Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 20, 1893, Image 2

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    Lincoln County Leader.
J. F. ITIWtRT, Pabllshar.
' ' urn gji
More Bogus Chinese Certifi
cates at Astoria.
The New Black-Sand Enterprise
Bid Fair to Become an Im
portant Business.
An armory will probably be built for
the Grant's Pass militia this summer..
Tin; discovery has been ma'le in
Oregon tlutt the Chinese pheasant feeds
on wilil oats.
Tim lienor dealers at Lou Angeles pro
pose to light tlx; high license ordinances
to tin; bitter end.
In tin; election at Albuquerque, N. M.,
every IlcmiHratic candidate, from top to
liottom ol tin; ticket, was elected except
one School I lireotor.
The. first through stage from Yosemite
Vallev has rcaclieil W'awona. 'I'no ac
eiimulatilig hiiow in the high Sierra guar
anteed line waterfalls thin summer.
hint against the Niutliern J'acilic has
been iiiHtituteil at Sim Bernardino for
$0,0(X) by the lirotherM of Samuel Foley,
wIki wax run over ami killed a few weeks
Kiley Hamiiiesloy, a prospector in Jo
sephinu county, Or., ban Htruck a two
fiHit quartz lodge on Jump-oil' Joe creek,
sixty ihiiiikIh of which baa produced
The ranchers in I-ower California op
pose the fri'U admission of Hour into
Mexico. The growing of brcadstuffs on
the peninsula ban been iiiHtituted on a
large scale.
(iovernor Murphy hns exercised the
veto power three timed during t lit) pres
ent term of thn Arizona I-cgislatiire, and
in oneh oaso tho bill has been panned
over bia bead.
Tim ililliculty with the miion sailors at
Pan Pedro is unsettled, owing to the op
poHition to the execution of warrants liy
a Justice, who favors thu cause of the
striking Hcamen.
Shipments of oranges from Uivorside
are now lieing pushed vigorously. Up
to (Into over IHK) carloads have been
shipped, ami it in eHtiunited that 1,1100
carloads remain to be Kent Fast.
Tho Bradslreet mercantile ngenev re
ports sixteen failureri in the Pacific Coast
States and TerrilorieM fur the past week,
h rompared with ten for thn previous
week and thirteen for the corresponding
week in 1HH2.
A prospector linmeil I lauson ban dis
roveriHl an imniciisi ledge containing
gold in the porphyry hills three miles
south of lul Sur, thirty-two miles oast
of San IHcgo. Tho new lind is a ledge
tlfty feet wide, carrying gold at the rate
uf tjdO to $200 per toil, .Much excitement
over thu liii'l ih 1 n i n n maiiil'i'sleil,
A strict Biirveillauco of all visitors to
the various hunks at his Angeles is now
maintained, and nil who can y satchels
bavo been especially scrutinized. This
is owing to Idlers received by the bank
cii linvatoning to blow them up with
1 naiuilo unlesN they sent nunicv in u
certain way to the parties demanding it.
More 1i;:iih Chinese certificates have
tin ned up nt Astoria. This time the sig
nature, mid seal of Judge Cleveland has
boon flirted. A month ngo a ccrlilicate
that bad boon presented otilhotiina
dian border was sent to Astoria, tin ex
amination Mr. Cleveland found that bis
name and seal had been placed thereon
in a rather clumsy manner.
An immense canal projivt lias been
inaugurated in the western part of Inyo
county involving the irrigation of a strip
of land eighty miles in length, and it is
now siaicii tnal a railroad is projected
to begin at Bishop's creek about twenty
nines iioi til of Independence, and ten
miles from tho upper end of the canal.
i iu iiiio will pass tbroiigh inleiH-n.1
euce, ixino I'ltie, Olillicha, lioso Springs
Vallev and Indian Wells Vallev, Thence
it will bear to tho west and end at Mo-
jave, mo total tmgth being 1 10 miles,
Tho Soulbern l'acille lias decidetl to at
unco begin tho construction of its line
norm limn hunta Monica to Montalvo,
on thu branch from Saugus to Santa
Barbara, Thus when the lino now hciitu
1... O. t I. . n
iMiiii limn me muor piaco to hail I rau
risin is completed tho company will have
a through road to tho Golden "liate, tin
imrallod for lioaiity of sivnorv, freedom
from bent and dust and shorter than the
picscm route ty several hours.
A ronl California lion, measuring le
tweou tlvo ami six bvt, is declared to
have taken up bis ipiarters within the
domains of souio of tho residents who
comprise tho hamlet of Koss Vallev.
It Is statist that be has bevn eiuimntcrvd
by Will Kittle. Captain (.iritliths and
several others. 8ineo the new visitor
lias niado bis apwnraiuv outdoor onk.v
iiieiit after sunset has in nencral Isvn
liconlinncl thniuKhout the entiro val
ley. A reward of M has been otlensl
for the annual, dead or alive.
Information has just reached the San
Francisco oili.vs of the Coast survev n
PtHvliun the proiwsl Alaskan work for
the summer, rour American parties
will co into tho airhipolno ivuntrv ol
Poutbeastern Alaska, workinc U, k to
the thirty-mile limit, whore the inter
national boundary line is upHed to ho.
The chiel work will be tbeepUir.uinof
of the Stickccn river ivuntrv. Asit.
ant tVden of WashiiiKton Cit'v and M
tirathof St. Ixmiswill make a survev of
Tsku Inlet and rier, and alter Ihiisliin
Umt tbov will transfer their parties to
the Stiekeen river. The first Sii. k......
party w ill lie in charge of Assistant I'm.
man of Washington Citv, who will pu-li
Sii? ';di:!;iv,Lin,;
lii. l..i, i..t l,i. ... .:i ii '
Dickons and his tcmiiorarv aid. Il.irrv
Edwards, will make a rtvunoissiiuv of
Unak river, which empties into behm
canal near Portland inlet. Thov will ac
company the Canadian partv expected to
M at this point hi their vxplorwtitw.
Chief-Justice Fuller Announces the
Decision In the Case of the N.
P. R. R. vs. Walker.
Secretary Smith hag directed the re
moval of twenty-five pension examiners
now in the field. It is said the politics
of the examiner was not considered, and
that the only question taken into ac
count was that ol proficiency.
The State Department has been in
formed that the owners of the conces
sion for building a railroad from the
City of Mexico to the Pacific Coast have
deposited $20,000 in bonds with the Na
tional Treasury as required under the
terms of the concession. The builders
of the road are to receive a subsidy of
$12,000 a mile.
As a result of the controversy between
Mark W. Harrington, chief of the
weather bureau, and J. B. McLaughlin,
chief of the executive division o: the
bureau, Mr. Harrington has demanded
of Secretary Morton an immediate and
full investigation of the administration
of the bureau. McLaughlin was sus
pended by Harrington for insubordina
tion and recommended to the Secretary
for dismissal. Mclaughlin responded
by filing charges of corruption against
Harrington. An investigation by the
management of the bureau will be made
at once.
Secretary Carlisle has received from
Edwin Walker, Chairman of the Com
mittee on ICgislation of the World's Co
lumbian Exposition, a letter raising
certain questions in regard to the sundry
civil act, in which is included the appro
priation for the World's Fair. He asks
especially for the construction of the
Congressional action authorizing the
coinage of the $$,000,000 souvenir balf
uoiiufa for liju bejiuui of lim lair and
afterwards passing an act declaring the
exposition mUHt furnish security for the
payment of $.r)70,R8O appropriated for
awards, eta. The directors of the expo
sition are in doubt as to bow to conHtrun
these acts. Secretary Carlisle referred
the questionjto the Attorney-Otneral for
United States Consul Seymour at Can
ton, China, has cabled the State Depart
ment that 10,000 Chinese actors, etc.,
belonging to rival companies, have left
Shanghai for the United States to visit
tho World's Fair, where they will land
at Vancouver, Tacoma, Portland, San
Francisco ami other places. In accord
ance with this information Assistant
Secretary Spaulding of the Treasury De
partment has telegraphed tho customs
oll'iccrs on the Pacific Coast and North
em frontier to exercise the closest scru
tiny that none but bona-lido exhibitors
or employes whoso services are required
bv the exhibitors at the World's Fair
Exposition 1 permitted to enter this
country. This exemption as to the Chi
nese exclusion act in favor of exhibitors,
etc., was made by Congress to cover just
such cases as this.
Chief-Justice Fuller has announced
the decision of tho Supremo Court of
the United States in the enso of tho
Northern Pacific against Charles Walker,
County Auditor, et al., from tho Court
of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. The
railway company in l.S'.K) bigt-n suits
against the Auditors of twelve counties
in North Dakota for injunctions to re
strain them from assessing taxes against
certain lands, tho title to whioh vests in
tho county. Tho Chief Justice stated
the amount involved in any ono countv
was not siitlicient to give tho Circui't
Court jurisdiction, and indeed tho rec
ords show that the total amount in tho
twelvo counties is not siitlicient. Tho
judgment of the Circuit Court w as there
tore reversed and tho cases remanded for
further priN'oediiigs. No disposal was
made, the Chief Justice explained, for
the reason that by the time tho cases
are returned tho amount involved may
be siitlicient, in some one of the counties,
to give the court jurisdiction, but it can
not obtain jurisdiction, ho said, by com
bining the amounts of issue in two or a
dozen counties.
Tho Su( iromo Court has announced its
construction of tho proclamation bv the
President and act of Congress in ' issi,
opening tho Crock Indian reservation in
Oklahoma. They contained this provi
sion : "Any s-rson who may enter upon
any part of said lands, prior' to tho tune
the same are opened to settlement, w ill
not Ih permitted to occupy or make en
try of such lands, or lav anv claim
thereto." Alexander F. Smith, a rail
mad employe, living at Fdmond station
at the time the lands wore opened, en
tered a quarter section. His riubt of
entry was contestis! bv Fddv 15. Town-
send and dividisl in his favor bv tho lo
cal land otluer, but on appeal the Com
missioner of the general land office, tin
Secretary of the Interior, and tho Dis
trict Court and tho Supremo Court of
inaanoiiia successively sustained Town
scud's entry, and Smith appealed to the
Supreme t ourt of the United States.
Jiislnv lirewer announced the division
oi ino court in an opinion review-
iiiir the facts and law In the case, con
rinding with the statement that anv om
who was within tho Territorial limits at
the hour of noon April 2'.' w as, by Ixith
ine iciier ami spirit ol mo statute, dis
qualified to take a homestead therein.
Tho Assistant Secretary of State has
boon directed bv Sovretarv (in-sham
to examine more thoroughly than has
turn customary into the orsoniiol of
the State IVnartment. with tho view, it
is tttidcrstocsl, of deterniinini! tho fitness
of the employes for the positions held by
mem. it is reporter!, ami on good au
thority, that tradition and precedent
will not obtain in the State IVpartmciit
during tho inciimUncv of Soctvtarv
tiroshum, and that there will ho less rod
tape and greater dispatch of business
lion after. Secn'tarv Hoke Smith has
already N'gun to carrv into ett'oot his
policy of diM'!isiiic with tho services of
a,l incompetent clerks in iisdctiartment.
or those Noiutcd purely for political
reasons, i im,T tne direction ot I liiof
Clerk Wardlo, tho individual record of
the cb rival fom ol the census oltlee is
Ivirn: thortuuhlv examined, and all the
clerks found to bo deficient will he dis
missed. It is SooiYtarv Smith's Whcf
that tho work of the census should l
completed by the end of the calendar
year without asking an additional appro
priation from Congress, but to do this
lie is convinced there must be not onlv
:mr rrk-
' t undent.l, also, the clerical force
of the general land otlice w ill soon un
dergo the process of renovation, after
which some attention will he given the
pennon and other bureaus, with a view
of putting theut on strictly buainc
Amount of Real Estate Owned
by Virginia Negroes.
Battle Between Farmer and Rail
road Men Over the Erection
of a Warehouse.
The Michigan World's Fair Board will
make an exhibition of its newspapers.
The grave of General Winfield Scott
Hancock in Norristown, Pa., is yet un
marked. The building of electric roads in Ohio
is said to be " developing the proportions
of a craze."
The Colorado Senate has passed the
Railroad Commission bill over the Gov
ernor's veto.
It will require forty cars to carry
Knipp's exhibit for the World's Fair
from Baltimore to Chicago.
A great flow of natural gas has been
struck at Cherryvale, Kan., and the cit
izens are expecting a boom.
Secretary of the Interior Smith does
not expect the Cherokee Strip to be open
to settlement before July 1 next.
Rev. Dr. Parkburst of New York has
organized a corps whore business it will
be to see that all local laws are obeyed.
The Legislatures of New York, Con
necticut and several Western States are
making ellorts to suppress the pool
Keports from Southern Illinois an
nounce that tho prospects for a good
wheat crop this season are most promis
ing. Lands which were selling two years
airo in the Red Kiver Valley, N. D.. for
$10 to 12 an acre now bring double those
The capital of the lumber trust, which
seems destined to control the lumber
business of this country, is understood
to be $:i2,0tX),000.
Jav Gould's children are about to
build a church to their father's memory
nt Uoxbury, Delaware county, N. Y., the
place where he was born.
Mrs. Jane L. Fowlo of Dedbam, Mass.,
has been awarded $4-r)0 by a Boston jury
against a dentist who extracted a sound
tooth instead of a decayed one.
The new regulations for tho govern
ment of the navy provide, among other
things, that naval ollicers shall not act
as correspondents for newspapers.
The Chicago packing firm, which
started thirty years ago in a little butcher-shop
with one wagon, increased its
capital stock last week to $15,000,000.
F.vidonoo has been secured of whole
sale registration frauds in Chicago. Of
31,,rHKI names added to the list 5,0iHJ and
possibly 8,000 aro said to bo fraudulent.
It is reported from Guthrie, O. T.,
that hundreds of Texas cattle are being
unloaded at Pouca in the Cherokee Strip
to graze, and waiting settlers are indig
nant. The Massachusetts Senate has 24 to 9
passed a bill providing for the submis
sion to the peonlo of a constitutional
amendment establishing biennial elec
tions. According to the report of tho Auditor
of Virginia the negroes of that State pav
taxes on real estate valued at $!),42o,0H5
and on personal property valued at $3,
812,050. T '
The wreck of a gunboat which was
sunk during the late war, and which lies
in the regular channel near the Cape
Fear bar in North Carolina, will soon be
The large petrified snake, claimed to
have been unearthed in Colorado some
timo ago, turns out to be a fossilized
f)alm tree which grew in that State bo
ore the climate changed.
The three vessels of the United States
and Brazil Steamship Company were
sold at auction at New York. The Alli
ance sold for $83,000; Virginia, $81,000,
and tho Advance, $114,000.
The petition for the rehearing of th
celebrated Chicago lake-front cases was
overruled by the Supreme Court of the J
uninsi ptates, out a second petition will
oe moo ii opportunity otters
Philadelphia menihers of thn Rons nl
tho Revolution are about to start a move
ment against the removal of Liberty
Hell ami the original Declaration of In
dejiendenoe to the World's Fair.
A bmkeman on tho Central Railroad
of New Jersey has obtained a verdict
against tho company for $25,000 for the
loss of a log which was crushed bv some
cars "cut loose in violation of tho rules."
Tho Wisconsin Legislature has adopted
a memorial to Congress asking a sub
mission of an amendment to the Federal
Constitution providing for the election
of tho United States Senators by a popu
darvoto. '
At West Union, la., there was a battle
between the farmers and railroad men
over tho erection of a warehouse. Seven
or eight wore severely injured, and one
will die. The railroad, won tho point in
According to the Baltimore News the
new city directors indicates an increase
of population for Baltimore during the
past year of 30,000. The gain is attrib
uted largely to the growth of manufac
turing interests in the city and suburbs.
Senator Roach ol North Dakota,
ihw mum .nr. noar wants to have
investigated, is acrussed of embozzltns
a large amount of money from a national
bank in Washington, of' which he was an
officer nearly if not quite twenty veurs
ago. ' '
Tho Supreme Court of the Unit.!
States has decided lb at a fugitive from!
tvoding from one State to another in.iv
v . ut, in-, nnv
!' constitutionally tried in tho hitter
State iion a warrant charging another
oiionso man me one set tortli m the war
rant of extradition, without hin tirvt
returned to the State whence he came.
In a contest for a title to a ntmrtet
section of land on the Crook Reservation,
O. T., which was thrown open to settle
ment, the Supreme Court of the United
States has decided that "anvone who
was within the Territorial limits at the
nour ot noon April
was. with n Kut.
the letter and the spirit of th ii.o.. I
diKiuahflod to tak a homattead thex' !
" I
The gold medal which the Queen baa
riven to P.ichard 31. Hunt, the architect,
is the first of the kind ever received by
an American.
Herbert Spencer began his literary ca
reer in the columns of the Independent
and Nonconformist at the age of 21. He
wrote first on the "Proper Sphere of Gov
ernments." The younger Dumas has given np
smoking. For the hv-t five years he hu
confined himself to cigarettes, but even
these, he thinks, retard instead of stim
ulating hia mental processes.
M. Munkacsky is at work in his Neu
illy etu'lio on a picture of such dimen
sions that the canvas ha3 to be raised
and lowered by a machine made for that
purpose. It is 13 feet high and 45 feet
Prof. Martin Kellogg of the University
of California nas Deen grantea tne Hon
orary degree of LL.D., by the Yale cor
poration at a special meeting. Prof.
Kelkc'g is a graduate of Yale in the class
of 1S50.
A visitor to Marshal McMahon says
that the Marshal is still a great sports
man. He starts ont with gun at 6 in the
morning, and walks twelve or fifteen
miles a clay. His hand is firm and his
aim sure.
The Archbishop of York has an
nounced to his archdeacons that he will
contribute $5,000 a year one-tenth of
his gross stipend to the fund formed to
increase the income of the poorest bene
fices of the diocese.
Governor Northen of Georgia has an
nounced that he will be in the race for
fenator Colquitt's seat next year. It
seeins to be taken for granted that Mr.
Colquitt will not seek re-election on ac
count of poor health.
lington in the war with Napoleon and
under General Scott in the Mexican war,
and who enlisted at the aze of 72 for
service in the civil war, is still alive at
the age ol 103 years in Tyler county, W.
Mrs. U. S. Grant will spend the sum
mer at Highlands Falls. A suite of
rooms overlooking the Hudson has been
engaged for her, and is now receiving a
thorough overhauling. The neighbor
hood of West Point has a strong fascina
tion for the widow of the great soldier.
Mr. Carlisle's ney private secretary is
Captain Samuel N. Gaines of Kentucky.
Captain Gaines was a gallant Confeder
ate soldier, was educated at the Univer
sity of Virginia, and has since been con
nacted with Kentucky journalism. He
is a bright writer ana a very attractive
man socially.
F.inin Pasha's fate still remains a good
deal of a mystery, but the great travel
er's little daughter, Ferda, who made
her way from Wadelai to Bagamoyo two
years ago, nearly starved, still remains
at the latter place. She has quite re
covered from the privations of that ter
rible time, and is described as being a
sprightly, well-grown girl of 11.
The Princess Edward of Saxe-AVeimar,
the Duchess of Leinster, the Marchioness
of Londonderry, the Countess Spencer,
I ,ady Carew and the Countess of Shrews
berry are among the lathes who have
promised to preside at stalls at tho dis
play of the Irish exhibits for the Chi
cago World's Fair, which is to be held
on March 3 and 4 at Mr. Astor's house
in Caiiton House Terrace.
Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, who died
recently at Gateacre near Liverpool, was
one of tho richest commoners in
land, and was widely known in connec
tion with the famous art gallery at Liv
erpool, which bears his name. He was
a brewer and public-house owner, 1h
came largely interested in mines, and
had an income of 250,000 a year. The
cost of the Walker art gallery was about
oS00. He gave 20.000 to University
College, Liverpool, and tens of thousands
in other directions.
A $200,000 building is to be erected for
the New York Teachers' College.
The golden rod has been adopted as
the llower of the Chicago University.
It is stated that 204 of the .KS3 colleges
in the United States are coeducational.
Of the students graduated at Yalo
University since 1701, 7,52o' are dead and
7,S2.) living.
The United States have 1S.S12.7iV? per
sons of s. hiKil age, of whom 13,010,130
are enrolled in school.
The cost of maintaining Girard College
last year was $440,tfl2. The Uirard fund
now amounts to $13,2Sf,2 IS.
By the terms of the charter of the
University of Virginia tuition is free to
student residing in that State.
Harvard University has 204 teachers
and 2.0i'nt scholars an increase over last
year of forty-one teachers and 30j schol
ars. Over 2.000 schools in Pennsylvania
outside of Philadelphia aro alrcalv sup-'
plied by tho respective boards with free
text books.
There- are in the United Stat soma
0,51X1 women in colleges and graduates of
colleges who are members of Greek let
ter fraternities.
Yalo University's faculty has set its
face against gambling among the stn- I
football will have to be plaved simplv for I
t 1 i
Since 17" Harvard has fill I high
places in tho government as follows:
Two Presidents, two Vice-Presidents,
fifteen Cabinet officers and thirty Minis
ters Plenipotentiary.
The Secretary of the Harvard Univer
sity savs that a student can Minploto
o .... ...
me co 1 1 iv you -e tnere nonnr.fiv and
Vlv an,l
1 ",,,"'i "'"'i iniiiwiiri
Palmer believes that an annua, income !
of $1,200 is a positive injury to Student.
U.?y, f-7-0' IHr Ppil.tohain,ain!tit n? Do not wait to find out ti
me i una.ieipnia sviioois omnngthe iw :
year. The total expense w.v t: -A'.-
SS0..V?, and the niimberof puniji US.Jki
of which number 57.011 wore v,. 1.
oinuicn num'H r n, ,t"ii were hivs. ati.l
5 VA girls, To educate this ,al 2.S:i
teachers m of them In-ing n,-n. were ,
silit of fortv-one s,-holars on ji averaio
The Halario paid teachers ig-r.'gaf
1.7trt..W.?:.' -..' to each t achor. j u J
I It
COst ft'
Jtokivptho Mi.volh .iWes
clean. 1 ho total number M sohosjl
houo is 4JS. It cot $!.!: to e locate
each pupil at the Boys' Hh. S,dool,
while the misses attending tie Normal'
N-lionl cost only $.".2t eai. V-., !, !
'? " . . . " V.'".' - . r a. n ot
P1.1!"1.'' onding he manual '
,ln',n ''ools rot $U3..y the expense ,
m FP"" inTvinj Uie ptt
ciiu eipwiM coniiJerbl j
Salt Injurious if Given to Pigs
in Large Quantities.
Farmers Honest Enough to Admit
That It is Largely Owing to
Careless Methods.
pome of the farmers that have no hogs
tt present are honest enough to admit
that it is largely owing to their careless
methods. There are others who have
resarded hogs too troublesome to raise.
Still another class have no pigs simply
because the necessary can and thought
were not given them'. The latt;r class
is a large one, and its Members are the
heaviest losers, having nad the expense
oi maintaining brood sows and having
money invested. D ring the breeding
Ecasoii losses come fiom careless mating,
inbreeding, use of poorly bred boars, etc.
In the farrowing season the lack of at
tention and poorly arranged pens result
in many pigs being overlain. Pigs die
when small from the effects of poor food
given them and their dams and from
poor shelter, lak of clean bedding, from
drinking unwholesome water and from
having little sunshine and exercise. Tl e
pigs which lived through the first month
were given corn and water with their
dam instead of food suited to the build
ing of bone and muscle in the pigs and
to the production of milk bv the sow.
If thev had been given shorts, rye meaJ,
oat meal and other bone mid mustie-to.-ming
food with slops, very different
results "might have been obtained. Such
troubles as oolds, scours, costiveness, et.,
are usually the direct results of careless
feeding or of exposure. In recent years
many farmers have neglected their hogs
that "more attention might be given to
grain-raising. There are not enough
hogs in the country to supply the world's
demand, and will not be during the next
eighteen months. If the price of corn
remains below 60 cents per bushel, it
will pay to hold hogs during the coming
year until they reach 300 pounds weight,
provided one-fourth of this growth is
made from clover or other grasses.
A veterinary correspondent writes to
the Mark Lane Express: I am often
asked alxnit giving salt to pigs. Person
ally I should not like to allow them a
free supply, which is what putting a
lump in the trough means, and especial
ly to in-pigs or suckling sows or very
young annuals. Salt is decidedly inju
rious if given to pigs in large quantities,
and leads to a condition that is described
as salt-poisoning. A little will do no
harm perhaps to large pigs ; but, whether
it is prejudice or because experience has
demonstrated that it is bad for the ani
mals, salt is never placed in the piggery.
The cases where I have seen do mischief
is where brine from the pickle tub has
been mixed with the wash butchers'
waste and that from hotels commonly
Mntuinmg tar too muc.i. the same
i,(n..nni(,i. . ... .
K? ilh
into the wash when dishwater is emptied
into the tub. I strongly advise against
tho use of salt for suckling sows any
one may bid good-by to the youngsters
if they get any quantity. Even the liq
uor in which salt meat has been boiled
has been known to upset them. A far
greater essential for pigs than salt is
small coal or other grit. It is useful also
where pigs do not get the liberty of a
run to cut sods of turf, with plenty of
soil adhering, and throw to them in the
Whenever a body of fanners engaged
in any branch of agriculture get together
and talk over matters one would think
theirs the only branch of fanning that
was worth carrying on. This is as it
should be, as ono will always succeed
best in that which he believes to be the
best. It is not as it should be, for when
one thinks too much that his is the only
thing worth doing he is apt to be narrow
in bis views and selfish in his regard for
the rights of others. We want broad
minded, whole-souled farmers farmers
who love their branch of husbandry and
...:n: i. ... .
big tuning 10 neip ineir orotner farmers
in other lines of fanning men who
make tho most of their own wort hni
accord to others the same right. One
way to accomplish this is to attend in
stitutes and other meetings where men
engaged in the various branches of farm
ing are gathered together and the large
ness and importance of each is dwelt
Many tons of commercial fertilizers
aro bought and used bv farmers that can
not atlbrd to use it. Until a farmer saves
and uses all the fertilizers available on
the farm, he cannot afford to purchase
fertilizers with his hard-earned dollars
at $25 to $40 a ton. It will pav to dig
out the soil under the stables ih many
instances and spread it on the land, as
it contains a grout deal nf immnn,',, .i
omer elements ot iertilitv. Use the ma
nure from the henhousn
and potatoes or in the garden, and it
will give excellent results. !f a f
w! Flve e,x.cellen' results.
will keen his avm nnnn l,
in seep uis eyes open, he will discover
iermmng material about his fann goinz
"w.v ! Buuiiicuv quanimes to grow
quite a field of corn. Some wav ought
to be devised for saving all the 'liquids
about the stable, as it is worth nearly if
uuv qmw as uiucn as tne solids
vol UD tne summer's imnln f i
rusnea witn the spring
work. r 8
Where is vour plow? WW ,n,t;,:..
rea.ty to use unless too know iut how
it is. 7 1 181 now
1T,-,w lnni. t..ii .,,
ti."!.!0"' W6 miIk. "?
TKU. t.
de - nd ' ? 1 ?LJ
a pwfit on her cost of Wp W
f ff"? cun,t,a
'k' Wllk,
fjr,?cun.,'n ju'tso much milk; to
. ....... ,U,l je tnp (etHj jn
i ? ; Wl ' M readily eaten
Ith.tlt i;, ' wn,ii ?he w ft'n
An abundant supply of pure water on
the farm is essential both (or health and
r"" - . " no such, it mujbt
PT " lnv? orne ot your surplus M,n.
,m securing it. While vou are
" roPP'T that wUI suffice fuf
houae, ths stock and the gaidao.
Wheat Valley, $1.12(21.15; WaUt
Walla, $1.05sl.07) per cental.
Flocb Standard, $3.30; Walla Walla,
$3.30; graham, $2.90; superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oats Choice, 43S 45c per bushel : fair.
40c; rolled, ia bags, $6.25;a6.50; barrels,
)Q.iJU;uu,ij, w, f j.iw.
Hat Best, $ll(al3.50 per ton; con,
mon, $910.
Millbtcffs Bran, $18.00; shortt
$22.u0; ground barley, $23(a24; chop
feed, $18 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 80
OjfcSc per cental; middlings, $2324;
per ton; brewing barley, 90(5 95c per
cental; chicken wheat, $1.10 percental
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 27
(530c; fancy dairy, 22,4! (5 2dc; fair to
good, 17s(p 20c; common, 12' (3 15c per
pound; pickle roll butter, 30ia35c per
roll; California, 40:5 45c per roll.
Cheese Oregon, ll(iil3c; Eastern
Twins, lGe; Young America, 16c per
Euos Oregon, 17c per dozen.
Pofi.TRY Chickens, mixed coops, $4.50
(5.00; fancy coops, $5.506.00; broil
ers. $5.1HJ per dozen : dressed chickens, 10
fu.l3c per pound; ducks, $6.5O(u,7.50;
geese, iu.uu per uo.en; lurseys, live,
15c; dressed, 17c per pound.
V eoktables I ahbage, $l.o0(gl.6o pet f.
cental;onions,!il-752.00percental; cut f
onions,75 '((We; potatoes, $1.40 for (jarnet i f
Chilis; $1.05,1.75 for Burbanks ; new, j
5c per pound ; Oregon turnips, 75 a'JOc f J
rier sack ! voiini?earmts.75cKt1.00: swept l X
potatoes, ij2.50.ii4.00 per cental; cauli- f
flower, U0c per dozen, $2.75 per crate;
celerv, We per dozen; artichokes, fjOc '
per dozen ; lettuce, 40c per dozen ; aspar- i'
agus, lOkffllc per pound; parsnips, 85c f
per sack ; beets, $1.50 per sack ; radishes,
25a per dozen; greeu onions, 18o per !
dozen; rhubarb, ti7c per pound; Ur-
spinach, 6K,c per pound; cucumbers, i 1
$1.75 u,2.00 per dozen; string beans, 20e j
per pound. I a
Fkuits Sicily lemons, $55.50 per jj
box; California new crop, $4.50(35.00 i 1
per box; bananas, 1(2.50(34.00 per bunch; J
oranges, seedlings, 2 (i 2.75 per box; na- : I
vels, $3.00(33.50; cranberries, $12.50 per f'
barrel; apples, $1.50(3,2.25 per box. ) p
Honey Choice comb, 1517c
pound; new Oregon, 16 a 20c.
Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s,
$16.50; 50s, $17.50; stock, $10.50 311.50.
Duikd Fnurrs Petite prunes, 10c 12c:
silver, 11314c; Italian, 12 14c; Cier- f, J
man, lOillc; plums, old, 56c; new, I ,
7 (ft9c; apples, 6jjllc; evaporated apri-f :i
cots, 15ji l6c; peaches, 12vul6c; pears, ! i
7(3 11c per pound. j
KitE Island, $4-'5 5.00; Japan, $4.75 J j
per cental. S
Coffee Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c;'
Salvador, 21'.jc; Mocha, 26(3 30c: Java. t
24,(330c; Arbuckle's, Midland, Mo-f I
kaska and
Lion, 100-pound cases, 24 j' K
85-lOOc per
pound; Columbia, same, t u
24 3O-100C
Beans Small whites, 33i,'c; pinks, jf
S4c; bayos, 3,lc; butter, 4c; lima, 4c h
per pound. i
Svkop Eastern, in barrels, 40(355c; :
in half-barrels, 42 57c; in cases, 35 3) t
80o per gallon ; $2.25 per keg ; California, t
in barrels, 20(3 40c per gallon; $1.75 per ;
SoaAR Net prices : D, 4Kc; Golden C,
5c; extra C, 5c; Magnolia A, 6)oc; !
l,l Cl.. 1 ,
i inuiiuuKu, u;jc cuoe, crusaea ana
confectioners' A, 65c
per pounu; maple sugar, logitc per
Canxed Goods Table fruits, assorted,
$1.75(32.00; peaches, $1.85ta2.10; Bart-
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2,253
.w; apricots, $ Pie fruits,
assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums,
$1.10(31.20; blackberries, $1.25igl.40per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.15(33.50; peaches, $3.50(34.00; apri
cots, $3.50(34.00; plums, $2.753.00;
blackberries, $4.254.50.
Veoetables Corn, $1.501.75; toma
toes, $1.101.15; Bugar peas, $1; string
beans, 95c per dozen.
Meats-Corned beef, Is, $1.50; 2a,
$2.40; chipped, $2.55(24.00; lunch
Is 2s, $6.75; deviled ham,
$l.5(g$1.85 per dozen.
$2.16(a4.50; lobsters, $2.30t3.50; sat
?i-Ik' onn 1'lb ,nlls' l-25n0; fla's.
lw5; 2-lbs, $2.25(32.50; -barrel, $5.50.
Beef Prime steers, $3.85(34.25;
choice steers, $3.7534.00; fair to good
!f.eprs.;?-00(33.50; good to choice cows,
$3.150 3., o; common to medium cows,
fL.60(32.(5; dressed beef, $6.00(3 7.00.
Murro.N Choice mutton, $4.50(34.75;
fair to good, $4.00(34.50; dressed, $8.00
lambs, $4.00(34.50; dressed, $7.00;38.0o!
Hoos Choice heavy, $7.00;a7.25'; me-
$6.00(6.50; dressed, $9.00.
Veal $4.00(37.00.
Smoked Meat and Labd Hams,
large, 116'bC per pound; hams, me
diuin, 15'a164'c; breakfasi bacon. lo
16c; short clear sides, 1414S;c; dry
salt sides 13i(1.l33ic; lard, compound
ifnatl,nrsv,1,1,3:20 P" pl,n(1; Pu.i"
tins.lSjc; Oregon lard, 11.(3 2ic
ri5r;?.a!?!quita"ons: ,Iron. v-
T-.w, nuc, i.(o per Keg.
8TKKI. Ppp IVMlnrl mi-
i 1V"JC, fr
iJ1 -C- Jllarcoab l-ts-'O, Prime qual- t
fo.wa.w per dox; for crosses, $2
extra per box; 1. C. coke plates, 14x20, i
Xl?ae?U?yt7, oO'S 8-00 per box ; terns
Ux20 ili PrUDe quality -88(27.00;
Lea'd Per pound, 40 ; bar, 6v'c. r
ftAVAt Stores Oakum, $4.50,35.00 J
per bale; resin, $4.80a5.00 per 4S0 J
fZn2o:notar' S,t0l-kh,l'n. n3.00; Care- !
Iina,$9.00 per barrel; pitch, $6.00 per
wloti PentUle' 050 Per aUon in
Hors Juote 12 a 16c.
v ,unVmPln vlh?v, 10(ffl7c; fall
chp,13iai5-,c; Willamette valley, 15J
i,' "T'J18 to 1ual''yt Eacrn Ore- f
Snditionf60 "'S
lIiDEs-Dry hides, selected prime, i
68c; green, selected, over 55 pounds, '
4c, under 65 pounds, 3o; sheep pelts,
short wool, 30,r50c; meiiium, 60SOo; ,
long, 90c($1.25; shearlings. 10 3 9iv- t-l.
low, good to choice, 8(360 per pound.
Burlaps, 8-ounce, 40-inch, net rash,
fc! burlaps, 10-ouw-e, 40-inch, net :
ch. 7c; burlaps, 12-ounee, 4-'-incti,
Tej burlaps, 15-oun.i', W-inch, H'..c; ,
burUps, 20-ounce, 76-inch, IV; wht I,
bags. Calcutta, 2.1x3-), ,t, ti
1-buAhel oat bans, 7c '
ieii pears, fi.iotaz.uo; plums, $1.37(i(3
1.50; strawberries, $2.25(32.45; cherrfes,
$2.2o2.40: blackberries. 1RSS9inn-