 1 ' Kxiriivinoini'l ui.v
John, it would be economy. We'd save nil our
ill ei j iiiiiM.
Athletes and men who take ordinary out
door exercise, such as walking, running,
bicycle-ruling, jumping, swimming, tennis,
etc., are often the subjects of acute Irouli-
les. The experience of an ex-chaniplon
walker will he of Interest 1 1 all who are af
lliuted. IIahkv Hhooks writes:
" No. il'.'l I'ltST N I N KTKKNTII ST.,1
N aw Yokk, April !i, Ihnii. (
"Numerous statements relative to the
merilB of different plasters having been
brought to my attention. I take this oiinor-
tunily to stale that 1 havo used Al.l.ou k'h
riiKocs ri.ABTSits tor over twenty vearKand
iirefer them to any other kind. I would
furthermore state that 1 was verv sink with
calarrli of the kidneys, and attribute my
rwaivery entirely to Al.laoiK'B I'oKotis
Newg eomes from Cblrsiro tbst wliUliv ban
gone down a ceut. It never went down without
WenoslttTOlT Oilra mntnm. ntlna anil all rr.
til dlsoMv without pain or detention Imm bull
iioss. No C'iro, no pay. Also all Private dis
eases, Additsu lor pamphlet lira. PorUirneld A
uosey, alio Msrkol street. Hsu rrsuelsoo.
The mnn who del tub In to net nnu-lih the Imi-w
In never teen out upon one alter dark.
There l more calnrrli In thin section of the
country i ban all nlber il put together,
si d until tin- liuit few yenrs was m I
iiK-urnirie, rui a areai ninny venm iloctom pro
nounced It a local illsense ami prescrllicd hicnl
remedlei, and by imintniitly lulling to cure Willi
loenl ireattiieitt proiioum cd II Incurable, sci
ence, lias proven catarrh lo lie a eoiistilullohal
ills- sse, and therefore reipilre. cou.lllutlMiinl
trentu t. lull's l.'alnrrh (Jure, manufactured
oy r. j. i neney ck i;o.. In cilo. o i n. Hie on v
roiLtltutionnl cure on the market. It I. taken
Interns! y In nones from ten il runs ion im n.
fill. Il aeu directly on the blnod and iniic ou-
mirfseen of the y-lein. 1 hey offer one I In d
dollari! lor any case it fnila to i-ure. Heml for
Circulars Shd le-tlinnnlnl.. Add reus
r. J. CHKNK.Y At CO., I'olcdll, 0.
T7-Bold hydmggi.U; 7a cents.
Das Inaraellna Hloru Polish ; no Oast, do small,
Thy Oibhia for breakfast.
isn't what you want, if your stom
A'li And lsiwcui aro irregular.
That's atsjut all you get, though,
with the ordinary pill. It may re
lieve you for the moment, but
you ro usually in a worse state af
terward than before.
This Is lust where Ilr. l'li-rce's
rfcfuwiht rclli44 do most irond
Tliry act in au easy And natural
wmv r. il iff .- frrt II,,. 1.,,,.-
old fashioned pills. 'I liny 're tioi
only pJfAKHiibtr, but tlierns no rtv
a'ti'in aftrrwrird, and tlulr help
f'i'fi. Olio httle sturar-ooatxl tsdlut
for A gentle laxative or crrris-tlve
ihroo fir A cathartic. Lnistlp
tlon, Indigestion, illlious Af'aka,
liitzinrjn, hick and illlious ifeail-
Aihea, ats promptly relieved and
Tliey'ro the smallest, the easiest
to take and tba chronrnt Mil tou
can buy, for they're funrimlrrd to
give satisfaction, or your money Is
return j.
You pay only fur tha good you
( fsraall hf all lr.l.u. A ( rata S.llla.
laKlvea ajxl pvopi I
wbo ria.a sail Ions a or Aatn-1
ms.alemuiaaa Piao'sCara for I
OioaortuKlon. Il baa eaipeal I
lawaaaMiAa. It has not lnor- I
al oi,. It fa not Ia4 Ui fas. I
aaia.u iwa. caMisn armfa.
Soil rr.rrwh.ra. ,
I aft -SW
-Wil l, FIND A
Printing Material and Machinery -
For salo at lowest prices and most advantageous terms at
Corner Front and Alder Streets,
F Writo for prices and terms
taken iu tlrao. piolil ny )rnirilta on A Husr
anti. For a Ijimo Ibick or cheat, uso
ilBvoyoiitiiuuiiiv This Immunol,
toed to euro you. 1'rioc.Wct. lnJiHitorfrce,
Jb lower
"One of my neighbors, Mr. John
Gilbert, has been sick for a long
time. Atl tlioughthinipastrecovcry.
He was horribly emaciated from the
inaction of his liver nnd kidneys.
It is difficult to describe his appear
ance ntnl Hie miserable state of his
health at that time. Help from nny
source seemed impossible, lie tried
your August Mower oud the effect
upon him was magical. It restored
him to perfect health to the great
astonishment of his family and
friends." JohnOuibell, Holt, Ont.
liiikinjl Poitier
Puntv and
Leaveninrt, PoWcr
io lnlro.liiea our 1'owiler. S have tin.
lrmliieotoilhtrlMU,, ,,. Ilm e. n.uin
rs a ninnl-r of OAMIl I'lllZKB T.
tha nraiiii archill ntiirnlna us Hie IsriniiK
nuiiiiw-rofeeriiiieatsiiiii,r Ufom Jio.o I,
1H I 4. wo will prlru of A UNI, an'l
raxTOiKy p"M"
Kit, 1-4-ri.ltiiK Jew-
Nortliwi'Hl. kt'tipB a
UrK wioi-k nf nil
HAlKiM mi IihimI.
lUml K'")m nt ltiW
fHl IlKiircit. IIhiIkuh
iii ml o iu order.
S75 (1(1 lB 525o.oo -'"rj.'rr"1""
VIU.UU II, K. Johnson St Co., lllciiHoaii, V
lTOnTftl rixr.H Vrtmrn iy mriatfiM
llKD lnrtil.lrtrui, 0'ic iitU'iiaWi Hi tit
W.t i'ti wnt. 'fins fi.nn n'l )U.1N1.
on. eo-sAN-Ko s file ncMror.
tMuirM Kini'ira, uV'H1''i)'irf rfttinrt
Itrrnftiif nt I'M rn. j'rWi iJh: IUuKtv$
Tho Uperlflo A No. t.
Por, wl'ivmt IaII, tvI r,atn f Mnt
k-it Hit -li, i. 'i n in iff -it In- tni(
H iimImk. P'tv n.n Htrl-utif, H '"-I'ik ki tn
l rin.1 r'. i . fur 4 n hill ftttyUtiti bit
.n ..!! ' h-A hy ll rtij(riii.
Iluu With Una or Uraaollue.
Your WJfu phii nm It. Kiulrcs no IIi-ciukmI
.-lurlneer. Makes noamull or Ulrt. No llatterica
or tin iric h,ua.
Hah Faasc sco, C'al. 1'oaTi.Ami, (la
t i.iir iUtioVs&!t Gil Q a a S .
Ouo cout A
Turn OnrtT CornSv?o!HS?
where all others 1ml, Coucns, Ooup, Sore 1
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Coi1h and 1
Asthma. For Con.umptlon It This no riVisU
has cured thousand., noil will .-mm .., i?ik
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
AaToai. flaa.j.M I m . .. ..... a- .
Md'iim . ,0. i l'i, ilL L 'J, witn r Ihalhytlis uas or
. I1.'.' i.Kv.l'A,l'" HKMKliY mr A'l.liand wa- rlil mm an old raas ot
iiiri'iiTi. j i """, mf A'i-'ind wa- reliurwl rom au old eaaaol
MA UaJ. to tHSil dueloi
r ... ... . , ,mnlm Ml. nyreil ullrelv n IS art 1 11 U ITIIKY HH K If
before buying elsewhere.
Hercules Gas Enninu
Mad for Power or Pumping Purpose.
The Cheapest Reliable Mas KuglUA
on the Msrk.1.
Out os Enoini amO
1 I
l' Tirlj7 V
It oil. Italilf friim ka,atarlHilr,
No nrluii etor get, r of order.
No Hnltorlas ar Kfk.rlo Hpark.
It runs Willi a I'lieniier (u'.leT Alaaalliie Iban any
oilier limine, j
BKNii run . -mat.a'To
40S Sansomo Strei, Frafjscti, CaL
Reols, Lines, Hooks, Leaders
Etc., of tho Finest Quality.
03 Firm 8t. Portland, Or.
.f Hoiul foi cutnloRtio.
'aiiiiiRraimT m nvnm onuaran, mr omy rm
for (Jonah., Cul'li B'i4 Croup wu onion myrup. II
! It A itfTmitlt..l lll.l . la mm mm fnafal .
NL'ri!"T r"'",'' tk Ir. (titnn'i Onion Hyrttp
Which U lrniiy prprfa ni rnori pIommmI to tho
nnin vnrrohnn, Tnr bottlra AO ont.
hrphllla frmftnrmlr curort In 5 toMflmya. Voii
tun bo lniLici HLlntiiHi fur tho mi mo prlro and thu
unit) Bimmnterai with Uioftowlmpnf4rto chd
jj 'ro iu w 111 mrmriu i it tniru iri"in t)t niunn mutx-f
fit mf rxM-niuorriimlutf. raliri'iwl fro aiulhou t
lHn, If w full to t un, Ifvim hat UUn wr
rury, Imtlila mtuah tii1 still bnro -hna a,nl
pnlim, Mur'Militvt'hr ln mouth, Mor'l'brot
l'lmplcra.t (iiirr-4 'lorol Miota,i Irroon iif
yni ui .110 i.vur, iiiur vr .rrrol0 nilllllff
"ul. It It lhl HvphllltlQ JftMMl JOIN4N
thnt wo vuiirinUn touure. Wu oollrlt thu nnt
nbatlnnlo ciiava an1rhllrnffAtlta wrl4 for
n ritrin winnoiror 'ihli(itiM aKOhtiiialwa)ft
liitirif 4 lht kill nt lh MiiitrtaliifHl pkyal
rluna. Ht.'MM,4MH ont'ltiil tx-Nlntl our uti)nt)l
Ihniftl miairauleo. A baulHlfprtnra ntwftl,.( da
apjilUailon. fVtrvM. 4 IHk. lii:MKIV i
lift Iv 1UU l lltMunlu Xcnila lUlcttfW, i
Est tho GenuinelhKr Ahr
ritANK Vl(lLslcy,A.nt, Portland, Or.
o"ter tour HliM.MKK
ItOI.I.KlM. You want
the skt; tbst'. theoniT
klinl w. deal In. Tlieu
en. I Tour order lor lbs
HKhr Kill.l.KKH and
1'osTLAaii, i) a.
1 oould et did hllu li. anml In sialllatl.
Man m, v. tI