Lincoln County Leader.! J. f.NIHHHT, fuhtlstie T UU). OKKfiON' PACIFIC COAST. Ochre Discovered Near Pen dleton, Oregon. A RECEIVER GONE WRONG. An Instructress at an Indian School Receives Probably Fatal Injuries Etc. Arizon'a Legislature close its aession on April 14. lilocka aixty feet in length withoat break are found in the onyx quarries in Lower California. The Arizona Council haa panned a hill exempting Irom taxation for taemy year all railroads that begin work in the Territory within one year. The last of the Comr d'Alene rioters held in jail have been released 'n obedi ence to a recent United States hjpreme Court decision. Railroad (hop employes at Sacramento thrp?.n 0 Kowentt miTTitM.r4 of the Hoard of Trade il the latter persists in taking business from the lUt. Ochre fonnd on Klijah Welch'a place below Pendleton, Or., makea paint of about the Fame body and color a? burnt sienna, which it resombles greatly. In the Arizona Legislature the Field bill, which provided lor the division of the Territory into irrigation districts, haa been killed in the House by an over whelming vote. The misappropriation of fundi in tended ior improving the rapitol grounds at Pho-nix, A. T., hasted to the Introduction of a resolution in the leg islature to remove the capital. The contest over the Kllzalde will at Santa Barbara hag betin. About $50,- 000 are Involved, and the widow her husband waa unduly inilienced in bis bestowal ol the properties on other people. Frank Lesnot, recolver of the Itoswell, N. M., United States I.and Ofllne, dinap pearud a few weeks since, and ivIvlcesHt Santa Fe state that he was sh irt to the government somewhere between !),(). 0 arid $20,000. A few days ago Miss Llraie Thig'n, In struct r at the Indian 10 oil, known as the Htewart Institute, at Carton, iu at tempting to separate two Indian (fir's who were quuireling, was truck ovi r the head and it is believed seriously in jured. Hr the provision of a bill which has pa4ed the Annua House no house of ill fume can exist within 400 yards of a public-school holding. Itwlllbrenk up and clear nut the dives on Monroe street In Plomiix, as all that portion ot the town is within two blocks of the High Hchool building. Articles of incorporation of the Stock ton Rower Transmission Couiiany bnve len tiled by S.m Francisco man asso ciate.! with local capitalists, with a cap ital of 11,00 i,(KH). The company will generate eleclrcity with water power on the Mokeltiinne river, fortv-two miles from Stockton, and transmit It for sal to mauuiactnne. Allen Rhodes of Salem has prepared a display oi Oregon game birds that will go to the Word's Fair. It consist ol seventeen Mongolian pheasants, Includ ing cock, lien ami lliteen chicks, four pair for a group; two pair of Eastern Oregon prairie ehlckeus, two pair ol dusky grouse, Iwo pair milled grouse, four pair valley quail, three pair moun tain quail, a group ol jack stiipe and aouie other single specimens The Oregon and California Land Com pany used to be assessed on 63,000 acres 01 land in l.ana rountv. A new owner ship book revealed 250,000 acre. The company fought an assessment on that basis. The Supreme Court decided moatly In fVor of the county of Une. A compromise haa just beeu made on 130,000 acres. The principle has been fully established that the railroad, oi and company, must pay tales on the laud they aie entitled to under the grant, whether patented or not. As a result, l ane county will receive thia ve.r nVei 10,000 from that eoonroe, where several year formerly a few hundred dollar! were paid auuually. The rag for hidden-treasure hunting till exists In the neighborhood of th San Luis Key Mission, and the Restora tion Society 1 taking steps to put a stop ... u.raj in mui around tin walls. As an Illustration ol the elusions, there lives In ,oe Angeles an old Indian woman with the name of Trinidad. She waa a young girl, a Unit twelve rear old, at the mis. ion of San Juan Caplstrano when that building was dietroved hv an earthquake In IS1J, and thirty' eight In diana were killed on that memorable Sunday at high mas. Trin-dad. who claims to tie a witch, av she knows w here a large amount ol gold and silvet Is buried in that building, and the its tell that It is still there. The .YiirfAN'itvrn Inmhtrmnn of Chi cago, treating ol the growing scarcity ol white pine lor shoo work, suggests sev eral woods to HII ht pi, ,n,i 0, thU tout's woods: The two Western woods that now seem likelv to become Important factom in the factory trade re spruce and red cedar. The former is a light, soft wood, easily worked but not strong, with close, straight train. It has been nsed to some extent by on ol the local sash, door and b ind factories with satis'aclory results. Th red cedar I more brittle than spruce, rather coarse-grained, but easily worked and very durable. It meets with some favor In thia market as a finishing wood, hut I hardly sa deairaMe (or factory work as prac. Yellow or IV.utlas fir l claimed by amis l'selno Coast mill men to he sn an excellent finishing wood, tnt it Is too heavy to admit Ol shipment Fast in Competition with spruce and cedar. Its commercial value it grvateat, lor con tiuctiou purpose. NATIONAL CAPITAL The Del ga'es to the Recent International Monetary Conference Resign Ashland Reservation. Secetary Carlisle hag signed vouchers to the amount of $25o,U0 in favor of the W...I.I'. Ci. ; I.;.. I, payable in souvenir half-dollars. The j commission np to this time haa received !$1.K20,I26 ol the $2,50l.0')0 appropria tion by congress, payable in souvenir na i-aoiiars. The de'egate to the recent Interna- tionai Monetary uonlerence have ft. signed. Among members of Congress it is believed the President will send a commission to Brussels to represent this country when the conference reseni bles. The Secretary of State is now en deavoring to at certain how many conn tries will be represented at the reaseem bling ol the conference. There are some officials who hold to the opinion that the President will not send another delega tion to Brussels, but will designate our Minister to Belgium to attend the con ference as the representative of the United States. Secretary Carlisle, it is stated on good i authority, intends to give much of hid time this summer to the consideration of the tariff, with a view to so thorough I . ... - . . ... ... York Kelorm Cluo. Ihe general out- of t!.H Soar York V.:-.ntm Cht,'- tariff proposition corresponds closely to the proposition submitted in 1HK", by Kdward Atkinson of Boston to President Cleveland and Secretary Manning. Senator Do'ph called upon the Secre tary of the Interior the other day re garding the proposed timber reservation at Ashland, Or. It was nnderstoo.l that this reservation would be made during the laat administration, but President Harrison did not find time to reach it. Secretary Smith told Senator I'otph that at present he was unable to do any thing regarding this reservation and was too busy reorganizing the department to give anv time or attention to ttie work of the department except ttiat of mojt firessing nature. The necessity for hav ng the Ashland reservation is said to lie that the water supply of that town ia dependent upon Imvinit the timber reser vation, a the denudation ol the lam's where the water now cornea from wou'd probably result in greatly impairing the water supply. The State Department has received of ficial Information that Queen Vic'nria has raised the rank of Sir Julian Paancefote, her representative in Wash ington, from that of KxtMordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to that of Am bassador, and hie credentials as such are on their way here. Under the provis ions of the diplomatic and consular ap propriation bill of March 1, 1M3, Presi dent Cleveland Is anthnrzed t.i con' r the ssmernk npon our represn'ativ-. at London. Sir Julian Pauuce'ote wil In mi lirsi. Minister to Washington to hold the title of Amlmsodor, but it is highly pro! ablo that France, (iernmny, liu-aia and An-tria will lie prompt to follow the example thus set bv Kngland and change Ihe title of their Ministers to Amhaea dors, thus necessitating by international courtesy a corresonding change ou our part. When the Senate ratified the treaty for the ce'sion to the United States of the Cherokee Strip, there was inserted therein a clause which provides for the compensation for the land to be made in time payments in place of the re quirement of the government to pay jcash, as contemplated in the agreement originally drawn np with the Indians. This modification of the treaty was not accepted hv the Indians, but will lie considered hv their legislative body, the i Cherokee Council, at a meeting to be held B'Min. The early 0iening of the Strip will lie entirely dependent upon the action of the Council, for. should it reject the modification ol the treaty made by the Senate, then it will be nec essary for the matter to heavain brought liefore Congress, which would, of course, Indefinitely delay the opening of the lauds to settlement. Litigation between the United States ml the late corporation of the Chii-ch of Jesus Christ of Utter-l)v Saints, commonly known as the Mormon Church, l not as yet ended. The Supreme Court has liefore it an appeal respecting the Z m: T Z.rl ZZ I ! ion at a previous term. W lien the oron- ! erty was declined forfeited the court d reoted the Utah Supreme Court to fix the charitable uses to which it should be put. The court rejected the proposition j of the government as to the use which I should be made of the fund (mm the' nrooertv. Kiimnntlniv alirmt ilifcinil ! iy witn we suoject b ,aw to j,,, t on the dat, as to be abie to indicate In a general ? ig8r,e way outline for the formation of a tariff ,.,'.,.. .. . , bill by the next Democratic House. ! i1' city ' Boston is making a hard Nearly every mail that reaches the fi?ht tf1Iey iystem of elec- Treasnry Department contains sug?es- , 'rlc CMi- tions from statisticians and others as to j The Aransas Pass railroad has virtu compilation ol a tariff bill. Home ally passed into the possession of the thirty or forty of these communications Southern Pacific. have already been received, prominent ) In the Lower Honar of the Pennyl amongthem being that from the New , vania Legislature the anti-Pinkerton bill and directed It should be applied to the. ooming ine trunk ol a number of Ital support and aid of the poor member of ', 'n opera lingers under the belief that the Church of Jesus Christ ol Utter-! the clothing in the trunks is not the lay Saint and to building and repair- property ol individual member, but of lag house of worship for mem! era of j Henry Abbey, who haa charge of the the church. The tinted States has ap- pealed Irom this decree, asserting it would practically permit the pmpettv to be devoted to the same purpose for which it was formerly held. The Secretary ol the Treasury has de ridsd that the former action ol the de partment Is Invalid which del ids from the direct tax due the several States the urn heretofore chsrge.1 for erins and equipments drawn (or the Stita militia. The sum rharg-nt to Oregon amounted to $3,473. and this was deducted from the $.V,iXX) direct Ui due the State. ltpreentative Hermann, who wa the author of tle law which gave the Oregon militia a large quantity of arms and equipments a few years ago, has made various appeal to the Sevretarv to re lease the charge made against the direct tax due the State. Some other States are interested a to similar charges ma !e against their quotas nn.ler the law of April, 1S0H, which provides for an an nual appropriation ot $2n0,iV0 for pro viding arms and equipment for the whole body of the mi it la. The leprt tnent now decide that in view of the long-continued practice of a'lowng the State to anticipa'e their qiiotas and to honor the requ anion of tt 0 ivernor on their representation of the existence oi emergencies demand' n their Imme diate na do chaigva should be mad. EASTERN NEWS. Prof. Totten Predicts the Eni of the World. BiSHOP WIGGER'S CIRCULAR. , The Case Involving the Mormon Church Property Advanced on the Calendar. The Colorado Senate haa passed a bill abolishing capital punishment. Prof. Totten predicts the end of the world some time In September next. Fifty thousand hotel rooms will be available near the World's Fair grounds. The Okefinokee eramp In Georgia is reported to be overran with wild hogs. A big Boston syndicate Is trying to se cure control of the Canadian steel indus tries. V Washington newsboys are forbidden ! has finally naesed. A airauue aisvae ttuioo Catt. 8 is Central Illinois is believed to be due to the feeding of millet. Estimates as to the cost of the hotels in the World'B Fair district range from 13,500,000 to $1,000,000. The heaviest immigration that ever flowed into Northwest Iowa and South , Dakota ia in progress now. A crinoline-mannfactnring concern haa been established in Rhode Island, the first of the kind in America. It is thought that the coinage of World's Fair souvenir half-dollars will be completed In three months. About 150 Chinamen living in Boston have intimated that they intend regis tering within the prescribed period. South Carolina has Issued bonds cov ering its new loan, amounting to $5,2ti0, IX0, bearing 4'.;' per cent interest and to run for forty years. Some one has gone off with all the coin and record of the noted Tenderloin Club at New York, and it is now in the throe of disaolntion. By vote of 31 to 19 the Minnesota Senate has pvsed the Senate bill ex tending the full suffrage at all election in Minnesota to women. The case involving the Mormon Church fropertv lis been advanced in the Inited State Supreme Court to the sec ond Monday of the next term. The receiver of the Reading road have definitely decide I on the issue of receivers' certificate". The bondholder' committee will probably fight It. a cori o-aron with a capital of $15,- 0 0,0,ii) has been formed to cover Now J-ri-ey in the ii-inbb irhood ol Jersey Ci'y and Newark with eiectric railways. It is propo'e l by tho organized tin an I sheet-Iron jib worker and cornice"rs ol St. Louis to estabheti a train ing school where apprentices will be taught the trade. The Cunadim Pacific and Grand Trunk roads bBve agreed upon a rati of l1,' fare for the round trp Irom Canadian Points to Chicago during the World' air. Ticket will lie good or one month. The Kansas Legislature has pased a bill making it illegal to require a gold contract in notes, mortgages or otner ob ligations and making silver, a well a gold, a legal tender for all debts in Kan sas. A committee appointed by the House of the Tennessee Legislature to inves'i gate the charges against Judge Duhoise of the Shelby County Criminal Court has reported that there are no ground for impeachment. Reports to the bureau of statistics of the Treasury Department ehow a dec ded increase in the number of Immigrants entering the portof Sun Francisco, while in the other rorts of the country there bus been a faMing-off. It Is thought probable that at the con clusion ol the uaval review Secretary 1 lerbert will divide the ships into three licet, nut new ollicera in command and send the vessels away at once to the i'a- ' Atlantic and Europe. 1 'V. the America cup defender ahw that smm radical change have "n tninvtuce t over the former type of ya-lit. The new boats are neirlyall 124 feet In length. 23 to 26 feet beam, and have a mean draught of 12 to 14 feet. The customs officers at New York are roups), Judge 1HI!m In the United States Cir cuit Court at Philadelphia has denied a m ition to require John F. Searlee, Jr., Tresaurer of ti.e American Sugar Retin itis Compiny, to show cause why he shonM not be compelled to answer im portant questions In the suit of the gov ernment against the sngar trust. Bishop W gger ol the diocee of New ark. N. J., hai issued a circular letter, a Idressed M each priest in the diooeee, rescinding his former order in which priests were ordered In rfna .1,1.. In those meiuter of a pari-h who sent iiicr cnuuren to ine puN'C school in preference to the parochial school. Ouchargesof having indied wealthy Jews all over the country to the tune of 10.tX1 whi'e pretend ng to eillect fund. fr the relief of needy Russian co reliiion st. Pli neas llanncah, who claims to he the son of a wealthy mano-t-ctnrer ol Per an carpeu an.l rns nf Salinas. Peri. and Ui of New York nas been arret. at Chicago. ' Ttie government patronage hret i'ore CM) ''dered the sacred PMpeitvof Sena torn, f. r instance, as Msrsbals and Hi, t-lct Attorney., I n w declared free for l'. aid accord nc to the ruling of the IV'.ident humble member of the M " n l evn grcoo ol private riiisen mav pre-nt the tim of ranl'dx.) with cm Uo. oi tuixva In the appUcation. INDCSTEIAL ITEMS. Bottles are blown by machinery it Yineland, N. J. Uncle Sam's boy, have $30,000,000 of capital invested in Hawaii. The Angora goat supplies the hau adorns ordinary doiis. Te ephone chat cost $2 for three min utes between Pari and London. There are now nearly 200 women prac ticing dentistry in the United States. Eighty-six ol the 355 towns in Massa chusetts contain no resident physician. There are in the United States more than l,700distinctand separate railways. The Litchfield Car Works in Indiana are about to be moved to Birmingham, Ala. Over 100 electric car are to be bnilt at once at Pittabnrg for a Chicago com pany. New England capitalists have pnr- chased $75j,000 wjrth of Tens timber lands. Several fleets of river boits are to be ; that the flesh ia extremely delicate ana established this vear on the Western 1 paUtable; bat, if the profits were as rivers. j large as claimed, surely more poultry The Armour Packing Company has in-1 mynuUmJM. cporated in New Jersey , capital. ,7, ,&&T , , . . . , , I 22 cent per pound. The best price for Wooden-soled shoes are being elowly yUpa thickens on the same date Introduced in the cheap shops. Phila- lfl n cent8) thrlg Bn0wing 5 cents dclph-.a Record. I Jn (gTor o caponB. Young broilers, The novelty of the Columbian stamps ; however, bring all the way from 35 to 70 ia wearing off, and tUe old-timers are re-; cets per pound during March, April turning to favor. ; BDIj May, when most in demand, and Makers of maple sugar in Vermont my capon seldom reach np to 30 cents per thut the euppiy this year will exceed pound. Whether they will pay as well 7,0.0 000 pounds. i ai broilers is doubtful, but they certmn The Lingham gold mine in Belmont, 1 Py better than raising fowls, Hastings county, Ontario, is proving cbickenB or turkeys, highly profitable. ' There is nothing to prevent any care 5 c .u r- . v. u, u, fill farmer or farmer's son from learning In some of the Eastern shoe-blacking !. ' ;( v, v,. ,ua r;ht. tin.i ni cellar you can have your high hat pol- ished by eieciricuy. Ci nning factories, it is reported, are being erected in large numbers in vari- ; j;ew Jersey making in the neighborhood ons parts of Georgia. jf $15 a day by caponizing for farmers, It is reported that Melbourne, An- it is evidently worth while to learn how tralia, is overflowed with men who want to do it. The caponizing should be done work, but are unable to secure it. on a bright day, but, if possible, out of Chautauqua county, N. Y., has 14,000 the sun bo as to avoid any Bhadows fall acres of bearing vines and 500 acres of in n the work table. For operatiajf young vines not in bearing. j npon select large early-maturing cocker- . 11 els, such as Plymouth Rocks and Wyan- For fltty-t-vo consecu ive mile on the d cr0S8ed on Brahmasor Langobans. Boston and Albany railroad, it is aid, I operated npon in September, October there is not a grade crossing. and NovembeV, they ahould be ready for An ounce of pure gold is worth $20.61 ; j market in March, April, Mav and June, therefore, a ton of pure gold, which con- when they will bring the highest prices, tains 24,0.0 ounces, is worth H95.360. ! je other fowls capons should be fasted Last year there waB borrowed out ot twenty-four hour before killing. The banks and trust companies in New York bead, which is the distinguishing mark and Brooklyn on real estate $58,0C0,0O0. 1 of a capon, should always be left on. It is said that 3,000 miles of electric They should be bled by cutting inside road will be added this vear. One rond the mouth or throat. The neck and sad- in Pennsylvania is to be eighty milei long. A Clearfield (Pa.) lumberman, Simon Flvnn, will run 3 V 0.1,00 leet of loa dawn the Susquehanna river to the saw mills. The turpentine gatherers of is estimated, have during the past five year destroyed f200,OOJ,0JO worth ol pine timber. Millions npon millions of herring are taken every year. It is said that there are more herring eaten than any other kind ot Dsn It is estimated, tb Pittsburg Ditm'jA eays, that 41,3'si,000 cottages could us erected out. of the standing timber in the Mate ot Washington. Tnere came into New Orleans In two days of last week nine s'eamers and one schooner, bearing 102,101 bunches of bananas and W,l 00 cocoa nuts. The largest pumping plant in the United Stn'eo was that placed in a nrne at Iron Mountain, Mich. It pump 4,000,000 gallons in twenty-'our hours. Now that the Pennsylvania miners , . , , - . nave an eignt-nour law, some people are Inclined to thmk they will have to keep well organized to get ur.y good out of it. A strong en in is neing maue in .ew Jersey to defeat the law which makes 8 ty-ave hour the limit ol a wsek's work. It is claimed that the law ii un constitutional. PERSONAL MENTION. The fine laces owned by the Vandr Vilt fa mi lies are said to be wjrth (500, 000. Divid II. Smith, the on of th Mor mon prophet, Joseph Smith, hai been an inmate of the asylum for the insane at Elgin (or seventeen years. Lady Henry Somerset Is about to start a paper, to lie called the Womat'i Her- aid, which will be the organ of the Woman' Christian Temperance Union, Lord Clref Justice Coleridge of Eng- land will probably visit ih.a country during the World's Fair. He was here in 1SS ', and was then a tall, snare man of 63 years. Miss Emily Faithful of Londtn Is en- lirKTUIIIIK IU U'K IUI.O IU UUQ Ul 111V BtU nrbs a home for women who ar working for their own living, the idea being to provide each occupant with 1 pnvte room at a low rent and the n of com- mon dining and reception roons. . " , The Lord Mayor of London ho is a Roman Cathol c, went out of hs way the r-yi - m. ine Church ol Kngland Young Yen's Soci ety in Lndgate Circus, and he not only made an excellent speech, but left a sub stantial gift in hi own and the Lady Mayoress' name. It is said Lord Kosebery's great desire Is to see a new and rosgnificeit London built up on the lines of the oil city. In . . ,1.. i. - - - . - .... uuyuow,. .4 .Prs. nis nree atntii- t.onswere to marrv one of the richest wenin win t'.ePerbv.nd become Prime Minister of Kiyland. O lih! u,b'UoM he h" ttttiD none solar. Secretary Gresham loves tc sit hours and hour before the statuecf Ceneral McPhe-eon in Wahingtoa The two were int mMe rtll -ers in Sherman's army. One day before Atlanta Uresham was terribly wounded at U. Thron' ,''",',nv minntM ,nt,M Mcl'herson ..aa.ii .-ii. lucmi iwjiu nr iminj in a rve like that. Sir Al'rnl S ephen, the er-Chief Ju t;ce 01 Nw South Wales, csa give poin s even to Mr. tthdstoue In tl matter of Invenility. He Is in hi td vear, tn 1 ;eps two of h! daughter) busy for fix hours daily tkin down hi remini-cep,-es from dictation. S- A frei is the Nesuir ol I.ln.viln's Inn. Me entered thes a a tn 'nt 'o IRK. is,) wacallvi to the bar In Novemb- r, H-J. fwi T..r, a terwarl he emigrate,! toUi antipole a Solicior Ten.rl for tie then penl colony of Van Pieman's ao . now th U-guvernujg colony of Tasmania, AGRICULTURAL. Co-operation Among Farmers Should be Successful. PRODUCTION OF CAPONS. There is Nothing to Prevent Any Careful Farmer Learning to Caponize. fAmertcan Agriculturist. a .t Hp.1 has been published con- the enormous profiM to be made . nroducing capon. There ia do doubt JLi-Tbe work require nothing bat a I quick, steady band, a correct ee ami a iiiiB mactic.e. and as there are' men in die feathers are large and fine, and dis tinguish a capon from other fowls, there fore are left on as well as the feathers on the leg from the hock joint half way up the thigh, also those on the outer joints of the wing. The breast, back, wing ; next to the body and the upper part of i the thighs are dry, picked clean. The ' mouth, shanks and feet should be j washed, especially removing clotted I blood from the mouth. The Rhode Isl and station at Kingston has published in Bulletin 20 the resultB of some very in teresting experiments in caponizing, de- i scribing the various kinds of tools that CRn nsed an(1 B0,n! nnutely nto the details of per'ormirg the opera; ion all or wmcQ is auuitiuuauy eiuiuuieu vy illustrations. Co-nperatlon of Farmer. John M. 8ti.hl, editor of the Furmrj' Call, Quincy, III., and wboee utterances have a great weight as tbo-e of any ag ricultural writer, Bays in a recent isbup sf h's paper: " We can perceive of no gooa reason why co-operation should not be success- In I mmrtniw It la ominantlv ani. IU. OUIUUK U. ki.U. U. .B ...II I 11.1. . . . 1 .g, amon other ci8B9t,8. Amo.ig Jther peoples it has spread with great rapidity during recent years, until now (tie greater part ol urnan transactions are accomplished through co-operation in some form or other. A hundred ex amples might be cited; we have space for only one. Building and loan associa tions now exist in every city and in many towns, and through their aid thou sands who otherwise would always re main renter are proenring comfortable homes. We take building and loan as soc ations for our example because they are not one of the older, accepted forms of co-operation, bnt have but recently emerged from the experimental state, and because, while they have in some cases been used by scoundrels to defraud hard-working, honest people, they have triumphantly demonstrated their utility, safety and great benefit. "To keep directly along this line, If city people can so co-operate that the money that would otherwise be paid as rent is UBed to buy a home, why cannot farmers so co-operate that the money that otherwise would go as rent will r ay for a farm? Whv cannot the building and loan ass-ciations be transplanted to the country? Why cannot farmer a ,, ' , . . . . 9,11 "i" Ci'y T"'6" t'"a 8 of tUi 'orra f0, -P't'n? f?n see full-fle.iged associations, like now in existence in the cities, orm, ,n thelatr? o enable renter In Illinois and other of the older States to secure a farm in those States. Un- doubtedly all classes would be benefited hT IUl,h assoc at on." Of Interest to lUlrrmen. There are three special lines of dairy ing, and from these it will generally pay the dairyman to choose some one and follow It steadily rather than to combine the different branches, savs W" fi.- m. -1 1 ' - j-iiiryin. iiie inree uivisions are: The retail trade or shipment of mi k.the manufacture of bntter and the roam" facture of chee.e. The cow that h, the beat for one of these is not the best for th other two. and on-eonently the stock .honld t selected in the first p'ace with particular reference to the branch of business that i lo be followed. The man who has a specially good butter herd cannot affird to furnish mi k to a cheese factory nor to ship hi product t a cit to be sold with low-grade m lk from all onrce. Find out what you want to do oe'O. e Ton oevin la nm il tm, h.,,1 , then lollow that purpose steadily, and you will be apt to come out all right. ! It has been estimated that to collect a ingle ponnd of honer the bees mut de prive 62 00) clover blossoms ef their nectar. To !o this the 62,000 flower r-nu!i, ted by " rt of 8,, 50.000 bee. Offie'a' figure give the sr-a planted to ti In France 'or the 18 i2 cmn at 17, 4.Srt,0'0 cr and the cop at 3tK.477 0 0 buhels. Tn rve tbere were SO',,.) acre pl-tJ, and th ciop was 72,076, 000 boihal. PORTLAND MARKET. Produce Frnt Etc Wmur-Valley, L12$ ; Walla Walla, 11.05 per cental. . ' . FLOCB-titandard. 13.30; Walla W . ia, $3.5U; tiraham, f2.9J; Superfine, f2.50 per barrel. , , , . Oats Choice, 43ig loc per bnsbei ; fair, 40c; rolled, in Dags, o.25'tt,6.&0; barrels, o.dOj5.7d; cases, 3.75. Hav Best, U'313.50 per ton; com mon, 9.00(gl0.00. Millstcffs Bran, U63.7; snorts, 19 20; ground bariev, $23 $ 4, cuon tee t,S per ton; whole feed baney, SO'iS c per cental; middlings, 23t24 per ton; orew- i ing barley, WKgyjc per cental; chicken wheat, ILlO per cental. BrjTTEB Oregon fancy creamery, 27 , 3oc; fancy dairy, 2242.c; fair 10 ; good, 174(?20c; common, 12 vlftc per , pound; pickle roll butter, 3oi33c per ' roil j California, 4043c per roil. ' Chxksb Oregon, 1113c; Eastern ; Twins, 15j; Young America, ltic per pound. ; Eqob Oregon, 16c per dozen. PooLTET Cmciens, mixedcoopa, t4.00 4.50; old hens, 5.00i33.50; old roostera, ; $1.0o(?4.50; dressed chickens, ltJ(iie per pound; ducks, i6.o.'vi7.5o; geese, $10.00(11.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16 17c ; dreeaed. I80J Vii per pound. VaasT.iBi.83 Caboage, 1.5Jid-0 per ; cental; oniona, t..7b&2 0 1 ; cut onions, i 75(i90c; potatoes, $1.00 for Garnet ,f Chuia; $1.25 for Burbanks; Oregon 1 turnips, 75(g9Jc per sack ; young carrots, i 75cl per sack; Bweet potatoes, $2.5o ' : 4.00 per cental; cauiitiower, bOc per per dozen, $2 75 per crate; celery, two per dozen; artichokes, 85c per dozen; lettuce, 40c per dozen; asparagus, 2oc ' ner pound ; parsnips, 80c per sack; beets, ; if 1.25 per Back; radishes, 25c per dozen; green onions, 18c per pound; rhuoarb, 10c per pound; green peaa, 10llc per pound ; spinach, 3c per pound. ! Fbcits Sicily lemons, $o.0j5.50 per box; C'.'.H'O'o'a new croo. $4.50(35; ba nanas, $2.504 0J per bunch; oranges, 1 seedlings, $2.O0n$2.75 per box ; navels, i $3 00.d3 50; crtnberriea, $12.50 per bar rel; apples, $1.6 k!2 25 per box. Ktitpls Oraoertet. Honey Choice comb, 1517c per pound ; new Oregon, 10 320c. Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, $16.50; 60s, $17.50; stoci, $10.50U.50. Dbibd Fbdits Petite prunes, 10(gl2cj silver, 11 14c; Italian,1214c; Uerman, lOtgllc; plums, old, 56c; new, 79c; apples, 6(3 He; evaporated apricots, ' 15(316c; peacnes, 1216c; pears, 7(llo per pound.. Rica Island, $4.755.0J; Japan, $4.75 ' per cental. Coffee Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c; Salvador, 21sc; Mocha, 2oJ30c; Java, 24 (8 30c; Arbuckle's, Midland, Mo kaska and Lion, 100-pound cases, 25 35-lOOc per pound; Columbia, same, , 24 85-lOOc Bbans Small white, 3ac; pink, 3c; bayos, 3Wc; butter, 3c; limaa, 34'4c per pound. Sybop Eaatern, in barrels, 4055c; t haif-barrels, 4257)c; ia cases, 3d(j ';i 80c per gallon ; $a.25 per keg. California ' in barrels, 208600 per gallon; $1.75 per. keg. Sugar Net prices : D, 4c ; Oolden 0, ' 414c; extra O, 4c; Magnolia A, 4ec; granulated, 5c; cube crushed and pow- tiered. 6 J8c; 'yinfectiouers' A, 6c pet pound; maple sugar, loigl-ic per pound, Canned Ooodd Table fruits, assorted quoted $1.752.00; peaches, $1.85(12.11); Bart lettpears,$1.75tS2.00; plums, $1,374. (1.50; strawberries, $2.25(32.45; cher ries, $2.252.40; blackberries, $1.85(3 i; raspoernes, 2.40; pineapp es, 2.2o'J 2.80; apricots, $1.65(32.00. Pie fruits: Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; pluma, $1.10(31.20; blackberries, $1.25(41.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons Assorted, $3.15(33.50; peaches, $3.50(34.00; apri cote, $3.50(34.00; plums, $2 75(33.00;. 5 blackberries, $4.25(34.50. Vegetables: corn, $1.50(1.75; tomatoes, $1.101.15: sugar peas, $1.00; string beans. 95c per dozen. Meats : Corned beef. If, $1.50; 2s, 2.40; chipped beef, $2,554 4X0; lunch tongue, la. $4.00; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $l.751.8 par dozes, Fish: Sardines, s, 75cffl$2.25j Ml $2.15(34.60; lobsters, $2.303.50; Balm on, tin 1-lb.talls, $1.25(31.60; flats, $L76; 2 lbs., $2.252.50; bbl., $5.50. Th Meat Market. Beep Primesteers,$ 1.83(34.25 ;choie steers, $3.75(34 00; fair to good steen $1.00(33.50; good to choice cows, $3.15'. 3.50; common to medium cows, $2.50; z.,3; uresaei. fi.ou .c 7.(10. MnTTOH Choice, $4.5034.75; fair t good, $4.00(3 4 50; dressei $8.00; lamb j $4.O04.50; dressed, $S 00. Hoos Choice heavy. $7.00(37.25 ; tnt , dium, $tt.50i30.75; lfght and feeder $6.2i)(30.50; dresse-t, $7.0J. VEAlr 4 00(37.00. 1 Smoked Meats Large ham, 17 174c; medium ham, 17,-23181-a'c; breai last bacon, 17:3 18c ; abort clear aide 14'3l54cj dry Bait Bides, 13l per pound. 1 Lad Compound, in tins, 14' Eure, in tins, lrtgUJa'c; Oregon, liy4 2e per pound. Miscellaneous. Nails Base quotations : Iron, 21! irteel. 12.75 : wire, t ' M na, boo Ibon Bar, 20 per pound; pig iro ' f.o'ao per ion. Steel 10c per pound. ! Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qui Ity. $8.50(39.00 ner box: ior crosses.! extra per box ; L C. coke plates, 14xf-, prime quality, .OU(SS.ilO per DOX ; tr plate I. 0., prime quality, $6.88(37.0, I luu, 9 41. uv. i Lead 4Vc per pound ; bar, ' I Shot $1.80 per sack. I Horseshoes $5. j Navai. 8tors Oakum, $4.50(35 bale; resin, $4.80(35 per 480 pounds ; 0 Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 f barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpi,, I tine, 65c per gallon in carload lota. j Bars nl uo;nc. ! Burlaps, 7-ox., 40-inch, net cash, burlaps, 10-m., 4.Vinch, net cash, burlaps," 12-oa., 44-inch, 7e; buritr 15-01., 6 Mnch, ll'c; burlaps, 20-o.,r inch, 14c. Wheat bags, Calcutta, Soli pui, oc; iwo-Dusaai oat bags, 7C. Kcaiiomy In tlarsrahoet. A hoiel)oe has Ixn-n patented in t ada which is provided with remov calka. Tliese calks nrv easily rcmovsii and whi n they require sharpening W may lie put in in about five tuinut Two seu nre kept 011 hand, one si" and the other dull: this effects ap avinjr The flu has t.-iix'red dovcv recesM.-. in which the tnix-rcd shank ' the calk fits. New York Telegram. The fifty l:.r.'.-.t libraries in UerttU-' poseena 1 -J. T' - o x vuluiue. against tt of Englaud v. i;Li about 6,450,000. anJ North America with abosrt g,100, Tolomea. t I u In (