Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 13, 1893, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
Indispensable in the preparation of the finest foods.
I have found it superior to all others. I recommend it.
M. Gorju, late chef, Delmonico's.
Cuuult the Owner.
A cirl in Kentucky lias recovered toOO
(damaKes from a steamboat company for
naming a boat after lier without asking
?her nermissiou. and they must rename the
sboat. She took offense at a marine item J
1 statins that "Kittie Marshal took the low
-;er chute and run her nose into a planta
v tion." Detroit l'ree Press.
A Terrible Cause.
"What was the cause of the revolution
ary war?" was one of tlie questions asked
at the final examination for the term.
Evuy iuii!i with cue exception, au
swered it as was expected. One Kin w loir,
"The cause of the revolutionary war Was
the breakins out of the constitution."
mhich truly cures
of iiroiStcaje?
G. L R. i
illation ti. A. K. Suits,
with two sets of hut-
ons black and cilt
at only $lO. iSt'iid for
rules for self-measure
ment. Samples for any kind uf Suit and 64-
page Illustrated Catalogue free. )
1. B.
& CO.,
Oregon. (
" lam ready to testify under oath
that if it had not been for August
Flower I should have died before
this. Eight years ago I was taken
sick, and suffered as no one but
a dyspeptic can. I employed three
of our best doctors and received
no benefit. They told me that I had
heart, Kidney, and liver trouble.
Everything I ate distressed me so
that I had to throw it up. August
Flower cured me. There is no med
icine equal to it." Lorenzo F.
lskpbr, Appleton, Maine. 9
Silver and "Hiws"
Gold-filled Watch
e, perfect time
kevters, full-Jcw-elrd,
only $20.
Write to the lat
est jeweler in
ITCIIIXO TILES fcnsWTi t-? raolatnT
line prsplruUq,n. cujc intense uohiij
wir-n. luts f-rm o"i BLIND.
uiziutttj or raoiauDUia fiuJ
whlcM art directly on parts nfteti,
atoorba tumors, UaTa Itching. efTttn(l
prmAn:u cur. Prlc 6O0. DruWflta
leading rtmMj for ml
unnatural diarba.r(a
pr-Wata dttaasaof ma a 4
I certaie car lot tb 4aa'i
' Utlng WMllMI pMlUft
tO UD,
I rMNkri h 1 sin A M
tuntlMlMif in wominaa.ll it
ftii anaarara.
A.J 6KmFH,0,0rciTfi to
iBpuTPi ana people
hobT. weak lanes or Ann-
CoBtomptmo. It bu cures
iMaaaaals. It has not In jar-7?.on?-
lnot bi
iiliiM best eougb. srmp.
- 1 -'J'uirt. M, f
V" aVT7
Flenty of !oocl Material for Si-miier., but
System Is Necestfury.
"Altlionsh seamen's wn-es anil food
were never better than tliey lire at pre:it,
our youugiiers do not take kindly to the
beii, hu(i most 01 those ho ilo j;o, after a
vojaye or two, leave it in disnst," said
Captain Dnncan MuClean. "The restraint
of discipline is irksome and often offensive.
Youni; America is too accustomed to hav
ius his own way ashore to bend to the way
of another afloat.
"Evci j nuip must be a despot ism, and no
matter how kindly it may lie adminis
tered, the young, who have imbibed the
idea that "Jack is as good as his master,'
4o not relish the idea of inferiority. The
work at sea is not hard not near as hard
a a most mechanical labor and if a sailor
Is economical he can save more money than
he could as a mechanic.
"A single man in our coasting trade can
gave at least f.'30 a year. An able seaman
in the navy can do even better than this,
and have a 'good time,' for the work is
not hard, and even if taken sick he does not
lose any pay, but has the liest of medical
attendance free.
"Most of our deep water business is In
the California and European graiu trade.
Our East India and China trade is carried
on by British steamers, mauutd of course
by British seamen, who must follow the
sea or starve, for they have no other occu
pation. On the other hand, most American
seamen are 'jacks of all trades,' and if one
thing fails, tliey can turn their hand to
"Our merchant shipowners, as a rule, do
not wish to lie bothered with the care of
apprentices, most of whom, by the time
they have acquired the use of their 'sea
legs,' leave the sea.
"To man our navy we must enlarge our
apprenticeship system, for we cannot rely
on the mercantile marine in time of peace.
In a popular war volunteers would come
forward fasterthan they would be required.
In a very sjiort time our navy will be
mantled by men who have been trained in
our schoolships. ami who regard the navy
as their home for life.
"The men employed in ourcoast iug trade
are steady nnd hardy, and most of them
have families, 1 he responsibility of which
keeps them on their good behavior. Many
of our fishermen, who in a very short lime
make excellent sailors, belong to the British
provinces of North America ami become
citizens and settle among us.
"We have plenty of good material out of
which to make seamen; alt we require is to
systematize it. The more schoolships we
can have the better.
"When the advantage of a seafaring life is
better understood there will be nodilliculty
in procuring an ample supply of poor,
healthy boys to train for it. The flogging
and starving of other days have ceased
afloat, and if men or boys will discharge
their duty faithfully they will find life at
sea pleasant and profitable.
"Most of the talk about the hardships of
life at sea is nonsense. Many an able me
chanic suffers more hardship and privation
looking for work than a seaman endures in
a whole life. The cowardly fear of being
drowned ought never be permitted to enter
the mind. Besides, drowning Is the easiest
death a man can die.
"A boy who has uo higher ambition than
to be a laborer through life cannot do bet
ter than enter the rivy and never leave it.
In old age he will have a pension, and in
the event of accident will be taken care of
"A law might le passed for the encour
agement of the ambitious to present them
selves for examination fur oflicerx at cer
tain periods, but it is well known that the
Davy must train its own officers, for much
of their education at present is scientific
and unknown to merchant oflicers. Th
old yarn that most of our oflicers were
trained in the merchant service before they
entered the navy will not apply In this age
of dynamite, electricity and steam." Bos
ton Herald.
Good Fur Ills lluftlnets.
" Twenty dollars is rather high for a mite
of a room like this," said the doctor.
" Yes, it seems so." said the landlady;
"but then you must remember that the
bouse is very unhealthy, and that there
are most always two or three sick people
In it." Epoch.
Mr. Goschen, the English statesman, Is
a man of sleuder physique, stoop shoul
dered and pale. He is painfully near
sighted, and can read a letter only when it
is brought to the end of his large nose.
The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas
Owjuihinf tvt.m7-o. dirtinct vanet; m larce
pa.:ket of each ft 1.5, or packet of !! m
v. j'lcucii nuxcut lur so vkui9
12 Carnations
12 Chrysanthemums (,l)$i.oo
12 Pelargoniums "ot.e.i $1.00
12 RoSeS 4iu4 raraaai $1.00
tllttnng, htalVit, pot-fremn pMU. fnttt "
Flower Seeds Sr
Vegetable Seeds T,XTJ"a'
Wh either of bov collection! our hndcmely
illustrated i'C-pa(- Cainlogu is kM fre. i
limit tt-d to ta work of art. ami 0x1 taint a reproduc
ti f, in natural enlort, of lh twft-w nriift n
Br..raiiy rrroffnifed Tht Timothy Hopfclnj
Collection of 5woet pea.
Sherwood Hall Nursery Co.
A Traced? In a Bnral Hotel, bat the
Boarders Never Stopped Eating.
A party of engineers sat out in the
light of the carnpfire on the leeward
side of a hill iu Dakota exchanging
"Let me tell you of an enjoyable
supper I once had," spoke up the
youngest member of the group,
whose English had not yet been cor
rupted by the vernacular of the
"I was on my way to join an engi
neering party at Boise City. I had
taken the stage and traveled about
forty miles, when we drew up at
one of those mushroom towns, where
we waited an hour and a half for
"Smoky Creek settlement, like
many towns," he went on by way of
explanation, "is famous for some
single characteristic. This particu
lar town is notorious for its lynching
parties. It is about forty n . iies from
a railroad, but occasionally an east
ern bound traveler stops over for an
hour or two on his way to a neigh
boring mining town, 'it is in close
proximity to some of the largest
ranches in the country, and is of
course a great rendezvous for cow
punchers, miners and the attendant
retinue of fakirs, road agents, faro
tricksters and representatives of
nearly every calling who proceed to
collect the living which the world
owes them in the easiest way. There
are several hotels. I stopped over
at the Crossroads House. I went in
and took a seat at the long table.
"Several trlnnowl up m-inj rn" a
quick scrutinizing glance as if to size
me up, then paid no more attention
to me. While apparently engaged
in consuming the bacon, corn bread,
sorghum and dried apples, I had an
opportunity to take in my surround
ings. At one end of the table sat a
gruff, sullen looking fellow who
glared uow and then at an inoffen
sive man seated across the table from
him. From the fragments of con
versation of those nearest me I
learned that the two had had some
disagreement over a game a few
hours before, and there were possi
bly old scores to settle. Some one at
my left remarked. 'That air night
hawk for once got the best uv the
day wrangler."
"The sullen looking fellow, evi
dently the day wrangler, looking
across at the nighthawk, stud gruffly,
'Pass mo the m'lasses !'
"The other looked up at him coolly,
muttered something about 'a feller
bein a little more pcrlite.'and shoved
the pitcher across the table. The
pitcher upset, and the brown liquid
oozed over the table. The day wran
gler evidently took this as an inten
tional insult. Without saying a word
and with scarcely a moment's hesita
tion he took out his revolver and
shot the man dead."
"It must ha' broken up that air
supper," remarked one of the group,
shifting his cud of tobacco to the
starboard side of his mouth.
"Indeed it didn't," was the answer.
"The other boarders looked up, but
not a word was said, and the meal
went on as if nothing had happened."
New York Herald.
Seaside Confluences.
"Yes," remarked a stranger to the
editor, as the two sat on the veranda
sipping lemonade and looking out
upon the rolling sea; "yes, head work
is very trying, and the man who
earns a living by it needs a vacation
now and then."
"Yes," said the editor, "head work
is very trying. I find it so, especially
when the hours are long."
"How many hours a day do you
work?" asked the stranger.
"Four," said the editor.
"Heavens! I work ten."
"Head work?"
"Yes; every bit of it."
"Newspaper or general literature f
"Neither. I'm a barber."
Then the editor for editors are not
all wise shut himself up as cIobo as
the sun umbrella which he carried.
New York Press.
Zol miiiI the Late Emperor.
M. Zola, in The Figaro, in reply to
some critics, insists that the emperor
rouged his cheeks at Sedan. The
emperor's friends, ho says, have
talked as if to have done so would
have been humiliating "the role of
a buffoon." "On the contrary, this
seems to me a great mistake. I find
the act superb worthy of a hero of
a Shakespearean play, heightening
the fignre of Najioleon III to a tragic
melancholy of an infinite grandeur."
That u a characteristically French
exaggtrotion. We presume M. Zola
means that it was noble of the em
peror to take the trouble to conceal
from his troot his desperate phys
ical weakness. But eveii granted
that it as a prudent thing not to
show a cheek of ghastly pallor, we
fail to see that it was heroic Lon
don Spectator.
A Story of Hard Lurk.
"The latest 'hard luck story that
I have hverd," said a racing man in
an up town cafe the other evening, "is
that of a young man who went to the
track and hst 1S). He had ten dol
lars left. Ho liked a 20 to 1 chance
in the las race. Ho went into the
betting riig, got into a crowd at a
bookmaker's stand and was holding
his ten dollar note high in the air
when the Lnd caught it and blew it
away. Lbi horse won in a canter."
J New Yak Time
Every Cow Her Own Milkmaid.
J. U. Thompson lias rwvive.1 a patent for
his automatic milker At) eccentric, thre
laches in diameter, is attached to the cow'
jaw. From this leads a wire coDuecting
wh elastic nipples on the udder, each of
which is Utted with a valve, making it au
air pump when iu motion Wueu the cow
chews her cud the eccentric revolves and
the wire is worked back and forth like a
piston, creating suction in the nipples.
The milk as it is drawn runs Into a bucket
suspended below The invention will re
lieve the dairyman of much lalwr Homer
tils Prtdudired View.
Esthetic but t'limarried Voutb Now,
what in your opinion is most striking cou
cerniiiK lovely woman's garb?
Married but nut Alsthetic Growler The
price, you u uiau K ite Field's Washing
Otir readers will serve themselves bj
noticing the remarkable offerings advertised
iu another column by the Sherwood Hall
Nursery Co. of Menlo Park and Suu Fran
cisoo, who are leaders on the coast in f ur
lushing everything for the farm and garden.
The 1st of May Is not specially sad, yet grest
many are very much moved by Its coming. ,
We posiUvely cure rupture, plies and all roc
tal diseases without pakt or detention In m bus!
uess, No cure, no pay. Also all PHat dit
easus. Address tor pamphlet Drs. Porlertteld A
Losey, kvts Market street, Sau Fraueinoo.
"What makes some girls look young so long?"
"The men are to blame. They wou't pntintse."
TllO Witrl.t'll U,ll,mll, ir.,4.1 1. 41. A 1IOO
room, fireproof, slimmer Hotel, the' Ukkat
KtKTKUN 1 nt Sf. I.HH-mni.a nvaiui. a.i.lOlili
i-iaisanie ornt a r air entrance and over
looking famous Washington I'ark. World's
Fair visitoiK can avoid annoyance and ex
tortion of fibnrlr bv pni.-titn.. rootl'.S TICST
at f 1.90 a i ay, each' person, (European) by
addressing Copi land Townsend, Manager,
(formerly manager Palmer House), 42 The
Hookery, Chicago, 1 1.
She Is your wife entertaining this wlnlcrt
He Sot very except to other men.
As mercury will dvstrov ihn annaa ni
smell slid completely derange the whole system
whom cinvi ink ii innjiiKii inu miii-ous silriacea.
r'ueh articlea t-hnuid never be used exi cpt on
prcsrripiintia fr.'m resii'sb e nhvslelstis. ss the
aamago they will i:o Is teuf Id .o the gool you
ail POhslbiV derive from them Hull's l-MtMrrh
Cure, msnufartured by F J. Cheney & Co., To-
ieuu, v., euiiiaiiiB no mercury, auo la lasi-u in
ternal y, a ting directly upou lie blord and mil-
eons Slirftict s f ti e stem. In huvlnir Hall's
Catarrh Cute be sure you gi t the genuine. It la
maun interna lyauu mane iu Toledo, o., by K.
J. Cheney Co. TcdlmoufaU bee.
Jf-Sold by druggists; price, 75 cents per
Skin and Scalp Diseases, the worst
forms of Scrofula, all blood -taints
and poisons of every name and nat
ure, are utterly rooted out by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovprv.
For every disease caused by a torpid
liver or impure blood, it is the only
remedy so certain and effective that
it can be auaranteed. If it. fulla in
benefit or cure, you have your
money oacK.
Ec.cma. Tetter. Salt-rlmnm V.rv.
sipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged
Planus, l umors, ana bwcllings, and
every kindred ailment, are com
pletely and permanently cured by it.
Sl.Wper Uottlo,
Duo cent a doso.
Tins OnKAT CorniiTtJiiB promptly cures
where all othora fad. Coughs, Croup Bars
Throat, Hosrsencas, Whooping- Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it bus no rival;
baa cured thousands, and will cum Tiiu if
tukrnln t'mo. Hold by Dnigglata on a guar
antee. For a Ijima Ilark or 'h"it, lino
I iuve you t ai urrh ? This rrmifl y is guaran
teed to euro you. l'rice.&Jcta. Injoctorlruo.
Y Getting
is often equivalent to
getting iil. If loss of flesh
can be arrested and disp
ense baflled the "weak
spots " in the system arc
GOtt's Emulsion
is an absolute corrective
of " weak spots." It is a
builder of worn out failing
tissue nature's food that
stops waslt and creates
healthy tlesh
Prraral br Kcitf a Rswns. Chsrniats.
n Vittl. .in Dr arucgiau svarvwoara.
N. P. N. D. No. 7 H. F. N. 0. NoffVH
From lO to
Agents wanted in
In all grades manufactured in America. New and w.'cond-hand machines from 120 up. Cash or on install
ments. Write lor catalogues ana terms. FRED
Pioneer Dealer of the Pacific Coaitt, 320 Washington Htreet, Portland, Or. ifOsTrT?
Free 'Cycling Academy in west wing of Exposition building. vr K FfTVKE MISEBT.
It there It, In this Tsle of tears, a more prolific
source of misery than the rheumatic twlujre. we
have yet to hear of it. People are born 1 h a
tendency to rheumatism, Juat a th y re with
oue to consumption or to .c.olula. Blight causes
may a velop ibis. As soon as tne (toiiulu
complaint 11 auifets ltx-lt, recourse should be
had to hostetler'aStonia h Bitters. nhlelich cka
ll further inroads au banishes th r euinaiiu
p. tm fiom ti e siem. TuU statement tables
eXSCtlv U-tlh tht. ti-ktlmmiv .if i,h.-Hi..l. ... ul.n
I have employed this tine blood d. pan ut Iu their
Private pnu-tlce. There la also the anipieat pro-
i.-iiiuhi huu nimonvas to ineetllcacy
of th. B.t.-r for iralaiH. liver complaint, cou
stlpitloii. Indlit-stion. kiduev trouble, mrvoi'a
iieas and loss of appetite au i flenh. After a wet
ting, whether fol.on, d bv a co'd or not, the Bit-,
ti n. is useful as a preventive of thelulUal Hack
o rheumatism.
Mistress Hut, Mary, how often must I tell vou
always to serve on the left? Mary ((rom'the
country) Oh, uiadum, but isn't that merely a
superstition t
When you feci a kind of goneness about
the stomach it is a sign that your food
does not ait well and that you are about to
have a fit of indigestion.
When you begin to feil nervous and are
unable to ait still oomfortahlv; when your
clothes aiultlenly seem t lose their tit and
become too tight in places the fit of indi
gestion is surely upon v- u.
hen this lit of indigestion is repeated
from day to nay It finally resolves itself
into dya opsin.
lieiiieniber that three to ten of I'ran
pRKTH'a Tills will cure the worst case of
indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that
a regular course of them, sav two every
nignt for a week or ten duvs, will aot as a
preventive of either compliiiut.
Jagson says that our boon companions can be
relied upon because tliey are our fust frleuds.
For bronchial and asthmatic complaints
and coughs ami colds, "Kiwh'h Hrtmexinl
Trnchei" have remarkable curative prop
erties. 25 cis. a box.
It appears to it that these meetings between
debtors and creditors are largely over dun.
Tby Gkhmea for breakfast.
I'ao EiiamellneSlovc Polish; no dust, uo smell.
STSSTvnl-ELY'S CREAM the P'0 '"M
ySjt'j3 VBNge, Allay. Ill In mill Iiitluiiiiiiatluil, Heals fcj't rOj
I JT-Q iivos Keller nt once lor ( old In Howl. TVV
l'w5!Sjff !. J Apply into tht .Viiafn'i.' 71 ts OuifUo ahwM. R tlWf'i'
Boiu&&aJlkjl Vic brugglsts or by mall. ELY BUOS., U Warruu tu.. k. t Fi'Vi& Mte
IVIoore's Revealed Remedy.
Aktoria, Ork'ion. January 10 1 can stato t Ith p'esaure that by the ne of
)OltK H KF.VK.Al.Kli KKMKDY my buabaiid was relieved from an old caa of
KIIKI'MATlsM and my youngest boy cured entirely ol INFLAMMATORY It II Kit-
MATIsM wheu the t
best doctor
Saaa ......
f UK. GUNffS
InrtUlnvAfamttrof nl" ohlldrn, bit only ntn
dy far UaitKhs, Coltii nvJ Croup wm onion ay nip. II
Im juat ae(ratlvj l-d iy a U wm forty rrn a
"ow mTierndphllfirn tk Pr. aunn' Onion Byrup
wnlon la nlrsttrlr prnpnriMl turl mors rlfNMit to iho
tatit. Hold vrrrrwhsr, I,am bottle Go otnu.
TaJLonoBulMUtuwfuriW TUorc wuiUio Mgooi
You Think
ln klitH i,t miriiii . o lUn
II V li til, I I ll hi IllH U ill llll'. I Lit I, if
tlm tfwt rt'HiiiiH yoti vl.iiul.l ill. nit
J Aiwuytt i dw tHtit, tttry urn nt'OKitUurU mJ
Frrrj Hvvi Anniutl m Uit moNt
iiuifiriiini iak (i him k 1 1 hi iuis-
llttm-41. II In imvh tiuuiM iu tut
MHnirr. ) wiiii ii i pre
D.M. riZKRYfiCO.
BestinthcWorldinn r A 0 T
Get the GenuinelllKr linr
raAKH HllllLHKr, Agunt, fortl and , ur.
(iso rosj eis (Aiaumvs-Tuxf yov auaaour
M9vai Buiitswi -PorrrtANO Qbcoon.
hln Tfublt ('nrd In H
m, M)IKV iuiurffru
The 8pclflc A No. I
OnrMt. wtth'm ftiil.ftll rtMt f liaflrr
ttr itrid Ulmt, im mntlr of h.w biuf
iUtillri P'f vmil tilrlf tiiri, It K mn In
Lfrnul rmH Uf wlifTi vtr f LLhiaT Uk
M fuiil. h'ld h all l r tut if lit.
s.ta.tlM. t..lau,
y i
40 Per Cent Discount to Agents.
every town in Oregon and WaHhington to Bell the leading
O! the Agony
Of Those who Suffer from
Hood'a Saraaparllla Purtjtea,
Soothes, llealt, CVBES, '
3lr. T. V. Johnson
San Jose, CaL
I have for many years been a great suffers
from ( KOFI I.A breaking out on my arms
ind legs; they were covered with erupUon and
lores, discharging all the time. I tried very
many medicines and consulted physlolans far
and near, but ramataaily grew wane. I
two taken hut three bottles of Hood's Sarsap.
Hood's x Cures
rtlln for rheumatism, and derived to much
benefit from It thut the declares there Is no
Other medicine on earth. We would not ha
without It In the house It It costs $20 a bottle,"
T. Vakitt Jtntsss:, ria Jjsc, Oil.
K. B. Be snro to get Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and
filcicnuy, on the Uvor and bowels. 20a.
1 could gut did him uo good. Yours In gratitude.
Mltd. N. V. (fl EKLK.
ItY TOI'H nid'OOlMT.
Cftn't luivo nil kihhI an
HMHIirtllU'llt hh it lurKO
one. Try wlnU nd
VHntHKtm the liniHirl
t'r mil k!v you both
er can give you both
Iu prlio and quality.
2D ems aim
enta extra to
Hostage we will
mall you a lady's .tor
, , , soy Itlbbcii Vent, with
high neck, long aleerea, shaped ualat and In
either while, ecru or gray color. ourHprliiK
Catalogue tella all alaiut new giuida and lowest
prices. We will send It fur the asking.
Portland, Oregon.
Mffi B2i CSLEIEfl
win cut Dry or Oreei
Bonus, Meat, Urlatle and all
Ureon Cut HONKit will
onuhle the uninlier of eggi
-"mil make thum more for
tlle-wlll carry the hmu
safely tlirniigh thu moltlot
erM and put them Ic
cou.llilou to lay when em
.uMiiuniiu uieingnestprioi
chicks faster than
other food.
Foeil Oreen Ttnnos eno
pse reosoaoue to klU
till per'ceut more proflt
Bond for Catalofu aot
)tilllt itrniHiiiiiiy ourtd in Ml tuti.ld.iyii. Wnelim
instttAll pulton fruni th muiu, t Hint thttm aim
tivver Ira rutunior lln(llMtue. Yuii o.iiilHirvnUafl
at hoina fur the anniH prit and undnr tlia aninn
ifiiaraiiiMi.uiiL with tlmm -hii'nilitr tocotitvh rm
e win cHitraut locureiiiMin or rithtnd all fii naf
and payaiiilranxiHtriiieuf t uMiiniiiiilroad f'ira and
rnrf , lrdidn potimb, and Mil Imva n-lna and paina,
Muoifua I'atubtia in Muiitti, Hora Throat, liniiiita,
Copp4fr-rolor(Hl ftiMit,s, iUrrr on anf purtof lh
noiiy. it air fir F.yHijrfiwintiiliiilfMii, ii la i ma rty pru l
ttlo lllood I'maoD that we guarantM) to etira. W
iirn ma dioni oiiKiinata tut' ani niianftiia ma
irld for a ana w fti.iinot mirn. Tliii tiuaima hna
atwara battled the aknl of th moat i mliiara phraU
lana. A Intra, iniaraitUia tu uuia or rttlmid uiitiy.
Abaiiiui proof aunt awled on iifplc:iiion, Auuraa
Haaonlo Tuiplt C'blcaf o lit
Fosltl IrCur.d with V.r.ut.lelli.m.dl
liars oil mhI thouaanila of eaaas. Curs caiwa pro.
sounowl hxpalsM br beatpbralelans rmm nratdoia
irmpUiiuadlsaptaiarMn tan dsraatlsaallwu-Uilrds
Ul.rmplom. ranioTSd. s.nd fi.r fres book tmlmo
ouls of mlraruloua enrea. Tsn Jara' traataitnl
rraa Df oiall. If yoa onlir trial. ianit lOe. tn aUuntie
rpsr p".Uui IIK II II iHBBMHINS,Allailta,a.
Iron ordar trial return this adTarUaamsat to as.
Wanted In pairs, for bretyllnt purposes. Writ
Immediately, atating luweat cash price, to BOX
131, Portland, Or.