DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests The United States Official Investigation of Baking Powders, made by authority of Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in leavening power Bloney Lenders In Europe. The continental niouts le piete bad their origin in tbe Italian monti di pie a, large numbers of which were founded in Italj throughout the Sixteenth century, and the objects of which w ere, in tlie first instance, essentially charitable, the avowed ptirpos of the institution being to counteract Hit Injurious effect of usury by lending mone) on deposits at an almost infinitesimal rati of interest. The Franciscan monks wen the first to lend money on goods, and in 151 they were allowed by the pope to receive moderate amount of interest; but in pro cess of time the Italian monti di pieta be came' extensive banking corporations, which were occasionally plundered or hall ruined by forced loans exacted by tyran nical princes, and sometimes brougHt to entire collapse by injudicious financial It's Just as Easy To grow Choice Flowers is It Is tt grow common ones if yon STMT BIGHT. Kltrisr one of the following collections lie garde In Itself end your garden is ool complete without them. Ther ere ell beautiful end fashionable flow ers and the plant are all strong, healthy and pot grown, and sent, postage free, for the price samse. THE TMOTBT H0P.WS C0LUCTI0I OF SWEET PEIS Comprtilnq tt DUtinct Varietiet. A Large Pactet o Seedi of each for ft.50, er a Pactet 0 Suit of the tame rartetiei mixed or rnly 10 cents. 1 2 Roses SI. OO 12 Carnations SI.OO wTaeisTisa 12 Pelargoniums $1.00 12 Chrysanthemums $1.00 Flower or CCCnP25 Choice Varieties ol Either vegstsbls OLLUO (your owe or ev ssl FOB ONE DOLLAR. SHERWOOD HALL NURSERY CO. I W, Car. Sansome t Claj Sit, - Sai FranclsSr&l ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND BLOOD TAINT. Ceveral bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S. S.) 0 entirely cleansed my system of contagious blood poison of the very worst type. Wm. S. Looms, Shreveport, La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FOAMS. T had scrofula In 1884, and cleansed my system entirely from It by taking seven bottles of S. S. S. I have not had any symp toms since. C. W.Wilcox, Spartanburg, S. C HAS CURED HUNDREDS or CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. "German Syrup William McKeekan, Druggist at Bloomingdale, Mich. " I have had the Asthma badly ever since I came OUt Ot the army and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen years, and have tried nearly every-, thing on the market, nothing has .. , . ' .1 given me the slightest relief until a tew months ago, when I used Bo schee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev ed during the day and at night go to sleep without the least trouble." We make a sjieclal of fer in this space each week. This time it Is of an Ori ental col olds&King, Portland, Or. ored fringed CHEN1I.I.K Table Covsr (aiie aoi-W Inches, not meavirinr fringe), which we will mail to you for us cents sent us, with 22 cents for postafte. It's a suiritctlon from our houe-furnlshlng line fur making your home attractive. Our special offer are not to get your money for the article mentioned, but tn act vour attention to our ITiren and tiallties. We know they'll convince rou mat you are assured oi nonest gnoas ana honest values from us every time. Our Spring Catalogue Is sent free lor the asking. . WE KNOW VERY sT a. -j im. i well that few country U U U 1 1 L I V can lit them rr.RrwTLT w I at a hundred or two J miles away; but we tt miles i Orders. m l. m:nd lor rules mr r-meaauretnent, and ball fit you. our lock ol Clothing Is made under nurown stiuervlilon. Our 110, 113 ani IU Suits hareno equal. You save money by buying from us. Try us UNCK. A. B. STEINB1CH I CO., Stricliy" One-Price"." Clothiers. PORTLAND, OR. fcTJ Ftao'a Bernely (he CWarrn ta Ih" fJ tn-m dnigrula of "nil tt aai 4 (ail JL I iraKist" Vrm 1 (J SI VIAStOS", ODD FEU nssistXii !". Knights ol ryth- nninTlf l nd ell other sorl- III.IHItf etl-e ,h""M rl" M 11 11 1 II L W prices on sui w w m W tint tadges, buttons, sf niedals and watch ; M el u a sa charmsof tlielrresi n fin no society. ir, H 1 1 1 1 H pecialty. I filKHlBl. 5j streets, Portland, Or. KISSING GOODBY. A kisa he took and a backward look. And her heart grew suddenly lighten A trifle, you say. to color a day. Yet the dull gray moru seemed brighter. For hearts are such that a tender touch May banish a look of sadness; A small, slight tbin con u-.uko us sing, But a frown will check uur gladness. The cheeriest ray along our way Is the little act of kindness. And the keenest sting some careless thing That was done in a moment of blindness. We can bravely face life in a home where strife No foothold can discover. And be lovers still if we only will. Though youth's bright days are over. Ah, sharp as swords cut the unkind words That are far beyond recalling, YVneu a lace neb nm 'ueatu a coutu lid. And bitter tears are fulling. We fain would give half the Uvea we live To undo our idle scorning;' Then let us not miss the smile and kiss When we part in the light'of morning. Lillian Plunkett in San Francisco Call. Secretary Foster and the Monument. When Secretary Foster first came to con gress the Washington monument was literally the national laughing stock, look Ing, as It stood there, like the trunk of a storm severed mast apparently the tower which the parable speaks of which the builder could not finish because he bad not counted the cost. It was the sneer of the tourist and the shame of the resident. It was perfectly evident that it was not going to be finished with the contents of the little collection boxes liilielcd "For the Washington monument," which stared at you as you entered any public building, any more than with the "memorial" or votive Btones sent by countries, cities and societies. It was equally evident that no other private means would suffice. It would have to be completed by the govern ment if completed at all. Samuel J. Randall was chairman of the committee on appropriations, of which Foster bad been made a member by Speaker Kerr. Randall, who liked Foster, jokingly created him a sub committee on monuments, and turned over to him as such a lot of bills for monuments to this man and that memory. One day there came over from the senate a bill which John Sherman had gotten through there, providing for the completion of the Wash ington monument by the government, and appropriating $200,000 for that purpose. Foster was watching, and just as Ran dall, scowling at It, was about to pigeon hole it, he spoke up and said: "No, no, Mr. Chairman. I'm the sub-committee on monuments; that bill belongs to me," with that persuasive smile which has moved more obdurate hearts than Randall's. "Take it, then," said Randall, throwing it over the table. Foster did take it, and went to work at once collecting the data for a report on the subject, which was so full and so strong that it convinced a ma Jorityof the committee then, and after ward a majority of the house passed the bill. The work then begun never ceased till the aluminum cap was put on the apex of the pyramidal top. No wonder Foster finds satisfaction every time be looks at his handiwork. Washington Cor. Phila delphia Record. A City Destroyed by Silence. Amyclte, if the old legend of its fate is to be relied upon, actually perished through silence. The legend concerning the unique end of this ancient city is as follows: Amy clss was a town of Ijuconia, founded by the Lacedemonian king Amyclte. It was an Independent city for many years, but was finally conquered by the Spartans. The City bad been so often alarmed by false rumors of a projected Spartan invasion that at last, weary of living in a state of J01"? trr?r- u , d"t thftt should be made a public offense to report the approach of an enemy. So, when the Spartans at last actually appeared liefore the city, no one dared to warn the official of their approach, anil thus they were aljl to take the town with scarce an effort. There is, it must be admitted, anothei "silence myth concerning AmychB. Svr Tins says that the city was founded by Pythagoreans, forbidden by laws of their order to speak of or to harm serpents. The result was that the snakes from the bills sought the precincts of the city, and, no one daring to speak of it to bis neighbor or to harm the slimy creatures, one by one the inhabitants left, until dually the city was completely turned into a snake den St. Louis Republic Experimenting hi a Tank, One of the most interesting and valuable features in the shipbuilding yard of the Dennys, on the Clyde, is what is known as the experiment, wbicb is 300 feet long aud 10 feet deep. In this tank are experiment. ally determined the speed, resistance and other similar qualities of all vessels to be built before the designs are completed. This tank and the models which are used are by no means toys, but are of valuable assistance as mathematical methods of scientifically determining facts of the ut most importance. The models employed are made from paraffins wax, and by an Ingenious ma chine are cut from this material to the ex act form of the ship they represent upon any desired scale. This mechanism is largely automatic and self registering, and works with remarkable accuracy. It Is due to the experiments which are carried 00 in this tank and other met noils or similar character that such successful re sults are obtained in tbe construction of Teasels with excellent speed snd sea going qualities. New lork Telegram. A Big Came Bag. Tbe total amount of big game bronght to beg during the Maharajah's shikar party was eleven tigers, three panthers, two bean, two rbinoceri, eleven buffaloes, forty nine deer and twentr-ont boars. 1 be ful lowing were the weights and lengths of the five bliueat tiger: Length, 10 feet inches; weight, 4'J3 pound; 10 feet, 44b Donnas; 9 feet Inches, 4!7 pounds; 9 fee Inches, 4j0 pounds; 9 fret 6 Inches, 4.U Dounds. The sil largest swamp deer (Ku eerrus diivacelli) were &70 pounds, 6t pounds, 6U0 pounds, 4'JO pounds, 4j0 peunds and 480 pounds. Tbe two largest sambhur (Kose aristotilts) weighed 508 pounds each. -UrtattfWauc. UNITED AT THE LAST. PITIFUL TALE OF FAMILY THAT AN EMIGRAN1 PERISHED. The Terrible Billiard ot 1S81 Bad for Some of Its Victims s Whole Family Vhich Froaa to Death In Dead Man's Core H erolo Efforts of a Mother. "That's Dead Man's cove right before four eyes," said the old man as he point ed to a recess of half an acre iu extent In the southern face of the Little Kocky mountains. "That's Dead Man's cove, and yon kin see the iron work of the wagon lyin about when ye git closer. When I first looked in here thar was five human bodies lying dead in that wagon. Me an my pard we dug a big grave and buried 'em all together back agin that cliff, thar whar the rocks is. We piled the rocks that way go the wolves conldn't git at the dead." "But there is no headboard no names," I protested as I rode closer to the spot pointed ont. "Conldn't be no names, 'cause we conldn't find any," he replied, "and them rocks is a gravestun as will last forever. Well git off and sit down fur a smoke, and I'll gin ye the full particklers. I've passed here a hundred times in the last three years, and it alius gives me the heartache. Poor husband poor wife poor children I "It was this way," he continued after his pipe was alight. "Me and pard had onr shanty down tho valley about a mile. Plenty of emigrants in the'r kiv ered wagons used to come by this trail and turn south into Wyoiniu, or keep west into Idaho. They'd come five or six families at a time, and they'd come singly. Some of 'em would take sich chances of In juris,, sickness, landslides, starvashun and death as would make your ha'r stand on end to think of. No man kin begin to guess how many graves thar be of men, women and children be tween the Dakota line and the west titiuch cf tho MiooGtin rvcr, I vu counted a hnndred in a day's ride. "Waal, one December uiormn me and pard woke up to feel that thar was a blizzard makin ready to bust on us. It had been coolish but pleasant up to that time. We could tell by the feel of things what was comin, and began to git ready fur it. It was jest arter noon when a woman walked into our shanty. She was an emigrant. Bight here in this cove she had left her husband and four children to try and find some help. He had bin sick fur three weeks and was little better than a dead man, aud she had bin drivin the team an takin keer of things gener'ly. She orter to hev turned back long before, but some fool of a doctor had told the man he'd get well if they kept on. "Iney had got separated from the party they started with, and had made the last hundred miles alone. They war out o' grub, hadn't a match left to build a fire, and tho woman knowed a change fur the wuss was blowin up. She was a frail, leetle woman, and she bad gone through with nnff to down a man, but she hadn't lost all her pluck yit. As soon as Blie told us the story we got ready to go back with her an bring in the outfit. We made a start, but we never got thar." "The blizzard prevented, eh?" "She did. She came swoopin down all of a sudden, like some great bird dtoppin from the sky. A hue snow begun to fall, the wind started right in to blow a livin gale, and 1 believe the thermom eter went from 43 degs. above to 10 degs. below inside of hai f an hour. We hadn't any with us, but the change was sudden an amazin. You couldn't face that gale to save your life. It jest stopped us and turned us around before we had got fif teen rods from the house. As to the cold, it jest paralyzed you. We had to go back, and arter takin a big drink o' whisky all around and puttin on more clothes we tried it agin. "Me aud Sam was as tongh as b'ars them days and could hev laid down in a pond of water and let it freeze up with us, but we couldn't buck agin that bliz zard. When we made the second start we got about half way up here, the little woman leadin the way all the time. Then we had to stop. You couldn't see three foot from your nose, and all of us was freezm to death by inches. And you went back?" We did. The woman was deter mined to push on, and we jest had to pick her up and carry her back. It was only by the Lord's hand pintin the way that we ever reached our cabin agin. We had our ears, noses and fingers friz. and an hour arter we got buck water friz solid iu our cabin within five foot of a roarin fire. The woman prayed to God and appealed to ns, bnt we knowed it was no use. That was the blizzard of 1881, and I've heard men say it was 42 degs. below zero in this valley that nitrht. The woman got nipped wuss than we did, bnt her mind was on the family back here. She was bound to come buck alone, but we stood her off till about dark. Then she made a bolt fur it aud got away." "And went to her deathr "Jest as sartin as if she had jumped off that cliff. The blizzard shet ns in for three days. When we got out we found her within twenty rods of the cabin. She had friz to death coin that f nr. Of course we knowed ho w it wonld be np here. Tbe horses had been on hitched and turned oat. They lay over by that tree. Tbe folks in the wagon had crowded together and kivered up with all tbe blankets, but all war stun dead and as hard as rocks. They never stw that fust night come down. "Me and pard overhauled the wagon. bat we couldn't find anythin givin the name of tbe family, and so, like bun dreds of others out in this kentry of mountain and valley, Injun and wolf, we kivered 'em in to sleep till the Lord gits ready to call 'em fur judgment. Seem awful that a hull fam'ly should be wiped ont that way, but they ar leepin thar together, and I gness the Lord'U know tbe spot t-ven if thar is no graveatnn to mark it." New York Her ald. The roe deer Is tbe amalleer and most oearly domesticated of the three species wbicb Inhabit Germany. ' It la likewise the most beautiful, and Its flesh Is the daintiest venison kuown to the epicure. It would take all tbe Lancashire cotton factories 400 years to spin a thread long enough to reach the nearest star at tbe present rate of production of about LIS, 0X1,000 miles per day. It la a curious .fact that mayonnaise dressing will disagree with delicate people, whereas the same Ingredients put together without sn egg (French dressing) will be easily digested. What Was tbe Matter with the Cake? A sociably inclined young couple who are comfortably quartered in one of the large apartment bonses op town invited a few friends to a card party one evening last week. Owing to a misunderstanding regarding the date not one of the expected guests appeared on the evening iu ques tion. The young wife was greatly vexed. She had prepared a tempting little supper, and bei economical soul revolted at the idea of its beintj wasted. Cue of the fea tures of her table was a large ornamental cake, which she had purchased at a neigh boring confectioner's. he cut the cake and endeavored to imluce her husband to eat a portion of it, but he tint not like cake. Bhe was determined, however, that some body should eat it, and she offered it to the hall and elevator boys, of which there were four. They accepted it with euthusiasui and quickly disposed of it. The following day every boy was sick very sick. A doctor was called, and his Investigations led to the suspicion that something was the matter with that cake. He said that tbe boys had undoubtedly been poisoued. The confectioner's shop was visited, and the story of the mischief breeding cake was told to him. He had evidently beard a similar story liefore, for he hastily exclaimed: "Oh, it was part of that varnish batch of cake. I am so sorry. You must excuse nie. My cook put in a cup of varnish. That is till. You see I have been having the woodwork in my store varnished. Yes, that was it. He put iu some varnish. That is all." The boys got well, and the story of the "varnish cake" has been repeated all over the neighborhood. When the bidden guests who staid away from the card party heard of it they were glad that they had misun derstood the date. New York Times. Indian Chess. Indian chess, or "chattiranga," is played with a rajah, an elephant, a horse and a ship, and four foot soldiers, corresponding to a king, a castle, a knight, and a bishop and four pawns, anil there are four play era. Each player faces his partner, aud places bis pieces iu theonlerof ship, horse, elephant and rajah, beginning at the left hand corner the four foot soldiers being of course in front. Partners are thus on the opposite diagonals. The players move lnthoorderof thesuti. The tactics of the pnme, nntmrentlv from the "Hhavlnlivn Purann," are not to attack your opponent who has just played, as would be done in double chess, but to obstruct the opponent who has to play next. The game is dis tinguished from double chess by marked variations. There is no queen, aud the ship or bishop is "lame" can only move two squares at a time, though he ran hop over au interven ing piece if he likes. Moreover, a player can take his partner's rajah if things are Dot going well, and so assume command of both armies, and it both sales have lost a rajah they cuu be restored by mutual con sent. The game is thus pervaded by a military spirit, though not so stiff hut that the opening moves are made by the aid of dice. In this early game the rajah could be taken, but he cau always, if all the other pieces are taken, retire with the honors of war aud d raw. London Spectator. ruulsliuients in Morocoo. The notion of suiting tho punishment to the crime, however it may have found fa vor with the great medieval sultans of Cordova, does not occur to the Maroqulue officials of today. A Moorish law court is a parody of all that Europeans mean by justice. Extor tion is the main object of the judges, and the contempt for suffering is absolute. The rich may escape with whole skins, but those without "palm oil" have scant mercy. For instance, the mcro accusation of a paltry theft, if tuado from some favored quarter, will bring on the accused the or dinary punishment fur such conduct. This consists in breaking the ankle bones and pitching the sullcrer into the nearest lane or ditch, whence bis relatives may or may not remove him. As therearo no surgeons and no medical appliances, the bouts can not be Bet, nixl reunite so ns to leave the toes turned inward directly facing each other. At Tangier I have several times seen one of these poor creuttircs possibly quite innocent of tho offense attributed to him hobbling over the cobbled alleys, while the passersby nudged each other and muttered lliief." In the prisons men and women, chained together night and day under every cir cumstance of indescribable, filth and hor ror, wait until their friends, who bring them all the food they get, are able or willing tooflcr a bribe su Indent for their release. Nineteenth Century. Do Not Sleep on Vour Left Side. When a patient complains of a bad tnste In his mouth every morning ou waking up, the first question I ask him is as to the po sition he assumes when going to sleep. An immense number of people sleep on tbe left side, and this is the most common cause of the unpleasant tuste which Is gen erally attributed to dyspepsia. If a meal has been taken within two or three hours of going to bed, to sleep on the left lido Is to give tbe stomach a task which it is dif flcult In the extreme to perform. The student of anatomy knows that all food en tors and leaves the stomach on the right side, and hence sleeping on the left side soon after catlag Involves a sort of pump ing operation which is anything but con ducive to sound repose. The action of the heart is also interfered with considerably, and the lungs are un duly compressed. It is probable that lying on the back is the most natural position, but few men can rest easily so, and hence It Is best to cultivate the habit of sleeping on the right side. It is very lurguly a matter of habit, aud the sooner it is acquired the better for the sleeper and the worse for the physician. Iutervlew Iu St. Louis Globe Democrat. At a Quaker Wedding. No clergyman Is needed at a Quaker wedding because the happy principals per form the ceremony themselves. This is the formula repealed by the bridegroom at recent wedding: ' Friends, here, in tbe presence of the Lord and in the divine presence, I lake this, my friend, Edith Mary Hanbury Acgs, to be my wife, prom isitig, in the fear of the Lord and with divine assistance, to be her faithful aud loving builiaud." The bride repeated similar declaration, the certificate of mar riage was signed by witneaaes, short ad dresses from Scriptural texts were made, prayers were offered, and the ceremony was ended. kxebauge. Ko Show with That Jury. One of the old settlers ol hi. 1'aul, wesry Ing of calling ant dunning for a bill, brought suit to enforce its collection. When tbe day of the trial came on the oh settler was a little late, and the Jury had been Impaneled snd sworn. He entered, sat behind the attorney, and rapidly ran his eyes over the Jury. Whn be reached tbe l ist man he sprang to his feet and, re Kurd less of court etiquette snd decorum called out: "Judge, every man on that Jury owes me a bill. Dismiss the case quick or I'll turn up in that fellow's debt. "-St Paul Globe. Herbert Spencer is now s man of seventy tbouiili tie looks ten years younger. He ia of medium stature and bis head Is bald except for a tliln fringe of hair. He has sc aquiline nose, ruddy skin snd an Intel lectual face. One of the choicest relics In tbe One eol lection of George W. Chllds, of Phlladel phis. Is little green bsrp that once be longed to Tom Moore, and which the poet earned Lute biiimUiU m uku HM WAS 1ST IT.' Judge Menroe So Decided In Favor of Kelly-Kelly vs. Feulow. John J. Kelly vs. People's Bank et al. Plaint iff began this suit by seising a lottery ticket, one-twentieth ol a whole ticket, which had won f 13,000 and had been forwarded to the People's Hank for collection, aud In which he claimed one-lourth Interest as owner. By consent the ticket was cashed, and the unclaimed three quarters w ere withdrawn, leaving the contested one-quarter, which was also claimed by John W. Kenlow, under control of the court. The parlies live in St. Louis, and have been quite unfortunate. In lsyiFenlow, Kelly, Xorle man, O'Kcefe and Connors formed a quasi club, and on three or four occasions purchased Ave fractions of lottery tickets, said fractions cost ing 1 each, and each member, contributing his proportion of the price, was equally Interested in the winnings. Fenlow generally was charged with purchasing the tickets, aud held them until the drawing. The members usually paid their contributions iK'fore the drawings, and Kenlow paid the lot. tery ticket vendor. In April, ISM, they Invested (Connors had dropped out). All paid except Kellv, who had agreed to pay his dollar ou the day preceding the drawing. The tickets had been selected by Norleman There was no further Intercourse between the members ol the club until after the drawing on Tuesday. April l'. when it was learned that one of the four tickets had won 15,tu. The tickets have been )vaid for by Kenlow, and the question lor the court to decide is whether Kenlow paid (or account of Kelly 1, or whether It was for his own account. The day alter the drawing Kelly tendered his dollar, but was told that he was "too late" and that he was "not In It." The court concludes that Fenlow gave Kelly to understand that he (Kenlow) would see that Kelly's interest In the ticket would be paid (or It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that there be Judgment in favor of John J Kelly and against John V. Kenlow, decreeing Kellv to have been tho owner ol an undivided one-fourth Interest In tho lottery ticket, and that plaintiff receive and collect H,7;i0, repre senting tho one-fourth of the proceeds of the lottery ticket now on deposit. New Orleans (La.) City Item, February 7. uionns i nrum a ehean which 1 know to be reliable. Wigwag Yes- I know the kind poor but honest. IIKADACUK AND DTSl'KPSIA. William E. Rockwell, No. 512 West S"tb street, New York, says: " I have been a inartvr to bilious head ache and dyspepsia. Any indlsoretiun in let, overfatigue or oold brings on a lit of ndigeulion, followed bv a headache lnstlim two or three days at a time. 1 think I must have tried over twenty different remedies, which were recommended as certain ottres by loving friends, but it was no use. At last I though I would take a simple course of purgation with llHANDRKrii's l'aia. For tnc ttrst week 1 took two pills eve y night, then one mil lor tl,i-t, nii-l.ta tinny nigiits; in tin guined three pounds in weight, and never have had an ache or nam a nc Disease in one part of tne bodv will eventually till the whole body with disease. mvery year or two some part ot the system grows weak, and begins to decay. Such part should be removed at once and new mutter be allowed to take Us place. There's no need of cutting it out Willi a surgeon's scalpel. Purge away tbe old, diseased and worn-out parts with i handhkth's I'ills. A Kentucky aentlenian has tutfln ni,nflr,u.1 Minister to Peru. Here Is Hie irooil old it,,,l,l. nation of whisky and qululno over again. As a cure for sore throut and coughs 'Krown't Hronchial TracheM" have been thoroughly tested, and maintain a good reputation. Hho What's the most animated sttecianln vn vvi hn i iiv a uosion gin cnasiug a street uur readers will serve tUemsolvea bv notioing the remarkable offerings advertised In another column by the Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. of Meulo Park and Ban Fran oisoo, who are loadora on the ooast In f ur- Dishing everything for the farm and garden. A Oerumntnwn pout is writing a poutn en It ed " Tho bay of the Easier Egg." BKWAItK Or OINTMENTS FOIl OA TAKltll THAT CONTAIN MKHCUBT, As mercury will surelv destmv tha sense ol men ami completely acrauge. the whole system when entering It Ihrough the mucous surfaces, ouch articles should never be used extont ou inscriptions from ruimtabie physicians, ss the inuiage wiey win uo is uiniom to tne good you au possibly derive from thorn. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F. J. Cheues A Co.. To ledo, O., contains no mercury, aud is taken lu temaliy, a .ling directly upou ihe blond aud mu cous surlaius of the system. In buying 11 nil's Catarrh Cine be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken internally aud made In Toledo, O., by K, J. Cheney dt Co. Testimonials lieu. sbV- Bold by drugulsla: urlce. 7ft eenta bar UUVllU. Hulled Kaaotly. A servant who had Just bceu engaged by Madison avenue mistress was told by her mistress that everything was to be done In the bouse with great punctuality. "I shall expect you to get up at 6 o'clock, dine at IU and go to bed at 10. "That's all right," was the response. "If I have nothing else to do this place will suit me exactly," few York livening Bun. Sicilian women, two or three hundred years ago, excelled In the art of the drawn work embroideries now so popular. They traced their patterns on linen, then drew the threads from the parts that were to lie transparent, and tilled to the opeulngs wltb fancy stitches to give them a lacy en trance. Ur. O. It, Churchill Ml Vernon, Wish. An Honest Medicine Rheumatism Cured Health Built Up. Mr. rhiirrlilll, formerly of Churchill ft Taylor, surveyors ami civil engineers, ML Veruou, Washlnstton, writes i "Houthern California was my hoinn fur many years. When I came hero I began to be afflicted ail over with Rheumatism And slso pains In my bsck and a general feeling M being used up. My hiistness takes me eut In uir I'H'inenii ail the time, ami 1 found nr fit unfit for work. Itradlng an sdvertlse- n"-iii oi ii.kki a narssparina, sua li-arnlng also thai tha inrdMue oss compounded In rny own MtMenf Massachusetts, I concluded tills tnav basai h,.i l. i It aud am so much improved thai I l a eut Hood s x Cures In all wenihrrs and travel all day with no fatigue and tired feeling. To any one that feels bsd all over 1 aay tak Hood's ftaisaps. niia. ituascureuuie." It. 11. nil a HILL. HOOD'S Pills eure Liver Ills, Jaundice, IdllmniM-.i, Hi. k Headache and Constlpauom. i k. r. a. u. Ko, o-e. y. n. u. No. w pa FKKTBMTIMOrCTrKK MI8KBT. It Were Is. In this vale of teats, a more proline source ol misery than the rheumatic twinge, we have yet to hear ol It. People are born with a teudeney to rheumatism, Just as th. y are with one to consumption or to iciotula. slight causes msy develop this. As soon as the agonising complaint ti anifests Itself, recourse should be had I to Hosteller sswniar-h Bitten, which ch cka IU further inroads an banishes th- r climatic polscii from the system. This statement tallies exactly with the testimony ol ptajsiclsns who have employed this Hue blood dipurent iu their iirlv'U. practice. There Is slso the smplest uro lessloual aud general b'ttlmouvas to theerticaey ol the Bitters for malaria, liver complaint, con stlpHtiou. indigestion, klduev trouble, nervous ness ami loss ol api-etlte and flesh. Alter a wet ting, whether followed bv a cold or not, the Bit ten, is useful as a preventive ol the Initial ttack oi rheumatism. A man feels proud when he is working his way up to the top, but he feels different if his necktie undertakes to do the same thing. BDPTVRsl AND PILES CCKBD. . P,uv6lT ore rupture, piles and all ren tal diseases without palu or detenUon from busi ness, No cure, no pay. Also all PrsVule dis eases. Address lor pamphlet Drs. Forterfleld A Losey, SSS Market street, San Prauclsoo. " Kiches may have wings," said the tlM flsted man, "but there are no dies ou my money," ' Try Okrmea for breakfast. Use Euamellne Stove Polish ; no dust, no smell. Pfundrr'e lirtien Hiood Pnrlfler is the best remedy lor cleansing your system. TO BRACE VP the system after "La Grippe," rjiieuinonia. fevers, and i other prostrating acute dis eases; to Dtuia up needed flesh and strength, and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run-down" and used-up, the beat thing in the world is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It promotes sil the bodily functions, rouses every or gan into healthful action, purlAes and enriches the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and Invig orates the entire system. For the moat stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspep sis, Biliousness, and kindred ailments, the "Discovery" is the only remedy that's guaranteed. It it doesn't benefit or cure, wu have vnnr monev hark. Csn you think of anything; more convlno g than the promise that is made bv the ropriotors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy I t is this: "If we can't cure Tour Catarrh. we'll pay you 1600 in cash." Stats., (sluts., and tlOUpornottlo? Due oout a dose. 'HUB URSA.T mrrnil I'llltn nninml V turr where nil others full. Coughs, Croup. Bore inroai, lioaraeness, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rl'.ul: has cured thousands, and will CI! lis Toil If taken in time. Hold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Ijuno llaok or t'hest, ue BHILOH'B BELLADONNA PLASTtRAw. HILOH'SCATARRH I'ZflRR EMEDY, I live vnuljituirhV Thin reinotivUfftinniii toed to cure you, lrloo,60oU. Jiijeoiurlruo Old Time Methods of trcatinir Co Ids and Coughs were based on the idea of sup pression. We now know that ''feeding a cold" is good doctrine. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypo phosphites, a rich fat-food, cures the most stubborn cough when ordinary medi cines have failed. Pleasant to take; easy to digest. TAKE PruMDER'S. Oregon Blood Purifier. KIDNEY t, LIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. . pimpie9.b.otchi:9 ANQwiM mioses ITTWHCADACHO CQSTIVENESSi maMARK ST NOT H10NM THI NISHT BICYCLE ifo,oisftAu)ows-Tsm YovsuaeouT fjonTiipAciFicnyctEf,a BICYCLES OP evCRY DeSCHIPTION,T Maqv 8vUPIWS-PorTTIja.NO OWCOON. HAVE K TOniTtrj WL1W known by mUtn Ma para ptrtit lai, mum mumM iujuimc rhri warm. Thin form mi pUlN I", rou Yll l.nATOirKTO uOi whit u buj'si dir-xHir on parta snctM, v v sitaianvtsa liimnra. lla vn lUiri I riar ITsirHriit PILES petrriisd'-niuura. rrtntifiOfi. iruj(lsl4 114-uu.L, Ut BuetMkQsI'btlJMte.pfalaa Jra OPIUM Morphine Ilabli Tared In 10 toSOdars. No jier till eureu, 0R.4.(TIPHtNf,LahssMM,Okiel .Ml. - w- iscj vzi a ii a -W: i 'XsATiwn it ".ii s?.laawJsftfteBarM A jr. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF IVIoore's Revealed Remedy. s see-, seal kasss.u.eal f.K ... mm IA t as-. -A. a- .. 1.. i . . 5&L nsi"eis, ona-iup, e.iiiiei iw. a un u Wimvm Yl KQ p' fMUlU rw Tim DT Xtim KM Of MntiKKMKK.VKAI.KIi HkmRuY my hnsbsnrt wasnllTsd Irnm an niA rZ M KmKCMAIIhM and my youngest buy cured sntlrolr of INKLAMef ATOkY rhkii. UATUM ekaaliia bast it doctor HOLD LOOK OUT FOR TRAVELING -HKM.INO "CHKK.HB-FRAMB" And repreaenllng Ihem vioiora," -iiamDiara,': "Claveland,w "Ralalgha,' "Rudgaa," "Bylpha," Weatern Wheel Worka, Eto. Bend (or cslslnf use, club snd sgunts' discounts. FRED T. 329 Washington THREE TROUfi Three things ws workinjjmen knowx the most trouble in their hard-strain work are : Sprains, Bruises and Soreness. THREE AFFLICTIONS. Three supreme afflic tions, which all the world knows afflict mankind the most with Aches and Pains are : Rheumatism. Neuralgia and Lumbago. THREE THINGS. to do are simply these Buy it, try it and be prompt- ly and perma nently cured by tlia use ol FISHING TACKLE FOR Rods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Leaders Etc, of the Finest Quality. 8KND TO- THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., S3 First St., Portland. Or. Bend for c talogue. DR. GUMS mrnoYiD LIVER PILLS KILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. . A tnovmei.t of th bowali aaeh day la naoaaaar fbr tsoaltb. Tliwa pittm supply what tha lyitatu laoka to niftKB is regular, xney ouro iiwuawni miiuwi Syna and clear tha Complexion oaitar tna mfjtioa. They aot utfldlr. neither ffrlpa nor okan a other pUU do. To oonvinua you of their merlu wi will ntatl Hntplee trt, or a ful. box for 110 oanta. BolA INVALID GOODS. Holllns t'halrs IWrlinlnt . I hairs ' Dark Urals Ce samoa s. Hinrl for Cataloius W. SCHflOCK, 2. Hew MGntjomerf St. S.F- FRAZER AXLE BestlotheWortdinnrAOr Get the GenuinBlllKr llSI" Sold Everywherel W B- ma Pill ivtitiHii, Slant, Portland, Ur. Hercules Gas Engine Made tor Power or Pumplns, Purposes. Tbe CusHiat Tlellshl Oaa Kuatue on Uiu Market. Out p" Inojns ans PUMIS tat Blmplloltj It BeaU the World. It oils Itself from a Keserrolr, Mo Carburetor to (et ont ef erder. Mo llatterlea or Kleetrle Spark. II runs Willi s Ctasara-r f I null- of tlasollns tnsa aay oiutir tntfiua, asMD rna vaTAUwns to PALMER & REY, MANUFACTURINa, 40S tatuMii strut, t FrtndiN, hL PORTLAND, OKEOON. YOUNO MENI Tha Speolf lo A No. I. dirt, wlttiou. lali, all fws of etosiwrr. hu-n slid SJItl. uu matter of liow lon( aumlliig I'lHTHfiia stricture, I tHlna an In turiial rt'tnisly. l'urs wlien rvsrytluiia else has failiil. WM liv all Driuralsts. Maiiuliaiturors: I'lio A. I.ihiIiMjMMIim frii. M.SO. Co., Ban Jus, Cat. . rile ells lha arknnwlerles Lading rsmsrtr lor ail ike anoatural slsrhergae suss prl Tata dlssaaas of aass. A tarsals ours lor Ike SskllC sating weeks) l sua 1 1 I lO WUEDSS. . InreeoribeitesSrselsaJ) EtiBiCHIsirainn la rsoomsaassuu It es ran aunarare. J ITOMItiO.,OHsTiLU, 1 could gt did blm no good. Yours in "r N. V. BlKKUt. . BT TOCK DUVOOIST. 'FAKIRS" J IK. lo be Jiut as good as J MERRILL, ttraat, Portland, Or. 'I 6J OS S VtjnrsainLi ITI.HIA ysi.J S S li.aruMS SM M) P- ff aw Slrtaw. J- CA 'A -A 1