Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 27, 1893, Image 1

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J Volume I.
Joint Senator
I". B. Crosno
I). P. Mue
B. F. Jones
eorf?e Lamiis
Henry Uenlinper
t hus. Booth
Jos. Gideon
- TE. I'arker
Jas. Russell
J. O. biennis
M. L. Trapp
Count v Jiidv
i rierk'
I'- t"herirF
i treasurer .
School uirinten3ent
i fcurreyor
f AtaessxT - .
t Coroner
Com 1
Justice of the Peace
J. A. Hall
A. E. Altree
y pIR.-T BAPTISTS.-Meet every first Snmlav
1 A in ettrb month, a 11 a. m. and also on the
t tifttunlay j. receding the above tfumlar, at 2 k
f in., in the Toledo Public Hall. L.M.Butler,
Resident Pastor
uT. J-tHN'S Cut RCH rrotestent Epis.'unal.
J Devine servieo the third nndnv of Piirv
Devine servi
month, at U a. in
All are invited to attend.
lie v. ''has. Htmth. Missionary. Residence,
"p.ectory," Newport, Or.
Toledo Uwlire. No. i(H. Meet
at their hall in (his
I. S. (iaiiher. Sec'y.
k Thursday evening,
'f hull, this town. c.
iethers, Secretary.
CurvalHi. Oienon
.Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh ami Cureni cats
iToledo, - - Oregon.
Steamer Benton
j f Otpt. Jas. L'ohertson,
On' and after April if';' will make
yegular daily trips bcaveen Toledo
and Newport and way landings.
Low Freights and Fares. . See
time for leaving on Bulletin at
Copelaud's cdrner.
IN- e
I T.J. 13uforcl, Prop.
Everything ;
;' MAKl'FACTl'RER or
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
I Justice of the Peace,
Tolrdo, Orfion,
tfnrlowes. and nil tlurts ( leeul imi era
to u: in'.siuc-' entrnaieu to my cure.
t ir. C. SIlEPAlil),
Residence, Stanford, Oregon:
I Fuiness in anv court m Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at-
tenijLa to.
in Wrtful M
T O. O. p.
every i-rioay evenfi
"town. J. 1.. J.utz, N. .
r O. (J. T. Meets tv
o'clock, in Htm
3. Crosno, C. T. .". i
1 Oregon Pacific Railroad.
E. W. HADLEY, Receiver.
tine-Quick Hirtrh
ItMct. !";eK'ht
i"mnei1 Vlly
? 1
I.o.i 1 icm, Mari-h !-.!, j
Aiii ! nt every ten ! therecder. i
! "!Hv.iriitrwrvMiln tiuht to 'hanitei
i oilte uh.iut nuttf. 1
V . . ;
if ? I
! KIVKR STFi'jms. !
J 1 i'ir ette river p.l:.u.
Oeueral Htirritiren'ler.t,
iwvaiU. Onqfua.
Our New SPUING STOCK is now arriving.
We will show this Season a much Larger
and more Attractive Stock than ever be
fore! A full line of Men's and Boys' Fur
nishings, Shoes, Hats, and everything
worn by Men and Boys.
m s
Big Bargains in Clothing V.
We have Purchased at a Big Discount from a Local Merchant (who has
has retired from the Clothing Business) his Entire Stock of MEN'S,
BOYS' YOUNG MEN and CHILDREN'S Clothing. We now of
fer the same to our Patrons at from Thirty-five to Fifty Per Cent,
below Regular Prices. They are the Biggest Bargains ever offered
in this Section forFirst-class Clothing.
Here are a few
Men's S 5.00 Suits for $3.50.
Men's 7.50 Suits for . 5.50
Men's 10.00 Suits for 7.50
Boys' 1.50 Suits-knee pants-for 81.00
Boys' 2.00 Suits-knee pants-for 1.50
Boys' . 5.00 Suits-long pants-for 3.50
Boys' 7.50 Suits-long pants-for 5.50
' All other finer grades at corresponding
7171 you 'visit out' Stove ask
Suits at
FOR THE BOYS-With each
we will give free
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
We are Agents for the JAMES
Gold and Silver White Shirts.
Clothing Made to Order. .
One fUQi
Price I
Oor'-vetlliG, Oregon.
Headquarters for Men and Boys' Outfits.
Drugs, Wiim Paints Knd Oils, lie.,;
...T'.Y A full l,ine pf- - ' ' "
Our Stock is Complete; comprising many articles it is itnpussiple here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices.
JM Iclnes warranted ycuuhie and of best quality.
Toledo, ' 1 Oregon
Toledo, Oregon,
Dealer In '
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
17 en dy Made Clothing, Klc.
()ur Customers will find our stock complete in all lines and are soloa
' , moderate prices.
THE LEADER, only $1:50
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday,-
of the Bargains !
to nee ouv 3Ien'i All Wool
Suit worth $3 or more,
a ball and bat. .
MEANS S3 Fire Shoes, and
On Monday evening of last week
the writer hereof boarded the west
bound train with a determination to
see the famed Alsea country .ind
get acquainted with its people and
view its resources. Stopping over
night at Newport, we were runted
out next morning bright e.irlv
to catch the mail stage on its reg
ular bi-weekly -trip-to the Alsea.
Crossing over the bay in a small
boat, we were soon buni'ied in the
stage wagon ait.l had our faces set
to southward along the solid sand
beach, which is kept beaten ;is
smooth and hard as a plank toad, by
the tireless waves of the broad Pa
cific. We can picture no finer or
more interesting drive than this
would be in fine weather, and even
with the wind in our faces and a
slight rain falling it was far from
disagreeable. A drive along the
beach of about twelve miles brought
us to the famous Seal Rock. This
iiajk is suualeu aooui a Halt mile
from the beach and is used by the
hair seals, or sea lions to rest and
sun themselves upon. At the time
we viewed the rock there were hun
dreds of these monster sea animals
lying lazily oh the rocks enjoying
themselves above the power of the
mighty waves that were dashing at
the base. At Seal Rock is located
the famous summer resort known
by that name and owned by Hon.
J. W. Brasfield. Here is erected a
fine hotel and numerous cottages
are scattered around for the benefit
of the hosts of summer visitors.
But more of Seal Rock . at another
time. .
Leaving the bluffs after about
a mile travel on them we again
strike the beach and proceed on
our way. After about a four mile
drive we round a point and the
famous Alsea Bay and valley bursts
upon our view. The view from
this entrance point'alone is worth
the trip to see. A short drive up
the beach brings us to the
Here we find a well stocked store
of V, C. Shepard, who caters to the
wants of the people contiguous to
town. Here we had our first meal
on the ALsea, taking the same at
the hospitable house of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Monroe.
The town of Stanford consists of
about forty acres platted and is in
a sightly location. W. C. Shepard
is the principal owner of the town-
site. Mr. Shepard also enjoys the
distinction of being the only attor-
ney-at-law in' Lincoln county
There is also a cannery located -at
this point, but we believe, was not
operated last year.
About a half mile up the beach
from Stanford is located the post
office of Lutjens, which distributes
the mail for the north side people.
At this place A. II. Lutjens keeps
a well-stocked country store, and
also is postmaster. The stage,
mail and freight route from Yaqui
na Bay, to Alsea Bay has its head
quarters here, being ojerated by
Holgate & Sons. . At this point is
located the extensive salmon can
nery of Henry Nice. This can
nery is well fitted with all the latest
appliances for canning salmon and
is quite an extensive establishment.
Its output varies with the condition
of the salmon 'ran. The largest
pack ever made in a single season
by Mr.' Nice's cannery was 9,000
eases of foor dozen cans cadi, .and
the smallest pack was 4, coo case-..
This establishment is woitby of a
more exteti'del v.riteiip than our
present space permits.
This comprises all the business
on the north side of the Bay. Cross
ing to the south side we came to
the handsome liti'e
Waldport is the largest business
point on the Bay, It is located on
a point of land 1 dng between the
Bay and a slough branching out
from the same. The ground is low
but sandy and do;a not readily be-
come muddy. It is well sheltered
from the wind by hills and tall tim -
. t-. a t v a 1
ber. Dr. A. II. Diven U Son keeps
a well stockel store of general
merchandise, and the Doctor is 1
ti T.tivainian far u tin fp .v tieol.le
. Ucoine sick, hi U at section of thJ
April 27, 1S93.
V. II. Harvi.-on & Son, have an
extensive saw mill plant and furnish
the manufactured lumber for that
section vf the country.
No uee.l go hungry at
WaMport, t'.ie town having three
hotels, the Columbia Hoiv-e, Capt.
Wakefield proprietor; the Wald
port Hotel, W. H. IK.vcll, prop
rietor, an the Starr House, C. M.
Starr, proprietor.
Joseph (.Hdeo'-.i iscounty surveyor
and his Leruemu" rffii'e at ihis
Petty !'.ch!:::'.'i fire
sUvkiPen of t:::.. vi!,v
e ;tci!
audi !
tfwyn h
1 !av.;e .sheep
: David "Ruble
owner of the t i. citizen.
O. S.-i.ii.leon i
The town has
dious school I;- .-.'..
en to nine iao:.
is held each yeai.
are also regularl;
.vas :ie
tisitv at', i
is an in-
t'.ie village shoe-
a inct eommo
e hi -.vliieh a sev
's ;?vm of school
i.'lf.;rdi services
The harbor at this ;laee is in the
coudi'jon makes it, no
attempts at improving ;iaing ever
been made. The bar at the mouth
of the harlior tiin.,s about 14 feet
at low ti le. With a reasonable
amount ofexpetv'iture this could
be deepened to -.rj in1 22 feet. Alsea
Bay will make .1 tine land-locked
harbor with a good channel.
The resources of this country
are varied and plentiful. The prin
cipal products are lumber, fruit,
potatoes, bay, live stock and fish.
Of the limber much might be said.
ast noiiics 01 as line limner as
there is on the 1'acillc coast grows
contiguous to the Hay and the
streams iiowing into it. It only
needs a market to enable this re
source alone to make a rich coun
try. , inose wno arc engageil 111
farming and stock-raising find these
sources of industry very remunera
tive. The fishing, interests are ex
tensive anl (Uinn' the season time's"
are made j a i te lively on the Bay
by this industry. As a dairying
and fruit country ttie Alsea country
is hard to excel, and in these lines
of industry will find its t greatest
wealth. In the fruit industry
might be mentioned cranberry rais
ing, which' promises, to be quite
extensive on Alsea Bay. It has al
ready been tested and the product
is of a superior quality and the
yield excellent.
In conclusion we would say that
the Alsea country is a magnificent
one in the way of undeveloped re
sources, and that when roads are
opened into its fertile valleys, and
the steel bands to a railway join it
to the highways of the great mar
kets of the world, the wheels of in
dustry will hum and many pleasant
homes will dot the hillsides which
are now covered with lofty firs or
cedars. Then, indeed, will this
country Idossom as a rose. '
The people -of this country are
extremely' hospitable and clever.
The stiii'igcr within their gates is
treated in such a fiiendly manner
that He cannot fail to have a lasting
good iir;.rcsMo-i of the people and
their ways.
Wc onnot c' this article with
out f:ttiv.!i:ig our- sincere thanks
to Dr. Diven, W. C. .Shepard. A.
II. Lu'jen:; a id many others for
many (Mr'.-xAtx'
Don't cherish hate. It is not
worth, whil-1 to hate. Vour life is
notloiig enough to make it pay to
che:i:l) ill-will or hard thoughts
toward any one. What if a man
or woman has phyed you false?
What if this friend has forsaken
you in your time of need, and treats
you ai a stranger? I.ct it pass.
What diff-rejici will it inaketoyoil
in a few year, when you go hence
to the ' mi' rscovcred country?
All who ill-treat you now will 1)C
more rrry for it then, than you,
even in your dwist disappoint
ment and grief, . ran be. A fer
more smiles, a few more tears, some
i p"-i'-e, mut.ii pain, a :;me longer
' hurrying and wr.rryln through the
'word, some hacv greetings and
. frf ftrcWlflhi aiulk(nir wi
,w ..,)!a..erf 0llli- an,i thc in;,,reii
f w ill be 1c I a a ay and ere long for-
! KOt'.Cll. Is it WOrlll wllUrt. ti llAtC
ewJ. Sedaa.
4-- v-
At the adjourned term of County
Court the following proceedings
were had:
Iv. D. Young, of Little Elk, was
appointed Stock Inspector for Lin
coln county with a salary of $10.00
per annum, and that the county
clerk forward to him his certificate
of appointment, blank oath of office
and blank bond for sureties; the
amount of such bond being $250.
In the matter of Jos. Forrest and
family, needing support, it was or
dered that they receive not to ex
ceed $16 per month from the coun
ty for support.
A j ury list of 200 names was se
lected from the tax roll of 1S92 and
filed with the county eleik.
Ordered that J. R. Peters be ap
pointed road supervisor for road
district No. 52.
Ole Thompson was appointed
road supervisor of road district No.
II. F. Foster was appointed road
supervisor of road district No. yz.
Ordered that tlie supervisor of
district No. 32 be required to repair
the bridge across Thornton creek,
the county to pay for material used
in repairing the same.
The following bills were allowed:
Nettie Blake, rent, $25.00
C O Copeland, merchandise, 1.90
A B Crosno, drayage, 1,25
J A Hall, drawing jury, 3.00
WC Copeland, " " 2.00
li v Jones, ' 2.00
Glass&Prudhomme, blanks, 168,95
Ceo Hoilge, work on desk, 7.00
T P Fish, merchandise,
J S Beaver, work on office
Perry&Armstrong, draying,
D P Blue, cash paid
Wells Fargo & Co.
O. P. freight.
Postage stamps,
Transcript records 10.00
Adv of same, 1 .00
Peek & Russell, merchandise
lor pauper, 13.50
J N Stark, ' . chuirs, .. . .76,00
Lincoln Co Leader, blanks, ,71.00
J O Stearns, County Com.
J O Stearns, service, ....
J O Stearns, attorney fee
and note books,
Yaquina Bay News, printing, 3.00
C F Weber & Co, furniture, 201.00
11 F Jones, County Clerk, 19.26
DP Blue salary to Apr 23 1893 61.50
Court adjourned to meet Monday
May, 1, 1893.
The following Is the panel of
jurors for the May term of district
L M Harmon, Toledo, Parmer
Andrew Oallager, S Bcadi, "
A O I looker, Toledo, Capitalist
Wm Wakefield, L Klk, Farmer
(1 W Council, L Alsea, ,
li B Martin, Newport, Carpenter
Thos Freer, Oystcrvillc, Fishr'm
Carl Anderson L Alsea, Parmer
C A Dick, Toledo, Fisherman
Jas Williams, " Farmer
A J Zumalt, L K!k, "
OL. Boone, Mill 4,
M L Campbell, Toledo,
M Gillette, Newport, "
Samuel Case, " Capitalist
Alfred Stanton, Toledo, Farmer
S Anderson, Newport, "
A Rosebrook, Toledo, Musician
W C Copeland, " Contractor
D J Chitwood, Chitwwxl, Farmer
R V Collamore, Toledo, Mason
Geo Moore, S Beach, Farmer
Jas 1 lamer, Summit, "
Joseph l'yiu, Si ling No 1, "
II Hark, L Alsea,
Jas Videtto, Tidewater, "
J 15 Mathews Jr, Newport, Printer
JnoAOlsert, " Capitalist
D II Williams, Farmer
Oriti Rubcrt, "
G II Anderson, J51k City,
- -
The Trans-Mississippi congress
w'lk-fi met in 0:;dcn, Utah, this
week hold its next annual meeting
at San Francisco.
Judge Bellinger has recei"
commission from thepres'
will qualify and assume the
of his office May 1st.
Patrick ligan has
nviutHtn (v bil4.
Number 8.
Ckitwood Chips.
All well, we are ready put to in
our spring crop, only waiting for
the shower to pass over, then the
fur will fly until our spring work is
There will be a large amount of
trees set out this spring, mostly
We have our money order offica
running in full blast and doing .
fair business.
Arthur StClair is the boss fisher
in or around Chitwood. ,
Jas. McDonald was laid up for .
repairs a short time ago, being hit
on the leg by some long timbers h
and another man was draging with ,
a team, but is all OK now. (
C. S. Wilson will start in a levy
days for the fishing grounds near ,
Astoria to spend the fishing season
Luck to you Charley and may yoU .
smell like salmon nil summer.
Chitwood is booming.
The river school is running nice
iy. ... ,
Claud Wilson returned from
Woodburn last Friday where V
spent the last month grafting in ttitj
nursery of J. K. Wilson & Sou, ; j- ,: h,f.
He takes the cake in grafting for
boy of fourteen years,
It looks like the shower Is over.
From Elk City.
It still rains for a change.
There will be some improvement
start up here In a short time, or as
soon as the weather will permit, irt
the way of building. ,R. F. Simp
son will build a residence' at J E
M. Mays will build an addition to
his house and will ftls'o put up
barn: M. W. Simpson will also pAt
up a large barn on his farm neaf
town. Dr.' Carter contemplate ,v ;
building two or three residences to
rent to parties during the summer
and also to parties who wish t0
come to town during the winter to
send their children to School, as W9 "
havq one of the best ichools Ju the?
county. ' Elk City Is grjtnstohuildU.
tliui ,cason,, a well i.i as,:'
Storrs and otliui'i.'uifs, and don't '
you forget it. All that the" lowi""""
needs now is a blacksmith shop
A good smith would build up a good
trade. Everything helps to build
up a town, so let us all put our
shoulders to the wheel and see what
we can do to help the good work
along, and if there be any one who
will not help let us remove him ami
get some one in his place, as sucl
a man is a nuisance In any place.
A family by the name of Torter, w .
from Arkansas, have moved into
town. Mr, Porter Is shoemaker so
wo will have a shoe shop,
When Elk City gets her depot
and bridge completed she will tak
a step or two ahead in the way of .
shipping potatoes, grain ami pro
duce. There will be seven of
eight thousand bushels of potatoes
four thousand bushels of oats ana
two thousand bushels of apples and
much othtr produce shipped front
this point,- All of the above will be
more than doubted as soon as the'
land can be cleared, so you see w;
do a little something here if we afe
are a little lazy 1 ,.-"
, . LlTTLH-BaVit.-
Notice Is hereby given that M
the purpose of making an exatnina
lion of all personB who may offe
themselves as candidates, for ttrach
ersofthe schools of this county,.
the county school superintendent Sli
thereof will hold a public exaaiiDir
ation at Toledo, 011 thc 10th yfi r'"';
May, 1893, commencing fit 1 itvff: -'
a. in, ' . ' ,
Chas, Booth,
County -
a.axf V '' . .
l-'or Sale.-AC!! niprovet
ranch of twenty ty.its;' situated'
alwut half way between Toledo arv"',.u-,tJ tide land; 1:
rVCLAi r...
It. Viwrcee
I curia. At
ortant roil
. I ti
and rvjx
j ordinary
woolen or
'v b'lr
a n a betwr
" old-faUv
. no
or . ry 1 I
( i tir, f prempUf el
and bowela. in. I
. L