Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 18, 1893, Image 1

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Volume I.
Joint Senator . -t'miitty
lerk -sheriff'
' ,
ftho4l 8uierimeiuleiit
C. II. Crnsno
n. p. nine
U. K. Jones i
Ueorse IjiiidiB
Henry Deuliuger
I'has. Booth I
Jos. (iiileuu !
- 1 . E. Parker
. Jes. UuWi
Jt. U stearue
M. L. Trapp
Justice of the Peace j. x. Hall
loustaule ANE, Altre
FIRST BAPTISTS.-Jleet every Unit Sunday
In each month, a 11 a. in. and alto on the
Saturday preceding the above Hundav. i i.
In the Toledo Public Hall. L. M. fiutler
ST. JOHN'S flH'Rt'H JProtestent Episcopal.
Divine service the third Sunday of every
lionth. at 11 a. in. All are invited 'to attend
Kev. (.'has. lionth. Missionary. Residence.
Rectory," Newport. Or.
10. O. F. Toledo Lodge, No. 108, Meet
every Friday evening at their hall in this
own. ). L. Luu, N. G.; J. 8. Gaither. Sec'r.
10. O. T Meets every Thursday evening,
7:30 o'clock, in Grady's hall, this town, f:.
B. Crosno, C. T. G. Betaers, Secretary.
raoFBlKTOR or
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Steamer Benton
Capt. Jas. Hubert son,
On and after April ist, will make
regular daily trips between Toledo
and Newport and way ' landings.
Low Freights and Fares. See
time for leaving on Bulletin at
Copeland's corner.
T.J. Buford, Prop.
Charges Reasonable.
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
J A. HALL, -
justice of the Peace,
i - . ' Tetede, tragea, . . '
iwrcs. Mortgagee, ana aii klci- at les-' rF:
vatcuwu .no correctness, uareui attention
given to all business entrusted to my ear.
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business In any court In Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
The Willi Route.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
E. W. HADLEY, Receiver.
Wreel Uu-Julelt Dispatch-Low Freight
stetwaan Willamette Vallay points and Ran
Leaves San Francisco May 16, at and June 1. 18,
r- iwuuw m, it ana judi o, mv.
And about every ten days thereafter.
Thts Company reserves the right to ebange
lilac dates without sotiee.
laulf aerrtee between Portland and Balsa and
I'pper Willamette river point.
General Hoperlntendent,
lorvallia, Oregon.
Our New SPUING STOCK is now arrivin
We will show this
and more Attractive Stock than ever he
fore! A full line of Men's and Boys' Fur
nishings, Shoes, Hats, and everything:
worn by Men and Boys.
Big Bargains
We have Purchased at a Big Discount from a Local Merchant (who ha
has retired from the Clothing Business) his Entire Stock of MEN'S,
BOYS' YOUNG MEN and CHILDREN'S Clothing. We now of
fer the same to our Patrons at from Thirty-five to Fifty Per Cent,
below Regular Prices. They are the Biggest Bargains ever offered
in this Section for First-class Clothing.
Here are a few
Men's $ 5.00 Suits
Men's 7.50 Suits
Men's 10.00 Suits
1.50 Suits
2.00 Suits
5.00 Suits
7.50 Suits
All other finer grades at corresponding
Wlien you visit our Stove ask to see ouv Men's All Wool
Suits at $10.00.
FOR THE BOYS-With each Suit worth $3 or more,
we will give free a ball and bat.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
We are Agents for the JAMES MEANS S3 Fine ptioes, and
Gold and Silver White Shirts.
Clothing Made to Order.
Oonp-v-eillie, Oregon,
Headquarters for Men and Boys' Outfits.
j. h. McNeil,
Drugs, Mm, Faints and Oils, Etc.,
A full Line of
Our Stock is Complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices.
Medicines warranted yen u hie and of best quality.
Toledo, - Oregon
T. P.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Ready Made Clothing, Ktc.
Our Customers will find our stock complete in all lines and are solda
moderate prices.
THE LEADER, only $1:50
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, May tS,
Season a much Large
in Clothing! !
of the Bargains
for $3.50
for 5.50
for . 7.50
- knee pants-for $1.00
- knee pants-for 1.50
- long pants-for 3.50
- long pants-for 5.50
VYhatwaa formerly the western part of Hentoti
comity has always been an avaricious communi
ty. nd the people of the eastern portion
thought, when tt was set off Into a county by
Itself It. demands of Denton would cease, but
there were some of Benton's belongings tt for
got to take when it left us and it wants to con
tinue. The last demand is made by tho county
eourt of Lincoln county and is for a portion of
Benton county's school fund, and it It is not
given up, the school superindent of Benton is
to be reported to the said county court. What
will become of Mr. ltryan when he gets into the
hands of the Mnooln county court It is dlfncuH
to determine.
The entire tax roll for Lincoln county waa
turned over to that county before any taxes
had been collected by the sheriffof Beuton, and
the sheriff of Lincoln is now engaged in collect
ing the Uxes for that county, including the
school tax. The demand for a division ol the
school money collected on property within the
limits of Denton county is based on what ta
clearly an. error In the bill establishing the new
See. 11, of the bill says; "It shall lie tho duty
of tho superindent of schools for Denton county
within CO days, etc., etc, and he shall also at
the same time of making the approtlonments
of the school fund for the year lsai apportion
to the Tarious school districts within Lincoln
county their pro rata proportion of said school
fund the same as If said county had not been
area ted and organised."
This section of the bill was copied bodily, ex
cept aa to dates and names of counties, from the
Mil creating Wallowa county from Union in
18K7. That bill properly assumed that the
school taxoa would be collected before the act
went into effect, in which case It would be prop
er for the old county to divide it. school fund
with (be nw eacnty. V.'hoiho; !L (,.,,. i
the Lincoln county bill made the same assump
tion, or whether that provision of the section
was overlooked, la not clear, but the demand of
the Lltienlu county court Is clearly enough, an
It ought to be understood that no eourt of
equity wonld hold that Lincoln county Is en
titled to any share of the school money collect
ed on Benton connty proerty.
Thealiove malicious and mislead
ing article is from the columns of
the Corvallis Gazette, That there
are differences arising out and from
the division of the county has been
anticipated, and perhaps could not
be well avoided at this late (Into,
There was a time when calm and
judicious action on the part of each
county court would have avoided
all litigation between the two coun
ties hut the county court of Benton
county refused to meet the court of
Lincoln county and adjust all dif
ferences arising in an amicable
manner, even afterthecountyjudge
of Benton had specifically agreed
as to time and place of such meet
ing. The time for an aniicible ad
judication seems to be now past,
as Lincoln county does not desire
to lose every right that belongs to
her, and in her appeal to the courts
will ask that the exact provisions
cf the special statute be fully car
ried out.
As these matters must come be
fore a court of law for adjudication J
we have refrained from comment
ing upon the evident attempt to
harass and hinder the workings of
the neft county. We have belie v
ed, and do believe yet, that the best
element of Benton county arej op
posed to the counties being plunged
into needless and expensive litiga
tion. But the words of the Gazette
are so plainly intended to create a
sentiment in favor of these schemes
that it is not right to keep facts
longer from the public.
In ttieHffwfparagraph the writer
-asserts that what was the west half
of Benton county, now Lincoln, has
always been an avaricious commun
ity. Now for the facts. Prior to
the creation of Lincoln county there
had been expended for county im
provements of all kinds by Benton
county in the western part about
$900 for a wagon bridge at U'ald
port. That was all the western
part of Benton ever got. The east
ern part had bridges innumerable,
an $80,000 court house, thousands
of dollars expended on roads, and
the western part paid nearly one
third of the taxes. These are facts
and the man that says this savors
of avarice is a fool or speaks with
out knowledge.
The Gazette wishes to know what
will become of Mr. Byan if he refuses
to perform the plain mandate of
the law-making power. For his
benefit we will say that if Mr. Bry
an fails to apportion his school funds
according to the statute made and
provided, that his bondsmen will in!
oil ,,.ki.:i:. 1....- . t. !
Dortioofrrmn-v moncrlv l-lnn.,.
ing t Lincoln
j 1 1 j
rrilmrv'tt az-lifi.tu
under the act.
The next statement in that
"entire" tax roll for Lincoln county
was turned over to this county le
fore any taxes were collected. We
want to say that if the roll as turn
ed ov r was the "entire" roll we
have i.ever btlore understood the
meaning of the word "entire." In
Lincoln county -there are forty-two
miles o( railway track, a round
house, a machine shop, a large rail
way warehouse, all.the grounds and
right-of-way ttc of the trackage
and terminuSi vsf the road, and there
is not a scratch of a pen on. the roll
to show that there ever was a rail
way car within the limits of Lincoln
county. Geo. S. Coe is the owner
of over $50000 worth of property
in Lincoln county and his name
does not appear on the rolU neither
does the name of Win, M, Hoag,
T. K. Hogg, Zephin Jobv Vallis
Nash, the Oregon Pevelopinent
Company, and many others, all of
whom own thousands of dollars
worth of property in Lincoln county ,
In the sheriff's oflic hi this town
are over four hundred letters from
non-resident tax payers whose
names &ve not on the roU turned
over and r certified by' the clerk
of Kenton county' to be a true and
correct transcript, and these parties
have been paying taxes before, some
of them f years. In the same
office is a list of mortgages upon
pi-upvuy situated m Lincoln county
aggregating over $50,000 valuation,
and not a ti ace of them appear up.
on the "entire" roll turned over to
Lincoln county. If that glaring
mass of absurd mistakes and gross
omissions constitute an entire Ux
roll, the people of Lincoln county
can llituik a kind fate that they did
not get a roll that by scmie mishap
was not entire. In such case the
county would have had to issue
bonds to pay its state tax,
The Gazette admits tli pUiilt
mandate of the statute as to the
duty oY the superintendent of Ben
ton county but asserts that a mis
take was made in the drafting of
the bill, and that no court would
sustain the act. The act will stand,
however, until a higher court than
the Corvnllis Gazette declares it
The labored attempt of the Gazette
to create a sentiment as to the
equity of claims made by Benton
county officers falls flat in the light
of facts. There seems to have been
a studied attempt to harass and de
fraud the new county. The act
provided- for the transcribing of tho
tax roll and delivery to tho sheriff
within thirty days from the lime
the act went into effect, and the
same provisions was made as to
papers in circuit court cases, Tho
tax roll waa nearly a month late and
the court papers were not delivered
till the first day of the term of court,
nearly .sixty days after theperscrib
ed time, A delinquent roll has
never yet been delivered to the
sheriffof Lincoln county and we
arc reliably informed that the sher
iff of Beuton county is today collect
ing taxes that belong to Lincoln
county upon the delinquent roll.
They dispute the right of Lincoln
couuty to any share of the delinquent
railroad tax, notwithstanding that
for every dollar of railroad property
situated in Benton county., there
are two in "Ltaccla county,-Tfcm
has been omitted from the tax roll,
ptoperty that has been" discovered
by the proper officers, aggregating
over $300,000 in valuation and
making a direct loss to Lincoln
county had it not been discovered
and assessed by the sheriff of Lin
coln county, of $4,400 and over.
These are facts and can be shown
beyond controversy by records and
papers in the court house in this
place. And in the face of these
infamous attempts at fraud and
pillage they speak of a court of
equity to set aside the provision of
the billdividiug the county. These
are but a few preliminary facts. If
the Ga.ctte man will come to the
court house of Lincoln county and
view the plain and uncontrovertible
e vidcuce of wrong done, or attempt
en to lie none to the comity we
"- " "' w
heve that he will not attempt to
t - .1. 1..:. 1. 1 t 1 1
! defcme ,he COUntr f Li,,:oIn
As soon as the sheriff completes
his rolls so that we rati obtain them
i .... ..,;n ..i.i:t. is... .1
I ,,111 is uai ui tiic iiuiucs
of taxpayers and the amount of
vauation of jjioperty omitted from
the "entire" roll turned over to
Lincoln county and certified to be
true and correct by the clerk of
Be ti ton county. It a corker.
Arrested for Murder.
The Oregoiiian of Saturday says:
"Colonel R J. Parker, the Walla
Walla newspaper man, who arrh'ted
in this city yesterday form his Ya
quina bay fruit ranol brought in
formation concerning a sensational
arrest that was made at Newport
Thursday, It va.s but a chapter of
a crime that startled the residents
of Lebanou one day in last Febru
John Loveall w-as a wealthy,
but miserly farmer, who lived near
that tovnx One day he was seen to
draw $2,500 from the bank, and the
next day he was found at his hoinet
dead, with his head crushed in,
There was no doubt that he had
been murdered for bis noncyv but
the closest inquiry threw, no light
upon the identity of the perpetra
tors, His only relative was a gran-
daughter and soni tUue after the
murder she married Samuel L. Crow
who for a few weeks past has been
working vv the jetty at Yaquina
Certain circumstances arose that
cast a cloud of suspicion over Mr,
and Mrs, Crow, and Thursday they
were, arrested by an officer and
charged with the murder of Loveall,
They were taken to Lebanon yes.
terday and will have an examina
tion today, Th young woman
does not seem to consider the mat
ter a very serious one, and on her
way from Yaquina to Lebanon,
laughed and Joked with her com
panion travelers and insisted upon
making sport of the accusation,
Crow, however, took the matter
more seriously, The prosecuting
officer claim to have a good case
against both. They say that the
murder was committed by the wo
man and that Crow was only an
The parties had thelrexamiuntlon
before a justice at Lebanon and
were discharged, the state not be
ing able to rtroduce enough evidence
to make a case agninstthem,
Those presont in the district
court room were treated to a fine
display of oratory last Tuesday af
ternoon when the motion for the
removal of C, H, Gest as attorney
for Receiver K, W. Hadley was up
for hearing. The principal orators
were Mr. Woods, of the firm of
Williams & Wood, of Portland, and
John P. Fay, of Seattle. The plea
of each was strong, able, pointed,
bordering largely on personalities
at times, yet these were volled with
that fine courtesy that deprives per
sonal remarks of all that is rude or
boorish. Their arguments were
genuine oratorical efforts and bore
evidence of their great ability.
in . . ... .
Knvyl What is it? It is the evil
nature of man that workcth good
to no one but causes many to suffer;
it is the yearning of nature for a
better place than has been allotted
as his share of this world's good a
longing to overpower some man
and. put himself In the seat that
rightly belongs to inotLcT. K W,
in fact the devil working in the
heart of him who is not ' strong
enough to withstand the tempta
tion to do evil in his sneaking way.
It is the one great fault so often
found lurking just under the hide
of so many seemingly good men.
Judge Fullerton issued a tempo
rary rcstrining order to prevent
Supt. Bryan, of Benton county from
making an apportionment of the
school funds in his hands for Ben
ton county alone and not pro rata
to the districts of both counties as
provided by the act creating Lin
coln county. The Corvallis Ga
zette will please notice that Mr.
Bryan is now in the hands of the
Lincoln county court.
An exchange says; If you have
frequent fainting spells, accompan
ied by chills, cramps, corns, bun
ions, chilblains, epilepsy and jaun
dice, it is a sign you are not well,
but liable to die any minute. Pay
your subscription a year in advance
and thus make yonrself solid for a
good obituary notice.
The steamer Danube quietly
solved the Chinese probfem as far
as she was concerned by carrying
about 500 of the pig tails back to
Victoria, B. C.
Nucn ber 11.
Cliitwood Chips.
Weather fine and every body.
busy with their spring crops.
There will be lots of spuds plants
ed this year, expecting a big pricfc
next year.
Mr Parker And wife, late ofr
Waterville, have come to make their
future home at Chhwood. He will
build a fine residence as soon as the.
lumber can be procured. Come on
gentlemen, there room for more..
Mr, A. L. McFadden is at home
for a few dys to make some Jm,
provements on his homestead but
wiU return to Corvallv? rn a short
tune to resume his, study as he is.
preparing to be a lunb of the law..
Prof, D, J, Chitwood is at your
burg to attend court as a juror.
f he O, P, pay car passed through,
our burg today WJjO the joy o
the employes oa the road, Every
body is ga4 0 see money put into,
circulation and to see the road on
good paying basis,
Another one of our young ladies,
p-rvt marred and has fjona to RnVm
to make her future omt. Look
out boys if you let strangers cap-v
ture all the. girls you will be left ii
the cold,
Qur preacher got sick and went
to the coast to recruit up o for the.
present we are. without ftrehing
May 3. 893
The following program has beet
prepared for the Memorial exercises,
to be held in Toledo, May 3. 893,
commencing at 1 o'clock p. m:
Music, - ? by Toledo Bandv
Prayer, .Post Chaplain v
Song, "Come with Flowers,"
by theChoirt
Recitation, "Decoration Day,"
Anna Alexander,
Music, , ,by RosebrapVl Orchestra
Song, "We Gather here to Deck
their Graves," .Choir,
Memorial Services, . , . .by the Post,
Music, . . , , . , , ,tr Orchestra,
Declamation, "Army Overcoat"
by lner Brldgham , 4
vSong, "Faded CoatroBlue,"
by the Choir, -
Memorial, "A United.ation,"
, , , , , Iiy the School Children,
Oration by tjl Gaither t
Music .by.Ochestra,
Declamation, "Two ''Men at Get
' ty sburg by , Ira Reeder ,
Address,. . , F.'l). Carson,
Munie, , . . , , , j by. Orchestra,
Song, "Comrades," by t1ie Choir,
Music, by the Band,
'i '
The ladies of Toledo,. an 1 in the
vicinity thereof, are earnestly so-,
liclted too meet at Qtv 's hall in
this town, on Friday afternoon at
two o'clock, May lotJiKtor the pur.
pose of arranging forth work of
decorating the hall andompleting
all necessary arrangements for
Decoration Day exercises; '"
,.jjy Orrsof
. v - . VUSSHITT., -
We point with coifsiflSrabl pride
to the fact that the graiyl jury of
this term of court did not4 return
single indictment Wiis speaka
very highly of the law-abiding
character of the inhabitants of Lin
coln county, ' '
Receivers have become as com
mon as conductors, almost in the
various branches of the O. P. tangle,
there being three nowni connection '
with that busifieHo3. R. A.
Bensell, of Newport, Cas recently
been appointed receiver for the
Oregon DevelopemehCTeompany,
and the United States cC '.tit Port
land appointed a receive for the
Pacific Construction Company, on
on the petition of Geo, S. ICoe.
For Kale. A well improved
ranch of twenty acresjdtuated
about half way bet ween Vqiedo and
Yaquina, about half tide land; has
good frame house of 6 rooms, good
barn, and other outside,, improve
ments. Good orchard of over 100
trees just in bearmg good garden f
land, well cultivated. "$$11 be sold,
at a decided" bargain, aiif"on good
terms. For further particulars call
at or address this office. ' .