Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 06, 1893, Image 2

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    Lincoln County Leader.
J. F. ST F. IV A It T, I-ul.ll.h.r.
. . . . OREGON
A Chinaman Ordered Deported
Under the Geary Act.
Resolution Adopted in Opposition to
the Camiiiittl Mining Kill
Rich liorax Deposit.
Water is flowing intoSalton Lake, and
it uiay 1j! til lei as it wan two years ago.
The new borax cliiiniH found in the
Calico Mountains arc said to In; very
A conservative estimate of the estate
of Senator Stanford places it over $:H,
000,000. A rich liorax deposit has heen discov
end in Nevada ulxjiit sixty miles from
Wong Dip Ken, a Chinaman lit Lis
Angeles, Iiiih heen ordered diqsirtcd un
der thu lieury ac t.
Serious trouble witlr" tho Chovoiinos
at Fort Keogh, Mont., over the attempt
ed arrest ol an Indian ih reported
Bids for thu construction of thu jetty
at thu entrance of San Diego Buy have
peon published liy tlio government olu
Sacramento Ih to liuvo a supply of
pure, clear Hater, two or threu coin
panics will hid on snoelllctilionM ordered
by tho City Trustees.
J. I'. Engnii, special traveling agent
for tliR Travelers' insurance Company
of Hartford, Conn., for Ihe Territory of
Kew Mexico, Iiuh heen swindling people.
Tim Yuuui Indians have raised a good
crop of corn on thu river bottoms: thiH
year, and their crop of wheat and mel
oum will keep them in good living until
next fall.
Thu contract for the erection of a new
city hall in Salem w ill lie let to Iliili-li-ipsaSt
Suutliwick fur till, till), This plaint
wcro somewhat altered, reducing the
original hid f l,-J5:.
Sheriff Kay at Visalia, Cal., now keeps
thu wards of Evans and Soutiig locked,
and thu gourds ot each man will remain
iilHidu w ith thu wounded oullawH, beside
haviiiR a guard outside.
Thu jury in thu cane of Mrs. II. M.
Johnson, who Hilpd thu Southern I'acillc
Couipanv at Curson, Nev., lor damages,
caused iy the ileal li of her husband,
obtained a verdict of $25,0(10.
Thu Salt l.uku Chamber of Commerce
has adopted resolutions indorsing (lie
Denver. Salt Lake and Kan Francisco
railroad proposition and encouraging
thu efforts o( Salt Luko capitalists in
thai direction.
James Liiinorciinx of Malm Kails,
Idaho, Iiiih brought suit in thu fifth
JliHlricl Court against the KiiHur Insti
tute of I'ticatello or ill, ouil damages,
liecuuso it tried and fuiled to euro him
o( thu liquor habit,
Thu llrmlMtrccl Mcrciintile Agency
reports forty-seven failures in the I'acilic
Cuiist Stales, ami Tci nlorios fur the past
week, us compared with twenty-live (or
thu previous week and twenl y-thrce for
thu corresponding week of 1W2.
A heavy (round swell at 1'ort I.os
Angeles. (Simla Monica) tore the Corona
loosu from her moorings, breaking the
lines and a hawser. 1 he work ol ills
charging consumed seven limns over
Ncheilule time, w ith a loss o( about ll'O
worth ot hawser,
An ordinance has been pussed nt
Pasadena tdipulating that beer and
wine can onlv be served with 25-ccnt
meals, and onlv between thu hours of
11:110 and 1 Hio'iiud o:'!0 and 7 :'I0, ami
niviliiig for a Hue of not less than $100
nur niom tliau t.iuo tor cadi violation,
Thu Anti-Debris Association in meet
ing at Sacraiueiito iidopted resolutions in
i io i ne i ainiiieiii mining mil
'the association does not liclicvo the hill
will protect the land and rivers from
iniurv. ami iiroMii.cs to anneal to the
courts whenever such injury becomes
Thu Ijiuiariottu vineyard at Fresno
last season brought two carload of Isiys
from Sun Francisco, ami set t Item to
1 licking grapes. I he Imivs "aged ranged
rom U to IS years, Soineol' them ran
oil', and some landed in jail, bill the
general result was satisfactory. Thev
picked more grapes than an equal uum
iht of Chinese and for less money. It
is probable that thu experiment of last
season will lead to a more extensive one
this summer.
At a meeting of Mayor Kllcrt and a
number of citi.ons thu other night it
wan decided dcllnitoly to hold a mid
winter fair in Sun Francisco, and it was
further divided to place the matter ill
charge of a coinuiilteu of eleven to W
HptMiiutcd heieaflcr. Thu committee
will meet Manager Comely iihui his
arrival fioiu Chicago, ami with him
la'gin actual preparation for the enter-
rise. Much enthusiasm was maui
cstcd at this meeting, and a spirit of
con liilciicv was tdmnn that monev can
bo raised, millieieiit interest enlisted
and all things necessary be done, even
ill tho short lime lietwccu the Present
and thu close of the Cohimbiaii l'.Xosi
tion to make the lair a success,
A gentleman of Olympin, Wash., has
conceived the idea of utili.iiig Ihe water
Kiwero( Tuiiiwatcr, a suburb, in gener
ating electricity for thu work of dredg
ing Olympia hurlsir and redeeming the
tide lauds. At low water the tails at
Tuiiiwatcr produce O.tHHMiorso niwer,
and a pnsitioii (or the utilizing ol
thia power has been made to the coui
panv controlling it. The officials of the
dredger company have askisl the light
and power company (or a formal prop
osition to furiu-h 1I0O-horse mwcr by
clectiieity with which to llnisli their
rivurniui'iit iMiitract in the harbor,
ho plans (or the harUr impivcineiit
aro elaUirato a pnisMsl by the llai lsT
Lino Commission and approved bv tho
War iVpartnietit. The area ol n--detMlHHt
land will extuud to the cud of
the long wharf, a distance ol alsnit a
milu from the city front, covering an
area of alnint i-iv block at the south
Vlnl and tajHTiug toalsmt l,tM b-ct at
thu end ol tint lonu wharf, Sin roiiinl
lng this will ls a ivtorvcd ,'ti ip of :VH
feet for pier. To the west ot this will
Im tho hurlsir proper. Kxtciiding down
tlio west side ol this rcdivmcd land will
run tha Northern I'acilic track and an
avenuo 150 lin t wide. tn the can si.le
water-way is pross., with a ini-fool
rtworve (or whaiM s and mill and manu
facturing sites. Tho Tuinwater water
way willalt'ord dvp water a milo Ih
ypml Capitol 1'oiiit, wliero tlio now
butohoua it U b built.
Superintendent Stamp has. decided
that alien emigrant cattlemen most pay
a head tax and are subject to the law's
aa regards iiinix.t-tioii, unless they are
regularly employed on the vessel as
Thu coast-defense ship Monterey will
be. officially accepted, and the Navy I)e
partiuent will asHiime wntrol of he'r im-iie-diately,payingoverto
the contractors
all of the reserve fund that has been
held up an a guarantee of the comple
tion of the vessel.
The l.'nited States government through
Secretary tirealiam ban declined to act
as arbitrator between France and Hiam
in the dispute Ix-tween those countries
as to the jurisdiction over territory near
Slain. The intervention of this liovern-
ment was asked by Siain.
A statement preoared bv Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue Miller shows
that the collection: of internal revenue
for thu eleven months of the current tis-
cal year amounted to Vi,Wi,:i'tf), an in-
eri ase over the corresjM)ii(ling period ol
the last lineal year of 17,157,40:1.
UiKjn the recoiumemlation of Com
missioner liOchrcn of the pension oflicc
Secretary Smith has dropped from the
rollH of the pension oflice the names of
twenty-eight special examiners now in
the Held, the terms of their one-year ap
pointment having expired. All the spe
cial examiners dropied are Republicans.
(If the ninety special examiners still re
tained sixty aru Republicans and thirty
The government is not disposed to ac
cept as llual thu decision of thu United
States district Court at Seattle, Wash.,
that it has lost entire power to control
thu use of the lands of the I'uyallup In
dians near Tacoma by reason ol the al
lotment of thu lands in severalty, and
Attorney-tieneral Olnoy has given in
structions to thu United States district
Attorney at Seattle to make an appear
ance immediately in behalf of thu In
dian Agent.
One of tho first Matters' of importance
that will he presented to thu next Con
gress will be thu bill, already framed,
providing lor the establishment of a Na
tional Hoard ot Health, with headquar
ters in Washington Citv. Tho hoard, as
devised by the projectors, is to co-opcrato
with thu state and municipal authorities
in the matter ot sanitary improvement.
The Isildcst feature of thu proposition,
ami onu that is likely to result in a seri
ous controversv, is that which bestows
uiou thu Isiard legislative, judicial and
executive powers of an independent
It is a matter of surprise amoui!
largo number of army ollicers that so
many should lie willing to accept details
at Indian agencies. It has already been
explained that these ollicers aru w illing
to go to 1 in I in it agencies in order to gel
rid of disagreeable associations and the
dull routine of camp, hut another factor
Which would seem to deter them lioni
going to agencies is thu fact that all olli
curs aru now examined for promotion
and that they would be much more apt
to bo promoted if they continued in the
active service instead of going away from
it. it is claimed that all army ollicers
who accent Indian agency details will
keep up their studies on military mat
ters, so that they may ho able to pass
thu culminations wliuii promotions arc
oH'ered tin in.
Thu Interior Denarlment has again
placed itself on record as opposed to
thu higher education of Indians at the
government's expense. Somu days ago
Mrs. Sarah I. Kinney in behalf of the
Connecticut. Indian Association ask
authority to place .Manila Cornelius, an
(Hud ii I lit ti and a graduate of the
school, in the Connecticut normal train
ing school at New Britain, Conn., during
Hid llscal year eliding .lone :ill, 18UI, at
thu rate of fllU per annum, in order
that she might be lilted us a teacher,
Acting Secretary Sims in tlcuving the
request refers to the views expressed in
II letter on the suliject, 111 w hich he fully
concurs, written liv Secretary Nolile in
March, 1 Si 1 1 . In 'that letter Secretary
Noble took the ground (hat it is best to
prepare the Indians for labor and self
support by a g'sxl, ordinary common
schisil education, and when that bus
been attained to place thetu iimiu lands
or in other places ol labor and not keep
(hem lor many years still studying the
higher brunches of learning.' More
over, he says, there are great mmila'rs
ol children u( thu Indians who have no
opportunity for education whatever
Tiny need this elementary education,
and tho funds designed (or Indian edu
cation should ho expended ina way to
reach the greatest nuiulier rather than
that a very lew should receive a uni
versity training,
In a North dakola exhibit at the fair
there are 1 Ml exhibits of w heat and -W
kinds ol grain.
Tho gates of the (air grounds at Chi
cago are to Ik kept open until 11 o'clock
at night hereafter.
The expected World's l'air trallic from
I'urope has thus far failed to materialize,
w bile tho Kastnard travel seems to lie
Paymaster lieneral Stewart has com
pleted a statement of expenditures o(
the naval review. The total expense o(
the review was frO.NOO.
Internal revenue ollicers actually
seiml a miniature distillery on exhibi
tion at the World's l'air, Iscause all of
the red-tape technicalities had not been
complied with in setting it up.
The exposition authorities have set
apart (Vtolier l to l!l for tho big re
union of war veterans, both Confederate
and Union. The tirutid Army posts w ill
make etlorts to bring all the old soldiers
(swsible to Chicago.
Another attraction is Wing arranged
bv tho OMMsition authorites and the
nsiple of Midway I'laisance. It is pro
tHiscd that till tho natives take part in a
grand ball, to v given the llrst week in
July. I lu Will proper is to lie preceded
bv a grand inarch and the exhibition of
all the strange dances to ho seen on the
The Methodist will not withdraw
their exhibit from tho World's hair.
After three hours' discussion a commit
tee divided to cover up all exhibits of
the chinch Sundays, ami all mimlsrs
of the church are asked to do the same
w ith their individual exhibits.
Canada outstripinil her coin pet i tors
in the June exhibit ot cheese. There
wcr ('si exhibits, mot-th- ot factory
cheese, Of those l:tt scored high enough ,
to w in meiluls or diplomas, I'M of tin in '
Iwiug Canudiim manufacture. Thirty-!
onu Canadian lots scoivd higher than
any from the United States, ranging in I
excollanco Iront 00 per cent dow n. j
The council ol administration will'
hcreiitter have lull authority over all
matter ol general administration con-'
invt.-d with the pxHution. The
dirtvtor have adopted the report oft lie,
exivutive coimuittco as outlined la-d '
week. This adion atlihcs all the
committees ot tho local directory,
except tho executive, ftiiauiv and legu
lulivc, and charges the council ol ad
ministration Willi carrying out the
order ol theo three committees. Tho
council ha been gieu authority Iodic
charge or employ any otlicor.
The Number of Sheep Sheared
in Montana.
Buildings Occupied by Government
Clerks to be Examined The
Cbilils-Dreicl Home.
Our "militia of the sea" now numbers
about l.OUO men.
The gold in thu Treasury is olightly
increasing in quantity.
Winter wheat is nearly all harvested
in the Southern States.
'The delawafe militia will be dis
banded for lack of funds.
Oenver claims a population of 182,000,
based on directory names.
The Capital National Hank at Indian
apolis has reopened its doors.
detroit's city government is waging a
determined war on the gas companies.
Proctor Knott of Kentucky has
declined thu oiler of thu Hawaiian mis
The Mississippi river at Xew Orleans
is within onu foot of the highest point
ever recorded.
Missouri is the first Statu to build a
Confederate homo entirely from indi
vidual contribution.
Tho protest against rapid bicycle-
riding on frequented streets 18 general
all over the country.
The Wabash has adopted the rulo
limiting tickets to continuous passage
one day irom date ol sale.
Thu mackerel fishers aru having great
sport this year, iNothiug liku it has
bi-cli ilijuyiu ful )L'UIS pitL.
Natural gas discovered near Nuwlin,
1 ex., is triglitening the colored popula
tion away from that vicinity.
As thu hot weather begins l'hila
dclphia is having trouble with its gar
bage of an alarming character.
it is reported that a new lino of
steamers ure to ply between New York,
Jamaica mid I entral America.
American capitalists are said to have
Isiught much land on thu isthmus of
Tehauntepec for bonanza farming.
Cleveland is to arbitrate thu dispute
lietwecn Argentina and Hrazil over thu
possession of thu Statu of Parana.
Wholesale poisoning ol sheep is thu
latest phase o thu Colorado war be
tween sheepmen and cattlemen.
Last year theru were l.KOO.OOO shoei
sla iircd in Montana, an increase of J:i
per cent over thu previous year.
An Must Tennesson young woman has
lirouglit suit for )l,(Mi) against a man
for saying Unit she had (also teeth.
Senator Stewart has recently ex
pressed thu belief that thu Sherman
silver purchasing act will not be ru
Thu fear Is taking form in Western
Kansas that this season w ill not pro
duce nioro than three or four crops of
Ihe unveiling of the monument to
Nathan Hale in City Hull Park, New
tork, has been postponed until Scp-
The builders of the new cruiser New
tork will receive- ahoiit ti 0,000 in
premiums by the government's uccc
lance of the vessel.
H ater collectors at Pclroil nave heen
stealing. II. 1 James committed
suicide w hen liis theft wus discovered
Scveial arc finder arrest.
The Chicago and Northwestern has
secured an entrancu into deliver by the
piirchtt-u ol the NTiuitoii road, a coal
line seventeen miles long.
A monument to thu memory of
William t 'ill lt-n llrvant, thu Aino'rican
historian and poet, will shortly he
placed in Central Park, New York.'
K.vcrv building in Washington oc
cupied by government clerks is to lie
subjected to a thorough examination as
to its safety, lighting and ventilation.
The Coventor ol New York has just
vetoed a hill making the use of cheese
as an article ol diet compulsory in the
military camps and prisons of thu State,
There are now in tho elevators of
Minneapolis, lhiliith and Superior alsiut
'JWHHi.OOO bushels of wheat, or about
twice as much as they contained a year
Thu Tree-planting and Fountain
Society of llrooklyn is actively engaged
in arousing intelligent interest in the
planting and care of street trees in that
The feeling at Washington is that the
llnancial crisis is past. The condition
of the country as reviewed from a treas
ury standiKiint shows general improve
ment. J. II. Richardson ol New Haven.
Conn., has Ix-gun suits lor "0,0tiO,000
for infringement of a patent held by him
by n a per manufacturers of the I'hitcd
The complete olllcial return of the
Chinese registration have Ihtii received
at Washington. They show that out of
UO.mi Chinese in tho United States
l:l,l:10 registered.
Tho International Tvisigrapbical
Union has declared that no one shall bo
admitted to the Childs-drexel Home
unless he had been a meuiln'r ol the
union for live years.
The Oil-well Supply Company, one of
the most extensive corHrations in
Pennsylvania and tho largest coiiivrn
of its kind in the world, has gone into
the hands of a nit'iver.
The man employed bv the Pennsyl
vania railroad to Kxk after its passen
gers at their deHt at I hicago sicuk
seven languages, and w ill N paid ..(Ki
lor Ins services during the Vt orld s hair.
The Chicago river is again asserting
itself, and river men are not backward
in predicting all sorts of evils in case
tliii authorities do not take steps to
cleanse the channel bcloro warmer
iithcr (Mines.
l a-tern watering places are groaning
ocr the dearth ol guests, hvcrytiody
of ititclligciii-c seems to !o saving lip for
avi-it to "the White City," and only
invalids and hsugcrs-ou are left (or the
summer resorts.
The religious societies, which threaten
to remove their exhibits (nun the (air
at I IneugM Uvause the exismtion will
lv ociicd on Sundays, will not l
allowol to do so, as the dirxvtor-
tltMICI;tl itlltf till .'Vllihittf ttM
chtervd (or the w hole eriol ot the (air
alio inun remain.
Rev. Ir. Charles II. Parkliurst, the
New York preacher who made a grvat
Mtraxcar or so ago bv a peisonal in
vestigation ol vicious place, ilivlatv it
to ! Ins ahxdutf, unwavering con-
viction that it would have Uvn a
"moral iinmsihihty" lor l.luii Borden
to commit the murder nh which h
Is charged.
Xew York State ia said to have more
newspapers than the entire Southern
The Merrimac river is said to move
more machinery than any other stream
in the world.
The American Aluminium Company
will erect a manufacturing plant near
Clayton, Mo.
There are twenty-eight passenger
trains daily from New York and Phila
delphia to Chicago.
About t!i0,000,000 ere annually sent
by Italian laborers in this country to
their families in Italy.
There are less than 1,000 Spaniards,
Greeks and Portuguese in any one of the
chief cities of the country.
Half a million patents issued by this
government liear excellent testimony to
the country's inventive genius.
It was only 110 years after the discov
ery of America that the first glass works
were established in the colonies.
A smelter has begun operations at San
Luis Potosi, Mexico. It is the only
smelter in Mexico working copper ore.
England liears the palm over all coun
tries, even the United States, in the
number of women employed by govern
ment. The Phillinpine Islands export more
than 100,000 cigars annually, almost
3,000 tons of collee and 220,000 tons of
Europe produces almost as much to
bacco as does the United States, Austria
supplying about one-third of the Euro
pean crop.
The corn exported to Mexico from the
United States during the recent famine
would fill a solid train seventy-seven
miles long.
Last year New York city paid for its
school bill t4,000,0lt0; for its amusement
bill, 7, 000,000, and for its drink bill,
Gutta perch a was first introduced into
Europe from Malaga in 1852. The an
nual consumption now amounts to 4,000,
000 pounds.
The average cost of travel on the Lon
don roads is only .10 of a cent a mile, and
thu (.trout J.astern conies at .040 ot a
cent a mile.
Japan's foreign trade during 1802 ex
ceeded that of 1801 20,000,000 veil. The
principal increase was in thu values ol
silk and tea.
Theru aru 28,00(1 Chinese inhabitants
in the chief cities of tho United States
24,000 of them in Sun Francisco and
3,000 in New York.
Grand old Missouri is without a rival
in tho world in the amount of lead out
put. The annual lead product of the
state is 30,000,000 tons.
There are severa! dozen men in Ixn
don w ho earn their living by catching
rats, they are mostly employed at ho
tels, clubs and restaurants.
Tho schooner Good Intent, which was
launched at lsruintrce, Mass., in 1813, is
still in service, plying Ijetwven liangor.
Me., and neighlsn ing ports.
The orange industry of Florida has in
creased from 000,000 lxjxes in 1885 to
3,1100,000 for the past season. This year's
crop win exceed o,uuu,(Khj ooxes.
Tho fluctuations of tho stock market
a few months after Jav Gould's death
increased tho value of his estate to $Hit,
000,000, and afterward reduced it to $01,
This country exported 10,075,000 yards
of cotton goods to Rrazil during' the
eight months to March 1, an increase of
over 50 per cent over the siimu period a
year ago.
The New Hampshire experiment farm
huds that milk from thu best cows costs
I '..cents a quart: from their poorest
4'., cents, as it costs just as much to food
the smaller producer.
The whole length of the main Siberian
line is 4,700 miles and its estimated cost
$100,000,000. The line, with brunches
will cover 5,000 miles, to be built by un
expenditure of $ 2iW,OiX),000.
The total production ol silver in the
world during tho lust year was placed at
1 15,000,1100 ounces troy, ol which the
United Stales produced 00,000,000
ounces, or upward of 41 per cent ol the
w hole uinoum.
I'hilip J. Armour has adopted a diet
ol bread and milk in tho hope of im
proving his health.
.Mrs. v heeler ilcox wears a
thumb ring, and uses live quarts ol milk
to one complexion bath.
The only ornaments ever worn bv the
widowed Archduchess Stetihanie is
locket contiiiniiiK the portrait of her lit
tle daughter on the one side ami that of
her mother, the tjiieen of tho Belgians,
on tho other.
Arthur Balfour stiys that his greatest
political help comes from his sister. Miss
Agnes Balfour, who is his housekeeper.
Each day she devotes a lixed amount of
time to reading the newspapers and
marking w hat is useful for his perusal.
The present sent by tho Czar to the
Turkish Sultan, an album of paintings
ol all the Russian warships in the Black
Sea licet, is a return kahlv peculiar one.
The reeioietit mav rceard it as iti-snltan
or think it merely a piece ot rzitr-casui.
John Lodvard, the great traveler, says
that among all nations women adorn
themselves more than men, but that
wherever found they are the same kind,
civil, humane and tender being, in
clined to be cheerful, timorous and mod
est. Uharlcs K. Wright of London, who is
now spreading the light of thcosophy in
this country, declares that tho elixir of
life is no dream of the alchemist, but
may 1h reached through the " expansion
of the individual consciousness, what
ever that means.
The Punish Vice-Consul In Washing
ton, Andre l-ouia Bagger, who has lived
in that citv for aouartcrot a century,
has received a highly-prized decoration
from the King of IVninark, that of the
Order ol I'unncliorg, said to tie one of
the oldest orders of knighthood in exist
Eugenic, ox-Enipros ol rrunco, is the
godmother of H,S.U French children w ho
wen" Inirn on March 10, Insi, the day ol
the birth of her son who was kdled bv
the Zulu, in South Africa. Iheex-Kni-pre"
promised to stand smsor for the
Inldrcii turn on the mine dav as the
lrinco lmiioriut.
It ischium-1 bv his family that Alex
ander Columbus of Butl'.ilo is a direct
lineal dcMTiidant of Christopher Colum
bus, lie is iti ears of age, ami has eight i
li ing children, thirty gram luldron and
six great grandchildren. He was a ship-;
builder bv trade, and ha alwavs Uvn a I
user of tobacco and a drinker of intoxi
Mbil Sanderson, tho California soiig-
trv. h si-oreil a great success mi
" riirine," Saint-Sacn's new opera. The
Taris errviondont of a hmdon critical
journal w rite that, as the ctic is at-
way in Athens there is not much seo.e
, " v . ; ,
'on has to trust to her pla-tio Namie- of to U-w itching toilets, and all
the better lor tlue painter, or nulpton.
tio go
lighted '
to her.
ith her attitude,"
A Suit Begun 152 Years Ago
Just Concluded.
Mummified Bodies of Three Massa
cred Missionaries Brought
Back From Africa.
France is buying Irish horses for
cavaly use.
The manufacture of wine is becoming
a thriving industry in Palestine.
The total tonnage launched in Great
Britain in 1802 was 35,000,000 last year.
The value of England's exports of
metals and machinery fell off $35,000,000
last year.
Ixird Lome receives a salary of $0,000
a year aB Governor and Constable of
Windsor Castle.
The Town Council of Bruges, Bel
gium, liaB resolved to give $400,000
toward a ship canal.
Married couples in Norway are privi
leged to ride on railroads at a fare and a
half for each couple.
The Emperor William will command
in person the Sixteenth Army Corp9 at
the autumn maneuvers.
Loud complaints are heard on all
sides of the continued high price of
butcher's meat in Paris.
Ten war vessels of the British navy
were condemned last month as unfit for
service and ordered sold.
Sharpshooters riding in steel-clad ve
hicles will be a feature of next autumn's
German army maneuvers.
The Hamburg Tank Steamship Coin
rp.r.v v,-:!! go out of tho buaincsa
of unprofitable freight rates.
Paris has a new playhouse called the
Theater of the Poets. The success of
the new venture is not assured.
Quit a number of express locomotives
are fired principally with oil on the
Great Eastern railway of England.
London's most famous playhouse
Drury Lane is to be torn down and
another structure placed on its site.
It is stated from Batoum that famine,
for some time threatened, lias suddenly
become acuto in some districts of Ar
menia. Of the American cities represented at
tho Firemen's Congress at London
Kansas City made the most creditable
Police and artillery had to be used at
ticrne, Sw itzerland, to disperse rioters
who had attacked a gang of imported
Argentine bond holders at London
are considering the agreement between
the Kothschild committee and the
Russian Jews are reported to have
set lieu in pouih America m large num-
tiers, and are among the most prosper
ous colonists.
Salmon from California have been
successfully acclimatized on the lakes
of tho Marno and Saone canal at
Nievrc, I ranee.
Prince Bismarck will go to Kissingen
with his tamilv next month to drink
the waters. A palace has been placed
ni nis disposal.
In France tho railways employ 24,080
women. .Most ot them, however.
merely receive a small sum for opening
aim closing gates.
Owing to tho effect of the recent
drought in Germany on the farmers.
suspension of the duties on corn and
maize is proposed.
One thousand and' liftv-six lives were
saved by life-boat men on the coast of
1 1 rent Britain during the last year and
without the loss ol one lile-boat man
A suit in the English Chancery Court
Ix'gun 152 yours ago was concluded the
other nay. i he government duties and
legal fees covered nearly tho entire sum
fought for.
Tho Swedish government has estab
lished on the coast nine stations for
medical observation. The object of
this measure is to protect tho country
Irom cholera.
ine vonsians party in t ranee is
making strenuous efforts, in view of the
illness of President Carnot, to make
iohtical capital out of the Panama
canal scandal.
Five acres of park laud per week ia
the record of tho Umdon County Coun
cil, as since its organization a few years
ago it has purchased and made accessible
no less than 01'4 acres in parks.
All tho wells of Berlin have been ei
auiiucd, and out of some 800 one-fourth
were declared doubtful and one-fourth
unlit for use. Similar examinations are
tHung made all over tho country.
It is lielioved by the engineers and of
ficials of tho enterprise that tho Man
chester ship canal will be opened for
trallic along its entire length from Liver
pool to Manchester by next February or
Lady Brooke of the baccarat scandal
tamo has contributed an article to Mr,
Astor's rail Mall Magazine. She writes
on "Mhat is Society?" and has given
some very optimistic views on various
Piirmg the year 1S02 the mint ol
Great Britain issued $76,000,000 worth
ol coins. The quantity ot gold coins
was exceptionally largo, but the silver
coins renuired were less than at anv
time since 1SSS.
AtHjut ."0.000 couples have been
divorced in France during the last five
fears, and now a law has just been read
in the Chamber of Peiiuties for the first
time designed to make a severanm ol
the matrimonial bonds much
An Englishman who dies! recently be
queathed ,i,m to the Koyal National
Lifeboat Association ou condition that
ii Minimi lurnisn ins executor with a
signed agreement to use the funds in
building a lifeboat to 1 named the Min
nie Moon.
Aluminium is to be used wherever
practicable in the ccoutcruicnts, arms
and equipments of tho German army
Bf its use the weight carried bvinfantfy
will Is? a trttleover fifty-seven pound
where now it is about sutv-ohjht and
one-half pounds.
A constant and large increase is noted
in the output of the oil wells of the Cas
pian region. About 3,0 tons are ex
Mrtod every workin dav of tha v....
; Irom Batoum loin. and the exports of
lust year were 03. .VU tons
those ol the previous year,
excess of
roureau. the explorer, who has just
returned from the .ahain. brought with
him the t..lumf .H .
the Congregation ol the Whit Fat So
no in iwi were massacred by Ton.
arvg?. The bodies, while they l,,l 1
come completely mnn,,i.!.-l i !
lour-tifths of their weiu..L '.i
we in an .ilUnt .? '.. " - " rr
Hon. ' v. j.WrT-o
Wheat Xominal. Quote: Valley,
$1.10; Walla Walla, fl.00-31.02tf per
Flocb Standard, 3.40; Walla Walla,
$3.40; graham, $3.00; Buperjine, f2.50
per barrel.
Oats White, 50c per bushel; grey,
4Sc; rolled, in bags, $0.25(56.50; barrels,
$ti.50(a6.75; cases, $3.75.
Hay Best,fl5(ol7perton; common,
fir ijin-FFs Bran. $17.50: shorts.
$22.00; ground barley, $2b.a24; chop
feed, $18 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 80
(asoc per ceniai; nuuuimgs, i-oisj,
per ton; brewing barlev, 00uiy5c per
cental ; chicken wheat, fl.22tf fa 1.25 per
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 22tf
(o25c; fancy dairy, 17,la20c; lair to
good, 15ii 16c ; common, 12!-2c per pound ;
California, 35 440 per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 11 g 13c; Eastern
Twins, 16c; Young American, 16c; Cal
ifornia flats, 14c per pound.
Eooa Oregon, 15c per dozen.
Poultry Chickens, old. $3.50; broil
ers, large, $3.00(54.00; small, $2.00(3
2.50; ducks, old, $4.50(2.6.00; young,
$3.00(56.00 ; geese, $9.00 per dozen ; tur
keys, live, 12tfc; dressed, 15c per pound.
Vegetables Cabbage, ltfgl?4C per
pound: potatoes, $1.00 lor Uarnet Linus;
$1.75 for Burbanks; new, $1.65(51.75
per cental ; new California onions, $1.65
(tfl.75 per cental; asparagus, $2.00
per box ; radishes, 1012SjC per dozen ;
green Oregon onions, 10c per dozen;
rhubarb, 3(53tf c per pound ; cucumbers,
40c per dozen; Oregon cucumbers,
$1.50 per dozen; string beans, 14c per
pound; Oregon peas, 3(3fc per pound.
Fruits Sicily lemons, $5.50(5 6.00 per
box; California new crop, $4.00(55.00
per box; bananas, $1.50(5;3.00 per bunch;
oranges, seedlings, $2.52.75 per box: na
vels, $3.50(54.00; strawberries, 3(54c
per pound; pineapples, $6.00 per dozen;
cherries, 90c(51.60 per box; gooseber
ries, 3(53'-.jc per pound; red Astrachan
apples, $1.25 per box; perches, lU(52c;
apricois, i4f2c; blackberries;, i.oo per
io-pound crate ; peacn piuuis, $1.70 per
staple groceries.
Dried Fruits Petite prunes, ll12c;
silver, ll(514c; Italian, 13,515c; (jer
man, 11(5 12c; plums, 812c; evaporated
appleB, 10(5lic; evaporated apricots, 15
('il7tfc; peaches, 12tu,14c; pears, 7llc
per pound.
Honey Choice comb, 18c per pound;
new uregon, loigsuc; extract, UdtlOc.
Salt Liverpool, 100s, $15.00; 50s,
fl&.&O; stock, 10.00(alI.UU
Coffee Costa Kica, 22c; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 21)ic ; Mocha, 26U' a 30c ; Java,
24!s530c; Arbuckle's and Lion, 100
pound cases, 24 85-100c per pound; Co
lumbia, same, 24 8d-100c,
Kice Island,$4.75v!i5.00 ; Japan, $4.75 ;
rsew Orleans, $4.00 per cental.
Beans Small whites, 3'c; pinks.
334c; bayoa, butter, 4c; lima, 4c
per pound.
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 40(255c
in half-barrels, 425 67c: in cases. 35(d
80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg; California,
in barrels, 20(5 40c per gallon; f 1.75 per
Sugar Xet prices : D, Sc ; Golden C,
63jc; extra C, 6Jgc; confectioners' A,
tt.'ac; dry granulated, 6,5jc; cube,
crushed and powdered. 7'aC per pound:
tjfc per pound discount on all grades for
prompt cash ; maple sugar, loiiJlOc per
canned goods.
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted.
$1.76(52.00; peaches, $1.85(52.10; Bart-
lett pears, f l.7o(Z.00; plums, $1.37(3
1.50; strawberries, $2.25(52.45; cherries,
$2.25(52.40; blackberries, $1.85(52.00;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(5)
2.80; apricots, $1.65(-i 2.00. Tie fruits,
assorted, $1.20; peaches. $1.25: plums.
$1.00ia l,20; blackberries, $1.25(51.40 per
dozen. rie iruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.15(53.50; peaches, $3.50(54.00; apri
cots, $;l.50(o4.00; plums, $2.75(53.00;
oiucKoerries, f-t.oiii.oo.
Meats Corned beef, Is, $1.50; 2s,
$2.40; chipped, $2.55-54.00; lunch
tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham,
$1.75dt$2.15 per dozen.
Fisu Sardines, ;4s, 75c(5$2.25; i.;s,
$2.15(54.50; lobsters, $2.30(u3.50; sal
mon, tin 1-lb talis, $1.25(a$1.50; flats,
$1.75; 2-lbs, $2.25(52.50; Ja-barrel, $5.50.
Eastern Smoked Meat and Lard
Hams, medium, uncovered, 16(5 17,S.c per
pounu; covered, io'.,((ruc; hams, large,
uncovered, 153.j5 17'4'c; covered, 15'4(g
10'iic; breakfast bacon, uncovered, ltii.i
18i,,c; covered, 15t-4'(5 16Lac; short clear
sides, 13J.(H'..c: Urv salt Bides. 12'-
USiC; lard, compound, in tins, 11(5
12c per pound; pure, in tins, 14i515c;
uregon mm, n "udjl-'sjC.
Beef Prime steers, $3.85(34.00
choice steers, $3.50(o3.75; fair to good
steers, $3.003.50; good to choice cows,
e'.'wo.,Fir, common iu Ilietliuni COWS
$2.50(52.75; dressed beef, $0.00(5,7.00.
.Mctton Choice mutton, $2.75;
dressed, $6.O0i5$7.0O; Iambs. $2.00(52.60:
dressed, $7.00; shearlings, 2.V, live
Hogh Choice heavv, $0.50(36.75; me
dium, $6.00; light and feeders. lit.OO.a
6.50; dressed, $8.00.
Veal $0.00(5.6.00.
Hops 10(517.0 per pound, according
iv '(iinuij
Wool Umpqua valley, 14(iM5c; fall
clip, 13uT 14c; Willamette vallev, 13(5.
14c, according to quality; Easterii Ore-
kvu, , o(twtc per pound, according to
Hides Dry hides, select,.!
6nt8c; green, selected, over 55 oomi.u'
4c; under 65 pounds. &? uli.wn ii.
short wool, SO.iiftOc: medium. tkWAlc!
long. 900(51.25: shearling liwo... i!
low, good to choice, 35. 5e per pound.
Burlaps, 8-ounce, 40-inch, net cash,
8c; burlaps, 10S,-onncc, 40-inch, net
cash, ,c; burlaps, 12-ounee. 45-inch
ic: burlaps. 15-omio imir...i. ioi .
burlaps, 20-onnee, 76-inch, 14c;' wheat
bags. Calcutta, 23x36, gpot, 6V;
2-bushel oat bags, 7c.
Tin I. C. charcoal. 14t5iV nrim....i.
ity, $8.50-50.00 por w. , ' ' .J
extra per box; 1. C. coke plates, 14x20
prune quality, f 7.50,58.00 per Ikjx ; tome
plate, I. C, prune quality. 10.50(5 7.00.
-XAIIJ HaSO Olliltilli.uia. I.... mm.
steel. $2.35; w ire, $2.75 nor kr. ' ' '
Iron Bar. 21.,- n.r i..i
Steel Per jiound, 10V
Lead Per pound, 4,c; bar, 6s'c.
CrllliUIng II0.1..Q.
Slic was from out uf torn, and -h
the conductor ou the CoMmbus avenue
tar caned. "Albany Sion. she
I want to know if tW the Boston ,i
Albany station! ' nothing to tho one
that the Bost'i nd Maine are jus!
a Pin to teardown. --Boston Common
wealth. Tjplc.l Fir. iKapn.
Giyt What precautions har.
ber in rase t-f Ere?
Jotel Clerk Wo have
rom rrrn hi . ' 7 "
o make tour Li?" l du
. vrJ Uy
mEe your
Utilize Dead Leaves, Cornstalks
and All Rubbish.
ine isatest investment mat
a Man
Can Make is to Buy Good
Beal Estate Etc.
We do not believe in root-pruning for
the corn crop. As the roots develop the
cultivation should be more and more
shallow until at the last it consists in
merely stirring the surface soil.
Dead leaves, cornstalks and all rubbish
which will decay may be disposed of bet
ter than by burning. Thia by making
into a compost heap, which In future
value to the gardener will repay all the
labor that you put upon it.
The first spring work consists of the
very important matter of "clearing up."
Don't begin anything else until you have
cleared up the entire premises and freed
them from the unsightly accumulations
always disclosed by winter's departure.
The corn crop must make its growth
in a comparatively brief tima See then
that you help it to the utmost by careful
and clean cultivation. Unless it is en
abled to improve each shining hour, you
cannot hope for a crop that will till the
A man who permits fence rows to har
bor weeds cannot maintain a reputation
as a good farmer. It either proves that
he is very slack in his methods or that
the farm' does not pay well enough to al
low putting any labor upon such use
less (?) accessories.
There is a little time in early summer
when even the bet farmers arc apt to
get rushed, because the weeds grow bo
fast. Bather than let them get ahead of
you it will pay to hire extra help for
awhile. The crops will be enough better
to pay the expense.
There is no piece of land upon the
farm but that can be put to some profit
able use. If too rough to cultivate, rent
it to a good flock of sheep. If you don't"
fancy that, plant it with foreBt trees.
Don t let it remain idle, for then it is a
tax and not a gain to own it.
About the safest investment that a
man can make is to buy good real estate.
This is particularly so if the land is pro
ductive and not idle. For this reason
farms are good investments, and farmers
should not be anxious to sell out, even if
they do have a poor year or two.
In discussing the question of good
roads not enough attention is paid to the
methods of preserving them after they
are made. Wide tires on the wagons are
important to this end. In France, where
they have the best roads in the world,
four-inch to six-inch tires are common.
If you practice level cultivation with
the potato crop, you will simplify your
later and follow a sensible method. In
level culture everything but the digging
ia easier, and this' is not bo difficult as to
be an objection. One of the best pre
ventives of mildew on plants is pow
dered lime. It should be dusted over
them when wet with dew or just after a
rain and repeated as often as necessary.
It is a good check for potato-vine disease,
perfect butter at one operation.
If a little skill is developed in making,
washing, salting, working and packing
butter at one operation, the results are
quite satisfactory. John Gould describes
his process as follows: "Taking Blightly
acid.cream, put it in a revolving churn,
and churn it until it begins to show
signs of breaking, when a little weak
brine should be added to the cream to
assist in the separation. When the but
ter grains are the size of small shot and
before taking out anv buttermilk add
two-thirds as much cofd water as there
is butter, etc., in the churn. Agitate a
little, draw off this diluted fluid and re
peat until the water comes clear. Then
let it drain in a churn for a short time,
and then add the salt bv the use of a
little wooden fork. Let tlie butter re
main undisturbed for a half hour, when
the cover is put on and the churn slowly
revolved for five or more minutes. Then
take this fork and break up the butter
halls that have formed in the churn, and
liberate the buttermilk inside of them.
Then rechurn, and at the conclusion of
the operation pack the butter into the
little pails by adding a pound or so at a
time, turning off the moisture each time
until the pail is full. Then cover the
top with a cloth wet in some of the brine
that came from the churn, and sprinkle
on dry salt and put on cover; and, if the
butter cannot be sold that dav, put it in
as cool a place as possible, and Bell at the
first opportunity, not that it must be,
but the great damage to the butter mar
ket is in the producers holding their but
ter for Borne reason until it has lost its
fine flavor."
strawberry leaf roller.
This insect attacks the leaves of the
strawberry, drawing together the two
halves of a leaf with a web; then the in
closed upper surface is eaten awav eo
that it withers and turns brown. Some
times all the foliage is destroyed, and
even the plants
of the most destructive of the strawberry
insects. The larva; is a little more than
one-third of an inch long, in color from
a yellowish brown to dark green. The
...... ......iigro vu a uupa wunin ine loiueu
leaf late in June, being about one-tifth
inch in length and rnl
The moths emerge early in Julv, and
measure nearly one-half an inch across
the expanded wings. They are a reddish
brown. Eggs for the second brood of
arvaj are debited late in Julv, and the
larvie feed in the folded Wf b"
those of the first brood. They become
full erown in sVniin,u. i,.
O- - --- ...lUUVI, T. ,J I 11 .11.
change to the popie in the leaves and in
this state remain during the winter,
emerging aB moths in spring. In South
ern Illinois there are three broods. The
second brood of larvae may be reduced
in number bv snravinir th l,.ve nf the
strawberries with 'arsenical poisons or
r""! iieiieoore at the time tlie
young larvao are appearing and before
the leaves are folded; but a better war
to destroy thia nest ia to mm ti,o fiI,'l
after the crop of berries is off, and after
lettitif it stand a few Hv. In hm it
over, adding straw where the leaves are
tew in order that it mav be thoroughly
. 7hi wiu nt jnre the plants,
and w(ll effectually destroy the loaf roller.
Two ruws.
Kmersonla Raaaell - Don't jo
Milan Mr. Bowie' eounttnanc would ar
rest tht workings of tha Interior mrchaa
lam of a borologef
MIm falumetut Porcine I don't know.
But 1 think It would atop clock.-
Wn Short Throo Dollars.
A twelre-rear-old Anbnm hor rantwd
t the teller, wicket of an Auburn bank
ine other day. called tha cmshlur on and
asked for the loan of three dollars with
which to boy a bicrcla. Ha a that
much abort and had hsarrt that ther
loaned saooey ther. Lawictoa Journal.