Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 06, 1893, Image 4

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! I
J. K. KTLW Vy1K Mltnr and I'rnprtrtv.
-iiMi"he'l every Tunrwlny t Tn'.e ln, l.ine..l:i
County, Oreirtm.
Sultscrijition Kates:
One year, - . . p,50
fix months, ...
Three months, . - ,50
'lvcrllnlnx ralea known on u..ratji.ii
fiLlne. lo-ulu will 1 lnortt"l In the ml.
''"' five eentH r lint- r wick, mul 111
1 run until onlcrc'l )!". fiiilmi:l.
J.very Kitmutrr In Uncoln r-nuiii v Ik initbuiU- '
C 1 111 HI'I Ul limit UlT the I.KAHKK. i
f.nlercil nl (he ,uti,lii-c in Tutclii
HccoiMl-i'litNH mull mutter.
OreMi, H-i
I'nrtlon roi'Clv inir Ihln .n.r H hotrnvn iml nnl
frcl the .nine limy kliiiw that .irnu frifti'l him
,Tlir;. It (,r them oti'l thut thuy will not lie
fiiHcl iihiii to iy (ortt.
L . , :
County court met 111 adjourned
, 1 :
term yesterday.
(lus. Restdikc, the Yaiuina :
I'Utcher, was in Toledo today. j
ju.iB Mi.say was over irom
vajhs on business the first of the
week .
Messrs. Dick ami AHree and
families are camping on the beach
Ibis week.
The Steamer Richardson took
eighty-nine passengers to New
port on the 4th,
N. J. Leabo's father is stopping
with 111 tit nrf'ntt triyMt ,.'.r.oi..
from California.
The wind will not blow through
those whiskers of Judge lilue any
longer, he has them shaved off.
Mrs, Oavid Ihadley, of Wood
bunt, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Ilaviiolroad of Newport, and enjoy
ing the se a breezes,
S. V. Hurt moved his store to
Jvlk City yesterday, where he will
open up I'm business. We wish
Mr. Hurt success in his new loca
tion. H. WHhoit mid Mr. Arnold,
of Drift creek, were in Toledo on
business last Katurday. We ac
knowledge a pleasant call from the
Messrs. J. T. Copelaud, Frank
Moore and U. llaverly, of Wood
buru, have been looking over the
Yaquina Itay country during the
past week,
Mrs. W. I. Price, of Monroe, 11
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. I
Akin is visiting them this week.
She is accompanied by her three
daughters, also.
15. Wiser, an old resident of this
Hay country but now of San Jose,
California, came up on the last
steamer to look alter some Interests
of his in this coiiulv.
County Treasutcr I icnlinger
wears one eye in mourning by rea
son of In ing to get too coltish w ith
a pair of steelyards, lie tiicd to
see if he could pull them down,
nod they come.
Commissioner's court meets in
1111 adjourned hessiou this week.
Commissioner Ti-ipp an
liitie, constitutes Hie
coin t, as
Commissioner Stearns is kept at !
liojue w ith a badlv intlaiucd eve
Joseph Cilaeser made proof on his
homestead near Chitwood, bel'oie
County Clerk Jones yestctday . He
also was a pleasant caller at this
ollice w hile down, and will lead
the county news fioin the 1 , icai h;k
for the ensuing year.
The height tiain met with a
small w reck between lieu-and Va-mds o. -oiupclntve games and
quiua last Monday evening, near '1"1" wcie indulged in. Thete
Mil! Four. Two freight ears h-lt j were some ,.ood sjieeehes made by
the track and tumbled over into Indians ami other literary ex
the ditch..' The w ieck delayed the j eciscs weie had. Everything
passenger train which was lollnw- passed oil' .smoothly and a veiy en-
ing niter, for a short time, No one
was injured. j
J. -V Jones an.t lamily sin
I I M 1. 1 1 I
v-ouuiy v tet k jones, oy coining in j
011 them on the evening ol' the ;,vd,
,..1.1... 1 11.... , i
Hi ltetl im-111 leieoi.lie. All. uml.vmi i:oill .ItlllUll COUIUV lor lu
is a uver man ol .Wou.i, li.ivnig i
heeil on the Coluinhia river for sev '
i-ialvears. lleetects to nttun
eais. llecNpects to nttun
mkiii hut his
wile contemplates
staying .some time lor the oeneiit
of her health which is juMU. .
Toledo now u-ioices in the ihi.scs- '
sionofa han.lsonie and commod- j
ious Inick depot, w hich is vcu-'
ied ami looked after ty a gentle- j
manly and oliliging agent. The;
leot was comideted fTir tmuigh foi ,
occupancy last week and on Sattir-
day A. K. Chainiiau, tlie foimer O.
P. agent at Albany, came over and '
assuiued thedutiesl railioad agent.
We are very glad to have these j
conveniences which we have so .
long needed, and we do not douht1
...... tf I .1 il
that they w ill !e thoroughly appro-
ciatcd by our jeople.
j Miss Lulu Hurt U as-i!titig As-;
fss;.r l'arker tin's wcf-k
i Miss liinlie j;uft,rl fc.shciii vbit-
:imr,M'!P i,....,i,;;,.,i.
i r.
; Hnghttr suiishmo u.,,1 hiutrskics
I no country ever had thru this cor.n-iyr
I .
, cj..,.
Misslne? Alexander has come
home from the Agency where she
lias been at work for some time.
W. S. Linville, the chief clerk at
the Agency went out to Corvallis
on the 4U1, fin business.
W, R. Megginson, a substantial
rancher near Newport, was an in-j
lerstiug caller at this office yesK-r-1
day. j
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. lictliers are
visiting Mrs, JSethers, parents' near
riiiloniath, going over on Saturday
Rev. L. M. Uutlcr and family
, , . . .
have moved into town, ilicy oc-
, . r , . ,
cupy tlie house formerly occupied
),y t j Kadcr.
,.,,, , , ,
i he lolcdo band boys done theni-
cor-jseivt.s 1)roll at Newport on the
4th, and the boys deserve much
credit therefor.
Mr. and Mrs. T . Jay Uuford, (,f
the Hotel Lincoln, went to New
port this evening, accompanying
Hon. Ilinger Herman to that place.
A. i Peterson, of Corvallis, has
been awarded the contract for the
erection of the new Agricultural
f"'-l,t milium); ul ColvalllS. 1 lis
bid was the lowest, being $7,500.
l'or fine repairing of your watches
and clocks give J. I,. McCulloch,
of Yaquina City, acall. Anything
left at J. 11. McNeil's drug store
will be attended to without extra
Mr. Conklin, living near Toledo,
sold nearly fifty dollars worth of
strawberries olTof less than quarter
of an acre this year. And still
some people say that fruit don't
pay here.
Win. Mackay, an old settler on
the Hay and the owner of one of
the best farms of Lincoln county,
came over today from Corvallis,
and is greeting many old friends
and acquaintances.
The frantic attempt of one or two
persons in this town to drink all
the whiskey is bound to prove fu
tile. Too much of it is manufac
tured, so they had just as well so
ber up and quit for a w hile.
The great show that was to be at
Corvallis on the 3rd got stuck on a
sand bar and did not get there in
time to give an afternoon exhibi
tion, iiikI Corvallis ami vicinity are
many dollars ahead thereby.
There has been a change of phy-
s"'ians at the Agency. Dr. Clark,
who has bei u 111 there for
some time has exchanged places
with Dr. Lee, of Foil Hall agency,
and lot t lor thai place last Monday,
Dr. Lee has aire id v arrived and
cntcicd upon his duties.
lion. Ilinger Herman went
I through Toledo tod.iv enroute to
Newport wheie he will thoroughly
inspect the u 01 k done at the mouth
ol the h.ul'or. The Toledo people
headed by the Toledo baud met Mr.
Herman at the depot, mid the latter
made a short talk to the assembled
people, N
We learn that the celebration at
Silet. was a success in every partic
ular. A gteat many ol' the ( Ira ml
Uonde Indians weie over and all
j" "'"'e l'ay w as had by all
w cie picn nt
in. Scott, the aged man whoi
t . . I
w as sentenced to leu eats uupris
ouineut in the lvniientiaiv in Julv
. ...... .
alleged uiuider ot his wile, has
lu M-t, .utdone,! ami lil,..r .....I 0..... i
lu-C-ii par
iii-.ou. There has nlwtiv I, i
There has alwav
cotisidci.iV.e doitht a, to his guilt.i
It w ill le uineuiheud that Wilson,
the murderer ol' M.imie Welsh at
Milwaukee aimut a year ago
.Milwaukee adout u vear io eon.
ll"'sl vl u U;c k Mrs- 'olt. !
A check on the Commercial I
National Hank, of Oiegou City, was 1
found la-t Saturday on theCorvallis
road ahoul tour miles from Toledo, i
I.y Amos li.ixter, a seventeen year!
old hoy living in that vicinity.!
The chcik was drawn In Peter!
Pa, (tut, register of the Tinted!
Staks land ollice at Otcgon City,
and is now in the hands of County '
Judge 111 no, of whom it can he oh-'
tamed l.y the jiropt-r owner uikui
A great many strange faces are
.eu on our streets now days.
Hay harvest is the order of the '
-.i u.. i r...
.... our ,e wcnt t(J Nt.w. rt and
il.e hay crop ,s good this a nicj- m cfekLratiou ,t
and more hay than ever will;' 1
. that place.
pj j.. ,
Miss hunice Alexander came,
over from Corvallis to visit berjson anfi ydanta called the pleasure
folks and to celebrate the4th. Shej
was accompanied by Miss Ilufford, !
who is also visiting relatives here, j
We are under obligations to our !
genial butcher, Kob Camplell, for a .
fine mess of new potatoes on the
3rd inst., just early enough to say;
that we had new potatoes before!
the 4th. We might also remark I side of the slough, but she never'
that they filled a long felt want. ! came in. In trying to round into
The Dcmorest silver medal which I tl'e channel she run aground on
was awarded to Miss Anna Cham- j tlie south bank at Mackay's point
bers by the judges, by two-thirds! t!lere she stuck, and the crowd
of a point in the marking. Both ! which did not embark on the Rich-'
the young ladies did excellent mjardson waited and wondered.1
rendering their recitations and it j When the fog lifted they saw the
was quite difficult to determine 'situation and so they waited for the
which was the better, J excursion train which came
A.J.Miller made proof on his ! through about eleven o'clock and'
homestead today before Countv ! took ti,tm 0,1 tlleir wa'- The Pro' .
Clerk Jones. Mr. Miller first made J ram as '"ced by the Newport :
his start toward makiniroroof about people was not so extensive as is:
the middle of March, but owing to
the bull-headed inconsistency of
that clam in the Oregon City land
office called Capt. Appersou, he has
been delayed and troubled about
absiilltfclv IWillliltir moil it lio to1-o-
him four months to get a notice
)iiblished so that he can make a
proof. It will be a god-send to
settlers when Col. Miller takes
charge of the registership and the
old barnacle steps down and retires
to the privacy he has so justly
We would remind the good peo
ple of Newport that there is an an
cient document, the contents of
which can be found in any com
mon school history of the United
Slates, which, though old, yet
when viewed in the grand light of
American patriotism is ever new,
that makes mighty valuable read
ing tm such days as the 4th of July,
and in fact, can be read with much
profit on many other days. It is a
classic and chaste article and can be
read by anyone in any kind of an
assemblage without bringing a
blush to the cheek of the most dif
fident and modest. We have al
ways noticed that the hearing of
this document read always inspires
the hearers with a greater love of
country and a higher degree of pa
triotism. And to the people of
New-port we want to say, that in
all the times hereafter that you cel
ebrate our country's natal day, and
we hope the times will be many
do not, we adjure you, as you val
ue your privileges as American cit
izens and hope to see those great
blessings extended to your chil
dren, whatever you tender or omit,
do not omit reading that grand and
gloi ions recitation of w rongs en
dured and declarations of no furth
er forbearance the Declaration of
a WW KIlttM IIKS K lit I.KM1M tio:khs.
At Yaquina on the Fourth the
eldest daughter of Dr. Akin fell
from the jetty upon the rocks in
the breakers twenty feet below.
She was leseued, but her leg was
broken and manv bruises indicted
by the fall. Albany Herald.
Inquiry at Dr. Akin's home re
veals the fact that Miss Akin only
fell a short distance ami the only
injury received was a slight bump
on the head.
- 1 -
The following are the arrivals at
U'c popular Hotel Lincoln lor the
week ending Unlay:
M. McDowell. Spokane: Win, R.
Lee, M. D., Detroit, Mich., Mrs.
ISarahLee. Detroii, Mich.; 1-M. M .
Alt'. V. LI V! lllll ko VIV Ciltvi .
Cieary, City: John Kekiy, Cotval-
" '
i us; .. j. lietroit. Or.; .
M,m,w' iWU- Ll'L J1'"" ,
KO''l'"",K' . Aew len. Jlilganl.
, K , ". i,c;,,,u,;,,,r, ,.() ,ho i;.h ,u. , Ml(; i
.onvi: t, aiKius. i uii v. rev k:
' If II Killer 1 Itit't C'l.'.V
t . II. IVllll-r, I'llIUIUk.
hhk i.wr,
Tlie following Utters icm.iiu un
called for at this ollice on July 1st.
li.unford, Oeorge.
Ha.lger, I!. P.
Harwick, It. A.
llayce, A. Y.
Smith fx Co.
Svhiemer, Mis. Peter.
Sv-liult, Mrs. Lictto.
Thomas, Mrs. H. J.
iiiiiiik li'l Hie .en'
s ,v ndveitisl
i it;.. .1.. .i.
i W. L. Rton. P. M.
il'.v. hhtimi n KM!it!;f.
f h.ere , m V."
Wedo tins year the
celebration at
;r;ater fart of
Myillllieillornills ,he WHO
, f), . .rsRic.arfi.
to hastcn aud embark for
t,)e excursion. The Richardson
came up the n-ght 1)dore and took .
its load o'.it at about C.-jj. As ear-
ly as 5:30 the Volanta could be
heard coming down from Logan's
dock where she is kept tied up.
At six o'clock si!C whistled out-
generally had on that day but!
never-thedess it was quite good,
1 lie boat races were not so very
exciting, there being so much dif
ference in the crews that they look
ed too much like throw-nfl. T'ln
' mam feat"re of tlle lla' seemed to
be the excursion over the bar. The
steamer Willamette Valley took out
293 persons on this excursion, A
tub race in the evening in which
there were three contestants was a
laughable affair, and the day's
festivities wound up with a grand
ball at the Opera house. Much
disappointment was manifested be
cause the ball grounds were uot
completed so that a game of ball
could have been plrtyed. A short
game was played on the old ground
between the Independence and Al
bany, which resulted in a victory
for the latter.
We would call the attention of
parties owning bulls which are be
ing allowed to run at large to sec
tion 3,303 of the Laws of Oregon,
which read as follows:
If any person, being the owner
of a bull shall knowingly allow
the same to run at large out of his
enclosures, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on complaint
filed before any justice of the peace,
such person shall be fined in a sum
not less than live dollars nor than
fifty dollars for each offense.
To the familv
WADU. To the familv of Lee
Wade, of this city, Sunday, July
2, 1803, a daughter.
Assignee's Notice.
VOTli I. Is m.KKI'.V on I.N that l'ctor Mi
i K.iit'i.ll. t 'l..'.l.i, County, oroiron,
ha, intulo 11 iMMit'rtil iiHUnnit;tit of tiU hii prop
coy for 1 ho l.f.n-ilt oi IntMM'.lii.imi.. the inulur
wium'.t. lio-h snj.l H-oi:ntiuMit H now iem!tnr
In the t inMiM Court of tho sotlo of i iruxoii.
l.ini'nln t.'U'i:. All .o"..ils8 llt.ld ilitr iMftlnm
jiL'nitiM t hp Mia in.-lvtMii rf hort'i'v- notitie.1
mul n-amuM in tint tho miiiiv to the ninlcr-
iuiiisl, inoler onth. nt tok'.lo. fonntv iimI
stutH Hforo-iii.l, within three months from tho
iltitr hi'ioof.
1H"1 this .nth any of Mnv, wr.
A O. IlooRKK,
Execntov's Notice.
TMKCorNTVlOl liroK I INCOI X t ol'-
TY. oltMloN.
oTI-. i Iuti'M irivon thttt the nn.lerii'ne'l
wii .Inly ni'..tme.t t.y the t onntv toiirtot
l.ln.'oln 1 "otiiuv, ui"..i. et'.''ilor of the e-tute
il Mnry l!o en., In'n o'ni.1 eoitntv. lei-envi.,.
All WTM..-I. h-ivlniT ('l"!-..; niviitiiit 't:it, f-tn!e
ne heiet.y notiiie-l to Mr-i'iil thnm anlv eri
tn-l to the nn.leiM vie l " 1 re-H'lenre In 11'
i ll . orenoti. il,in (. month, irotu the -'.'lie
of ttil, n.'tKe
Inuea ut 'loUMo. t irev:..:t. this t;:h ilnv tf .In no
Administrator's Notice.
In the Connty Contt .f 1 ineo'itl Conujtv. Slntc
ott' e herein u'iyen thm tho utolenw-nea
hti nt..olima bv !he t ontilv i ntirt ol
e -In ivuti! , . nretfon. ii.ltnlnt.t'iitor ol the es
tate ol Alvlr MeXell. In'eoi I mroln Count ,
Oregon. le t'ea. Ul oer.ons liHlntf eliuiim
Hirii'tt ftit.l p,tnte lire hioet.v tiotttV l to .re
onl the.n .Inly vio ine.l t.t the im.lerMtrnea nt
l..;,.lo. nrvi..n. within nionttm from the
.tii'e of I hl non.v; km 1 .i!'. i-etson, iiolet.te,! to
tin 1 coat tire ln.otU'.l to tetLe the ?amc tmuie
I'Kte I nt Tole.lo. Ore.-en. tht :ih i'.v of
Jv ne. ix';. j il. MiMt: i .
Sherif;'s Sale.
i v , ; , f u hi p f it v : v i.' v 'r ii i -r itti
ttr .1. . III.. . . ..
i ine on ony . ue I- : nil to. tor he v nl of i.i- m. i ei.inir oioe
! ,,',
iinrtvl : i H i i outi ti tht- 'th
Oti. ot lv , llii-iif t e':. lite n her.'
In 1 iva iruitTtntH I Ue'...r
, ,h. ,,,, . , n,,,,., ,,.,, i ;,,.'.,.,,. .
I - 1 !. I HI .if I 'l ! " 1 i Sl.t.X I. ..'A
.:.-., .l. .. .... .
.r... i.u.1 i-r !,,. . tik ,. Ii IV e .1 V,.t v j
men;.. n.t t. r the x , of the herermaer .le.
t.'ll'i.l 1 rol-orlv l. bit.. I, Ol.. .o..-l
:um ni'ii (vfn;.. t
ii.f.i.'V lM l, llOlHt'T'l. ritl C."MlRtl.l Ill ,
1 Ui iiiMfct' ihe iiut . i ivoii"y with c. i ;
, itcH-tuuiK i ii . (l, cho r"l t-'a h:o i
1 i i , i " vr UvT':n,'i . nit., in i iirmi(-;nv tliors.t 1 1
h-:iil . i I Knvlu r. Orvtfxu w l ion j
!.t"lr i ho '-ul .Nv . . 'wni lS' W 'lir i
. !' . .-..-'i -i tho 'vries." , , mi I U : i
ihf ''.Mm M. .1 -or : I ho t. .M' I V-' - m '
,ti. ..ui, Nt .Mo mioiiu t. the h'-.'h i
it 1.,.Ur ! ...h f, ;.) o (ho l. . ttt:.. '
lo -Tit t t i , ATI . l.inl! I . MiujU r )
ono 1 4'- . i a . t . M, : ; utvu-rtsl IWfi ( , .
't : ui m a i -l-'r.i -i to th. I
ot Nr . r i . t rw, 'U i ..n . i Tx',- i ; !
lt'l R id IVMrt!,' ! tl I iM"lli i or '''W !
(I'f'till I 1 ' 'ct t' M ' Oi'.ltM 'r-s.-i nr 1 , v
x- rvcsM t i tho cf ( thr Ko r
r oi il i . i, -ihr w ilh tho 'r irtt.r'i'
hoi Imm''K hi rtrnt.v hr :.'mi,. ;
ot i iiirturMtMf . h v o'l mi
i' h
-t On
oe e.i
roh I
. h- . I .le.-.i
: . e ! ' ' .e rt-t
. ie -ei fi h h .
th, eoi
Oil . .S .' .
Iutrl ju
.h i-
If you think of buying farming tools, a
stove or of building a house this spring, we
will save von money if you call on or write
us for prices before buying-.
I. M. WADE & CO.,
1HL 2VL j3FcIJJIK:, Prop.,
Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, etc.
lit?! il M Rasi is Gwk
jfcr-.i ornrr axd on dimly nnsonr.
m ins
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Re.'idy Made Clothing, Etc.
Our Customers will find our stock complete in all lines and are solda
moderate prices.
Flour and Feed, Staple ami Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinc.
Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
For Bargains in Real Estate !!
Farm' Lniuls, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Eloeks,
'1 weuty-tvo years' residence on Yatiuiua Hay.
soM i-rriiixo skw i
I Imvo just roceived direct from New York
M aim fact urers an assorted line of Novelty
Dress (ioods, com prising the Latest Patterns
and Designs in Dress Goods. Call and sop
i t IlOlU ! tlieV iYO SOliU'tlliii'- nvt.,,
1 '
' -v -
T Or r!nT5T7T A TVTT4 Toledo.
. . ww.
O". Wm. 7ZILjTj,
Dealer in
IU';i..,iiru-r for 'he 'n-'t
Sport iiu ;,ls.
nj -10!
Sew ing m.ii-bi
OS. oil and s
LhunuUi-v. allot l.o,rt U,;l Tin,
-I. AVin. AVI LI..
Corvallis, Oregon.
- rorssTir
-ta.jLi j., Oregon
l ine In.trrmr an diiceinlir. Work
- .iot.'ies STrt i,. Cll
i , . , .iuu neiu glasses.
" ii hmul.
ire you j
Ecading any
County Paper nowlj
If want a paper f
That will give you
All the Local news; !
ill the County now
All the Court mW
And in
Fact all the nevy$
That is of interest t
You should Subscrilit
For tlie Lincoln.
County Leader,
Only 81.50 per
I'M plneo to ir.t you
Llllllli J1EADS,
And nil klndi of
i t tt
itf Prices a nd Work Satisfac'.' r
. Con
Corvallis, Oregon