Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 06, 1893, Image 1

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    Emmk immiii Jttader.
1 Vt
Volume I.
LlXltlLX I'Ol'STY.
Jnitit Senator
(vunty Judtf -
rch'Mtl sn;erinteiKlnt
('. R. rrnsno
l r. Hlite
B. K. Jones
(leorjre Lamlii
Henry lenli.itrer
( has. Booth
Jos. (iitleoiv
- T. K. Parker
J as.-Russell
.1. o. St earn 4
M. L. Trapp
us! ice of the I'etieo
J. A. Hall
A. E. AHfCe
FHiST It AI'TISTS. Meet every lirst Sunday
in each month, a 11 a. m" and also mi the
faturdav prc"ediuKthe above Sunday, at 'J1.
in., in the Toledo l'ubliu Hall. L. M. Hutljr,
Itesideui l'a.tor.
jjT. .mux's flU'liCU I'rotestent Episcopal.
p Pevinc service the tfyrd Suinlay of eve.r,v
month, at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend.
Ilev. ( has. llooth. Missionary. Kesideuny,
I'liei'tory," Newport, Or.
I1. o. F. Toledo Lodue, No. ins, Meet
everv Fridnv evening at thuir hail In tjiia
lon. ' I Lots. N. (i.; J. S. liaither, Sec'y, "
III. ;. T Meets every Thursday evenlnir,
7::ttl o'clock, ill lirailv'8 hall, this town, (',
jl. Crosuo, t'.T. (i. iiethers, Secretary.,
Gencral Merchandise,
Toledo, Or.
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh ami Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Steamer Benton,
Copt. tf(ts. llobevtson,
On and after April is.t, will make
regular daily trips between Toledo
And Newport and way landings.
Low Freights and Fares. See
time for leaving on Bulletin at
Copeland's corner.
T.J, Buford, Prop.
Charges Reasonable.
MASl'FAm.llElt or
Repairing Neatly Done,
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
Justice of the Peace,
Toledo, Oregon,
Peedi, Mnrtiraires. nnd all kinds of leiral papers
executed with correctness. ( areul attention
Kiven to all business entrusted to my care.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Wiirreah, The new law passed at the last Ses
sion of the LeKisliitiire requires that all taxes
1 paid at the eonnty seat: and. Inasmuch as it
nas been pustoinarv for the sheritrto visit each
precinct, and, taklnsr lntc nsideration the
tact that many iiersons ill not lie aware of the
requirements of ihe new law: therefore. I have
ieiM.!ed to fnllow the old pintoru In collecting
the taxes, for rhe vear ls; and
1 IIKlfKHY ,I'E XOT1CK, to all taxpavcrs In
Lincoln County, oreuon, that I w ill be at the
nal votiinr places of their rcsectlve precincts
either in ir..n or by deputv. f(,r the purpose
f collectiiiK the state and County taxes of
f olu t ounty, ureitou, for the year lw' as fol
lows: Toledo Satntilav, April K.lstrt.
NewK.rt Mitur.lay, April l.v ixei.
Jaoulim-Mondav. April 17. Iwu.
Lower side-Taesday, April 18,
l".i.. from 1 o'clock to .I o'clock p. ni.
i"" 'Us' NV ITt We.liies.Vsy. April 19,
Tidewater-Thnrwlav. April X, from I o'clock
..' "1 "11 1J o'clock m.. Krldav. April Jl. ln'.U.
Kit i itv Tnesdav. April in, isti.
Little April p.i'
tin Lik- Frlday. April pi, lsur
Inniuch as Alea. Turn Tom and Summit
Tcre"iiirts have been divided by the division of
tne c.,unty and ;he nsiuil votinif places are not
in l.lncln comty, iwrsons reidlnir In those
1 ir''!''? nn J'y ' tn piarea mentioned
in ' m""' "'onvenient to them.
aii n.t paid at the time above-mentioned
' remaininK unpaid alter June 4, ll,
'""iiie .lellnonent.
, u"'1" my hati.t this :nth dar of March, i
"u . r - . i.Wi. . WS)is.
-Mriirin and for Lincoln County, Oregon
Our New SPKING STOCK is now arriving.
We will show this Season a much Larger
and more Attractive Stock than ever be
fore! A full line of Men's ami Boys' Fur
nishings, Shoes, Hats, and everything
worn by Men and Boys.
Big Bargains
We have Purchased at a Big Discount from a Local Merchant (who has
has retired from the Clothing Business) his Entire Stock of MEN'S,
BOYS' YOUNG MEN and CHILDREN'S Clothing. We now of
fer the same to our Patrons at from Thirty-five to Fifty Per Cent,
below Regular Prices. They are the Biggest Bargains ever offered
in this Section for First-plns.s Clothing.
Here are a few of the Bargains!
i .
Men's 8 5.00 Suits for $3.50
Men's 7.50 Suits for 5.50
Men's 10.00 Sui&for 7.50
Boys' 1.50 Suits-knee pantsfor $1.00
Boys' 2.00 Suits-knee pants-for 1.50
Boys' 5.00 Suits-long pants.-for 3.50
Boys' 7.50 Suits-long pants-for 5.50
All other hner grades at corresponding
When you visit our Stove ask to see our Area's All Wool
Suits at $10.00.
FOR THE B0YSWith each Suit worth $3 or more,
we will give free a ball and bat.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
We are Agents for the JAMES
uoiu and haver White Shirts.
Clothing Made to Order.
Gorva,llis, Oregon.
Headquarters for Men and Boys' Outfits.
Our Stock is Complete
jf"Country Produce taken in Exchange.
When in
R. M. WAIDfe; & CO.,
wCiiD "fahis 'wm
fjS Order will Heceive Prompt Attention
Tol&do, Lincoln County, Oregon,
in Clothing ! !
MEANS S'i Fine Shoes, and
and Prices are Low.
Toledo call and inspect our Goods.
Thursday, April 6, 1893.
From Chit wood.
It lias been raining the last three
day3 with but little let up, and to
day it is stormy with high winds.
pur district school commenced
to:day with Miss Julia M. Taylor
(,,,,..1,.,.. tv, a:. j.. r....
,fc. ;.. ,
iiu lil rcillllllt IUC MM VU'C Ol SUCH
an efficient teacher.
, , ,
e hope to see the county school
superintendent out as ,00,1 as it
Stops raining.
The people here are satisfied as
to the division of the county, and
have settled down determined to
make the new county a success.
There are some improvements
going on.
L. F. Pepin has been doing some
substantial work on his new house.
II. N. Foster has lately purchas
ed wh it is known as the Dr. Bailey
There are some new fyce seen on
qur streets, looking for land, and
nore are coming. It will not be
long before the available land will
be taken.
Mr. A. L. Chitwoqd is on his
ranch to see after his fitock, after
spending spending some time near
In a few days more we will have
a money order office at this place.
Froni Elk City.
The weather clerk has been ab
sent, and it has been slightly moist
for a few days.
This has been a bad winter for
stock in this vicinity, and nearly
every one, has lost some. P. M.
Lathrop, uy Elk lias lost several
head, two yoke of oxen at one time.
He has one cow left. He says he
is not discouraged, but is still a Big
Elk Farmer.
Vero Mulkey killed a cougar
last week that measured seven feet
ten inches from tip to tip. He
found where it had been killing
stock, and trailed it over near Har
vey Parks' ranch, where he killed
it. Mulkev has a doir that eniovs
the sport, and will stay with them
for days.
Mrs. II. L. Palmer, who )rts
been sick all winter, has been
worse for a few dftys, but to-day is
reported better.
Barney Morrison made us a call,
and informed us that if all works
well with the quarry he would have
a town surveyed, and will give
away a reasonable number of lots
to people who will put up buildings
in good faith. This will encourage
people to settle and soon establish
a school, post office, store and other
buildings necessary for a town.
Barney says, "Wq are not in the
race for the county scat, it is too
expensive a luxury to be wanted
in a small place like this, but we
can furnish the "corner stoiiij."
No doubt the man on the Yaquina
who wants to fish for dollars, can
find satisfaction at Elk City. The
spring run of trout are coining in
and on pleasant days plenty of
them are to be found.
Col. Kelsay spent Sunday with
us, on his way to his ranch on Elk.
Mr. Arnold passed through this
place on Tuesday with liiK t,ril in
I their home on Drift Creek. Wp i
wish them a happy drift through
Trof. Wilhoit of Drift creek made
us a can last Monday.
Elk City will close a six months
term ol school on Fridav. It h
been under the manaiemi-nt nfl'mf
y ....
Bruce, of Seal Rock, who has given
general satisfaction.
E. M. Mavs retimwrl 1
from a trip to California, where he
has been for his health. He looks
very mucii improved. His busi-
ness here has been titulf-r tl
'airement of E. a,i T
April 3, i8y3.
The Oregon Faoilic,
Supt. R. E. Mulcahy was in
Portland last Friday ami was inter-
Amomr other Urines. Mr. Mulmliv
W U have given Portland prettv
I , . ...
Unv l?S V reached by our
1 river hue 5 cents per 100 is doing
Ul(, bllsiHCsa for nothi rust how
lhis rate win l am
u .
j est opinion is that such rates help
no one. Merchants, in trying to
take advantage of low transporta
tion rates, over stock themselves
aid find that settling-day comes
i r, ....... ...... ,. ...
uiuuuu iiuct, iiwmic wuii uie wnoie
sale end of the deal. We have just
put our steamboat Three Sisters on
the 'ways' in one of your Portland
shipyards. She will be ready for
sei.yice in two weeks and will run
iieuveen PorUaiul and iSaleiu. So
soon as she is in service we will
bring the steamer Bentley down
and give her a thorough overhaul
ing. It is the intention of our com
pany to put three boats on the
Willamette river. We are now
running one the lloag. That
boat, and possibly another, will run
all summer. The lloag is doing a
good business and has done so all
the season. Our rail line is doing
a remarkable business. Since the
change in the management there
has been a .steady increase of busv
ness. Nevei at this season of the
year has the passenger business on
our lines been so good. There is, a
big immigration into the Cascade
mountains. People are going into
the mountains in great numbers in
anticipation of the extension of thu
Oregon Paoific, which is not far
distant. We will commence to
operate our line between I lalstead
and the end of the track, about 14
miles, within ,-50 days, This will
give those who are not far from the
Hiunmit easy access to our line.
Several new sawmills have started
into operation 111 the Santiam coun-
try lately. We are also doing
very nice lumber traffic.
"Our ocean line is doing well.
The steamship Willamette Valley
left Yaquina lbr San Francisco at 9
o'clock yesterday morning drawing
14 feet of water, with tte largest
cargo she has ever carried. The
bar at Yaquina is improving every
day. To give an illustration: As
the Willamette Valley crossed over
the bar coming into Yaquina last
Tuesday, hf r soundings were 24,
19, 24 feet. This shows that there
is net much bar. It is, not over 15
feet if it is that much. It has im
proved so much that we scarcely
think it necessary to have the ships
towed in and out. The tug has not
had hold of a line in one month,
which I think speaks volumes for
this harbor.
"What will we do for New
port? Answering that I would ask
what are we not going to do for it?
We propose making Newport the
summer resort of this country. We
are now fitting up our steamship
Resolute for service between Ya
quina and Newport. We shall al
so use her for excursion parties who
want to go out for a day's sea-fishing.
This season will find New
port a very gay place. There will
he music aboard this steamer
.lii.,1, . ,. "
loiii.iv unit aic s ticai 111 it! IV WHO
.-. . . .
UKetopass liieir vacation in the
SOMH . wil, flt lm . , , ...
at what is known as Breitonbus'j.
(i iuui 1 h j 111 lit-- r;i)i in h wkiiiv 'l T
I -
an elevation of 2,000 feet. V
ought to catch a great many Port
land jieople for these resorts,
"Mr. Iladley, the new receiver
well thought of by all who know
him. He has lived in the vail
years' am u,e lI,lc na
confidence 111 his ability to make the
Oregon Pacific what it Bhould be.
Number 5.
In another interview, while
speaking of the improvement and
development ol the road he said.
In the last sixty days we have put
uiicc new onuges on. tne west
end of" tile roacli ""J in a, month
wil1 have compieted the, renewal ot-
ve others. In the same period we,
ave put fifteeu thousand new tics
in uie tracK, and htteeu thousand
more will be added as fast as possi
ble. The track and bridges are,
tot in good condition. A t Ya,quina,
we are en&aged ,n repainting a,'ud
varnishing the passenger equip,
mentsof the road, preparatory fo
the summer business. It is our in
tention to have, every thing m first-
;ss contlitioii. In ten davs wa
will begin to erect a brick depot at
Toledo. The depot fit Harris wilj
be removed to Vrenrsj, and a, sta-
tiou will be put in at Kings. Qii
uie ocean division a saving of over.
.smo Ti r tmvnir, nm ncin m,-.,
cloning the use of Australian, c:oal
lor tne snip s luel, mid substituting
in its stead wood from along the
line of the road. This plan has thv
effect of keeping the money at
home." '
, Wa Id port 'ua.
Fine weather to stay inside.
Fruit trees in bloom but no gar-;
dens in yet.
Every body is longing for suiii
W. H. Harrison has put a fine
new boiler and engine in his saw
mill. 'Capt. Wakefield has just finishd
building a gcd-sized livery barn,
Arrangement;! have been made
to put quite a force on the uev
road to Tidewater, as soon as
wea,lher will permit.
Last Sabbath Walctyort Sunday
School elected its new officers as,
follows; Silas Howell, ' siperintciiT.
dent; Mattie Ruble, secretary; I(ci
nie Harrison, treasurer: Gltmn
Howell, librarian.
Louis Capsel delivered a lecturtt
on "Mining" last Sunday evening,
Two gents have been stopnine
at the Columbia House for a few
days, and looking at the country
between showers,
Our new county surveyor. Mr.
Gideon, seems to he having quite a
run of professional work.
J, H. Winskill is about ready to.
to fire a coal pit for Nice's cannery,
C. L. Diven Is nutting tin a
fence around the Doctor's residence.
Ole Thompson is' fencing his
farm up the Bay,
Tack Early says the potatoes grown
in the Yahats valley can't he beat,
Dick Evens has found a uood
market for his salt fish in 'Frisco.
Waldport is a fine location for a
Qur honey producers report their
bees in good condition, and if the
season is favorable. exieet a biir
harvest. Alsea honey Is very fine,
Agricultural College Notes.
The contest for the stiver medal
offered by President Ul)ss to the
preparatory societies occurred last
Monday night. The Madisonian
made 1,755 Points out of a 1,900,
I, . . , . --
losmsr v oniv two noinu. (nv
' . " '
the State Normal School, ncted n
judges. u .
The reirular meetintrnf thp TWirvl
e of Regents occurred last Monday.
tjov. pennoyer was elected chair
The graduating class this year
consists of eighteen members, elev
en boys and seven young ladies.
.The Agricultural bovs will rom-
UlttSr. ii, .vt. tt. it r
and in the horticultural department
as soon as tne weather will permit;.
O. A. Cv