Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 13, 1893, Image 1

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. ntijn ount mder.
V,UmC ' Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursdavr iuTv lTjM
directory. 1, 93 Number 19.
liscolx cooti.
Joint Senator
: County Judfc
; ehool superintendent
i Surveyor
; Commissioners f
- C. B. Crosno
n. P nine
B. F. Jones
iieorse Landis
Heuiy Henl'oHer
chas. Booth
Jos. C-ideon
- T. E. l'aiter
Jhs. Russell
J. O. Sie.w-uB
M. L.
-: Justice of the Peace
"; . Constable
J. A. 1111
A. K. Altrce
I'MHr.T JlArTISTS.-Meet every first Sunday
111 each month, a II a. in. ami alo on the
Saturday preeedinirihe above Sunday, at u
.. in the Toledo Public Hall. L. M". But ler
Resident Pastor. '
VT J.ill.vs ( lU Rcli M'rotestont Kpiscopal
" Kfvine servi. c the third Sunday 'f ' '
month at 11. m All are Invited "to attend"
,Rev' ' '''"'. Missionary. Residence
"Rectory," Newport, Or. c lt'
T ' -J' -Tolerlri Xo. 10s, Meet
, c,yer; I.'i',,',-V evening at their hal in this
(mil. J. I,. I.ulz, .V G.; J. a Gaither, See'y
f . 0,G-.T-,!reteverV Thursday evening-,
a. ,:30o clock, in firm v s hull, this town i
3. crosno, C. T. G. Bethers, Secretary ' "
LVt.'andl. T.-Toledo Union. Xo. lie Meets
I eyerv.-.atuiilayeveninK..Soclo,.k,inGraiiv'
hall In this tow n. All meinliers re.iue ed to
Corvallis, Oregon
rnopBiETOR or
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured 3Ieats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Watches Cleaned and Repaired.
All work Guaranteed.
T. J. Buford, Prop.
Charges Reasonable.
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
Justice of the Peace,
Toledo Oregon
Deeds. Mnrtraves. and all kinds of I era I paper!
executed with correctness. Careul attention
Kiveu to all business entrusted to my care
n: c. siiEPAiii),
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Its MH Route.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
E. W. HADLEY, Receiver,
Dtroct UnaQuick tHtpatch-Uiw Freight
Between Willamette Vallay points and Han
Leaves n rranclsco July 11. II, l, 131
Loevee Yaquina July Stk. ltb and JMh.
And ahonl every ten days thereafter.
This Company reaerree the rlxbl to change
selling dates without notice.
1-aily etrrtce between Portland and fialsm and
lptr w lllamette river points.
E Mt U'AHY. General euperlntendent.
lorrallis. Oregon.
Men s All Wool Brownsville Suits,
Men's All Wool Brownsville Suits,
Men's All Wool Brownsville Suits,
Men's All Wool Brownsville Suits,
Youth's Suits,
Youth's Suits,
Youth's Suits,
Youth's Suits,
Boys' Suits Knee Pants,
Boys' Suits Knee Pants,
Boys' Suits Knee Pants,
Boys' Suits Knee Pants,
Boys' Suits Knee Pants,
Ladies' and Men's Furnishings!
boots, shoe;s, HjPlTS,
Notions, Dress
Clothing Made to
It will be money in
in your pocket. A
Penny saved is a
Pence made.
D.a't Fool With Fakes ! !
If yourself or friends wish to be cured of
Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Cocaine
or Tobacco habits, seek only the Genuine
Keeley Treatment, which is the only safe,
reliable and permanent cure in existance.
Genuine Keeley Institutes, with most favorable
surroundings, at
I" Write for Particulars. Correspondence
Goods, Sateens,
Prints Etc.
Order and fit
Thi; Spaca !
of Incorporation.
To Whom it mat CoMKiOi.
.2,i,'e1,i,nei,,y iven lh1 ' ftllowln pe
tition u ill be presented to the County Court of
Lincoln county. Orej.-o, at it regular term, ou
July .itn, liftit, vu:
To the Honorable County Court ot Lincoln
County. state of lirciViii :
We. the umlersr'viMfd electors of Lincoln coun
ty, residents in thaiim it of the hi, ai. .1
scribed corporation, would" represent thlthoJ
T"n of Toledo, In sakl Lincoln county. eoaw
'" unuiii., itiumuu-iuis, ana ie-'ect-fully
ask that the town of Tokn'o lie 1uco,.h,
atcl tinder the cencnl laws ofti.e.on ,.iilvi,i
to tow us and; s;i'd m. ,.o.ih,i to bo
know 11 by the name andsMe 0 ifca vitv of
Toledo, and bounded us follows. 10 w it
Coinmencinit at the northe.! comer of Ken
sell A Williams' addition to the town of Tole 'o.
Lincoln county, Oremm. runnint the.tce souih
to a iwint feet norih l oin the noruiwest
corner of the southwest of the 'southeast '4
ofseciionl", lowu 11 south. ii'ib 10 t.esi:
thence east to center of Olalla &lor--:a: tbetii-e
down ihe centerof said slough 10 ii. I1. H. It
riKhi-of way: thence westcily aloiiit no,lh hue
of said riKbt-of way to a point sixw" feet south
ot the line between laud claims of John Gra
ham and J. T. Vincent : thence weA to cenior of
lieoo siinnth: thence up ceoier 01 s-id sloe h
to intersection of section line bemecii -co, ions
17 and is: thence north on said -. 1011 to
north line of Thli tccnth siiect: 'Ue.icee .st on
said Hue of st reel toT. 1". Kisli's add icon: tuence
dueuorth to uorthweit cornet of lleoell
Williams' addition: thence due e.vst 10 ul-ioe of
We. your lotitioncrs, would rosoe-'t oilly ask
your honorable b dv to grant om'peiiiiou. and
incorporate Toledo under 1 he im.i.i lu .r
Oremm, lielievluir It is for Ihe ood and
prosiieiny 01 our town.
C. B. Crosno,
Chits, u. Ma;thews,
c. I.. Oowell,
T. 1'. Kish.
A. A. Thomas,
J. II. .-,
II. C. Wolf,
Alfred St.inton,
A. Hick,
Letter Wan.rh,
J. S. Arnold,
!'. Ji-.fc '.L-.-.l,
T. jay nufortl,
tieoi'ie A. Landls,
Krautie Harmon,
K. Wavrvn,
tioo. T. Smith,
J. K. Miller,
S. V. Hurt,
A. T. l'eterson,
J. s. Akin, . .
I.. M. Slurr,
J. C. Alirco.
K. r. t olliiiuore.
Win. II. Alexander.
ileo-.'ite Kethers,
I"eter Mclioii;;iill,
J. 8. UAithcr,
Ileal tiaither.
W, K. llich.
i. A. Ji,'j,,
Leo Wade.
J. H. I.ulz,
J. W.struntr,
A. Hall,
A. Ilaiuar.
Henry M. Dohso.
Jos. Ludwick,
B. r . Kin.
J. Illako,
F. 0. Bi-idiihani,
11. W. Vincent,
SherifTs Sale.
a.1 tue of a decree, execution and order of sale
issued out of the Circuit court of the stato of
Oregon for the County of Lincoln, hearliiK dale
the aitb day of Juno 11:1 and under the seal of
said Court, upon decree and order of sale dulv
rendered and entered in said Court, on the 17th
day of May lfid. in a suit therein pemliiut where
in A. T. Peterson was pliilnllll'and W. T. Webber
and L. S. Webber were defendants, In favor of
the said plulnliiraud airalust the said defend
ants for the sum of f.wi.7. Culled Slates Hold
Coin with interest from the 17th day of May
1SSI3 at the rate of ciiiht per cent. icr annum,
and for the further sum of f:l.voo as attorneys
fees and (or the sum of Hr. iKi cost and disburse
ments, and for the sale of the hereinafter des
cribed real property to satisfy Ihe sovoral
amounts above stated; w hich execution Is to
me directed and delivered, and commands me
to make the said sum of niouev with costs and
accruing cost by sale of the real property here
inafter described ; and In pursuance thereof 1
aashorift'of Lincoln count vtirexon will 011 Wed
nesday the 2nd day of AuKust IS'.i;int Ihe hour
of one o'clock In Ihe afternoon ot said dav, at
the Court House door In tho City of Toledo in
Said COUlltV. SAll Ml nilhlln nnnlbm tn Ik. hl.,1.
est bidder for CBsh in hand all of the folluwltm
described real property towit: LotBimmherod
one (1) and two ) in block numbered twenty
live (it) In Case At navlev'1 Addition to the city
of Now port In Lincoln County Orevon, as plat
ted and recorded In tho County elerka olllce
(originally) of netiton Couutv Oregon and now
on record In the olllce of tho Comity Recor
der of said County, together w ith the tenements
hereditament and appurtenances tlierenuto be
lonKlwr or in anywise apiertaiulnif, as well as
all the rhrht title Interest Burl n.liHA nf Ihn .u(,l
defendants and all persiinsclaimiiiKunderthein
since the :!Uth day of March Ivn, of In and to
the same, to satisfy the said decree, execution
and order of sale and the sovoral amounts due
luereou as aoove net lorin, wttn cost! aud au-
Dated June 2fith 1WIH.
tiF.oaua A. Lanims.
bherlrr of LliicolnCounty Ore goa.
Pure Wines and Liquors.
Fresh beer on draft?.''
Toledo, - - Oregon.
aoraar of Rlath and Al laf ctraata. for naur
F....THB ORBaOMrANhaaf.U Ihe naad of
bw mma orautodloui bulldlna aiabraelnff
all the nodara lnprov.aaata. with the latet
Unproved maablBarr l-r turning out a me
tfopoMtaa Jpapw, It a..w kaa It, and on. that
taa wbola PaalBe Coat mar Justly faal proud
of. aa It la eertalnlr tlie fln- oa tliaeoaaa.
How that THH ORRliOMAN la aattU.1 la
thl.a.wbom. It feel, like airing- Its man?
frlmda IrtfMfli, It niftttM ChU umIiI offr
to tkoM who rnw thilr tut;prlpton, or to
wo wno lumtnuf pnaw to moi
puis bat let.
UeeK'y Or9goi7la7
18 Months
This halna thai all ae.
aaoa of the year,
ar. THI
il. klad
aand It,
will he araatly aoree; atad.
fit of this
nailing rortlaad ron are ourdlallr lavltad
iMaripiioa aarost aa rxiMlhle.
to ail and take a trip through our new
miui ruBLtsHiNQ ca,
for !12.00
Orejron Gauh' and Fish Laws.
The last session of the Oregon
legislature run iaad on the subject
of fish and game laws, After legis
lating upon every known variety
of fish or game abounding in Ore
gon, they went to work ami legis
lated upon some of them two or
three times, and then wound up
the whole thing by enacting a law
creating the office of game inspector
with a salary of $2,000 per year
and an additional $500 for travel-.
ing expenses. There is such a
multiplicity of laws that the game
protector has already declared that
he is not able to obtaiu conviction
under any of them, and the only
part of the law which he now seeks
to enforce is thnt part which pro
vides for the payment of his salary
in monthly payments.
The open seasons for this locality
as far as we can tletermiue from the
fish and game laws are as follows:
I-or any of the various kinds of
wild ducks and. jteese, (lining No
vember and December of each year;
for any of the various kmu.soi uuiii,
during September and October of
each year; (or elk, moose or luoun.
tain sheep,, troni the first day of
August to the fu st day of December
ofcachyearr lor any deer of any
kind, from the first day of August
to the 15th day of November; for
any of the various pheasants, quail,
bobwh i te , j ack sn i pe or pra ire eh ick
en, from October 15II1 to November
15th of each year.
Mr. Editor: It appears, certain
friends of Hamilton, Job it Co., do
not like your criticism as to their
method of doing business. Now it
appears plain, why, at the meeting
of creditors the business was rushed
through and motion to adjourn
brought out so suddenly. They
wanted no debate. Their method
of doing business must not be criti
cised. "What does the paltry sum
of $200,000 of depositors money
amount to? What if every man in
Benton and Lincoln counties was
broke up? Our methods must not be
criticised. What do we care for
your Agricultural College? We
got your money, and what are you
going to do about it? Look at the
nice lot of assets we have left you.
Of course we had to put in the bank
building, store and drug store cor
ner. Difdtict tills property from the
others we gave-in- and what have
you left? A"iev Tern hills, called
lots, ar d some'sage b"rush land in
Eastern Oregon. We also had to
put in some gooti notes to make a
showing, but see the nice lot of
worthless ones. This is legitimate
banking and must not be criticised ."
See how B. W. Johnson took the
Oregonian to task, for a small criti
cism. This young man does not
have to turn his lip over twice to
see the fuz 011 il. He says every
thing they have done is legitimate
banking. And so it would appear
to an
An exchange says; "An editor
works three hundred and sixty-five
days in a year to get out fifty-two
issues of his paper in good shape
and on time; that's labor. Once in
a while some one pays for a yenr's
subscription, or a few copies, or au
advertisement; that's capital. And
often some son-of-a-gun of a dead
beat takes the paper for several
years, and vanishes without leav
ing one cent for it or even leaving
a lock of his hair; that's anarchy.
But later on justice will reach the
last named creature, for there is a
place where he will get his just
deserts; that's h 1."
The World's fair was visited by
a most disastrous fire last Tuesday
in which nearly, if not quite forty
lives were lost. The fite devoured
the cold storage building. The fire
was so fierce and terrific that it is
doubled if any of the bodies will be
It is stated that several people
came over from Coquille City on
the 41I1 to enjoy their first trip 011 a
railroad. There are quite a titim-
ber of people in this county who another death dealing cyclone last
have never indulged in a ride upon I week. The death roll w as appall
aiailrivi'. (Vint Mail. ing.
Ilou. Hinsret Herman's Visit.
The visit of our member of Con
gress to Yaquina Hay on a personal
visit of observation, will in all prob
ability, result in great good to the
harbor and surrounding country,
Mr. Herman expresses himself as
greatly pleased at the result of the
labor performed in improving the
mouth of the harbor. He stated
that when the work was first begun
there was a mean low water of but
seven feet on the bar. This has
been deepened till it now has a
depth of fourteen feet at the lowest
water, and twenty-one feet at mean
high water. This, Mr. Herman
states, can be deepened to at least
twenty-six feet at high water. This
can be easily done. There is said
to be yet four feet of sand in the
bottom of the the channel and the
balance of the the depth could be
obtained by sub-marine blasting in
the rock searpoinU Mr. Herman
is quite enthusiastic over the har
bor and stated that he intends to
use his best efforts to get appropria
tions lo couiiileie the Wuik 5j plait
ned, and had but little doubt but
that he would be able to convince
the proper committee that it would
be money well expended. It is his
firm belief that the Yaquina harbor
will soon admit the passage of the
largest ocean vessels. In this con
nection we might say that this har
bor is very fortunate in having so
able a friend as Mr. Herman, and
it is safe to rely upon the promises
of future support made by him.
Earnest Broiler is of the opinion
that all men are not honest, He
was watching the little nut shell
game at the circus, and he was sure
he could see the little ball protrud
ing from under the shell. He
wagered two big dollars on it and
lost. He thus kept on alternately
winning and losing until he had
lost about io. He then baoked
his judgement for $10 and of course
lost. The smooth tougucd specu
lator lets no such large amounts
escape these hard limes. Then he
was anxious to get even and suc
ceeded. That is, he got even with
his bank account, but not with the
shell man, He was energetic how
ever, aud kept trying until he had
lost over $ioo. Then he called the
police, but the little shell the man
ipulator aud the mysterious, ball had
all vanished. Sunday Telescope. '
. .f - ,., ; ,
---. . .
Every month the- postofficcs iii
airthe country towns are flooded
With price lists of Smith's Cash
Store, of San Francisco, and it is
presumed that they at least get
trade enough to encourage them in
sending their catalogues out.
While we admit that every man has
the right to buy wherever he
pleases, still we think that it is a
very poor policy to send money out
of our own community to purchase
anything that can be bought at
home. And when everything Is
considered, we doubt, very much if
they can buy any cheaper than at
home. If those who send to Smith's
store, would buy of their home
merchants bills of the same size and
pay cash before delivery as they do
to other stores, they would find
that there would be a material re
duction in their home merchant's
prices. Patronize your home pco
pie. If you want to dehorn your cattle
when they arc calves caustic polish
will do the job. A five cent stick
will take the horns off from fifty
calves, and prevent their growing.
When the calf is a few days old, or
when the horn can lie felt, shear
the hair off from around it, then dip
the finger in water and wet the
horn, now take tiie stick of iolish,
w rap a paper around one end so you
can handle it without getting it ou
t'le fingers, rub tiie end of thestick
of K)lish on the horn while it is
w et and let the calf go and the job
is done. The co-.vs that were treat
ed this way when calves have just
as smooth heads as any inooley, not
th least sign of a horn. Tillamook
A portion of Iowa was swent bv
Killed by a Log..
A very sad accident occurred on
Drift Creek last Saturday morningk
by which Ernest McGinley, a.
young man residing in that com-
munity lost his life, The deceased
in company with some other work-
men, were at work on the county
road sawing some logs. They were,
sawing one log which lay on top of
two others, and Mr McGinVay went
on the lower side of the log they
were sawing and between the two
logs it was on, to help saw. His
companions remonstrated with him
about going down, but he though
that he was safe. When the log
was nearly off X suddenly gave,
way, and before he could escape
the sawed end of the log struck
him crushing him against cdi of
lower logs, killing him instautly,
His head and body were frightfully
crushed, and he was caught ia such,
a manner that his companions, were
compelled to saw a large log off be
fore they could extricate him, He
was interred at the Stearns cem
etery o" Simdny. The terrible ac
cident has cast a gloom over that
community, as the deceased was ft
highly respected young man,
. a
The insurance companies operat
ing in Oregon are raising a great
kick over the law enacted by tbrj
last legislature providing that thd
amount of insurance written in tbej
face of a policy should be the meas
ure of loss sustained iu case of fire,
and in retaliation have raised their
rates ten per cent, Upon wbat
grounds of right or justice the in
surance men seek to tear down the
law cannot be known . While it is
true that it may prove an incentive
to over-insurance and through thin
to arson, still the policy is always
written by an agent of the company
insuring and it is supposed that tho
property has been Inspected as to
vanie, so that it is generally tho
cupidity of the company that over
insures, The law is a good one and
will stand.
According to the Florence West,
the outlook is not exceedingly
bright on the Siuslaw at present.
The government appropriation has
been exhausted and work has stop,
jicd in consequence thereof, The
saw mills have also shut down bud
there is butlittlo to make the future
seem bright to tliemt
Au cxfiraiilatuin of the affairs of
the suspended Liuu County Nation
al bank itfycportvd to show assets
of the bank sufficient to pity the
depositors and all other debts in
full, and the stockholders the par
value of their stock', Salem States
man, The Independence base ball club
of the valley league, has been trans
ferred to Salem and will be known
as the Salem club hereafter. The
Independence people found out that
it took a "right smart" money to
keep up a team iu the base ball
The Statesman editor is promised
a new hat by one of the officials if
the Oregon Pacific docs not get
over the Cascades this year. We
would go bareheaded for a good1
while to see the consummation of
this long wished for event. States
man. Congressman Herman has already
secured large appropriations for
Yaquina harbor and he docs not
contemplate leaving his work un
completed. He purposes having a
harbor at Yaquina that any ocean
vessel can come into without light
ering. 'HH
Some men try advertising like the
Indian tried feathers. He took one
feather, laid it 011 a board and slept
on it all night. In the morning he
remarked: ' Whtie man say feath
ers heap soft; white man d d
A fraud palming himself off as
Rev. Robt. Callyer has been lectur
ing in various valley towns. , He
passes as a Presbyterian, whereas
the real Rev. Robt. Callyer is an, ,
.-".' '"i
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