Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 13, 1893, Image 4

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J. V. HTKWABT, Mllor art Proprlttur.
rnil!'hel every Tharrloy at Toledo, Lincoln,
t'ountjr, Oregon.
Subscription Rates:
One year, ... $1.50
Six months, .75
Three months, - - .50
Advertising ratei marie known on application
tuilneft locals will be fnKrtod In thene col
umns at five cen in per line per week, and will
he run until ordered diftnou tinned.
Kverjf poitmaiiterin Lincoln county in authoris
ed to act aR aKeut for the IjSaijKk.
Kntered at the poetoftVe l Toledo, Orgoo, a
aecoiid-clasi mail matter.
Dr. Carter was down from Klk
City Sunday.
Reports of large catches of trout
Come from Elk City.
A. L. Porter, of Nashville, was
, in the city the first of the week.
J. O. Blake Sends the Lkadkk
for one year to A. II. Sales, of As
toria. For Wall Paper of all patterns
and latest styles go to L. VVelker &
Co., Corvallis.
The New port News let the con
tract for transcribing the records at
$4,550 last week.
In a few short years Lincoln
County will be the banner fruit
County of Oregon.
Thos. Horning and S. A. Logan
went to Newport on business last
Monday, going oil thi) Benton.
The steamer Uobarts, of Siuslaw,
came in over the bar last Sunday.'
She came up for freight for the
Siushuv country.
Owing to an accident in the ma
chinery the Str. Kenton did not
make her regular trips on Friday
and Saturday last.
The largest Htock of Undertaking
Goods in thu Vnllcy at L. Welker
& Co's,, Corvallis. Also a complete
(stock of Furniture of all kinds.
Sheriff Landis and Deputy Par
tish are busy these days taking in
Hie shekels as they are tendered by
the taxpayers of Lincoln county.
John Tway, an cx-couductor on
the O. P, and well known to many
K)( our readers, has recently return
ed from mi extended trip to Mex
ico. Commissioner J. O. Stearns went
to Corvallis last Friday to look after
the intcrt'MU of Lincoln county as
Vounccted with the due and delin
quent tax rolls.
I have received a fine line of
Jluots and Shoes direct from East-
cm mamiUtf tuivrs. It will pay you
to call :md examine my Uck.
L. O'Brien, Yauuiua City.
The state board of railroad com
tuisstoiiers inspected the O. V wad
lart Friday. They made a short
Mop at Tuledo inspecting our depot-
site, and Jvtssed on their way.
The stwmicr Volanta was brought
Up from New port last Sunday and
in tii-dtqi along-side the Walluski
How Jung. she will remain oft" her
run We lmw not been informed.
Sheisincharp of Thos. Horning.
For line repairing of your watche:
h.I clocks gue J. 1.. MeCulloch,
aiuiuaUty, a call. Anything
left at J. II. McNeil' drug store
ill lie attended to wiOtuit extra
Marringe licenses have ibeen
issued by Uie wuiuty clerk to WJilcr
iS. Hosl'orl and Martha Ruble, botl,
!' A4sea, und Allnrt Cowgill ami
Jennie IMlowell, both of New
..port. The people at Elk City will move
hc sidetrack from Siding t , and put
Jit down at their place and will as
.sist the company in erecting a de
,lot building for the accommodation
of the public. Elk City very cvi-
ditntly bus an enterprising set of
tesideuts, nd will build up a tine
little town at that place, if they con
tinue to 'exhibit the same public
The O. I. pay car went through
"bh Monday last and paid the men
for the mouth of March just past.
Thw action speaks very forcibly for
the flow receiver. hihI proves his
business sagacity when he Said
that he would Ihj able to pay the
inen monthly after he took charge
of the road. A monthly pay car
t hat pays will infnse'new lite -into
Judge Blue went up to Nashville
To get all the county news you
should subscribe for the Leader.
It was a sure enough pay car
and had the stuff to pay the men
The freight traffic on the O. P. is j
header now than it has been for
A full line of Window Shades and
Curtain Poles at L. Welker & Co.,
J. W. Parrish took a scow load of
wood to Newport Monday, in tow
of the Benton.
Judge Burt says that the weather
and women are very much alike
changeable and uncertain.
J. L. MeCulloch, th jeweler of
Yaquina City, has a full line of
jewelry. Repairing a specialty.
A social dance was held in Grady's
hall last Saturday night. A good
time was reported by those pres
Remember that this office can
furnish you nice printed stationery
almost as cheap as you can bt.y any
A marriage license Was issued
this morning to G. G. Eslerbrook
and Ethel Trapp, both of Lincoln
o " - - 1 -
brand of weather is that if you wait
a few minutes you can get any kind
you wish.
The high hills In the range are
covered with snow, and as a result
the weather still continues cold and
It is generally recognized that the;
honey from the Alsea and Yaquina
Bay country is the most choice of
any that f caches the Oregon or Cali
fornia market.
Our correspondents will please
bear in mind that Thursday is our
press day, and communications
should reach this office not later
than Wednesday evening
Next week Sheriff Landis and
his deputies will visit .the various
precincts of the county for the col
lection of taxes. Get your coin
ready and profit by their visit.
The Yaquina Fruit company
have put out eight acres in new
fruit on their large fruit farm near
Nashville, this spring The new
fruit set out are mostly Japan varie
ties. The County lifts purchased the
old vault door of Benton county 'at
a cost of $25 and will put it ift the
vault to be Itililt in the court house
here. This was A lucky stroke for
the county and saVs it several dol
lars. The door is As good as cv,
and originally cost 1 173.
Mrs. C. G. Copeland went to
Philomath Saturday, where she was
Called by the serious illness of lier
father. She returned Monday,
there lieing a small change for the
better hi her father's condition.
Her father is over seventy years told
and for more than a year has been
entirely helpless, not being able to
even feed himself. He is gradually
sinking away.
S. N. Wilkins, sucessor to Philip
Weber, desires to say to the citizens
of Lincoln county, when in need
of Furniture, Carpet Matting, Oil
cloth, I.imbrequins, Window
Shades, Cornice Poles, Foitieres
Wall l'nper, Brackets, Picture
Frames, etc., that he is prepared
to show you the largest stock of
New Spring goods ever ahowit in
Cf vallis, Oregon. Freight paid to
your.station on the O. P. railroad'
.The ),T,kaukk was misinformed
concerning' the contract fi'f trftrt"
scribing tki; records, and its state
ment was iu 1 ror. The bid of Van
Winkle & Co.of Albany, was ac
cepted, but theyX-Uei. and refused
to sign such a contact as the coun
ty court considered tcj, be necessary
lor the welfare . of the siuuty and
the bid as far as they were concern
ed tell through. The couii.v court
demanded n contract calling fur a
true, complete and correct abt ict
of any and all instruments nifccli V
of the title of all the real estate h.
Lincoln county. The court's pur-
pose is to have a complete ami cor -
rect set of title books in order that ?
when parries wish to transfer real!
estate in the future it will not be I
necttwary to get an abstract from
both Benton and Lincoln counties.
Wm. Ennis, one of Lincoln's
substantial ranchers, was a caller 1
today. j
B. F. Jones went to Corvallis!
yesterday, and will return about i
Saturday. I
R. F. Collamore is rebuilding the!
rick range at the Lincoln House.
1 his range was put in some years j
ago but was faulty in construction, !
so Mr. Buford is having it rebuilt. !
It is interesting to :iote that the j
founder of Arbor day is an honored
member of President Cleveland's
cabinet. His name is J. Sterling
Morton, and is known as the "Sage
of Arbor Lodge."
There has been no business of
importance transacted Ly the county
court since the last issue of the
Leader. The court will resume
business as soon as Commissioner
Stearns returns from Corvallis.
For Sale. A well improved
ranch of twenty acres, situated
about half way between Toledo and
Yaquina, about half tide land; has!
good frame house of 6 100:11s, goo1, j
barn, and other outside improve- j
ments. ' Good orchard of over 100
trees just in bearing, good garden '
lann, wen cultivated. V. HI r,i: ;;c:i
at a decided bargain, end on good
terms. For further particulars call
at or address this office.
P. N. Lathrop, of Little Elk, was
in Toledo over night last Friday
night. In a conversation with him
he informs us that there are many
good pieces of vacant land on Little
Elk that are open to homestead
settlement. He says that he will
willingly locate any homesteader
free of charge if they will call on
him. He is anxious to see the
country settled up and improve
ments made.
The Salem Journal says; "Attor
ney Geo Bingham has gone to Cor
vallis, where he will endeacw to
collect Marion countv';; tases from
the Oregon Pacific road. Tile te is
about $7000 due our county from
this source, and as a suit fjr the
same was won by the comity in the
supreme court it is probable the
coin will be forthcoming." Mr.
Bingham need not count his money
before receiving it. When it comes
to the payment of the O. P. taxes
Lincoln county will have a finger in
the pie.
A petition is being circulated and
receiving many signatures, asking
for the pardon of Henry Miller who
was sentenced to Uie penitentiary
for life in 18S8 from Benton county
for murder in the second degree.
Miller was only 16 years old when
sentenced and his unfortunate deed
was the result of espousing his
brothers quarrel. He has been A
model prisoner, but his health is
brokeu and unless clemency is ex
tended soon it will be too late.
From what we can team of his case,
the unfortuuate boy is deserving of
executive clemency.
Arrivals at the popular Lincoln
House for the weekending today:
Wm. Parrish, Depot; Scott Lane,
Siletz; J. L. MeCulloch, Yaquina
City; J.C. Syron, Balston, Antone
Selsie, Siletz; Larkey L. Logan,
Silet.; J.W. Parrish, City; P. N.
Lathrop, Elk City; H. Parks, Elk
City; T. Huntsucker, Yaquina City;
Capt. T. W. Davis, Str. Volanta;
J. J. Pittmau, Str. Volanta; W. M.
Toner, Str. Volanta; Lulu Burt,
City; Jessie Alexander, City; Etta
Titman, Newport; Johnnie Blake,
City' Geo. Landis, Newport; D. P.
Blue, City; Mose Lane and three
friends, Siletz; David John, Siletz;
Dealla Depoe, Siletz; Mollie Selsie,
Siletz; Jay Dunn, City; Frank
Wadsworth, City; Mx L. Trapp,
Chttwood; Frank Hollrook, City;
Simon Lindtion, YaquV.ia City; F
Christenon, City; B. ii, Barwick,
Newport; W. L. W.itkins, Ya
quina City,
YANCLEYE In Alkuiy, April
lotll, 1S0.V, to the wite ot Coll
VanCleve, a 10 pout son. The
mother is lying in a Critical con-
( -litioii, though thisa.ternoon was
! j'ynprovtng with pro vts of re-
c very.-Altiany 1 nocrat.
' ".V'egrel to learn o the critical
W'HtiA ' Mrs. Va View:, mid
trMSl V1' VC -s'w W,U recovv
Friday, April 14, is Arbor day, :
and will be. celebrated ail over the
country. Public exercises will be '
held'by the scuool i' ;"::s place, the
teachers and pupiis having ar- j
ranged an interesting program fori
the occasion. The exercises will!
be held at the school house, com-1
mencing at 2 p. m. All are cor- i
dially invited to 'dg j-resent.
1. Song "America."
2. Devotional exercises.
3. Reading of the lav,- estab
lishing Arbor day Hattie Reeder.
4. Recitation Twelve pupils.
5. Reading "Flowers and
Trees" Belie Butler.
6. Song.
7 . Essays ' ' Flowers , " Efrle
Crosno; "Tree Planting," Eli Gai
ther; "Trees," Lulu Burt.
S. Declares lic-us ' "f h; Way
side Inn," Geurge . Chambers,
"Blessing for thi Tree ilaiiter,"
Ira Reeder.
9. Recitation Ten Pupils.
10. Recitations "f)js:li'.y bet
ter than Qiianiily" Erua Colla
more; "Forest Hyuiu" Emma
11. Remarks by visit-ys.
12. Addesses by the members
of the board cf direc'.ovs,
t c;r..
Jottings from YaijjUiiui.
Miss Xeliu; l)she v. .1.1 guest
cf Mrs. Walt. ii-aitU for a lew clays
Jast week.
Mr. J. A. M .iikay has been ap
pointed material agent ;t; Yaquina.
Mr. Ben Job, of Covi'iiilis, paid
their brancb Lank A L,it this
Sieamer Willamette Valley sailed
for San i;ranci.ico Monday.
Mr. J. If. Russell a: id Mr. Ben
Holm paid Neport R i-it Tues-
Mrs. L. P. Manning arrived
home by lust steamer from Califor
The stratuled steamer still lies on
the sand. It is supposed she can be
floated some time next week.
Mrs. J. C. Mays, hft Monday for
their home at the O. P. front.
Rev. Clelaud, pastor of the Pres
byterian Church, preached, Sunday
last, morning and evening,
The O. P, pay car made the boys
happy Monday evening by distribut
ing a few twenty dollar pieces
among them.
Mr. McLyman and Mf, Swartz
are doing some artistic painting for
the 0. P.
Mrs. C. V. McLyman arrived
Wednesday evening from .berdeen,
iiixikik nothk.
In the District Court in and for tho County ot
LiniMln. stHte ot Oregon,
(ieorite Uamfurd, i'lHiiitift", ) Action
MnT Vc Ramdird, IH'fcmtmit.) IMvorco
THK STATU OF OKKUON to Marv V Ram font
Yon are hereby tiotiileil thnt von have been
Suite nt oreitim liy Ccurw Iiamfunl. the atjnve-
imnieu iMHinun. ami tnnt nts petition is now on
Hie in the above-tiRiiwl nnrt:and that the
prayer nfaaid petition 1 that mild court m-ont
a decree u( divorce1 to mud lieonre Ilamford
plr.intitr. from yon Mary V. Uamfurd, defend
ant, for desertion.
Yon are iherclor required to answer shM pe
tition on or before the -Ith dav of Mav, pi. or
petition will be tHtn an true and a'dctee of
divorce rendered thereon in accordance with
the prayer of wild petition.
3-ilf.w l'laimlff.
Residence, Stanford, Oregon.
Business in any court in Lincoln
County promptly and carefully at
tended to.
Notice C. G. Copelaud's new ad
vertisement in this issuei
Tomorrow is Arbor dayt hlant
as many trees as you can, bit plant
at least one tree.
B:it one deed has heed fifed for
record during th; part w ee"k, viz: C:
B. Crosno, and wif? io L n
j Bower, I.Qts 7 and S in bloc, 1, in
IButords addition, ccusldration,
! $i.xv.
1 The latent re;xins fr,)m trand
; el vessel at Newport Ls to ij effect
;thatleis gradually w her
: way the fa:.-l fp-t hdo the
south vhamicl. If in thoVht that
she will float he.xdf ojf Rhcut
m, Mm, Uk and Oils, Etc.,
A full Line of
Our Stock is Complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices.
Medicines warranted genuine and of best quality.
Toledo, - Oregon
T. P.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Heady Made Clothing, Etc.
Our Customers will find our stock complete in all lines and are sold at
moderate prices.
jgTAll Orders will Receive Prompt Attention
I have just received direct from New York
Manufacturers an assorted line of Novelty
Dress Goods, comprising the Latest Patterns
and Designs in Dress Goods. Call and gee
them; they are something extra.
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy GrocerieS,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats.
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Men's, Boys' and Youth's
Ladies' and Men's Furnishings,
All at Portland Prices.
CloihLing ILVEelciej ta Order1,
Yaquina City, Or'fegorii
Parties purchasing 810 worth or more will
be given a round-trip ticket fred onsteani f
boat Volaitfa to Newport oV Benton t ;
Toledo '
5c CO.,
9 Oregon