Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 06, 1893, Image 3

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    r The Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable to progress in cookery
and to the comfort and conve
nience of modern housekeeping.
Royal is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking
powder offered to the public i. :'. Gov't Chemists Retort.
For finest food I can use none but Royal. A. Fortin,
Cite, While cuse,for Presidents Cleveland ami Arthur.
Wlieiv ..u..... .'ii-:tia la 4. aulul.
It lins lc:i t::i 1 t!iat no native of un
arctic country can loni; view an auroral
display witiiuut au almost uncontrollable
desire to s.vk til--interior of iiishutaad
the glow of a lire of far less brilliancy, but
one much more valuable f(.r its life giving
warmth. Tue liiilit of the aurora mate
rially assists miners of Alaska during the
short arctic day by enabling them to work
when it would otherwise lie dark. St.
Louis Republic.
Brie a-Brii",
you wilt Hiive
gettluj pries
A. Feldenhelmer
He carries
the lHr.-p.t
st-rk of
nu the
Entile Coast.
Lowest Fun rh
your garden
ready and
The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas
Comnhi'ff twnly-one distinct varieties a larv;e
pzkr.l of e-ii.t fjrti.SH or a packet of the same
v...-itti-', mixed, fur 10 cents
12 Carnations (JistinttTiiriniei) . $1.00
12 Chrysanthemums (S) $1.00
12 Pelargoniums idistiM varieties $1.00
12 I'OSeS dMinct raiietics) . . $1.00
All Hi jug, healthy, pot-grown plants, fret by mall.
Flower Seeds
Vegetable Seeds Z,TW'"'
Willi either of aluve collections, our h.indsomttv
t'lu-tr.iiel no-pae Citaloijue is wnt free. 'J his is
ftiimiticri m be a work of art. and contains a reproduc
ti n, i.i intural cclom, of trf t wenty-one varirhet now
u-vr,'l!y rf-oirnitfd n The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas.
Sowo:d Hall Nursery Co,
ought to
mean glow
ing health
and robust
health in the
Baby Health
years to
come. When we see in children
tendencies to weakness, we know
they are missing the life of food
taken. This loss is overcome by
Gott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophos-phite-,
a fat-food that builds up
appetite and produces flesh at a
rate that appears magical.
Almost as palatable as milk.
' v.r-.l l.y s,,-t f H'"vn. N. V AH drii.-irl.ts.
ITCHr?:3 nLT:8 knor 1 t-r ntsttrr,
.10 pcrspir.i:ic"i, chuho latcaso iictiiua
LLXEDIN J or'i-HOl'UUD'lii Q l'i-Li J
Wi! -s. 009 d rect'7 en pnrts r.tfcctM,
Oft ITO apr ian'-Ui.ure. 1 ri"t r.So. frureln..i
rbkU o.'-si-l. r.2:.ji'.:o.r'itladolpluu,ra.
FOR renovating the
entire system, eliminating
all Poisons from the Blood,
whether of scrofulous or
malarial origin, this prep
aration has no equal. . .
"For eighteen menAs htuf an
eating sore en my tongue. u-as
treated by test local ffiysicians,
lut obtained no relief; the sore
gradually grew worse. I finally
took S. S. and was entirely
cured after using a few hottlet."
C. B. NcLemore,
Henderson, Tex.
TREATISE on mnd and Skin
Diseases mailed bee.
The Swift brtciKic Co.,
Atlanta, Gt,
Are you Kctthit
It t your usual
Irsilint place?
1 ry us and com
pare. Bend 7"
cents and Is
I cent for ixis'aire
and ceta t str ol
Itiu-y are new
p'tienis, hr
v a r d a 1 o 11 ,
taped al l. a an ) bo'tun. Onr spring I'atalonne
Is una ready It flve all the new prices fur
ntw goods. W will sen 1 it for the asking. .
6'T'- Thecal l-rr'lM,
k u' " " ""UiriHWluiUOnil' aV i
J.H.FtKRYA. rjETRorr..
Boxing ft Uiivs.
There is absolutely nothing in the way
of recreation so benclieial in every respect
to a boy as boyini. I ,,m positive and I
know whereof I write, for as boy and man
1 have tried them nil, fencing wrestling,
rowing, swimming, riding that no one of
them has the many advantages of boxing.
As an all round developer it is unt-qtialeil;
not one of the boys muscles remains in
active; back, stom irh, legs, arms, all are
called upon for vigorous service. Hut what
J1 consider its best feature in its recoin
1 mendation for boys is the very thorough
nruiMig winch the disposition of the boy
must undergo.
If a lad is(tiiek to lose his temper box
ing will cure liini. It will tench him that
no one who lets Ids temper get the better
of him will become an expert sparrer. It
will speedily convince him of the absolute
necessity of keeping cool anil in entire pos
session of his wits in onler to sustain his
efforts and avoid defeat. The boxer who
caunot control his temper is practically at
the mercy of a cool, skillful onnnm-nt
One cannot spar successfully n l become
Mustered. A boxer must ever lie on tire
alert, his wiis constantly alive, looking for
an opportunity of assault. He must lie
able to act instantly and with tool delib
eration 11s distinguished from wild, undi
rected action, lie; need do no running to
develop the musics of his legs or his
lungs. These lire nil continuously in action.
Harper's Young People.
Cosily l-.wl:.Be stumps.
Some stamps are quoted at. big prices
The rarest of French stamps, that of one
franc, orange color, issue of ism, is worth
ninety dollars new and twenty live dollars
if canceled. The liil llaw'itiiun stamp
issued, with figures instead of design, is
currently exchanged fornf.'fM bill, if iu a
good state of, preservation. The stamps
of Reunion Island iu HS.Y2, one for lifteeti
the other for thirty centimes, Ixith on skv
blue paper and printed will: ordinary
types, are worth more than f-.KK) for the
But the rara avis i, that of the Isle of
Mauritius, KM). Whether it is red or blue,
canceled or; not canceled,. so long as it liears
the word "postollice" iu English, it bring'
$300. Bet ween stamps quoted at such high
prices and those obtainable for ahalfpen
ny there are plenty of a good average kind
worth from twenty cents to 11 dollar. Tin
-Mexican, white, half "real.
18(57, and canceled, are wort li lifiy dollars,
the Kngfisli (Jiiianas, round, bin. k or yel
low, l&iO, are worih fifty-live dollars; tin
telegraph stamp of Itavai-ia, ISIO, is worth
fifty dollars if it is new, twenty dollars i,
cancele'd. Chic.;.i Herald.
Figures That Are lucotiiirrhinsihlo.
A single cubic Inch of chalk, such as
forms the great cliifs under and around
the city of Dover, Knglaud, contains about
8,000,000 of separate shells. When it is re
membercd that these clifls (which give to
England one of its names, Albion white;
form a stratum from 1..WJ to a,OtH feet in
depth, and extending along the English
coast and even under the channel, all
the way across to Calais, France, and
which also reaches many miles Inland, the
mind is overpowered by any effort to com
prebend theinlinite uumbersof animals re
quired to form such a deposit.
All the animals whose skeletons and
hells compose this immense stratum of
chalk must have lived in fresh water,
probably in an immense lake, and bun
dreds, perhaps thousands, of centuries
must havo passed while, grain by grain,
this great deposit was being formed. The
lime, in the shape of soluble carbonate,
and in solution in the waters in this vast
lake, was taken up by these invisible ani
mala and laid down as phosphate and car
Donate of lime in their shells and bones.
Macon Telegraph.
A Pertinent Question.
The force and value of a remark depend
largely on the ."ge and standing of the per
sou who utters it.
Leslie Kobinsoti Is n boy nbout fouryears
0I1L His father was employed for a few
days by two maiden sisters who had some
work to be done about their place.
One of them w ishing to see him said to
the other, "Where is Kobinson"
Leslie overheard the question, aud re
sponded at once in a very demure, drawl
ing manner:
'How would It do to rail hlm
Mister Ilobinsou?" Youth's Companion
rarrot Colleges.
Brussels, with its -PVi.tKH) Inhabitants,
teems to get hard pushed for new branches
vt Industry. One iecialit offers his serv
lees as n reclaimer of incorrigible boys.
Another announces the establishment of a
training school for parrots and other talk
ing birds: tuition fees only a franc apiece
for each well rtrnmoinfed vml. - " '
Mr. Albert Hartley of Hudson,
N. C, was taken with Pneumon-ia.
His brother bad just died from it
When he found his doctor could not
rally him he took one bottle of Ger
man Syrup and came out sound and
well. Mr. S. B. Gardiner, Clerk
with DniKEist J. E. Barr, Aurora,
Texas, prevented a bad attack of
pneumonia by taking terman syrup
In time. He was in the business
and knew the danger. He used the
frcat remedy Boschee'a German
Syrup for lung disease.
Plso'l turned r fur Catarrh
rrh Is the M
I brsprst. I 1
" r i. J
1 by nan. I I
raa, rv U
Hst. Kaalrst to I s, and
So id br Imsnisu or arat
t pfoaiseu yoa my lo-.e. Jane.
VheQ we were wedded yoawr:
Our Joys a-twin, ocr hciies were one,
Tls sweet to love." we sang.
We trasred lifo,-,-Blind
to its strife.'
When we wer weiidtsl young.
I promised you my care. Jane,
When we were wedded true.
Tou nestled fondly at my side
How strong 1 felt in you!
Cure was my life
ThrouKh shine and strife.
Because 'twas care for you.
t gave you. love, no jewels
But the plain ring you wear.
No strias of pearls nor glittering gems
To deck yonr raven hair.
Your native grace
Aud w holcsmue face
Excelled such fond repair.
And I'm your lover still, Jane.
The ardent pulses spring
As when I pressed your maiden hand:
Your love ong still I sing.
Sweetheart and wife,
N end with life
Our wedded journeying.
-H. L. Howard iu Springfield Homestead.
The Ancients Knew Hie t'se or Tin.
It is impossible to fix the date at which
the export trade iu tin was commenced
from the British islands, but it is certain
that it existed and was controlled by the
Phoenicians when Herodotus wrote his his
tory, 4oO 11. C. Herodotus refers to the
Cassiterides (the inilly islands) as the
plai-es whence they were then obtaining
their supplies, but neither he nor any other
historian has left us any information as to
when that trade commenced. The Phtpnl
clans called this land of tin "Uaratanac,"
and Bochart and other historians attribute
the very origin of the name of Uritain to
this work.
After the Phoenicians the trade iu tin
with the Cassiterides was taken up by the
Greeks sailing out of Marseilles, the city
of Massila, which was built by a colony ol
Greeks (SOO H. C. The PlinMiieians prob
ably sailed straight across from their col
ony of Guiles, orC'adiz, and returned direct
to that port with their valuable cargoes.
The Greeks, however, appear to have been
accustomed to coast up the Kuglish chan
nel, and crossing over from Kent to France,
the tin was conveyed overhaul on horse
back in thirty days to the mouth of the
River Hhone. llostou Herald.
Young America Is I'ravtical.
A lA'WistOll fllt.lier took Ititi tiptirli nvmA
boy of ten years to see t he shell mounds at
Damariscottn a few davs nan. and nndnuv-
ored to impress a lesson on the youngster.
.uy son, sain lie, "see how orderly
these Indians were. They piled nil theii
Bhells up iu a heap in this one place Iu
stead of leaving them around loose."
"Pa," said the youthful auditor, after a
few moments' relleei ion. "I irimM I lrnrM
why they did it."
Well, why?"
'Because I Lfl 11M till ItlftimiM tt'onf lia f
footed, iiid they were afraid the shells
would cut their toes if they left 'em scat
tered over the ground."
1 oung America is nothiiKj If mtt. nmi.
tical, and he thinks for himself. Iwiston
I. ace hi the Time of l.oula XIV.
To what extent lace was used mn h-
guessed from the statement t hut France,
in time of Louis XI V. sinr vpurie in it 1
almost as much money for it its would have
inaiutiuticii her army. .No wonder the king
and Collicrl passed laws against tbe for
eign fabric smuggled in by Italian lace
makers, and by help of subsidies set up the
manutaciure 111 a ilo.en trench provinces,
where n poor sort whs already made.
When "point de France," ns the home
product was called, came to court, the
king was so oleitwMl with it tlmi tir.
dared approach him without triple rufllee
01 it, at, w rist., Knee aim throat. New Yot-'
Don't u lu CIimiyIi on Mumla;
Did vou ever make a round nf th
Churches on n .Monday morniugr
don't do it. No wonder the clergyms
It "blue Mnnihiv." fur it Is I.,,,..
day. The church is cold, cheerless at
mui; tue chairs piiea high iu corne
cuspidores stacked in the aisles, the
loft deserted slid llllst- - fh. itrwun
janitor, whistliug "Annie Hooney,"
a carpet sweeper in i trery direction,
the air with dirt and a general seen
neglect and ilecnv. Do., 1 un to rhn
a Monday. The preacher never doe
ijouis Itepuuiic.
A Juke That Was Lost.
The lute General Hubert C. Schenc
to tell a story showing the Knglish
be as obtuse as the men. He was
down the Mersey river with a par
the turbid waters of the stream pn
blm to let loose to his companion, w
a young duchess, that w itticism
generally supposed to have been c
uiiler similar circumstances wit.
Harriet Ikecher Stowe. Looking li
the yellow river he remarked: !
'The quality of Mersey is not str
'Isn't it?" said the duchess. W '
touStar. '
A Omul HuggestloD.
P-ofesor C , a Green moiintn 1
wh stood 6 feet 0 inches luhlsst
feet desiring to take passage for lnd(,i7,
we to New York for tlutl purpose. Wh,ll)
tnnlingon the dock ho got Into conrer
satitn with a stranger, luiklng dim byht
routt he bad better go ou his contemplated
voysge. Well." was the reply, "If 1 ware
you, I would put a loaf of bread un top of
my b ad and ade!" Harper's.
1 - - r for a Vslt.' ' '
Frtnd That typewriter girl of your la
the nost horribly ugly creature I ever saw
male me sick to look at the fright.
Whoie did you get herf
Iiuiioess Man Borrowed her. By the
way, ild boy, drop in about S o'clock and
go hone to dinner with me.
"I ifcver met your wife."
"Sht'll be here about 3." Good Newt.
A Tired Boy's t'omplalat.
A.'sn.other was putting hlm to bed one
night. Perhaps he was unusually tired,
certaii It it he was very unwilling to go
through with his evening devotions, and
when hli mother gently hut firmly In
sisted, he laid, "Oh, dear, you'll make me
wear my tseth all out saying my prayers!"
New Yok Tribune.
The larg-st republic in the world, and
tbe only ; that baa ever lived a century
on a punly democratic basis, is the United
States o A merits, which contains 3,&0,UUU
square utles. Iing almost rquul in eitent
to Kurot, which has tlfty-tilne kingdoms,
empiresjtrincipullties and republica.
Many ears ago some careless mapmaker
accidenUly changed Goblin City, Colo., to
Golden Cityon his map. Tbe error wae
widely opted into other maps, and to this
day one fee on some of the best map tbe
name of (olden City inatcad of Goblin City.
If there Is, In this vale ot tears. more prolific
tource of misery than ite rkeunialic Iwlugv, we
' ytl u hear of it. leo.le are with a
tendency to rh. urxatitm. just as thev are with
one to consuuiptu u or 10 s, rof ul. Hliicht 1 a .tes
may dtveoj this As soou a the a oni.lug
complaint nisuifes'a lue f, r-.s oure hou a be
tu.i to mweib-r sitoma.'li Utitrs, wht. h cheets
Its further luroaasand wtnUtu-n tue rhemuatic
lMs..ii fion 111.-syi e.u ri ts,ttieme t Ul.u-s
exactly with testimony of ptavstc aus who have
eniployeo this Hue blood deetireut III their ori
vau prsetirr. There is also the ampUst n otes
si Dai and general testlinouv as to th mi eat y
ot the Hilten. tor malaria, .Iver complaint, coU
ilpailt.u inoinesoou kidney trotib e. uervoua
nc and loss of apped e and tle-h. Afier a
welting, w neth r fol.owed nv a rota or not. the
Bitters it useful as a preveudve of the lu.tial
atisck 1 f rheumatism.
F. atherstoue This Is a nice llt'le mom of
yours, o;d m u. bui h .w is it hestini? Rituwav
heu it gets tis cold for me 1 lignt a malcb. "
Senator Henry C. Nelson of New York
"On the 27th'of February, lSfst, I was
taken with a violent oain in the region of
the kidneys. I Buffered such agony that I
could hardlv stand up. As soon as possi
ble I applied two Ai.u-ocg'e Pomus Pu.f
tkks, one over each kidney, and lav down.
In an hour, to my eu-prio mid delight, the
pain had vanished mid I wus wel . 1 were
the plasters for a day or two as a precau
tion, ami then emovedthem. I have been
using'oi k'b I'okoi-s I'lastkrh in my
funiily for the last ten years, and have nf
wsys found them the quick st and best
rcllleill- f. r frllilu srpnin. a,,. I vl........
, v. , ,,.. al,,, iiiruiiinui-
stteclions. From my experience I believe
iney are me oesi piasters iu the world."
Shailhrdt How 1o voti ktm f t 11 )w 1, uka
ot dogwood? Kiljordau-I kno it by it uark.
We positively euro rupture, piles and all reo
taldlsoaaes without palu ordeletiUou from busi
ness. NO CUIO. no Dav. Alan all PKinff dla.
eases. Address for pamphlet Lire. Porterneld .
iAaeytcdo jiaraei aireei. eau rrauoltoo.
If innnev really talked, a o Inr oneht to aav '
many w it-c niiiiB". 11 has cents viuit.h.
n .' ' . nr.1.. Atir- lllltl
which induces couching is ininiisliatclv n
lieved bv '-Armf?,.' kvnt,r,ttl 7',s. o U..IA
onlv in fti.vuu
Let your right haud know what your eft is
dolni; and pull togeti.ef.
Our readers will serve themselves by
noticing the remarkable offerings advertised
in another column; by tho Sherwood Hall
Nursery Co. of Mehlo Park aud San Fran
Msoo, who are leaders on the coast in fur
oishing everything for the farm and garden.
A Normal school iilrl dctbicd s aausanc as a
thing tied up at biuli ends to bide its contents.
With Ely's Cream Hnlm a child can be
treated without' pain and with perfect safe
ty. Try the remedy ; it cures catarrh.
My son has been ailliuted with nasal ca
tarrh since quite young. I wus induced to
try Kly's Cream flalm, and before he had
UBed one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal
smell had all lelt him. tie uppcars as wt II
as any one. It is the best catarrh remedy
in the marked J. 0. Olnistcad, Areola, Hi.
One of my Children had a very bad dis
charge from her nose. Two physicians pre
scribed, but without benefit. We tried
Ely's Creanij Bnliu, and, much to our sur
prise, there iwas a marked improvement.
We continued using the Halm, and in a
short time the discharge was cured. 0. A.
Cary, Corning, N. Y.
Apply llaliu into each nostril, It is
quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once.
Price, oO cents at druggists' or by mail.
50 Warren Street, New York.
Ti ere are men who sisrve thflr children to
help the brewer fatten his horses.
Tit Giant's, for breakfast.
o th,
PUuriay, ChllU and Fever Milk
leg Perfect Cure.
"After my bahy was bom I got Into rery tsrl
ous condition, havlnit pleurisy, chilli and fever,
tradually developing Into milk leg. W live 20
tti'es from a physician and did not know what
to to. Finally after at great steal tf aaffer
tsig I began to take Ilootl't Bansparllla and
wkan I was using ths third bottle I could tea
It Was Doing Me Cood.
I aentJnued with another bottle, and recovered
to rapidly that now I am la gaaa health. I
Hood's Cures
eordlally recommend It at a good medietas."
Mas. A. M., Ferry, Washington.
Hood's Pills eura all Liver Ills, Klllous
sets, Jaundice, Indigestion, Hick Headache.
WanU-d In pairs, f r breeding purpose. Write
Imm' illately, staling lowest cssu pi Ice, to HOX
l.'ll, I'oitlaud, Or.
From 10 to
nwtktn "niif 'i 111 cvijf iunu jii wi.-iu aim UUPIillllOn
In all Rrarlei manutartured in America. N'nvy and Hccond-hand machinra
mentB. A rite for catalog and Wm. FRED
JT' I wnenr iwaier 01 1110 ravine ioani, o't) ufJliinj'Ujn
C-J Free 'Cvclinff Acadnrnv in t'ot wintr nf C.trrmaitinn I. nil,
Are Now Offered the Greate t Chance of
Their Life
Forttisps la CL0TH1X0 an t MES'3 Fl'RNljiH
INliS, at onr entire stoi k must be sold sl'KE bv
J.nie 1 Our tr .d and oth r. saotild either see
us or write We make 110 bonus an
nonnremet tt -fa e ah lu e to trade onlv
I'ortlaud, llreitotl.
As mercury will an elv destror th. sense of
nelaiid omp etelr d r line ttie u ho.e svstein
when 11 erius it hro nh the mucous s rfaces.
Such artlc is should never tte used txeepl i-u
preseriptlous from reputable phvslt ians, ss the
daiiiaue they will do Is tenfo'd to the sood yon
e (to sibly derive from Hi 111. HnU a Ci.tarrh
Cure, ma' ufactured by X J. I'hen. v .V. Co., To
le o, I) , coiiMus 1 o merctirv. hi 0 ta taken In
terna ly acting dirvctl u h the blood and 11111-
ous surlaces of the system I having Hall's
Catarrh Cure be Mire you net the ,niilne. li Is
taken internally and made In Toledo, u, by K.
J. Cheney .1 t o Testimonials free
t sty- Sold by drug-alts; price, 75 cents per
How to Come to a Stop.
When welenst
expect them,
acciilonts will
belall us, n veri
lication of the
old nilaRC that
the unexpected
always hap
pens. The fol
lowinsr reci tes
how an active
business man was
suddenly brought down.
Cikcin., O. " Rcventty while In the act of
ill !u tin; my c:ir, I stepped Uon a slntic,
whioh, turning siuMi-tily uiulcr my lmt, ilirew
nititothcKroutuI, withu sevficysruincU ankle.
r-uiiut rjuccuiiiKiVt i was heqied into my, ami niy man rihhctl me most ceticrously
with arnica and kimlrcJ icnietlicit, but to uu
Rcachlnir n station where St. Jacobs Oil cculd
ne prmurett, two bottles ol It uHT STMr
were hoitKht, ami the applict- I f,
lion oi it resulted at once III a '
relief from pain, which hid"
wcllniKli become unbanihie. ,
I w.isoui and about my work
iu mice uas.
W. W. rPAsnnv
frest. & Genl. Man. o. li M.
K. K.
The Pain Ctops.
toots., nnd J2s'"?'
Uue cent a doso.
Tnra fiRRAT Cotton Chub promptly curra
where all others full, Couehs, Croup. Bora
Throat, lloarseneaa, whooping Coui;h nnd
Asthma. For Conaumptlon It Tuts no rlvul:
has cured thousands, mid will t t'ltB tou If
taken iu time. I3tl ny DmnglKU on a guar
anteo. For n Lnme llnck or I'll'.!, uo
Have vou ( altll'lh t T'llla nmiNlvla irunrnn.
tood to euro y ou. l'rloo,(kJcUi. lujcetorfrue.
1 11. Irs
Bark IteaU
Hcnil for Catnliiuuu.
W. Jt. SCHRQCK, ?1 New Montgomery St. S.F.
Till Otifneas tntmnmic.
learltiif rmmtniy (ur a u
unnatural durhargaa
piivatarllaeaatMof t:t. (
eartai cur (or ibf datvfij
tall nt waaiaaaa filU.
Ufa. Ml nMtlrrlttaaltainil FtTtstll attki
THlEvwiO-HtW"ll Pi la fx-oruroaadjD t
I an unarars.
i HTDNTR UD.Ofnit'tm h
old by DrvtrtUiT.
V. P. N. U. No, 4Htt K. K. N. U. .No. NI3
-11 uz
ww:vFVai .uwrwmrc vs7 m 1
a. vX,l m i i
Df-Tafg rwKrW 'a4aWaWMMtJl
I fOtrtntitMal
i faWN ftirtaMfa,
Han bean Imitated, but New Equalled thai are Beyond i omparlson I
We Make
90 per oeot
Of the
Wire Mats
Sold In
tftT ttQ that TOlir Ujat Ilk lirSUta
MM l.araM,X.rVflat.
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
....A",""'.'.'R.'1"".. ?"''" 10 -Iran stati- with i.lfast.rn ti,t hv tha u.
? r,."? i':iS':r.,'-A,;',' -Kr:iV m ImaLsuM i.-ll-vi d rorn an old rax nf
Si -5 t-M J. M'"" u,y ,'"nif.;st !. raii-d onilrely o INKI.AMMAKiltY ItlIKU
MA I IrtM m lieu tho bust doctor I could get did hltn no gi1 V sir Pi icatliuue
Mltrt. N. V. BTEKLK.
Sl.l II V VO;it Ultl fJfllHT,
Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts.
Arte) All Kinds of MILL 8AW8. Also Saw Rapalrlng.
tm- IIMOMDS SAW CO.. 76 front mtrt. Portlttnrl. Or. -art
40 Per Cent Discount
b had enough, with the ordi
nary pill. lint the having it
down is worse. And, after
all the disturbance, thore't
onlv a lit'le temporary good.
iroin beginning to end, Dr.
rieree's licasant Pellets are
better. They're the smallest
and easiest to take tinv,
sugar - coutexl gianulea that
any child is roauy for. Then
they do their work so easily
mid so naturally that it lasts.
They absolutely and perman
ently cure Constipation. In-
ro.u . . i'R,s':" Bilioui Attacks,
div rum Diuous iieauocnos, ana all aerange
menta of the liver, stomach and towels.
They're nuaranteej to give satisfaction, or
your money it returned.
Tns makers of Dr. Sara's Catarrh
Remedy gay: "If we cau't cure your
Catarrh no mnrrnt vlifli t.
- ........ . . .( .ivui vuag
we'll pay you $."00 In cash.'' Now tou
fan Ifl. n . la D.I.I n . 1 . - ft
v j nu., ib sain ut uiurr rr-nieuies,
and decide which Is most likely to curt)
you. CotU only 60 cents.
on. emirs
A movomrnt of the bowela enoh day it nouetuftry for
hrultti. TliPie pi tin mipplv what iho uyiteiti Uolia to
nmLolt rrttutur. Thty our Hindaiho, briKHton ths
Kvm and otpnr ths Comploxtou belter than ooa
mptiti. They act mildly, ntiithcr arrtpr. nor eloIti?n 14
other pllla do. To ooiivirua you of thrlr merit
will mail NAmpVifroe.or a fun hoi frtr .'ftoenta. 80I'
varjrwUoro, lijaauUo Mud. CoM lUilaUolphia. X ,
riOLIIllO TJinii r
JLvVAiara.- - J-j .-'im.Tafji
Rods, Reols. Lines, Hooks, Leaders,
Etc, of the Finest Quality.
03 First St., Portland, Or.
sTUP" Send for ca:!nmio.
J rua; oa (SUUNVI- iellj ynu au. Aoour
Mqnis BuitDifia -PoptTtANo Orcoon.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
The Speclflo A No. I.
ftirrs, without full, all easn of tlnsinr
hit-it uid 4.lHt, tin ntaltfr of !mw linn
stuiKllttt. I'li'vetils strli-tiirit, It tHna- an hi.
Ii'rntil n-miily. f 'uri-a wlu-n ivsryUiTna alaa
hut I , II, -,1. H..I.I hv all DrtiKR-lats. "
Manufiu'turersi TU A.Hchwnhal.Merllclna
Prlcv. as.O. L'u., Mao Juao, 4M.
Pulsometer Steam
v t't N""1 ehcan t water levator
I ;xtwV k own. L. A. PO.itH s
I latiiii. Iilalta,
nOIIIVl Morsihlnn II alllt In 10
II f I II B J to Hll it is a. N liajr tl 1 1 nu red.
VI I Will DR,J, STEPHENS, kabanon.Ohia"
Because :
They are
Everlasting '
And "Best"
Uu aUIBtitawl attunnaul M WW a a.a.u . ta
HUT. IUN. MM I d. Mm frdla. ttta.
to Agents.
10 HMi lfl Ji'IKiiriff
from $20 up, ("aoli or on install-
btrect, l'ortland, Or. AtZWFA
11. . V "Wii t"" I
Wc. S. I. BualUM, Warn,
, r... s V.